Return to FlatBush

By Justin Balancier

Published on Apr 1, 2020


Return to Flatbush - Part 7

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Part 7

Several weeks passed since Asa's escapade with Johnny in the storeroom at the Meow Club. It was a moment that clung to his memory. It wasn't that great, but still worth remembering,

He was not sure, how well he liked the man or if he liked him at all. Thinking had become a major event constantly for Asa and more so, as he became older.

As of late, Adam and Andrew were pretty much doing their own thing, so Asa saw little of them coming and going. They had spent little time with him and he was thinking about them. For sure, he thought about them both very often.

He was in the mood for a fuzzy light path of hair leading to a warm crotch with hairy nuts lying there for the taking. Every so often, his mind would wander into one of these escapades. Fitting that description was Andrew.

Asa walked around his living room humming "ding dong, Asa the slut, is not dead." Then he would look into his kitchen mirror, wink and smile. That was it, he just smiled. Anyone watching him would surely think he was losing it; but Asa knew better. He was playacting as a way to remember days gone by.

Hooking up was rare compared to the time he would trick with strangers two or three times a day. Father time had put a stop to that. It was something he surely missed as it vanished from his life. Still he was fortunate to be remembering how good things used to be.

Those thoughts brought back last week and his slutty adventure at the Meow Club with bartender, Johnny.

Bernie being Bernie, obnoxious, nosy and pushy, was the person to ask about Johnny. Only he had to be clever about it or Bernie would drag the story out of him. That would add Johnny to Bernie's "hot pursuit" list.

It is not that Johnny was a taboo secret; he just knew that Bernie was a put-on old queen designed to look real

Reality being sometimes cruel was a foolish way to make Asa miserable, or at least annoyed, so why even go there. When they were younger cruising Flatbush, he and Bernie shared stories about everything. Now however, Asa would not tell Bernie a thing. It was not wise. Bernie was a putz. No getting around it,

Asa got a text message. He assumed it was Adam, since he would text him often. The message however, was not from Adam; it was from Andrew.

"I am on my way home. Can I bring you anything from the market or pharmacy? I was not sure if there was something that you could use." Andrew

Asa quickly replied. It was simple and direct.

"Just bring yourself, I could use you," he wrote

There was no reply from Andrew and did not surprise Asa very much. Andrew rolled that way. Adam always replied, but Andrew was touch and go, when it came to messages or email.

Andrew stopped at the mailbox and picked up Asa's mail for him. It was mostly advertising since he had very few bills.

He tapped on the door and walked in. Asa was sitting in the bay window watching the people on Flatbush Avenue.

"What, cha lookin at gramps?" Commented Andrew, setting down a bag of cookies. Checkin over the merchandise?" he cried out in a friendly manner.

"Just looking," replied Asa.

"Adam sent you some chocolate chips," said Andrew

"Good – want some tea." Asked Asa

"Nope, but I know what you want,"

Asa was about to speak but Andrew kept talking...

"Hey," Andrew said, his bright eyes twinkling. "A statement is a promise, and a deal is a deal."

"What deal – what promise? When did I make a deal?" asked Asa

"You indicated that you wanted me and that turned me on, so now we have a deal, don't you think?"

"The logic is okay, but nice it would be to reply," said Asa

"I am replying now. Ah gramps c'mon play with me, I'm just a mattress doing my job," said Andrew.

"Oy, always do you say the right thing." Asa mumbled in his Jewish accent

Andrew turned and sauntered off toward the bedroom, his shoulder muscles rippling under the form-fitting t-shirt, his ass tightly molded inside his jeans. Andrew had that certain something. There was no doubting that observation.

Asa tagged along behind him, like a dog in heat, until Andrew stopped and pulled the t-shirt off over his head.

Asa stopped too and watched him as his heart began to race a little. Andrew's chest lightly coated with curly strawberry colored hair, burned with a fire of its own.

"You look solid and strong, so delicious you are getting," Asa said, putting a hand on his waist. "I love red heads."

"You always say that," mumbled Andrew.

Andrew's body was a piece of fresh energy, feeding excitement to Asa's thumping heart. Whenever he was about to have Andrew naked and in his clutches, his heart would start racing. It always seemed to happen that way. Andrew was so different from Jewish men, but everybody is relevant and this was not a contest; it was lust.

Asa rested his forehead on Andrew's chest. He had an intoxicating smell about his body and Asa could sniff him out in the dark like a hound dog.

Muddy old men are misunderstood kerosene lamps, with a talent for sucking and the twinkle of a star in their eyes. That pretty much was Asa.

Asa was principled and spun lust into an art form. He was not one of the misunderstood kerosene lamps; and the twinkle in his eyes were a given. He functioned simply by being good at what he did.

Andrew was 26 years old and every one of those years, had turned him into a real man. So often, things would just happen with raging hormones and his willingness to take his clothes off for fun and games.

"Great looking hair," Asa said, trailing the fingers of his right hand to Andrew's belt buckle.

"You always say that, too." Here, let me do it," said Andrew.

Andrew unbuckled and let his jeans drop to his ankles. He was used to being touched in such a manner and no longer body shy and did not have to be.

"The rest is up to you grandpa. Give awesome a new meaning," He said, pushing his rusty colored crotch towards Asa's face.

Andrew was standing in front of Asa wearing nothing but white Jockey briefs. Asa looked at the warm bulge growing inside the underwear. A small wet spot was at the center of his crotch.

Tuffs of red crotch hair peeked between his legs and the soft white fabric of his underwear. Asa was hell bent wanting to get to it.

Asa's hands massaged the cotton material covering Andrew's ass. His tongue rasped dryly over his underwear. Andrew could really blow his mind. He was delicious in a way that was not Jewish. Andrew was all eating material, as far as Asa was concerned.

Since he had problems maintaining an erection, Asa depended on his fabulous ability to lick, suck, and gobble his way to the finish line.

"I want too...," Asa said, rubbing his nose along Andrew's crotch trying to reach his ass.

"I know grandpa - I know what you want to do. Here, let me help you."

Andrew peeled off the underwear and laid face down on Asa bed. He propped a pillow under his stomach pushing his bare butt up to a comfortable position.

Andrew knew that Asa wanted to rim him. He was such a butt man. It was something oral that Andrew loved having done to his body.

Asa licked him like an old timer slurping soup and even the sound made his dick get harder and harder.

Asa gobbled faster than falling rain, stretching his butt cheeks and licking him like a rabbit in love.

He groped his balls and kissed his way down his fuzzy thigh to Andrew's foot until his lips were at his feet. He kissed his feet and gave them a quick lick only to return quickly to his ass.

Andrew's butt was the grand prize of all. Asa's fingers ravaged his body, squeezing and probing the taut flesh with his hands and mouth.

Andrew flopped over making it easier for Asa to get to his crotch. Everything was up for grabs and his balls needed attention.

He held his legs over his head knowing that Asa preferred a position that opened him up wider for tongue action. Both he and Adam learned how to use Asa's face for getting themselves a royal rim, lick and blowjob.

Asa spent some moments sucking dick, drawing nut after nut into his warm mouth and then releasing them only to repeat the process. Body flavor was disappearing from Andrew's peach yogurt body. It was all on Asa's tongue.

"Are you getting tired, grandpa?" asked Andrew

"Just a bit, but I am okay. I am not going to miss this.," he said kissing Andrew's leg.

Andrew repositioned Asa and laid him on his back with his head comfortably resting on a pillow. He crawled on top of his face and his ass rested on Asa's mouth.

"Is this better, you old ass gobbler." Said Andrew

"Did you say wobbler?"

"NO. I said, gobbler." replied Andrew

"Asa started giggling and so did Andrew. They were having fun, no doubting it.

Andrew slowly rode his mouth being careful not to smother or put his weight directly on Asa's face. "C'mon gobbler, get in there," cried out Andrew

"Stop making me laugh, you are spoiling the ambiance." mumbled Asa

"Ambiance hell, where's the blow job you promised me, I am leaking like a fucker and you will lose it if I shoot on the pillow.

"Well, that's not going to happen," said Asa.

He took Andrew's hard moist cock back into his mouth and kept it there. He moved it around similar to the way he sucked off Johnny in the storeroom a week earlier.

Andrew came immediately with Asa's hand cupping his balls while he squirted warm soft liquid in his mouth. Andrew's thighs quivered as he bucked and jerked, releasing his stored warm cum into Asa's gullet.

Andrew was quality, with a healthy diet, and no smoking. His cum was tasty, not harsh or bitter, but slippery and nice. However, in all honesty, Adam did taste better. Andrew was good – Adam was excellent.

When he finally let go of Andrew's slippery pole; it dropped from his mouth and hung tired in front of him. Asa had sucked the energy from him and he was beat.

"Do you want me to rest for a few minutes and try it again? I can sometimes manage twice in a row."

"Good idea, let's rest," replied Asa. "Maybe we can do it three times today."

"Maybe we can't. I still have a boyfriend who mauls me like a bobcat," said Andrew "You wouldn't want me to go home with an empty bucket, would you?"

I was joking, I am not greedy," said Asa

"Yeah, you are. When it comes to cock juice, you are quite greedy."

"Oy, if I was your age, I wouldn't be greedy, but at my age, tomorrow may never come, so live in the moment. That is what makes this different"

"I know, yup I get it – sorry grandpa. Do you hate me?" asked Andrew

"Don't be a putz. I hate nobody, but Bernie does get to me at times. You I love. Adam I love, so no more nonsense talk.

"We love you too grandpa"

"Good – good, are you rested enough by now?" asked Asa


Andrew lowered his underwear again and held his dick that was getting hard. Asa put it into his mouth while Andrew jerked off with his cock resting on Asa's tongue.

It took a little longer this time, but Andrew knew he could do it.

"It is bubbling and stuff is starting to move. Keep your mouth on me and I will put it directly on your tongue." Said Andrew

"A-huh," mumbled Asa keeping Andrew's warm meat in his mouth

Nothing could have been better. In a matter of minutes, sticky was once again flowing from Andrew's fleshy white sack sprinkled with strawberry hair, on its way to a waiting target.

It seemed gooey this time and tasted mild as Asa held it in his mouth before swallowing.

The room was aglow with heightened warmth, when Andrew bent down and kissed him. "Thanks, grandpop, that was great my cum guzzler, said Andrew laughing and kissing him again.

Asa made sure that no drops were left behind. He checked Andrew's cock before pulling back up his underwear. Nothing was there.

In reality, Asa was greedy, but he compensated for it by using words. "More is always better when cock is involved," Although those were not the words he used this time.

How about coming upstairs around 6:00 pm and have dinner with Adam and me," said Andrew.

I have beef stew simmering in the slow cooker. Adam makes a great crispy green salad, complimented with fresh bakery rolls and bread pudding for dessert. Plus, we have red wine for the pallet.

"Is the wine Jewish?" asked Asa.

"Of course"

"I will be there."

"Wonderful, maybe we can talk Adam into jerking off for us later. We can share," said Andrew

"That is terrible." Replied Asa

"Yeah, I know it is," said Andrew laughing hysterically – "just terrible."

"Still coming to dinner," asked Andrew

"You bet your warm ass, now scram. Close the door and go stir the stew." said Asa smiling affectionately at this paragon of a man.

Asa's thoughts became adrift in a sea of experience contemplating Adam sharing heavy cum between him and Andrew. It did sound good.

"Nah, what is wrong with me, I am invited to dinner, nothing more, only dinner, not a raw meat challenge.

"How Andrew loves teasing me. Such a gem he is - such a rock." Asa thought

Asa turned on the shower, to get the water hot. He stripped off his clothes and carefully stepped under the falling water.

The water was exhilarating and he wanted to feel clean. It was not often he was invited anywhere. Even tho it was not necessary, he wanted to look good.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes, then come out wrinkle-free, mumbled Asa leaning over washing his feet?

"Oy like standing in the rain, I am Gene Kelly." Said Asa rather pleased about his afternoon session with Andrew.

"Bah, enough of this splashing around in the water. I have a dinner engagement." He spoke to an empty room

Asa sat on a bathroom bench drying his feet. He liked sitting down for jobs that required bending since becoming wobbly with his balance. He was soon dressed looking fresh and full of life. It was 6:00 pm when he knocked on the upstairs apartment door.

"Ease that you, Mrs. Goldberg?" cried out a Jewish voice from inside

"No it's the pizza man standing in his underwear. Open the damn door," replied Asa laughing and having a good time. - Thanks for the feedback.

Next: Chapter 8

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