Return To My Roots

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Sep 22, 2012



Return to My Roots

Part One

It was only eight years ago in El Paso, Texas that my life was turned topsy turvy. To tell the truth it seems like a million years ago.

I was born and raised in El Paso. My folks were strict Baptists, and I was in overload when it came to religion; fundamentalist religion at any rate. My dad owned a Ford dealership and we were pretty well off. Most of my friends were in the same social stratus as we were, so I didn't think much about money, or the lack thereof.

My mom passed away of ovarian cancer when I was twelve. My dad was devastated, but he chalked it up to the will of God, convinced himself that Mom was in heaven, and he barely mourned for her because "she was in a better place." I thought that was rather strange; not mourning I mean. The first time I knew him to go out with another woman was early in my senior year in high school. During that year he dated two other women from our church, but he never had a second date with any of them.

I was facing my eighteenth birthday, and my father decided to make a triple bash for me. The first celebration would be for my birthday which was one day after graduation. The second celebration would be for the said graduation, and the third would be for my acceptance to Texas Christian University. I guess my dad was very frugal to be doing all that in one party on one night.

Life was good. In fact, it would have been perfect if I hadn't been harboring a black, sinful (I thought so at the time) secret. I was gay and I knew it. Even more damning, I had a fuck buddy, Mark Perkins, and we perfected our homosexual techniques as often as we could. Unfortunately opportunities were rare indeed. Then my father gave me some news that was music to my ears. He informed me that on the Monday morning, a week after the party, he was going to Austin, Texas for three days to an automobile auction. He asked if I would like to go, and I declined. Since I could never read any emotion in my father's face, I really don't know if he was disappointed, or if he was glad that I wasn't going.

I immediately called my buddy Mark to inform him that my house was available Monday and Tuesday evenings after 6 PM, when Melody, our housekeeper/cook, went home. Our house was over five thousand square feet. The concrete walls were almost a foot thick. The place was practically a sound proof fortress. That's why we never heard my dad come home Tuesday evening while we were blissfully engaged in a game of sixty-nine. He had concluded his business and decided to come home early.

He came through the garage door which led into the kitchen and he yelled up the stairs, "Luke, I'm home." I probably would not have heard him even if I wasn't lost in rapturous sex. He even added to his greeting. "I see Mark's car in the driveway. Is he upstairs with you?" Too bad we didn't have a modest little bungalow. Mark and I were oblivious to everything, including the fact that my bedroom door was wide open. Dad caught us in the act.

I won't bore you with what happened next, but Dad called Mark's folks and he was gone in sixty seconds, as the saying goes. I was gone in sixty minutes. Dad blustered and screamed. He swatted me across my face, but in an act of charity, he gave me an hour to pack a small suitcase and get out. I had some money lying around my room, and I stuffed it into my pocket. I also had a huge replica of a Heineken bottle that served as an over-sized piggy bank. Every night I put my pocket coins into the bottle. When it was full, I usually redeemed the contents for about $200. Thank goodness, the bottle was almost full at the moment.

Dad had gifted me a used late model Ford Focus for my birthday. I didn't ask him, but I just got in and drove away. I figured that he would take me off his insurance, but I would have to risk driving without it. The car was in my name, so he couldn't call the police and claim that I stole it.

I parked downtown in front of a bank that had a machine which converted coins into bills. I tried to call Mark on his cell phone, but his dad answered it, and called me a "faggot." He accused me of corrupting his son. I never saw Mark again. To this day I don't know if he's alive or dead. Someday I'm going to search for him.

When the bank opened, I converted my coins into $210.00 of paper money. They took a fee of $38, leaving me with $172. When added to my bedroom stash, I had about $225.00. I took the time to go to a coffee shop and I had a light breakfast. Then I pointed the car toward Dallas, only because it was the biggest city I knew.

In Dallas, I got a room at the YMCA. Within a week I had a job selling electronics at Radio Shack. I had always been a whiz with electronic gadgets, and my dad had indulged my whims by buying me all the new stuff as soon as it hit the market. I'm sure my dad would not have believed it, but I was going to survive in spite of his denunciation.

With a regular paying job, I was able to rent a studio apartment near my work. I enrolled in UTex Dallas in the evening classes, and decided to major in electrical engineering. I didn't care how long it would take. I was an independent person at the ripe old age of eighteen.

I can't tell you how free and easy it was to have sex during the days I stayed at the Y. I was in gay heaven. By the time I got my own apartment, I had several friends. They showed me where the gay bars were, and I had no trouble scoring there either. After all, I was a handsome, strapping 6'2" tall jock with an athletic body, brown hair, brown eyes, and a strong manly chin. As an extra added attraction, word got around that I was uncut, six inches flaccid and eight inches hard, with substantial girth as a bonus.

I only had one concern in those early days. It disturbed me that I didn't even miss my father or my home. I was free as a bird, no rules, no restrictions, and no church dogma to spoil my days. I would have liked to have a partner to share my life, but nobody was in the picture. Besides I was getting laid as much as I wanted, so there was no rush.

Seven years later, around my twenty-fifth birthday, I received my degree in engineering. Within a month I had a good job with an international consulting firm. Its main office was in New York, but they had a large branch office in Dallas. I was working for Bennett and Shaw for about a year when my life turned topsy turvy once again.

When I got home one evening there was a message on my answering machine. It was from a lawyer in El Paso, Texas who asked me to call him as soon as possible. It was past business hours so I waited until the next morning.

Mr. Robert Larson, Esq. informed me that he had to hire a detective to find me, and that the cost would have to come out of my father's estate.

"My father's estate?" I asked.

Yes, my father had died. Mr. Larson had the sad task of informing me that he died of a heart attack in the bed of a whore, and it had caused quite the scandal in El Paso. The hypocritical, holier-than-thou bastard had died screwing a prostitute. It served him right. Mr. Larson, himself had arranged for his funeral, and he was buried next to my mother. The estate paid for all the funeral costs, of course.

He left a will. It was dated six months after my mother's death, and I was his only heir. I had inherited the Ford dealership, his house, and all of his land and other assets. The old fool had neglected to remember to cut me out of the will. Or did he? I would never know. Mr. Larson suggested that I return to El Paso to take over the assets or to liquidate them, whichever I preferred. I promised to get back to him as soon as I could make arrangements. My father had fucked me for a second time. I would rather not have been his heir, and would have preferred to remain in Dallas.

I explained to my boss that I had to take a sabbatical. He was very understanding, but he did not guarantee that my job would be available should I return. I was disappointed but I told him that I understood. I didn't know myself how long I would be away, but a new semester was soon to begin at the local colleges, and I was able to sublet my apartment to a couple of students until my lease ran out in nine months. I figured that I would know what's what by then.

I packed three large suit cases and loaded my car. Thank goodness it was a standard size sedan. Fortunately for me, I would show up at the Ford dealership in a Taurus. I couldn't bear to buy anything but a Ford. When I got into El Paso, I drove directly to Mr. Larson's office. He gave me keys to the house and keys to the dealership, which was being run by the general manager.

When I entered the stuffy old castle, I decided then and there to sell it and everything in it. The place was a relic to medieval grandeur. The cook/housekeeper, who had worked there when I lived at home, was still there. Melody didn't know what to do after my father died, so she just showed up to work every day. When she saw me, she devoured me with hugs and kisses.

The phone had not been disconnected, and I called my father's accountant. Fortunately, he had not tossed him away like he had done his son. Malcolm Kelsey, CPA was still working for him. I made an appointment to meet him at the dealership the following morning at 11 AM. If necessary, we could continue our meeting at lunch. I wanted to get there early and talk to the manager before Mal got there.

Jeff Haley was very suspicious and uncomfortable when he first met with me the next morning. At the time that I was unceremoniously booted out of El Paso, Jeff had been a salesman at the dealership. He remembered me, but I did not remember him. After I assured him that I had no intention of making any changes, and that in fact I would probably be going back to Dallas, he began to relax a little. His first question was did I intend to sell the dealership.

"I'm not sure," I answered truthfully. "A lot depends on what I learn today."

"If you want to know if the business is healthy, it sure is. In fact, it's doing exceptionally well, even in this lousy economy. Since Detroit started making cars as good as the Japanese and at better prices, our business has soared."

"Thanks Jeff," I said. "You've helped me a great deal."

The first thing I did when I met with Mal was apologize for asking him to come to the dealership, rather than my going to his office. "It's the dealership I'm most concerned with," I explained. "If I decide to keep the dealership, I might even move back to El Paso."

I couldn't believe that I had said that. I hated everything about El Paso. Immediately my brain began to change the scenario. I could give Jeff a minority percentage of the business and ask him to continue to run things. Suddenly that sounded like a better idea.

Mal and I went into my father's private office. He removed a document from his attaché case. "I just prepared this for the estate tax return," he said. "It's your father's net worth at current fair market value."

I examined the document and did a double take. I expected to see the business and the house highly valued, but my father also owned a condo in Sarasota, thousands of acreage of unimproved property in the vicinity of El Paso, and a single line which read, `Marketable Securities...see schedule attached.'

Mal handed me the schedule of stocks and bonds and I grew faint. I was my father's only heir, and I was worth in excess of sixty million dollars. I could only wonder if the old geezer wasn't turning over in his grave knowing that his neglect had so enriched his faggot son. Would he have been proud of me, I wondered, if he knew how far I had come on $200.

Mal was aware of my shock. I was speechless, to say the least. Finally he said to me, "You need a drink. Come, I'll take you to my club for lunch. By the way, membership is inherited, so it's your club too."

Part Two

It took me a few days to get used to my new found wealth. I was practically a hermit in my house, but it gave me time to think. I made up my mind to return to Dallas, where I had a life; professional, social and sexual. I decided to gift Jeff twenty-five percent of the stock of Gordon Motors, and ask him to run the business. I would make a trip to Sarasota and put the condo on the market. I had no plans to winter in Florida. I would also sell the unimproved acreage. Of course, I would keep all the securities, but the one thing I couldn't wait to do, was to sell this fucking house and everything in it. I tried to remember the good times in this place, but all I could remember was the day my father threw me out.

I searched the yellow pages and I found a firm that did estate sales and liquidations. I called and made an appointment with the owner, Saul Lightfoot. I wondered if he was a Native American. I also called a realtor Mal recommended, Mac Brady, who specialized in top of the line houses. Both men were coming the next day. The realtor was due at nine and Lightfoot was due at eleven.

I told the realtor what the house was appraised at, and he set the selling price at $50,000 higher so that we would have wiggle room to negotiate. After he left, Melody made me a cup of coffee and I waited for Lightfoot.

When he arrived, I think I got a bigger shock than when I looked at my father's net worth statement. I suppose most of my emotions came from being gay, because when Melody let Saul in, my knees literally buckled. In my whole life, to this day, I had not seen anyone more handsome. No! I am going to say, more beautiful.

It was obvious to me that he was a half breed. I'd say he was my height, but his body bulged with muscles. I had an athletic frame, but he made me look anemic. His hair was straight and black, but not jet black like most Native Americans. It was cut to shoulder length. His eyes were a dark brown, darker than mine. He had very high cheek bones, and a chiseled nose and chin. I wanted then and there to rip his pants off, but even before I could regain my composure, he leaned down to Melody, who had opened the door for him, and he kissed her on the cheek.

"Hi Auntie," he smiled at Melody. "How have you been?"

"Just fine," she smiled back. "Can I get you boys anything?"

We both shook our heads, so she left us alone in the living room and discreetly closed the door. Saul saw the look of confusion on my face.

"Melody is my father's sister. They are full bloodied Hopi," he explained.

"And what about your mother?" I had the audacity to ask. I truly wasn't thinking straight in the presence of this beautiful man.

"This is where everybody laughs," Saul said with a smile. "My mother is Jewish."

I smiled too. "What a strange combination," I said.

"Not at all. When you think about it, both my parents came from people who have been oppressed over the centuries, my mother's people even longer than my father's. They see themselves as kindred souls."

"I suppose," I mumbled. I really had no answer to that, and besides, he was right. While he was talking, he took a picture from his wallet, and showed it to me proudly.

"These are my parents," he said. "They took it on their honeymoon, but it's still my favorite picture."

I looked at the picture in his hand and then I took it from him. No wonder he was so good looking. His father looked like a handsome Caucasian actor whose skin had been slightly darkened to portray an Indian in a western movie. His mother looked like the girl next door. She had ash brown hair, blue eyes and a smile of happiness that would not quit.

I couldn't resist. "I can see now where you got your handsome good looks," I said. "Do you have any pictures of your wife and kids?" I probed.

"I don't have any of those," he laughed.

He replaced the picture in his wallet. "You're making me blush," he said. "You are very handsome yourself." As soon as he said it, I could detect that he regretted saying what he did. He looked away quickly as if he was assessing the value of the contents of the room we were in.

Saul and I walked around the house. He made copious notes in a notebook. When he was finished, he took out a contract from his attaché case, and we sat down at the kitchen table. His fee was twenty-five percent of the proceeds. I was so smitten, I would have given him fifty percent. We set the sale date for four weeks down the pike on Saturday and Sunday. We agreed that whatever he could not sell to the public, he would sell to wholesalers at much reduced prices.

"I have to come around to price and tag everything," Saul said. "It will take me several days. When will it be good for you?"

"Since I am not working at the moment, anytime will be good."

He stood up as if to leave, and I grabbed his arm. His beauty was making me bold. It wasn't like me at all.

"Please," I said, "would you have lunch with me at my club?"

He laughed. "Why go out? My Aunt Melody offered to make us something, and I'll bet that she's a much better cook than the chef at your club."

"I know she is," I agreed. "Then how about allowing me to take you to dinner at the club?" Did I sound like I was begging?

Saul laughed. "I accept, but it's a good thing you didn't ask me last year?"


"Because the fucking place was still restricted then. I worked with most of the members at one time or another, and we all had a great relationship. Some of them even had me to dinner in their homes, but I couldn't eat with them at their club. Isn't it ironic? Why am I asking? You probably have never felt bigotry in your life."

It was my turn to laugh. His assumption actually angered me. I started to vent. I didn't want to, but I couldn't stop talking until the poor man had heard all about my disgrace, and the bigotry I had faced in El Paso.

He was silent for some time. Finally he said, "Well, I must admire you for coming as far as you have with nobody to help the young kid that you were. Did your father out you to the community?"

"I have no idea, but I'm changed now. I don't care who knows. I am who I am."

"I wish I had your courage," Saul said and dropped his head.

"What do you mean?"

"Luke (he used my given name for the first time) I'm in the closet, and I am suffocating." He dropped his head and he started to cry.

Well you must know what I did then. It was pure instinct. I wrapped my arms around him and wiped away his tears. Neither of us said anything but I gently rocked him back and forth. I could have held him like this forever, and I think he sensed it. He made no move to unwrap himself.

I was still holding him, and after a long silence he started to talk.

"I was pretty well content to masturbate for relief, when one day I was called to the home of a wealthy married resident. I was just starting out in my career. The man's mother had passed, and he engaged me to liquidate her estate. We worked very closely together in her house. One night as we were winding down for the day, he asked me what my rush was. I said that I wasn't in a rush, so he made us cocktails, and we relaxed in the living room. We were sitting on the couch and he inched closer and closer to me. He began to fondle me and I was thrilled. I reached for him, and we began to kiss. After that evening I was no longer a virgin. I still see him regularly."

Saul seemed to be finished so I said, "Once I thought I was the only queer in El Paso and then I met Mark. Thank you for revealing that there are others. Who is the lucky guy who took your virginity?"

"Promise to be discreet. He's married and has two daughters. His name is Rudy Perkins."

I let go of Saul, and screamed out, "Do you know where his son Mark is?"

"Who is Mark?" Saul sounded scared.

"He's my Mark, the boy I was with when we got caught."

"Honest Luke, I am not aware of Rudy having a son, and if he does, he never speaks of him."

"The bastard, the fucking hypocritical bastard," I screamed. "He had the audacity to call me a faggot. I loved Mark, and now I'll never see him again." I began to sob hysterically. This time Saul wrapped me up in his arms.

"It'll be all right," he said. "We'll get through all this shit together." What did he mean by together? Did he mean right now or forever? We finally calmed down, and I called for Melody to make us lunch, just as the door bell rang.

"Start lunch," I said. "I'll get the door.

I opened the door, and there stood Rudy Perkins.

Part Three

Saul and I stood there as mute as we could be. Rudy looked like a frightened kitten. Somehow my good breeding came out, and I asked the man to come in. He came through the door and he looked at Saul forlornly, but it was me he turned to.

"Thank you for letting me in," he said. "I met Mac Brady, and he told me you were at home, and that you were waiting for Saul. I came to apologize to you, and to beg you to let me know where Mark is."

I thought my heart would break. Apparently, he didn't know where Mark was either.

Rudy continued. "I didn't want to send Mark away, or you for that matter. I had to put on a show for your father. I condemned you, and I sent Mark to my brother in Phoenix, but somewhere along the way he disappeared. He never reached my brother, and I have been heart sick ever since. I've been afraid to hire detectives. I didn't want your father to find out. He was so unforgiving. It doesn't matter now. I need to find him, and ask him to forgive me. Help me, please, Luke. I'm desperate."

Saul shocked Rudy by taking the pathetic man into his arms. "It's OK," he said. "Luke knows about us." That admission made Rudy sob louder.

"My father has made me a very wealthy man, Rudy. So fuck him and let's use some of his money to hire the best detectives in the world. I'm going to find Mark for us, if it's the last thing I do. Please go home now Rudy. I need to talk to Saul alone."

Rudy shook his head sadly, kissed Saul on the cheek, and began to leave. He turned toward me and said quietly, "Thank you, Luke. Thank you."

When we were alone, I said to Saul, "I'd like to resume our conversation where we left off, if you don't mind."

"Hell man, I don't mind at all, but I think my aunt should have lunch ready by now. Let's talk over lunch. I'm hungry."

"Will you stay with me this afternoon?" I asked. "I sure could use a friend."

"Yes, but I'll have to go home before dinner to change into proper attire for your country club. Please understand that I'm only going to upset some of the members."

"Don't sweat it. If my father told them that I'm a queer, I'll be upsetting a few of those bozos also." I started to laugh and that got Saul laughing.

It turned out that we were both being a wee bit paranoid. The only thing that happened that evening at dinner was that the young ladies were ogling us, but we ignored them, naturally. I tried to pay strict attention, and I am certain that I saw at least one young man giving us his attention, but for sure, he was jail bait.

I was glad that Rudy was not there that night. I don't know if I could have kept my cool. I was falling for Saul, and Rudy was competition, even if he was a married man.

Between the entrée and the dessert I asked Saul to spend the night with me. I was really disappointed when he said that it was too soon. "Let's give it a chance and see how it all plays out."

It played out all right. On Saul's second visit to the house to price the furniture, we abandoned the job in the middle, and fell into my bed. We made love, and the experience was the best in my life. Saul swore the same to me. I could only wonder what Melody was thinking in the kitchen. I didn't care, and I'm sure that Saul didn't either.

The very day after Rudy pleaded with me to help him, I hired a private detective. There were too many prying noses in El Paso, so I hired a firm in Dallas. They sent a man to El Paso to begin the investigation. I had Rudy stop by, and he told the detectives whatever he could about that fateful day he put Mark on the train. He was quite helpful. He remembered the railroad line and the time the train left the station in El Paso.

The detectives did a search at every place between El Paso and Phoenix that the train made a stop that day, and they instituted a search at each location. Money was no object.

They located Mark in Tucson. He was managing an upscale restaurant there, and he shared a house with someone named Jesse Davis. When I heard that, I grew insanely jealous, but I had to be reasonable. Both Mark and I thought that we would never see each other again. I myself had fallen in love with Saul Lightfoot. Why should I expect less of Mark?

Rudy and I took the first flight out to Tucson. Saul remained behind to continue working on my estate sale, but he drove us to the airport. He looked very solemn. I knew he thought that Mark and I would resume where we left off, and he would lose me. He didn't say anything, so I didn't know how to reassure him. Anyway, I wasn't certain what would happen at this point.

We went to Tucson on a Friday, and arrived at 4 PM. We checked into a motel, showered and dressed, and called the restaurant that Mark managed. We made reservations for dinner at eight in the name of Saul Lightfoot, just in case Mark should see the reservation book.

When we arrived, we went to the maitre-d's station to check in. He advised us to go to the bar since our table was not yet ready. I casually asked if Mr. Perkins was in this evening, and he said that he believed that he was in his office.

"And where would that be?" I asked. He pointed to a door adjacent to the cloak room. Rudy and I exchanged glances and headed to Mark's office. We were both shaking like leaves.

I knocked gently and heard my Mark's voice, "Come in." My knees buckled.

We opened the door and walked in. Mark glanced up from some papers he had been studying. His jaw dropped open and he gave out a soft sob.

"Dad! Luke! Oh my God." He jumped up and ran to his dad. They hugged each other so hard and for so long, I'm sure they forgot about me. Finally they separated and Mark and I embraced. We held tight to each other, but we did not kiss.

"Before you explain anything to me," he said, "I need to make a phone call." He whipped out his cell phone, and pushed a single button.

"Jesse, please come to the restaurant as quickly as you can. I have a huge surprise." Then he pushed a couple of buttons on a telephone on his desk.

"Jimmy, can you cover for me tonight. I've got some unexpected company."

Finally he turned to us. He motioned for us to sit down on the sofa in his office, and he sat on a chair facing us. As best he could, Rudy explained that my father threatened that he would let the whole town know about us, and disgrace both families if Rudy didn't kick Mark out, like he had disposed of me.

"I couldn't do that son," Rudy sobbed, "so I sent you to Uncle Harry in Phoenix, but you disappeared en route. Sam Gordon thought that I had kicked you out, so I was afraid to hire a detective to find you. Sam had a way of knowing everything. After he died, and Luke came home, we searched for you together."

"What happened on your way to Phoenix?" I asked.

"The train stopped in Tucson for twenty-minutes. I felt disgraced, and I didn't know how Uncle Harry would treat me, so I picked up my bag and stepped off the train. I got a job waiting tables in this very restaurant, and I went to the University of Arizona at night. I got a degree in hospitality management, and here I am."

I screwed up my courage. "Tell us about Jesse," I said.

"We met at the University. He's my life partner, Luke." Mark looked at his father and repeated solemnly, "My life partner!"

"Oh Mark, I know. That's why I'm here, to beg you to forgive me. I should have told you before I sent you away. Your Uncle Harry is gay, and I hoped he could help and guide you. I love you. I want you to be who you are, and love who you want. I wish I could."

Mark let that last remark slip by, but I swear that I could hear his brain working overtime. I prayed that he would just ignore it. He didn't need to know about his father. He was happy enough in the knowledge that Rudy loved him and accepted his life style.

There was a knock on the door. Without waiting for permission the door opened and in burst Jesse. At least I assumed it was he. Mark is drop dead gorgeous, so I was a little surprised. Jesse was no taller than 5'7" and he was on the plump side. He wasn't particularly handsome but he was far from ugly. Two seconds in his presence and I had my answer. He was so upbeat, bubbly and infectious, that you had to love him at first sight. Four seconds in his presence and he turned into Prince Charming. Rudy and I liked him right away. You had to like this guy. When Mark introduced us, Jesse wrapped Rudy in his arms. He had tears in his eyes.

"You have no idea how happy you've made Mark, Dad." He called Rudy DAD and now Rudy began to cry. Jesse turned to me. "And you too, Luke. Mark has told me all about you two and how close you were. I am so happy to meet you also."

We celebrated with a festive dinner in Mark's restaurant. We chattered away, and filled each other in on our lives since we were torn apart. Rudy kept begging us to forgive him for his weakness in cow-towing to my father, and causing us such grief. Mark and I had to keep reassuring him that he was more than forgiven.

Rudy and I spent that night in the motel, but Jesse and Mark came around in the morning to spend time with us We spent the weekend with them until our flight left Sunday at 5 PM. The last night in the motel, Rudy opened up to me. He told me how he had known since grade school that he was gay, but he couldn't bear to contemplate the disgrace. He successfully hid it, until he was alone with Saul one day, and he could not stop himself from seducing him. Saul was the only one he had ever been with, and if he never had anyone else, he could still die a happy man.

I felt so sorry for him that I did the unthinkable. I climbed into his bed and began to make love to him. He gave in easily. I think I can say that he gave in gratefully. When we were finally and totally exhausted, he thanked me profusely. We slept in one bed wrapped up in each other's arms.

Jesse and Mark wanted to take us sight-seeing, but all we wanted to do was talk, and get to know everything about each other. I told Mark about Saul, and that I believed something was developing between us. He was as pleased as punch.

They promised to come to El Paso as soon as possible so that Mark could see his mother and sisters, and of course we all promised to stay in close touch. Jesse and Mark drove us to the airport, and the goodbyes took a long time, amidst lots of tears.

Saul picked us up at the airport. He drove Rudy home first. Both of us kissed him good night.

As soon as Rudy was gone, Saul said, "Luke I love you. I was afraid that you and Mark would reconnect. Please make love with me tonight."

"Never worry about me again, Love," I whispered in his ear as I laid my hand on his crotch. "Just get us to your place or mine as quickly as possible."

"I'm closer," he smiled back at me.

"Saul, one more thing. Rudy and I made love."

"I kinda knew it would happen. It was a blessing for him, you know. You did a good deed. Did he come out to his son?"

"Not yet. Maybe some day."

We made love that night differently. We coupled like two people deeply in love, committed to each other for a lifetime. In the morning I said to Saul, "I've decided not to go back to Dallas. After I sell the house and some other property, let's buy a house together. I can work part time at the dealership, and I have gotten good at helping you, so I can assist you in your business."

Saul grabbed me and hugged me so hard, I'm sure he broke a rib. I ached for weeks.

I sold the house and its contents, effectively erasing my father from my life. I sold off all the undeveloped acreage to a developer. Saul and I agreed to keep the condo in Florida. We could rent it out, but we could use it ourselves to vacation when it wasn't rented. I set up a nice annuity as a pension for Aunt Melody, and Saul and I were ready to begin our lives together.

We bought a small ranch style house together, fifty-fifty, and lived our lives as a married couple. We didn't care what anyone thought. It was an incredible thing. Nobody seemed to care at all. We didn't even have problems at the country club. We decided to retain membership in the club, and, if it became uncomfortable, we could always leave. It never did become a problem. Neither Saul's race, nor our sexual orientation was ever a problem to us again.

Maybe it's a case of Love Conquers All.

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