
By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Nov 16, 2009


RICARDO by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2009 written on on June 2, 2002 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Randhir


"RICARDO" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Aldo has two lovers at the same time - Rino, who is twenty-five, and Dallo, nineteen. He nearly kills himself trying to avoid each of them suspecting about the other. This also seems to amuse him, he who is such a serious French teacher at the Public High School. He is the same age as Piero and they were school mates. Despite this they are very much dis-similar! I decidedly prefer Aldo, even though Piero is more handsome. Aldo isn't a beautiful guy, but he is an interesting chap. At times he also becomes fascinating.

How could he find himself in that incredible mess in which he is now for fifteen months?

The first one has been Rino, exactly two years ago. That is when I started to live with Ricardo, he met Rino. Or to better say, he literally crashed into Rino in a car accident. It was Aldo's fault, in spite of the fact that he drives quite carefully. Aldo told me that he was looking at a fantastic hunk, who was on the left pavement so he didn't notice that from his right was coming a biker who had happened to be Rino. Luckily none of them were driving too fast, and Rino was wearing a crash helmet.

Rino was on the ground, his bike rather crumpled, Aldo's car suffered little damage and Aldo almost in panic. While a little crowd was gathering, Aldo got out his car. Rino was trying to stand up.

"Oh my god, how do you feel?" a pale Aldo asked him. "How are you?"

"I was coming from your right!" protested Rino, a little stunned.

"Yes, yes, you are right, it's my fault, but how are you?" Aldo again asked him.

"Still in one piece, I think, but my bikeÉ"

"That can be repaired, but are you sure you are all right?"

"Where were you looking? Didn't you see me?"

"Of course I didn't see you. Listen, I'll call the breakdown truck for your bike, and then I'll take you to a hospital. I'm terribly sorry, believe me. My insurance will comensate you completely." Aldo said, worried.

"MY bike, fucking hell!" the young man repeated, looking at it.

Aldo persuaded him to go and sit in his car, called the 116 for the bike and he too sat in his car. "They are coming soon to take your bike. Meanwhile I'll drive you to the hospital."

"No, I'll wait until they take my bikeÉ" Rino said and just then Aldo, a little calmed down, noticed how beautiful Rino was.

He insisted, they discussed. They waited until the Auto-club service came and took away the bike, and finally Aldo could take Rino to the hospital. They had Rino lie on a stretcher telling him to wait his turn. Aldo, at the young man's side, repeatedly told him how terribly sorry he was.

"Your insurance will really pay for everything?" the young man asked.

"Yes, surely, I will assume the full responsibility."

"Of course, it has not been my fault! Where were you looking?"

"Elsewhere, unhappilyÉ"

Aldo felt a desire to caress the body of that beautiful youth. His trousers, a little tight, let a glimse of a good size basket that attracted Aldo's look, so much that he wasn't aware that Rino noticed it.

"What are you looking at?" Rino asked him and Aldo blushed, looked at him in the eyes, embarrassed, and read in them a cunning look.

A nurse came to take Rino to the examination room - thanks to heaven he had no consequence.

"May I offer you something? At the bar I will give you all my data, and I'll write down yoursÉ" Aldo proposed.

They went to a bar, exchanged their data for the insurance, including the telephone numbers. Aldo apologised again several times. He offered to drive Rino to his place or wherever he wanted to go, but the young man thanked him and said it was all right if he left him there. Aldo said goodbye and went back home, where he was going before the accident.

Two days later, it was a Saturday afternoon, Aldo got a call - it was Rino. He told Aldo he needed to talk to him about the accident and asked him if he could go to his home for a brief encounter. Aldo accepted, even though, he assured him, all was right, he had already brought in person to his insurance the report of the accident, as soon as he got out of the school.

"Ah, so you are a teacher. What do you teach?" Rino asked him when Aldo offered him a seat in his living room.

"French language."

"That's a pity."


"If it was English I would have asked you some lessons. For free, of course, to pay me back for the fright. Your insurance will not pay me for that." Rino said, with light irony.

"I'm sorry - if I can do something for youÉ" Aldo hesitantly said, thinking that possibly the young man was there to cadge with that pretext.

"Yes, you can possibly do something for me." Rino answered.

"Tell me, and if I canÉ"

"ListenÉ wouldn't you give me a nice massage?"

"AÉ massage?"

"Yes, a massage. Since the days before yesterday I'm feeling an aching all over andÉ judging from how you were looking at me at the hospital, I would say that you would like giving me a nice massage. A nice intimate massage, I mean. Am I not right?"

Aldo looked at him, asking himself if the young man was trying to blackmail him, but how, and for what? But then he noticed that Rino was looking at him with a cheeky but not evil smile, cunning but not menacing.

"Would you like a massage?" Aldo asked, starting to understand.

"Yes, of course, but only if you feel like doing it, that's understoodÉ"

"With real pleasure." Aldo answered and the young man openly smiled. "If you want to come into the other roomÉ" he said and, starting to feel aroused, took him in his bedroom.

"It would be better if I undress, won't it?" Rino asked.

"Yes, surely." Aldo answered.

In a short while the both were naked on the bed, "massaging" each other in a quite intimate way. Aldo felt totally conquered by Rino and by his way to make love.

"Was it so clear how I was looking at you at the hospital?" he asked him afterwards, while they were lying, still half embraced and satisfied.

"Yes, at least for me - you were undressing me with your eyesÉ and I like you - how old are you?"

"Thirty-five. And you?"

"I'm twenty-three. You are good in bed, professor."

"You too are."

"Then, I can come again for someÉ massages?"

"As long as you still feel the achingÉ" Aldo joked, feeling merry.

Rino bent over him and played some more with Aldo's tongue, then said, sensually, "Why don't you give me another nice massage now, then? I'm still feeling an aching all over, you seeÉ" and they started again to make love, both again filled with desire.

They met again on Sunday, then during the week. So they started to meet periodically and at times Rino also stayed over all the night long at Aldo's place.

When I met Aldo, he told me he was falling in love with him, as Rino with him, but the young man could not go and live with him, as he would not know how to justify it to his family.

Rino was a clerk in the prefect's office. He did the normal office hours and in the evening, before going back home, he often passed by Aldo's. They could spend together some of the Sundays, as Rino had to go often with his family to the countryside - they had a small vineyard they had to care for, and from which they were getting a good wine for the family needs.

When we were all together, at times Rino said to Aldo, "I'm aching all overÉ"

"Sorry, we have to go homeÉ" then Aldo said, understanding that kind of code they used, and went to make love.

They were together for about six months, when Aldo met Dallo. He was the older brother of one of his pupils, and often went to the parents-teachers meetings on behalf of his parents who, being illiterate, were ashamed to go. Aldo felt at once strongly attracted to Dallo, but he didn't suspect that the boy was also gay, and neither that Dallo was attracted by him. Dallo was in a similar predicament and it seemed a stalemate.

But at times life has it's mysterious plans. Stefano once convinced Aldo to go with him to a gay sauna. Aldo wasn't really so willing, he didn't like so much the ambience of gay saunas. He said that it was like going to the livestock market - everybody was unceasingly going around to check the exposed cattle, the goods for sale, being all, at the same time, buyers and goodsÉ But Stefano insisted so much that Aldo accompanied him.

He was feeling bored, he went to sit in the bar corner in a small armchair, reading a gay magazine, to discourage approaches. In fact he noticed that at the bar the cruising was less than in the other areas. And above all nobody fucked in there. Aldo is not a puritanical man, all the contrary, but he has a strong decency. Entering the sauna and seeing two men engrossed in a sixty-nine, while two more men on the other seat looked at them, their cocks hardÉ disturbed him. Seeing in the showers a man fucking in the arse another, standing in the centre of the room, disturbed himÉ

He was reading, engrossed in an article, without looking around, when somebody touched his arm.

Somewhat annoyed he raised his eyes and saw Dallo who was looking at him with a faint smile, "You too here, professor? This really is a nice surprise. May I sit here with you?" the boy asked.

Aldo, somewhat embarrassed, nodded, "It's the first time I come hereÉ" he almost excused himself.

"So, you too are gay." Dallo said sitting near him and smiling him.

"YesÉ but I never ever dared to touch one of my students, believe me!" he felt his duty to state, feeling a critique hint in the boy's voice.

"Then I'm lucky not to be one of your pupilsÉ" Dallo said.

"What do you mean?" Aldo asked.

"Because I would like it a lot being touched by you. I always came more than willingly to meet you at school, do you know? You are my typeÉ But which is your type, professor?"

Aldo, slightly ill at ease but somewhat less worried, said, "YouÉ you are my type."

Dallo smiled, "May I call you by your name, professor? Does it bother you?"

"Not at all, on the contrary, pleaseÉ"

"You also have a really great body, even better than I could guess." Dallo said making his eyes run on his body. When he noticed that the towel that Aldo had around his hips was tenting up in front, he smiled and asked in a low voice, "I'm I doing you that effect, professor?"

Aldo said, "We agreed to call each other by our namesÉ Yes, I like you a lot."

Dallo nodded, "But I don't like doing it here in the boxes and put on a showÉ"

Aldo said, "Me neither. You could come at my place - I live alone. But are you here by yourself?"

"Yes, and you, Aldo?"

"I too, or to better say, I'm here with a friend, but we are just friends, nothing more. So, would you like to come at my place?"

"More than willingly."

"I just got to say goodbye to my friend, then we can dress and go. All right?"

"Yes, all right. I'll wait for you here at the bar."

Aldo went to look for Stefano. He found him in the relax room, on all fours greedily licking the member of a handsome young man with a chocolate colour skin, who meanwhile was shoving a finger in his arse. A little embarrassed, Aldo excused himself and said to him goodbye.

"Did you pick up?" Stefano asked him.

"No," Aldo lied, "I just feel bored."

"Not I. Look here what a nice steer I've foundÉ and this is just a hors d'oeuvre. He will later come to my place and stay for three days. He's an American marine, passing by. I'm sure that also Dario will appreciate him. Did you notice what spear he does have between his legs? It should be at least twenty-five centimetres long and almost ten in diameter! And I like him a lot - besides being beautiful he is all cock and no brain, a bull in heatÉ Oh, don't worry he doesn't understand a single word of Italian." he said to Aldo, then addressing his beautiful African American, he said, "You fuck me, darling?"

"Oh yes!" the other answered with a thirty-six teeth smile.

As they got to Aldo's home, he and Dallo touched each other for the first time - they embraced and kissed. Aldo took him in his bedroom and they made love. They liked each other very much and decided to meet again. Finally they decided to be a steady couple. When Dallo would go to the school meetings he was of course very formal and behaved like before, but in bed he was hot and uninhibited. And they fell in love with each other.

Thus Aldo started to keep in with both sides, with Rino and Dallo, using all his wits to avoid them from discovering about each other.

When he told us about this, Ricardo asked him, "But you, who are you in love with?"

"Both of them, and the more the story goes on, the less I feel able to make a choice."

"But if you are really in love, how can do them such a thing?" Ricardo asked, unbelieving.

I loved him for his incredulity.

"Do them, what?" Aldo asked.

"Aren't they in love with you?"

"WellÉ yes, sureÉ"

"That's that! Sooner or later they will come to know, or else you will make your choice, isn't it so? Just guess how much happy they will feel!" Ricardo said, severe.

"But what can I do?" Aldo answered, angelical.

When we left Aldo's home, Ricardo asked me, "You would do so?"

"Of course no!"

"But if it happened, you would tell me, wouldn't you?"

"Of course I would tell you. But what would you like better, to know or not to know?"

"I would like better not to know, but I want you to tell me." Ricardo said.

"What do you mean?"

"At least, as long as you say me nothing, I know that nothing happened, that I don't have to worry."

"Oh, I see. Then I will tell you even before it happens."


"Yes, if I would feel attracted to another one, I mean, before doing anything with him, at least you can help me."

He smiled and simply said, "I love you!"

I then said him, "Aldo, anywayÉ he is not a bad man."

"Yes, I believe you, but one can harm the others even without being bad. It's because I like him, after all, that I would like him not to act in that way. Moreover Aldo is clever, how can he not understand thatÉ" Ricardo said, thoughtful.

"The fact is that he started it as a game, and he found himself mixed up in that difficult situation." I justified him.

"But he already was with Rino, when he started it with Dallo. One doesn't play games if he's already committed; he should not. I know that at times it's easer to talk about seriousness than being serious. I also know that I have no right to judge him, and I am not judging him. I don't think he is a bad man, he is possibly justÉ somewhat immature, even though he is thirty-six." he said.

"But who is mature, and when one becomes mature? Am I mature?" I asked him.

He looked at me very serious, and said, "You care about the others, therefore you're mature. You are able to forgive, and this also is to be mature. I'm not telling you that you are perfect; one never ends to grow up, as you always say. And I'm glad that you are not perfect."

"Oh, really? And why are you glad?"

"Because if you were, you would frighten me - only God is perfect!"


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 12

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