
By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Nov 24, 2009


RICARDO by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2009 written on on June 2, 2002 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Randhir


"RICARDO" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

Chapter 13 - RENZO AND MARIO

If Sandro loved to play the psychologist, Renzo loves to play the sociologist. But if Antonio good-heartedly pulls the leg of his Sandro, Mario takes very seriously his Renzo. "God makes them, then couples them", the old proverb says. I really think it is so.

Renzo and Mario work together at a travel agency. They had met there when Renzo was hired seven years ago, they discovered about each other six year ago, and had been living together for four years. They discovered about each other during a bonus cruise they had recieved for achieving the higest number of sales. Renzo was the winner and Mario came second on the forty-one clerks of all the branches.

Mario says, "We first had our honey-moon, then decided to marry!"

Everybody at their office knows that they are lovers, but they didn't have any problem. Rather, on Renzo's suggestion the general manager decided to organize also some gay cruises that were good success. Renzo and Mario persuaded a Greek ship-owner and fitter-out to have a ship with the crew and service personnel to consist only of international and gay people. The bookings showered from half of Europe and the States. Each year they organise six cruises, three around the Mediterranean Sea, one passing through the Suez between Africa and Arabia, one to England, circumnavigating Spain, and one along the occidental coast of Africa, with a stop at the Canary Islands.

When I first met Ricardo at the party at Stefano's home, Renzo made a close courting on Ricardo. Once in a while both Renzo and Mario concede each other some "cruise" as they call their adventures. In fact they have also a guest-room in their apartment, so that each of them, in case, can take there his conquest leaving their room to the other.

During the first year we were meeting from time to time, Ricardo once went to bed with Renzo in that guest-room, but he didn't like so much the experience, so there hadn't be a follow up. Ricardo said that Renzo in bed is too much foul-mouthed, and he didn't like that. Moreover Renzo wanted to use rubber dildos, rings and similar items that he didn't appreciate at all.

What instead annoyed me was when, after a party, I met Renzo who said me, "You are a crafty guy - that viado choose you who pretended not to care for him! You adopted the right technique to metaphorically fuck all of us and really fuck his arse!"

I was really upset, "You can't call Ricardo a viado, only because he is a Brazilian boy!" I said.

"Hey, hey, hey what impetuosity! I was saying so just for the sake of saying. Don't take on so! What's it, did you fall for that boy?"

"What if it was so?" I said belligerently, "Anyway I don't want to hear that term for him, Ricardo is a smart boy, way better than many of us!" I cut short, trying to control the rage that his words made me feel.

I met again Ricardo a couple of times at the disco where he went with Stefano and Antonio, and both times he went out with me, but because of his work, he had to go straight back home. I was dying with desire for him, but I didn't want to bore him so, even without hiding from him how much I liked him, I didn't insist.

The fourth time I met Ricardo right at Renzo and Mario's home, as they invited me and other friends for a supper. After the meal, when it was quite late, Ricardo asked me if I wanted to see him home, and I said to him yes.

When we were going to take my bike, he said, "Tomorrow is Sunday, I don't have to work. Instead of taking me home, why don't you take me somewhere else?"

"Sure, willingly. Where do you want to go?" I asked.

He said, "What do you suggest?"

Starting to hope, I asked him, "Would you like a quiet place or a crowded one?"

"Quiet will be better." he answered looking at me with his big, sweet eyes.

"ThenÉ what about coming to my place?" I asked, my heart in my mouth.

"Sure, I would be pleased."

So, for the first time, I took him to my place.

As we were in my living room he embraced me and asked, "May I stay here, tonight?"

"I have just one bedÉ" I answered.

"Perfect." he said.

"But if I sleep near youÉ I don't know if I would let you sleep." I said provoking, caressing him.

"Tomorrow is Sunday, I think it could be nice if you kept me awakeÉ" he said pulling my shirt out of trousers, slipping his hands under it and caressing my naked skin. Our bodies hugged and he, like that first time, brushed his erection against mine, "Do you feel? Each time I'm near you, what effect you have on me?" he sweetly said, and we kissed.

I took him to my bed, feeling moved and happy. I finally had in my arms that boy who for some time now was in my dreams! I undressed him, he undressed me and in the mean time we kissed each other all over the body, filled with sensual lust, with desire of affection, of happiness, of tenderness, of union. His body, his enthusiasm, his desire were filling me with pleasure, made me tremble with joy. Was it possible that he was so much eager for me, so eager to receive me? I was asking myself, almost astounded. He was fire alive in my arms; he was ardour at the pure state.

"ComeÉ" he murmured offering himself to me. "ComeÉ" he moaned coming closer to me. "ComeÉ" he whispered driving me inside him.

And when I was finally entering him, he opened in a wide smile. While I was sinking into him, he closed his eyes and parted his lips, ecstatic. While he was welcoming me inside him, he moaned with pleasure.

We made love and in his arms I felt as if I were twenty years younger. His joy in being united with me was contagious. His intense pleasure was making mine sharper. It was a crescendo of emotions that brought us, gradually but irresistibly, to the explosion of senses.

When we were both finally appeased we embraced and lay down, sweetly relaxing, I read joy in his eyes, and felt enchanted. We didn't utter a sound, for a long time.

Then he said in a murmur, "It has been wonderfulÉ yes, wonderful."

I wanted to tell him, "For me too." but it seemed inadequate. I wanted to say, "It has been splendid." but I felt it would be an understatement of what I was feeling. I wanted to say, "It has been unique." but it was too little. Therefore I said nothing and just tenderly hugged him tighter. He moved a little and leaned a cheek on my chest.

We fell asleep in that position.

Sunday morning we woke up late, I fixed our breakfast and we ate it together. Then, after a shower, we dressed and went out. With my bike we went to the lakes and walked hand in hand, careless of the people's glances. We were feeling happy. I was feeling in a state of grace. I never felt so well.

That evening he had to go back home. I saw him to the street door and none of us wanted still to part from the other. One of his roommates arrived and Ricardo introduced us.

"Aren't you coming to bed?" that boy asked him in Portuguese.

"In a while." Ricardo answered. The boy said goodnight and went upstairs.

"I really have to goÉ I'm sorry."


"Can we meet next Saturday? I can't before, we get home quite late and we have to get up very early."

"I know. Where can we meet, Saturday?"

"Can I come to your place?"


"Good night."

"Good night."

"Drive carefully."

"Yes, Ricardo."

I went back home and felt I was more and more fond of him. Until the following Saturday I did nothing but desire him even more. He came and it was again marvellous. But on Sunday, when I saw him home, he didn't fix a date for the following Saturday as I was hoping.

He said, "I'll turn up." Just that.

He said it with a very sweet smile, but I felt slightly disappointed.

But on Friday he called me from the village where he worked, he said he was in hurry had had very few coins. But he asked me if he could come to my place on Saturday afternoon. I told him I'll wait for him, and felt happy like a kid on his first date.

I was really felling more and more in love with him. He said he liked me very much.

We were dating each other for about five months, two or three times in a month. My friends noticed, understood that I was sailing amongst the clouds. I confessed to them that I'm madly in love. In love with Ricardo.

Then Renzo said, "He needs firmness, he needs a father, that's why he wants you. You need to feel socially useful, accepted, desired and he allows you. It's a social contract, don't mistake it with love, that is a much more serious thing. Love! How can love exist between two people as different as you two? You are different for culture, for instruction, for age, for experiences. How can you deceive yourself in this way? Open your eyes - it can't last, amuse yourself as long as it can work but don't deceive yourself. That boy gives you something to get something back; it can't last. He will find something better and he will leave you."

I didn't believe him, I couldn't believe him, I didn't want to believe him. And yet it almost seemed that he was right - our meetings slowed down, for almost a month I didn't see Ricardo. He had no telephone at home, so I could not call him. I felt tempted to go to his place, and look for him, but I didn't want to embarrass him with his roommates who don't know about him.

For some evenings I passed in the surroundings of his house hoping to see him and to be able to exchange some words with him, to tell him I terribly missed him, but I didn't see him. And yet that boy got into my blood, I was like an addict, I felt it is impossible to give him up.

I went one Saturday afternoon to Martina and Jenny home, for Martina's birthday, and there were also Renzo and Mario, Sandro and Antonio. We were merrily chatting when the doorbell rang.

Jenny stood up to go to open and told me, "Oh, I think it is the surprise for you."

"For me? But this is Martina's party, not mine." I said, amused and curious.

I heard Jenny open the door, "Hi handsome! You managed to come!"

I didn't hear the answer, if there was one.

And Ricardo came in. I felt my heart skip a beat and he seemed me wonderful, a real Charming Prince, in spite of his jeans and his tartan shirt. When he saw me he made me a very sweet smile and came to greet me first, hugging me and giving me a tender kiss, even though too light.

He then handed Martina a small parcel, saying, "It's a trifle, but I did it myselfÉ"

He then greeted the others and came to sit at my side.

He took my hand. I, unconcerned about the others, said, "I missed you so much."

"I too," he said, "But I have been very busy. I have found a new job, I don't have to go any more that far, I now work here downtown and I will now have plenty of free timeÉ" he said with eyes filled with promises.

I felt a jolt in my heart. He explained to me that he was now working, still without papers, doing the cleaning in a fitness club. He would have to work every day from nine a.m. to four p.m. with half a hour break for lunch, also on Saturdays. The salary was the same he had before, but he had to work, now, "just" forty-eight hours a week and he would be much more free and much less tiredÉ This is why he couldn't meet me, he explained - he was looking for a new job.

I was happy, I was overjoyed, and my happiness had to be evident, because Jenny said, with a friendly smile, "Hey, now don't forget we too are here!"

Renzo, I don't know if referring to Ricardo and me, or to Martina and Jenny, at a certain point started to pontificate about the "incomprehensible tendency" of the homosexual couples to ape the straight patterns, making artificial families and copying the middle-class roles - wife and husband or parent and child.

"Talk for yourself, darling," at a certain point Jenny said interrupting him, "I don't know if you feel more a wife or a daughter!"

Renzo seemed cut to the quick, "Mario and I are not at all a couple, we simply live together as we like to fuck together."

"So, then, why the fuck do you dare to judge other couples?" Jenny retorted, quickly.

"But look just around you, Jenny, look at Stefano who plays the daddy, look at Sandro who plays the wife, look at him and Ricardo!"

Jenny readily answered, "But look at your fucking cock! What do you know about what each of us is? Who do you think to be, god almighty?"

It was almost a quarrel.

Ricardo, who was pecking at the sweet table, come near me giving me a small pastry with whipped cream, smiled and said, "Renzo is saying just bullocks. I'm not looking for a father or a husband, I want a lover." and looked at me with loving eyes.

Meanwhile Renzo was saying, "Just look at Stefano, who is keeping Dario that he 'bought' and that he keeps as long as he behaves as he likes or until he gets tired of him, and then he will buy another boy. Masters and slaves, this is what makes our society go onÉ Also Martina and you, after allÉ"

"And who is the master and who the slave between us? Let's hear, mister I-know- all?" Jenny said, icy.

"You are the master, that's evident." Renzo answered.

"Poor darling, how wrong are you! Martina and I are two adult women and none of us never would dream to abuse the otherÉ"

Ricardo took my hand and said, "Wouldn't you like having me at your place? I would like to live with youÉ"

I looked at him moved and said, "Wouldn't it be better you think more about it?"

"I feel so good with you." he whispered caressing my hand, and slipped his fingers under my cuff.

"I am twice your age, you are just nineteen. I have so little to offer you besides my desire and my love. You have to think about it more, Ricardo. But it made me so happy that you asked me, that you desire it."

"WellÉ anyway we can now meet much more often, and get to know each other better, as you judge it so important. I, to tell the truth, am already feeling rather certain."

"Because you are so young, possiblyÉ" I said, embracing him.

Mario and Martina were trying to re-establish the peace between Jenny and Renzo.

Ricardo and I kissed, this time more intimately, then he said, "Later I'll come to your place, all right?"


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 14

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