
By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Oct 31, 2009


RICARDO by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2009 written on on June 2, 2002 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Randhir


"RICARDO" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


Who knows why two people who would be perfect parents don't have children? Or, possibly, if they had children would prove that they were less than perfect parents after all?

Silvia and Carlo have a four year age gap and Carlo is four years younger than me. I met them when they were still engaged to be married. It was Carlo whom I met first and then a week later I met Silvia.

He came to the disco with some friends. I liked him a lot. Seeing he didn't an interest in any girl, I thought he was there for the same reason as I was. This is the fascination of the mixed discos that I always liked better than the exclusively gay discos. In a mixed disco you can never take anything for granted. You have to discover everything, little by little. To understand that a pretty girl is in fact a transvestite, that another one is a lesbian, or if a handsome boy is straight, bisex or gayÉ It's a kind of huge treasure hunt. Moreover the gay people, in the mixed discos, don't spend their time in stupid chitchats.

I decided to do a discrete court with Carlo, to sound him. I smiled at him, he answered with a smile. Later I waved him a salute, and he saluted back. I then offered to buy him a drink. He accepted and came with me to the bar. There, there was less hubbub. We sat on a small sofa, side by side, and we chatted. He had a really beautiful smile, and clever eyes. I liked him more and more. As by chance, I draped an arm behind him, on the sofa back, in an half embrace. He made no reaction, went on talking and smiling like before. I told him that I was feeling really comfortable with him, and I was glad that I had met him. He answered that he also felt the same way, and he hoped we could become friends.

My heart was drumming. I came to know that he was twenty-eight years old; that he was a head clerk in a well-known firm where he was working for eight years and that he had a very good future regarding his career prospects. I was eating him with my eyes - his eyes were beautiful! And his tight trousers hinted at something appreciable under its fly. He was telling me about the cars that he always loved. Talking, he pressed his hand on my right forearm and I shuddered with pleasure and with anticipation. I was at that point almost sureÉ

When he said that the hubbub of the disco made him tired and asked me if I felt like going out for a stroll with him, I felt really excited. I accepted at once. We walked for some time, chatting, and at a certain point I asked him if he had to go back home. He could stay out was his answer as the next day was Sunday. Then, hesitantly, but filled with hope, I suggested that him that he and I go back to my place for a beer. He accepted and I was even more excited.

When we got to my place, I offered him the beer and went to sit on my sofa. I placed a hand on his thigh and he smiled. So I told him I liked him very much.

"I too like you." he said.

So I finally made up my mind and said him I would really like to make love to him.

He looked at me in surprise then, with a gentle voice, without stiffening, without changing his attitude, his expression, he told me he regretted, but he never did it with a man, and he didn't feel like tryingÉ not even with me. I felt a grip on my stomach. I told him that he let me believe the contrary. He seemed confused, he apologised - he didn't intend for me to think so, he didn't intend to take me for a ride.

My head was in turmoil. I took away my hand from his thigh and stood up, then, without looking at him, asked him if he now wanted to leave.

He answered, "If you want, I can goÉ But I would willingly stay. To me, nothing changed."

I turned to look at him, unbelieving, but he had the same smile as before and told me that after all I made a generous compliment with my proposal. He asked me to sit again near him. He told me that if I agreed, he would be pleased to become my friend.

He added that my sexuality was not at all a problem, "You are a really agreeable guy; you are a fair guy." he said.

I was still upset, but I thanked him and sat again near him.

He put his hand on my forearm and said I had no reason to thank him, that he really liked me a lot, even though in a different way than what I had hoped. He told me he was engaged and he would soon marry. He added he would be pleased I met his Silvia, his fiancŽe, as he was sure Silvia would also like me very much.

He remained with me until four in the morning. He asked me to meet him again the following Saturday at the same disco. He said goodbye with a firm handshake and with a light smile he said he was really happy to have met me.

Three days later I found in the post box a note from him, where he repeated he was really glad that he had met me, and that he spent a wonderful evening with me and was also hoping to meet me the next Saturday.

Well, I was disappointed but glad at the same time. I too would have been happy having a friend like Carlo, also because I knew that I could talk with him without wearing a mask. In fact, after thatÉ explanation, that night we exchanged our confidences. His first love when he was seventeen, my first suffered experience at fourteen and my first desired one at seventeen. Then also the fact I had to leave my first work to free myself from a difficult situation.

He asked me to tell him. So I explained to him that when I was twenty-four and just got my university degree, I had been hired in a laboratory of electronic researches. I really loved that job. The director, a thirty-six year old engineer, a handsome man, was really very good on the technical level. He graduated at the same university twelve years before me, with full marks and honours. He had a fast career. He seemed to appreciate very much my work and he never skimped on praises for me. I was happy.

I worked there for three years. One evening, at closing time, he called me into his office and said he really liked me, and was planning to entrust me with an important project, the first step to make me an office manager, and possibly even his assistant in the not too distant future. I felt flattered, happy. Meanwhile everybody went home and his secretary asked him by interphone if he would close the offices. He told her to just shut the door on her way out. He then asked me to move to the sofa of his office, to have a drink with him and to talk at our ease about his projects about me. He opened a low cupboard, offered me a whisky then sat beside me.

He placed an arm on my shoulders in what I interpreted as a friendly gesture, but he then leaned towards me, and pulling me to him, tried to kiss me. I was so much taken aback that I shot to my feet. It's not that I didn't like him; I just didn't expect such a thing. He stood up and ordered me to sit down again. If I wanted to have a career I had to go to bed with him. So, explicitly and bluntly.

If he put the matter under a totally different way, if he said me he liked me and desired me, if he didn't put it as a condition for my career, I would have possibly even have accepted. But soÉ I felt my blood seething! My answer to him was that I was not a whore; I was not for sale to the highest bidder. He tried to embrace me again and I felt he was aroused. I wriggled away and went to the door.

He blocked me and said with a sardonic smile, "I know that you too are gay, you fucked one of my friends just a few days ago. He told me about you, as you told him where you are working. And he also told me you fuck skilfully. Therefore just do it with me, and your career will be the best."

I told him to leave me in peace, and that even though I was gay, he had to get it out of his mind that I'd have sex with him.

He groped my crotch and told me not to play hard to get - he wanted me, there, immediately. I pushed him away with force and again told him to leave me in peace and tried to open the door - I didn't realize he had locked the door. We were alone in the laboratory. I turned towards him and in a bellicose tone asked him if he wanted to come to blows. He came again upon me and groped my crotch with a self-confident smile. I gave him a strong push and he fell on the floor in the centre of the office. I told him that either he opened at once the door or I would call the police, and moved toward his desk.

He stood up tidying his jacket and told me not to be an idiot, "Either you undress, or you will end up cleaning the bogs!" he said.

I raised the receiver and started to dial the police number.

He let me go. The day after I didn't go at the work - I sent him a letter where I resigned on the spot, and warned him not to think not to pay me all my due.

And I was on the dole.

When I explained to my family the reason, they all were supportive. Especially Clara, who was the only one who knew I was gay. Even Sergio supported my decision.

When I told Carlo this story, he said he would never have thought that the sexual harassment could also be directed towards a man, but that now since I had recounted to him the fact, he understood it could happen. He said I had been totally right to react as I did. He then said with a smile that anyway he believed that possibly another clerk at my place, even if he was straight, in order to get a good career, would have bent to the director's yens. And that therefore he esteemed me even more than before.

The following week I met Silvia - she was really pretty, natural, witty and likeableÉ in spite of her being a mathematic teacher. I've noting against the maths teachers, but all the ones I've met, men or women but especially women, are very little agreeable people. Silvia on the contrary was delightful. We fit well together at once and it was clear that Carlo was glad for that. Silvia and I also danced together - she is one of the few women with whom I danced with real pleasure, besides Clara when we were kids.

When she was not listening, I said jokingly to Carlo that I didn't know if he would have allowed me to dance with Silvia if he didn't know I'm gay, he called me a fucking idiot and said he simply trusted me, and not because I am gay.

"I would also come to bed with you," he then said, "as I know that you wouldn't ever embarrass me. Is it clear?"

Yes, it's clear.

We met quite often and we became friends.

Once I was alone with Silvia and, being sure that Carlo told her about me, I said, "What I really appreciate a lot in Carlo is that, even if I tried to have sex with him, he just said no but nothing changed between us."

Silvia looked at me, astounded, then asked, "ButÉ are you bisex?"

"No, I didn't try with you, did I? I am gay. Didn't Carlo tell you?" I asked, astounded in my turn.


"That's odd." I said.

"No, why? The fact you are gay or not, is not relevant. What you do in bed and with whom doesn't concern us, as long as it is not with one of us. Thus it is logic he didn't tell me. You are you, that's all."

I then said to her, "Yes, but I tried with him."

"Of course," she said, "if you like himÉ"

"Yes, I like him."

"I too like him, I can understand you," she answered smiling with an accomplice expression that pleased me a lot, and added, "but for your bad luck and my good luck, I got him before you!"

Our friendship strengthened even more.

I always could talk with Carlo and Silvia about my love life, my problems, feeling certain to find in them friends ready to listen to me, to counsel me, to console me, without judging me. Real friends, in short.

It also happened I slept in the same bed with Carlo. It happened when we went together with Silvia's sister and his wife to Venice for an exposition. We couldn't get a double and two single rooms but just two doubles, and all the other hotels had no vacancies.

Silvia then said, "We women in a double, and you men in the other, no problem."

It was the first time I saw Carlo naked when he came out of the shower. A real pity he is straight and married and faithfulÉ

In bed we chatted for a while.

When we decided to sleep, he said, "Don't stay all on one side of the bed fearing to touch me and to make me think evil of you. Sleep without restriction."

I am grateful to him for that, because he understood. In fact that was really my worry and my intention, if he didn't tell me. So I slept quietly, very well, feeling the warmth of his body near mine was a great pleasure.

I got aroused while falling asleep, but not too much to become a problem. It was a sweet, quiet excitation, and a feeling of languid desire.

When Carlo and Silvia married, he asked me to be one of his grooms, the other being his cousin.

Yes, it is really a pity they didn't have children in spite of desiring them very much. Two people so balanced, so open-minded, so clever and good-hearted would have been ideal parents. Ricardo shares my sentiments.

Silvia told me that Ricardo asked her to help him to study some mathematics.

"Are you interested in it?" Silvia asked him.

"No, but he is an engineer and I am almost illiterateÉ I mean, I can read and write and also do the basic figures, butÉ Will you teach me?"

"Willingly. You are a clever boy, it will not be difficult."

When Silvia told me about that, I said to Ricardo that it was silly to worry about such things, about our instruction levels. "Moreover," I said, "what was the use of my studies? I got a university degree and yet I work as lift technician, and for that would have been enough also the primary school. A diploma is of little use."

Ricardo nodded and said, "I don't care for a diploma, but it's good knowing more things, isn't it? And I like what Silvia is explaining me, I didn't think that Maths were so fascinating. Silvia is a wonderful teacher."

When I first said to Carlo I was in love with Ricardo, and that he had come to live with me, he hugged me tightly and said, "congratulations!"

A few days later I received a parcel containing an elegant coffee set for two, a tte-ˆ-tte signed Taipio Virkkala. Together with was a note - "As you cannot have a wedding party, at least the wedding gift is a must. With affection, Silvia and Carlo".

We use it every morning for our breakfast.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 8

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