Rick and Alex

By Tom Dick

Published on Jun 1, 2006


Well, you have come till here so why stop? Go on and enjoy!!!


Damn it! I was once more late. I knew I could not trust that cheap car. I crept as quietly as possible to the seat available in the back row. I ignored all the glances I was getting. I lifted my head and saw Mr. McKenzie, the head of engineering department, giving a really monotonous speech.

"I hope I'm not late. I am looking for the speech of Richard Grey," I whispered to Jake who was sitting next to me.

"This is the last speech, Alex. You are forty-five minutes late. Anyway, I don't think you missed anything. That Richard guy spoke for barely two minutes. Not really talkative if you ask me," he answered while I mentally kicked myself.

After ten drowsy minutes, we all went into the adjoining room for `refreshments' as they say but it was much more than that. There was those ear blasting songs, everyone dancing like mad and alcohol in some drinks. I tried to meet Richard Grey but it was not even possible to see him in such a crowd and the fact, that I did not know what he looked like, did not help.

I was near the drinks table watching my friends do some dirty dancing when I saw Him, the man of my dreams. As a psychology student, I was very curious about love at first sight and even heard about it but at that moment I felt it. As our eyes locked I stopped breathing. Those green eyes...as if two emeralds shining with a fire in them... I could not even move. I sensed something about him. I couldn't really understand what it was. I suddenly wanted to know everything about him; where he lived, his interests, if he had a girlfriend.... I couldn't believe what I was doing. For the first time, I found myself gawking at another boy. Sure, I'm attracted to guys, but I had never felt it as strongly as I did at that moment.

"Excuse me. Which one is the orange juice?" my green-eyed angel said.

Alex, cool down. Be clear and don't stutter. Don't seem to enthusiastic. Articulate well and give the right answer.

"This one," I said trying to sound casual as I pointed to an orange liquid but as he moved I added, "but if I was you I would not take it. A couple of guys just put some pills in it, meant for those girls. I mean it's spiked. I would advise you this plain fruit juice."

"Thanks," he said smiling as he followed my advice. I saw some girls behind him were looking at him.

"Mention not. I never saw you before. In which faculty are you?" The look on his face was priceless. He gave me an amusing yet calculating glance when he said "Engineering. And you?"

"Psychology. That would explain why I did not see you before."

"I heard someone from your department came late. You know who it is?"

"Well, it...was me," I said blushing as he smiled. Wow, what a smile. "Shit, the old hag is coming here. She will rip me apart for my lateness. I better get my ass out of here," I whispered as I saw Mrs. Anderson coming towards me.

"The old hag?" he said looking amused.

"Mrs. Anderson, the head of Psychology department."

"Can I come with you?" he said as I turned. Is he serious? Alone with the man of my dreams!

"It's okay for me but are you sure?"

"Yeah, a bit of fresh air will do me utmost good and anyway I'm not a party freak," he said with the same smile, one which will melt the hardest rocks.

I went as furtively as possible from the room but I could not understand the reason why everyone was looking at me oddly. At least, my Adonis was acting normally. I went to my favorite place in the whole college; it's a mini pond in a secluded part of the ground with trees all around. I sat on a bench and smiled when the man of my dream joined me. Then I remembered:

"Hey, you did not tell me your name! By the way, I'm Alex."

"Rick. Why you called Mrs. Anderson the old hag? Is she that wicked?" he said smiling. Man, is he always smiling? But why must I complain?

"Oh no. Not at all, In fact she was the one who stopped all those discrimination about sexuality, color and all. I think it's because of her that there is no more gay-bashing. She's really supporting in some cases but her habit of perfection is such a put off. And belonging to her faculty does not help. She always expects the perfect from your part. A bit irritating eventually if you ask me," I said as I looked into the pond in front of me. For some unknown reasons, I could not help looking at it.

"Now I can understand why you were so upset when you saw her at the party. Anyway, I don't know that Richard Grey. Who is he?" he said.

"Richard Grey is a gay author who recently wrote a book, `My dream' which is a bestseller. He decided to donate most of the money gained to certain colleges and luckily our college is one of them. No one knows much about him. He is always one step ahead of the journalists. However it is rumored that he is the son of a rich estate man but instead of looking after his father's business, he decided to do something on his own. What a personality! I noted a few things about him but maybe they are just silly!" I said as I started scratching my forehead.

"What? Come on, tell me," he said after the silence. I tried to change the subject but he was really stubborn. .

"Okay, okay! When I read his book, I felt a solitude invading me. He is giving a sign to the readers about the loneliness he is feeling. The choice of words, the mood and the characters are as if screaming for help. He's lonely and...I wish I could help him." A great silence welcomed this announcement. Rick was looking at me, and then all of a sudden he broke into fits of laughter.

"You got a crush on that Richard Grey. I guess, like me, you are gay?" he said between laughter.

"Yeah, I'm gay but hey, he's not a crush. I mean I can be his friend but I must know him better to be his...lover," I said trying to sound indignant but I failed miserably. Rick and I kept talking about everything. It is amazing how I kept talking like that when I'm not talkative at all. Each moment spent with Rick seemed to bring me closer to him.

"I see you are really good at psychology. You figured out many things on your own. Umm... what do you think of me. Be frank!" he said with the same one million dollar smile.

"Well, you are ... different and...," I said scratching my forehead. He was okay about my sexuality but what he would do when he would learn about my crush on him? Perhaps he already got a boyfriend. He came in front of me and stared in my eyes. "Please, tell me," he said. His voice was different. I shivered as I looked into those two green pools which sparkled with love. I knew I could not lie to him.

"For me you are very special, Rick. I don't know why but you make me feel complete and secure. With you at my side, it's as if I would jump into fire but I would not burn." I said to my green-eyed angel.

"You would not burn because I'll be there to protect you," he replied in the same soft whisper. His head tilted and came closer to mine. Oh my God! I held my breath as his red lips came nearer, nearer. I could not believe it was going to happen. Two inches, one inch, one cm and as our lips brushed, I pulled away. He seemed really upset when I said grinning "I don't kiss anyone on the first night. It might lead to something we can't control." And we started laughing.

"I mean I really like you, Rick but I don't want to jump into anything. Please give me some time," I said in a more serious tone.

"It's okay, dear. It's all right. Can I give you a peck on your cheek?" he said coming closer. I nodded and felt his silk-like lips making contact with my skin. Man, I want him so much but I don't want to be a one night stand.

"I thought you meant my ass cheek," I said in a mock innocent voice as we roared with laughter.

"Some other time babe, see you later. I got to go," he said as he made his way back. It has been more than two hours since we have been here. He turned and sent a flying kiss. I sighed. What a night!

So that's it! I had this idea since a long time but finally I posted it. PLEASE, tell me what you think of it! It means so much to me. And of course there's much more to come.

Next: Chapter 2

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