Rick and Alex

By Tom Dick

Published on Jun 9, 2006



The college was rather empty due to the meeting on the day before. However, with a head like Mrs. Anderson, we were expected to have a perfect attendance. So, that's why I found myself walking in the corridors at nine even though I had gone to bed at one in the morning. Luckily, I managed to find Jake and Abby round a corner.

"Well, here comes the much awaited one. I've been looking for you since morning. Man, since last night you have been the subject of every gossip in the campus. Come on, spill what happened yesterday! Do I have to beat it out of you?" said Abby in an over-dramatic tone. I'm damn sure half of the gossips have been created by her.

"Yeah? And since when a lonely gay guy with a cheap car becomes the star of the campus?" I said smiling. Despite her nosy attitude I really liked her, especially her humor.

"Since that lonely gay guy with a cheap car goes out with one of the hottest and popular guy. Come on, tell me more!" she whined and added "I would have phoned you yesterday but then thought you might be...busy with other things!"

"Oh you mean Rick. Well, there's nothing between us. We just talked, you know, over casual things. I did not even know his name. Is he really that famous?" I said trying to sound casual.

"Alex, are you okay? It's Richard Grey we are talking about, the most famous gay! And how come you don't know his name? It was you who always talked about him!" said Jake almost laughing.

"What? Look, I'm talking about Rick, the guy with whom I went near the pond and talked till midnight. Where does Richard Grey fit in this? I did not even meet Richard Grey," I said impatiently.

"Alex, I hope you are not joking because it's not funny. We care for you and right now you are talking like a lunatic," Jake said in a serious tone as he grabbed me by my shoulders, "Listen, the guy with whom you exited the party was Richard Grey. This means Rick is Richard Grey."

"He's right, Alex," said Abby in the same serious tone despite her usual merry attitude. It could not have been plainer that they were telling truth. Then...

No, it cannot be. I ran away despite the calls of my friends. I did not even wait to greet Clair, Jake's girlfriend and my best friend when I saw her entering the building. My vision became blurred, due to the speed at which I was running and due to the tears building in my eyes.

When I looked properly, I found myself in front the pond...the green pond where I talked with Rick. I could feel wetness on my cheeks as I remembered those green eyes, full of passion and care. Were they fake? Was I right in trusting that stranger? I did not know why he had lied to me. Perhaps all those talks were lies too! Or maybe, I was just a pastime. Besides, I made such a fool of myself. I met Richard Grey and not only I did not even recognize him but I even criticized him. Shit, I really suck!

"Alex, I looked for you everywhere! And here you are sitting," I heard the voice of Clair calling for me as I wiped the traces of tears. If I was straight, Clair is the girl I would have loved to date. I know she was a little bit disappointed when she learnt about my homosexuality but at least she could find comfort in the arms of Jake. Nevertheless, we remained very good friends.

"Are you okay?" she said with concern shining in her brown eyes. As I assured her that I was totally fine, she gave me a hug.

"I met Jake and Abby. Look, it's not your fault at all about what happened yesterday. Don't worry about it. Just let the things how they are." I gave her a smile when she exclaimed:

"Shit! I was here to tell you that the old hag is looking for you since half an hour." Before she finished her sentence I said bye and dashed towards the dungeon, I mean the hag's office.

Breathless, I knocked at the door. I heard the usual `enter, please' and checked my appearance a last time before entering. Mrs. Anderson was sitting behind the desk with her grey well combed and an immaculate two piece suit. As our stare met, I got the feeling that I was in a tight spot.

"Mr. Hunter, it seems that you need to revise your lesson on punctuality. Late on two consecutive days is simply unacceptable. Yesterday, you missed the whole speech and today, you are half an hour late! I really did not expect this from you. You have anything to add?" she said as I stood before her with my head down in shame. I managed a barely audible `I'm sorry' when she added:

"There's something much more important than punctuality that intrigued me, Mr. Hunter. I thought you knew that Richard Grey is not someone with whom we chat and go to the garden, especially when he is funding us. Yet, you did it. Everyone is talking about the guy who seduced Mr. Grey. Can you explain this to me?" I fought back the tears but could not. I was such a crybaby!

"Sincerely, I did not know that he was Richard Grey. I thought he was a senior but I swear he was the one who asked to accompany me outside. If ever, I wronged you, I'm sorry, Madam," I said with tears in my eyes.

Mrs. Anderson did not expect such an answer. How could someone not recognize Mr. Grey, especially me who kept talking about him? However, she knew that there was something deeper that was gnawing me. So, she simply comforted me.

"It's going to settle down, Alex. Don't worry about the rumors; I'm sure they will die out. It's not your fault at all."

As I sat down, the phone on her right rang. She picked up the phone and I got to see various expressions on her face. Being a psychology student, I recognized most of them as expressions of surprises, most probably good ones. As she looked at me after putting back the receiver on the phone, her eyes were round.

"It was the secretary of Mr. Grey. He said that Richard was really happy about the meeting yesterday. He's going to increase the amount donated. Besides he's going to recommend us if we want a loan at a bank," she said.

"Wow! It's wonderful," I exclaimed. Our college needed more fund and we were thinking about applying for a loan. I had told Rick about it.

"But Richard asked for a favor. He asked if you can have dinner with him tomorrow night. He wants to thank you. It's not a deal. The promises and funding were offered, irrespective of what we answered," she said quite rapidly. My mind took several minutes to register the news.

"He asked if I can meet him. What did you say?" I said with my voice shaking.


All your comments are welcomed on sexhavoc_66@yahoo.com as usual. i thank all those who sent me e-mail and if i have not yet answered you, i would soon. tell me how you find the story and characters and also about my writing!

Next: Chapter 3

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