
By DD Buck

Published on Mar 25, 2018



This is my first submission, I hope you like it, feedback welcome at author1982@yahoo.com. It involves unprotected sex between two consenting adults. Safe sex should always be practiced. If you are offended by, or it is illegal for you to view this type of material due to your age or other local laws, please exit the page immediately. The names and situations are complete works of fantasy. Likeness to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Published under the license agreement with Nifty.org, author reserves all rights.

As he got out his bag out of the trunk, I could see him reach up to close the lid and expose his flat stomach and faint hint of a treasure trail. Ricky and I had been friends since our freshman year and over the four years of school we'd gotten pretty close. Now seniors on the cusp of graduation I had a full blown crush but knew I'd never be able to act on it. Ricky was hopelessly straight. Not the sort of straight that bashes gay people but the sort that is totally comfortable with himself that nothing else bothers him.

At an exact 6 feet tall he stood lean and his styled brown hair fit his personality. He was smart, if not a bit nerdy, but also athletic and tended to dress more towards the fashion you'd see at the mall. As he closed the trunk I remembered the first time I saw him. Sitting right in front of me in class, it was pretty hard to miss him. He had a smile that lit up the room and coco brown eyes that had a slight twinkle when he'd grin. You could say I was hooked from the start.

I was what you'd call a popular nerd with friends in most social circles. Girls were always around and people would assume I was dating a few of them. While we never went on formal dates, I always had a bunch of girl friends and no one seemed to question it. I had known I was gay since the 4th grade and come to terms with it myself long ago. Growing up in a typical suburban town though, didn't give a lot of opportunity to be myself in any real way. People never called me ugly and at 5' 9" I was your definition of an average 21 year old. Filling out in the right places with short cut, brown hair and hazel eyes.

The slam of the trunk brought me out of my reverie and I stated to back out of his driveway as he walked to his door. Watching him walk away was one of my favorite pastimes as his tone ass and tan legs were showcased just right with his choice of shorts. Typically, he just walks up to his door and that's that but for this time he stopped and turned quickly, waiving at me to come back. Assuming he had forgotten something in the trunk, I pulled back into his driveway and rolled down the window. He walked up to the window and said "I forgot to ask, are you going to the graduation party this weekend?". I had never been a big party guy, which he knew well, but he seemed intent on getting me to answer right then. I said "I'm not sure, I have to work the next day and hate going to work hung-over". He said "come on, Daniel, you have to come, we'll have fun, I guarantee it". "Ok, sure" I said reluctantly and he beamed at me, he slapped my arm and started walking back to his house.

The next few days seemed to drag on, between studying for finals and working to help make ends meet it never feels like there is enough time. Ricky and I saw each other every day and talked about the typical stuff; school, work and girls. He never pressed me on dating or even seemed to notice that I'd brush off any reference to girlfriends. If he did notice, he didn't care to say anything, which suited me fine. I always knew I'd be able to come out to him but the idea of it scared me. The dreaded "do you think I'm hot" question would undoubtedly come up and my poker face wasn't that good.

Friday rolled around like it usually does at the end of the week, and as I was driving Ricky home from class he asked "hey, so when do you want to pick me up for the party?" My heart sank; there it is, the real reason he was so excited for me to go, to be his free taxi. I groaned a bit inside and said "what time do you have in mind?". "Between 7:00 and 7:30 should work great" Ricky said. I reply with "great, sounds like a plan". A bit deflated, I again watch him walk to his door, admiring the view as I pull out of his driveway and he turns back and flashes a quick smile at me.

I've always lived by the idea that being on time is being late but knowing Ricky and not being overly excited to be a taxi for the night, I pull up to Ricky's house at 7:20 and go up to the door and ring the bell.

"Shit man, I totally crashed after you dropped me off and woke up 10 minutes ago" Ricky said to me hurriedly as he let me into the house. It was clear he had just gotten out of a hasty shower; his hair was a wet mess and the towel that was loosely tied around his waist. I'm not going to try and tell you I minded though, it gave a great view of the top of his pelvis with the perfect "V" in front and as he walked away, I saw faint curve of his crack peeking out above the fold. Within an instant, my cock stirs to half mast. As he walks down the hall, he calls back "make yourself at home, I'll be ready in two minutes". I turn to look and am about to call out when he pulls the towel off as he makes the turn into his room. In all the years I've known Ricky, I've never seen him with less than shorts on but now, I had a split second, unobstructed view of his perfect bubble butt.

I pace around his house a bit; hoping the now massive wood in my pants would go away. I decide to take a leak to try and alleviate some of the pressure. As I'm peeing, he calls out through the door, "come on man, we're going to be late. If you shake it more than twice, you're playing with it". I about come right there and know the night is only just beginning.

We finally get to the party and its obvious half the school showed up. This suited me fine as I knew a lot of the people there so there was no worry of being bored. Ricky got pulled away by a couple of his classmates and I got roped in with another group.

Since I wasn't in the much of the party scene, I also wasn't a big drinker. Normally Ricky wasn't either but as the night progressed, it seemed like his blood alcohol content was increasing rapidly. At one point, I'm in the men's room taking a leak and Ricky comes and stands at the urinal next to me. Making small talk he asks "are you having a good time?" with a slight slight slur. "Yea" I say, " I'm having a great time. The band is amazing and the food has been great!". He nods along to what I'm saying, then I ask, "when were you thinking of heading out of here, remember I've got work in the morning and need to get a couple of hours sleep to function". He quickly says, "yea, I have to work too, lets say an hour, yea?" I say "sure" and start to walk toward the sinks and call over my shoulder "if you shake it more than twice, you're playing with it". He turns to me, smiles and winks. The idea of him playing with it and the damn image of his ass in my head and now the smile get's me hard all over again.

Less than 30 minutes later, Ricky comes over to me and puts his arm around me and says over the music "come on, let's go, I think I've overdone the drinking a bit and not sure I can make it much longer". Again, I groan and agree, picturing his head hanging out of the window on the way home forcefully expelling the overindulged alcohol. Having said our goodbyes, we make our way outside and to our surprise it was poring down rain. Naturally, we had to bolt across the lot and managed to still get soaked as we climb into the car. While the rain helped sober us both up a bit, Ricky was still slurring his words and looked to be pretty far gone.

As I drove us to his house Ricky started telling me about everyone he'd seen and talked to at the party. I didn't try add much to the conversation, as it was clear he was in more of the chatty mood than I and an occasional nod or "yea, cool" was all it took to keep him going. This was a mistake. I had zoned out a bit, focused on driving and had just said "yea" when he called out "really, you sure?". Dumbstruck and not sure what I just agreed to I tried to play it off by saying "yea, you know, whatever". "I can't believe it, Chris is really gay, like he told you?" asks Ricky. Shit, now what did I get myself into I think to myself. I try to recover but he just keeps talking away. "I never got the sense that he was gay, I mean, the girls all swoon at the mention of his name. Imagine, the quarterback being gay." All that is racing through my head now is "shit, I'm really screwed now. Hopefully he's so drunk he doesn't remember this conversation and we can pretend it never happened."

We get stopped by a light and I see a slight movement out of the corner of my eye in the dark. Was he scratching an itch or something else, I couldn't tell for sure but as the light turned green he asks me "do you think he's hotter than me?". I stammer and manage to get out "you both have a distinct look with classic features, I hear girls say you're hot all the time". This doesn't stop him. "Yeah, that's not what I'm asking though, I'm asking if you think I'm hotter than him?" he presses and this time I realize it wasn't an itch he was scratching, he has started to tent his slacks a bit. I'm feeling uneasy and unsure how to respond so I simply say "yea, you're better looking". This seems to abate him and he lets it go.

Ten minutes later, we pull into his driveway and he offers me one last drink. Knowing better, I say I can't and he gets out of the car and stumbles a bit in the driveway. Still raining, I realize if I don't help him get inside quick, he's going to get soaked and likely catch a cold. I jump out of the car and throw my arm around his solid waist and help him to the door. When we get inside he stumbles again trying to take his shoes off so I just tell him to sit down so I can help him. As I'm taking his shoes off, he starts to unbutton his shirt. I steal a glance and see his smooth, tan stomach, damp with rain. As soon as his shoes are off he bolts up and my head nearly collides with his groin. He apologizes and steps back and then he starts on the QB question again.

"So you really think I'm hotter than Chris?" he asks, this time a little less sure than he sounded in the car. As he asks, he continues to strip right there in the living room. Before I get a word out, he's telling me how he's seen Chris in the locker room at the gym and he definitely has bigger muscles than he does. He continues to describe his solid physique, taught abdomen, strong arms and as he begins to trail off I look at him and notice he seems to be getting shy or should I say most of him is getting shy. One very pronounced part of his anatomy has started to strain against his boxers.

Embarrassed, he looks down and tries to cover himself but there is no use, we both know I've seen it so he lets his hands drop to his sides. I step closer to him and say "it's all good man, no worries, you're drunk and a bit horned up at the moment, happens to us all". He stands taller and with his deep brown eyes that pierce the soul he says, "I'm not that drunk" without even a hint of slur. I must have looked shocked because he goes on to say seriously "Look, Daniel, I know everyone makes assumptions about everyone else but sometimes they are wrong. Everyone assumes you're straight but I know better." He takes a step toward me. "I know you're not, now what I don't know is if you're bi or gay. I'm guessing gay, especially with that trying to make an appearance." With a goofy half grin, he points down at my crotch, apparently in all of the confusion, my own 8" cock had filled out and pushed the fabric of my boxers and pants nearly to the breaking point. I was petrified, unsure what to do he takes another step closer to me and is now only two feet from me. He then adds softly "people also assume I'm straight, but I'm not. I've never acted on any of the feelings but I've cum thinking of you more than once."

Rooted to the spot, he reaches out and starts to tug my sopping wet shirt up over my head exposing my lean torso. His hands begin exploring my chest and with a tweak of my nipple, I let out a little moan and feel a pearl of pre-cum soak my boxers. "Like that, do you, Daniel?" he says with a smile. Typically my nipples do nothing for me but with Ricky's touch, it's like an electric current passes through his body into mine. He leans in and kisses me on the neck, moves to my ear and whispers "I've wanted this for ages" and in a flash, his lips are on mine. Tentative at first but more desperate as he continues, pushing his tongue into my mouth and mine in his. His hands have continued exploring and have slowly made their way down to my waist. Feeling his way around my hips, he undoes my belt, unbuttons and unzips my pants and lets gravity take them away. I step out of them as I reach for his boxers, practically dying to see what was causing the fabric to swell. Almost in sync, we grab each other's boxers and with one last tug, we're both standing naked and hard as rock.

I pull away from the kiss and look down, finally seeing the cock of my dreams. I have a good imagination but seeing his rock hard 7 ½" cock was more than I could imagine. It was perfectly straight, had a thick vein running across the top of it with a perfect mushroom head at the tip. He was thicker than I imagined and when I grabbed ahold of it, my fingers couldn't touch. This monster cock was nestled in a perfectly trimmed nest of deep brown hair with a beautiful sack swinging gently below. We return to kissing while our hands grope and explore our now totally naked bodies.

As we grind, my dick continues to leak pre-cum and soon both of our cocks are soaked in the slippery goo. Ricky drops down to his knees and in one motion fully engulfs my member. Like a master, he works it and while I'm well above average in the length and girth department, he has no trouble deep throating me. I pull him off his knees for fear of cuming too quickly by this master cock sucker. As he stands, he wipes a stream of precum off his chin and licks his finger with a devilish grin. "Man you taste great" he says. I look at him quizzically and he says "what's wrong, was I not doing it right?". I let out a laugh and pull him into a passionate kiss. When I pull his head back I look straight in his eyes and say "I would swear that was not your first time, you had me so close to cuming I had to pull you off me, lord, where did you learn that?". He smiles shyly and says "I just did to you what I thought you'd like". "Ricky" I say "you achieved your goal". "Not quite" he says coyly and he grabs me by the wrist and tugs me toward his room.

We only make it about half way there before we're groping and kissing again, feeling the excitement of new and unexplored things as we topple into his bed. Kissing and groping, slick with pre-cum, sweat and the rain from outside our bodies become one and as I reach around his back my hands slide down to his ass and I grab onto both, perfect spheres, and squeeze his head tilts back with a growl. I raise an eyebrow and he sits up a bit on my chest and before I know it he's grabbed my cock, lined it up and started to guide it into his tight hole. We both let out moans as my cock oozes out more pre-cum that clears the way for me to penetrate deeper and deeper into his hole. Amazed that he hasn't even seemed to flinch at the foreign intrusion I realize he is a little buzzed so he's not feeling as much pain as he normally would and not caring beyond that, I push deeper into him.

We match each other's thrust nearly point for point and before long we're in a rhythm and he's bouncing up and down on my cock, slowly stroking his own while his balls slap my stomach with each thrust. He leans over and pulls my head up to kiss him and whispers into my mouth that he want's me to cum in him. In a horny haze I just nod ok and he leans back to ride me harder and deeper. Knowing I wouldn't make it much longer I ask him if he's really sure and he stares down at me, smiles with his perfect smile and says "yes, Daniel, now fucking make me cum with your cum deep inside of me". This is enough to send me over the edge, my nuts pull up deeper than they ever have before and with one last thrust into the deepest reaches of my friends tight ass, I let loose the biggest load I've ever had. As I do, Ricky looks down with a screwed up face and rope after steamy rope of thick cum shoots from his cock and splatters the headboard, sheets, my face, chest and stomach before finally only a small drop remains on the slit of his cock. He falls down on top of me, mashing his cum all over our bodies and kisses me as my cock softens inside of him. "Damn, Daniel, that was better than anything I ever could have imagined, totally better than all my jackoff session fantasies" he says breathlessly. We lay there for a few more minutes before he suggests we clean up in the shower.

We both called in "sick" to work after the shower, explaining to the voicemail that we can't keep anything down. It wasn't a total lie, our cocks remained "up" and rock hard for the next 12 hours as we fucked and sucked each other. Letting each other cum in various parts of the other's body stopping only to eat, drink and an occasional nap between sessions. We started officially dating that day, we'd already been friends for so long it was no time before we fell into a true and deep love. When the rest of our friends found out they were surprised but all said they thought it could happen. Even though we'd both played the "straight role" people saw under the surface, even if Ricky and I couldn't.

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