Riddle Me This Robin

By Ebon Artist

Published on Aug 19, 2017


*Batman, Robin and the Penguin are property of DC comics. Robin and The Penguin are creations of Bill Finger.

Comments and questions are always welcome at ebonart.gallery@gmail.com. I also do some erotic 3D comics -- check out https://www.patreon.com/Ebonart and https://ebonart.deviantart.com/

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The Penguin lounged poolside, his pale rotund naked form oiled by his various mind-controlled slaves, both male and female. The water was slightly above freezing, just as he liked it, and small black shapes shot though it occasionally - actual penguins he'd rescued from captivity in the Gotham Zoo. Above him was the irregular faceted dome that covered the main floor of the Iceberg Lounge, filtering the harsh sun into a cool and subdued lighting.

Life was good. His business was thriving, his criminal enterprises were paying off, and he had five-star chefs preparing his favorite meal: raw oysters on the half-shell. And best yet: Batman and Robin were entombed alive inside impenetrable concrete, living statues still able to barely breathe, so that it would be weeks before they starved to death in delicious agony. Penguin felt his cock rise up hard and ready as he thought about them begging him to let them go.

The Penguin took his slick long member in hand and stroked himself, the subtle tingling oils making it that much more pleasurable. The idea of Batman and Robin at his feet, begging, helpless... he shivered and then ejaculated all over his bulging belly.

"Ahhh, Sondra, bring me a towel... and I need another drink!" Penguin squawked. He smiled at the youth delivering things from the bar. Maybe later he'd put the boy in Robin's old costume and fuck him senseless. Oh, that was a good idea.

The sinister bird eyed the youth as he put down the drink and walked away, imagining the boy in Robin's tight little silk briefs, begging him to stop pounding his ass. Oh yeah.

"Boss!" he heard one of his gunmen cry out, one of the pair guarding the elevator to his private apartments. What could possibly...?

Suddenly the men reeled back as the elevator door opened, smoke billowing out from it. "WWAUG!" screeched the Penguin as he rolled off his lounge chair. In the smoke... it was impossible! Unthinkable! No!

"WAWCK! Batman and Robin!?"

Caped figures shot out of the smoke, fists flashing as they took down the door guards, then other that responded! Batman's fists were like hammers, driving back the gunmen while Robin darted among them, fast and lithe, long legs snapping out to kick men in the head.

The Penguin scrabbled at his towel as he waddled along the poolside. He looked back and saw the Dynamic Duo stalking towards him, dispatching his guards one by one. A man bore Robin to the ground, but Batman quickly dealt with him. Another leapt at Batman from a balcony, but Robin pushed Batman aside and dealt with the attacker with quick, precise karate blows. They worked like a team, and all Penguin could do was stagger backwards, his back to the frigid waters. No umbrella weapons, no tricks in his top hat.

Batman strode forward, his long dark cape flapping behind him. Robin was at his shoulder, the teen boy eager to get in his licks as well. "Penguin! You have no place to go! Surrender and I'll make sure the police know you were cooperative!"

"Yeah!" said Robin, the young teen's gloved hands balled into tight fists. "You could be out in five or ten years!"

The Penguin smiled and dropped his towel, his turgid cock still fully erect. He was a large man in many ways, and his length was always something he'd been proud of, but he was especially proud it's veined girth. He was easily as thick as the end of the soda bottle, his glans the size of a small apple. "All right, caped cops, you have me!"

Robin stepped back, and averted his head. "Cover yourself, at least!"

Batman shook his head. "Please spare the boy the sight of your ...." Batman suddenly narrowed his eyes. In defeat, the degenerate old bird should have been as limp as a shrimp. Instead... "Robin!" he cried out just as the Penguin whistled sharply.

Sleek black forms suddenly rocketed from the pool, their speed propelling them through the air in a brief enjoyment of the flight nature had denied them! The small penguins flew like arrows, their sharp beaks slashing at Batman and Robin as the stunned duo tried to fend them off.

"Holy amphibious assault, Batman!... I feel... strange..." Robin said as he felt his legs give out, and he staggered backwards.

Batman, too, felt the sudden weariness, his honed muscles suddenly weak and unresponsive. Quickly, he dropped a capsule from his utility belt into his gloved hand and swallowed the tiny pill. "Robin! The Penguin has poisoned the beaks of those innocent birds! Use your bat-anti-toxin!"

"WAUG!" the Penguin grinned as he waddled forward, as the Dynamic Duo slowly sank to their knees, weak as kittens from the poisoned penguins!

"Boys!" he said as he snapped his fingers. Some of the staggered gunmen rushed up to restrain the Caped Crusaders. Batman and Robin weakly struggled against the manhandling, as they were dragged and then forced to kneel before the Penguin. Batman could feel his own head begin to clear but it was obvious Robin hadn't been so quick - he'd failed to take the anti-toxin and now the boy's head lolled as he fought to retain consciousness. Fight, son! Batman thought, feeling a swell of pride at the fighting spirit his young sidekick was showing.

Then Batman's cowled head was in an armlock as the Penguin approached to rub Batman's head between his mask's bat-ears. "Well, now, Batsy, the tables are turned yet again, are they not? What was up is now down! WAUG!"

"Cease your pretentious patter, Penguin!" Batman growled as he fought weakly against the men holding him.

"Oh, you'll be the one to shut up, Batman!" The Penguin growled, and then motioned with his hand. Batman was forced lower, and Penguin brought his massive cock up to smear Batman's mouth and chin with his dripping precum.

Batman spat the sweet salty ooze from his lips, then fought again as the gunmen holding him forced his mouth open - it was soon filled with Penguin's massive glans, slick and wet with his pre. Batman fought to twist his head away but the men were too strong and for now he was too weak. The Penguin pumped his thick crown against Batman's lips and tongue, fucking the helpless Dark Knight's mouth until the rotund bird groaned, and then shot his load into Batman's mouth and face! POW! BAM! JISM!!

The Penguin laughed as he watched shot after shot paint Batman's mask with white ropes of spunk, his man-juices running down the leather cowl to drip and run over the struggling hero's strong jaw and neck.

"I assume my previous commands to you still stand, Batman?" the Penguin chortled, and Batman gasped. The scent of the man's thick cum had indeed made him intensely horny once more, far sooner than he'd anticipated! Suddenly all Batman could think about was Robin's trim young body, mere feet away. His thick bat-cock suddenly tented his own midnight blue trunks, and Penguin reached to rub the bulge as the gunmen pulled Batman upright.

Penguin ran his hand over that gith mound, as Batman gasped and tried to clear his head. His intense sexual need was overpowering! Penguin slowly teased the Caped Crusader's trapped length, feeling it grow hard and thick.

The Penguin freed Batman's foot-long cock from it's prison, then stroked it slowly, admiring it's almost superhuman perfection - the peak of human masculinity, rigid as a steel bar, warm and silky-skinned, already wet and dripping with precum. The Penguin leaned in to lick and suckle that gleaming glans, almost as thick as his own.

"Penguin, you will rue the day-oooffff" Batman growled, then groaned as two gunmen gut-punched him hard.

Penguin's mouth slid over the slick crown of the bat-cock, his tongue teasing the Dark Knight to new trembling heights of need. Even Robin's agile and practiced mouth had never pleasured him this much! Batman gasped as he felt his iron self-control begin to wither as Penguin suckled his cock, slurping and licking and wetly kissing the crown while soft hands stroked his thick hard shaft.

"Haha, as much as I am enjoying the bat-boner, I think it should find it's natural home... in your little sidekick's tight ass. Though I'm guessing that pretty bird is a lot less tight these days! WAUG!"

At a gesture from the Penguin, the gunmen holding Robin's almost limp form dragged the Boy Wonder over and threw him at Penguin's feet. Robin moaned and tried to rise but the poison racing through his strong young body was making him so weak he could barely keep his eyes open.

Penguin laughed as Batman spat and struggled, then he bent to adjust Robin's cape and then undo the first tie on the boy's red leather vest - he opened a couple more, then stroked Robin's pretty masked face slowly, feeling the youth's soft skin and strong jawline. He ran a finger across Robin's wet red lips then plunged two fingers in the boy's quivering mouth. He smiled broadly as the Boy Wonder's tender bow-shaped lips tried to suckle his fingers.

"What a good little boy! Robin seems to have learned his place with older men, Batman! After this is done, I shall give him to my men as a gift! Of course once he's old enough to shave, he will be of no interest to them, so he'll be disposed of at that time."

Batman twisted helplessly against the men holding him, refusing to rise to the Penguin's bait. Little did he know Robin had been shaving for two years now! His fresh-featured demeanor had fooled many a criminal until they learned the youthful companion had steel-strong muscles and a fighting heart! (OK, so it was more like every three days or so, but it still counted!)

Penguin squatted and rubbed his broad dripping crown over Robin's lips, smearing the boy's soft mouth with his sticky seed. Penguin cackled as Robin's tongue slowly cleaned off the jism, the youth seeming to gain strength from it. He squeezed his thick length and pumped a few short squirts of his remaining cum over Robin's masked face.... Then he laughed even more as he began to piss in the Boy Wonder's face. His stream was sudden, hot and hard, playing over the kid's soft features, soaking into Robin's leather mask and running over his neck into his cape. Penguin played his urine into the boy's hair, then down across his strong chest, then back up to his face and open mouth - Robin coughed, then helplessly swallowed Penguin's thick piss, the pungent stream bringing him to his senses enough to turn and cough - a gunman moved to position the boy's head properly, and Robin could do nothing but swallow the man's hot piss or drown.

Finally the Penguin finished and motioned for one of his servants. The boy from earlier dumped a bucket of near-freezing water all over Robin's head and chest, making the teen gasp and rise up, only to flop back down again, clean but now shivering violently with the cold, his lips almost blue.

"Robin seems to need some warming up, Batman..." Penguin laughed as the Boy Wonder quivered and shook from his sudden icy bath, and motioned for his men to move the Dark Knight over to the boy. Penguin reached to slide his grip over that magnificent bat-cock, still hard as a rock, and then he had Robin picked up by the shoulders, his trim body trailing behind as he was moved as well.

Penguin licked his lips. "Batman, Carry out my last command!" he crowed as the men let Batman go. The gunmen stood apprehensively as the caped crusader looked around him,and glared, then they smiled as Batman turned away, bent, and pulled down Robin's tight silky trunks. The man bent and put his head between those long smooth legs, began to lick and tongue Robin's anus as the Boy Wonder started to moan. Penguin moved to the boy and put his hand on the back of Robin's head, gripping the boy's damp hair in a tight grip. Then he pushed Robin's soft mouth down on his thick cock.

"Time we served this birdie spit-roasted, Batman!" Penguin laughed as he began to fuck Robin's helpless mouth, his precum soon drooling out of the corner of the helpless youth's mouth. Robin could only shiver as he felt Batman's warm sucking mouth on his taint and then, then he cried out around Penguin's cock as he felt the bat-cock enter him again. Thankfully Batman has only used him less than an hour ago, so he was still all stretched and ready, but even so, taking his mentor's tremendous length was no small task.

Batman glared at the Penguin as the old bird fucked his teen sidekick's soft slack mouth, even as he fucked the boy's tight ass. The clinging heat of Robin's body made his heart beat faster and faster, just as he planned - he knew the Penguin would not pass up another opportunity to humiliate them, and luckily he'd been able to take the bat-anti-toxin. Now he could feel it begin to strip away the effects of the penguin poison, and soon he was in control of his powerfully muscled form once more just as he felt his cum begin to pump into Robin's limp form.

The Penguin shouted as he finished off in Robin's mouth, then pulled away and staggered back. "Ah, that was... WAUG!"

The Penguin squawked as Batman suddenly surged to his feet, grabbed him, and threw him head-first into the icy swimming pool! Gunmen, grown complacent, were too slow on the draw - Batman's flashing fists put them down even as they reached for their guns.

As Penguin squawked and splashed from the sudden icy dunking, Batman knew the degenerate old bird would be giving no commands soon. He bent over Robin, covering the boy with his thick cape, and drew another vial from his belt. This he pressed directly to the firm smooth curve of Robin's ass, injecting him directly with concentrated bat-anti-venom.

Seconds later, the masked youth, damp and trembling, got to his feet. "Holy double-times, Batman..." the teenager groaned as he leaned against Batman's powerful form.

"Robin, there's something else you need to do to me...."

Robin gulped hard. But... he would die for Batman. How could he refuse him anything? He started to undo his trunks, but Batman stopped him with a slight laugh.

"Your devotion to duty is commendable, Robin, but I meant using the Penguin's neural programming umbrella to de-program me!"

Robin laughed and retrieved the device, and opened it up. He spun it as Batman watched.

"Gosh, um, Batman... you will no longer have a desire to have sex with Robin all the time," the boy said, then.... "Except when you really want to; and you'll sneak into his room at least once a week and fuck him until he cannot stand!"

"ROBIN!" Batman gasped.

"And, um, you'll forget you were told this but still act on it!"

Robin furled the hypnotic umbrella and watched Batman carefully. The Dark Knight smiled and replaced his erect cock into his costume.

"Good going, old chum. That seems to have done it. No more inappropriate behavior! Now... let's make sure the Penguin is really on ice...."

"Holy abstinence programs, Batman! That sounds OK to me!" the teen wonder grinned. He stowed the umbrella to put in his own trophy case later. Just in case.


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