Riding for the Brand

By moc.loa@ylloCssiM

Published on Jul 20, 2003



Riding for the Brand Colleen Thomas Misscolly@aol.com

Maria Gonzalez sat on the hard wooden bench between her two friends and stared fixedly at the scoreboard. Her time of 16.082 seconds was still holding third place behind Marsha and Kim. Only one racer had yet to ride and she was about to make her run. Kim and Marsha almost always placed top three, but Maria was new to barrel racing and had not placed better than fifth this season. A top three finish here in Austin, the biggest event of the season, would assure her of an invitation to ride again next season, even though she wouldn't have the points otherwise. She was so nervous that her mouth was dry and her heartbeat was pounding in her temples. Her long fingers unconsciously stroked the beads of her rosary.

The final rider thundered down the chute and as she crossed the line the clock began running. Maria didn't watch the girl; her eyes were glued to the clock. The rider chose to go left first, which meant she would have two right turns before the long straight away to the finish. She cut the last barrel very tightly and it leaned over at a dangerous angle. The crowd watched as the barrel slowly tumbled to its side. In racing you could touch the barrels, but if you knocked one over there was a five second penalty. With that barrel falling Maria was assured of holding third and she, Kim and Marsha all jumped up and down and hugged. It was the first one, two, three finish for Valdez Junior Collage that season.

Maria had been born and raised in Valdez. Her father worked as security advisor for one of the big defense contractors and her mother ran a small clothing shop. The two had met in Mexico City where her father had been an embassy guard. Her mother made a very comfortable living with her shop, which catered to the large immigrant population in Valdez. She sold dresses, skirts and tops in traditional patterns and colors and all of her cloth was imported from Mexico. She also did a small but lucrative business with some of the richest Anglo families in town, to whom showing up in "authentic" Mexican garb was the new Chic. They had two children, the older a boy named Curtis who took after his father and the younger was Maria, who looked like a carbon copy of her mother.

Maria had earned a scholarship to Valdez Junior College for her scholastic achievement. Her real desire was to go to A & M and become a vet, but it was expensive and two years free at Valdez while living at home would make it much easier for her folks to afford her final two years at A & M. Maria wasn't sure she was ready for living so far from her family and friends anyway, so the JuCo seemed the best option. The fact that Kim was going to Valdez too had made the decision easy.

Kim Hall had been her best friend since third grade. Kim was tall and had movie star good looks, she was also very charismatic and Miss Popular both in high school and later at college. She was the first freshman to be Captain of the riding team, based on her scores from high school. It was only though her intercession that Maria had made the college's barrel racing team at all, most of her training had been in dressage. Placing today meant so much to Maria, because it validated her friend's faith in her and let Maria feel like she had proven Kim right when the tall blonde had gone out on a limb for her with the team's faculty advisor last summer to get Maria on the team.

Laughing and joking the three girls waited for the bull riding competition to begin. The crowd grew restive as the excitement built; bull riding was the most dangerous sport at the rodeo and thus the most popular. Kim's boyfriend Bo, and Maria's boyfriend Carlos, rode bulls, as well as Maria's older brother Curtis and most of their male friends. Curtis was tall and lean, with heavily muscled arms, blonde hair, blue eyes and a devil may care "bad" boy image that made him a hit with all the girls. He had even dated Marsha for a while, but with Curt girlfriends only came in flavor of the week.

Maria was short and slight with the olive complexion, brown eyes and thick black hair of her mother. Her figure was lush with a heavy "tear drop" ass, nice legs and large full breasts. No one would ever guess she was Curt's sister and usually assumed they were a couple when they were together. The two were extremely close and shared many secrets of each other's private lives. His decision to keep riding after high school and not go to college hadn't sat well with their parents and for a few months she was his only contact with the family.

Maria held her breath as the competition began; Curt had drawn a cantankerous old bull named Diablo. Maria was worried about Curt because his ribs had barely healed from being gored up in Abilene a month earlier. The doctor had told him his season was done, but now she was watching him settle in on Diablo. Maria just didn't understand the machismo driven need that drove her brother and boyfriend to compete in such a dangerous sport. All she could do now was watch and pray.

The gate swung open and old Diablo came out bucking. The fans cheered as the big bull spun around before going on high, but Maria was silent, her eyes were glued to Curt's face and the grimace of pain. When the buzzer sounded, he came off smoothly and was out of the ring before Diablo could get zeroed in on him. The bull had done pretty well, but the score of 65 was a dissapointment. Bo and Carlos both failed to do any better, each being thrown early in the ride. Surprisingly, Curt's 65 held up throughout the competition. With one rider left it looked like he might win, despite his seemingly poor score. By then Bo, Carlos and Curtis had joined the girls in the stands with some of their friends and girlfriends.

"Up next, the state's only girl bull rider, Connie Robinson, riding Hellbent," the Pa announcer called.

"Girl bull rider?" Maria asked incredulously.

"Yeah, that he-bitch from hell won her court case last year," Curtis said.

"Bull riding, perfect sport for a bull dyke," Bo said and the guys burst out laughing.

"Si, she is muy loco," Carlos added.

Maria was barely listening as the string of insults continued. Her eyes were focused on the chute and the lanky cowgirl settling in on a mean looking black bull. She wore a red shirt and red chaps with silver fringe that caught the light. Apparently someone other than the boys thought she was gay, or it was a strange coincidence because she had the number sixty-nine today. She finished cinching up and put one hand on the rail as Hellbent stirred, once she steadied herself she put her free hand up and nodded.

When the gate swung open Hellbent took a single prancing hop and then bucked. Both his font and rear legs seemed to be off the ground as he exploded like a coiled spring, trying to dislodge the rider. His feet barely hit the ground before he twirled violently sideways and kicked again. The bull's feet never seemed to be on the ground at the same time and there was a point where Maria would have sworn by the Virgin that his nose and tail were pointed in the same direction, he was twirling so violently. Through it all the rider kept her hand and feet free. Maria was amazed at the way she seemed to absorb all of the motion with her hips. At no point in the ride did she ever seem to be off balance, and even the jerking motions of her arm and shoulders, and the losing of her hat seemed contrived, more for effect and points than out of actual necessity.

Eight seconds. It seemed such a short amount of time, but to Maria it seemed hours. The entire ride played across her mind in slow motion. She was still staring when the buzzer sounded, the girl dismounted and the world returned to normal speed. The crowd was cheering as the clowns got Hellbent back into the chute. The girl retrieved her hat and then looked into the crowd and raised her hands in triumph. In that instant she seemed to be staring into Maria's eyes. If the eight second ride seemed to last hours, that instant of a glance seemed to last an eternity. Maria noticed how tall the girl was, her long clean-cut arms, the heavy black glove she wore and even the red bandanna tied around her boot. Every detail of her face and body were impressed on the small girl's mind, as if she had been staring at the girl for hours. She had high cheekbones, an aquiline nose and strong chin, thin lips and the most haunting gray eyes.

"Fuck," Curt said. The sudden curse seemed to break the spell and the world returned to normal time. When the score of 83 came up the crowd went wild, but the girl just tipped her hat and walked away. Maria's heart was beating wildly and she felt flushed. Her clothes seemed to be too tight and her breathing was heavy, like she had just ridden herself.

Maria watched the girl as she walked away, she was tall and lanky, but there was something about her that kept the little Hispanic girl's eyes on her. Once she was away Maria returned her attention to her friends, but her mind kept returning to the strange cowgirl. The girls decided to go get some food and use the restrooms while the guys went off to get ready for the bronc busting competition. As they walked along the concourse Maria noticed the girl bull rider walking out of the bathroom. Up close she was even more impressive. She was tall, about five ten or eleven Maria guessed, and lanky, with a lithe build and rugged face. Her hips were slim, as was her waist and her breasts were small.

"Hi, Congratulations," Maria said impulsively. The girl's gray eyes turned to her and Maria felt a little thrill pass through her body. It seemed to emanate from the pit of her stomach and suffused her whole body.

"Fuck off spic," the girl drawled before walking away. Maria felt as if she had been slapped. She knew there was a lot of prejudice out there, she had received more than her share of it growing up, but this was totally unexpected. She was hurt deeply and had to fight back tears.

"What a rude bitch," Marsha said while staring at the cowgirl's back.

"What brought that on I wonder?" Kim said as she put an arm protectively around Maria's shoulder.

"I don't know, I was only trying to be nice,"

"Don't worry about it," Marsha said as they walked away. Maria tried, but for some reason the words had cut her a lot more deeply than they should have. The small thrill that had passed through her when the girl's eyes made contact with hers was perhaps even more disturbing than the words had been.

During the bronc busting competition Maria was distracted. She told herself she was still smarting from the girl's words, but it was more than that. The arena seemed unbearably hot and stuffy and she felt a rising excitement that was almost painful. She nearly died of embarrassment when she noticed her nipples were hard and clearly visible through her bra and blouse. Excusing herself she left the arena and walked out into the gravel parking lot. The night air was still and hot, but it seemed better than the air inside the arena and the stars were beautiful.

"Hey, you, girl," a voice called. Maria turned to see the tall cowgirl approaching her. Connie had changed out of her riding garb and was now wearing a sharp red top and black jeans that seemed to be painted on. Maria turned and started to walk away quickly, but the girl over took her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Wait a minute, I want to talk to you," she said as Maria spun to face her. The girl seemed ill at ease and pushed her hat back up on her head.

"Look, I'm sorry for calling you a spic earlier," she said.

"It's too late to apologize," Maria said and started to turn away.

"God damnit girl, let me finish," the cowgirl nearly shouted.

"Maria, my name is Maria, not girl," Maria said angrily. Her brown eyes locked with the girl's gray ones. In those eyes she saw embarrassment, regret and a lot of pride that the girl was trying hard to swallow.

"Okay, Maria. Look, I am not real popular with the guys who ride, they all know I'm gay and last weekend they got a couple of their girlfriends to come on to me. It was a real big joke, real funny, everyone had a good laugh at me. Anyway, I thought you were doing the same thing and I snapped. You don't have to accept my apology, hell I probably won't ever see you again, but there it is," she blurted out. Before Maria could respond the girl spun on her heels and stalked off. Maria watched her go, not even noticing that her eyes stayed glued to the girl's shapely ass in those tight jeans.

The whole of the long ride back to Valdez those measuring gray eyes filled her thoughts. She kept seeing the cowgirl whenever she closed her eyes and found herself increasingly agitated. When she got home she hurried to her room, stopping only to peck her mother on the cheek, she always waited up for them with a candle burning. Once in her room she took a long hot shower and crawled into bed. She just couldn't get Connie Robinson out of her mind. She tossed and turned and suddenly was able to put a name to the restless energy she had been feeling. She was horny, hornier than she had ever been. Her slim hand slid down her flat tummy and into her thin cotton panties and she began to rub herself. She moaned quietly as the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced rocked her small body. In her mind she saw only those haunting gray eyes.

The next week passed slowly for Maria. She spent most of her time in classes and her free time working out with Blue. He was a great cutting horse and Maria's slight frame made her a natural for the sport of barrel racing, but she had a lot to learn and her cuts were nowhere near as precise as Kim's, who often brushed the barrels. Even when riding, she thought of the girl with the gray eyes and long legs. Twice she woke from incredibly erotic dreams that she couldn't remember except that her lover had haunting gray eyes that seemed to look right through her. It was disconcerting, but also kind of nice, in a strange way.

The long ride to the state fair at Waco was ahead of her, but she made sure Blue was taken care of before returning to her home to pack her gear. Curtis was there already, having a quickie with his current girl judging by the sounds coming from his room. Maria didn't particularly like Shelly, but she tolerated her, knowing that Curtis never stayed with the same girl long.

"Ready sis?" Curtis called from his bedroom a short time later.

"Yeah, lets get going," Maria called as she shouldered her overnight bag. The two of them were going in Curt's truck. Maria had turned down a ride with Carlos, Marsha, Kim and Bo in Carlos's van. She was in a very contemplative mood and felt like the cab of the pickup would be more condusive to thinking. She also didn't want Curt making the long drive alone, he was still not one hundred percent healed. They loaded Blue up in the old trailer Mr. Johnson had given her when he moved his family to Houston for a better job. Once they were on the highway Curtis tuned in the New Country station and for a long while they rode in silence.

"How's it going?" he asked finally.

"Fine," Maria replied automatically.

"Ya sure?"

"Yes, why? What's up?"

"You have just been real distracted lately. How are things with Carlos?"

"Honestly I don't know, I haven't seen much of him this week," Maria said thoughtfully. That was suddenly strange because she realized she had been increasingly horny for most of the week, but had never even thought of calling her boyfriend. What's wrong with me? she thought.

"Yeah, well...That's kinda why I wanted you to ride up with me,"

"What's going on?" Maria asked suddenly suspicious.

"Look sis, you shouldn't have to hear this from me, but no one else seems like they are going to tell you and you don't seem to be too concerned anyway, but Carlos is sleeping with Marsha,"

"No way!"

"It's true sis, I saw them out at Cotton Eyed Joe's last Tuesday and confronted Carlos, he admitted they were sleeping together,"

"And you didn't kill him?" Maria said.

"Aww, come on sis, he's my best friend," Curt said defensively. Maria smiled and leaned over to kiss her bother on the cheek.

"It's not a big deal," she said as she settled back into the corner of the seat and door.

"Thank God, I had the feeling it wasn't but, if you had been pissed I would have had to whip his ass," Curt said with a sound of relief in his voice. Maria smiled and shook her head thinking brothers were such strange creatures. When they were young he tormented her mercilessly, from pulling her ponytail on the bus to flying one of her training bras from the flagpole at elementary school. Now he defended her honor even when she didn't feel it was threatened and she had no doubt he would have fought Carlos if he thought it was needed. She could never tell what he was thinking or what he would find necessary, but she was glad he had asked before acting this time.

Maria and Carlos had been dating for over a year, but she had been thinking of how to end it for the last three days. He was full of the same bravado that motivated the other boys and she knew it hurt him that she didn't want sex with him more often. She hadn't really ever enjoyed it, but had done it with him a few times. Their relationship had become more like that of good friends than lovers and she knew it stung his pride. She knew she should feel betrayed or something, but all she really felt was an overwhelming sense of relief. She had started dating him because all of the rest of her friends had boyfriends and it seemed the thing to do, in actuality she had never really had much interest in guys. Maria wasn't sure what had been wrong with the relationship, but she promised herself her next one would be real, meaningful, and not just for show.

She dozed most of the trip, not really realizing until then that she had been loosing sleep over her relationship with Carlos. She was a sweet girl and the thought of hurting Carlos had kept her from trying to end it. She just couldn't bring herself to dump him, but if he was seeing Marsha it meant she could end it without hurting him. Even in her deepest dreams she had not consciously admitted to herself the reason for her sudden desire to end the relationship.

Maria again sat with Kim and Marsha, but this time several other girls from school were with them. The barrel-racing event was on the schedule for tomorrow so they were just here to watch Bo in the roping contest and the other boys riding the bulls. Bo went early and after his turn Kim went down to talk to him. The other girls went to see who was riding first, which left Maria and Marsha alone. Maria felt like she needed to say something, but wasn't sure how to say it.

"Marsha, I now about you and Carlos," Maria said. If she had expected Marsha to look shocked or even upset she was disappointed, the dark haired girl just stared at her coldly.

"It's okay, really, I wish you both the best," Maria said.

"Really?" Marsha asked with an unreadable expression.

"Really, I hope it works out," Maria said earnestly. Before more could be said Kim returned and as if by mutual ascent they dropped the subject. After the roping contest came the bull riding. Maria excused herself and made her way back to where the contestants were waiting. She wanted to find Carlos and tell him that it over. She didn't want him worrying about it while riding.

She turned a corner and came face to face with Connie. The cowgirl smiled instantly and Maria colored when those intriguing gray eyes roamed appraisingly up and down her body. Connie wore her ropers and tight jeans with a faded flannel shirt, her red chaps and had her heavy glove tucked into her belt. She wore the number thirty-four today and her black hat partially shaded her face. It didn't matter, those fascinating eyes were plainly visible and Maria wouldn't have noticed if the girl was missing all her teeth.

"If I didn't know better I would think you were following me," Connie said.

"No, I was looking for someone else," Maria said quickly. She was still not sure how angry to be or even if she should be. What she was sure of was that this girl had some hold on her and it was disconcerting to be so close to her.

"Oh, looking for your man? He's over by the trailers," she said indicating the line of trailers where the riders dressed with a nod of her head.

"How do you know who I am seeing?"

"I asked around," the cowgirl said with a wry grin.


"You're pretty cute, I decided to find out more about you. I saw you staring at me after my ride and wondered why you said hi to me,"

"I was impressed with your riding," Maria said quietly, "I just wanted to ask how you got so good at it,"

"Oh, well that's easy. It's all in your hips and I have a lot of experience," she said arching an eyebrow.

"Experience?" Maria asked, she was almost in a trance, unable to tear her eyes away from those piercing gray ones.

"Yeah, experience," Connie said with a smirk. When Maria just blinked the lanky cowgirl stepped behind her and in a smooth, single motion caught her hips and pulled them tightly back against her pelvis. A few stabs of her hips against the smaller girl's soft ass made it clear to Maria what she meant. Maria blushed scarlet and tried to move away from her but the cowgirl held her hips tightly. The smaller girl nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard Connie's voice close to her ear.

"Now, you best get along and find that little boy of yours, you're too cute a little filly to be running around free and I am tempted to shake out a loop and slap my brand on your cute ass," she whispered. Her hands had released Maria's hips, but Maria was too stunned to move.

"Or maybe that's what you really want? Would you like me to show you how I got so good? Or maybe you want to practice your riding?" she whispered and then licked along Maria's earlobe.

That caress sent a stab of excitement through her that was far more intense than anything she had ever experienced with Carlos, but when she spun around to confront the lanky bull rider all she saw was the girl's back as she walked away. Try as she might Maria had a hard time not staring at the girl's ass. The sound of several pairs of boots helped her break the trance she seemed to be in. Curt, Carlos and two or three of their friends were approaching.

"You all right sis?" Curt asked.

"Yes, I'm fine,"

"If that bull dyke was getting handsy, I'll personally kick the shit out of her," he declared.

"I too will have words with her," Carlos said.

"No, it's all right. I just came to wish you guys good luck,"

"Someone is going to have to do something about that bitch," Donnie said. He was one of Curt's best friends, but Maria had never cared for him.

"Yeah, she was hitting on my girl last week," another volunteered. While they discussed what a bitch she was, Maria took Carlos aside. She was kind of upset at the boy's words, they were obviously very threatened by Connie. Maria suspected it had nothing to do with her sexual orientation; they just resented a woman in their sport.

"Carlos, I know about you and Marsha. I just came to say I wish you both the best and I hope we can stay friends,"

"Of course Maria, you will always be my friend," he said with a smile. Maria returned it.

"I am sorry I did not tell you sooner, but I did not want to hurt you," he said. Maria could tell he was being sincere; of all the boys she had dated the proud young man had always treated her with kindness. He had been her first and she knew she would always have a soft spot in her heart for him.

She hugged him and wished him luck, then made her way back to the stands. Kim had returned and they all chatted about guys and the upcoming competition until the announcer called out the first rider. They all cheered for Carlos and he had an excellent ride on a powerful bull called Danger Wheel. Curtis did the best he could with the bull called Streaker, but the animal didn't put up much of a fight and it hurt his score. Bo drew a vicious animal called Stomp, but wasn't able to stay in the saddle and looked rather disgusted with himself as he headed back to the trailers. Now that all the boys had ridden Marsha suggested they all go back to the dressing rooms to meet them so they could get to the fair before the crowds let out.

"Up next, Connie Robinson riding Columbo," the pa announced. Maria immediately turned her attention to the ring.

"Coming Maria?" Kim asked.

"No, I'll catch up," she replied. Kim gave her a very quizzical look. She then turned to Marsha and the rest of the girlfriends.

"Y'all go ahead, we'll catch up," she said and sat back down next to Maria. Maria crossed her fingers when the gate flew open and Columbo came out. He was a real high kicker and Connie rode him as easily as she had handled the last bull Maria saw her ride. Somehow Maria's eyes stayed glued to the girl's hips, watching as her body undulated, matching, even anticipating each of the bull's moves. Even when he suddenly reversed the direction of his spin Connie didn't loose her balance. Experience. The word echoed through Maria's mind, causing her to blush hotly.

"Sexy ain't she?" Kim said suddenly. Maria turned to her, but her friend's face held no mockery, only a smile and her blue eyes sparkled.

"What do you mean?" Maria asked.

"You can't blow me off like that, I've been watching you and you are hung up on her, aren't you?"


"Oh, come on Maria, you can tell me, anyone can see you have a major crush on that girl," Kim said.

"I...I don't know," Maria said at last. Was it a crush? Examining her behavior over the last few days Maria admitted to herself it felt like one.

"Don't worry about it, I have kinda suspected for the last few months you might be gay," Kim said matter-of-factly. Maria just stared at her friend; this day was becoming more and more surreal by the moment.


"Just a feeling. Look Ria, its no biggie. I'm bi and so is Bo, we have both wondered about you. You have been giving off the right vibes for a while and when I heard you took Carlos and Marsha hooking up so well I had to wonder if maybe you weren't more relieved than upset?"

"You knew about them?!!"

"Honey, everyone in Texas could see it. You just didn't seem to care so no one said anything," Kim said in a placating voice. Maria sighed heavily and looked back to the ring to see Connie walking off. Her eyes went to the board to show the girl rider had again taken first. Despite herself she was elated, even though it meant Carlos would have to settle for third.

"You do have a crush on her don't you?" Kim said taking Maria's hands.

"Oh Kim, she's just...I don't know...I have been dreaming about her every night since Austin,"

"Yeah, you've got it bad," the blonde said laughing.

"But, I don't know what to do, or even if I should do anything," Maria said.

"Just be yourself, see what happens. If you think about it this isn't the first girl you have had a crush on. Remember Miss Martinez back in ninth grade? We were just too young back then to know what it meant,"

Rosa Martinez had been their ninth grade music teacher. She was beautiful, sweet and had the loveliest voice. All the young guys had been crazy about her, but so had Maria and Kim. Maria was lost in memories of staying after class to help put away the books and stands. She and Kim had both gone out of their way to spend as much time around the young woman as they could.

"Come on, let's catch up with everyone," Kim said, shaking Maria from her memories. Maria turned back to the ring, but Connie was gone. Kim took her shoulder and gently turned her until they were face to face.

"Don't worry about it, it will all work out,"

"How do you know?"

"I have my ways," she said mysteriously.

While the guys were getting cleaned up the girls all sat around talking about the fair and what rides they wanted to try. Kim disappeared, but Maria was actually thankful. She was ashamed that she felt uncomfortable around her best friend, but the subject of the girl bull rider was deeply troubling to her. Kim showed up with a coke and gave Maria a wink. Maria knew her wild friend well, but wasn't sure what that wink meant.

Once the guys were all cleaned up and dressed for the midway the whole group started off towards the entrance to the fairgrounds. Kim lagged back a little and made sure Maria was near the end of the line with her.

"Wait up a minute," Kim said as she knelt and removed her boot.

"Y'all coming?" Bo called.

"We'll catch up!" Kim hollered back.

"What is it Kim?" Maria asked. The blonde just smiled and put her boot back on then watched as their group of friends disappeared around the corner of the building. Maria was staring at her friend like she had lost her mind when a lasso settled over Maria's shoulders. Before the startled girl could react it tightened, pulling her arms to her sides. Her eyes shot to Kim's face to see her friend smiling broadly.

"Have fun," she whispered as she turned and scampered off to catch up with the others. The rope was taut now and Maria felt herself pulled back towards the shadows. She turned to find Connie pulling the rope to her hand over hand. The lanky cowgirl wore a blue shirt with 2 rows of buttons, one was done up to her shoulder, but the flap lay over showing white. Impossibly tight black jeans, black boots, Stetson and a string tie completed her outfit.

"What the hell?" Maria said. She was confused and felt a deep nervousness, but also a powerful excitement. Connie drew the rope in until Maria was standing close to her.

"I told you, if I found a cute filly like you running maverick I was going to slap my brand on her," Connie said with a big grin. It suddenly became clear to her that Kim had ratted her out. Instead of being angry she found herself loving her wild friend even more.

Maria tried to speak, but Connie released the lariat and wrapped her arms around the small Hispanic girl, her head dipped and she pressed her lips to Maria's. When her tongue played along Maria's lower lip, they involuntarily parted. Connie's tongue slipped between them and she began to gently french kiss Maria. The smaller girl was still apprehensive, but it felt so natural, so right. She found herself kissing back with more passion than she had shown any of her boyfriends.

When the kiss broke Maria felt flushed and hot. She shook her hands free of the lariat and put her hands on her hips. She watched as the tall girl coiled up her rope.

"So now what?" Maria asked. Sometimes things just felt right and this did. She couldn't explain it, or even really comprehend it, but she knew she wanted to stay with this intriguing girl, consequences be damned.

"That's up to you, I'd like to take you to the fair, but I don't know how you feel about being seen in public with me,"

"Would you like to be seen with me?" Maria asked coquettishly. She was fishing for a compliment and knew it, but Connie's reaction surprised her. Connie stepped up before her and placed both hands on her shoulders then shook her.

"Wise up Maria, this isn't an adolescent fantasy. I'm out and everyone knows it, if you walk out of here with me they are going to assume you're a lesbian, even if we don't do anything. I have been living with the looks and snide comments for a couple of years, you don't even know if you are really into girls or just have a crush, but if you spend the evening with me at the fair you'll be called cunt licker and worse. People can be a lot more cruel than you know; do you really want to sign up for that shit, because I promise it's coming if you hang out with me,"

"If it bothers you so much why do you put up with it?" Maria asked. Connie laughed and shook her head.

"You just don't get it do you? I didn't ask to be this way, but I am and I'll be damned if I am going to skulk around hiding who I am. The difference here is I know I would love to take you home and fuck your brains out, you just think you might enjoy it."

Maria blushed deeply, Connie's graphic descriptions embarrassed her, but she had to admit they also excited her. She had no real conception of the stigmatization Connie had to endure day in and day out, but the boy's earlier comments gave her some idea. On the other hand she had dealt with being a minority all her life, where as the girl before her hadn't.

"I'll go with you to the fair," Maria said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I don't know what is going to come of this, or even what I want, and while you scare me a little it just feels right," she said.

"Well, I never have been one to shy from what I want and I want you for my own," Connie said earnestly, her gray eyes found Maria's and everything else just didn't seem to matter very much.

"Come on, I'll show you a good time tonight at the least," the cowgirl said as she tossed the lariat over a post.

Connie put her arm around Maria's shoulder and guided her out into the sultry Texas evening. As they stood in line for admission Maria felt the eyes on her, instead of being intimidated or scared she found it exhilarating. She felt natural, for the first time in her life she felt like she belonged and Connie's arm around her made her feel safe.

They moved slowly down the midway enjoying the sights and smells. Maria had always loved the fair and tonight it seemed even more wonderful than usual. They stopped and got a funnel cake and coke, which they shared while watching the high wire act at the mini circus. Connie turned out to be a quiet person, but an excellent listener and Maria found herself talking nonstop. She often talked a lot when she was nervous, but this was different. Connie seemed genuinely interested in her past, her hopes, and her dreams, and with short comments prompted her to keep talking. Maria began to get the idea that the tall cowgirl was very lonely and that she was just enjoying having someone talk to her.

They were moving through the portion of the midway where all the games were. Maria watched as all the boys tried to win prizes for their girls or kids wasted their parent's hard earned money for trinkets that cost a fraction of what they spent trying to win them. She had a fine collection of stuffed animals in her room that were worth nothing, but had cost her dates a small fortune.

Suddenly Maria stopped and let out a little squeal of delight. On the top shelf of one of the games sat a beautiful miniature carousel horse. It was pink, with intricately carved tracings and saddle and mounted on a small hand carved jewelry box. Maria had been collecting carousel horses since she was a small child. Maria gazed at it longingly then started to move on, but Connie pulled her over to the stand. The carnie was a thin man who smiled lecherously at them both.

"What do you think miss? Want to show these clowns up?" he asked indicating several guys throwing baseballs at beer bottles while their dates cheered them on.

"How much?" Connie asked, ignoring his stare.

"Three balls for two dollars, one broken bottle wins,"

"How much for that one?" Connie said, indicating the horse Maria had been staring at.

"That's a top prize, you have to trade in ten wins for it,"

The tall cowgirl nodded, produced a roll of bills from her pocket and peeled off a ten-dollar bill. The carnie smiled and poured out fifteen balls on the counter before her. Maria smiled, she liked the fact that Connie was going to try to win the horse for her, but she didn't want her to waste a lot of money. Maria recognized the carnie's smile too, he was looking forward to making a lot of money off this. The tall cowgirl hefted the ball and then stepped back from the rail, with a fluid motion she whipped the ball underhanded and a bottle flew into pieces.

"Now ya see folks? Even a girl can do it! Any prize on the bottom row Miss," he said loudly. He was good Maria mused, quickly making sure all the other players knew it could be done and challenging their manhood to make sure they kept playing.

"Keep it, I want the one on top," Connie said and with the same motion flicked another ball and another bottle busted. Even the carnie seemed impressed and all of the people in the immediate vicinity gathered around. The cowgirl took no notice and flicked another ball that also found its mark. In the end she had to buy six more balls to win. Maria felt like the most special girl in the world when the tough cowgirl smiled self-consciously and handed her the horse.

"All state pitcher, three years running," she said by way of explanation. They continued on down the midway with Connie's arm firmly around Maria's waist. Maria saw a lot of couples and wondered if any of the girls felt like she did now. Maria was so happy and having such a good time, but an excited anticipation was building within her. When would her cowboy decide to kiss her again? That first one had been so arousing and Maria longed for another.

A lot of people gave them long stares, but no one said anything. Maria smiled when she imagined what they were seeing. A petite Hispanic girl in gaudy riding outfit with hair down to her ass and a tall, lanky cowgirl holding her close. Maria thought it must look strange, but she also liked the mental image and Connie's arm around her waist felt so natural. They made the big turn and started down the east side of the midway. Games began to thin out and the rides started to become more and more prevalent. At first it was kiddie rides, but these quickly gave way to the more expensive and wild ones like the Avalanche and the Cyclone.

"You like the rides?" Connie asked as they passed a ticket booth without a long line.

"I love them," Maria replied.

Connie bout a bunch of tickets and they rode several of them. Maria had always loved the rides and the adrenalin rush that came with them, but tonight nothing compared to the rush she felt being pressed close to the lanky bull rider or the thrill she felt when Connie's arm slipped around her and held her tight. They were passing the double ferris wheel when Connie guided Maria into the line with her.

When they were next Connie took the horse from Maria and approached the carnie, pretending that the main idea was to give it to her for safekeeping. Maria felt a blush rise to her cheeks and pretended not to notice her date slip the carnie a large bill. She knew what that was for, Carlos had done it often enough. The idea of being stopped at the top of the ferris wheel with the lanky cowgirl sent a thrill through her, but also left her nervous.

They both sat down and the carnie, a fat woman with blue hair winked at Maria as she closed the gate to their chair and made sure it was secure. The big wheel turned and stopped again and again, to on load people and then with a lurch that brought Maria's stomach into her mouth the whole thing rotated taking their wheel to the top. From here she could see the whole fair and watched with bright-eyed interest as the midway passed beneath them. The second wheel was empty and not moving so they were alone at the top of the world when their wheel came to a stop.

Connie's arm around her shoulder tightened, pulling her close. Maria turned slightly in the seat and looked up expectantly. Connie's face dipped and she pressed her lips to Maria's. The tall cowgirl captured Maria's lower lip between her teeth and slowly slid her tongue along it, causing Maria's tummy to knot. She melted against the taller woman and sighed happily when Connie's tongue slipped between her lips. The girl's tongue gently explored her mouth and Maria kissed back passionately, dragging her tongue along Connie's and sucking gently. As good as it felt Maria balked when she felt Connie's hands working on the button at the throat of her blouse. She disengaged herself and giggled.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked in mock severity.

"Making out," she said with a toothy smile. Her hands moved back to the button and Maria caught both her hands.

"Connie, behave!"

"I'm trying, but you keep interrupting me," she replied and began trying to undo the button again. Maria continued to try and keep her from opening the button. It wasn't that she didn't want to get physical with her date; in fact she would have readily agreed to go back to Connie's hotel room in the mood she was in. Maria just balked at doing anything like that out in the open, never mind that no one on the ground could tell what they were doing.

"Call me Conn, Connie sound so girly," the bull rider said. She managed to get the top button undone and her fingers moved to the next.

"Conn, isn't that enough?" Maria asked, she was rather nervous about making out in public as it was. But the shirt only had four buttons and you could almost see her bra with the top one undone.

"Hell woman, don't tell me you never made out on the top of the ferris wheel before," Conn said incredulously.

"Several times," Maria admitted, "But I always keep my clothes on!"

"Well, no wonder you dropped him," Conn said as she leaned in close and pressed her lips to Maria's again. The cowgirl pressed her chest against Maria's and the smaller girl found one arm pinned between the back of their chair and her date's shoulder. She felt the buttons to her blouse inexorably come undone as Connie's hands now were free to work unimpeded. Maria felt the cool evening air on her bare skin and tried to protest, but it was hard to say much with her date's tongue shoved down her throat. Maria actually felt a bit of panic rise when she felt her cowgirl tugging her blouse out of her jeans, but as soon as the shirt was free and Conn's hands stroked along her tummy the panic turned to pure desire.

Wherever those warm, calloused hands moved, her skin felt like it was on fire. Connie backed off a little on the deep kiss and gently cupped Maria's soft breasts through her plain white bra. Maria moaned softly into the cowgirl's mouth as she felt her breasts being tenderly kneaded. Conn moved from her lips to her neck, where she gently kissed and licked working towards the hollow between her collarbones. Maria found the sensations overwhelming, her body thrummed with desire and she only moaned louder when she felt Connie's hands tug her bra cups down below her breasts.

Maria's breasts were large and full, she took a C cup and had often been embarrassed by their size. Carlos had loved them, but his rough massaging had never produced anything close to the sensation Connie's gentle fondling brought. The cowgirl's hands were rough and calloused, but they were so gentle as they kneaded the luscious mounds of flesh that Maria barely noticed. When Connie's palms dragged over her nipples Maria had to bite her tongue to keep from yelping. The girl's lips were now kissing down the slope of her breast and Maria actually found herself anticipating the moment when they would envelope her stiff nipple. Even expecting it she was unprepared for the shock of sensation and moaned again.

While her mouth formed a seal and her tongue worried the taut pink nipple Connie's hand gently rolled the other between her thumb and forefinger. Maria was caught in a whirlwind of sensation and emotion. It felt so good, but the fact that she was in public added a spice all it's own to the moment. There were people in the seats just below them and she bit her lip to keep from drawing attention to herself. She didn't notice that Connie had released her breast until she felt the girl's hands working on her belt.

She's really going too far I should stop this, Maria thought, Even as she thought it Connie's teeth nipped her erect nipple sending a shockwave through her body. Her hands shot to the girl's head, knocking her hat off. Connie's hands shot out and caught the hat, but her mouth never left Maria's aching nipple. She put her hat on the seat behind her and her hands returned to the button and zipper of Maria's jeans as her mouth moved to Maria's other nipple. It was warm out, but she felt a shock of cool air on the nipple Connie's mouth had just abandoned. Maria looked down to see it glistening with the cowgirl's saliva.

"What are you doing?" Maria moaned. She had her head thrown back and saw the other ferris wheel begin to turn. Her body stiffened when she realized that soon there would be people able to see her.

Conn released her nipple and moved up until they were nose to nose. Maria felt Connie's palm on her flat tummy and groaned when the bull rider pushed it downward, sliding into the waistband of Maria's panties. She felt the long index finger slide over her pubes and between her moist lips and stop just at the entrance to her pussy.

"I'm finger fucking the hottest girl I have ever met," Connie breathed as her finger found Maria's slick entrance and slipped in to the first knuckle. There was very little room for her to maneuver her hand, trapped as it was by Maria's panties and jeans, but Connie proved to know what she was doing. Placing the heel of her hand on Maria's pelvic bone she pressed back forcing the fabric of the Hispanic girl's tight jeans far enough out to allow her finger to sink all the way into Maria's hot channel.

"Ohhhhh," Maria groaned as she felt Conn's stiff finger seat deeply in her hot pussy. The cowgirl's lips returned to her nipple as the stiff finger began to steadily plunge into Maria's now soaked pussy. The wheel next to them was turning now and Maria started when she realized it was bringing the lower wheel up and that meant.People! Part of her wanted desperately to get her clothes back on and not make a scene, but her body was having none of that.

She had never been so horny in her life. Nothing had ever felt so good. The long finger slowly frigging her, Connie's mouth on her nipple, the cowgirl's closeness and the thrill of being so exposed in public all fused into a single driving need. Maria just had to cum and found herself spreading her thighs as much as she could to give Connie's finger better access. All too soon, she felt a tingling in her extremities that she knew was the precursor to climax.

She was moaning softly now and whimpering occasionally as a particularly jagged bolt of pleasure hit her. Maria threw her head back and got a dizzy upside down view of the other wheel as it turned. There were people in those seats but she just couldn't care about that right now. Her lower body rhythmically tensed and relaxed, the inner muscles of her pussy gently squeezing Connie's finger as it stroked in and out. When her hips began to jog in the seat Connie released her nipple and licked from her nipple up to her chin in one impossibly long swipe. Those haunting gray eyes locked onto Maria's and despite her pleasure she couldn't close her eyes.

"Cum for me baby," Connie whispered as she began to grind her palm against Maria's clitoral hood. That was all it took to send Maria over the edge.

"I'm coming!" Maria yelped as that first powerful contraction was followed by more. They rolled in upon her consciousness like towering waves. Each was a discreet packet of pleasure, starting in her groin and radiating outward through her body. For a timeless, breathless moment the world contracted to just the wild pleasure shooting through her body and Connie's eyes. Maria threw her head back as the orgasm peaked and for a while she saw only the stars as her body untensed and her breathing slowly returned to normal. People on the other wheel were staring and pointing, but Maria couldn't even move to cover herself.

With a lurch the big wheel began to turn again. Maria hurriedly buttoned her shirt while Connie withdrew her hand from the steamy confines of Maria's panties. The big girl looked at Maria, smiled devilishly and then sucked her finger into her mouth. That visual stimulation was so hot that Maria felt her body shiver as an aftershock rocked her. When the chair reached the bottom Maria looked somewhat presentable, but she knew it was going to be readily apparent to everyone at the bottom of the wheel what had been going on. The blue haired carnie opened the gate to their chair and handed Maria her horse.

"I can tell you two had a good time," she said loudly enough for everyone in line to hear. As they made their way through the exit Maria was sure her blush was brighter than anything on the midway, but Connie was smiling, as if she were proud of herself. The rest of the evening was a blur, more rides, more food, and more making out whenever they were even partially obscured from the public view. They never did run into her friends and Connie gave Maria a ride back to her hotel on her bike.

In the parking lot the lean cowgirl helped her off the motorcycle and removed her helmet. They embraced and kissed deeply, when the kiss finally broke Conn looked down into her eyes. A long silence followed that was neither awkward nor uncomfortable.

"I hope you had a good time," she said at last.

"I had a wonderful time," Maria assured her.

"Can I see you again?"

"I'd like that,"

"Well, can I have your number then?"

Maria scribbled her number on the back of a scrap of paper she found in her purse and gave it to the tall cowgirl. Connie folded it carefully and put it in her pocket before giving Maria a sound good night kiss and roaring off into the darkness.

Maria watched until her taillights disappeared and then kicked the ground. I'm such a fool, she thought. I should have invited her in. Back in her room she put the Carousel horse on the dresser and undressed. She was embarrassed when she found her panties were still damp, but also turned on.

"I really should have invited her in," Maria said to herself as she put on clean panties and a nightshirt and crawled under the covers.

Maria woke early and felt deliciously relaxed. She hadn't slept like that in days. It lasted only a short time as the butterflies she always felt before riding began to assail her. She was just checking her outfit for the last time when there was a knock at her door.

"You ready sis?" she heard her brother call through the door.

"Coming," she called and then blushed at the memory that invoked.

The ride to the arena was quiet, Curt seemed withdrawn and Maria was getting nervous as she always did before riding in competition. Maria was an absolute wreck by the time the racing started. She scanned the crowd repeatedly, but saw no sign of Conn. She was still staring out when a pair of arms twined around her waist and pulled her tightly to a tall hard body.

"Relax, you're going to do great," Connie's voice whispered in her ear. Maria relaxed completely, the competition wasn't important now. She realized with a bemused smile, that win or loose everything was fine now.

When Maria finished her run the lanky cowgirl was there to greet her. She took Blue's reigns as Maria dismounted. They stood there looking at one another for a long time. It dawned on her that the tall girl didn't hug her because everyone could see them. Maria threw herself into the tall cowgirl's arms and after only a moment of hesitation Connie wrapped her arms tightly around the small girl and they kissed. The whole arena could see them, but Maria just didn't give a damn.

"We have a new leader at sixteen point three-oh-eight," the PA announced.

"I told you, you were going to do great," Connie said as she held her tight. Maria just smiled, it didn't matter, what mattered were her lover's strong arms and soft hands. After they had walked Blue back to his stall and wiped him down they stood awkwardly just staring at one another.

"Come on, lets go join everyone in the stands, the roping is coming up," Maria said.

"I don't know, those guys don't like me much," Conn said. Maria smiled, the taller girl's concern for what her friends would think was so touching. What she really meant was that she didn't want to cause problems.

"Conn Robinson, if you think your getting away from me that easily you are mistaken. All the girls sit with their boyfriends and if you think I am sitting alone when I have the best looking of the bunch you're crazy," Maria said.

"I am crazy. Crazy over you," Connie said in a very serious tone. Maria took the taller girl's hand and started dragging her towards the stands where her friends were sitting.

The tall cowgirl grinned and followed, but Maria could tell she was still very apprehensive. Once there she introduced Conn to everyone and then plopped down in her lap, surprising the lanky cowgirl.

There was silence and everyone was staring at them. Maria could feel Conn getting tense and knew she had to do something before it became too uncomfortable.

"Curt, how are your ribs?" she asked quickly.

"Huh? Oh, they hurt like a sum bitch," he responded, still staring.

"Curt, got gored by Trickster last month," Maria said turning to Conn. The tall girl grinned at her brother.

"He's a son of a bitch ain't he? Busted my leg last year," she said.

"Yeah, but I'd rather have him than Cyclone, that cocksucker nearly got me over at Wytheville," Curt said smiling.

"Cyclone is bad, but at least he's a high jumper pure and simple, I'd rather have him than Tilt-a-whirl any day," Conn replied.

"Si, for me, I do not ever want to have to ride Breakaway again, that cow is very bad, someday he will kill someone," Carlos chimed in.

Maria smiled and said nothing. Bull riders were all the same, get them talking about past rides and bad bulls and they would go all night, even if they had been at each other's throats over something just the moment before. By the time Kim joined them Curt, Carlos, Donnie and Conn were swapping stories like old friends.

Maria's score held up and a day that was going well, turned into one that was perfect. Only a couple of the girlfriends continued to give them looks, but all of the guys and Conn seemed to be getting along well. Maria was a bit apprehensive when she had to leave them to accept her trophy, but it seemed she hurried back for nothing because they were still talking about wild rides and mean bulls when she returned.

"How bout we all go over to Rancho Rio for dinner and some drinks," Curt said. It sounded good and everyone agreed so they all loaded up and rode over. Maria loved the wind in her hair on the back of Conn's bike.

Rancho Rio was a little Tex-mex joint that had some of the best food in the area. Luckily it was in an out of the way place and they had no troubled getting seats at one of the large tables. It became apparent very early on that they would be doing more drinking than eating, when the waitress didn't bother to check IDs. Maria was content to sip on a hurricane, but the guys and Connie started drinking beers like they were water. The rodeo stories continued through the evening, getting taller and taller as the tellers got drunker.

Marsha kept staring at Connie and finally blurted out, "is it true you like girls?"

"Some girls," Conn said easily.

Maria could have killed her. She now feared they would all gang up on Conn, but her brother of all people came to her rescue.

"You mean like my sister?" he said, maybe a little too loudly.

"Yeah, I have a thing for dark haired girls," Conn said. Her tone wasn't belligerent, but there was a slight edge to it that wasn't lost on Maria. Maria held her breath, this was the worst possible thing she could have imagined.

"I prefer blondes myself, like that Cindy Richardson," Curt said smiling. Maria could have kissed her brother at that moment.

"You can have her, she hasn't got enough meat on her for me and besides she's an awful kisser," Conn said.

"You've hit that?" Bo blurted out incredulously, "I mean, you've been with her?" he finished in an awed tone of voice.

"Yeah, we went out a while, and she ain't a natural blonde noways," Connie said. The conversation quickly turned to other girls that they guys fantasized about. Several of the girls at the table tried to steer the conversation back to something else and shot Marsha dirty looks. No one liked to sit while her man told his buddies about the other girls he wanted to bang, but the guys seemed oblivious. Maria excused herself and went to the ladies room. When she came out Curt was standing there, waiting for her. She waited for him to speak with a feeling of impending doom.

"Sis, are you and Conn...going together?" he asked. He was drunk and she could not read his face. He seemed strangely calm, but she knew that was no guarantee of his mood. Curt's temper was very bad, and often launched itself from a deceptive calm.

"I don't know Curt, but I am hoping that we will be before the weekend is out," Maria said.

"All right," he said.

"Does it bother you?" she asked. Her big brother just smiled and shook his head.

"No, I just want you to be happy. CR is cool, I really thought she was a bitch before tonight, but I like her. You know what your letting yourself in for though, don't you?" he asked. Maria had to smile at the concern in her brother's eyes.

"No, I really don't,"

"It's going to be rough sis. Have you been to bed with her yet?"


"Aww, hell. I'm not prying sis honest, I just want to make sure you know this is what you want before you have to deal with the crap,"

"I only know for sure that I am happy with her, and have never felt so content. I don't know how I am going to tell mom and dad, but I don't think I am ever going out with another guy, even if things don't work out with Conn, and yes, we have already had sex," she added, blushing furiously. He stared at her curiously and nodded again.

"Don't worry about the folks, just keep an eye on Marsha,"


"That's a cold little bitch. Seeing you happy after she took your man is really pissing her off,"

"Oh, come on Curt, she's my friend,"

"She's nobody's friend," he spat vehemently, "There's a big empty hole inside her and she can only fill it by making herself feel superior to everyone around her. She gets off on other people's misery. She's going to fuck Carlos over and if she can she is going to fuck you up too. I know you don't believe it, but I slept with her and I know what she's like, under the friendly crap she's a cold hearted bitch,"

"Your drunk,"

"Not nearly. Mark my words sis, she will drop Carlos in a week and before you know it she will hook up with Bo if she can. She's only a few points behind Kim and she will try to fuck her over before she rides at Centerville. One reason I am not upset about you being with CR is that Marsha is afraid of her,"

They returned to the table to find everyone talking about the fair. Marsha was flirting with Bo. Normally Maria wouldn't have noticed, it was pretty normal for them all to joke about sex, but tonight there seemed to be something sinister in it. Both Kim and Carlos seemed oblivious and Maria decided she was just being paranoid, but she took Conn's hand under the table and squeezed it.

The tall girl looked at her and smiled warmly. Once the tabs were paid up they all headed for the fair. The night was sultry and Maria had a wonderful time. Her friends seemed to just accept Connie being there and they guys quickly began to treat her as one of them. The night was a blur and she was happy when they all parted at the gate to go their separate ways. This time when Connie dropped her off Maria was ready.

"Why don't you come in?" she asked. The tall girl looked at her and grinned.

"I'm not sure that such a good idea," Conn said.


"Cause you drive me nuts. I've never wanted anyone like I want you, but you aren't sure what you want now and I get pretty wild in bed,"

"Conn, I've already decided this is what I want. I even told Curt we have already had sex," Maria said blushing. Connie laughed loudly.

"That wasn't sex, that was just heavy petting," she said grinning.

"Well, I want some more heavy petting then," Maria said smiling coyly.

"Damn Girl, you're hotter than a three dollar pistol, but if I come in now it won't be heavy petting, I'll fuck your brains out,"

"Then come in," Maria said blushing madly, but also feeling a knot of desire tightening in the pit of her stomach.

She stepped close and pulled Maria into a tight embrace, those wonderful eyes captured the smaller woman's and held them.

"Do you know what you're asking for? If I come in I am going to put on a strapon and fuck you senseless. You are so cute and sweet and. innocent. I want you, not just for a night, but forever. I don't want to screw it up by letting my hormones get the better of me, I'll wait until your ready, but I swear you would tempt St. Peter himself,"

"Just because I'm inexperienced doesn't mean I'm not ready. If you want me I am yours, for the night or for forever. I just don't want to sleep alone tonight,"

Connie kissed her then. It was a long, soft kiss. Their tongues caressed and glided against one another. It was unhurried, without the urgent need they both felt showing. When the kiss broke Conn released her and opened the saddlebag. She pulled out a black bag and slung it over her shoulder. She put her arm around Maria's trim waist and followed her to her room.

Once the door closed behind them Connie tossed her bag on the bed and wrapped Maria up in her arms again. This time the kiss was more demanding, the tall butch's tongue forced its way into Maria's mouth and began to explore. Maria melted into the embrace, happily parting her lips to accept her lover's agile tongue. It outlined her teeth, caressed her palate and slid under her tongue. Conn's hands slipped down her back and squeezed Maria's sensitive ass, causing the smaller girl to stand on tiptoe.

While still ravishing her mouth and feeling up her ass Connie maneuvered Maria back towards the bed. The little barrel rider felt the bed bump the backs of her knees and before she could do anything they toppled to the bed with Conn lying on top of her. Maria groaned softly into the taller girls mouth when Conn forced a knee between her legs. Maria spread her thighs and felt the bed shift as Conn moved between her thighs. The dark haired girl gasped when Connie's pelvis smacked lightly against her mound, the tightly stretched denim seemed to do nothing to lessen the intensity of that contact.

While the kiss continued Conn slowly dry humped Maria, sending chills down the smaller woman's spine. The taller girl used a slightly plunging motion as she ground her crotch into Maria's. In a very short time Maria's hips were rising to meet Conn's and she could feel that she was beginning to lubricate. When Maria moaned softly Conn broke the kiss and smiled down at her.

"That's nothing babe," she said and then began to unbutton Maria's blouse. As it parted it revealed the sexy black push up bra she wore. Conn pushed herself up on her arms and whistled.

"You like it?" Maria said. Her voice sounded husky in her ear.

"Shit yeah, I'd find you attractive in a burlap sack, but I love a girl in sexy lingerie,"

While her hands tugged the shirt out of Maria's jeans her mouth slipped to the girl's neck. Maria's hands clenched taking in two fistfuls of the comforter, she tossed her head to the side and chewed on her bottom lip. Connie's hands slid into the blouse and pushed it aside until Maria's midriff was bare. The tongue and lips on her throat felt fantastic, but Maria inhaled sharply when she felt those calloused hands on her bare flesh. They raked up her tummy and then cupped her full breasts.

"I love your tits," Conn whispered.

Maria couldn't understand why, but the dirtier Connie talked the more excited she became. The butch seemed to realize this and made sure to keep ratcheting up Maria's desire. She pulled Maria to a half sitting position and her hands slipped to the Hispanic girl's back. She deftly unclasped the bra and Maria wondered fleetingly how many times she had done it to other girls. Conn pulled her shirt and vest off her shoulders and gently pushed her back onto the bed.

"God, what a rack!" she exclaimed before dropping her head and taking one of Maria's stiff pink nipples into her mouth. Connie's mouth was warm and when her soft tongue began to worry Maria's nipple the smaller girl arched her back. It seemed to Maria that her nipple was directly connected to the small of her back, and each flick of Connie's tongue sent a tinge of pleasure there. Her hips and ass seemed to have minds of their own, moving without her conscious thought and in time to those shocks from her nipple.

Between her shirt, vest and bra Maria's arms were virtually trapped at her sides now. Conn seemed to be in no hurry at all and lavished attention on Maria's breasts. She squeezed them, kneaded them, stroked them and licked them until Maria thought she would explode. It felt as if there wasn't a single millimeter of skin Conn didn't pay attention to and every nerve ending in every one of those millimeters was totally alert. Her back arched as a spasm of pleasure shot through her and she turned her head and caught a mouthful of the comforter. She bit down hard and held it in her teeth, hoping to stifle some of her growing moans as Conn continued to worship her breasts.

Finally, when she was almost crying because it felt so good Conn relented and slid her hands down Maria's tummy to her belt. Maria tried to help this time rather than hinder, but her clothes had her arms held fast and all she could do was raise her hips when Conn peeled the tight jeans over them and down her smooth thighs. She wore a pair of black lace panties, it was the only pair she owned that she thought were sexy. Her mother was very traditional and Maria had decided long ago that as long as she was living at home she would play the good catholic girl. It prevented so many arguments. Conn peeled the flimsy garment down Maria's legs and then held it to her nose.

"God, you smell edible," she breathed as her fingers gently caressed Maria's mound.

"And you're so fucking wet," Conn said excitedly. Maria blushed, but it didn't stop her from watching as the lanky cowgirl stood and removed her shirt. Conn's breasts were small and flat, but her nipples were thick and longer than Maria's. The bull rider sat on the bed and quickly removed her boots. Maria started to shrug out of her shirt and vest when Conn stood and undid her jeans. She was looking right into Maria's eyes when she pulled her jeans and boxers down and stepped out of them.

Conn's legs were smooth, lean and well muscled. They seemed impossibly long and tan, but Maria's eyes were glued to her pussy. Maria had seen plenty of girls naked, but never one who kept her mound clean-shaven and it was amazing how the lack of pubic hair seemed to make Conn's pussy more prominent.

Conn opened her bag and took out her strapon. She turned her back to Maria, allowing the little Hispanic girl to drink in the sight of that beautiful, well-muscled ass while Conn buckled the harness on. When Conn turned around Maria gasped. The harness covered her mound completely and the dildo was nothing short of enormous. It was flesh colored and at least ten inches long with veins and a wicked looking head. It also had an upward curve and was so big around at the base that Maria doubted she could get her hand around it. Maria shook her head silently, mouthing words that wouldn't come.

"You like?" Conn said with a chuckle as she stroked the large dong.

"It's huge," Maria breathed at last.

"I told you I was going to fuck you senseless. A lot of the girls I have slept with also sleep with guys. Call it penis envy or something, but I made damned sure I am always bigger than anyone they have been with when I got this thing,"

"It's not going to fit Conn," Maria said with a trace of fear in her voice.

"Yes it will baby and you're going to love it," the butch said as she knelt on the floor between Maria's legs and pushed her thighs apart. Maria was unable to protest further because Conn pressed her face tightly to Maria's pussy and forced her tongue between the Hispanic girl's pink lips.

Maria cried out in ecstasy when Conn's long tongue began to lap at her inner labia. She had never been eaten out before and the difference between someone's fingers and Conn's soft tongue was nothing short of apocalyptic. Her mind tried to cope with the influx of new sensations, but when Conn's tongue found her clit and started to lash it Maria screamed. The muscles in her pussy contracted violently once and stayed clenched. The rest of the muscles in her body seemed to follow her pussy's lead and contracted until she was so tense she felt her skin would be ripped off. Another strangled cry was torn from her lips when her orgasm arrived. The blissful relief of her muscles unknoting was shattered by violent contractions in her pussy. Waves of pleasure spread from her center outward and she shook uncontrollably. The animal cries of passion that issued from her throat shocked her.

After shocks were still wracking her slight frame when Conn rose to her knees and firmly grasped the big dong. She stroked the head of the massive phallus up and down Maria's lips, causing the girl's bottom to undulate. Maria felt the thick head of Conn's cock at her entrance. She was afraid of the big cock and wanted to protest, but her tongue seemed to be stuck to the roof of her mouth. Conn was applying a steady pressure with her hips and the ring of muscles at Maria's entrance slowly yielded to allow the fat head to pass between her lips and into her tight tunnel. Her inner muscles immediately clamped down on the large intruder.

Maria groaned. The only boy she had ever had sex with was Carlos. Compared to Conn's massive cock his seemed like a toy. Maria had never felt so full. She was sure the cowgirl would split her in half if she didn't stop.

"Please no, it hurts," she cried out in alarm, struggling to get away from the big cock.

"Shhhhh, its all right baby. Just take some time and get used to it, I'll go slow," Conn said while gently stroking her thighs. The girl's calm and soothing touch allayed Maria's fears to some degree. Maria closed her eyes and willed her body to relax. Slowly the tightened muscles relaxed and after a minute or two the feeling of fullness actually became mildly pleasurable. Conn seemed to sense that she was ready and slowly pressed forward again. Maria could feel the blunt head of the cock as it pushed tissue aside and nosed deeper into her body. Conn was as gentle as she had been with Maria's breasts, stopping often and pulling back if she saw Maria was experiencing discomfort. At some point it hit a spot deep inside where nothing had ever touched before and Maria's body spasmed. She tried to speak, but no sound issued from her open mouth.

She tried to relax and waited for the huge cock to resume its assault, but after what seemed a very long time she carefully opened her eyes. Conn was looking down at the juncture of their thighs with a smile and Maria was shocked to see the whole dildo was buried in her pussy.

"See babe?" Conn said. Maria could only nod. She couldn't believe she could take such a massive instrument and the knowledge that she had made her very aroused. Conn slowly withdrew the big cock and Maria groaned as she felt suddenly emptied. She could feel it sliding out of her and found to her surprise she wanted it back in. Conn didn't let her yearn for very long, she slowly pushed back in, this time there was no pain associated with penetration, just a pleasant friction. After a few more long slow strokes Conn bent and wrapped her arms around Maria's legs and then straightened. She was now on her knees and holding Maria's legs straight up from the bed and tightly against her chest. Bent this way the slight girl could feel the imposing cock even more acutely. Conn set her legs and pulled out slowly until only the head remained inside her little lover.

"Ready baby?" she said in a husky voice. Maria could only nod, she seemed incapable of speaking in her passion.

Conn jabbed her hips forward causing the big cock to shoot deeply in to Maria's pussy. The sudden charge forced the air from her lungs and made her see stars. That was only the beginning though, Conn repeatedly thrust forward, establishing a pace that was hard and deep, while using Maria's legs for purchase. Maria tried to get used to the pounding rhythm; in, out, in, out, full, empty, then deliciously full again. Already sensitized from her first orgasm her second came very quickly. She tossed her head from side to side and mewled like an animal as the contractions tore through her. Conn kept up the driving rhythm and before long a third, then a fourth orgasm assailed the smaller girl.

How long it went on Maria would never know. As orgasm blended into orgasm she lost all track of time and all count of how many she had experienced, she only knew she was being fucked like never before and she never wanted it to end. Eventually the pleasure of each orgasm became so acute that it was almost painful. Conn continued to hammer into her yielding body and Maria found herself hanging on that exquisite razor's edge, where one side was sheer bliss and the other side pure hell. She couldn't stand the pleasure any longer and her mind simply shut down, carrying her off to a restful place where all was dark and quiet.

She was dimly aware of Conn rolling her over onto her tummy. She closed her eyes and felt the butch's arms slide around her waist and pull her onto her knees. Maria pulled a pillow down and put her it under her head, more to muffle the noise than for comfort, she was alarmed at how loud she was becoming. The colossal cock was quickly pressed against her wet lips again and she groaned softly as it slid into her sore pussy.

Conn's calloused hands took a tight hold on her hips and then the butch leaned over her back and nuzzled her ear.

"Ready to see how I got to be so good?" she whispered. Maria nodded and gasped when the cock was quickly withdrawn and then rammed back into her. The angle was different, the stroke was different and Conn's hips rhythmically slapping against her ass cheeks seemed unnaturally loud. Maria felt her body begin to tense as another orgasm approached but Conn slowed down. Maria groaned in frustration and surprised herself by thrusting back on the huge dildo, causing Conn to chuckle.

"That's right baby, give me a ride," Conn said as her fingers dug into Maria's hips. The tall cowgirl started to fuck her in earnest then, slamming the fake cock into her with long powerful thrusts that took poor Maria's breath away. Conn was now adding a flourish of her hips to each stroke that drove the cock against the walls of Maria's pussy at different angles. It made her feel like it was even bigger than it was and she groaned into the pillow.

More orgasms. How many more? She would never know. At some point her mind disassociated itself from her pleasure- wracked body. She whimpered into the pillow and knew no more.

Maria woke to find the bed empty and Connie gone. A note was sitting on the nightstand and she took it with trembling hands, her imagination immediately leaping to the conclusion the tall butch had not enjoyed their night together. She wondered what she might have done wrong, or if the tall cowgirl had just used her. A million fears ran through her head as she opened the single sheet of paper.


Sorry to leave without a goodbye fuck, but you looked so peaceful I couldn't bring myself to wake you. I had a message on my cell this morning when I woke up. There has been a bus accident over to Collier and several of the riders are laid up. My friend Lacy said to hurry over if I want to ride as a replacement. I will call when I can.



p.s. I invited Curtis to ride over with me, he asked that you get his truck home for him.

Maria reread the note several times, always feeling her heart leap at the word Love. Her body felt as if she had been run over by a truck. Her muscles ached and when she made the mistake of moving the abused tissues in her pussy caused her to gasp. She was so sore, but god, it was a wonderful soreness. She felt relaxed and content, her body wishing only for her to roll over and go back to sleep.

She noticed Curt's truck key on the nightstand and smiled. The Collier rodeo was a pro event, if they managed to make it as replacement riders it would be Curt's first chance to ride in a pro event. Nothing would ensure that they got along like it would if Curt's first shot at the big time was due to Conn. Maria wished them both luck as she rose and packed. She was just putting her trophy into her bag after admiring it once more when there was knock at the door.

"Who's there?"

"It's me, Kim,"

Maria stiffly rose and pulled on her shirt and panties before letting her in. Kim had a bag over her shoulder and wore daisy duke cut offs that revealed a daring amount of thigh.

"You about ready?" she asked and then giggled when she saw how Maria was dressed.

"Ready for what?"

"To get out of here, Carlos and them started back over three hours ago," she said with a laugh. When Maria seemed lost the blonde took her by the shoulders and shook her gently.

"Earth to Maria, it's one o'clock in the afternoon, we have a long way to go," she said smiling broadly. When Maria still just stood there in confusion Kim chuckled.

"Must have been some night! But, we can talk about that later, we need to get going, come on,"

"Your riding with me?' Maria finally got out as she tugged her jeans on and threw things into her bag.

"Of course, I'm not going to let you drive back alone. Everyone knows about the accident, thank god no one was killed. Hopefully Curt and Connie will make it as replacements,"

The first part of the ride was very pleasant, with Kim talking about this and that and Maria just listening. Her mind wasn't on the road nor her companion, it kept returning to last night and the incredible sex she had enjoyed. Finally Kim stopped talking and turned to her.

"All right, I have been good as long as I can, how was it?"

"How was what?" Maria said.

"Maria Gonzalez don't you even think of playing innocent with me, you know damn well what I am talking about," Kim cried.

"No, what?" she said, doing her best to look innocent. Kim growled and dug her fingers into Maria's ribs. The Hispanic girl screamed and dodged away, causing the truck to swerve, luckily there wasn't another car in sight.

"All right, all right!" she giggled as Kim continued to tickle her. The blonde stopped and looked at her expectantly.

"Oh Kim, it was awesome! I came like ten times...I had no idea sex could be that fun, she fucked me all night long, I finally passed out it felt so good," Maria gushed. Kim squealed in delight and made her recall the entire night with every detail. By the time they got home they were both horny and Kim quickly left to meet up with Bo. Maria went in and told her folks about the rodeo, about Curtis getting an opportunity to ride professionally and showed them her trophy before going to bed. She fell asleep instantly and Connie was there, in her dreams, waiting with open arms.

The week passed slowly and by Friday night Maria felt like she was going insane. She missed Conn so much it hurt and despite masturbating every evening as soon as she got in she was so horny she felt like she would explode. She was daydreaming in class and the only time she managed to keep the tall bull rider out of her thoughts was when she was riding Blue. She was finishing dinner with her folks when the phone rang. Her mother got it and came back to the table to tell her it was for her. Maria was expecting a call from Kim and her legs went weak when Conn's voice came across the line.

"Hey, babe,"


"How's my girl?"

"I'm lonely, when am I going to see you again?"

"I'll be in Centerville next weekend," the voice said.

"I will too," Maria said smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"I know, can you bring Curt's truck up?"

"Sure, Ya'll staying in Collier?"

"No babe, rodeo here is over, but a lot of the regulars are still in the hospital so they asked Curt and I and a few others to ride in the show up at Groatansville,"

"That's great," Maria said, trying to hide her disappointment at not seeing her this weekend.

"You're hell on me girl. I've never had anyone to call my own. The rodeo is my life, but you sure make it hard not to pack it in and run to you,"

"It's no picnic for me either,"

"Well, keep that little pussy warm for me,"

"Is that all you're interested in?" Maria said, perhaps a bit to harshly.

"No Maria, I miss you so bad it hurts. I'm trying to joke my way through this, that's all. I hate to sound sappy, but damn I miss you,"

"I miss you too. I'm sorry for snapping, it's just so damn unfair that you're so far away," Maria nearly whined.

"Keep smiling lover, I will see you next weekend. Curt wants to talk to your folks so I'll let you go,"

Maria picked at her meal while her parents talked on and on about how lucky it was that Curt had gotten such a break.

"Who was that girl Maria? I thought Curt and Shelly were still seeing each other?"

"They are mom and Connie is seeing someone else, they're just friends," Maria said, excusing herself from the table and going to her room. Maria had often heard of how lonely the life of a rodeo girlfriend was. If this last week was any indication then the stories fell far short of the mark. She had never been so lonely, or missed anyone so much. She knew it was the price she would have to pay for staying with Conn, but even as she ached with loneliness she remembered how good it felt when the tall cowgirl put her arm around her and how joyous she could make her feel with just a word. That inevitably led her mind to sex and she slid her hand down her body and began to gently stroke herself. Memories of their one night together flooded her mind and before she knew it she was cumming. She curled up holding tightly to a pillow and pretending it was her cowgirl.

Maria hung out with her friends that weekend and endured another seemingly endless week. On Thursday she had the trailer hooked up and Blue loaded by 2:00. She planned on cutting her last class and being halfway to Centerville by the time it got dark. Her mind was filled with Conn and her big dildo. She had reached the point where her horniness was getting equal play with her loneliness by now. Orgasms brought about by her own fingers were just not the same. She was on her way out of the house when the phone rang. She almost didn't get it, but decided it might be her mom so she picked up.


"Ria?' Kim's voice came over the phone. It had a strange quality to it, forlorn and upset.

"What's wrong Kim?" Maria asked, suddenly very concerned about her friend.

"Nothing. Have you got room in the trailer for Gent?"

"Sure," Maria said. She was worried now, Gent always rode with Bo's horse Rivets.

"Can you pick me up at the stables?"

"Sure thing,"

"Thanks Ria," Kim said and the line went dead.

They loaded Gent up and stopped off at Kim's house to get her stuff. She was quiet, withdrawn and totally unlike herself. Maria didn't say anything either because she was worried about Kim, but she knew Kim would speak only when she was ready.

"Thanks again for the ride," Kim said nearly an hour later.

"You know it's no problem, are you going to tell me what's wrong or just leave me in suspense?" Maria said.

"I caught Bo in bed with Marsha last weekend," Kim said in a subdued voice.

"Kim, I am so sorry..." Maria began.

"Don't be. If he would do that to me I don't need him. I'm sorry I haven't been around all week, but you are so in love and it hurt to see someone so happy when I was so down,"

Maria thought carefully. What did one say here? Offer condolences? Condemn Bo or rant about what a cunt Marsha was? Just offer quiet support maybe? Maria decided on humor, which was one thing Kim usually responded to.

"Maybe you should think about getting a girlfriend," Maria said smiling.

"Maybe I should," the blonde girl said with a smile. The rest of the trip they talked a lot and by the time they reached Centerville they were both laughing and happy. They stabled the horses and parked the truck behind the motel they were staying at. Kim didn't want to be alone and truthfully neither did Maria, so they both crashed in Maria's room. They sat up all night drinking coke, eating junk food, watching bad movies and talking about things.

"I think I just need to get away," Kim said as they were both drifting of to sleep.

"Why not take a trip up to aspen to see you grandparents?" Maria suggested. She had visited once with Kim when they were younger and the scenery still impressed her years later.

"That sounds like a plan," Kim said.

When morning came they dressed and dropped the trailer then rode over to the Ag building for the competition. Maria was a little disappointed when she didn't see Conn's bike anywhere, but didn't really have time to worry about it. The competition began badly for her when Marsha posted a time of 16:034. Kim wasn't herself and knocked over a barrel.

Maria was standing next to Mrs. Cannon, the riding team faculty advisor when Kim knocked the barrel over.

"Well, that's bad for Miss Hall," she said.

"Why?' Maria asked.

"She and Miss Tucker were neck and neck in points for team captain next season. Miss Tucker has to win today and Miss Hall has to not place. I am actually sorry, between us chickens I think a lot more of Kim than I do of Miss Tucker,"

"Does Marsha have to win, or just place?" Maria asked.

"She has to win. If she takes second even she will not over take Miss Hall," Mrs. Cannon said. Maria thought about it as she got Blue ready and lead the small horse out of his stall. As she was leading Blue to the starting gate she passed Marsha who was all over Bo. It was all she could do to keep from spitting in her smug face and she knew suddenly she was going to have to beat this bitch.

She climbed on Blue's back and whispered to the little horse. She told him how important it was to her that Marsha not win. How she just had to win so Kim would stay captain. The little horse seemed to understand and when the bell sounded Blue thundered across the threshold. Maria leaned way over and took him left, cutting the first barrel so tightly she felt it against her leg. Blue was going all out and she barely had time to lean in as he made the sharpest right cut Maria had ever seen him make. Her leg again brushed the barrel and then it was a hard sprint for the last barrel. Blue took this one so sharply that Maria felt like her hair was dragging the floor of the dirt arena. The little horse shot into the straightaway and was flying when he crossed the sensors and the clock stopped. Maria had to rein him in hard to keep from hitting the wall at the back of the starting area.

She was breathing hard and her muscles were twitching beneath her clothes, but she nearly shouted when the announcement came over the pa.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner today, Maria Gonzalez with a time of sixteen point oh-two-two seconds,"

Kim ran up and hugged her. Something passed between them, a silent acknowledgement that Maria had won it for Kim and an equally silent out pouring of thanks. Suddenly she was surrounded by her friends. Curt was there and wrapped her up in a big hug and Carlos smiled and hugged her too. There were many others and the congratulations felt wonderful, but nothing felt quite as good as the sour look on Marsha's face. Maria was ecstatic, but she didn't see Conn anywhere. Eventually when the congratulations petered out Curt pulled her aside.

"Sis, I have some bad news," he said.

"What is it?"

"Connie took a bad spill over at Groatansville,"

"How bad?" Maria said her voice quavering.

"This bad," a familiar voice called. Maria spun and her mouth fell open. Connie was standing there on crutches. Her left leg was in an air cast from the knee down and her pants leg was split to go over it. Her left arm was also in a cast from the shoulder down. Both of her eyes were black and blue, her nose was twice its normal size and her upper lip was busted. Beneath her hat Maria could see that her head was also bandaged. Maria ran to her, but stopped before throwing her arms around her.

"What happened?"

"Tilt-a-Whirl," she said with a shrug. She looked awful, but her smile made Maria's heart leap. She reached out and gently stroked the taller girl's cheek.

"Can I hug you?"

"Just don't squeeze to hard," she said. Maria hugged her gently and Conn hugged back with her good arm. They kissed, but it was just a peck, Maria was afraid to even touch her right now. Curt came up and smiled at them.

"I'll get Blue loaded up while you get your stuff sis. Kim is going to grab your trophy for you and catch a ride back with Carlos,"

"Where are we going?"

"Home," he said easily, "I called mom and dad from the hospital, they said it would be fine if CR stayed with us till she recovered," he said winking.

"Curt, load up Gentleman too please," Maria said. He looked at her quizzically, but nodded and turned on his heel.

During the ride back Connie dozed with her head on Maria's shoulder. The painkillers made her drowsy and before they had been on the road twenty minutes she was sound asleep. As excited as Maria was about having her girlfriend with her, she was more concerned about her welfare and so let her sleep.

"Was it bad Curt?" Maria asked quietly when she was sure Conn was asleep.

"I've seen worse, but I am glad you weren't there," he said staring fixedly ahead. It bothered Maria that he didn't face her.

"She looked bad before they cleaned up the blood and mud," he said seriously. Maria looked lovingly at the head resting fitfully on her shoulder. In her mind she saw that beautiful body crushed under the weight of a plunging bull and felt sick to her stomach.

"I'm not sure I can deal with this," she said in a whisper.

"Sure you can sis. She's a good rider, a damned good rider, she just took a bad spill. It happens. I think she may make it onto the professional circuit soon. She was good before you two hooked up, but now. Now she has something to ride for besides herself and it shows. She scored 86 at Collier and took third place. I know you don't want to hear advice from your older brother, but I've spent a lot of time with her. She'll take good care of you sis, I've never seen anyone more in love. I mean, she scores an 86 in her first pro ride, takes third place and all she talked about the whole blessed evening was you. She has plans for her life and she's going somewhere, not like the rest of the bums we hang out with. She's been on her own a long time now and you mean so much to her. She's tough and she's stubborn, but she'll never hurt you," he said. The words came with hesitation here and there, but Maria could not mistake the honesty with which they were spoken.

By the time they got home and got the horses taken care of it was approaching dark. As they pulled up in the driveway Maria gently shook Conn awake.

"We're home baby," she said in a hushed voice.

"Home?" Conn said sleepily, as if the word were alien to her. They helped her out of the truck and as they approached the front door Curt suddenly pushed Maria away from Connie and put his arm around the girl. Both of them were staring at him when the door opened and her mother stepped out onto the porch.

"Hey ma, this is CR," Curt said a bit too loudly.

"Good gracious, get the poor thing inside, dinner is almost ready. I haven't cleaned out the guest bedroom yet," their mother said.

"That's all right, she can sleep in my room with me," Curt said, squeezing Connie's waist and kissing her cheek. The lanky butch was staring daggers at him and Maria wondered what he was up to.

"I don't think so. Maria, it won't bother you if she shares your room for a few nights will it?" her mother asked.

"No, that's fine mom," Maria said, trying not to grin when Curt winked at her. Connie was groggy and they decided to just take her straight to bed. Curt helped her into the room and stayed with her a while before coming out and joining the family in the dining room. Maria sat up with her folks and Curt for a while and then yawned conspicuously.

"I'm going to bed,' she said as she stood up.

"Good night dear," her father said and hugged her.

"Try not to wake that poor child Maria," her mother admonished. Curt grinned at her and Maria blushed as she made her way down the hall. Conn was lying in her bed with her head propped up and her body covered with a comforter.

"I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me," she said with a smile.

"Never," Maria said. As soon as the door was closed and locked Connie whipped the blanket off to reveal she was naked and wearing her strapon.

"I'm sorry, but for the time being at least I won't be able to show you how I got so good, you will just have to show me how well you ride," she said and smiled. Maria was torn between her lust and the frightful condition Conn was in. Seeing her naked really brought home to Maria just how bad the spill must have been. On her thigh was and angry bluish green bruise that stretched from the top of the cast to well over her hip. There was a tear along her flat tummy that showed signs of having been stitched up and even her good arm was covered in bruises and barely healed cuts.

"I've seen that look before. You're wondering now what you have gotten yourself into and if the next one won't kill me,"

Maria came over and sat on the edge of the bed. She wanted to say something comforting, but all her mind could see was a huge bull trampling her lover and it frightened her.

"Why?" Maria finally asked.

"Because I love it, I guess. I know it's dangerous, I think I may have even started hoping something bad would happen to put me out of my misery. For a long time I couldn't accept who and what I was. I found out I was good at it and came to take pride in my ability, but always the danger provides the real thrill,"

"I can't love someone with a deathwish!" Maria said, shaking her head violently. Conn sat up painfully and caught Maria's shoulder with her good arm. Their eyes locked and the bull rider spoke. She was hesitant at first, but became more confident as she went on.

"I don't have a deathwish...At least I don't any more. I had always imagined it, going down under a bull and just watching as it trampled the life out of me, but I swear to you Maria, when I went down my only thought was of you. I had to get out of his way, not for me, but because I had to get back to you. When my life flashed before my eyes the only thing in it worth a damn was you. I love you,"

There it was. The final piece in the mosaic that was loving Conn. Nights spent alone with just her imagination and fingers, days filled with the lurking fear of serious injury or god forbid even death, and only the fleeting time between shows to share. No sane woman was going to sign up for that. Add to it the fact that it was a lesbian relationship and all the hardships that would create and an interracial lesbian relationship at that. How would she tell her folks? What would father Contrares say? A million other what-ifs flooded her mind.

She looked at Conn again and felt the love for her rise up to battle the what-ifs. The internal struggle was so fierce Maria uttered a prayer unconsciously.

"Mary Please," she whispered and then glanced at the Madonnas on her dresser. At that moment Conn placed her good hand in Maria's and a car passed by the house. The headlights illuminated the small statue and the soft features of the Virgin were cast in relief. It seemed to Maria that the statue was smiling at her and a sudden peace filled her, stilling all the voices. She knew then, knew that it was all right and that things would be fine. She pulled Conn's hand to her face and brushed the back of the cowgirl's knuckles with her lips.

"I love you too,' Maria said as she gazed into Conn's eyes. She saw a slight blush rise to the cowgirl's cheeks and her gray eyes blazed with happiness.

"Let's fuck," Conn said with a grin. It didn't bother her anymore that her lover seemed fixated on sex. That blush had told Maria far more than the cowgirl could ever realize. For all her bluff bravado, brashness and confidence, Maria realized Connie was nervous about being in love. The constant reference to sex was her way of trying to cope with it. She felt this was probably the first time the lean cowgirl had ever been in love and Maria thought it was probably her first time too.

"No way," Maria giggled.

"Awww, come on. I have been dreaming about you for two weeks now," Conn said as she struggled to pull Maria to her with just her good arm.

"I'm afraid to even touch you," Maria said.

"Don't be," Conn said smiling.

Maria rose and slowly unbuttoned her top. She kept her eyes on Conn's face and the cowgirl's eyes never left Maria's fingers as they slowly undid the buttons. Maria finished but didn't pull the shirt aside, instead she undid the belt she wore and unbuttoned and unzipped her fly. She knew that Conn would be able to see that her bra was red and so were her panties, but that was all. Continuing to move slowly she stepped out of her boots and pulled the clip from her hair letting it spill down her shoulders.

"God," Conn moaned softly. That expression brought a smile to Maria's lips.

Maria hesitated and then slowly removed her blouse, exposing her shoulders, tummy and the racy red bra. Conn's good hand slid down to her strapon and began to stroke it, pushing it hard against her mound. Maria noticed that even the cowgirl's larger hand wasn't able to close all the way around it. Maria tossed her shirt away, perhaps unconsciously it landed on her dresser and covered the small statue of the Virgin.

Maria licked her lips and peeled off her jeans, stepping out of them she approached the foot of the bed. Even with the casts and bruises she felt herself growing unbearably aroused. Conn looked so good and Maria had been waiting for it for over two weeks now. A month ago sex was a take it or leave it thing, now her body hungered for it in a way she would never have been able to imagine.

"Loose the panties and mount up," Conn said in a voice thick with desire.

Maria hooked her fingers into her panties and pulled them down her smooth legs, exposing her thick black pubic triangle to the injured cowgirl's hungry eyes. She then carefully climbed onto the bed, straddling Conn's legs and finally coming to rest with her ass on the cowgirl's thighs. Conn winced in pain and Maria immediately pushed herself up on her knees again.

"This just isn't going to work," the little barrel rider said ruefully.

"The hell it ain't," Conn grunted as her good hand went to Maria's hip.

"You can't even take my weight on your legs without grimacing, I am not going to enjoy it at all if I know its hurting you," Maria protested.

"I've been dreaming about getting back in your pants since Austin. Come hell or high water someone in this room is getting fucked tonight and it damn sure isn't me," Conn said stridently. Maria frowned and glanced at the door fearfully. The lanky cowgirl smiled and her voice softened perceptibly.

"It's o.k. baby. My thigh smarts some, but it isn't bad and my hips are fine. I really want to make love to you, but if you are going to be worried the whole time about hurting me then there's no point,"

"I'm willing to try, but I don't want to hurt you,"

"Baby, sleeping all night with you and not making love will hurt a lot more than a little pain," Conn said. Maria nodded and looked down at the imposing dildo again. She carefully moved her knees up until she was poised over the big dong. Conn held the base of it steadily and gave her an encouraging smile.

Maria's hand grasped the big dong and she felt a shudder run through her. She knew it would fit, in fact she knew if felt incredible, but she was still a little apprehensive. It seemed so big. She placed the bulbous head at her entrance and slowly lowered herself onto it. Even without foreplay she was excited and her nether lips were already slick with her juices. The head had only slipped about halfway into her when the ring of muscles at her entrance contracted around it.

"Go easy baby," Conn whispered. Maria nodded silently and closed her eyes. She unconsciously bit her lower lip, totally unaware that the expression was driving Conn nuts.

Maria groaned softly when the muscles finally gave and the thick head sliced into her. She felt so full and stretched that she just held herself there, her slight frame shuddering as her inner muscles clamped down on the intruder. Where it had been painful the first time there was only pleasure and anticipation now.

Conn moved her hand from the base and ran her fingers gently through Maria's pubic hair, slowly caressing her mound. Her fingers slipped deeper into the soft fur and found the top of Maria's slit. The little barrel rider hissed when she felt Conn's fingers begin to stroke her lips. She relaxed slightly and felt the big dildo ease deeper into her cavern. She suddenly wondered what it looked like. The idea, once it had taken root in her mind seemed to blot out all else and she leaned forward, supporting her weight on her arms and knees and looked down to the juncture of her thighs.

Maria could see the big cock and the lewd way her vaginal lips were stretched around it. She was stunned to see that most of the big dildo was still outside, she felt so full already, but she guessed she only had about two inches of the actual shaft inside her pussy. Something about it was extremely fascinating and Maria relaxed her leg muscles while watching as more of the shaft disappeared into her pussy. Conn gently pulled her hair aside and Maria realized that her lover was watching too, which only made it seem more erotic. More and more of the plastic cock disappeared until with a satisfied little sigh Maria's mound rested on Conn's.

For a while she just lay there while Conn gently stroked her hair. The lanky cowgirl seemed content to wait until Maria got used to it and Maria just reveled in Conn's nearness and the nice full sensation the dildo gave her. Conn's body was hard but her skin was soft and her hands so very gentle.

"Now, show me how my little barrel racer rides," Conn said eventually.

Maria nodded and straightened up on the big dildo. At first she just gently rocked her hips, feeling the big dildo stirring slightly inside her. The motion was slow and gentle and rubbed her clitoral area against the leather of Connie's harness. As the gentle rubbing of her clit combined with the slight movements of the big dildo inside her Maria began to become more and more aroused. Her hips jogged quicker and she experimentally raised her body an inch or two and let it fall back on the big dildo.

Conn grunted and thrust upward with her hips. She couldn't use her legs for leverage, but she did manage to drive the cock hard into her little lover. Maria gasped and rode down hard again producing another grunt from Conn. Maria got it then, the base of the dildo was seated right over Conn's clit, each time she rode down on it, it pressed against the tall cowgirls clitoral area. The harder she rode down on it, the better it felt to Conn.

Maria began to rise higher on the cock so she could ride down harder. Conn bit her lip and thrust upward as much as she could. Maria thought back to their first night and realized Conn hadn't cum, at least she didn't remember the tall girl having an orgasm. The big cock moving in and out of her pussy felt wonderful, but Maria realized she was really in control now. By stopping her downward plunges just short of making contact with the harness she could hold off her orgasm while driving Conn towards hers. For her part the lanky butch tried to thrust upwards to give Maria that contact. It quickly became a contest of sorts with each girl fighting off her own orgasm to make her partner cum first. Conn's free hand seized her breast and began to squeeze.

Maria placed her hands on Conn's breasts and squeezed them while going wild on the big cock. It felt incredible sliding in and out and she knew she couldn't hold back too much longer. She looked down to find Conn's face contorted with pleasure. The tall butch was fighting off her orgasm, but Maria felt sure she could drive Conn over the edge before her own control slipped. Her hips went wild, smashing down on the big dildo with all the force she had in her body.

"Fuck," Conn groaned. Maria almost shouted in triumph when Conn bit her lip and her tall body shook from head to foot. Knowing she had brought her lover off Maria let go and with in a few seconds her own pussy spasmed in delight.

Kim came into the stables just as Maria finished mucking out Blue's stall. Kim's eyes went immediately to the huge belt buckle Maria wore. The blonde smiled and shook her head.

"I guess that means your taken now?' she said indicating the buckle. It was more than just a belt buckle, it was the buckle Conn had won at the Austin rodeo. Any guy who saw Maria wearing it would know she was dating a bull rider. Maria and Conn privately referred to it as her brand.

"Yep, when did you get back?" Maria said smiling. She hadn't seen Kim in almost two months. Her friend had taken a long trip to Aspen the day classes had ended. Bo had split with Marsha, but neither was talking to Maria so she didn't know if he had tried to patch things up with Kim.

"Yesterday. What's doing this weekend?' Kim said as she sauntered over to Gent's stall.

"Going to be boring. Everyone is out of town," Maria said as she leaned against a post and removed her gloves.

"Have you taken good care of Gent? Has she baby? Has Miss Maria been good to you," Kim said as she nuzzled her beloved horse and fed him a sugar cube.

"She's been better to that damned horse than she has her own girlfriend," Connie said as she walked in. Her face was all healed and she had made them take the casts off as soon as the bones had knit. She wore her nice boots and a pair of worn jeans that Maria loved because they showed off her hips and ass. Her blouse was one of the nicest she owned and she wore her good hat. She walked up and embraced Maria and as they kissed her hands slid down to squeeze her ass.

"Jeezus Christ you two, get a room!" Kim said smiling.

"Already have," Conn said, and after breaking the kiss she stared into Maria's eyes.

"I got us the old Johnson place, signed the papers on it just this morning," she said with pride showing in her eyes.

Maria smiled again and they kissed deeply. Her arms were around Conn's neck and she moaned softly when the big butch's hand gently squeezed her breast. Their own place, she was so excited. If Kim hadn't been there she would have dragged her lover over to the hay bail right then and there. In less than a month she had become a complete sex fiend, her seemingly insatiable lust moving Conn to complain that she was going to be too worn out to ride if it kept up.

"Oh come on, that's so unfair. I haven't had sex since Bo left me!" Kim whined.

"Is that a fact?" Conn said looking at the little blonde. The expression on her face told them both it was true.

"I told you, you should find a nice girl," Maria said, smiling wickedly when Conn's hand slipped into the waistband of her jeans and caressed her ass. Kim looked at them with a mix of amusement and desire. The look was precious and Maria was forced to laugh.

"I tried," Kim pouted.

"Come on over to our place tonight," Conn said with a grin, "My friend Lacy is coming down from Amarillo for the house warming. She's partial to blondes and she'll put a smile on your face Ajax won't take off,"

"I will, about seven?" Kim said quickly, surprising them both.

"Make it eight, we should be done by then," Conn said and tossed Maria over her shoulder like a sack of feed. This might be an interesting weekend after all she thought as Conn carried her out to her bike.


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