Riding the Jizz-Wad

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Mar 16, 2014




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Awakened I am, to the sound of the bell! Every time it rings, my heart rises high within me, for I am to go into the light again! I pulled my body together, the chains rattling as I drew my arms close to my side, and my legs under me in a sitting position, four chains have I as my only clothing, one on each wrist and one on each ankle have I, and this is my life.

Upwards I rose upon my central plate into the ceiling, there was a circle of light waiting for me and I looked up into it, and as I reached the ceiling, the sounds of the city surrounded me and I rose into the air and I looked around me at the city and the watchers who have come to see me rise!

The most experienced of them knew which side to get on to watch me best, so I smiled at them like I knew them all personally, and I spread my legs wide so they could see my cock standing erect and eager for the first time. Their eyes on tubular pods swiveled on their gray bodies to focus in on me. Some of them extended gripping pods toward me, but the field kept them at bay.

I reached down and fondled myself, teasing them with my gentle, subtle strokes. I heard some of them make the oogle-oogle-oogle sound that meant they were excited, interested. Grinning at them, I gripped myself firmly and began to pump on my prick. Still slowly, I manipulated my shaft, sliding my hand up and down with smooth, even motions, while their eyes held rapt upon my dong and when my first pearl of precome reached up and out and slid down my cock, they oogle-oogle-oogled again.

I closed my eyes in my pleasure and my breath quickened within me. The watchers oogle-oogle-oogled faster, they knew this part of things, and I leaned back upon my free hand and aimed my prick at the highest part of the sky. This is the time I like to pretend that my shackles have fallen away but none of them have noticed, that I have shrunken down to a very small person and my penis, which is still the same size and standing by itself, is waiting for me. I climb it quickly to the very tip of it and position myself over the slit and that, as always, is when the climax hits me.

I moaned, threw my head back and my spunk sprayed up high and in my pretense I rode that first, hard blast of come right up into the sky and away, high into the air, out past all the clouds and into the stars that I see now and then when they keep me up later for some festival, and out there among the stars I can be free, flying among the little points of light like so many wads of sperm lying about and me among them, forever and ever. One day I'll find the wad of jizz that I can ride all the way up into the sky, away from here, forever and finally free.

But my climax ended and my breathing slowed and no matter how long I lay there and kept my eyes closed, sooner or later I have to open them again and look about and I am still here and I still have on my chains and I still am sitting here among all the gray watchers, most of whom are wandering off to see what else there is to see.

This time, though, to my surprise, there were more than ever. I didn't know what to think about that, they knew that once I'd given my morning performance, it would be some hours before I could do it again. Yet there were more here, and all were watching me and waiting, and I wondered if I should try to do it again, maybe I could manage it after a lot of effort. I didn't know what would happen if I ever disappointed the gray watchers, and didn't want to know.

Then the watchers parted, making way and I saw it. Another container like mine, a cube six feet by six feet by six feet, large enough for anything a human could need. Inside this cube, then, there would be another human being. Were they replacing me? That was one possibility, in which case they would place this container they were bringing, and then take mine away. I hoped that was not so.

There was another, happier possibility; the containers were designed to link into each other when pushed together the right way and that would mean that they had chosen me to breed them more humans for their displays. That would be better, it would mean that they had liked me and wanted me to produce more of us humans for them. Not every human was chosen to breed, and the watchers would want to see us do everything, of course. When the woman had definitely become pregnant, we would stop, and they would take her away. The next day, a new one would be delivered and so I would spend my days. A partner and honor...or to be taken away in disgrace. Which one was it?

To my relief, I saw them push the container carefully up against mine and click together. There was a "chuff" which meant that the two containers had become one. And the roof of the other container opened, and I watched to see my new partner rising up through the circle of the roof. And there my partner was.

I blinked, confused. Another male. This made no sense at all. Why would they partner me with another male? Males were for their displays, we sat in their parks and at preset times, we would put on the show for them, spraying our come into the air for them to watch and smell. This ritual was endlessly amusing to them, which was good because chained as we were, it was all we could do for them.

Whatever this was, this was something new. The male looked at me and his face was contorted with rage and fear. His body was hairy, darker in tone and ablaze with muscles thick and strong. His hair was cut short by some artifice that had also clipped it straight across, making the top of his head as flat as the top of our cubicles. He looked about the park and the gray watchers all about, and he bellowed out sounds that told me beyond a doubt what he was.

A wild human! I had heard of them, but never expected to see one. They growled and howled their odd sounds so unlike the beautiful speech of the gray watchers which I had learned as a child. He threw back his head and he howled out his animal syllables. "Let me go, let me go!"

I could not understand him of course, his bestial noises were alien to me. But I reached over and touched his arm and he turned on me fiercely, and I was afraid. "Peace, be at rest. You are in no danger." I told him in soft tones.

He didn't understand me any better than I did him, but my arm and my sound and my face did soothe him. He sank down and put his face into his hands and knew he had gone from rage into despair. The chains I wore were enough to let me reach him easily (I could have slid all the way off the cube if I chose, though doing so would have left me helpless, my feet on the ground but unable to move even one step away from it), so I did something I had never done and had only had done to me by my mother, I reached over and I wrapped my arms around him and I held onto him while he wept, the racking sobs of hopelessness that a wild thing feels when it is caged.

He was silent after a moment or two and I looked up from him to the gray watchers, and they were still there. Watching. Waiting. What did they want?

What did the gray watchers ever want from us humans? To watch us stroke ourselves, and to see the explosion of our seed into the air in a white plume of liquid joy. To suck in the smells of the fluid which was exciting to them in some way we humans did not understand.

They must be waiting for him to do it for them, to watch a wild human doing this, see how different his jizz smelled than a tame human's like mine.

But my companion was ignorant of what they wanted of him, I realized. I would have to take him in hand myself, to keep him safe and with me. And that must be, I knew, why they'd brought him to me, to train him in the ways to please them as I had.

He was silent, solemn and still. I put my hands, which had held him in still sympathy, to work stroking him, rubbing him gently upon those large chest muscles. Moving my hands slowly lower.

He at first accepted my attentions and then he suddenly hissed, stiffened his body in my arms, and rose up on his knees. I took the chance to slide my hands lower and grasp his prong. His hands firmly pulled mine away, but as soon as he would release them, I would replace them about his organ, a firm, plump one that was stiffening from my attentions.

He pushed me away entirely and seemed about to attack me, I hastily waved my hand toward the gray watchers, which took his attention to them. He surveyed them, their eye tubes pointed at us. "They are waiting for us." I said to him. With gestures, I tried to communicate what I meant. After the third or fourth attempt, he seemed to understand. With a heavy sigh, he lowered his hands and I reached for his prong again. When I caught hold of it this time, he did not resist me. His prod became fully erect and hard for me, and the gray watchers oogle-oogle-oogled in eagerness. Indeed, they scrambled to gain each a better position to watch us.

But my companion, while he could hold an erection under those myriad alien eyes, he could do no more. His eyes kept roaming over the gray watchers, as if waiting for something to happen among them, what I could not say.

He needed more than my hand, I knew. At least this first time, confronted by the beings he had dodged for his entire life now watching his every twitch.

So I leaned in and resting my weight on one hand and the other resting upon his hairy buttocks, I caught his cock in my mouth. His voice was startled as he gabbled out an alarm. "What are you doing?" he asked me.

I understood him, if not his words. "Be at peace." I said to him again. "I will help you get through this." My tone communicated to him and he acquiesced, and I returned my lips to his prod and sucked him down my throat as best I could, he was so fat and his glands exuded a strong musky odor that I found far stronger than any I had experienced in my few contacts with adult males in the past. But I persevered, and worked up saliva so I could take him deeper, and that made it easier as well.

And he was gasping. Sounds he repeated over and over, "Ah, yeah, ah, yeah!" and the gray watchers murmured appreciatively.

His hands came over and landed on my head, that put one of his chains upon my back, a cold metal feel that I found strangely erotic, it stimulated my own senses as much as if he had laid his hand gently upon my back instead. He used his grip upon my head hair to thrust at my face, and his grunts of pleasure came quicker and less distinct. "Ahh-yah-ahh-yah-hah-ah-ah-yah!"

I felt with my free hand, sliding between his parted legs, for his testicles, his scrotum had moved them up to position alongside the shaft, his climax was near. I now had to time his climax exactly, so that I could pull off and let the gray watchers see him exploded for them, and I had an idea, one I had used upon occasion to coax my own climax for myself, I slid my fingers back up the underside of his scrotum, following the seam-like thread of flesh to what I knew it held, the small tucker of flesh that was his nether entrance, and my finger's tip, slick with his body sweat, probed into that opening.

He gasped and I pushed it in quickly, pulled my head off his prick and replaced it with my hand, jerked him fast as I could.

"Ah-hah-ooh-aha-ahhh, GAHHHH!" he cried out and you should have seen the explosion he gave! A huge flow of spunk I could not have managed unless I'd saved my seed for days on end! He jetted it out hard, too, the white pearls flying out so far that it fell among the gray watchers, who oogled frantically and I watched them eagerly chasing after the puddles upon their bodies with their suction tubes, to swallow it all down.

The ones that did this, I saw, began to act extremely erratic, and I saw at last what human sperm did to them. It made them absolutely drunk! They had given me, from time to time, a concoction of alcohol which had made me woozy and joyful, and this was how my companion's male essence struck them when they imbibed it directly.

The reaction among the gray watchers continued, those who had not been able to catch some of my companion's jizz were angry at those who had been luckier, and they were struggling among themselves.

And the bell sounded, quite out of time, and the central plates that held us by the four chains, lowered me and my companion down into the cubicles. The two cubicles had joined, I was glad to see, and now we had a room six foot by twelve feet. Our food inlets were side by side in their corners, our waste outlets were on opposite sides, the curving soft area in between for us to sit upon or lie upon (of which the central plates formed a part when they retracted) was a welcoming area in between, a vast arc of plushness.

My companion was still panting from his exertions and I saw a blob of his spunk still dangled from his glans. I quickly slid over and caught it on my tongue, the gray watchers could not have this much of him at least! And I felt his hands grab my arms and lift me up and then his lips were pressing against mine, in a gesture I'd never felt before, but as he kept pressing them together, I realized that he was not trying to eat me, but to thank me with this touching of soft flesh.

He talked to me in soft tones that I realized was his language and I spoke to him in my own, the same as the gray watchers. "I don't understand you."

He stopped, smiled and his hand curved up to indicate himself. "Colonel David Morgan."

"Kuhnul Dahvee Murga." I tried.

He smiled again but I cut off his next words by indicating myself. "Vehsahlee."

"Veh-sah-lee." he answered, slowly but correctly. And he indicated himself. "David."



"Dahee, vid."

He was patient but wouldn't let me stop until I could say these two syllables perfectly.

When I did, he smiled broadly and so did I. We had a starting point.

We began to build a vocabulary, he insisted on teaching me his language at the same time he learned mine. I learned that he was not a wild human, but he came from a place where there were no gray watchers, only humans, and lots of them, who wore no chains and had homes so much bigger than these cubicles that I was astounded.

But where was this home he was talking about? I gestured to him and used my few words.

And he pointed to his home. Straight up. Up where my jizz would fly, up where the stars shone. He answered my eager gestures that yes, he lived next to one of those shining lights in the sky, which were as big and as bright as the sun in the daylight sky from where he lived.

When I captured all of this, I rushed toward him, clung to him tightly and I wailed out, "Oh, please, take me there with you!"

We were fed on time but were not taken up to the park above the rest of that day and we spent that time with him teaching me more about his life and his world. He made it clear that other humans knew he was here, that they would come and get him. And I made him promise that, when they came, he would take me with him.

I was used to shooting my sperm five times a day and I had rested most of the day from doing this. When he made this promise to me, I embraced him in my gratitude and my cock jabbed at him when I did that.

"Whoa there, now!" he said in his own language and I understood him, he was telling me to stop.

"What?" I asked him in his language.

"That." he pointed.

I looked at my cock, standing erect and at his own, soft but swelling slowly. "Yes." I answered and my hand reached for him. He didn't try to stop me from taking it in my hand, from dropping to my knees, from sucking his cock into my mouth.

I nursed him slowly and he stood moaning as I did. I stopped, gesturing to him to lie down for me and he did, half in his cubicle and half in mine. Just where I wanted him. I returned to sucking his cock, and he was lying there, enjoying it, thinking that I would keep on doing it, but instead I let go and before David, in his closed-eye joyful state, could realize it was anything but a rest in the routine, I was shifting myself to straddle him and when he opened his eyes, it was to me squatting down over his erect, saliva-slickened dong. His eyes went wider, and that was when I contacted him, my ass not quite contacting properly, but his hands came up and caught my buttocks and guided me in.

I sat down as best I could, my determination was my only positive factor in doing this, I had never taken another man like this, I only knew it could be done. David seemed to know more about it than I did, his hands supported me when the glans went inside, kept his shaft from sliding in deeper while my body accepted the head of his cock, then when I was ready, he lowered me more and again held me while my body adjusted.

With his help, I was soon fully impaled upon his prong, and I could and did kneel on either side of his waist.

David looked up at me with eyes softened by his lust, and he sighed, "Now, Vehsahlee, you may move and the pain should be small." He said this with gestures as well as words, and I understood enough.

I began to move my body up and down, moving his cock in and out of my ass as I did, and David lay still and sighed in his joy. We moved and loved and time meant nothing to me. I realized only after a time that the bell had sounded, signaling the time for the cleansing shower.

Both our cubicles turned on the sprays at the same time and David and I were bathed in warm, slightly foaming liquid. David gasped in surprise and I chuckled, began to lather his body as I kept moving, and he lifted his hands and began to do the same for me. We washed each other while making love, and after a few minutes' time, the spray began again, this time clear, clean warm water to wash away all the foam. Again I moved my hands upon him, helping the water to clean him, and he did as much for me, and when the hot dry air blew to dry both us and our cubicles clean.

And in that hot dry bluster that encircled us and warmed us and kept us comfortable, David began to hunch upwards at me, I joined him in the urgency of the thrusts, and he groaned, shot his load up into me. I felt the hot seed rushing into me, joining me, and I groaned, blew my own load out over his body. Done, I sagged down upon him and let my jizz glue the two of us together.

"Now are we one." I told him, and used my index fingers to show the two of us, moved them together, then pulled my hands apart, only one index finger upright.

He smiled and we kissed.

Noises outside unlike anything I'd ever heard before. I knew nothing of them, but David did, and he rose so suddenly that he threw me off his body. He was shouting and I didn't understand it, none of it.

And then our cubicles were being pounded on and David was laughing and nearly crying at the same time, and things were very confused. It took me some time to understand what was going on, but David finally made me understand.

His people, humans, had come to rescue him.

My chains were struck from me and David was greeting the males around him, all who were covered with some strange things, some soft and some metallic, and then we were taken across the park to a strange thing I'd never seen before and David rushed me inside it with him and we sat down upon some soft things that I had no words for.

And then there was a roar and a pressure on my body. It frightened me and David, sitting next to me, touched my arm (with difficulty, it was like we both weighed four or five times as much as we should) and raised his hand to a panel which lighted up for him.

The stars. It showed me the stars, and within the stars was another metallic thing, much, much bigger than anything I'd ever seen before, which shone like my jizz in the sunlight.

It would take me up further into the sky. I had finally found the jizz-wad that I could ride up into the air so high that I was free. Finally, forever free.

It just hadn't been my own jizz-wad I'd needed to ride there!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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