Ring in Mine

By Kim Hansen

Published on Oct 17, 2017


Ring in Mine

Kim Terry

The healing continues. Even miraculously quick, I know the path will seem slow and full of obstacles.

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(If there are errors I do apologize up front. I am used to getting things as clean as possible and then the editor takes care of the rest.)


Ring in Mine: Chapter 38

Classes went better than I could have expected. I did not like being touched in the crowded halls. Doc had given me an anxiety pill this morning and one for lunch time. I don't know how I would have made it through the day without them. I studied in Brett's office when I could. James offered his also. Both of them were watching over me like mother hens and I didn't mind it a bit. Mike was a surprise. He talked to me as he always did but kept in his space. I appreciated whoever was briefing my friends on how to best help me.

After my last class on Tuesday I had my appointment with Geo. I was apprehensive about the visit. There were a lot of things I didn't want to talk about. If I didn't talk about anything the police would want to know, they couldn't make him tell.

The visit was all about me. What did I want to talk about? We talked more about the standoff at the hospital and the troubles at the police station than the kidnapping. I explained my understanding of my dysfunctional relationship with my biological parents and their threats to cut me off. He felt I was handling things surprisingly well. At the end of our visit there was a knock at the door. Geo's lawyer twin needed to talk with me.

"The police are pressuring me for an interview about the weekend. We can't put them off forever."

"Geo, according to our discussion today how much do I remember about while I was kidnapped?" I asked. He thought for a moment and looked at his notes.

"You didn't mention anything about the weekend. Only the trauma you went through at the police station and the hospital. That was bad enough. Is that all you remember?" Geo looked at me.

"I know someone had been in my ass. It hurt. All my other memories are what others have told me. Did I tell you that Doc thinks they used some farm tool to ruin one of my balls. They chose the rubber side on me." I thought for a moment. "I'm not up to being beat on again. You will have to be there, with the understanding that you can pull the plug. I feel more traumatized by the treatment at the jail and by Agent Moore than my kidnappers. I won't meet with Agent Moore and Bruce can't be anywhere near the building."

"They won't like it, but it puts it back in their court."

"We get to make our own recording of the session. Do you think the news would be interested in my story? Poor kidnapped youth victimized by the very people sworn to protect him. In self defense is forced to lock himself in a closet to stop the abuse, even to the point of perverting the lawyer client relationship."

"I haven't heard this part yet."

I talked about the whole Brent saying he was alone while Agent Moore refused to leave the room scenario. Then Bruce's strong arm tactics and the incident in the park.

"The news would eat it up. The FBI wants tomorrow morning."

"I won't miss classes. I am surviving because from moment to moment I am lying to myself, saying I am doing alright. I am free after 4:00 o'clock. My shrink says I have to try to keep my life as much like it was before this whole damn thing."

"Did I say that. It's really good advice." Geo smiled.

"Let's shoot for 4:30. I'll get in touch with you as soon as I know." Paul suggested.

"If they treat me like crap I will contact the media that very evening." I announced.

Wednesday the school day began well. I was on my way to my last class. I was late and cut through the student union. A hand grabbed my shoulder spun me around. I was instantly taken back to a dark parking lot and waving to James through the rain.

"You're that guy that was kidnapped. I'm with the school paper. I want to ask you some questions." He was taller than me and muscular. The lie wore thin and the truth broke through.

Honestly I did not hear his questions. My mind was taped to a chair with Jan slapping me. The hand grabbed me again.

"You can't just ignore me. Pay attention." My eyes were glued open. If my eyes were not on the screen a shock ran through my body. Just as if the shock were happening now I vaguely remembered falling to the floor.

"Leave him alone. Really stupid. You want to talk to a kidnap victim and you grab him and get in his face." I knew that voice but I wasn't going to open my eyes.

"But my readers have the right to know." The reporter came back with the standard lame excuse.

"If you are lucky he won't press assault charges. I will suggest he does." Brad helped me to my feet. Let's get you to class. Maybe I did have an angel watching out for me, why else would Brad be walking through the student union just when I needed him.

I was shaken when I walked into class. I took a seat in the far back corner. I pushed my chair back so no one could get behind me. Brad had a short talk with the professor. The teacher looked back at me and nodded. I'm not sure I heard the lecture. I was having flashbacks all through the class. I hadn't realized that Brad had sat next to me taking notes.

"Bobby, it's time to leave." Brad said softly. "Are you back yet?"

"I think I am. Brad can you walk me to my car. I have to go to the police station." I asked.

I blindly followed Brad. When we stopped it wasn't my car but his in front of me. He opened the door and I climbed in. Brad talked about Jerry as he drove.

Brad left me in the car as he walked into the police station. When he returned, it took me a moment to realize it was Geo and not his brother.

"Brad says you remember." Geo said. "Do you want to postpone?"

"If they want the whole story, you need to be there. I will tell the story, but no interruptions. Once I start I need to finish." I had changed my mind. I needed to get this out of me.

The agents doing the interview weren't happy with the changes. I stood up and asked where the restroom was. Their faces dropped. As I had hoped they had heard the closet story.

I started with Jan slapping me. It was harder when I described the group rape. They looked at me in disbelief at Jan performing the partial castrations. I described the evacuation down the tunnel and the camper on the back of a white Ford pickup. I gave them the license number. I even mentioned the conversation about killing the crazy bitch Jan by injecting alcohol into her bloodstream. During that last class I had relived it all.

I didn't stop there. I continued with the abuse by the bigoted officer in Salt Lake and the heavy handed actions of Agent Moore especially his ignoring the lawyer/client relationship by refusing to leave when I was consulting with my lawyer. I finished by explaining the situation that had triggered the memory. I was done. I had nothing left. I had been talking for nearly three hours. They had questions but I was out of answers.

"I have said everything I can remember. I think I am done." I stood up partially in a daze and looked for the door. "Geo, I need to go home." He put my hand on his elbow and started toward the door.

As the door opened Agent Moore and Bruce stood blocking the way.

"We have some questions. Why can you remember and the others can't?" Bruce grabbed my shoulder as I tried to get past.

"Your daughter was responsible for doing this to me, to Jerry. The bitch ruined one of her own brother's balls and laughed when she did it. Remember the do it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me. I wonder the reception she'll get on the other side." I stared him straight in the eyes.

"And you are trying to do the same thing to your son. He's an adult now and should be out of your control. Jan took his physical ball and you are taking his emotional balls." Bruce slapped me.

My lawyer handed him a stack of papers.

"You have been served," was all he said. I knew what they were. They were the restraining orders preventing contact with both Jerry and I. Brad had explained what was going to happen on the drive to the police station. Knowing Bruce wouldn't be able to stay away from my interview, Brent had reevaluated his priorities and had picked up Jerry and his things. Papa and Leroy gathered what Brent didn't have room or time for. I didn't know where Jerry was, but I knew he was safe.

----------- I would appreciate hearing from you. ringinmine@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 39

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