Rising Star

By Danny Silverwood

Published on Nov 20, 2004


"So you had sex with this Stark fellow?" Stuart deftly picked up his sashimi with his chopsticks and dipped it in his soy sauce.

"Well, yeah. That was the audition. He was really impressed with my size and my techniques, but he had to watch the video with his partners to make sure before he offered me a contract." I picked up a piece of makizushi clumsily with my chopsticks and just got it to my mouth. Stuart laughed and started moving things around on his plate. He was very good with chopsticks and liked showing off. It wasn't fair that he grew up with a Japanese nanny. Then again, perhaps I was jealous. She introduced him to sex when he was fifteen. I had to wait till I was seventeen before my cousin ever laid a hand on me.

"So when they offer you the job, are you going to take it?" Stuart used his chopsticks to pick up a bit of wasabi and mix it in his soy.

"How do you eat that stuff," I asked pointing to the wasabi.

"I'm not a big ass cry baby like you. Now answer my question." I narrowed my eyes, but he was right, I was trying to change the subject.

"No," I said and went to pick up a fork. He flipped his chopsticks in his hand and wrapped me on the knuckles.

"You have to. Come on man. You have a gift, and you have to share it with the masses," he said as he artfully flipped the chopsticks back to an eating position and continued with his meal. I rubbed my hand and imagined his chopsticks sticking out of his nose.

"I already share it with the masses," I said wryly. He laughed and took a sip of his tea.

"Well, now you do it one at a time."

"You might do it one at a time. I sometimes share with groups." Stuart stopped and looked at me.

"Ok, you have to tell me about that." He put his elbows on the table and leaned forward.

"Are you sure you're straight?"

"Ok, I'm a fag stag, so sue me."

"I'd rather..."

"Eh, nope," he interrupted shaking his head, "exit only. Now dish."

I stood alone at the water cooler staring down at the odd paper cone that held my treated and chilled libation. I had my own wet bar with chilled bottled water in my office, but there was something about the water cooler that took me back to my days as a cubicle dweller. To be perfectly honest, I still was, but the cubicle was just nicer.

"Hey, Roc, you wanna suck my dick?" I turned to find Jeffrey, the new IT guy.

"What did you say," I asked in shock.

"Do you still need this disk," he asked, holding out a compact disk in a jewel case.

"Oh, yeah, the upgrade," I said, realizing that I must have misheard him. I smiled and took the case and slipped it in my jacket pocket. I looked back up to find him completely naked. I flinched and looked around. He stepped toward me, and I jumped back.

"Are you OK, Mr. Tinker," he asked. I looked back at him and he was fully clothed. I downed my water, and tossed the cone in the wastebasket.

"Yes. Thank you Jeffrey. If I have problems installing, I will call you." He smiled and hesitantly turned and walked away. I almost ran down the hall to my office. I slammed the door and leaned against it till I calmed down. There was a knock and I nearly pissed myself.

"Is everything OK," I heard Sally say through the wood. I opened the door and forced myself to look at her. She was clothed, so I opened the door further, and let her enter. "Can I get you anything? A drink, an aspirin, a psychiatrist?" I laughed nervously, and walked over to my desk. I plopped down in my seat and put my head down on my desk.

"I have a problem Sally," I said into my blotter. I looked up as she poured me a small scotch, and herself a Disaronno, both on the rocks. She put my drink near my hand and flopped into the chair across from me.

"So, what's up boss," she asked, then sipped her drink. I picked up my glass and spun it around to chill the liquor, and then put it back down. I was afraid I would puke if it passed my lips.

"I don't know if I should tell you," I said. She watched me over her glass then leaned forward and rested her elbows on the chair.

"Does it have something to do with your audition with Johnny Stark, or did you finally fall in love with Stuart?"

"I'm not in love with Stuart," I said defensively. I realized I had answered her question, and tried to back peddle. "And... and who is Johnny Stark?" Smooth.

"Well, according to the internet he is a local porn producer. I looked it up after I checked your home messages and heard that he had called." I had forgotten that she did that. She is so efficient and seamless in her work that I sometimes forget what all she does. She deserved a really big Christmas gift this year. That, or I needed to fire her.

"He called," I asked. "Not that I know who he is, but what did he say."

"Riiiight." She took a sip and smiled. "Well, he said you have the job, and as soon as you get your checkup and sign the contract, you will be ready for the camera." I stared across my desk at her. She nonchalantly sipped her drink and looked off into space. I picked up my drink and downed it all. I think I swallowed a piece of ice. "So," she said suddenly, "you want to talk about it?"

"Ok, I auditioned to be a porn actor."

"Well, duh. Why did you do it, and how did you get the gig." These were both hard questions.

"I don't know why I did it. Well that is not exactly true. At first it was going to be something to fight the boredom. After Farmer and Preston did their little Vaudeville act in here yesterday, I decided not too."

"But you did audition, and you were hired."

"But I have not accepted the job, and I am not going to. I just did it in the end, excuse the pun, to see if I could. I proved I have it, so now I can go back to my regular life." I sat back in my chair, happy with my explanation, and content with the path I had chosen.

"Ok, now how did you make the grade," she asked with a smirk. I pulled at my tie and grinned sheepishly.

"I'm, uh... well endowed." She nearly spit across the desk, but controlled herself.

"Can I see," she asked.

"You have got to be joking. I'm your boss."

"It would only be bad if you had asked to see my stuff. I can ask to see yours." She had always had a firm grip on logic.

"Ok," I said. This was not so much an office, but a British sitcom. I stood up, unzipped my trousers and pulled my dick out of my underwear. It was soft, but you could still tell it was large. She studied it across my desk until there was a knock at the door. We both jumped and I struggled to put it away. Sally put her glass in the sink and went to greet the visitor. Once I was situated she opened the door.

"About time," Preston said looking at Sally as he walked through. "I would think you were fooling around, but we know better than that, don't we," he said with a haughty laugh.

"Can I get you anything," Sally asked with a 14 karat smile. "Coffee, tea, the blood of an infant child?" She was good at triples. She studied theatre in college. Preston just turned his nose up and walked past her. She flipped him a bird and then got my attention. She pointed to my crotch then gave me the `OK' sign. I just smiled and sat down to hear what the talking ass had to say.

"I heard you kind of freaked out a little earlier," He said as he sat across from me.

"I don't know what you are talking about." I picked up my pen and started going over paper work.

"Well, I was hoping that it was something I said," he said and I looked up to correct him. "No wait, I mean... I hope I said something to upset you. Is that what I said before? Hmm, well let me clarify. If there is anything I can do to upset you, I certainly will." I just stared at him.

"Well, you could ensure me that you are healthy, and not in any way sick or dying." His smile faded and his eyes narrowed. He stood up and walked toward the door.

"I have my eye on you," he said. Sally suddenly appeared at the door and got my attention. She moved on finger back and forth in front of her left eye, and then moved another finger showing the other eye looking to the right.

"Is that the one that twitches, or the creepy one that drifts to the right," I said without breaking a smile. Sally punched the air and cheered in silence as Preston puffed out his chest. She was gone just before he turned and bolted through the door. "Sally," I called.

"Yes, horse," she answered.

"I have decided not to fire you." She smiled and did a little dance. You would never expect such behavior from a sixty year old woman.

"So, are you sure there is nothing wrong, Harold? You are not due for a checkup for about three months." Dr. Travis looked over my chart and then tossed it on the examination table beside me.

"Well, I would like a full round of disease screens. You know, just to feel better." Ok, so I am getting a checkup. I had been thinking of doing it anyway. This had nothing to do with the porn job. I had sex with at least a dozen people last month. One can't be too careful.

"Well, I don't mind. I never pass up the chance to see your equipment." Ok, he had been my doctor for about ten years. He was listed in the pink pages, and was very good at rectal exams. I wasn't insulted by some good natured flirting, and he was hot for an old man. He was at least fifty-five, but he could pass for forty. His hair was still dark and his face smooth. I wouldn't doubt he had surgery. To tell the truth he was one of the first people I found I could talk to once I moved here out of college. My dad was never really a shoulder to lean on, so Dr. Travis took up the slack. As I zipped up my trousers, Dr. Travis came back in the room. He handed me the usual pamphlets on genital health and STD's. We both laughed, this being one of our inside jokes. I had a box at home with dozens of these pamphlets, and I was thinking of having a bunch of them framed. He said he would have my test results at the end of the week. I thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. He just smiled and blushed as always. He talked a good game but he was a softy.

"Doc," I said as I was almost out the door. "I have a bit of a problem you might be able to help me with."

"Does it have to do with sex," he asked with a grin.

"Yes actually."

"Let's go to my office."

"So that's it. I got the job, now all I have to do is show up with a clean bill of health and sign a contract." Dr. Travis was sitting back in his chair, his fingers tented and resting against his lips. He sat forward and put his elbows on the desk and folded his arms in front of him.

"That is the coolest thing I have ever heard," he said. To say I was shocked was an understatement.

"Well, what I am worried about is my career. I worked hard to get where I am."

"Fuck your career. You have a degree from Princeton. You can do anything. Do you know how many men dream of having the opportunity you have? I'm one of them. Besides that, you probably would never be found out." I just sat back and absorbed what he said. I had figured on a nice warm discussion where he would make me see the error of my ways, and I would leave knowing I had to turn down the job. Now I think I am really going to do it.

"Thanks Doc. I will send you a signed DVD."

"Damn right you will," he said with a lascivious grin.

"Fuck your career," Stuart asked as he cut into his kobe filet. I loved to watch him eat. It was always a production. From his dexterity with chopsticks to his perfect European flatware switch. His father was a food and wine connoisseur, and his mother was a socialite. The boy never had a chance. I would be happy with a nice chef salad for lunch, but because of him, I was eating a New York strip that was shipped from Japan.

"That's what he said. He seems to think that I should go for it." I savored the delicious steak knowing I would have beer nuts and popcorn for dinner that evening.

"Well, it is just odd to think of the Doc saying that."

"I forgot that you go to Dr. Travis too. Ok, Stuart, why are you straight."

"Luck of the draw, I suppose."

"So, I am going to do it." He just nodded as he chewed. " I really am." He continued nodding. "I am going to be a porn star," I said, just as the waiter walked up behind me. Stuart forced back a smile as he tried to swallow. He swallowed his meat and grabbed his napkin.

"So, is there anything I can get you, Mr. Tinker," Ross, one of our regular waiters asked. He had leaned down close enough that I could smell his aftershave, and he gently placed a hand on my shoulder. His eyes were wide, and he almost smacked his lips.

The next week was the longest I have lived since final exams back in college. I went to work everyday on edge, sat quietly on edge listening to Stuart go on about his foie gras or the big titted woman he schtuped the night before, and went out in the evening, still on edge. I did find myself practicing my porn style on my tricks. Some of them actually seemed to like it.

"Are you ready for this," I asked, brandishing my cock like a weapon. Tom, or was it Tim, smiled up from the bed and nodded. "You want this in your ass, um... dude," I asked.

"Oooh, yeah, put that big thing in my ass. This will be a new experience." He laid back and I knelt on the bed between his legs. I put some lube on my hand and started massaging it into his hole. He squirmed and lifted his hips as I worked to loosen him up. I put in one finger, then two. Before long I had four fingers inside, and he was moaning. It is always nice to find someone that really likes to be stretched. I slipped on a condom and positioned my cock at his open hole.

"You are going to feel this for a long time," I said as I pushed into him. He moaned and ground into me. I slid all the way in to the base and started fucking him in earnest. He moaned and lifted his hips to meet me. I thought I should try some more of those porn phrases. "Oh, yeah, take that cock. You know you love it. Love the cock, baby."

"Yeah, daddy, give it to me hard. Do me hard. Oh, yeah, daddy." I was surprised at how quickly he got into it. I decided to try something different.

"Uh, uh, uh, yeah, you are so hot. You have a hot bod, and I love the way my cock feels inside of you." He moaned out loud and pinched his nipples as I pounded into him.

"Yeah, give me that hot cock. It's so big, and feels so good." He was almost yelling and I worried about my neighbors hearing. I pulled out and he made a sad whimper. I picked him up and flipped him over and pulled his hips up until he was on his knees. I put my cock back in and resumed pounding.

"You like it like this? You like being a good little dog?" He started growling, and I knew I had a live one. I even decided to give him my real name and number. I was getting close, and I did something I had never done before. I pushed him down and rolled him over as fast as I could. I pulled off the condom and jacked off onto his chest. He moaned and rubbed the big load of cum into his skin as I came down off my climax. He came soon after, jacking his dick onto his belly. I leaned down and kissed him, and then licked some of my cum from one of his nipples. I collapsed next to him and we laid there until it was time to take a shower. "Alright Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my closeup," I thought to myself. Damn, I'm gay.

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