
By moc.loa@42legnasniveK

Published on Aug 4, 2000



Rivals Chapter One Written by Kevinsangel

Disclaimer: NSYNC and BSB Do not belong to me. I do not know nor imply that one or more members of each group are gay.

Pairing: Joey and Nick

Email: For comments and suggestions email me at kevinsangel24@aol.com or IM kevinsangel24

Stories that I enjoy: Superman Can't Fly, Superman, How Can You Love Me, Psycho Circus, For You, The Fragile, Escapes, Choices, Forever, Kevin and Justin, Going Clubbin' Feels So Good, Now or Never, Tears in Your Eyes, Best Man, and Many others. It'll take one page to list all my favorite stories.


===================== Rivals Chapter One Written By Kevinsangel ====================

"Time to get up babe" a voice said softly trying to wake up his lover.

"Do I have to?" The other voice groggily whined. "You're not on tour, I just got off tour so why do we have to get up now?"

"It's eleven in the morning love" The voice purred.

"Nick, you suck. You just plain suck" the lover whined.

"I know Joe" Nick chuckled as he kissed his boyfriend. "You love it when I do."

"Oh Hell yeah. You have a very talented mouth in more ways than one" Joey grinned. "So why do we have to get up anyway. I love lying in bed with you."

Nick smiled and kissed Joey softly before pulling away. He didn't want to let Joey get up but he had to do it for both their sakes "Baby, I don't want to get up much less be apart from you but Brian, Kevin, Howie and AJ are coming over to discuss the new album."

Joey sat on the bed and sighed. "Why does it have to be this way? We're always sneaking off to make love or being together without getting caught. Hell, I understand not saying anything because of our careers and our bands but not telling our friends? I hate leaving your house before your group comes over to discuss things or you from mine because of my group. When is this rivalry between NSYNC and Backstreet Boys going to end, so we can be together and happy?"

Nick hugged Joey tightly and held him close. He felt the same way. He didn't want to hide from his friends but if they found out he was dating Joey Fatone from NSYNC he was scared. Scared that his friends would hurt his Joey. "I don't know. I wish it did stop. This fighting is nothing but egos really. There's no reason why our groups should hate each other. There are enough fans for both groups and the music industry is large enough for us to create our own style and music. The others are too blind to see that."

"I know" Joey said softly. "It hurts that we can't be a couple in front of our friends."

"I know babe," Nick said as he kissed Joey. "One day we'll be able to do that."

Joey smiled as he got dressed.

"No shower" Nick protested.

"Do you want to others to find out?" Joey asked softly. Both in their hearts they want to share their love with the world but right now they couldn't. It would destroy everyone that was directly involved in his and Nick's life.

"No" Nick answered starring at the ground.

"Then we shouldn't. If we take a shower now then we'll never get out" Joey chuckled as he gave his boyfriend a hug.

"I hate it when you're right" Nick sighed as he put on some jeans.

"If I didn't have to leave I would rip those tight fitting jeans that shows off your ass off your gorgeous body" Joey replied in a sexual growl.

Nick groaned as he felt his member stir. "Damn you Joe, you know that tone you just used makes me horny as hell."

"It's you're young hormones" Joey replied huskily as he rubbed Nick's crotch.

Nick shut his eyes as Joey worked his member gently. He moaned as he felt Joey's hand rub in a circular motion messages Nick until he was nice and hard. Once hard he felt Joey pull away. He opened his eyes in disappointment when he saw Joey standing in front of him laughing.

"Something hard baby" Joey teased.

Nick glared at him. "Damnit Joey, you're a fucking tease."

"But you love me" Joey grinned as he kissed Nick as they walked to Nick's front door. "I better jet before we get killed."

"You'll get yours tonight, this I promise you" Nick grinned as he walked Joey to his car.

"My ass is willing and waiting" Joey laughed as he kissed Nick passionately before getting in and starting the engine.

"What am I going to do about this?" Nick pointed to his lower half that was extremely hard.

"You have a hand use it" Joey laughed. "Don't forget you're coming to my house tonight."

"Damn straight because when I get my hands on you, you're ass is going to take quite a beating" Nick threatened.

"I can't wait babe, see you tonight. I love you Nicky" Joey smiled as he backed out of the driveway and drove away.

"Love you to Supe" Nick smiled as he went back into the house.

AJ stepped from behind the three. He hid there when he walked up from his house, which was at the end of the street, as he recognized Joey Fatone's car. He was curious to why a member from the rival group was doing at Nick's house.

He watched from behind the tree when he saw Nick walk out with Joey. They were laughing and holding hands. AJ did a double take. No way maybe he imagined that they were holding hands. After all Nick was in BSB and Joey was in NSYNC. They were suppose to hate each other and not be friends. Just what the hell is Nick doing with that copycat anyway?

AJ eyes popped out of his head when he saw Nick and Joey kiss passionately. Oh my god it's true. The holding hands and know the kissing they are gay. He could care less about Joey but Nick. Their Nicky, the baby of the group Nicky was, was gay and what's worse is that he kissed the rivals band mate.

He stood there shocked and angry. His Nick was not gay. His Nick is not in love with Joey Fatone. It couldn't be, Nick was into girls not guys. Joey did this. Joey made Nick gay. He raped his Nicky. He watched Joey pull out of the driveway and smiled as an evil plan formed in his mind. Joey Fatone must pay for hurting Nick.

AJ pulled out his Cell phone and dialed Nick's number. He waited before Nick picked up. "Hey Nick its Bone. Um, can you tell Kevin I can't make it to the meeting? I just remembered that I have a friend to pick up at the airport. It's really important Nick. No he's only going to stay the night and then leave in the morning. Business you know. Thanks you're a lifesaver. Talk to you later. Bye."

AJ hanged up and smiled. Now with that out of the way he went home to gather the stuff he needed to enforce his plan.

Three hours slowly passed as Joey sighed for the millionth time. He tapped his feet to the tick tock sound of the clock. He looked at he watch and then looked down again. It was 5:30 in the early evening. Nick was still in the meeting. Kevin was bad about going over all the little most of the time non-important details of the upcoming tour and album. Kevin was as bad as Lance was. Joey wondered if those are a couple.

Joey smiled as he started Dinner. Nick was supposed to come over at seven in the evening to stay the night. He grinned, as he couldn't wait to have a delicious dinner with Nick and then straight to bed for a whole evening of wild sex.

Joey shivered at the thought of Nick's cock thrusting in and out of his ass. He wanted Nick and he wanted him now. He fought the urge to grab his phone and dial Nick's number to get his over here and fuck him. He didn't want the others to suspect anything was wrong.

He had to find something to do before he drives himself crazy. He grinned at the pun boy was he bad? He went to the television set and turned it on. Just an hour and a half until he sees his beloved again. Then time will stand still and marvel at their lovemaking.

His heart started to beat faster when he heard the sounds of glass being shattered. "What the fuck?"

Joey got up to investigate the noise that came from the main hall. He walked to the room and froze in fear as he saw that the glass from the window was completely broken. Someone was in the house.

Shit, shit, shit, shit, get yourself out of there the words from his mind told him to run but he found his body frozen in fear. "Move damnit." He cursed to himself.

He managed to shake the shock out of his system and started to head for the door.

"No you don't" a raspy voice said.

Joey turned to see a figured clothed in black clothing with his face hidden in a mask standing there holding a bat. He felt his heart beat faster and he started to sweat. He was being robbed. He backed away. "Please, the money is in the wallet don't hurt me."

"I don't want your money you fucking fag" the intruder sneered.

Joey paled. This person knew. My god this person knew he was gay. This was a hate crime. "Please I didn't do anything to you."

"You did enough to me you damn queer." The intruder screamed with hate in his voice. "You're going to pay for taking something so pure and ruin it with your influence."

"I didn't do anything" Joey pleaded trying to convince the intruder not to harm him.

"You did something all right and now I must correct it" the intruder replied as he stepped up to Joey.

"Please no" Joey whimpered. "I'm sorry just tell me what I did wrong and I won't do it again."

"Too late you bastard" The intruder hissed as he swung his bat connecting with Joey's stomach.

Joey fell to his knees moaning in pain. He looked up as tears fell down his cheeks. "Don't."

The intruder just glared and brought his bat done on Joey causing him to scream as he kept hitting Joey over and over until the screaming stopped.

The intruder looked at the bloody form of Joey Fatone and smiled. "It's not over yet Joey." With that all said and done he left the scene leaving Joey bleeding on the floor.

To be continued

So what do you guys think? Dark huh? That's just my sick mind. So email me and tell me what you think. Was the intruder really AJ? Is anyone going to find Joey? How is Nick going to take it when he learns about Joey? Can this story get any worse? OH HELL YEAH just think three BSB guys one Joey Fatone. You figure it out grins.

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