Robbies True Love

By moc.liamg@1001fehcyxes

Published on Feb 27, 2018


The guys cleaned up, closed the lights and crawled into bed and cuddled in each other's arms with sweet kisses and few 'I love you's and went to a peaceful dreamland.

The sun streamed in and they awoke gently still in each other's arms and said a gentle good morning. They were going over to Tommy's apartment and start packing and sorting things for the move, which would most likely happen either Monday or Tuesday. The boxes had already been delivered and were waiting to be filled.

They dug in and started with clothes, shoes and other major essentials from the bedroom and bathroom. Tommy didn't realize he had so many clothes, so while packing, he made a huge pile to be given to the shelter. Laughingly, he stated they would be the best and most expensively dressed people there. But at least they were going to good cause and a healthy tax deduction.

Once that was done, they moved into the living room and dining room taking down art work, gathering knick-knacks and picking a few pieces of furniture they wanted to move. Tommy's desk and files, were tagged, packed or boxed and labeled. Then to the kitchen for a few favorite things another picture or two. No pots or pans since he was moving in with a chef and both laughed.

They were basically leaving much of it for Keith, the new lawyer who was moving in. He had just signed the lease, agreed to all the terms and had given Tommy a deposit of the $9,000 and a month's rent. Everyone was a happy camper. Keith was moving in the following weekend. They got it all done for the movers who would come on Monday to move everything. One more task done!!

Robbie and Tommy were hungry since they only had toast and coffee for breakfast. They walked down the street to Herb's deli and had a sandwich and iced tea. They called the movers, confirmed they were to come the next day and get things moved.

Once that was done and lunch over with, they decided to take a walk and relax a bit, chatting about everything that was going on and if they need to do anything else for the wedding which was on Saturday morning. They did have to pack for the cruise, but they were only taking two bags each as they would be gone for almost three weeks and things on the ship went from Black Tie to very casual and after all, it was a GAY CRUISE!

They found the car and Tommy asked if they wanted to do any last-minute shopping. The decided to go check on the suits for the wedding and maybe pick up a few things if needed. They parked near Union Square and had fun walking around. The suits fit perfectly and those were sent to the apartment. They did find a couple of fun tropical shirts and a few pairs of shorts, and then each got a couple of new bathing suits (speedo's of course) after all they had 'assets' to show off.

Robbie asked if Tommy wanted a cocktail or coffee. They strolled into the Bar at the St. Francis Hotel and had a lovely glass of wine and discussed what was going to happen for supper. Tommy asked if Robbie felt like cooking and what he was in the mood for. After a couple of sips more wine Robbie said, "Let's go to the Swiss restaurant on Van Ness, the 'Matterhorn' for fondue and one of their famous chocolate fondues for dessert." They drove to the restaurant and were seated almost right away. It was a fabulous dinner.

They paid the check and drove home. Both men were pleased they had made such progress with the apartment. They took a quick shower, stroking, touching and lots of kisses - crawled into bed and made gentle love that evening and came in each other's mouths. They kissed and told each other how much they loved one another and gently fell asleep.

It was Monday morning. Both Robbie and Tommy were excited for the week to be over as they were finally getting married on Saturday morning. Everything was done but they both had to finish up projects at the restaurants and at the law office. They quickly showered together, dressed for the day and went in to have breakfast where Elsa served them French toast, sausage links, juice and coffee. Breakfast was delicious and filling. They thanked Elsa and were off for the day.

Robbie had to work on the menu changes for regional menus he was planning. He was double checking with his chefs who had earlier agreed it was a great idea. He had set up appointments that day to go to two of the restaurants and discuss implementation with the chefs. Both chefs were eager to get started. They had to decide which region to start with and how long the items were to stay on the menus. Robbie was thinking of a month each then taking a few weeks off and then doing another region. Robbie said he wanted to start with a Cajun menu and went on the discuss the menu items.

When Tommy got to the office he had a pile of messages and most were regarding the suicide of Seth Jones. It was confirmed by the coroner that it was indeed suicide and coroner's report was sent to the Insurance Co. for payment to Mrs. Nancy Jones on the $3 million claim under the policy provisions.

Nancy had already moved out of the house into a hotel suite downtown and was having the house completely redone before placing it on the market. She also sold all the furniture, except for some antiques that had come from her family, and she was keeping most of the art work. Her crystal, silver service and china was also kept and it would all be put into storage. She was looking for a new place to live and was considering a large apartment on Russian Hill with a fabulous view instead of a house. It would be less upkeep, no yard to deal with and she could just close the door and travel. She was still, of course, in shock over what her husband had done and was seeing a therapist to deal with it. She seemed in better spirits and was slowly moving on. There was a service, but just a few friends and some family came. They had no children and there was no reception afterward. Nancy just wanted to put it behind her. She decided to take the apartment on Russian Hill and since it was in forecloser, got it for a steal.

Tommy made headway with the message stack and was dealing with other issues in the office. Just about noon his private line rang and it was Robbie seeing how his day was going. Tommy said great and was going to ask Robbie about lunch, but Robbie beat him to it. "Let's ask the Dad's to join us for lunch again." Tommy put Robbie on hold and called his dad to see. Thom said what a great idea and asked where. Tommy said he would get back in a few minutes with a location. Robbie's Dad agreed as well. They chose Tadich Grill (the oldest restaurant in SF) and would meet at 12:30. So lunch was set and back to work they went. At 12:15 Thom walked into Tommy's office and asked if he was ready to go and had the car waiting downstairs. Thom had called Daniel and asked if they wanted to be picked up. Daniel said they would stroll over as it was just a short jaunt for them.

They all arrived at the restaurant at the same time. They walked in and were warmly greeted and shown to a quiet table hidden with a draw curtain. All ordered iced tea. It was a great father and son get together. The dads asked about the wedding on Saturday and offered help. The boys happily said everything was set and ready. Everyone was excited and looking forward to the big day. Both Thom and Daniel were so proud of their sons, what successes they had become in their own right, and were both extremely pleased with the match they had made. Each were proud to call the boys 'son's in law'!

Lunch was finished, and all went back to work. Early Monday morning, Robbie had let the doorman know that the things from Tommy's apartment would be arriving today and was put in charge of letting the movers in and placing the boxes in the proper rooms. Robbie had already made room in the closets and the dressers for Tommy's clothes, and in the bath as well. Both men knew they had a daunting task getting things settled before the weekend and the wedding.

There was to be no rehearsal before the wedding, but the mothers were chatting about a small dinner on Friday evening at Danielle and Thom's apartment. Everyone agreed it would be fun. The time was set for 7:00 drinks and dinner to follow at 7:30. Business attire as likely since everyone was coming from work. Daniel was sending the car to pick up Cynthia and they would meet at The Gilman's penthouse.

Later, on Monday afternoon, Robbie went down to Shreve's, the famous San Francisco jewelry store, to buy Tommy a wedding present. They had already bought each other the sapphire and diamond cuff links. But Robbie wanted something else special for his love. He looked and looked and finally found it. It was a 14K gold Presidential Rolex with diamonds and sapphires around the bail. On the back was to be inscribed 'Forever mine, your Robbie.' He blinked at the price, but what the hell, this was for Tommy, the love of his heart. He said yes and handed the clerk his black AMX, had it wrapped, and went back to the office. Little did he know, that Tommy had the same idea and went to Tiffany's and picked up the pendent he had ordered for Robbie. It was a disc pendent about the size of a half dollar with Robbie's initials in Diamonds and Sapphires, with 'I love you, forever. Tommy' on the back, along with a beautiful 14K gold chain. He was pleased with the look of it and hoped Robbie would like it, but he was sure he would.

Robbie had also met with the two chefs and they decided to start with a Cajun menu and run it for two weeks to start and see how things went. The menu items were: Creole Stew or a Crawfish Bisque; Red Beans and Rice with Andouille sausage; Dirty rice with Mushrooms and chicken Livers; Creole Jambalaya; Tournedos Brennen; and as always, Bananas Foster for dessert, either in a crepe, or with ice cream in the traditional method. Everyone seemed pleased with the new menu. Robbie was excited about all of this as was his father. Daniel had given him full reign over the restaurants.

Robbie was rather tired and wanted to get home and see what progress had been made with the delivery of the clothes, furniture and boxes from Tommy's apartment. So, he signed out for the rest of the day and left for home. Tommy was still working.

The building deal with Mr. Evret was finally settled and with the mess the seller tried to pull, Mr. Evret saved $5 million on the deal and was thrilled. The seller was told since he was in breach of contract he would have to pay court costs, their fees, which were quite large and knock the price down. He was going work with them to save the extra money and agreed to finally drop the price at first for $2 million and they said see you in court. The Gilman's knew they had him dead to rights (over a barrel, so to speak) so he finally agreed to $5 million less and everything was working out fine. The commission Tommy was to make for the firm was substantial. Everyone was please. Tommy got a huge bonus of $500,000. Mr. Evret was so pleased, he then hired the whole firm to do all his legal work with a handsome retainer, the whole firm was delighted. Tommy would be his lead counsel in the end.

Tommy was done for the day and decided to get home to straighten out the move. He came home with a huge bouquet of yellow roses for Robbie. The doorman, Bert, greeted him and said the things were delivered late morning and everything went fine. Tommy was excited and took the elevator the penthouse, his real new HOME. We walked in and expected to find a slew of boxes everywhere and a mess. He was so surprised when everything seemed to be gone and neat and clean. He called, "Darling, I'm home!" Robbie came out of the bedroom in shorts only and was a bit sweaty and in Tommy's eyes, he looked good enough to eat.

He quickly removed his coat and shirt, presented to flowers to Robbie, grabbed his love and kissed him like there was no tomorrow. He pulled away breathless and said in a sultry tone, "God I love you, whoever you are!" Robbie pulled away in mock horror, "Lawd, what iz be done hera. Meinz jus a por boy from da south. Pleas furgiv me and my po sole and budy that I don git ravaged ya'll, Is juz don know whats done cum ovr me like dat...forgiv me sur pleas!!" Robbie just busted up laughing and said to "get his hot sexy butt over here and kiss me gain or Ima will hav to git the stik."

Tommy quickly removed the rest of his clothes and they ran to the bedroom and fell into bed and ravaged each other starting with some hot and nasty rimming. It then became sort of a contest as to who was going to fuck who first.

First, they were 69ing, licking dripping pre-cum off each-others ragingly hard cocks. Then Tommy raised Robbie's legs and started to rim and tongue fuck his hot sweaty hole. Then he placed the head of his raging and dripping 10"cock at the lips of Robbie's hungry hole and pushed all the way in, as he leaned down and kissed Robbie deeply and said how much he loved him.

Robbie, almost breathless from the quick but wonderful penetration of his lover's hard cock, said "You're my life and my lover and almost husband. I am so lucky to have you in my heart. Now FUCK me lover and fill me up." It didn't take long for Tommy to cum in his lovers tight, hungry hole with 5 to 6 shots of cum. Tommy and Robbie kissed again and Tommy slipped out of Robbie's dripping, cum covered hole and lay back panting and gasping for air. "God, I love you!" Robbie smiled and rolled over on top of Tommy and they once again kissed as Robbie lifted Tommy's leg and repeated almost the same thing on Tommy's throbbing hole, first rimming it deeply and then moved his dripping 9" cock into position to slide into his lover's hungry hole and started to fuck him wildly and completely. Between the kisses and the I love you's, he sent volley after volley of hot cum into Tommy's hot, ravaged and now thoroughly fucked hole. Tommy shot another load all over them both and Robbie slid out, panting rapidly. They held each other tightly and drifted off to sleep.

After sleeping about an hour, they woke up, smiled, kissed and Tommy said, "We need a shower badly, but boy was that wonderful and I want that to repeat as often as possible!" Robbie just smiled and said, "Anytime, lover. Anytime at all!" They got up and started the shower where they gently washed each other from head to toe. On the way Robbie got sidetracked and teased Tommy's nipples with little bites, while he rolled Tommy's plump balls in his right hand, Tommy moaned and brought their lips together hard. French kissing ensued and would have started another round, but the hot water ran out. So, they rinsed quickly and dried each other off with big fluffy bath towels.

Robbie asked about supper and if they wanted to go out. Tommy replied, "No, lover, I want to stay home, pull out the leftovers or whatever, let's eat, drink and spend the night in each other's arms at HOME, our real home with all of our stuff combined. "Robbie darling, I am soooo excited about Saturday and getting married and being together forever, being one person in our souls!"

Robbie just looked at Tommy, smiled, shed a tear and said he was thinking the same thing and how incredibly happy and at peace he was for the first time in his life. He knew he had met his true soul mate. "I love you so much Tommy, that I can't really put it into words, you're my world and are now part of my soul and completely placed in my heart forever!" They leaned forward and kissed tenderly, holding each other in their arms smiling.

Robbie got up and walked into the kitchen and said, "Let's see what left overs I can scrape together for supper." As he looked into the fridge he saw some left- over spaghetti, and the makings of a salad. He knew there was crusty French bread and Ice cream for dessert. Dinner was set.

Tommy set up trays in the living room and opened a bottle of a great Chianti and Robbie served dinner while they watched stupid TV. While enjoying Ice cream with chocolate sauce, Robbie asked if Tommy wanted to start a movie? Robbie said, "We have a had a long day and he wanted to just cuddle and slip into dreamland with his soon to be husband held close in his arms. They both got up, made quick work of the dishes, turned off the lights and walked into the bedroom arm in arm. They slipped into bed holding each other and went to sleep.

Well here is Chapter 16 finished. The wedding, less than a week away. The move is complete and both men are looking forward to the honeymoon. Lots more to come!

I want to THANK my wonderful life partner Allen for his hard work in editing and all his love and support. I am having great fun writing this story and truly hope everyone is enjoying reading it. All comments are certainly welcome and encouraged. Please remember to play safe, be yourself and please donate to Nifty!! On to Chapter 17. All the best to everyone..

The Sexy Chef

Next: Chapter 17

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