Robert's Revelations

Published on Jun 11, 2024


Robert's Revelations Chapter 1

Robert's Revelations

This story is set in rural England in 1982. It is, obviously, written in British English with British words and spellings. The cultural references are also from that time and place so I hope that references to cars, TV shows or music won't spoil the story for those who don't know them. Follow the links provided for more information or just ignore them. (And yes, I know you can use a search engine just as well as I can. The links are for convenience, not to insult anyone.)

As always, this is fiction and any resemblance to real people is coincidental. In some chapters controversial opinions will be expressed. Please remember they are the characters' opinions, not the author's. Some are opinions I profoundly disagree with but I've tried to state them fairly, not parody them.

Comments and feedback are welcomed and can be sent to:

Robert's Revelations – Part One – Spring into Summer

Chapter One – Going Commando.

“Have you ever tried going 'commando' Rob?” asked David, after studying me silently for several seconds in a slightly unnerving way.

I was still slightly shell shocked that he wanted to be with me. David's last name was Porter, but it really should have been Watts. As in the old song, you know? Wish I Could Be Like David Watts? By The Kinks and then later The Jam? Well, David Porter could have been the inspiration for the song, except The Jam released the record in 1978 when David was twelve.

We were sixteen now, but David was the boy every boy wanted to be, and most girls wanted to be with. He hung around mostly with his little clique of friends, ignoring mere mortals like me and most others.

But we'd got talking while co-operating on a Chemistry experiment and good-looking, charismatic, successful David had asked me to lunch with him. Then, still talking, we had gone for a walk and ended up lying on the grass in a quiet, private place behind the science building. We shouldn't have been there, it was out of bounds but “rules are made to be broken” as David said.

“Have I tried what? I don't even know what that is” I replied.

“Oh. Well, it means wearing your trousers with nothing under them. It feels a bit weird at first, but then really liberating not being constricted down there, and then you rub on your trousers as you move about and it feels a bit sexy, you know? Well, maybe you don't, but you ought to find out. Why don't you try it now?”

Now don't get the wrong idea. I'm not 'like that' really. I can't be. I'm going to get married and have kids some day, that's what you do, what everyone does. But the thought of certain parts of David rubbing against his clothes 'down there' and making him feel liberated and sexy was uppermost in my mind. I wanted to be liberated and sexy too. Until he said “Why don't you try it now?” and then I felt scared. And embarrassed. And kind of sad and disappointed at the same time, somehow.

“Now? Here? I can't do that! What if someone comes?”

He smiled a slow and dirty smile. “What indeed? An intriguing suggestion to be sure” he said dreamily. Then, in a more normal tone he added “But not likely. No-one should come here, not even you and me. It's the rules, remember? Go on, Rob, live a little! I will if you will.”

With that David stood up, unfastened his trousers and let them fall. He was wearing tight black briefs. I hoped he didn't notice that my eyes were drawn to the front of these, keen to see them come off, but I could only see them because I was still lying on the floor, he probably thought his shirt covered them. He sat back on the ground and untied his right shoe. “Come on, Rob. Don't make me do this alone” he cajoled.

Still nervous, I suddenly became excited enough to just 'go for it' anyway. I reached down, untied my laces and quickly pulled my shoes off. I unfastened my trousers, put my hands in my underwear and rapidly, before I had time to get nervous again and change my mind, I pulled them down and off and sat there a moment, glad that my fairly long shirt covered everything important, keeping my underwear carefully concealed inside my trousers. Why did I have to pick today to wear something so embarrassing? And how could I put the trousers back on while keeping them hidden?

David was still sitting there, looking slightly ridiculous with his trousers round his ankles as he struggled with his shoe lace, which had become knotted. He looked at me as I started to reach for my trousers. “Wait a sec” he said. “Let me just check something here...” He stood up and shuffled towards me awkwardly. “Oh, hold on.” He pulled his trousers back up, fastened them and now walked over. “Let me just...”

David bent down and picked up my trousers, with the underwear still inside them. And stuffed them into his school bag! Along with my shoes! What the hell? “What are you doing?” I asked, shocked and confused.

He noticed something and put his hand in his bag and pulled out my shameful secret. My old tight white briefs that barely even fit any more. “Well, well,” he laughed, “tighty-whities I believe our trans-Atlantic cousins call these. How cute and virginal. They suit you!

“What am I doing? I'm asserting my authority” he replied to my question. “If you want your stuff back you can take it back. Or else you can do as I say.” He smiled, but there was no friendliness in it. “I really think you might enjoy that. But it's your choice. If not four o'clock's a long time coming and you still have to get home. You catch the bus don't you? Think you'll be able to keep that shirt on?”

David was bigger and tougher than me and it seemed pretty obvious he wasn't going to just stand there and let me take my stuff back. If I tried that I'd have a fight on my hands and I'd lose it. On the other hand, I couldn't hang around here all afternoon and then try to get home half naked. The school bus was out of the question, obviously. I tried to remember where the nearest phone box was and imagined making the call home.

On the other hand, there actually was something appealing, in a seedy sort of way, about surrendering control to someone else and taking orders. And I had the excuse that I had no other choice. No, not an excuse, there really was no choice. And there were only the two of us and he'd gone to the trouble of engineering this. I wondered what was in store for me, and a part of me very much wanted to find out. “Well? What's it going to be?” he demanded.

“What do you want then?” I managed, nervous, defeated, apprehensive, curious, and maybe a few other emotions contributing to a general 'mixed-up' feeling.

There was that smile again. If a cat could smile at a mouse it would look like that. “I want your socks, first.” I peeled them off and handed them over. Into his bag they went. “Stand up.” I got to my feet. “Now your tie.” I pulled it off and passed it over. “And now the shirt.”

I froze. The shirt reached some way down my thighs and was keeping me more or less decent. David had really seen nothing untoward. But if I lost it..... “But.... But.... I'll be naked!” I blurted.

That feline smile again, as if the cat had just noticed a bowl of cream waiting for afters, when it had finished with the mouse. “Yes. Yes, you will. Completely naked and helpless. In front of me. I'm fully dressed and you'll be naked, there for my inspection, showing me all you've got. Won't that be fun? Just try not to come all over me. Now get it off!”

Seeing no alternative, I slowly unbuttoned my shirt and handed it over. I stood with my hands clasped in front of me as David put the shirt in his bag with everything else. Then he looked at me. “Put your hands behind your back” he demanded. “Show me your sexual organs. I want to study them at leisure.”

By now I really had no choice at all. I stood with my hands behind me, completely exposed, as he looked me up and down slowly, a self-satisfied smirk on his face. He stopped and stared intently straight at my groin for several seconds; it seemed longer. And that's when the tell-tale tingly feeling started and I felt myself starting to grow. “Oh no” I breathed, too quietly to be heard.

Superb hearing must be among David's many qualities. The feline smile returned, more self-satisfied than ever. “Oh yes” he said. “Yes indeed. Let's see your full potential. I really thought you might enjoy this and I was right. That's it, rise to the occasion.” And I did, try as I might to stop it. And I stood there naked, hands behind my back, as this arrogant, domineering, good-looking, fully clothed boy studied my erection. He looked up at my face, winked and licked his lips and I wondered if “try not to come all over me” might prove prescient. I was baffled by my own feelings but to my shame I was so horny I realised I was hoping he would order me to masturbate in front of him.

But he didn't. “Turn around” he said. I did so, glad to no longer be displaying myself full frontal. My arms were grabbed and held and then I heard a loud whistle from David, followed shortly by the sound of voices behind us.

Without warning David spun me around to face the other way, with him still behind me holding my arms. I found myself face to face with his best friend Tony Jackson and their respective girlfriends Alice Coleman and Susan Walters. “You did it on your own then” said Tony, laughing. The two girls just stood there looking amazed, and staring openly at me. At the area just below my waist, to be precise.

“Wow!” said Alice, admiringly. “You really did it! You stripped him! You said you'd get us a naked geek to look at and you have. Awesome!”

“Not quite” said David. “I think he likes showing himself off. You can see he's enjoying himself.” He glanced at my now rapidly wilting erection. “Or was, until you got here. It seems he doesn't like company. I just asked him to take his clothes off and he did. I don't think I could have done it by force even if I tried. I merely suggested that he remove all his clothing and display his sexual organs for me and he willingly co-operated. All I had to do was ask and Bob's your uncle. Or Bob's your model, in this case.

“When I said you'd get to see the geek naked the idea was I'd lure him here and then me and Tony could hold him and you and Susan could strip him. But when we got here he's looking at me like a puppy with its master and I thought it's even better if he strips himself, then he can't complain, so I just asked. If I asked him to cut his own throat he'd probably do it. Did you bring your sister?”

“Yes, they're waiting round the corner like you said.”

“Well, bring them over then” said David. To me he said “I'm going to let you go now but if you want to get dressed before you go home you'll do what I ask. It's Alice's sister Gemma's birthday today. If you upset Gemma you upset Alice, which upsets Tony, which upsets me and you don't want that. So keep your hands by your sides, sing happy birthday to Gemma, and then let her pose for her friends with her arm round you.”

Alice returned, accompanied by half a dozen excited chattering girls. They looked very young, like first or second years. When they saw me they stopped chattering and just stared at me as I forced myself to keep my hands by my sides. “Wow” said one of them quietly. I noticed one of them was wearing a 'Brand New Teenager - Thirteen Today' badge. She must be Gemma, and the girls must be second years. At least that meant I wouldn't have to share classes with them afterwards, as I would with Susan and Alice.

David gave me an expectant look and I mentally shrugged. No point putting it off. I started singing.

“Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Gemma
Happy birthday to you”

That broke the spell. Instead of staring in awe the second years were now laughing and chattering to each other again. “Come and stand next to him and put your arm around him” Alice instructed her sister.

“And you put your arm around her” David instructed me. We stood there, arms around each other, facing the group. “Give her a kiss” commanded David and I turned my head and kissed her cheek.

“Robbie” called Alice and I turned to answer her. The camera flashed before my brain had even processed the fact she was holding one. I instantly covered myself with my free hand but it was too late.

“Put that hand by your side, I already told you” admonished David as the Polaroid camera printed its picture and Alice waved it in the air to dry it.

“Let him go now” said Alice, and Gemma went back to her friends. Alice walked over and handed her the picture. “Happy birthday little sister” she said affectionately.

Gemma stood there looking back and forth from the picture in her hand to me just standing there letting it all hang out. “Wow. Best birthday present ever, or what? Thanks, Alice. You're the best!”

Alice smiled. “Well, the teachers might not think so, so you keep that picture safe and don't let them see it or they'll take it off you. We don't want Robbie to be the staff room pin-up boy now do we? And don't let Mum and Dad see it either, find a good hiding place.” She looked at her watch. “Less than ten minutes left of lunch time, you girls had better get back, we'll follow in a couple of minutes.”

The second years wandered off, passing the photo between them and chattering happily as I abandoned any thought of reporting what had happened. If anything I wanted that picture passed around in the staff room even less than Gemma did. Meanwhile David was pulling all my clothing out of his bag and dumping it on the ground.

Once the younger girls had had plenty of time to get clear my four contemporaries left together as I started to dress. David looked over his shoulder, smiled and winked. “See you later, Rob. We'll get together again soon.”

And the really shameful thing is I still wanted to.

Chapter 2 coming soon.

Next: Chapter 2

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