Robert's Revelations

Published on Aug 17, 2024


Robert's Revelations Chapter 11

Robert's Revelations

This story is set in rural England in 1982. It is, obviously, written in British English with British words and spellings. The cultural references are also from that time and place so I hope that references to cars, TV shows or music won't spoil the story for those who don't know them. Follow the links provided for more information or just ignore them. (And yes, I know you can use a search engine just as well as I can. The links are for convenience, not to insult anyone.)

As always, this is fiction and any resemblance to real people is coincidental. In some chapters controversial opinions will be expressed. Please remember they are the characters' opinions, not the author's. Some are opinions I profoundly disagree with but I've tried to state them fairly, not parody them.

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Chapter Eleven: I don't like Mondays

After that incredible Sunday the next day started out as a pretty normal Monday. I caught the bus into school as usual and didn't see much of my new friends, although I did manage a brief chat with David after Maths in room 107. I looked around carefully to make sure no-one else was in earshot and then said what an interesting and enjoyable weekend it had been. Who knew that a kinky fantasy about Billy Price making me show off to girls could lead to so much fun?

David agreed it had been fun. “We'll have to see what else we can organise in the way of kinky fun for you” he said cryptically. I wondered what he meant but we had to get to our next class, History for me, Statistics for him.

I didn't have long to wait. After lunch a boy I didn't know, a fourth year I think, approached me. “Mr Levinson wants to see you urgently. Come with me.” Mr Levinson was my Chemistry teacher. I wondered what he wanted and followed the boy to the science block. As we approached it the doors burst open and Billy Price and his gang rushed out and surrounded me. I was dragged around to the verboten area behind the block. “Thanks, little brother” said Jason to the fourth year boy who'd tricked me. “I owe you one.”

“Yes, you do” he agreed. “I want to watch this. I won't believe it's real until I've seen it.”

“Oh, it's real enough” sneered Billy. “But it is hard to believe. Get him down lads, down on the floor.”

Next thing I was on my back on the grass. Jason and his brother holding my arms, Paul and Gary my feet. Helen, Suzie, Karen and Pamela stood nearby watching, amused, as Billy pulled my tie off and started to unbutton my shirt. “What the hell are you doing?” I demanded.

“I'm making your dreams come true” he said, pulling the shirt off and starting on my shoes. “A little bird told me you have fantasies about me. No, never mind what little bird, that's for me to know and you to wonder about.” My shoes and socks were off and he started undoing my trousers. “I never knew anyone fantasised about me before. But don't worry boys, he don't want my arse, he likes girls. He wants to show off to them, but he's not brave enough.” My black school trousers and grey briefs (luckily I hadn't worn something embarrassing) were pulled down my legs and over my feet and I lay there naked as everyone jeered.

But then it got worse. This was a situation I'd fantasised about only last Friday and it had led to highly pleasurable experiences. I was really hating every moment of this reality but in some perverse way it seemed to trigger the memory. “Look! Look!” hooted Billy. “I told you he likes it didn't I? Look at his little cock getting hard! He loves them girls looking at it!”

The reality was, of course, rather more complex than Billy realised. As David had said “Thank God he's too stupid to guess!” Thank God indeed; this was bad enough but it would be a whole lot worse if he knew the whole truth.

It got worse anyway. “You girls are in for a treat now” boasted Billy. “Guess what else Robin told me?”

“Who's Robin?” asked Karen, idly.

“My little bird, of course. You wouldn't believe me if I told you his name so let's just say Rockin' Robin. 'All the little birds on Jaybird Street, Love to hear the robin go tweet, tweet, tweet.' Well, can you guess what he tweeted?”

“No,” said Helen impatiently, “just tell us.”

“He wants to play with himself while you watch, the kinky so-and-so, that's his secret fantasy, Robin told me. But he's not brave enough to do it so he wants me to force him then it's 'my fault' not his. Well, I don't mind helping out for a laugh if it gives you ladies a thrill. It's your lucky day Robert! Show us what you got! There's just over fifteen minutes of lunch hour left. If you come before then you can get dressed. If not we keep your clothes and you find your way home naked. Enjoy the show, girls! No need to feel sorry for him, he's getting what he wants!”

I was not getting what I wanted. As I listened to the contemptuous dirty sniggers of Billy's mates I desperately tried to kid myself I didn't know who 'Robin' was. David's a friend. He wouldn't do that, surely? But somebody did! And only three people know. I didn't tell him, I'm certain of that much. So: Tony? Not his style; if he had a problem I'd hear about it directly. And he can't stand Billy so even if he did spread gossip it wouldn't be there. But I didn't think it was David's style either and it has to be one of them. And David did say he 'may push you a bit but I won't make you do anything you really don't want to' didn't he? Is this a push? Does he think I really want this? I don't want to believe it but what other explanation is there?

“Tick tock, tick tock” gloated Billy. “Time's a-passin' and the bell rings when it rings. If you don't want to be left here like that you may as well get on with it and give us a show, no point putting it off.”

He was right. If I was going to do this, and the alternative was inconceivable, I might as well get on with it. It wasn't going to get any easier if I put it off. Quite the opposite in fact, I didn't need pressure to finish quickly. I got on with it.

An enjoyable kinky fantasy turned out to be an utterly humiliating reality. It actually was almost fun, in a sleazy sort of way, having the four girls staring at me with rapt fascination. I knew they'd seen 'boy parts' before, if only with Stephen Lloyd, but I might well be the first they'd seen completely naked, almost certainly the first to masturbate in front of them, and they watched silently, unable to take their eyes off me.

But the boys were another story. They had no sexual interest in me whatever. They just thought it was funny to bully me by forcing me to do something private in front of an audience, on command and under duress. And the most degrading part was that this had been my fantasy. They knew it and I knew it and their comments and questions reflected it. Was I enjoying it? Which girl was I thinking about? Did I hope once they'd seen it they'd come back for more? Etc., etc. I tried to ignore them and just give the girls a treat, at least they were appreciative. But it was hard to see how I could ever forgive David for this. I couldn't even think about it for more than moments at a time. About the only way I could make this worse was to start crying in front of everyone, and that's what his betrayal made me feel like doing. How could he?

So I lay there trying to make their assumptions into reality and convince myself I was enjoying showing off to the girls. Given recent events it was becoming an open question, at most, whether I even liked girls that way, but I could still enjoy entertaining them, especially when they stared like that. Well, eventually it worked and I managed to reach orgasm, which delighted each half of the audience in different ways.

Billy looked at his watch. “Five minutes to go, and you still have to get dressed. That's cutting it fine. Well, let me know next time you want me to make your dreams come true. I'm happy to help. It was fun! Come on boys and girls, time to get back.” And with that they all filed around the corner of the building, taking care not to be seen, and I was left alone.

I gathered up my clothes and got dressed. I felt sick, shaky, and profoundly miserable and depressed. Hadn't David once told me not to take fantasies too seriously or confuse them with real desires? Well, I'd certainly learned that lesson now. I crept around the corner of the building carefully, trouble with teachers was the last thing I needed but there was no-one around. I headed off to my next class.

The next lesson was English Literature, normally a subject I enjoyed. Especially now, as we were studying 'The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner' Alan Sillitoe's glorious F you to the system of his day. I was a bit surprised they'd teach that in a state school, but they did. What spoiled it today was seeing David across the room chatting away like he didn't have a care in the world to Craig McKinley, of all people.

After the lesson was afternoon break. David came up to me. “Okay? How's it going?” he asked, as if he had not just totally betrayed my trust. I looked at his friendly face and felt tears come to my eyes. How could he do that to me? “Hey, what's wrong?” he asked, noticing the look on my face.

“One question” I choked out, forcing my voice to work more or less normally. “Why? Just why? How could you do that to me? Did you think I'd like it or something?”

“Why what?” he asked, bemused. “What am I supposed to have done?”

“Don't give me that crap! You bloody well know what!” I was getting close to hysterical and a couple of people glanced our way, curious.

“I bloody well don't! Honestly, Rob, calm down. I really don't know what you're talking about, I swear.” I so wanted to believe him but how could that be possible?

I lowered my voice so as not to be overheard. “Really? Well I just had Billy and his mates and those slutty girls that hang around with them 'make my dreams come true' as they put it. You know, that fantasy only me, you and Tony know about? Only somehow Billy did too? And now all his mates do so it'll be all round school soon enough, they had a good laugh watching me toss myself off for them. I didn't tell him. Do you think Tony did? He can't stand him.” David shook his head. “So who does that leave then, genius?”

“Well it just leaves me, but I'm telling you, I never said a word, honestly.”

“So who did then? The tooth fairy? The invisible man? Your imaginary friend?”

“I don't know. But I'll find out. Billy will tell me.”

I remembered Billy's smug know-it-all attitude and refusal to elaborate on 'a little bird' as he sneered at me. “No he won't” I said.

David looked at my distraught face and smacked his right fist into his left palm. “Yes he will,” he said flatly, “but I may have to persuade him. Leave it with me. I don't know how he found out but it wasn't me and it won't be Tony.”

A few minutes later he was back. “Well, I found out who told him, and you're not going to like it!” I looked at him expectantly. “You did!”

I was shocked. “Did I fuck as like!” I resorted to the Welsh idiom I'd heard my Glamorgan relatives use, it seemed more expressive.

“Not deliberately, no, but you did. Remember we were talking in Room 107 after Maths? Well, the windows were open and it seems there was someone on the flat roof outside collecting rubbish, lost balls and suchlike. I don't know if it was Billy or someone that told him, he wouldn't say and it doesn't really matter. He didn't want to tell me anything until I grabbed him by the nuts, gave them a good squeeze and said I'd bring back the fine old tradition of the castrati choir if he didn't start singing. So that's how he found out, how else could he know we talked about it? Careless of both of us, we ought to know better.”

“Oh. I see. Sorry I accused you then.” He wouldn't have made that up, it would be too risky, and I was glad to have this explanation. “Truly. I'm glad it wasn't you and I'm sorry I doubted you. But it really seemed like the only possible explanation. I did try to think of another but we could hardly have expected eaves-droppers outside an upstairs window, could we?”

“Maybe not, but it's better not to talk about some things in school. I forgot that. One thing worries me. After I let him go he said that's not all he knows so I'd better be nice to him and ran off. I don't know what that means but maybe I'll find out because I've no intention of being nice. Time for you and Stephen Lloyd to get some revenge, I think.”

I wondered what he meant but we had to get to our next lessons and I didn't see David again that day. After I got off the bus on my way home I stopped to phone the vicarage from a phone box, that wasn't a conversation I wanted Mum to overhear. But I needn't have bothered. Reverend Peters had been temporarily seconded to somewhere else at short notice. Sickness had caused a staffing crisis if I understood it right. Could the vicar help? No? Then sorry, but please call back in a fortnight or so. I agreed, what else could I do? My questions would just have to wait.

Chapter 12 coming soon.

Next: Chapter 12

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