Robert's Revelations

Published on Aug 31, 2024


Robert's Revelations Chapter 13

Robert's Revelations

This story is set in rural England in 1982. It is, obviously, written in British English with British words and spellings. The cultural references are also from that time and place so I hope that references to cars, TV shows or music won't spoil the story for those who don't know them. Follow the links provided for more information or just ignore them. (And yes, I know you can use a search engine just as well as I can. The links are for convenience, not to insult anyone.)

As always, this is fiction and any resemblance to real people is coincidental. In some chapters controversial opinions will be expressed. Please remember they are the characters' opinions, not the author's. Some are opinions I profoundly disagree with but I've tried to state them fairly, not parody them.

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Chapter Thirteen – Armageddon

We had made plans to meet up at David's house on Friday evening. His parents were going away for the weekend again and his mother had been prevailed on to make us another lasagne. After which we planned to watch 'Nighthawks' and see what we thought of it.

Dinner was scheduled for six o'clock but when I arrived at twenty to there was no sign of Tony's bike and David introduced me to his parents, it seemed their plans must have changed but I didn't ask and they didn't explain. We sat around chatting and I wondered what would happen. It didn't seem likely we could watch the film this evening now.

Six o'clock came and went. By ten past David seemed to be getting annoyed. “Where the hell is Tony?” he asked rhetorically. “It's not like him to be late and we can't hold dinner much longer.”

“I'm sure there'll be a good reason” said Mrs Porter, but she looked worried and sounded like she was trying to convince herself. “Perhaps that bike of his has broken down on the way. I don't like him riding it, they're so dangerous. Anyway, dinner can wait a few minutes longer, at least.”

We returned to our conversation. A minute later the phone rang and Mrs Porter answered it. Mr Porter gave her a concerned look when she came back, looking tense and frightened. What weren't they telling us? “David come with me. You too Robert. We have to get Tony now, urgently so don't waste time asking questions. Gerald, plate up some dinners for us and Tony and keep them warm, I don't know how long we'll be.”

“Surely it's better if I...” began her husband.

“No” she interrupted. “I know why but I want you here in case Mr Jackson turns up here. I don't want to face him alone but I'll be safe enough out there. He won't hit a woman in public, with witnesses, that type never do, they keep it behind closed doors. Now come on boys, haul ass!”

We followed her out of the front door and she rushed to the garage and opened one of the doors. “Mum? What's going on with Tony? You're scaring me now!” pleaded David as she pulled the door open. She ignored him, jumped in her car and backed it out. We jumped in and she turned the car and started down the drive.

“You'll find out soon enough” Mrs Porter told David. “Just now we really need to find Tony before his father does so please just shut up and don't distract me.” She headed through the village well above the speed limit.

And then we got on the country B roads. Mrs Porter really was in a hurry. She was clearly a good driver and she had a nice car. Her Triumph Dolomite Sprint is a sensible four door saloon [sedan] but also a very quick car. I sat in the middle of the rear seat holding one front headrest in each hand leaning forward between the seats. David sat in front, left hand gripping the dashboard to brace himself.

It should have been a thrilling ride but we were too scared for Tony to enjoy it. Obviously something was very wrong but we didn't know what. Mrs Porter drove in grim silence, the speedo needle powering past 100 on the straights. She braked late and hard for the corners, accelerated hard and early out of them.

We drove into a village, then suddenly veered off the road into the village hall car park. There were some shrubs growing in the far corner and she headed towards them, turning the car as she did so and stopped as close as she could. Tony darted out of the bushes, opened the left rear door and jumped in. We could see that his face was bruised and tear stained. Tony slammed the door as Mrs Porter drove away. “Thank God you're safe” she said.

As we pulled out of the car park an old Vauxhall Victor turned into it. Tony actually whimpered. “That's his car. You got here just in time. Fuck, I was scared. Oh, sorry, pardon my language Mrs P. I hope he won't come after us.”

“Even if he recognised us he won't catch this car in that one. And I can forgive some language in the circumstances.” said Mrs Porter grimly. “Fucking animal!” she muttered under her breath, accelerating out of the village back the way we came.

“Mum!” David was shocked. It seemed he'd never heard her talk like that. Middle class ladies just didn't use that word, not where we came from.

“Sorry, but I think you'll agree with me soon enough. I meant Jackson senior of course, not Tony. Sorry boys, but you're going to have to be patient a bit longer, I don't know the whole story myself yet. I'm going to drop you home and then take Tony to the hospital. My friend Marie's working this evening and she can get him checked over off the record. We can talk when I get back, please don't argue.” Something in her voice convinced us not to, she sounded close to breaking point.

Mrs Porter dropped us at the end of the drive and we walked up to the house. As soon as we opened the door Mr Porter rushed to meet us. “Well? What's happening?”

“I wish I knew” said David angrily. “Why don't you tell me? All I know is Mum drove like a bat out of hell to [Tony's village], picked him up from the village hall car park, dropped us back here, and took him to hospital for a check up. He looked like he'd been beaten up, Mum said something about his dad being an animal, and you two obviously know what's going on so will somebody tell me? Please!”

“Oh thank God!” said Mr Porter. “He's safe now.”

“Mum said that too. Just what the hell is going on?”

“Honestly, son, I don't know all the details myself. All I know is Tony had a big problem with his father and it was imperative to get him away from there. I know it's frustrating and you're worried but let's not speculate. Let's wait for Mum and Tony and we can put it all together and decide what to do next.”

Tyres crunched on the gravel outside. I looked out of the hall window behind me. “It's that Vauxhall. Tony said that was his car, whoever he is.”

Mr Porter looked frightened, but determined. “Okay boys, get in the kitchen out of sight. I'll handle this.” David looked about to protest. “Just bloody do it and don't argue for once! If he sees you you'll only make it worse.” David looked put out but obeyed. I followed.

There was a hammering on the door, then: “Where is he then?”

“Who?” asked Mr Porter innocently.

“My son Tony, who else?”

“He's not here. And I wouldn't let you near him if he was.”

“Bollocks! I saw him in a Dolomite but it was gone before I could catch it. What car do you drive? I'm sure somebody said a Triumph.”

“A Rover 3500 since you ask. Anyway there's lots of Dolomites about, it's a popular car. Maybe one of his friends has one? Either way he's not here. I don't care if you believe me or not. Now please leave, you're not welcome here.”

“What about the other one? David isn't it? I want a word with that one! I suppose he's not here either.”

“He is, but you're not getting anywhere near him. I've heard what you mean by a word. Beat up women and children in your own house. Don't try it here or it's a question of which blue light vehicle you leave in. Robert, come here a minute please.”

I walked nervously into the hall. “Pick up that phone. If Mr Jackson tries anything or is not back in his car driving away in one minute dial 999 for the police.”

“You've not heard the last of this” said Mr Jackson menacingly. “If I find out he is here that's kidnap. Now I'm going to look for that car and if I find it....” He got back in his car and drove away.

Mr Porter shut the door. “Phew, that was pretty unpleasant, even with the door chain on. I can't imagine being sixteen and trapped with him.”

David looked confused, and frightened. “Dad, please tell me what is going on? Was that really Mr Jackson? Why does he want me? How did he find this house? What was all that about women and children?”

“I don't know how he found it...” began Mr Porter, hesitantly.

“If he knows your name he could look it up in the phone book” I suggested. “I did.”

“Good point Robert, he probably did. As for the rest, I know it's frustrating for you but when Mum and Tony get here we can put the whole story together and then you'll know, I promise. The worst is over now, believe me.”

We sat around feeling highly strung and jumping at every noise for nearly an hour, none of us could face eating. Mr Porter looked longingly at the drinks cabinet but resisted, either didn't want to lose control, set a bad example, or both. And then we heard a car outside. I looked out the window. “It's okay, it's your mum and Tony.”

Mrs Porter drove into the garage, shut the door, and she and Tony came into the house. “No real damage, thank God” she said. “He's battered and bruised but nothing that won't heal in a few days. Question is: What happens now?”

“No” said Mr Porter. “First question: Is your car out of sight?” She nodded. “Good. Jackson was here and he's looking for it. Second question: What has happened? Tony? What happened between you and your dad, son? Can you tell us? David's going out of his mind.”

Tony hesitated. He looked embarrassed and frightened. “I.... He had.... Somebody sent him this photograph and he.... No, sorry, I can't....”

“Okay, son, calm down, you're safe here. Was it this photo?” He pulled a print from his pocket and passed it to Tony.

He looked even more frightened. “Yes! Where did you get it?” David and I looked over his shoulders. The picture was of David and Tony kissing, taken from an angle that clearly showed both their faces.

“The same place your dad did I imagine. It arrived in this morning's post, addressed to my wife and I. The envelope was typed and so was the message inside. It said it takes one to breed one, did you know your son's a bender? The first bit probably hurt your dad's macho pride. Can you think who'd do something like this?”

“Half-Price!” said David, with sudden furious certainty. “I'll kill him! But where did he get this? We've always been so careful!”

“You can see what looks like this house in the background” said his dad. “It looks like this was taken by someone hiding in the shrubbery by the drive. You would have thought you were alone.”

David nodded. Then his expression changed from anger to fear and he looked at his dad. “You've had this all day? And you're not angry?”

“Of course I'm angry. I'm angry with whoever sent it, trying to make trouble. Maybe this 'Half-Price', whoever he is, but be very sure before you seek revenge, we've had one innocent beaten up already. But it was hardly news to us.

“I mean, come on. You two sleep in the same room together even when the guest room's free. Then there's the way you're always together, and the way you look at each other. How stupid do you think we are? It doesn't take Columbo to work it out.” He smiled. “Also, the walls aren't soundproof are they, 'Doyle'?”

David instantly blushed bright red. It was a treat to see, him embarrassed in front of me for once. Even Tony managed a wan smile. “You mean you've known all this time?” asked David incredulously. “And you've never said anything?”

“Darling,” said Mrs Porter gently, “we were hoping there might be enough trust that one day you might feel able to tell us, and we didn't want to jump the gun. Unfortunately some low life has forced our hand now.”

“And you're okay with it?”

“Well, I'm not thrilled I have to say” replied his father. “But that's because it will make your life so much harder. I don't judge people's lifestyles, you know that. Live and let live I say. At least I won't have to worry about you getting some girl pregnant. If your brother doesn't inseminate half the girls in his year group it won't be for lack of trying!

“I've seen enough of the world to know you can't change people and you'll do what you need to do, whatever I say. I'd much rather you do it here safely with someone we know and trust than hang around public toilets doing God knows what with God knows who risking God knows what kind of violence and disease. Tony, I assume your dad doesn't quite see it that way?”

“Oh God.” Tony looked despairing. “He said no son of his would be like that and he always said I was a little girly poof but now I've proved it he don't want me in his house and he can't stand to look at me. I said where am I supposed to go and he said I can go to my bum boy, or to hell, or the hospital. That's when he started hitting me. My sister screamed and he turned to tell her to shut up and I ran out the door and hid in the alley. He came out, looked around, then got in his car and drove off, looking for me I suppose.

“I ran the other way, towards the village hall. I wasn't going to risk going back for my helmet and riding a bike that only goes about 40. Not with my dad in a car wanting me in hell or the hospital. Then I phoned David, or tried to and got Mrs Porter. Sorry I reversed the charge, I didn't know what to do, I really thought he might kill me if he finds me, not deliberate, but he was in such a rage and Mum just sat there and anyway Mrs Porter says you're in trouble aren't you and I said bad trouble and she said where are you and I told her and she said hide in the bushes in the car park until you see a yellow Dolomite I'll be driving it and go now quick and she hung up, so I did and you know the rest. I phoned Mum from the hospital and told her I'm safe with friends but I ain't going home.

“I'm so glad you found me before he did but what can I do now? I can't go back there, I really can't, but there's nowhere else. Oh God, I don't know what to do! Can I stay here just for tonight anyway? I know it's a lot to ask after all you've done but I'm desperate, please?”

David looked desperate to speak but his dad got there first. “Just for tonight? No! You can stay here as long as you need to. Months or years if necessary. My wife and I discussed it earlier. We like you, we always have, but I can't say the same for your father. When we saw that picture we thought something like this might happen.”

“That's great, Dad, thank you so much” said David. “But didn't Mr Jackson say that was kidnap? You won't get in trouble will you?”

“Right now I don't much care” his dad replied. “I can't imagine doing anything else. Do you think I could send someone you care about back into that situation? You'd never forgive me and neither would I. There's social services I suppose but I'd rather settle it privately.”

“I don't see how it's kidnap if he's here voluntarily and we don't want a ransom” said Mrs Porter. “I say call his bluff. Marie did her examination off the record but she kept notes and photos just in case. Tony was adamant he wanted no police but his dad doesn't know that. Tell him he plays ball or we put him away for child abuse. They love a 'nonce' in prison, don't they? Anyway, he already disowned the boy so where's the problem? If he needs a legal guardian we can foster or something.”

“The problem is I don't want my dad in jail whatever he's done” said Tony. “Sorry to be ungrateful but I won't help with that.”

“And the other problem is me” added David. “I'd love it, but will the authorities allow you to do it, given our relationship?”

“It's a threat, Tony” explained Mr Porter. “We won't have to carry it out. Your dad won't want to risk it so he'll do what we want. And he won't want to be known for having a gay son anyway so who is going to mention any 'relationship'? We've never been told about one, have we? We're just taking in an unwanted child. Anyway, we're not going to settle any of it tonight. Let's have some dinner and then sleep on it and see how we feel tomorrow. We were supposed to be going away this weekend but we delayed it when we got that photo in case something like this happened. I suppose we'll have to cancel that now.”

“Why?” asked David. “It's Mum's school friend's daughter's wedding, she doesn't want to miss that. And you won't be able to do anything before Monday anyway. We'll keep the doors locked but Mr Jackson won't come back here, he won't know you're away. I wish he would. I'd like to meet him when there's three of us, one of him, and an excuse of self-defence. I'd really like that” he added with feeling.

“I'm sure you would” said Mr Porter. “But the man's dangerous and you're still a boy. Just look at Tony.”

“The man's a fat old bully who took Tony by surprise. He won't do that to me. But the situation won't arise. He won't come back and if we keep the garage doors closed no-one will know that Mum's car is here and yours is not. Let him spend the weekend looking for a car he won't find. You're leaving at crack of dawn when no-one will see you, you'll be back Sunday afternoon and then we can talk it all out.”

“And get legal advice on Monday” added Mrs Porter. “It makes sense, darling, and I'd really like to go. But only if David promises not to confront Tony's dad, I can't enjoy the wedding if I'm worried sick. If he comes here you keep the doors locked and call the police. Promise me!”

“Okay, Mum, you win. I promise.”

We retrieved and ate our somewhat dried up and unappealing dinners then spent the rest of the evening pretending to watch TV, each thinking private thoughts. I'd been hoping for another sexy adventure but everyone was far too concerned with their own problems to bother with me. I felt selfish for regretting it and went to sleep alone in the guest room.

Chapter 14 coming soon.

Next: Chapter 14

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