Robert's Revelations

Published on Jun 15, 2024


Robert's Revelations Chapter 2

Robert's Revelations

This story is set in rural England in 1982. It is, obviously, written in British English with British words and spellings. The cultural references are also from that time and place so I hope that references to cars, TV shows or music won't spoil the story for those who don't know them. Follow the links provided for more information or just ignore them. (And yes, I know you can use a search engine just as well as I can. The links are for convenience, not to insult anyone.)

As always, this is fiction and any resemblance to real people is coincidental. In some chapters controversial opinions will be expressed. Please remember they are the characters' opinions, not the author's. Some are opinions I profoundly disagree with but I've tried to state them fairly, not parody them.

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Chapter Two – Surprise, surprise

I hoped the incident would remain private and forgotten and it certainly seemed to; there seemed to be no gossip. Perhaps they were ashamed of what they'd done, or at least worried about getting caught. Meanwhile I was worried and confused about the way David had made me feel before his friends turned up and spoiled the moment to enjoy the joke. I couldn't understand why I'd got so excited but couldn't deny it either.

Last period Thursday was Physics and as with Chemistry earlier in the week David and I were both in the top set. He approached me as I left and walked out with me. When we were alone he said “Hey Rob, you want to come round mine after school tomorrow? Tell your parents you're staying for dinner and if it's a late one you might stay over.”

I was still reeling from events earlier in the week and spending time with David was what I wanted most, and feared most. Plus I resented what he'd done, using me to give those girls a treat. 'Yeah, and why is that what you resent?' asked my inner cynic archly. To shut it up I said aloud “No, I don't think so, thank you. I think you've seen quite enough of me lately.”

He laughed. “Oh, no, I enjoyed seeing you.” He winked at me and I had to remind myself he's with Susan, he's messing with me, the shocking implication is in my mind not his. “But you misunderstand me” he continued. “That wasn't a question. You want to come to dinner. You know why? Because we can easily borrow that picture back off Gemma and pass it round all the fifth year girls, then every girl in every class you're in will have seen you too. Alice and Sue think that would be fun but I stopped them because I'm a nice boy and I like you. You're not going to snub and offend me now are you? Dinner tomorrow, okay? I'll ask Mum to make lasagne, everybody likes lasagne, right?”

So, I go to his place or that awful picture gets passed around. Every girl will see it, and probably the boys too at some point, and I will never hear the end of it or forget what they all know. And I'm curious to know why he's so keen on my company suddenly, he never used to be. And he can't bully me much with his parents present, or at least in shouting distance, can he? And I do have this inexplicable urge to be with him. And I do like lasagne. My parents stick to the traditional fish on Friday and I never liked it much.

I gave in, not quite sure exactly why. “Okay then. I'll come to dinner if it means so much to you. Now I have to go or I'll miss my bus.”

“Great! Bring a change of clothes in to school tomorrow. You don't want to wear school uniform all night.”

I got home and told Mum I'd been invited to have dinner with my new friend and maybe stay over. “Where does he live?” asked Mum. “Not in this village, there's no new families here.” I realised I didn't know, somewhere near school I supposed if we were going to walk there. “Well, you can go” said Mum. It hadn't occurred to me she might refuse permission. “But find out if you're staying or if his folks can bring you home and ring me before seven. You know your father and I like to go to the Royal Oak for drinks with our friends on Fridays and if I end up having to pay for a taxi I'll be very cross.”

“Okay Mum. Will do. Thanks.”

Next day I went into school with my coolest clothes neatly folded in my bag. Black jeans and a red sweatshirt. Okay, maybe not so cool but you do what you can. Also the toothbrush and comb I hoped I'd need. No pyjamas, David was not going to see me in those. I could sleep in underwear for one night. Speaking of which, I'd rummaged through the seriously uncool contents of my underwear drawer in search of the least embarrassing option. Blue briefs from a multi-pack. Better than y-fronts or 'tighty-whities' anyway. Not that anyone was likely to see them, but I might end up sharing David's room, I didn't know how big his house was.

After school we walked into town but instead of going to his house he took me to a cafe and ordered two coffees. “The next bus is at 5:10” he said. “We can't use the school bus because it's not your bus and the driver gets arsey, miserable old git that he is.”

It turned out David lived in a village only three miles from mine but on a different school bus route. I could walk home if I really had to, but not at night, it's too dangerous on country lanes with no pavements [side walks] or street lights.

We got to his house. A big, modern one just off the centre by the church. “Wow, this is yours? Cool!” (memo to self: don't keep using that word it's not coo..... Oh sod it!) “It looks like it was built last year.”

“1980 actually so you're close. When the church sold the rectory in '78 Dad mortgaged his soul to buy it, got permission to build this on half its garden, bought the plans and the timber frame from a company called ASPP and employed contractors to build it, then sold the rectory and we moved in here. Dad says the overall cost was less than a Barratt Homes executive shoe box. Canny old bugger my dad is, he doesn't miss a trick.”

Clearly not; the house was magnificent. We walked in through the hall into a massive open plan living and dining room. The dining area was normal height with what looked like an expensive polished table and chairs but it opened into a living area twenty feet square with what they call a cathedral ceiling two stories high sloping down to one at the other side, where four pairs of glass doors led to the garden. A staircase on one side wall led up to a sort of balcony overlooking the living area. “Come on,” said David, heading up the stairs, “I'll show you to your room.” He pointed to doors as we walked along the landing. “Mum and Dad's room. Strictly out of bounds. Andrew's room. He's at uni now but ditto. My room.” He gave me that confusing wink again, is he implying something? “Play your cards right and who knows? Bathroom. Guest room. You're in there. Get changed and come on down.” I looked out the window at a good sized garden (the original rectory's must have been huge) and a great view over the countryside. Mr Porter really had made a good deal.

I went downstairs and found David lounging around in jeans and a Black Sabbath tee shirt. “When do your parents get home?” I asked.

“Monday” he replied. “Don't look so shocked. They've gone on a long weekend to the Lake District and we've got the place to ourselves. The lasagne's in the oven and I'll sort the rest out in due course, you won't starve. You're staying tonight and then we'll see.”

I asked permission and phoned Mum to tell her I was staying and the Porters had no objection. Yeah, okay, but that was technically true and she worries.

While I was on the phone the doorbell rang and David went to answer it, returning with his friend Tony. “Tony's staying here tonight as well” David told me after I finished on the phone.

“Oh, okay, where's he going to sleep? In the guest room with me?” I'd noticed the room had twin beds but hadn't been expecting to share it. I don't like sharing rooms and my tone may have betrayed that.

“You wish!” said David. I was getting tired of all this innuendo and was about to say so when he added “He'll sleep in my room as always. You can relax.”

“What?” I was confused. The guest room can't always be in use so why share if you don't have to?

“I might be taking a risk here but believe me Rob, if you ever mention this to anyone I'll deny it and then I'll make your life hell on earth. And everyone will believe me not you. Sorry to be melodramatic but this needs to stay quiet, it's important.

“We're a couple, me and Tony I mean, not me and you. But in school and around town we can't be, it's just impossible. Remember all that shit when Alan Watkins got a hard-on in the showers? All the stuff people were saying? And they didn't really believe it either. Imagine how much worse it would be if they did! That's why people like us have to keep it quiet. But you're safe here, among your own kind, you can let your guard down.”

I had been listening to this with mounting disbelief. David and Tony? And they thought that I..... Just because of..... No! But then why.... No! Just no! And then I heard the last few words and I got it.

I laughed cynically. “Oh, I get it. You must think I was born yesterday! I fall for this crap, then I confess whatever it is you think I have to confess, then it's all round the school on Monday. Sorry, not going to work, but nice try! You almost had me fooled. You've probably got a tape recorder hidden somewhere haven't you?”

“Tony?” David embraced his friend and started kissing him! Full on the mouth! Right in front of me! And then grabbed the front of his trousers and started feeling him up! They moved round so Tony had his back to me and then David dropped to his knees and..... Oh my God! He's surely not.... I think he is though... Oh my God!!

They moved back around and I could see Tony's erection sticking out of his flies, but only an inch or two of it, the rest was in David's mouth as his head moved back and forth. Tony turned his back to me once again, David shuffling round on his knees, and for a while I saw and heard nothing then grunting then, from Tony “Oh.... Oh.....I'm almost there..... Oh....Oh!!.....OH MY GOD!!.... AAAAHH!!!....Wow! I needed that!” Tony adjusted his dress then turned to face me. David stood up.

Then he stood right in front of me and opened his mouth and I could see the sperm all over his tongue. Then he swallowed it, licked his lips, swallowed again and then said “Do you think I'd do that just to fool you?”

“And do you think I'd let him?” added Tony. I felt a hand suddenly grab my crotch. “And would you react like this if he was wrong about you?” I realised I was rock hard, funny I hadn't noticed before, too busy being shocked I suppose.

I stuck my hand down my trousers and adjusted to make myself more comfortable. For some reason I felt near to tears. “I don't know. I'm not... That is.... I don't understand any of this. It's too.... I don't know. I can't find the words for what I mean.... But if I'm 'your own kind' and I'm safe with you then what the fu... what the hell was all that on Tuesday? I didn't feel safe then, that's for sure. Why pick on me? I barely know you.”

“And we barely know you” laughed Tony.

“Yeah all right Tony, give him a break” said David. “Remember how scared we were at first? We don't have to use the G word if he's not comfortable, let's stick to the F word for now. I mean 'fun' but you can use the other one if you want, no-one will faint. It's a pointless waste of breath most of the time but it's just a fucking word.

“Why pick on you? Well, first I didn't guess about you, you hide it quite well. And second, I wasn't going to, I was planning to target Craig McKinley, that mouthy sod needs taking down a peg. But he wasn't in school that day and then I heard you with Ollie Newton laughing and joking just before Chemistry about 'the two Scottish queers, Ben Doon and Phil McAvity' remember? Ollie's a good-looking lad so maybe you were deflecting your own feelings by turning them into a joke but jokes like that aren't funny if you know you're the butt of them. Anyway I saw red and I thought screw you, mate, you turn me into a joke I'll turn you into one.

“I thought the way you were looking at me might be just envy at first, I wasn't sure, it's only when you got hard and looked at me that way that I put it all together and by then it was too late to back down. So I did what I did because I couldn't not do it. Then when I said 'we'll get together again soon' and saw the look on your face I thought Davey boy, you just might have a new toy here but it's fragile and you've already damaged it so you be really careful now.

“That's why you're here tonight. I had to blackmail you or you wouldn't have come and we needed to have this conversation but I mean you no harm. I may push you a bit but I won't make you do anything you really don't want to.

“Anyway, end of speech. Let's go in the kitchen. My throat's dry and I need to start on the veg.”

We went back through the dining room into the kitchen, which was a fair bit bigger than ours at home, maybe fifteen feet square or perhaps a bit less. It was fitted with good quality oak finished units and off it was a sort of nook with a table and chairs. Starting the veg turned out to mean switching on the burner under a chip [French fries] pan and getting two cans of peas and a saucepan out of a cupboard. Clearly not a dedicated cook.

David got three cans of Coke from the fridge, one each, and set three places at the table. “We'll eat in here, not the dining room. If you want to wash your hands or anything it's through there.” He pointed to a door in the wall of the nook. “Door straight in front of you. The door on the right is Dad's study, don't go in there.”

I wasn't going anywhere. I was confused about my own feelings but totally stunned by what I'd just witnessed. “So....” I began hesitantly, “do your parents know that you're... that you two... well that you're....”

“Gay?” asked Tony bluntly. “No, and they mustn't find out. My dad would go nuts, probably batter me if the way he talks is anything to go by. I spend as much time here as I can. It's easier now I'm sixteen and I got a moped. Dave's parents are a bit more liberal but if they knew they'd probably try to stop it and stop me coming here. It's illegal under twenty-one after all.”

“When Tony stays here he brings a sleeping bag” added David. “He 'sleeps in it' on the floor of my room so we can talk until we fall asleep. Or so Mum thinks anyway, and she'd never go into my room while I'm in bed. It's girls I'm not allowed to have in there. Funny really.”

“Yes, but is it though, really?” I asked. “If you're really..... what you say you are then you're being a bit unfair to Alice and Susan, leading them on like that, aren't you?”

“No, they don't like boys.” Tony laughed at the shocked look on my face. “They're using us the same way we're using them. It's a stroke of luck how we found each other, I'll tell you the story sometime, but now we're a foursome of good friends. We fake the odd kiss in public and I let Alice's dad tell me what he'll do to any boy who defiles his daughter and no-one suspects a thing.”

“Quite often we all stay here” said David. “Mum insists that Tony sleeps with me and the girls share the guest room. Ironic. I do feel a bit bad about it, but if people make it impossible to tell the truth then they're going to get lied to I suppose, if only by omission.”

We talked of more prosaic things as we cooked and ate the meal (Mrs Porter's lasagne was delicious), loaded the dishwasher (of course the Porters would have one) and made coffee. Or at least David and Tony did. I was pretty quiet, I had a lot to think about.

I was appalled by the shameless seedy immorality. And also attracted by it somehow even though I knew it was wrong. And why did they include me in it and talk of “people like us” when I'd never done anything like that? But then I'd never had a girlfriend either. I'd thought perhaps I was a late developer and that would come later. But the last few days I'd had feelings that were very hard to explain. I needed time to think things through.

We took our coffee into the living room. And then things got really intense.

Chapter 3 coming soon.

Next: Chapter 3

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