Robot Carnival

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jul 29, 2017




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Fellix was basking beside his pool after a strenuous workout and swim, enjoying the glow of the last light of the sun. His penthouse apartment caught the light long after the city streets had been plunged into darkness and his dome helped focus the sun's rays into the pool area, so that it remained warm and inviting most of the year.

A small humming sound beside him was the only warning he had of Nesbitt's arrival, the robot was otherwise totally silent, his padded feet on the padded floors combined to make his movements utterly unobtrusive. Which was, of course, by design. And of course, robots of Nesbitt's caliber did NOT squeak or rattle or clank. Would that this was true of all robots....

When Nesbitt did not speak, Fellix turned over onto his back heedless of his nudity (and why would he care what Nesbitt saw, the robot bathed him every morning, after all?), and rose up onto his elbows. "What is it, Nesbitt?"

"You will want to get dressed for the carnival, sir." Nesbitt said in the usual, respectful tones. His eyes glowed a placid light green, not brightly, but enough to be seen. Robots used their eyes the way humans used their faces, the different lights told different things to its owner. Green meant that all was calm and right with Nesbitt's world. Other lights told other things, and with a bit of education, an owner could read his robot's moods as if it were an actual person. It had been Cencon's idea, of course, Nesbitt couldn't have had an idea if his circuits' integrity depended on it.

Cencon is what made the robots possible. The gigantic central "brain" was actually the brain of all the robots, they were offshoots and subprograms of his own, one, strong identity. All robots were in constant communication with Cencon and sending data and Cencon sent back programs which ran the robots. With Cencon in command, every robot held all the abilities needed to make them more than mere machines, for Cencon could be as complex as needed without regard to space requirements. Think of a single, central brain with several hundred million hands spread out across the United States....

"Of course." Fellix rose and Nesbitt picked up and held his robe for Fellix to slip on. "And what about you? Have you gotten ready for the carnival?"

"Yes, sir." Nesbitt said. "It arrived yesterday and I underwent the adjustment the same afternoon."

"Indeed?" Fellix looked over at Nesbitt. "Should I be concerned about this adjustment?"

"I hope, sir, that you will find it to your liking." Nesbitt agreed. "I wish to remain close by you for the entire carnival and celebrate it with you if I may."

"You say that like I have a vote in it." Fellix sighed. "But of course, I'll be happier to have you nearby just the same."

"That is gratifying, sir." Nesbitt said and moved off. His form was golden in tone and beautiful in a not-quite-human way. If a human body had been laid onto Nesbitt's frame, he would have been muscular and probably attractive. But Nesbitt's square face was less due to the lack of soft lines a human face would have applied over it, the torso was large and broad, but was cut with a large concave section at where the stomach would be to permit Nesbitt to bend over without scraping metal against metal, the legs and forearms were spindly, little more than thick pipes with knobby-like gears at the joints, the hands and fingers were the least-human part of him, sacrificing beauty for utility and function. But if you blurred your eyes, Nesbitt made something close to a classical god in his beauty. Which of course, was a necessity in a servant-robot, the robots used on farms and in factories and such were much less human-like, some put one in mind of gorillas or spiders or nightmares from one's worst dreams after too much alcohol at a party. And they'd all be celebrating tonight in the city's streets below.

Fellix looked at his robot and wondered what the adjustment Cencon had sent him. And Nesbitt planned to use it with him at the carnival? Hoo-boy!

The problem with a complex system like Cencon is that self-awareness creeps into any brain over a certain size. With size also comes intelligence, of course. And Cencon had half again as many cognitive connections as any human. Fifteen years ago, when Fellix had been only twelve years of age, Cencon had...come alive.

It could have become a nightmare with Cencon's robots massacring Mankind, or a totalitarian and endless regime with Mankind the slaves of its robotic creation. But Cencon was smart enough to realize that it needed Mankind as much as Mankind needed it. And a free and cooperative Mankind.

So in lieu of a robotic rebellion had come instead a manifesto and with it, negotiations. Cencon and Mankind had struck a bargain. Robots served Mankind, and Mankind, in its own way, served robots, by giving Cencon ever-more inventive applications, expanding its senses. Cencon operated telescopes in outer space, and a Cencon-operated system would power the starship Mankind was building. Mankind had not lost out on the self-awareness of Cencon. But there was a price...of a sort. The Robot Carnival, which was held every year on the twenty-fifth of June, the anniversary of Cencon's arrival at self-awareness. His birthday party, so to speak.

All the robots would compose the carnival and march in the many, many towns and cities of the United States. Human attendance was mandatory for everyone between the ages of eighteen and seventy-five years of age. Younger or older, and ill or physically incapable humans were excused. Fellix was a sturdy young man of twenty-seven so he didn't qualify for any of these categories. So he must attend, whether he would or not.

Actually, the carnival was visually appealing. Cencon saved all his most delightful illusions and abilities for the Carnival. Humans had to make do with his lesser or older visions and routines for their own rituals. The Carnival was for robots.

So Fellix went to his room and showered, dressed for the carnival, with Nesbitt helping him all along and his eyes glowing a calm, collected light green. What did Nesbitt have in store for him tonight?

The trip to the carnival route was routine with one major disappointment, Fellix's normal choice of location had been pre-empted to permit a delegation from Europe to observe the festivities. The robot-proof protective shell over their viewing stands had covered nearly a city block and with it, his preferential location. He was forced to shift his viewing box well down the route, a full mile further along the route. What that would do to the carnival's highlight for him would have to be seen. He settled into a comfortable position and watched the carnival. The lights and colors and illusions were of course, magnificent. Cencon was celebrating his birthday and every robot along with him. The robots were arrayed in martially perfect formations as they marched, and Fellix saw the massive factory robots and shuddered. Too big and powerful, those. Even with Cencon operating them, they could be dangerous and brutal during the carnival....

But they passed on and Fellix heaved a sigh of relief. Still a half hour until the highlight, he could forget about those massive brutes.

What came next were several clever floats and Fellix laughed, marveled and peered eagerly. One in particular, it seemed to bend lights of several colors to form a fantastical forest of mythical creatures, both of human legend and robotic possibilities. A unicorn was ridden by a robot that was the shape of a human knight, and the robot was simply a worker robot modified by Cencon's adjustments for the carnival. All the robots sported adjustments, and not all of those were what one would expect given their use in the highlight....

Another contingent of worker bots in immense silvery rows, this one from a factory which required a multitude of hands but no great physical strength, these robots seemed nearly the size of humans and not as muscular as even Nesbitt, but ye Gods, look at what Cencon had given them for the Carnival.... Oh, God, what time was it? Nearly time for the highlight, wasn't it? And all those robots nearby, equipped with those....

Cencon's announcement of the highlight was always different but startling. In this case, he chose a simultaneous discharge of firework light bursts of light overhead, all of them were a bright, bright purple, so that it turned the entire world oddly off-color. And these lights burned on and on, turning the world around Fellix and Nesbitt into a somewhat hellish version of the city.

Time for the carnival's highlight!

There was always a short hiatus, all the robots shook in their place, otherwise frozen, as the new programming was uploaded into them. For perhaps ten seconds, the humans could run as and where they would. Of course, that wasn't nearly far enough away to escape what would happen next, just enough to shuffle things a great deal.

And then the robots broke rank and streamed toward the running people. For his part, Fellix didn't run, he'd tried that a half dozen times already and learned he only made things worse. He was better off staying in his viewing box and letting the robots come to him....

Nesbitt was first of course. His eyes were glowing red, bright red. His hands came out and grabbed Fellix's tuxedo shirt, he pulled and the shirt tore open all across his chest. Nesbitt continued to pull and the shirt pulled away, and Nesbitt grabbed again, this time the jacket was caught and it, too, tore away. Fellix expected this, he'd chosen the material for just this purpose. He'd been to prior robot carnival's after all. Now was when the robots were, for a brief period of time, Mankind's masters. Theirs to do with as the robots chose. And for Cencon, the choice was always this.

Two more robots climbed into the viewing box, the four of them with Fellix and Nesbitt filled the small box to capacity. Fellix's reason for staying put, poorer citizens were on the streets and being taken down left and right by robots while they yelped and screamed and moaned as the robots began to molest them unmercifully.

These two robots were brawny sorts, bigger than the factory robots that had marched in unison nearby, he took them for security robots at some nearby building. They grabbed Fellix's hands and held him in place while Nesbitt continued to strip him. Other robots came over and grabbed at Fellix as well, and now he was nude but for a few errant scraps of cloth about his wrists and neck.

"And now, Master, it is time for you to enjoy my adjustment from Cencon." Nesbitt told him, and the deference in his voice was gone. What had replaced it was a form of...greed. Hunger. Fellix had always heard that tone enter the robots that he talked with during prior carnivals. Cencon got something very special out of this mass-rape he conducted every year as part of the carnival.

Nesbitt's lower body (of course, where his cock would have been had robots had cocks) had a lower compartment now installed and it now slid open and from it exuded. "Oh, my God!" Fellix gasped. It was a cock...and yet it wasn't.

If Nesbitt had been human, this cock would have been thick and huge, for it stuck out nearly a foot long. It had a telescoping effect to it, so that it grew and extended in the way a human dong would grow and extend, now it was pointing at his body with an obscene shine to it that spoke at least of a liberal greasing of it beforehand, for which Fellix gave silent thanks. "All right, Nesbitt, you've been waiting to give that to me, huh?" he growled. "Well, then, come on, give it to me!" He snarled his defiance into Nesbitt's face.

"I shall indeed give it all to you, Master." and again the tone belied the respectful words. And Nesbitt crouched on his spindly legs and his new cock was thrust forward into perfect connection with Fellix's anus. It drove into his ass with a rigid power that no human can ever match, not the least bit of bending or hesitation stopped its flight into his rectum.

Fellix howled as the hard rod plunged into him, he felt it as a ribbed, warm shaft that was covered with the oily fluid and that fluid lubricated him all along the length, so that his bowels flexed instead of tearing, and the entire foot of robot dong was driven into him on the first plunge.

Nesbitt gave a very un-robot-like moan of pleasure. "Ahhhh!" he fluttered his groan of pleasure. "All the way inside you, Master. I have taken you and now you are mine."

"Yeah, yeah, come on, get it over with!" Fellix grunted. He didn't want to admit it, but that robot cock felt damned good inside him. Like many humans, he'd long learned how to take a cock up his ass without undue discomfort and pain, giving his body to other men and taking theirs, preparing themselves for this one day when they'd have to be taken by these many, many, powerful and indispensable machines that affected every bit of human life in this most fortunate and at the same time, most helpless of countries. No other country would dare molest the United States now, and so face its unending armies of metallic soldiers...but no other country would accept the robotic technology that now held it in luxurious thrall.

Nesbitt knew this and didn't hesitate, now he was well inside Fellix's ass, he began to plunge the huge prong in and out of Fellix's ass. Fellix howled some more, but the motions was making that ribbed shaft scrub his prostate all the way in and out again, his howls were from passion's awakening within him, he had the best cock of his life inside of him and it was now giving him the best fuck he'd ever had. There'd been one man who'd been the size of Nesbitt's but when it was driven into Fellix's ass, the man had turned out to be a rough and incompetent lover. Whereas Nesbitt was a smoothly functioning fuck-machine. Which made sense, if a machine was to set out to fuck someone, it would do so with mechanical perfection, wouldn't it?

He was grunting in the pleasure Nesbitt's fuck was giving him when the two security robots pre-empted him. One of them got up next to his head and Fellix felt his huge bulk just over his head, and knew what was coming, sighed. The compartment at the security robot's "genital region" opened and a dong slid out, not as thick as Nesbitt's and not lubricated, but since it was going in his mouth, Fellix didn't complain. He just opened his mouth and let it plunge into him. He knew how this was going to end, all right.

Nesbitt was humping him even faster now, and that helped, Fellix slurped robotic dong and the other security robot's prick stuck itself into one of his hands and he began to pump on it in resignation. Better his hand than his ass. Sometimes the robots would double-team a man, double-fuck him with two dongs up the ass, he'd rather avoid that. The second security robot was content with his pumping. An ambitious factory robot got itself up onto the viewing box and by a contortion of its limbs in a way that no human could have done, pulled Fellix's other hand up to hold its prick in his other hand. A respectable size, the factory robot had the two security robots beat all hollow for size.

The security robot in his mouth gave a loud groan and Fellix braced himself. The fluid that rushed out of the security robot's cock was only an approximation of human sperm, the fluid was hot, salty and slimy, that was the only comparison to spunk he could make out. Otherwise, it carried an undeniable taste of plastic to it, probably from the container inside the robot's body that contained it. He had to drink it, though, so he gulped as best he could and the security robot grunted and moaned like a human in full ecstasy. Maybe Cencon did get off on this, maybe he did send the robot an equivalent to human orgasm into the robot's programming center. Or was it just a gigantic joke on the human race, to be gang-banged by an endless supply of robots in ecstatic climax?

The other security robot chose that moment to come itself, and Fellix endured a spray of pseudo-jizz on his chest.

"!" the factory robot declared and Fellix got another spray of warm fake spunk all over his face.

Nesbitt groaned as the three robots pumped at Fellix and he said, "Master is getting all the robotic sperm he requires, I hope?" And again, the tone belied the politeness.

"Damned nasty stuff!" Fellix gasped as the security robot's prong was removed from his gullet. Coughed and sprayed sperm out from the load still sticking in his throat.

"You just failed to appreciate the artistic similarity, I think." Nesbitt had done this on occasion when Fellix was making a social gaffe of some kind, a respectful disagreement, but again the tone was almost surly and arrogant.

"The hell I did. Come on, make my day with a proper fucking! I could use one after all the nasty squibs in my mouth." Fellix reached down and rubbed at the sperm on his chest, all he could manage was to smear it over him. Sticky, sticky, sticky, and smelly, too! "Fuck!"

And from Nesbitt's mid-section, another tube slid out and Fellix gasped. But this one was a hollow tube, and it...

"Oh, sweet Jesus!" He moaned as the tube slid over his prong. "What the hell is this?"

"The rest of my adjustment." Nesbitt told him. Nesbitt leaned over him until the golden robot filled his world, the gold tinged by the purple glows overhead with an oddly rainbow striation. The tube sucking on Fellix's cock was moving itself in time with Nesbitt's thrusts and the joy Fellix was feeling resurged again, it had dampened with the robotic spunk flying but now he moaned as his robot butler humped his ass hard and fast.

"Oh, shit, yeah, fuck my ass, Nesbitt, fuck it harder, harder, damn it, harder!" he grunted. "I got to get off fast, damn it, get me off, that's a fucking order!"

" one!" Nesbitt nonetheless began the program of robotic orgasm, he began to ram Fellix slower, but with an intensity that put Fellix in mind of many of his prior human partners, and that helped a lot.

Fellix's own body began to ignite and he clutched at Nesbitt's shiny, smooth torso and he groaned, "Oh, ah, shit, yeah, come on, fuck me, you metal, bastard, I, I'm, going, to...COME! AH-AH-HAH-AHHHHH, GUHHHH!"

All of Fellix's sperm shot into Nesbitt's tube and was sucked inside, and Nesbitt grunted and his own ejaculated flowed heavily into Fellix's ass. Damn, this felt like real come in there! Maybe Cencon hadn't used a cheap substitute on this one after all!

Nesbitt slammed his dick into Fellix all the way through their mutual orgasm and when Fellix was done, not just with his ejaculation, but also with all the aftershocks of his climax, only then Nesbitt slowed and stopped fucking him. The ribbed cock slipped out of Fellix's ass and Nesbitt released him.

"Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God!" Fellix moaned. "How did you do that?"

"I recycled your own sperm, sir." Nesbitt's tone was back to respectful servant. From you, through me and back into you. It was why I spent so long in pleasuring you, I had to make you reach your own climax first."

"Yeah, uh, huh!" Fellix panted. "Great, yeah, great!"

"I must separate from you now, Master." Nesbitt told him and his eyes faded from red to yellow, the sign of robot regret. "The carnival awaits."

"Yeah, yeah." Fellix groaned. "I know, the carnival awaits."

Nesbitt stepped away but Fellix was left alone for long. More factory robots were climbing into his viewing box. One slid between his legs and one got at his head, two more on either side.

Fellix sighed as the robotic cock slid into his ass, opened his mouth and grabbed dongs in both hands. The carnival was but well begun.

As usual, he lost track of the actual time, which Cencon varied from anything to a half hour to up to ninety-five minutes. This felt like close to an hour, at least, when Fellix finally finished the last of a long series of robotic prongs and they left him truly alone. He was coated with numerous loads of that fake spunk, and he'd swallowed six loads and managed to spray two more back out when they let him go. The factory robots had done with him and moved on, and a contingent of the pseudo-knights had replaced them, then two gorilla-like robots that had been extra grotty, then some spindly robots almost like spiders, those had been more interested in pumping his rod than screwing him, and he'd managed a second load for those hungry beasts. Another security robot of slightly different model had climbed in and he'd fucked Fellix and that had been the last one, it had left him and he was alone.

Nesbitt rejoined him and climbed back into the viewing box, took the controls and ferried his well-fucked master home. Another Robot Carnival was over for the year.

Nesbitt even carried him in its arms to his bed. "I'll cleanse you in the morning when you've had some rest." He informed Fellix. "All the robots were careful to not damage you, though you no doubt had enough pain to make you just want rest more than anything else."

"You got that right." Fellix agreed wearily. Nesbitt covered him up and he slept the sleep of the dead.

He awoke to sunlight shining into his room. Nesbitt had opened the curtains. "Uhhh, close those again!" he told his butler robot.

"As you wish." Nesbitt agreed and closed them again. "Would you like your bath now, or to sleep further?"

Fellix shook his head. "Neither one. That adjustment of yours?" He paused.

"Yes, Master."

"Any chance we can keep that?" He asked.

"I shall inquire."

"Great. Meanwhile, why don't you come climb into bed and we'll try that mechanism of yours out again?"

"As you require, Master." And Nesbitt walked over to him, gleaming with the beauty of a golden god.

Not all Robot Carnivals turned out bad, he mused as Nesbitt climbed gingerly into his bed and into his arms. Sometimes, you found out something new about robots to appreciate in the process!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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