Rock Bottom

By faggotjeremy

Published on May 1, 2023


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Rock Bottom

Chapter 1 - In the Beginning


Being bullied had become a normal part of my high school life. I was 17, skinny, nerdy, a little effeminate, and an omega in every way. Most days being called a faggot and getting pushed around was as bad as it got, I had developed a strategy of looking down and taking the abuse and just generally letting my bullies humiliate and physically harass me. But they had never taken it to this level. I was stripped naked with my neck zip tied to the piping at the back of one of the schools least used bathroom's toilets. I also had my hands zip tied behind my back and knew they had wrote something on my forehead and my back that I could only imagine was of the most degrading nature they could think of. This had all happened right after school on the way to my bus. Now I had been kneeling over this dirty, cold public toilet for what seemed like hours.

The worse part was that I had a mother who could care less if I came home or not and her boyfriend who hated me for being what he called a sissy bitch. So I was pretty sure no one would come looking for me no matter how long I stayed in this dirty bathroom. I shook with the embarrassment of being found like this by whomever it should be.


It was the middle of a typical shift of the night time janitorial work at the high school I had been doing for the last 6 years. I had just come back from a smoke break and was starting in the back wing bathrooms. As I walked into the boys bathroom and the motion lights came on I heard a voice from one of the stalls asking for help. What I found in the last stall was quite a sight, a skinny, naked boy who was zip tied to the toilet with "loser faggot" written in permanent black marker on his back. Because the boys neck was tightly zip tied to the plumbing on the toilet he couldn't turn his head around far enough to see me. He kept saying please help me over and over again. All I could do was chuckle a bit to myself. I thought back to my high school days so long ago and remembered how bad some boys got picked on by the stronger more alpha guys. I thought some things never change and never will. As I took my pocket knife out to cut him out of his zip ties a sudden impulse made me stop and just admire the sight in front of me.


Suddenly the lights of the bathroom flicked on and I heard someone moving around. I cried for help without even thinking about who was out there.

The movement continued until I could feel the person directly outside the stall I was in. The person still had not said anything to me, but it was obvious they were taking in my pathetic predicament. I didn't know what to do so I asked for help again. Still no response. Then I heard someone pissing into one of the urinals. As I listened to this unknown man piss just feet from my naked body I was both confused and a little turned on. I knew I had been seen and I knew the man had ignored my plight and just comfortably went about relieving himself like I wasn't there. I heard the unknown man finish up his pee and zip up. Then I sensed him move up behind me again, and I thought I heard him chuckle.

Being seen in this vulnerable and degrading way by an unseen stranger had me, despite myself, turned on to the point of having a boner. I knew that the position I was in, forced over the toilet, that there was a good chance that my excitement would be visible by my viewer.


So here was this situation I had stumbled into. My first instinct was to cut him loose and help him. Then I saw that the dirty little faggot had a little boner, maybe I should think this through before I just cut him loose. So I took a piss and thought about it. This boy was obviously every bit the faggot that he was labeled as, judging by his excitement at a strange man seeing him like that. This faggot hadn't seen me or heard my voice, I could turn off the lights right now in here and leave like I never went into this bathroom and let someone else find the pathetic faggot. I decided to have a little fun with the faggot see where it goes. So I stepped into the stall and put my boot on his naked back. I asked the faggot why no one had come looking for him. He told me his mom's boyfriend was abusive and no one cared if he ever came home or not. Then I asked him if he really was a loser faggot. After a short amount of time I heard him meekly say yes Sir.


I could not believe this man who I could only assume was a night janitor had his foot pressing down on my back interrogating me rather than helping me. He made me tell him about no one caring about me at home.

He asked me if I was a loser faggot, which I could only guess was what was written on my back. When I didn't answer right away I felt his shoe press into my naked back skin harder and harder until I was forced to say yes I am a loser faggot. I had never been so humiliated and yet I was very turned on. Then his shoe was taken off my back and I heard him chuckle and then leave the bathroom. I didn't know what to do, was he gone for good? Would someone else find me and force me to have to go through the whole humiliating process with a second person? Would he come back and do something to me? After a time the motion sensor light went back off. It seemed hopeless and I started to cry, tied to a toilet for hours with no end in sight.


I laughed at the faggot knowing he was not going anywhere and I could do what I wanted with him. I think the pitifulness of his life was more of a turn on than anything else about the faggot. I went back to the custodial room and grabbed a few things and then went back to work for awhile, so the faggot would have time to be uncertain if I would come back or not. When I did go back into the bathroom I could tell the faggot had been crying, but he didn't say anything to me this time.

Something about how vulnerable and pathetic this faggot was made me want to break it. I started undoing my belt buckle thinking about how bad I wanted to beat and fuck this faggot bitch. The smack of the first hit of leather on pale white skin and the noise that came out of the faggot made my dick hard as a rock. I started wailing on the faggots back and ass as hard as I could, for two or three minutes I beat the faggot without mercy. He was weeping and screaming and flailing away with the only limbs he could, his legs. Then I stood back and admired my work as I caught my breath. The faggot started to say something but before he could get it out I belted him hard as hell across his face.


I couldn't understand why this man, this stranger had so much hate for me, but I could definitely feel the hate in the beating he gave me. It was the same hate mixed with amusement at my suffering I felt when my Mom's boyfriend beat me. During the beating I could hear the man grunting every time he swung the belt. Then it stopped, and all I could hear was the Man breathing heavily somewhere behind me. It took me some time to even begin to regain my composure enough to process the situation I was in, beyond the immediate bodily pain I was consumed with. I still couldn't begin to understand why I was being beaten while tied up in a public bathroom. I guess from all the abuse and beatings I had gotten at home and at school over the years my mind had developed a protective autopilot mode, I wanted to say the most humbling words I could to hopefully not be beaten anymore, and before I knew it my mouth had opened and was saying the words "I'm sorry" when I was rocked with a belt hit right to my face. I was stunned and I understood immediately, as any omega weakling used to being picked on and abused would, that first I wasn't in control of my own fate and second I shouldn't speak unless told to.


The belt to the face sure did shut the faggot up fast, he even started to try to stifle his crying and weeping. I decided right then and there I was going to take the faggot home with me and see how far I could take this. I grabbed him by his sissy hair and told him he could either stay here like this or I would cut him loose and he could come home with me.

When he asked me to please cut him loose I said once I do you fucking better put your face to the floor and kiss it and beg me to let you be my property.


After the man cut the zip tie around my neck I tried to scoot my body around and off the toilet enough to follow his command but ended up losing my balance and falling to the floor. The man hit me a couple of more times very hard with the belt causing me to scramble around enough to get my face to the floor in front of him and kiss it. The bathroom floor was so dirty, I felt like trash with my lips against it asking this strange man if I could please be his property. His only response was a grunt and a chuckle. I didn't dare look up at him, fearing more from the belt. Then I felt him wrap the belt around my neck and quickly pull it taught, instantly making it difficult to breath and in effect creating a choker leash he was now pulling me by. I tried to keep up with my hands still zip tied behind my back, but the combination of his quick pace and my legs being asleep from the hours I had been in the same position over the toilet caused me to stumble and fall often as he dog walked me out my high school for the last time.


I ended up half dragging the faggot out of the building, it was very early morning so I knew no one would be around the backside of the building where I was parked. I led the faggot out to my car and opened the trunk and told him to get in. I could see the naked faggot was shivering in the cold morning drizzle. As I was closing the trunk I saw the faggot take a quick glance up at me with scared eyes. I opened the trunk back up grabbed the belt that was still around the faggots neck and punched him in the head with about 50 percent power. Then I put my hand on the faggots head and pushed down as hard as I could into the floor of the trunk and told him that owned faggots have no rights and never get to look a man in the face unless told to. I punched him three more times then asked if he understood. He quickly said yes Sir and I slammed the trunk.


With my hands zip tied behind my back I couldn't stop myself from sliding around inside the trunk on corners. After a while of driving I felt the car stop and then I heard him open and shut his door. I anticipated the trunk being opened with fear and excitement, but after a few minutes of the silence and the trunk not opening I didn't know what to think. It seemed like hours in the trunk in the cold silence. Then I heard something that sent shivers down my spine, I heard first one door then another open and shut then the car start up and take off again.

Then after a very short drive the car stopped again and I heard both doors open and shut again. Without warning the trunk lid popped open and bright sunshine was streaming into the trunk making me blind while my eyes strained to adjust.


I left the faggot in the trunk while I ran into Pete's house. Fuck the faggot, I could care less if it sat all day in the hot trunk, I needed to show my buddy Pete this slave I had come across.


I hadn't used a bitch faggot since prison. Hearing Big Larry tell about how he found this faggot and what he planned on doing to it got me horny something fierce. The more we smoked the more I knew I needed to get me some of that faggot. In the car I couldn't think of anything else besides getting at the faggot, I almost felt sorry for it with all the cruelty that was going through my head. When Big Larry opened the trunk and I set eyes on the faggot I couldn't believe what I was seeing, it was skinny and young looking and very pale. I saw the faggot was all marked up and bruised on its back. Larry grabbed the belt that was around the faggots neck and drug him across the dirt drive and up into the back door of the house. It couldn't have weighed more than 150 pounds and looked like a toy rag doll as Big Larry yanked it into the house.


As soon as the trunk popped open I was viciously pulled out by the belt around my neck. Before I knew it I was inside a strange house and being pulled down a set of stairs. The belt was so tight around my throat that I thought I was going to lose consciousness. I found myself in a basement with two large, old, hairy men standing in front of me openly talking about how ugly and pathetic and weak I looked and laughing at what they were about to do to me. I didn't know what to do, I felt like an object, I just hung my head and hoped for the best. I didn't dare look up at them, but from the noise I could tell both men were disrobing.

Then one of the men had a tight grip on my hair and slapped me in the face about three or four times very hard. That is when I came face to face with his cock for the first time. I had tears in my eyes from the slaps, but even so I could see a very thick, blunt man cock. It was hairy and so were the balls that hung very low.


I was done fucking around, I grabbed the bitch by the hair and put my dick right in its face. Instead of struggling or trying to pull away the faggot leaned in and kissed the head of my dick with a mix of tenderness and respect. Pete and I looked at each other and laughed, we knew we had a true worthless faggot who already accepted its place. I asked the faggot if it liked my dick, it said "yes Sir" and I immediately shoved my dick into its mouth balls deep. I said "taste a fucking MAN you worthless bitch" and started fucking its mouth with the intent to hurt and choke the faggot. With its hands still zip tied behind its back there was very little the faggot could do but accept my cock pounding its throat. I looked down and the sight of the faggot with my cock buried to the hilt into its throat made it look so pathetic, I told it that it was so ugly it should be honored any man would use its face to stick their dicks in. I told it that an ugly faggot was only good for one thing and it had better get used to being treated like this for the rest of its life. I was getting close to busting and I didn't want to yet, so I pulled the faggot off my dick, and damn if the faggot was fighting against my grip on its hair to get back at my dick. I slapped the faggot hard in the face several times until it fell to the floor, then I told it to get its ass up and service Pete who was across the room relaxing on the couch.


I felt very attracted to the Man's cock, I wanted to please it and show it affection and love. I leaned in and kissed the thick mushroom head, it was so beautiful I just had to show it respect and honor. I heard the Men chuckle when I did. The Man asked if I liked his dick, I said "yes Sir" and with a tight hold on my hair the Man shoved his cock into my mouth till his fat belly was pressed against my face. I could hear the Man above me say something about taste a Man, and I did the best I could to comply. The smell and taste of the Man was strong, the smell of sweat and balls was overwhelming. Then he fucked my throat harder than I have ever had it fucked. He gave me almost no chance to breath.

Despite my hair being pulled very hard and his cock hammering the back of my throat, I was actually starting to enjoy myself, feeling super slutty and whorish. Then he started talking about how ugly I am, and a tight, crushing feeling started in my stomach and worked its way through me; I knew he was right, I had always been shy and ashamed of my looks and if this fat, hairy, old man thought I was too ugly to even stick his dick in, he was almost certainly right, he told me for the rest of my life I would have to let any Real Man no matter what they looked like use me as the faggot cum dump I am. It was crushing to be told a reality that harsh. It made me thankful to these Men for using me at all. Just as that thought was going through my head I was yanked off the cock, I felt so grateful to the Man and his cock for using me that I tried to reach back to the cock with my mouth until the Man slapped me hard in the face and I fell to the hard cement floor. I could still smell the Man's ball sweat all over my face. Then I was told to get my ass over and service the other Man who was sitting on a couch completely naked. The Man was fat and hairy and had a bald head and long bushy beard. I crawled across the floor to the couch. The Man told me to lick his balls. I went in and started gently licking and kissing his very hairy balls.


I told the piece of shit faggot to lick my balls clean. I let it lick on my sweaty nuts for awhile while Larry and I smoked some. The faggot was showing my nuts respect, gently kissing and licking, it used its nose to lift my sack up enough to get its face under my balls to better worship my sweaty taint. I pulled the faggot up by the hair and slapped its face with my cock a few times. I told the faggot to open and shoved my cock into the faggots throat as far as I could get it. The faggot was choking and sputtering, that only made me fuck its bitch mouth even harder. I saw this faggot as less than human, as trash, and I wanted it to feel how much I looked down on it by the way I was fucking its face. I didn't give a fuck what the weak bitch thought or felt. I pulled it back and told it that I was going to use it and make it suffer for my amusement then I was going to throw it away because it was worthless. Then after a few more deep pumps I pulled my dick out and came all over the faggots face as it was gasping for air. After busting all over the faggots face I wiped the remaining nut off my cock on the faggots hair.


The second Man was even meaner and rougher than the first. He fucked my face hard like I didn't matter. He had me by my hair and was pumping my head up and down on his cock, without giving me much chance to breath. I knew that to this Man I was an object, a thing to use and laugh at.

After using my throat till it was sore he pulled out and shot his cum all over my face. Some went in my eyes, some went in my mouth, some shot over my head and landed on the basement floor. The first Man came up behind me and spun me around and said that faggot whores get no breaks and shoved his cock into my throat as I was still recovering from the last face fucking and the cum that was burning both my eyes. After more face pounding and more degrading he pulled out and shot his load all over my face. His nut wasn't as powerful of a shot but it was thick and he put a lot of it into my mouth. He told me I had better lick up as much as I could off his cock because he didn't plan on giving me any food or water. Then they told me to lick up any cum off the floor as they laughed at me. After that they started talking like I wasn't there so I just stayed quiet and kneeling. After awhile the one Man left the room and came back with a chain and a padlock, he pulled me over to one of the basement poles by my hair and chained my neck up to the pole, then they went up the stairs and the lights went out and the door shut.

Next: Chapter 2

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