Rod and Gun Club

Published on Dec 26, 2009


The Rod & Hunt Club 2

By Bald Hairy Man

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I took most of Fred's load. The rest he shot into my beard. Fred's orgasm induced Parker to shoot, she shot several into Fred's ass, then he pulled out. Huge ribbons of sperm shot from his cock, fire hose style. The splattered against Fred's hole the ran down his balls and on my face, hair and beard. I began to ejaculate then. Fred took as much as he could and then let the rest drool from my mouth and coat my cock.

I was a mess, but a very happy mess. I was flat on my back, catching my breath. Fred licked Parker's cum from my face and bald head. Parker was nice enough to clean up Fred's seed in my beard. Someone I Didn't know licked up my own jiz from my cock, balls and pubes. I was still drooling some and he liked it fresh too. It was relaxing and nice.

When they were finished Fred and Parker went off for a hot make out session. The man at my cock looked at me. "I'm Dan, Big Dan they call me. You're the new man?"

"Yes. I'm Bill."

"I couldn't hep notice you got a beautiful hole," Big Dan said. "Is it just ornamental or is it for use? I'm hard as a rock and need to deposit my load somewhere."

"I'm game," I replied. A second later he and his bush touched my hole. His cock was on the high side of average and felt great. He was a stroker, not a pounder. He also must have watched me carefully and noticed where the good spots were. His knob did a nice job polishing and buffing my prostate. I was incredibly relaxed. I had just shot off so I had nothing to do but let Big Dan work his magic.

The "Big" in Big Dan was diameter and muscles, not height; he was 5'-6" and 250 pounds. Much of those pounds was muscle, not fat. He was a fire plug of a man. He was cheerful and relaxed, with the exception of his cock. It wasn't relaxed at all.

Big Dan was pumping away when Danny came over to us. "Bill, I see you've met my Dad?" he said. That was a shock to me. My cock got harder when I found out. Big Dan and Danny both noticed that. Naked guys can't hide anything.

"Why don't you feed him your cock," Bib Dan said. "Maybe we can feed him the family love potion from both ends."

"It's Bill's first time here," Danny said. "Let's save something for a big night." He went around behind his father and played with his tits.

"Are you ready "Are you ready to pop, daddy?" Danny asked. Big Dan nodded and Danny pinched his father's tits. Big Dan moaned and I could feel his cock twitching in my ass."

When big Dan was done, he pulled out. Danny worked a finger into my ass and collected some cum. Danny looked at me and asked, "Would you like to taste the sperm that made me?" I didn't know what to say. Danny offered it to his father who licked it up. That was when I realized I wasn't in Kansas anymore.

I was bushed and my head was spinning so I went home. Before I left Big Dan told me. "Saturday between 9:00 in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon is a busy time. All the married guys can get out and technically we have a club meeting," he explained. "We have a real business meeting once a month. This is all party."

"I don't know," I said.

Big Dan smiled at me. "Go ahead and do it, you'll have a good time, but not as good a time as we will," he said. "We haven't had anyone as hot as you in years."

"You think I'm hot? No one has ever said that about me before."

"There are too many blind people in the world," Big Dan said. "I can come by and pick you up. We have a shortage of parking spaces on Saturdays." I agreed.

Later I got worried they would think I was a slut or a horny bastard. Then I figured what the hell. I wasn't a slut, but only because I hadn't had the opportunity. I was horny, but as far as I could tell, everyone I had met at the club was horny too.

I had never been naked with adult men before with the light on and with more than three men. I had been afraid someone might find out about my sexual feelings and afraid to do anything that might provide a clue to them. I had never taken my time in a sexual situation. The chance of discovery was too great.

I knew I liked cock and sex with men. I hadn't guessed I'd like being naked with them, or that I wouldn't mind have sex with other guys watching. I kind of liked that, much to my surprise. I had thought of myself as a freak, too big and too hairy. At the club, big and hairy seemed to be a positive virtue. I knew I was well hung, but hadn't been able to capitalize on it.

Tom and Parker were well hung too. They were no shrinking violets, so I assumed many of the men had stretched ass holes well suited for a construction worker who likes to fuck. No one at the club was a virgin. The knew the score and would know if they could take it. That was good for me.

I was a bit afraid I was being pushy, but I hadn't noticed anyone was too worried about that at the club that evening. As far as I could tell they were enthusiastic about meeting a new man. I kew I like meeting new men.

Big Dan picked me up at 9:00 in his van. He had a cousin with him, Martin and Danny. When we got to the lodge there were already seven cars. A man named Dermot greeted us, and we went directly to the locker room. I showered and visited the Doc. He was doing everyone. I went to the gym with Martin. There were 12 to fifteen men there. Tom Jefferson was there with a younger man who looked like a football player. Parker and Frank were there, with a very handsome, older, professorial type man.

Martin was a somewhat younger and beefier version of Danny. He dropped to his knees to nurse my cock. I was still soft and he liked the foreskin. He like licking my knob inside the wrapper. Parker came over to me and introduced me to his handsome friend. "This is Philip MacDonald, Bill. He's an old friend and colleague of mine." We shook hands.

"I see you've met Martin?" Philip said.

"We met about 15 minutes ago, but he seems to make friends easily," I said. Philip laughed. In this group shaking hands and cock sucking were both acceptable ways to exchange greetings.

"And he's friendly with everyone," Philip replied. He was slightly over six feet tall, muscular and thin. He looked liked a swimmer with broad shoulders and a massive torso. His beard was well groomed, and he looked like a Victorian gentleman. He shaved his neck to an inch below his collar line. Below the line, he was almost as hairy as me. I thought the combination of the swimmer's body and body hair was attractive.

Martin now transferred his affections to Parker. Philip stepped closer to me. "I hope I don't offend you, but I'm really into body hair," he whispered. He fluffed up my chest hair. "I had to shave it when I was competitively swimming. I take it you have your original stand of chest hair?"Virgin timber as it were."

Philip was furry, but it was even. "No razor ever touched your bush, did it?" I said. "I see your cock has all its original equipment." I reached over and fondled his balls, and stroked his cock, pulling back the skin. A short man joined us. I guessed he was barely five feet tall, and looked like a wild man. He was hairy from head to foot and it looked as if he had never used a brush.

"Hi Philip. Who's your friend?"

"This is Bill. Bill this is Tommy," Philip said.

"Pleased to meet you," Tommy said. "This looks like the Hair club for men! It's hard to see your face up there in the clouds, but the scenery down here is real pretty. He tried to swallow my cock, but didn't get very far. He then did the same with Philip. Philip and I were close so he finally got both of our cock heads into his mouth.

Tommy was well proportioned and from a photograph you would never be able to tell he was so short. His cock was a solid and thick six incher. When he stood back after sucking us, he was fully erect and his cock looked huge on his diminutive frame. Philip leaned over and picked Tommy up and held him so I could suck him.

Tommy came close to shooting when I deep throated him. His cock twitched a few times, but I got a mouthful of precum. Tommy was a real taste treat. I fondled his balls as I sucked. That doubled the flow of his man juices. When I played with his hole, the flow tripled.

"Philip, this boy knows his stuff," Tommy moaned. "Can you put me down? I can't take it anymore."

"Do you mind Bill?" Philip asked.

"Not at all, I've had enough," I said. "Tommy, you should bottle your home brew and sell it. It's tasty." Philip lowered Tommy gently to the floor.

"My cock juice is good for you too," Tommy added. "I can tell you are a connoisseur. I produce the highest quality juice in my ball factories and, believe it or not, some men can't appreciate it. They say it's messy. By the way, my thick, creamy stuff is good too." Tommy wandered off. Someone called out for Philip and he went to see them. I was alone.

I wasn't alone for long. As soon as Philip was gone, two men came over to me. "You must be the new guy. I'm Douglas and this is my pal Emmett," the bigger of the two men said. Douglas was a heavy set, ex linebacker type. He was in his late 50s. He was average in height, well tanned and gruff. Emmett must have been the whitest man I had ever seen. He was tall, very thin and hairless except for a tuft of hair at his pubes.

"I'm Bill."

"They must grow them big in your neighborhood," Douglas said.

"Do you like them big?" I asked.

"We sure do,"Emmett said with obvious enthusiasm. His cock began to show the same enthusiasm. I don't like to think of myself as being superficial, but the harder his cock got, the more attractive he became. Soft his cock was average; erect it was a beauty. It was almost seven inches and thicker than average. His cock head was a large, pink, strawberry shaped gland. The cock curved downward. It was lovely. Douglas had a six inch long and three inch wide member. The was the perfect fireplug type organ.

Emmett struck me as a Melvin Milktoast type of man. He was mild mannered and polite. In matters sexual he was a mad man, very willing and very enthusiastic. Douglas was more restrained. Soon we were on the floor forming a small daisy chain. I was licking Emmett's knob as Douglas sucked mine.

The daisy chain caught on and soon there were eight of us linked mouth to cock. I did notice new links in the chain seemed to join in between Douglas and me. I assumed most wanted to sample the new meat. There were somewhere between 12 and 16 men in the room. After an hour I had made sexual contact with most of them. I was in heaven.

There were rest breaks where we got something to eat or drink. During one of them I talked with Ovid, Big Dan, Danny and another nephew-cousin Delmar. Hiram was definitely the most sophisticated member of the family. The rest were more country and more laid back. They were all nice guys.

"I noticed the family that plays together stays together," I said to Big Dan.

"That happened accidentally to Danny and me," he said. "My Grandfather and father liked to play. I've always had fun with my brothers, but I had no idea the current generation was into it too. I attributed our interest in cock to our taste for frigid women and poor television reception. There just weren't many ways to entertain ourselves. Great Grand daddy's brother found another way to entertain himself and he got shot by his playmates husband. That seemed to powerfully impress their generation. Man play was safer. "

"I had been playing with my cousins for years," Delmar said. "Cousin Luther, who isn't here yet, was into experimenting. Every experiment we made was successful. Luther is into heavy man play. Most of us swing both ways, but not Luther. Alex recruited Luther and Luther brought Danny with him. Alec is from the western part of the county and didn't know we were related."

"Who is Luther related too?" I asked.

"He's Uncle Will's oldest. Willy died ten or twelve years ago and wasn't a member of the club. The playful gene must have slipped a generation, but Luther must have gotten a double dose," Big Dan said.

"Boy, I was surprised when I found Dad, and Delmar found his Dad, Ovid, here along with Uncle Hiram. I had no idea they were into it," Danny said, "We were in our twenties and weren't kids and we went with the flow. In many ways it was a relief. I had been scared Dad would find out. He was scared I would find out. It was good when we found out we were both members of the brotherhood. Outside the club we're straight. Inside these walls we're brothers, lodge members."

"You only have sex here?" I asked.

"Yes, it makes life simpler that way," Danny said. "To tell you the truth, I've never thought of this as sex. Sex is what I have with my wife. That's okay, but not as much fun as messing around with my buds."

"For years I thought being gay was a result of circumstances, but I'm not too sure now," Ovid said. "We all seem to share the same tastes, and there was no teaching involved. We share the same genes."

"Do you guys suck and fuck each other?" I asked and immediately regretted asking. It was an awfully personal question. They didn't mind.

"Delmar has screwed me once or twice, but that was because it was dark," Ovid said.

"Danny has a taste for my sperm," Big Dan said. "He use to get it second hand when I shot it on someone. Lately he's been getting it straight from the spigot. We've cut out the middle man."

"That was Luther's doing," Danny said. "His Dad died before Luther had a chance to taste his seed. Luther is a curious kind of guy and he wanted to know. Well once night he was playing with Dad, and then came over to me. He had taken Dad's cum in his mouth. He used some to lube his cock when he popped in my hole and then he kissed me while he fucked. I should have known something was up. Luther isn't the kissing type."

"I could taste the cum in his mouth. When he told me it was my Dad's cum, I shot off," he continued.

"You must have liked it," I said.

"To tell you the truth I don't know if it was the cum, or Luther's cock in my ass that did it," Danny said. "Whatever it was, it was good. I guess you could say I eventually came back for seconds."

There was a commotion at the door to the gym, and someone bellowed "I'm here, let the the party begin!"

"Luther is here," Ovid said. "The prayer meeting part of this shindig is over. The real fun begins." Ovid leaned toward me. "Luther is a spark plug. He gets things going."

Luther came directly over to me. I tend to stand out, literally. Luther looked at my face, then my cock. "Damn, is it Christmas already?" he asked with a smile.

Luther looked like a human in a gorilla suit. He had broad shoulders, a massive muscular torso, narrow hips and strong legs. He didn't cut his hair or trim his beard. He had a pony tail, and his beard merged with his chest hair. I couldn't tell if he had a neck. He had sparking blue eyes, and a soft, thick, six inch cock dangling between his legs.

He didn't say anything else. He dropped to his knees and deep throated my cock. I wasn't fully erect, but there still was a lot of cock. My cock slid down his throat. He buried his nose in my bush and swallowed. My cock responded and expanded.

Luther pulled off before I choked him. "Damn you've got a beauty!" he said and then he returned to my cock. I was fully erect and drooling some. Luther liked that. I wanted to sample his fucker, and was briefly afraid I would seem rude abandoning my conversation with the Hoods. I didn't need to worry. Danny was sampling his Uncle Ovid's cock and Big Dan was milking Delmar. Delmar had his eyes closed and was moaning a little. All was well.

It took me an entire second to realize Luther's cock was made for me to suck. He was a solid six incher with a big, juicy cock head. We went at it like dogs in heat. Luther actually managed to deep throat me when I was fully erect. As he sucked he worked a finger into my ass.

The next time while I sucked him I played prostate tag with Luther. His ass was already lubricated. That was a good sign. His ass was a wonder too. I got the impression his sphincter was making love to my finger. When I got two fingers in and then got one finger on each side of his gland. He was under my control.

"Slow up," he moaned. "I'm going to shoot." I got up.

"Do you bottom?" I asked.

"If you take your time," he said. I could do that.

"What's the best way for you?" I asked. "Doggy style? Spreadeagled."

"The sling is good." he replied. We were off to the races. When he got in the sling, we got an audience of horny and excited men.

Fred, Parker's friend, offered to open Luther's ass. "I've got a good training cock. I've also got a short fuse. If you don't mind sloppy seconds, he'll be nice and juicy for you."

"That's not a problem for me," I said. "How about you, Luther?"

"No one likes a gang bang more than me!" he replied. He winked at me. Luther was my kind of guy.

Fred knew himself well. His cock was average and slipped in easily. A minute later he went rigid and channeled all his efforts into shooting his guts into Luther's quivering ass. He pulled out once, and ejaculated on Luther's hole. He then pushed the cum back into Luther's ass with his still spewing cock. Lubricating the sphincter. It was a nice gesture, but not necessary.

Fred wasn't the only one who wanted to help. Alex was there and made a quick trip into Luther's hole. Alex's meat was bigger than Fred's and he opened Luther a bit wider. He fuse was no long than Fred's and he added his cream to the brew in the quivering hole. Finally a man I hadn't met yet, a beefy black man gave Luther a poke.

His name was Adam, and he was a thick seven inches. Adam took his time, and but the time he popped, Luther was ready. I stepped up to the plate. I knew Luther was a good sport, but I took my time. As my knob pushed through Luther's sphincter, sperm spurted out between the hole and my cock. My cock, balls and bush were covered with man seed.

"Oh baby," someone cried. "Damn that looks good." Luther's eyes rolled back in his head as I went deep. I must have spent ten or fifteen minutes plowing Luther. Once and a while he seemed to zone out, but even then his cock remained hard and dripping precum.

I pulled out once to cool down a little and Hiram moved in to suck my cum covered cock. I didn't expect that, nor did I expect Danny to rim Luther. It was messy, but Danny seemed to love Luther's well used hole.

I went in again and Luther had tightened up again. It was even better than before. He tightened his sphincter and caressed my thrusting cock. I popped. My balls had been making cum for hours, and I shot all of it into Luther's rectum. This time his hole remained open and the sperm custard in his ass drooled out.

Parker was near by and he plugged the leak.

Next: Chapter 3

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