Rod and Gun Club

Published on Feb 16, 2010


The Rod & Hunt Club 6

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

It seemed to me Tyrone might be a good addition to the Rod & Gun Club, but he wasn't interested. He said it was too many white guys in a room for him to be comfortable. Ronald was use to associating with white people, but Tyrone was more old school.

Tyrone surprised me when he asked if I'd like to meet a few friends of his. It's funny that racial hang ups still survive years after segregation ended. I wasn't too enthusiastic about going, but I decided to be a good sport. He picked me up on Saturday at noon to take me to the place. We drove deep into the woods driving on roads that were more correctly trails.

We came to a shack in a clearing. "This is the White Tail Social and Hunting Club," Tyrone said. The shack like exterior concealed and nice interior. It was modern and pleasant. It was one big room. One part of the room was tiled and there were shower heads. There was a curtain rod, but no curtains. The furnishings were simple but solid. Mattresses and pillows covered a broad bench around the edge of the room. It was a sitting and sleeping area. A big, old wood stove sat in the kitchen area.

Rodney was there talking with a man a vaguely recognized. Both were nude. Tyrone and I stripped and hung our clothes on a hook and then went over to them.

"Bill, I'd like you to meet Marshall," Rodney said in introduction. Marshall was a very muscular stocky man. I suddenly remembered he was the sheriff in the next county. "Marshall is the president of our little club." We shook hands.

"I hate to sound crude," Marshall said, "Rodney said you were hung good for a white man. He's was sure right about that." We laughed.

"Maybe Tyrone didn't tell you, but you are the first white man to be invited here," Marshall said. "Old habits die hard. There are no real rules except ask before you leap and have a good time."

"Don't forget the big rule. Either piss out side or in the trough at the back of the shower," Ronald said. "The septic field is small and used for the toilet only, but water is at a premium. We save most of it for the shower."

"I'm a construction worker, so I'm use to using the bushes," I said. As we talked several men came in. they all stripped immediately and joined us.

"Let me guess?" a man with a booming voice asked. "Who is the new man here? There's something ever so slightly different about him." He was a tall man, with a wide smile.

Rodney continued the introductions. "Billy, this is Bishop Willy. He's our spiritual leader."

"Don't let Ronald steer you wrong, Bishop willy said. "I'm a spiritual leader and a top of the line cock sucker too. My pal here is Grover. He's my choir director and he likes every thing you can do with a cock and an ass." The Bishop fondled my cock. He leaned close to men and whispered, "Nice meat. Save a place on your dance card for me."

I stoked his cock and peeled the skin back, exposing his knob. "It takes two to tango." He smiled. The Bishop was an impressive man. He was tall, well built and well equipped. Grover was smaller than average, very muscular, hyper active and effeminate. He reminded me of a bird with his short, jerky movements.

Talbert came with two young men. My helper, Tyrone, came with an older man. Tyrone saw me and didn't seem to be concerned. When everyone was naked, Marshall announced it was time to shower. There were ten of us and three shower heads so it was close quarters. For a few minutes it was a clean up and rinse off type shower. It turned into a grope, feel and explore shower.

It started with a casual bumping asses due to the close quarters, then a man made an offer to wash my back. Marshall felt me out, and the man washing my back decided to wash my ass too. By then, about half the men were showing hard. I was at half staff.

As the erections grew, all pretense to be washing disappeared and it turned into a group sexual exploration session. No one pretended not to be into it.

Marshall told everyone to calm down a little. He had some announcements. "Some of you have noticed we have a first time visitor, we actually have two visitors, but one stands out somehow." The guys laughed. "Let me introduce them. The big pink one is Bill. He's a construction worker and carpenter. He's a friend of Rodney and Tyrone. More correctly a friend of old Tyrone and the employer of young Tyrone."

"We have already noted that Bill is well hung for a white guy, so there's no need to point that out again." There was more laughter. "The other visitor is Maxwell Jones. He's a friend of Talbert and is a new teacher at the community College," Marshall continued. "let's all carry on with the tradition of our meetings. We are here for sex and fun. Open your hearts, mouths and ass holes for them. Let the games begin!"

Maxwell Jones was next to me. He was thin and hairier than most of the men. We were mobbed with guys saying hello. I decided to make friends quickly, so I dropped to the floor and began to suck. That was well received. Maxwell copied me so the two of us were at the center of a ring of cocks. There was a nice variety of cocks. I tend to work on the knob. Maxwell was more into deep throating.

"We're running out of water," Rodney announced. He turned off the water and our ring of cocks disbursed.

Bishop Willy had something that looked like a turkey baster filled with lubricant. The Bishop squirted lube in you ass and Grover fingered the hole to make sure the opening was well greased. Everyone was into fucking it seemed, both giving and taking. No one objected to this at all. It seemed many of the club's members were into ass holes big time, no one more so than Grover. When the Bishop shot some lube in my ass, Grover worked it in. He massaged my hole and then made sure my prostate was in working order.

Soon I was sucking the Bishop as Grover sucked me. Grover was a master cock sucker with a mouth like a velvet glove that grasped my cock firmly as he swallowed my cock hole. I thought Grover would release my cock when I became fully erect, but he kept on sucking.

The Bishop was responsive and appreciative. He had a long, black snake that curved downward rather than up, that was the perfect shape for me to deep throat. I started to swallow it and unexpectedly found my nose in his pubic hair and his balls cushioned on my beard. Even more surprising I could breathe. When I swallowed, the contractiosn of my throat made the Bishop into a friend for life.

The Bishop went to the benches and sat. I got on the floor so I could continue to suck him. Marshall saw his opportunity and he got to my rear. I felt his cock at my ass. "Bill, get ready," the Bishop said. "You're going to have a visitor at the back door." Marshall's cock was long, but fiarly thin and the organ slid in easily. It was a nice long, well lubricated probe. I shivered in response.

He was a pile driver, not a lover or a masseur, but the size of his cock made that good. It wasn't the sort of fucking that would generate a climax. It was a warm up fucking. He was in for a few minutes and pulled out.

"I don't want to cum to early," he said, "You've got a good ass, tight and firm." I got up to catch my breath. I pulled off Marshall's cock and rested for a minute.

Maxwell came over and fondled me. "Have you been to anything like this before?" he whispered.

"Yes, but not with this group," I said. "It's a free for all. Suck and fuck whoever you want."

"I've never been fucked in public," he whispered. "It seems so open. I just watched you getting poked by Marshall."

"Do you like the bottom?"

"I love it." he said, "But I lose it. I make a fool of myself."

"Don't worry about that," I said, "The more you enjoy it, the more they will like you. Usually thinking with your cock is bad, here it's the way to go. Relax and follow your cock."

Tyrone, my helper, and the man he came with came over to us. "Bill, I didn't expect to see you here," he said, "This is Robby Dew, a friend of mine." I shook hands. He was with the older man he came with. "By the way who brought you here?" Tyrone asked.

"Your Uncle Tyrone," I answered.

"Damn, he's been holding out on me again,"Tyrone exclaimed.

Robby laughed. "When I brought Tyrone here, I think his Uncle was the last man in the world he expected to see," he said. "It didn't occur to me they were related. There are a lot of Tyrones in our world."

"It turned out okay?" I asked.

"After the shock wore off it was fine. Both of us had been hiding it from the other," Tyrone said. "I am a bit surprised he is into white meat."

"Are you surprised I'm here?"

"Well I didn't guess you were into men, but I know you don't have any racial hang ups," Tyrone said. "My Uncle had some bad experiences when he was younger."

"I have no hangups at all, but not because of any virtues of my own. I look at the cock first. If it turns me on, it could be purple with green polka dots and I'd be happy," Robby said. He looked directly at my cock. "As a matter of fact, I'm happy right now!"

Robby was a big tall man, bald with a goatee. I guessed he was nearly 60. He had a soft, uncut cock, which had promise.

"How did you meet Tyrone?" I asked.

"I am an artist and Tyrone modeled for me," he replied.

"Oh, you're the big time black artist I seen articles in the paper about," I said.

"I think of myself as an artist, not a black artist," he said. "I draw and paint the ordinary people I see. A good portion of my subjects are Black folk, but I sell most of them to white folk. I saw Tyrone hanging around on the street and sketched him. He came over to see what I was doing and liked my drawings. Later he posed for me nude."

"I'm afraid Robby was a perfect gentleman, and I seduced him," Tyrone said. "He's not into young guys, but I converted him. I was 20, but that was off limits for him at the time."

"Tyrone dressed like a street punk, but didn't have the bad attitude," Robby said. He reached over and played with my cock. I did the same and the conversation came to an end. Tyrone wandered off and Robby and I got to know each other. I sat on the bench while Robby sucked me and then we traded places.

Robby's cock was a good size, but it was easy to take without choking. He was appreciative as was his cock. I was on the floor sucking him and didn't notice my ass was on display, others did.

"Damn, that's a pretty hole," someone said. I looked. It was Maxwell. "You're a bruiser of a man, but your hole is a pretty pink." I squeezed and twitched my ass a few times. My mouth was full and I assumed Maxwell would take that as a good sign. "A really pretty hole," he repeated.

"Here's a tube of lube," Robby said. "Grease your self up good. You know the rules, you can only fuck the men you'd be willing to take. Bill's a big boy." Maxwell accepted the offer. "Are you boys into Poppers? I have some fresh ones here."

Maxwell took a snort and then I did. His cock poked through my sphincter a second after the amyl reached my brain. It was perfect. His cock vanished in my pink hole. With Robby's cock oozing in my mouth and Maxwell's meat massaging my prostate it was damn good. It was pleasurable and almost blissful.

It was a good as things could be without getting to an orgasm. The three of us were savoring the sensations. After ten minutes or so, Robby popped. There were a few strong spurts and then a flow of man seed drooling from his cock. We had to break apart, because his cock head got too sensitive for me to suck. Maxwell pulled out of me and we went looking for another playmate.

Maxwell told me he didn't think he could take my cock. I understood and said it wasn't a problem. I introduced Maxwell to young Tyrone and they hit it off. Uncle Tyrone was slow fucking the Bishop. I went over to them. Grover was near by and looked lonely. He was on a chair and when he saw me come in his direction he pulled up his legs and exposed his hole. A few seconds later I was deep in his ass.

As my cock head pushed through his sphincter, I felt like an astronaut returning to earth and getting a ticker tape parade on Wall Street. His ass welcomed my cock. I pulled out and then slowly re entered. I had the strong feeling his ass was kissing my cock; it made love to my meat. Grover had something close to being a prehensile ass. He could do things I had never felt. Everyone knew just how much he enjoyed my cock too.

I thought it was going to be a quick trip in and out, but I must have spent twenty minutes in his ass. It would have lasted longer if young Tyrone hadn't popped his cock into my ass as I was fucking Grover. It was good, and got better when I discovered who it was. I didn't think I had any sexual interest in Tyrone at all, but apparently my ass felt differently.

Grover needed a rest, so I pulled out. Tyrone pulled out too. "Sorry about that, I didn't recognize it was you," he said.

I looked at him for a minute then we both burst out laughing.

"Seriously it was a spur of the moment thing," Tyrone said. "I shouldn't have done it. It might confuse things."

"I've always kept my personal life and work life separate. As long as what we do here doesn't get mixed up with work I've got no problem," I said.

"I took the job because Ronald made me take it," Tyrone said. "I didn't expect to like it. I thought manual labor was beneath me. I didn't know I liked building things. It's nice to start a day with a pile of lumber and convert it into a house. I like to see what I have achieved at the end of the day."

"That's the way I see it too," I said. I had no particular desire to play with Tyrone, but things can take odd turns when you're in a group of naked men. I had a feeling many of the relationships in the Rod & Gun club weren't what was expected.

The White Tail Social and Hunting Club had a time limit on their meeting. At 4:00 a bell rang and everyone got dressed and went home. I thought this was odd but Rodney said the club once had a tendency to go on for hours and to consume vast quantities of booze The time limit made everyone get down to business early and they eliminated booze entirely.

That night I got a call from Rodney asking of I was okay. I said I was fine.

"I've been the only black man in an all white room," he explained. "I know it can be uncomfortable."

"Have you had a problem at the Rod & Gun Club?" I asked.

"No, but there is a tradition of whites being interested in black cock, without having any interest in black men," he said. "It's the Mandingo problem."

My project for Rodney turned out to be a good one for me. I do good work for a fair price and soon I had several projects in Rodney's neighborhood. Everyone needed a new kitchen and bathrooms. Rodney's house was a showplace and got some publicity in the local papers.

I got back to the Rod & Gun on the next Saturday and they had a number of men there I hadn't met yet. Jeffersonton had an Old Timer's Day and the local schools and churches had reunions on Sunday. A number of former Rod & Gun Club members returned to see old friends and to have some fun.

Hiram was at the door. He knew everyone, and a good portion of the visitors were relatives of the officers of the club. Alex Lewis had a brother and two cousins who had been in the club and moved away. Sam Fuller, the games Master, had an Uncle and three nephews who were into it. I wondered how the family's joined. Were they recruited, seduce or did they join of their own free will?

I talked with Sam Fuller's nephews and found out how it worked. The family lived on the west facing side of the Blue Ridge in scattered farms. The boy cousins played together as kids, and some of that play was of the, "I'll show you mind if you show me yours" sort. I pretty sure most kids do that. Sam's uncle, the kids' great uncle, Cal, discovered the boys playing.

They were in their early twenties and had gone to Cal's hunting camp to play. He discovered them screwing each other and instead of being shocked, he joined in. Uncle Cal introduced them to the Rod and Gun club. The Lewis' had a similar story. If there is a gay gene, they had it. Family members discovered the other's similar sexual interests and then joined the club.

Uncle Cal was in his later 60s but with a huge gray beard and weathered skin, he looked older. He was the youngest child of a second marriage, so some of his nephews were his age. "No virgin has ever joined the Rod & Gun," Cal said with pride. "You have to be a full fledged member of the fraternity to join the club."

"There's one other problem," Cal's nephew Clem said. "We're a lazy and laid back bunch of men, but our sperm must be high powered. If I walk too close to a girl, she gets knocked up. We use birth control, but my old lady got pregnant two days after she stopped taking the pill. We sleep in separate bedrooms now. Three kids are three to many as far as she's concerned. In high school my oldest brother knocked up a girl and there was hell to pay."

"No one's ever gotten pregnant from man sex," Clem said. "My older brother is straight as an arrow and horny as a rabbit, but his life would have been a lot better is he spread his seed with us, rather than to every bitch in heat in the town."

Cal was a widower, but Clem and his brother, Joe, were married, and the other nephew, Dan had a live in girl friend. Man sex was more recreational than emotional for them. They liked man sex.

I had been at the cub for a half hour when I discovered being horny as a rabbit was not confined to the older brother alone. They were all energetic, enthusiastic, driven men. The Fullers tended to be tall, thin and hairy. All had long, lolly pop style cocks.

By contrasts the Lewis' had greater variety in physical type. Some were tall, solid men, other were good ol' boy beefy.

Next: Chapter 7

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