Romeo and Julius

By John Doe

Published on Jul 14, 2009


Author's Note: Hey guys enjoy chapter 2 and your comments are very much appreciated and While you're waiting for the next chapter go read Big Apple Love another one of my Nifty stories.

Romeo and Julius by: Kevin T. Smith

Chapter 2: Gym


That night I could only think about him and fell asleep early. I remember dreaming about him, we were walking on the beach hand in hand with no worries or fears. The moon was gently caressing his creamy vanilla colored skin, illuminated him and his muscles looked more defined because of the shadows created by the light. The smells and feel was all too real the strong scent of salt and the cool oceanic breeze swirling around us and the feel of his hand in mine. The swirling of caramel and vanilla and then he pulled me in close holding us together as he leaned down and as our lips were about to touch I could feel...."Wake up!" No! I yelled to myself as the dream slipped away and I no longer had the feel of the Ivory Adonis in my mind. I glared at Ty and tossed a pillow at her "Missed. Get up or we're going to be late, again." She walked over to my closet and began to pull out clothes, "Cute and flirty." she said more as a statement than a question. I groaned in irritation. As I rolled of the bed and made my way to the bathroom to shower and get ready. I walked back into my room towel in hand with my underwear and t-shirt on. "Cute underwear!" She said tapping me on my butt. Ty and I got dressed in front of each other all the time it got to the point when walking out of the room was annoying. "Yeah, yeah" I said as I pulled on the dark blue jeans she pulled out and the pink and white polo with my white polo shoes. "I thought styling was my job?" I said as I grabbed my bag and we were out the door.


"Master Romeo, rise and shine." I heard Patrick say as my door slowly opened. "Master Romeo?" he asked now in my room. "No master here Patrick" I said smiling as I sat up and could already smell the breakfast Patrick has whipped up. "Cinnamon buns?" I asked as I began walking towards that door and heading to the bathroom. "Yes sir, I'll have a plate ready for you when you get downstairs." He said leaving before I could stop him. Silly man always trying to baby me. I didn't take that long in the shower the thought of those cinnamon buns waiting downstairs made me hungrier. I got dressed wearing jeans and a short sleeve V-neck. 'It's October and I'm wearing short sleeves in New York I would being wearing sweaters by now.' Breakfast was quick since I was already running late and I didn't want to be late my first day as dad always says 'Early is on time and on time is late.' I shook my head and told Patrick I would be home late today since tryouts for basketball were today. Maybe He'll tryout. I shook my head again and tried to erase the thought, 'Romeo he's straight!' I yelled at myself as I got in my car and headed off to school.

'We can do this.' I kept saying to myself as I sucked up the courage to finally get out my car. "Who's the new kid?" I heard as I walked into the big glass doors. It looked more like a college than a high school. "I don't know but he's cute." I blushed as the doors closed behind me and I continued walking. I walked into the main office to speak to someone about the "tour guide" I was supposed to have to show me around to each class. "Hey suga how can I help you?" the sweet old lady said from behind the counter. "Umm... I'm Romeo Murray I was told to come here for the tour guide thing." I shrugged as she typed on the keyboard. "Yeah, if you have a seat Hun your tour guide will be here soon." I sat down as she got on the loudspeaker, "Ty Marcus report to the main office please." Ty Marcus? That name sounds so familiar why? I sat there thinking and it hit me when she walked in, HIS girlfriend. "Good Morning Mrs. Clark." She said melodiously as she scanned the room and her eyes met mine. "Hello Romeo, ready?" I nodded and we walked out of the office. "So what do you have first period?" It took me awhile to register what she was asking and she just smiled. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the folded piece of paper. "I have AP government." 'Yes' I want my son taking all AP classes. He's going to be a lawyer.' My dad always said so proudly but I didn't want to be a lawyer I actually had a promising future in the NBA. 'You have to have real plans Romeo, basketball is fine to do in high school but we are talking about real life.'

I had forgotten that Ty was speaking and showing me around so I basically missed everything she said but clued in when she said, "This is the gym, do you play any sports?" I nodded and told her how I play basketball and do track in the spring. "Cool, yeah basketball is fun I go to every game." she said smiling as we continued down the hall and the people kept staring as they made their way to class. Every game? This is my chance to find out if he plays basketball ask her. "Every game? Is your boyfriend on the team?" I spit out, she laughed and said, "No I don't have a boyfriend." 'YES!' I thought to myself there still is a chance ask about him. I yelled to myself. "Oh, so that guy I saw you with at your house..." "Julius? He's like my brother our parents work together and we've been friends since like second grade." she laughed. "Oh!" was all I managed. "Ok well this is the Social Studies wing and this is AP Government. I'll be here after to help you find your next class." She smiled and walked out of the hallway. I inhaled and walked into my first class and hoped it wouldn't be so bad.


'Ty where are you?' I thought as I waited for her outside of class. She just showed Romeo around and I want to know everything. I have known that he existed for less than 24 hours and I'm already obsessed with him. "Why are you standing out here?" I jumped a little as Ty was standing behind me. "Don't do that!" I said as we walked into the classroom. "Tell me everything." I said as we sat down "There's nothing to tell he plays basketball and he's trying out today, I didn't get a life story sweetie." I groaned and let my mind run wild as I sat back and tried hard to drown out the teacher. all day and he wasn't in any of my classes Not calculus, physics, none of my advanced classes, not even lunch! The day dragged on and I didn't even see him in the hallways ugh! "Meet me in the parking lot after school." Ty said as she headed towards the girls locker room I nodded and made my way into my personal hell, The Boys Locker Room.

There he was standing at an obvious 6 foot with no shirt on his creamy vanilla skin pulled tight over his rippling muscles, I was in heaven. "Cover up boys the fags here." I shot a quick glare at Paul the guy who tried to bring me down on a daily basis. He was one ugly guy about 5'9'' greasy black hair that always seemed unkempt and the only cute thing about him was the size of his wallet. His mom was some top surgeon, to bad she didn't fix that face of his, "Good one Paul." His main follower Drew said. Drew was cute just not the brightest crayon in the box. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the locker two away from Romeo. "Hey, new kid watch out, I think Julius has a little crush." I felt the heat rise up to my cheeks as I looked at him and he was turning red too. "Paul, do us all a favor and graduate this year. Weren't you supposed to graduate in '68:" There was snickering and even Romeo had a slight smile on his perfect face. And that infuriate Paul he was so used to being in control. "That's big talk for a fag who doesn't have his boyfriend to protect him anymore." A slight smile crept across my face. "Like I need Rob, remember what happened last time you tried to mess with me." I chuckled as I thought about one of my best guy friends, Nick, about to kick his ass last year. "You little fag!" he said raising his voice. "Yes we have established the fact that I am gay Paul when are you coming out of the closet?" "Don't talk to Paul like that punk. Have some respect for the star basketball player." Drew said moving towards as if he had the balls to hit me. Drew was probably 3 inches shorter than me and not in the shape as I was. "Ha. Star player. Paul doesn't play and when he does he misses every shot. The point is to get the ball in the hoop." I notice Romeo still sitting there as I continued to snap insult after insult to Paul. They both glared at me as they made their way to the exit. "Bye boys see you later." I said winking to Paul; I knew it made him nervous when I flirted with him. "Dorks." I mumbled as I continued getting dressed. As I turned back around he was gone, Damn it!' I said to myself as I noticed Romeo was gone. Did Paul have to ruin everything?' I said closing my locker and making my way to gym.

Next: Chapter 3

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