Romeo and Julius

By John Doe

Published on Jul 29, 2009


Romeo & Julius Chapter 4


"So..." Ty said as we sat in her car. "What?" "What are we doing for Halloween?" I shrugged my shoulders. Ty always had some big plan for Halloween and we always had matching costumes.

In 5th grade I was Peter Pan and she was Tinker Bell and the year after that I was Simba, she was Nala. Last year was the first time we didn't go trick-or-treating but we went to a costume party and went as Aladdin and Jasmine.

"I don't know. Who's having a party?" I asked. "Umm... Well Rob is and we are still invited so I was thinking...." I smiled at her and said, "That would make London so mad. Of course we're going." I laughed as she pulled out of the school parking lot. "Where are we going?" she grinned at me and said,

"Shopping!" I shook my head as we made our way to the mall.

The mall was pretty empty even for a Monday afternoon. "Why can't we just order costumes off line?" She glared at me, "Because I already ordered them. I just want your approval." It was just like Ty to make decisions without consulting me first. If we didn't think so much a like I would've been angry but I love my bestie.

I put my hand around her shoulder as we walked into the costume store.

"Ms. Murray welcome back you have perfect timing your costumes just got in." the clerk said. He was a good looking guy about the same height as Ty and had short black hair and beautiful brown eyes that almost matched his chocolate colored skin. "Thanks Tom." she said as he handed her two boxes. "Where's the fitting room I want him to try his on." She said nodding at me.

We followed Tom to the back of the store where there were two changing rooms.

"Let me know if I can be of any service Ty." He said smiling and it was so obvious that he was into her.

"So what was the discount on these?" I asked as soon as the clerk was out of hearing distance. "What are you Insinuating?" she said with a smirk. "He is so wants you and I know you noticed." she threw the box at me Threw the box at me, "Shut up and try this."


"Patrick I'm home!" I yelled as I walked into the front door. "Patrick!?" "In the kitchen Sir." I shook my head as I dropped my bag at the foot of the stairs and walked into the kitchen.

"That smells divine, what is it?" I asked sitting at the table. "Food. How was your first day?" he laughed as he put something in the oven and continued stirring something in a pot. "Ehh. Nothing special." he looked at me for a long moment and when ever he did this I felt like he was reading my mind. "What's his name?" I shook my head, "How do you do that?" "Magic!" he laughed.

"His name is Julius. Patrick he is gorgeous from head to toe and has these beautiful eyes. I'm not sure if they're green or brown but either way they are perfect. And he has this amazing caramel tone to his skin." I loved being able to talk so openly to Patrick.

"Well Romeo it seems you have a little crush." "No it's not a crush I've been thinking about him non-stop for the past two days ever since I laid my eyes on him." I couldn't help but smile as I thought about him. "Have you talked to him yet?" "No, I haven't had the chance he's never alone. Even after school he's always with his best friend Ty." "Ty? The young lady from next door?" I nodded as I continued to think of Julius. "She is a lovely young lady she stopped by yesterday and we had the most intriguing conversation."

"I'm going to take a shower before dinner." I said walking away from the kitchen and dumping my bag in my room.

As I stood in the shower I thought back to seeing Julius at the cheerleading tryouts. It was just amazing how fluid his body moved through the air like he was born to fly. "That's why they're at all the games." I said slapping my hand against my forehead.

I didn't spend a lot of time in the shower; I was really exhausted from tryouts, more exhausted then I thought I was earlier.

"Sir, the phone it's a Mr. Martinez." Patrick said knocking on my door. I thought for a second of who it could be but had no idea. "Hello?" I questioned as I sat on my bed. "Hey Romeo its Rob, who was the English dude who answered the phone?" He laughed. "That was Patrick our butler. Not that I'm not happy you called but how'd you get my number?" I asked. "I have my ways." he said laughing.

"So I'm a starter?" I said as I sat on my bed with my towel around my waist. "Yeah, Coach was in love with you dude." He laughed. "Really?" I asked grinning from ear to ear. "Yeah; dude you definitely made the team, I'm sure about that."

Wow so I made the team lucky me, "So about the Halloween party?" "Oh yeah; well we usually have a theme and buy matching costumes." "Ok, what's the theme?"

He paused. "It's kind of like a superhero theme like, The Justice League or something." "Ok." I wasn't sure what to say but it seemed like a cool idea. "Yeah I know it's kind of kiddish but." "No it's cool, I call batman." I cut him off laughing.

The conversation didn't last long but Rob and I planned on going to the mall tomorrow to find costumes. I gave Rob my cell number and told him to text me anytime and I was off to dinner.

Closing Note: Well that's it for this Chapter of Romeo & Julius, If you enjoyed this story you might want to check out another one of my stories Big Apple Love also in the High school section.

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