Ronnies College Secrets

By Ronald Shearing

Published on Nov 16, 2017


Ronnie's College Secrets - Part 3

Nifty / transgender / college

Legal stuff.

This story is fiction and is intended for mature readers only. If it is not legal to read this story in your jurisdiction, or if you are not over the age of 18, please close this page now.

This tale takes place in a Universe where the main protagonist in this story, Ronald or Ronnie, first found his love for "chicks with dicks" as a 16-year-old. Check out the teen section if you would like to read Ronald's back-story.

Quick editorial disclaimer - my stories often contain references to the smoking fetish. This one is no different.

New disclaimer. In this chapter, and this chapter only, one or more characters may be coerced into actions they don't really want to do. It's part of the story, but tune out of this chapter if this kind of scenario is not for you.

If you enjoy accessing erotic literature on nifty, please donate to nifty at Nifty is run for us all by volunteer(s) whose dedication is admirable and should be supported by all our community.

Finally, I love feedback. Feel free to email me at Ronald DOT Shearing AT yahoo DOT com.

After my last liaison with Dominique, it was a few weeks before I got an email suggesting we meet up for some fun again.

Meeting at either of our rooms was out. The email suggested I pick Dominique up before we headed to a car park promontory popular with loving couples. I was nervous. I didn't want my sexual preferences known in college. Although I hadn't dated a girl for a couple months, there were still a couple of natural girls I had ideas about, and the whole "being a faggot" thing that had so torn me up when I'd first indulged my cravings for girl cock had still not stopped haunting me. I was also worried about the car sex angle. It seemed risky.

I agreed to the meet though, and on that first occasion in the car I wished I hadn't. Dominique simply turned up as Dominic with a pair of stockings and panties on under his jogging pants. That simply wasn't "girl enough" for me. There were a few other cars about which also bothered me. And there were rumors of cops turning up to this well-known lovers' spot from time to time. And there had been reported incidences of "dogging" that local law enforcement was out to stop. I just didn't feel comfortable.

I struggled even when Dominique started to blow me. I came eventually. I realized that with Dominique it was the clothes that turned me on, not the person. Not like it had been with Simone, my TV girlfriend from high school. I even struggled giving Dominic a hand job. I resisted Dominic's urges to reciprocate orally. I only enjoyed sucking girl cock. Only girl cock. When Dominique had been dressed up I'd gladly gorged on her huge pole. In my car with Dominic, guy Dominic, I couldn't go there.

We were both pretty silent on our drive back to town. It was not what I had been expecting. Maybe I was still too immature. But if I was being true to myself, I just couldn't handle "normal" gay relations. I regret now not telling Dominic how I felt that night. Maybe I still held out hope that hot Dominique would return when we met again. Anyway, I said nothing about how I felt.

The second, and final, car-based liaison with Dominique was a totally fucked up night that started well but went way south before I got myself home, vowing never to get myself into that kind of situation again.

When 2 weeks after our initial car sex fiasco I got another email, I plucked up the courage to not automatically say "yes", but to ask specifically if a hot Dominique would be meeting me.

In my email I said I'd only be prepared to meet if Dominique dressed. I knew there would be logistical difficulties, but I made a suggestion. We'd stop off at a gas station / diner I knew nearby with a separate mens' room. Dominique could change there, then we'd drive off to our tryst. I thought Dominique might refuse, but at that point in time I didn't really care. Our friendship post our boy/girl fuck meet had gotten strange anyway.

Within 10 minutes of hitting send, my laptop speaker pinged as I received new mail. It was from Dominique. And it was short and to the point.

"Agree. I so need a cock in my ass."

Seemed we were on then.

When I picked Dominic up he wore a long waterproof coat and was carrying a sports bag. Tossing his bag onto the back-seat Dominic quickly started talking.

"Ronnie, you are going to LOVE what I'm going to look like tonight. I ordered some new stuff online. I so want to try it on. I've even brought my make-up bag."

This sounded promising.

We made idle chat until I got to the parking lot outside the diner. We talked about nothing sexual. I think our last liaison was still on both of our minds. The mens' room was between the diner and a gas station, but it was easier to park by the diner.

"Ronnie, I'm going to be nearer 20 minutes than 10. But I'll be worth the wait."

Dominic headed in the direction of the men's room, as I looked at my watch. It was 8:32PM.

Just before 9PM, I saw Dominique heading back towards my car. The long raincoat was still buttoned up, but I noticed high heels on Dominique's feet. As I saw Dominique flick her head upwards I noticed the glowing orange tip of a cigarette and I was surprised that Dominique seemed to be wearing a dark colored wig. As Dominique got closer I saw the orange tip of the cigarette bounce and spark as she threw the butt to the ground. The passenger door opened and I noticed not only that the dark wig was set with ponytails but that Dominique was quite heavily made up and was wearing false lashes. As the door shut the interior lamp clicked off. Dominique leaned over. I could smell the tobacco on her breath before she put her lips to mine and slid her tongue into my mouth. I responded. Dominique had definitely made the effort tonight.

"Take me to our spot, Ronnie, I need a cock in my ass bad".

I put the car in drive. As we headed to the lovers' hang out, Dominique gently massaged my cock through my pants.

"I want this Ronnie. I could pull your pants down now and suck you while you drive if I thought you could still handle the car"

I sensibly suggested we wait.

When we arrived at the parking lot frequented by lovers I breathed a sigh of relief. No other cars. I parked at the back of the lot, near some trees.

Dominique suggested we go into the back seat. I stepped out of the driver side while Dominique sidled out of the passenger door. I opened the back door and got in. I couldn't really see Dominique but I heard the raincoat swish as it was thrown onto the front passenger seat, then the front passenger door click shut. As the rear passenger side door opened I caught a glimpse of Dominique's outfit.

As I'd mentioned Dominique had tied pigtails either side of her black wig, and with her make-up done a bit heavier there was a definite feminine touch that had been missing from our last meeting.

On her top half, Dominique wore a very tight black polyester scoop-neck crop-top, with three quarter length sleeves. The look was nicely sluttish.

But it was the bottom half that made me gulp. Black ultra-fine hold-ups with a stripe top, three horizontal stripes at the top of each stocking. The heels I had already seen. But the piece-de-resistance, no panties. Just Dominique's 10-inch monster cock flopping up and down as she joined me on the back seat of my car.

We started to kiss. I was now rock hard. This was my first time trying to fuck in the back seat of my car, a small used VW mom had bought me on my 18th birthday. But within about 90 seconds it was clear this wasn't going to work out. I think we both realized this at the same time as we stopped our kissing.

Dominique was first to talk.

"Ronnie, I need fucking. Let's go behind your car. No-one's in the trees. If we see lights coming from the road, we stop, we go back in your car, and you drive off. Don't take your jogging pants off, drop them to your ankles. We'll do it standing up, you plow me from behind".

My brain said no, what a fucking crazy idea. My hard cock, oozing pre-cum from its head said yes. I went with my cock. Probably not the first guy in history to make that mistake, but what a fucking moron.

We shuffled out of my car and Dominique got to the area at back first. As I got round back and level with Dominique I pulled my jogging pants down to about the middle of my calves. Dominque swiftly dropped to her knees and swallowed the head of my cock.

Fuck! In the cold night air the warmth of Dominique's wet mouth slipping over my cock head made me jolt. I stopped worrying about anything outside of soon being able to bust a nut inside Dominique's asshole.

Suddenly, Dominique stood up, turned and put her hands on the trunk of my car, then bent over slightly and presented her ass to me. Without saying anything I shuffled awkwardly behind Dominique. Movement with my pants round my legs was difficult. I spat a big mouthful of wet spittle onto the palm of my right hand and wiped it all over the head of my dick.

As Dominique urged me to DO IT! loudly, I squeezed the base of my shaft to ensure maximum stiffness and with one final jerk of my hips I penetrated Dominique's love tube.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHH", Dominique moaned.

I started to thrust. In. Out. In. Out.

"Well looky HERE!" a man's voice suddenly loudly emerged from my left.

I immediately stopped pumping. Dominique let out a short scream.

"Stay right where you are boys" the voice continued, "You ARE both boys, hell the pecker on that girl of yours son, it's the biggest I ever saw. And I've seen lots in my job. One of the perks of working in Vice"

Now walking into sight, I could see a tall dark blond male, rusty goatee beard, mid-thirties I'd guess. He was wearing a light blue windbreaker and chinos, a badge and holster clearly visible on the belt at his waist. In his hand, he had a small Maglite flashlight.

All I could think was, my life is over.

The parking lot did have some lights, though we were in an area that was dark, but not completely dark.

The man speaking once more jarred me out of my worried thoughts. It was only then that I felt my rapidly deflated dick slip out of Dominique's ass.

"Sorry to break up your fun BOYS", emphasis on "boys", "But I'm Detective Timmons. Sadly for you, there are laws in this State against this sort of behavior. Sheesh, you boys have entered a whole World of pain tonight. You all could be right in the middle of what people term one of those 'life changing experiences'. I don't need to tell you that as an officer of the law I am armed. Don't be doing anything stupid like running into those there trees"

Detective Timmons looked directly at me.

"Plus, I'm assuming the 'boyfriend' in this situation owns this car. Unless you stole it, and whilst you are stupid enough to do shit like this, son", Detective Timmons said, waving his hand at our still bare cocks, "I don't see you as the car thief type".

I started to talk, then Detective Timmons threw me a look, and I immediately shut up. Dominic was shivering, I hadn't noticed the cold. Dominic and I were both still standing there with our dicks fully exposed.

"Stay there a second, boys"

Detective Timmons took the few steps to the drivers front door. Then he came back to us. He jiggled my car keys in his left hand.

"OK boys", he continued, "Public lewdness is just where this starts. With the additional shit on top, and that's JUST what I can think of right now, never mind when I book you guys in on the lewdness charge, I can see the guys in the pen having a couple new fuck toys for a minimum 18 months"

Dominic tried to interject.


Dominic gasped.

"OK, let's all get acquainted". Detective Timmons showed us his ID. "Just so you all don't think I'm some pervert fake cop. Now your turn, boys, IDs. And while we're at it, put your goddamn dicks away"

The next 15 minutes saw Dominic and I give all our personal details to Detective Timmons. We remembered only to speak when spoken to. I felt dead inside, I saw my life totally fucked. Dominic seemed less stressed than me. As the formalities finished I expected to be cuffed and led away to Detective Timmons' car.

Detective Timmons seemed to think for a few seconds, then flipped his Maglite over to our left towards the trees. I could see a black car, shit, how did I miss it earlier.

"OK, Vincent", Dominic's family name was Vincent, "You'll come in my car. Shearing, I'm going to not add to your woes here by having your automobile towed."

He tossed me my keys.

"You follow me exactly when I drive out of here. I mean exactly. You lose me, you've got an APB on your ass in ten seconds flat. And another charge. You don't want that. Trust me."

A minute or two later, Detective Timmons and Dominic pulled off in the unmarked cop car. I followed. The drive to the station started.

We must have driven 15 minutes. I stayed tight to Detective Timmons red tail lights. I slowed when Detective Timmons slowed, I turned when I saw Detective Timmons turn. I thankfully avoided getting separated from Timmons' car at any stop lights. Eventually Timmons pulled up. I pulled up behind, slightly confused. We were clearly in a residential area. I didn't see any Police Station.

After about 45 seconds, Detective Timmons approached my car, and I rolled the window down. He leaned in.

"Ronnie, it's Ronnie, right? Dominique told me you go by Ronnie"

I noticed Detective Timmons said "Dominique" not "Dominic". I replied yes, I went by Ronnie.

"OK, Ronnie this is a once only, once in a lifetime offer. I've already discussed it with Dominique"

The continued reference to "Dominique" made me more nervous.

"I'm a modern guy. I saw what you two were doing. Now, it's against the law, that's not my call. And my job is to uphold the law, even if some of the laws are how you'd say, old-fashioned. Anyway. Here's the deal. You and Dominique come into my house. We have a little party. I tear up the paperwork. You don't go to jail"

Before I replied, Detective Timmons added,

"Dominique already agreed. We had a long talk in the car. How you forced her to dress as a girl. Says she has electronic correspondence to that effect. Anyway, I can cuff you to the steering wheel and you can wait an hour or two here in your car, then I do actually take you to the fucking station. Or you can come on in. The way I look at it, and how I look at it is important, Dominique will get off with a warning. You won't. And let me tell you Ronnie, even if you do finish college somehow after you've done your time. Fuck, even if the Judge takes pity on you and you don't do any time. Try getting a nice job when you're on the sex offenders' register"

I had no choice. I said yes, exited my car and walked over to Detective Timmons' car where Dominique was still waiting.

We all walked together up the driveway. Dominic was wearing the raincoat now, and had stuffed the wig in his pocket. Detective Timmons let us into his house.

Walking through a wide hallway the three of us were soon in Detective Timmons' very large living room. Detective Timmons pointed us to his couch.

"Sit" he instructed, "I'm getting us a drink. Have a cigarette if you want. Oh yeah, one thing, from now on call me 'Doug'. I'm off duty."

We heard glasses and ice tinkling for the kitchen area. I spoke first.

"Fuck Dominic what do we do? What the fuck is happening here?" I said in a whisper.

Dominic stood up, slipped off the raincoat, his soft schlong still looking about 7 inches long, and repositioned the wig on his head.

"Dominic, what the fuck! What is going on?" I more loudly whispered.

"Doug says everything's going to be OK", Dominic replied in a normal voice.

"Doug? Doug? What the fuck are you talking about? This guy's a fucking nut job" I spat out, again in a loud whisper.

"Stay calm Ronnie. I'll get us out of this. Doug says he likes me, thinks I'm a hot piece of ass. I satisfy him, we both walk out of here OK. You got that?"

I just stared open mouthed as "Doug" walked back into the room. He approached us with 2 glasses in his hand and a can of coke wedged under his arm. He'd ditched the windbreaker and was now in a white Police Department polo shirt and his chinos. He'd also ditched his gun and badge, which made feel a little bit easier.

He handed a glass to Dominic, then slid me the can of coke.

"Jack and Coke for the lovely Dominique!" Doug said. "Ronnie, this all goes well you'll be driving home, so no alcohol for you, son".

Doug noticed Dominique (it was now Dominique) had an unlit Winston in her hand, dipped into his right pants pocket and ceremonially gave Dominique a light with a brass Zippo which he flipped shut as Dominique inhaled.

"Thanks Doug", Dominique smiled.

What the fuck was going on? I was still shit scared, but here was Dominique calm as fuck, sipping a Jack and Coke and smoking a Winston. Making eyes at "Doug".

"Sit down Dominique", Doug suggested, and Dominique sat down on the couch. As I moved slightly, Doug glanced at me. "Ronnie, you take the chair over there, son". About 6 feet away was a Laz-e-Boy type lounge chair, I took a few steps over and sat down, diagonally opposite the couch where Doug now sat down beside Dominique.

Then I started to get even more confused. I'd glanced away only for a few seconds, but now here was Dominique, her cigarette dangling from her lips, slowly stroking her own cock.

What the fuck was going on?

Doug spoke again. "Ronnie, I know how much you love this cock, but I love it more. I'm gonna show you. But in the meantime, strip all your clothes the fuck off. And do it quick before I remember how we all met tonight and decide I'm back on duty".

I hesitated. Then Dominique interjected.

"Ronnie, it'll be OK, just do it. Right?"

I started to undress and Doug started talking again.

"Hey Ronnie, you see. When it comes down to it, I'm a real man. I must've fucked around 100 women, and I'm only 36. I think that's a good count. I've also done 60, maybe 70 trannies. It's a hobby of mine. Working Vice has given me so many opportunities. Hell, I even carry some sexy women's clothes with me sometimes I'm out on the prowl. You're lucky Ronnie. If it was you and some fag boyfriend I caught tonight in that parking lot, one of you would be bent over this here couch now in stockings and a garter belt and I'd be fucking your ass so hard you'd think my cock was gonna end up in your throat. The long way."

Doug drained his glass, stood up and started to undress. Dominique had lit another Winston, and was still lightly and slowly rubbing her cock, which was now extended to its full 10-inch length.

I sat back on the Laz-e-Boy totally naked. I was however nowhere near hard.

Doug was now fully naked and took a few steps towards me. I was fucking scared.

"Ronnie, I'm going to show you how a real man does a woman. Now you come on closer, and see how it's done. Come on."

Doug nodded his head towards Dominique who had now splayed her legs open on the couch and was slowly fingering her own asshole.

It suddenly struck me. Maybe this was a fucking set up. Could it be? I mean, Dominique's about to get "raped" and here she's stroking her dick, and as I looked over again, she was clearly enjoying frigging her own asshole.

I shuddered. What if I'm the one that's going to be raped?

Doug stood next to Dominique and edged his cock close Dominique's face. Dominique edged her mouth towards what looked like a decent sized fat cock, the shaft was fat anyway, but it seemed Detective Timmons, Doug, had one of those weird pointy cock heads that were smaller than the shaft, making it look almost like the thicker shaft had been pumped up. It didn't bother Dominique. Doug let out a sound almost like a deep groan as Dominique started mouth fucking his cock. I tried to make some eye contact with Dominique but she had her eyes closed tight, and altogether seemed to be enjoying this fucked up situation too much.

Doug withdrew his cock. As he did I managed to make eye contact with Dominique. To my surprise, Dominique raised her brows briefly then smiled at me. Doug, turned around and looked at me.

"Ronnie, it doesn't look like you're too excited. But this next piece of action is going to really get you going. See, Dominique told me how you wouldn't let her fully satisfy herself. Now Ronnie, you want to keep a hot girl like this for you and yourself only, you gotta give her what she needs".

Between Doug's legs, I could see Dominique slapping several spits of saliva on her dick. What the fuck was Dominique playing at. I thought for a second; role play, she's role playing. Then clearly, no she fucking wasn't, she was enjoying this.

"Look closely Ronnie. Look and learn" Doug said as he edged back towards the couch where Dominique had now sat up straight her giant cock squeezed tightly in her right hand.

Doug literally sat on Dominique's cock which slowly disappeared as it slipped into Doug's asshole. Doug's eyes widened massively as he looked at me. He let out another low groan.

"Holy fuck!", then a pause.

"Ronnie," Doug almost grunted, "Your girlfriend and me are gonna give you the show of a lifetime. Start pulling that fucking dick of yours or so help me God, I finish fucking your girl, you're going straight to the station with me!"

I was helpless. What the fuck could I do? I simply pinched the end of my dick between by thumb and forefinger and tried rubbing to get myself hard. Get myself hard somehow.

"Attaboy Ronnie!" Doug grunted again.

Then Dominique started a rhythmic thrusting from underneath Doug. Her massive cock stretching Doug's asshole to its limits.

Thrust, "Oh fuck" gasped Doug.

Thrust, "Oh shit".

Thrust, "Fuck!"

Doug's weird looking cock which had gone semi quickly filled with blood and pointed at me fully erect.

Thrust, "You're the best".

Thrust, "Ahhhhhhh!"

Dominique let out a high-pitched piercing moan.

"I'm coming, oh fuck, I'm coming"

The guttural noises coming from Doug's mouth unsettled me. I was still only semi hard despite me pinching the end of my cock in a frantic attempt to get it into jerking off mode.

"Ahk, ahk, ahk, ahk, FUCK!"

After about a minute's silence, Doug climbed off of Dominique.

"See Ronnie, that's what your woman wanted".

Dominique had reached for a Winston. She was looking calm, satisfied even, as she lit her cigarette with Doug's lighter.

I started as Doug looked back at me, then spoke.

"Ronnie, I think at least you can go some way to making up with your good lady. Come on over and suck her clean. My ass might not have milked all of her come out yet".

Fuck. Detective Timmons wanted me to suck Dominique's pole that had just been up his asshole. Before I could say no fucking way, Doug spoke again.

"Ronnie, be nice. I'm being nice. I'm not asking you to eat your girlfriend's cum out of my ass, well what's left of it"

Doug twisted slightly to show me a glistening downward trail of Dominique's cum which was slowly running down the back of his thigh.

"No, I'm asking you to nicely suck your girl's cock clean, before I take my time fucking Dominique in her ass. Ronnie, suck. Or I cuff you to the chair, you see or hear me assfuck your girl, and maybe I decide to pull out at the last minute and jizz on your face. Who knows? Last chance Ronnie. You really don't want to go to the station with me".

I gulped. Rock and a hard place. Actually, cock and a hard place.

Dominique was still smoking calmly. Fuck you bitch, I thought. I walked over to the couch, sidled up to Dominique and paused.

"Ronnie. Be nice to your girl. She's about to get the fuck of her life, and after she's been with the 'Dougster', she probably won't want to go back to a little kid like you. Go on". Doug nodded to Dominque's cock.

I leaned over opened my mouth and nearly retched at the smell. Definite hint of shit. Fuck. I opened my mouth and took the plunge. A rancid bitter taste, I almost puked again. Dominique gasped. Fuck this bitch, I thought. Dominique was enjoying this way too much. I even felt Dominique harden slightly as I slowly sucked her cock.

"Good boy, Ronnie, get her good and clean. My boner's not going to last forever, hurry up boy".

After six or seven slurps of Dominique's cock, Doug tapped me on the shoulder.

"Good boy Ronnie. Now Dominique and I had a talk on the way over and I think I might have an idea why you weren't stiff when Dominique was fucking my ass." Doug glanced over at Dominique, and they both shared a conspiratorial smile.

Dominique bent over and exposed her asshole to the both of us. Doug casually lit a Winston with a short inhale, then handed it to Dominique.

"OK Ronnie, sit on the edge of the couch there where you can see your girl smoke while I fuck her in the ass. You're gonna like this."

Doug quickly positioned himself behind Dominique, then pushed his bulbous freaky cock into Dominique's ass.

"Oooooooohh", Dominique moaned.

Doug looked over. "Ronnie, fucking start jerking your cock or you are going to upset me!"

Dominique was moaning slightly, and would take deep pulls on her cigarette with every thrust of Doug's cock. I tried to tune out, focus only on my cock. But I couldn't look away from Dominique, who was staring into my eyes. She was fucking enjoying this, I could not fucking believe it.

I changed my tactic. Look at her lips. Look at the lipstick smeared on the cork butt of the smoky Winston. Tune out. I started to harden involuntarily.

Then a yell. "FUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKKKK!" Doug was coming.

"AH! AH! AH!" Doug uttered loudly, his eyes closed in orgasmic pleasure.

I glanced at Dominique. She was not looking directly at me anymore but I could clearly see a rapturous smile on her lips. The bitch was loving this.

Doug pulled out, and Dominique turned over and sat on the couch. Doug sat down beside Dominique and kissed her passionately. Dominique wrapped her arms around Doug's neck, kissing him back with strength. She was fully into this.

I had stopped jerking, but my cock still felt pretty hard. I was disgusted with myself.

Doug lit a Winston, passed it to Dominique, then lit one of his own.

"Ronnie", he said taking a draw on his Winston. "Seems we got you all hot and bothered, eyy?"

Again, a wave of self-disgust washed over me.

"Dominique's had the 'Dougster' now. I am a hell of a man. But I'm not all bad. Move over here, my girl Dominique is gonna give you a parting gift."

I hesitated.

"JUST DO IT, Ronnie!" Doug snapped.

I nervously edged up to Dominique. She wrapped her hand around my cock and started to suck me. At first I felt hate, then other feelings gradually took over my cock and I relaxed slightly. Dominique could sure suck cock.

I felt myself starting to come, and as it started, Dominique swiftly and unexpectedly withdrew her mouth and with 6 or 7 sharp jerks of her hand, she brought me off.

Given my balls had almost been milked about an hour and half previously when we had been stopped in frustration, I ejaculated heavily onto Dominique's face. She was holding her cigarette away from her face, but I still somehow managed to get a spot on the white paper of her half-smoked Winston with a small blot of my come. As I orgasmed, I didn't make a sound. I clenched my teeth, I did not want the bastards to think I was enjoying this.

Dominique eventually let go of my spent cock and I took a couple of steps back into the middle of the floor. She took a last drag on her Winston and stubbed it out. Her face was completely covered in my come. Mouth, chin, left cheek, even a splash on her forehead and some dripping from the fringe of her wig.

Doug also crushed out his cigarette.

What happened next stunned me.

Doug turned to Dominique and once again they started kissing passionately. I could see Doug breaking away briefly from time to time, meticulously licking my come from Dominique's face. I was speechless.

Eventually they broke off from each other's face.

"See Ronnie", Doug said, "Told you. I'm not all bad. Now I suggest you get yourself dressed and drive yourself the fuck back to your rooms"

I looked at Dominique.

"I'm staying Ronnie. I'll be OK, see you around I guess".

"Woohoo!" Doug exclaimed. "Looky here Ronnie, your nymphomaniac ex- girlfriend's only gone and got herself hard again!"

I was struggling to get my clothes on as fast as I could. As I pushed my last trainer on, I could see Doug was already devouring Dominique's massive hard-on.

As I left, I glanced round a last time to look at Dominique. But she wasn't even looking at me. She was leaning her face upwards, a look of sheer pleasure engulfing her visage.

The fact she didn't even acknowledge me leaving pissed me off more than being forced to take a cock that had just been up an old dirty freak's ass in my mouth.

I got in my car and started my engine. Never again. No more car sex I vowed to myself.

And Dominic could go fuck his self.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 4

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