Rookie Retreat

By Scott Coffin

Published on Aug 30, 2018


From: scoffinator69

Disclaimer: This story is complete and utter fantasy, and should in no way be believed to say anything definitive about the characters involved, their sexual orientation, or their personal desires. It is 100% about the author thinking that this scenario would be fucking HOT. You should also realize by now that in a fantasy world, everyone is always safe from disease and disfigurement. We do not live in a fantasy world, so do with that knowledge what you will.

If you are underage according to your jurisdictions applicable laws (18 or 21 in most cases), please do not read or disseminate this story in anyway.

This story is copyrighted by the author as of 08-16-2018

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Rookie Retreat 2: Arrivals


Joey Bosa and Dak Prescott had plenty of time after their fuck to take a relaxing shower together before the guys started arriving. That that shower also allowed them time to recover, and get half chubbed back up was not, they felt, detrimental for the events yet to unfold. Both jock studs were showing ample pro athlete cock under their loose shorts as the first of this years rookies arrived.

David Njoku got the text the minute he brought his phone back out of airplane mode, as he was replying to Soloman Thomas and Trent Taylor, letting them know that it was cool and to meet them at the house instead, Christian McCaffrey pulled up the app on his own phone and shifted his rental car over to an SUV capable of accommodating the three of them. When they got to the vehicle and stowed their gear, Myles Garrett made sure to claim shotgun, sliding into the passenger seat as close ass possible to the console, and therefore, McCaffrey.

As they neared the rented estate, Marcus Williams of the Saints started a text chain with Dak Prescott, making a suggestion as to how the opening 'ceremonial' coupling of the two rookies of the year should play out. A suggestion that turned Prescott and his co-host, Bosa on like crazy, the two weren't 100 percent sure that Williams knew exactly what he was proposing, but they agreed quickly, and decided among themselves that they were definitely going to hold him to it.

Ben Gedeon of the Vikings spent most of his drive up from San Diego trying to banish his nerves from his mind. He had nearly turned down the invite, only agreeing after several very pleasurable hours of convincing at the hands of his teammates and fuck buddies, Anthony Barr and Harrison Smith. Still, it had not been until this morning, when Barr had slipped behind him in the shower, and then slid deep inside him as he whispered encouragements and (almost) assignments for the weekend that Gedeon had fully embraced the idea of the weekend, even if there were still some nerves to overcome.

  • Christian McCaffrey was beyond frustrated as he shifted the SUV into park and killed the ignition. For the entire drive from the airport he had been distracted by the teasing hand of Myles Garrett, a hand that had, almost immediately slipped down the front of his shorts, massive forearm pressing against his hard cock, as the fingers slipped into his crack, nudging at and knocking against the butt plug he had been being worried by since Njoku had fucked him back in Phoenix.

Ben Gedeon gave a half wave to Njoku, who had quickly exited the SUV and grabbed all of their bags before heading up to the house, The Viking half wondering why the Brown had brought so much luggage along until he drew himself alongside the vehicle, carrying his own bag. Stopping short at the sight of Myles Garrett fucking Christian McCaffrey in the front seat, the panther on his back, head pinned against the driver side door, toes digging into the roof of the cab. By the time Gedeon realized he was fully, painfully hard, he had already opened the door, surprising both men momentarily. Before he could squeak out an apology, he was drawn into their rut.

McCaffrey quickly yanked Gedeon's loose shorts down, even as his head lolled over the edge of the seat, his hands slipping up and around the Viking's legs as he slipped his lips around the still silent linebacker's cock head. A particularly hard thrust from his butt fucker sent a moan vibrating around the shaft as it was swallowed.

The Viking was in awe as he watched the massive thickness of the Brown slipping deeply into and slowly out of the Panther's pert ass. He only actually met the big man's gaze when Garrett spoke.

"Don't worry buddy, you'll get your turn."

Ben Gedeon's cock pulsed in Christian McCaffrey's throat at the thought, his ass twitching under the running back's teasing fingertip as the linebacker wondered fleetingly if he and Myles Garrett were thinking about the same thing. *

Part 1

Inside the house the two newly crowned rookies of the year, Alvin Kamara and Marshon Lattimore were talking casually with Dak Prescott as their teammate, Marcus Williams walked around the pool with the other co-host, Joey Bosa. The Chargers stud asking the Saints safety if he was sure about his request, both men grinning lustily as Williams nodded emphatically. Upon coming back into the house, Bosa cast a quick and subtle nod to Prescott, and all three men felt the rising lust caused by the secret plan ramp up further still with each new arrival to the Rookie Retreat Party.

Just over an hour later, everyone had arrived, beds had been claimed, bags stowed and the very minimal ground rules had been laid out to all assembled. Seventeen prime specimens of pro jock manhood stood in the mansion's living room surrounding a massive marble slab that normally served as a coffee table, but had now been covered with blankets, it fell to Dak Prescott to get things started.

"As you all may have heard, the Rookie Retreat always starts out, officially anyway, with a special coupling of the two newly crowned Rookies of the Year. This year, though, there is a slight change to that tradition." the Dallas QB could only half suppress a smile as he watched two of the three Saints' smiles falter, while the third's grew. "This year, by request, we are gonna start off with a 'throupling'."

All but two of the remaining men were confused by this turn of events.

"Alvin and Marshon, please strip and position yourselves on the table as close together as you can."

Joey Bosa helped the two men facilitate the order, shifting the two stud's bodies together until they were nearly entwined, and their cocks were pressed firmly together before he spoke up.

"It's probably best that the requestee explain, or maybe just show, from here on out."

Marcus Williams, also nude, also hard, stepped up to the side of the table, lowering himself to his knees.

"This just seems right, seeing as how it's all on me that you guys had your season end in Minnesota."

Leaning forward, bowing over his teammates and opening his mouth wide, Marcus Williams slipped his stretched and straining lips over the cock heads of Marshon Lattimore and Alvin Kamara, sinking as far down on the shafts as he could while the room vibrated with the gasps and moans of the 14 men surrounding them.

Ben Gedeon's hand slipped under the waistband of his shorts, fingers curling around his half hard cock, his gut still clenched at the brief reminder of the Minneapolis Miracle, and his fleeting guilt at having tanked the very next week, his mind just beginning to acknowledge that he would need to offer his own restitution for that as he felt pressure against him from both sides, and another hand slipping under his shorts. A quick glance to his right, and he saw Cooper Kupp bumping against him as he slid his sweats down and off, eyes glued to the tableau of the three Saints. To his left, he met the gaze of Bengal Carl Lawson, leering at him as his big hand nudged his own out of the way, claiming the Viking's cock for his own, Gedeon returning the favor, fingers slipping around the hard, thick shaft as both men shifted their gaze back to the main attraction.

All around the room, muscular jock flesh was stood on edge, men feeling themselves and/or their neighbor up as they watched the opening salvo of this debased weekend unfold before them. Some men stripping off, some men too rapt at the sight to do anything but stare. Some men leaning on each other, others standing almost perfectly still at the willing debasement of Marcus Williams as he served both of his teammates.

Marshon and Alvin, eyes locked together, drooled with lust at the feelings their teammate was bringing forth, each occasionally cupping palms against the safety's skull and dragging him harder and deeper along their cocks, almost oblivious to the men surrounding them if not for the lusty, gasping breaths being sucked in.

On the other side of the table, TJ Watt was slowly fisting the cocks of two of his teams biggest rivals, his hands buried in the shorts of David Njoku and Myles Garrett. Even with Garrett's grip on his own cock and even with Njoku's fingers digging deep into his crack, teasing at the entrance to his hole, the Steeler could not draw his gaze away from the depraved sight of the three Saints writhing together just two feet away as he and the two men pressed against him watched Williams' back rise and fall over the cocks of his teammates, sucking them slavishly.

Without even fully realizing what they were even doing, all of the men in the room were fully stripped off, rock fucking hard, and leaking within 15 minutes. Marcus Williams felt the two sets of jock nuts in his hands tightening up, drawing closer to his teammate's groins, as his tongue and lips danced over the lengths of their cocks, licked up and savored their freely flowing pre cum, thought about his next step, wondering if he could actually go through with it only to be answered by the emphatic quivering need deep in his crazy horny gut. Marcus drew his mouth off and away from his teammates cocks. Lips and chin smeared with his own saliva, he looked quickly toward Bosa and Prescott, who moved forward, flanking him. Dak offered the jar of albolene like one might offer a holy relic.

The room went silent at the realization as if all of them were holding their breath. Marcus Williams dug his fingers into the greasy lube. Without fully realizing what he was doing, Ben Gedeon dropped almost painfully to his knees, gripping Kamara's and Lattimore's cocks tight around the base, holding them firmly together and fully upright as the safety began to prep them. Trent Taylor dropped nearly out of sight behind the kneeling Saint, his 5'9" frame almost completely hidden as he lubed Marcus' hole. The Saint nodded his gratitude to both men before rising up to straddle his teammates. Both Gedeon and Taylor watched closely as the safety began to lower himself on his haunches, back supported by Bosa and Prescott, his arms straining to hold himself in proper alignment, eyes moving from one teammate to the other as he shifted closer and closer to the prize of his penance.

Ben Gedeon could not resist the urge and swiped his tongue swiftly along the length of Williams' leaking shaft, sweeping up the tangy pre cum the safety was leaking before a hand dug sharply into his hair, pulling him away.

"Oh, fuck, NAW! Ain't gonna let another Viking fuck this play up!"

The laughter that tore through the room was almost cathartic. Gedeon choked out an apology, laughing in spite of himself as he did. The brief respite allowed Williams to get his need somewhat under control as Ben and Trent lined the double stacked Saints cocks up with the winking, searching Saint hole. The 49'er shifted away and stood as the cock heads slipped through the widely stretched hole, the Viking held his position, and his grip, watching for the sign from above. When Marcus' eyes rolled halfway back in his head, when the stud safety gave a slight nod, Gedeon slowly took his hand away, moving back gently as if worried that a house of cards would fall, the Saint gave him a light fist bump in gratitude as he sank himself fully onto the twin cocks of his teammates, moaning deeply as he felt their pubes scratching at his ass.

His eyes fluttered closed as he reached the fullest depth of impalement, head rolling back on his neck in abject pleasure, the shallowness of his breath and the racing of his heart were, for several minutes the only things he was aware of. As he raised himself up, straining the muscles in his legs and arms, he felt the pressure of the hands on his back, Bosa and Prescott offering the only additional support, fingertips and sweaty palms slipping lightly over the surface of his skin, cupping his ass, helping to pull it wide for easier penetration. The two men's cocks occasionally brushing along his ribs or arms or shoulders or upper back as he rode his teammates. He felt, rather than saw, Marshon and Alvin rising against him in turn, grinding against his ass as he slid fully onto them, their knees and thighs sliding and slapping against his body as the heavy bobbing of his own cock, brilliantly hard, slammed wetly, hotly, against his abs and legs.

It took several minutes for him t o realize that the deep, gasping moans rumbling in his ears were his own. It took several more minutes to realize that they were being echoed by the other men in the room. Opening his eyes for the first time since his first full impalement, he looked at the bodies of the men surrounding them, heaving chests, stroking, gripping hands, hard, leaking cocks, feral growls spilling from them as they watched, some stroking themselves, most stroking others. He met each of his teammates with a full and lustful smile in turn, rising and falling under his own power, spurred by his own desire, on their proud, pulsing cocks. He grinned dementedly to himself as he realized that the other men's breathing, the other men's gasps were ramping up to match his own, his need becoming theirs.

The cocks inside him swelled against each other, his already precarious perch made more so as Marshon and Alvin began to sweat under him. Feeling the first drop of sweat on his chest, he knew instinctively that the other men were now in as tight a circle as possible around them. What began as an occasional drop here and there, became a rain, in it's tumult he recognized the slapping of flesh against flesh, knew the men were jerking themselves and their mates more insistently, riding the crest of the wave of lust alongside him.

Marcus Williams nearly heaved himself off of Alvin Kamara and Marshon Lattimore, hunching himself over them, pounding himself harder and harder on their cocks, thrilled by the dull throb of pain deep inside his clutching jock hole, reveling in the digging pressure of his own rock hard and dripping cock as it pounded and prodded against his sternum. He was all but incoherent now as he continued to ride, as he continued to gasp and moan and drip over his teammates rutting, grinding frames, the three Saints working together to fuck deeper and harder into and against each other, Kamara and Lattimore able to do little more than stare at each other around the man jackhammering himself onto them.

Marcus Williams began to whimper even as he rode harder and harder on his teammates swelling cocks, clenching himself up as best he could in a desperate attempt to stave off his impending load, wanting this moment to last. The throaty whisper of 'oh fuck!' came from somewhere behind him, but he paid it no heed, not even venturing a guess as to what it meant until he felt the first hot splat on his shoulder. The realization sent him teetering ever more precariously as he leaned back, opening himself to the offerings of the men surrounding him as the cum load continued to rain down on his body.

In seconds several others were coming, their moans melding together into something almost like a roar, looking greedily around the room, drinking in the sight, the Saint realized that fourteen muscular jocks were blowing their loads, massive shots of cum anointing not only him but his teammates as well. The safety watched, as if in slow motion, as a long, thick rope of cum shot from Dak Prescott's cock and whipped onto his chest, stretching from his left nipple nearly to his navel, the hot wetness of it setting off his own orgasm as cum bolted out of his aching nuts across his abs and sternum, running hotly in ropy rivers along his sides.

The soothing warmth spreading inside him as Marshon and Alvin came inspired even more pulses from deep inside him as he continued to shoot, gasping to the point of near hyperventilation. Cum continued to rain down on all three Saints, even as Marcus' teammates began scooping it up onto their fingers and feeding it to him in turn. He swore he could taste the difference, his lust barely dimming as he thought about the possibility of tasting it direct from each individual source so he could match each fingerful to it's donor.

As if reading his mind, Christian McCaffrey stepped forward, milking out the final dregs of his load onto his finger tip and offered it to Williams, the safety breaking into a massive, leering grin as he sucked it into his mouth, swabbing his tongue over the flesh, making sure to get it all, before taking the similarly anointed finger of the next man, and the next, repeating the act for each of his fellow jock studs.

Ben Gedeon watched, rapt, as Myles Garrett stepped up, milking a long ropy strand from deep in his shaft, the Viking's mouth watered, flooding with his own saliva, nearly uncontrollably jealous as he watched Williams accept the offering, eyes glued to the obscene sight of Garrett's massive, still half hard cock draped over the Saint's shoulder, distracted to the point that there was a pause of a couple of seconds, Garrett and Williams both staring at him before he took his own turn, watching the safety's lips close around his finger before raising his eyes to meet the Browns stud's smirking gaze, throwing a slight nod in Ben's direction before the linebacker slumped away, falling back onto the chair behind him, exhausted.

The rest of the men made similar movements. Some leaning wobbly against each other, some sinking to the floor, others still laying back onto the couches and chairs. Dak Prescott lazily ran his fingers through his co-host's hair, his smiling gaze met by Joey Bosa's as the two studs silently agreed that this was starting out to be an orgy that would become legend in the rookie ranks, and probably the entire league, for years to come.

  • Men dozed, some talked quietly to their neighbor, some stretched languidly as they slowly recovered from round one. Dak Prescott quietly rose to his feet and headed to the kitchen, then moved out to the grill area, wearing only flip flops and an apron as he fired it up. Kareem Hunt and Cooper Kupp followed him.

Fifteen minutes later, Joey Bosa exited the kitchen having thrown together a salad and putting potatoes in the oven to roast, carrying two massive trays loaded with steaks. As he neared the three men, his cock gave a pulsing jump at the sight of them. Cooper Kupp grinding back against Kareem and Dak in a lusty, teasing lap dance, all three laughing together easily, The Charger stud was almost sorry to break their little party up when he handed the trays off to them, winking at his co-host before heading back inside.

Several couples and a threesome greeted him when he re-entered the living room.

"Dinner will be ready in about half an hour, we're all on our own for sustenance after this, so enjoy!" he announced before heading back to the kitchen. TJ Watt and Carl Lawson greeting him there, both naked. Both nearly hard again already.

"Whaddya need us to help with, Bosa?" the Bengal queried.

"This." came the reply as he hefted his own almost hard cock to the smiling men. *

Part 2

By the time they had all finished eating (and each slammed back at least a couple of drinks), Joey Bosa had tagged at least two pending couplings being formed plus one definite grouping. As the group conversation began to be taken over by more private conversations, he was already nearly back to full bone, having lost little of his horniness from the oral services lavished on him by Watt and Lawson before the meal.

The steady hum of his desire was growing louder in his ears as the men began to split up and head off, he himself leading a few of them on a tour of the sauna and outdoor shower area, begging off when Leonard Fournette, Soloman Thomas and Christian McCaffrey asked if he wanted to join them for a steam. While any of the three would have normally been very tempting to him, and the three together nearly broke his resolve, he kind of understood that the invite was more out of politeness. Besides, he had a massive fetish that was demanding to be fed, and for a voyeur like himself the idea of 16 jock gods fucking around was too much of a bounty to ignore. The perfect place from which to feed his hunger presented itself just as he turned the corner from the outdoor shower. Leaning himself casually against a stone pillar, he would have clear views of most of the patio and pool area, plus a clear line of sight into the kitchen, with just a slight turn of his head in any direction.

While he couldn't see into the sauna, he was sure that, given McCaffrey's reputation, the tight bodied Panther was most likely bobbing his face avidly into his companion's laps, moving easily from cock to cock with his talented mouth, getting the 49'er and the Jaguar both keyed up to pound his rookie hole. He did make a note in his mind to make sure to tap the stud himself before the weekend was up, having salivated over the kid's booty since he had first spied him in his Stanford uniform.

Over by the grill area, his co-host, Dak Prescott was once again joined by Kareem Hunt and Cooper Kupp. Only now, it wasn't just a relatively innocent lap dance going on between them. The Ram was on his knees on a bench, Face buried in the Cowboy's crotch as he inhaled quarterback cock, while the Chief was flat on his back on the bench, fingers digging into Kupp's thighs as he tongue fucked the wide receiver. Even with his mouth full of Prescott's big cock, Kupp's moans were loud enough for Bosa to hear, driven louder and louder no doubt, by Hunt's already legendary tongue digging deep and sure into the jock hole sliding along his face.

The Ram was grinding himself back eagerly on the rimming stud below him even as he avidly continued sucking the Cowboy cock held tight between his lips. Bosa watched the subtle shifts in Kupp's muscles as he sought to plant his ass tighter against Hunt's face, caught the vibrating movements of his fingers digging deeper into the Cowboy's thighs as he inhaled the thick, dusky shaft deeper and deeper, pausing occasionally to swipe his broad tongue over the flaring crown of Dak's dick, the Cowboy pressing himself upward, slapping his pelvis against the Ram's chin and nose with sharp, swift movements. Bosa felt almost light-headed as he watched Hunt's long fingers come into play, spreading the pale cheeks of Kupp's ass wider, even as they began to tease at the wrinkly flesh of the Ram's entrance, their teasing, fleeting contact drawing deeper and more desperate moans from Kupp's gut. Moans that he could almost see vibrate along Prescott's shaft as the quarterback's beefy body trembled under the oral torture. Bosa's cock was rock hard, pulsing in time with his heart beat as he denied himself the pleasure of wrapping his fist around it to start stroking. Sliding his gaze once again along the three studs, from the tip of Dak's head to Hunt's curling toes, he paused and watched as the Chief's massive cock pulsed against his shaved pubic bone, seeming to be in perfect time with his own. The voyeuristic Charger allowed himself the luxury of dragging his thumbnail through his pre cum, before bringing it to his lips and tasting the barest hint of himself. The leering look that seemed to shout 'fucking hot' that he caught from his co-host sent another, almost violent, pulse trembling along his length. Winking at the Cowboy, he watched him turn his attention back to his cocksucker. Only then did Bosa shift his gaze.

On one of a pair of loungers in front of him, Myles Garrett was sprawled back, leaning on his elbows, massive legs spread wide. Between those powerful thighs, the broad back of Carl Lawson rose and fell steadily as the Bengal sucked the Brown's cock. Sweat ran in fine, slender rivers down the defensive end's body as his throat fucker's hand spread over his scalp, Garrett's hips shifting slightly upward to meet Lawson's face with each full lips along the shaft. The other lounger held Garrett's teammate, tight end David Njoku, his shoulders flat against the cushions, head turned toward Bosa, eyes open but unseeing, his ass was raised up, the Brown's knees digging against the lounger to grind his powerful glutes up and back into the face of Trent Taylor of the 49'ers.

At 5'9" and 175 lbs, Taylor was by far the smallest man at the party, and even though his partner was twisted up and bent over, Njoku's 6'4" nearly 250 lb frame dwarfed the small wide receiver. The size differential didn't appear to matter to either of them, and in fact may have been part of the initial attraction, as the 49'er pressed his face tight against the bigger man's muscular butt, driving his talented tongue as deep as possible into the jock ass on offer to him. Taylor's relatively small hands splayed across the expanse of Njoku's cheeks, pulling them as wide as possible to allow himself optimal access to the tight hole. The slack-jawed, incoherent, lust-drunk moans emanating throatily from the Browns' stud's lips stood testament to the rumors of the 49'er's tongue fucking reputation as the smaller jock reduced the massive stud to a whimpering, pre cum oozing mass of nearly useless flesh and bone.

Beside them, Myles Garrett split his attentions between the oral worship being lavished on his own cock, and the powerfully erotic sight of the much smaller Taylor in absolute control of his teammate's massive frame. Catching sight of Bosa watching them, the defensive end followed the Charger's gaze to between Taylor's spread legs. Both men surprised and impressed by the jock shank trapped backwards against the lounge's cushion. While not extraordinarily huge, the wide receiver's cock was definitely well above average in length, a fact that was almost overshadowed by it's profound girth. On Taylor's smaller jock frame, the thing looked fucking obscene as it slid wetly against the rough fabric that held it trapped.

Joey Bosa licked his lips, his body quivering as he held himself from moving over to service the smaller man, half believing it was some sort of a mirage that allowed this tiny jock stud to look so fucking well hung.

Just over the right shoulder of Garrett, a double-wide lounger was laid out flat with TJ Watt and Desmond King sprawling across it in a hot 69. Bosa watched as his hung teammate's muscular ass clenched and relaxed as he slid his cock in and out of the Steeler's talented throat, returning the favor with gusto as he did. The voyeuristic Charger knew from past experience how good each of them was, how deep and hot and eager their throats were, but was only fleetingly jealous that they were together.

From the minute Watt had accepted his invitation, King had told his teammate what he planned on doing to the stud linebacker. Joey and Desmond, of course, had had ample opportunity over the course of the previous season to use and abuse TJ's brother, and their fellow Charger, Derek (often, but not always, together). The middle Watt brother was such a cockslut that there had been several occasions where he had been the last to drag himself from the locker room for no other reason than that he had been getting fucked by any number of his teammate's. Bosa and King also knew of the rumors surrounding the other Watt boys, and had even had the chance to confirm them with regard to JJ. The pair of them having gone to Derek's looking to play, only to find him gone for the night and his visiting older brother alone and on edge. The two Charger's had filed that edge down over the course of the evening, spit-roasting the stud Texan into submission several times before Derek woke them all up the next morning when he finally returned.

While neither Charger had had a chance to play with the Steeler before today, the oral romp in the kitchen before dinner had been enough to let Joey know that his teammate was probably pretty close to paradise inside TJ's talented throat right now. The linebacker had worshipped his cock like a convert just over an hour ago as he and Lawson had swapped it back and forth between them, moaning against each others lips and tongues as they shared his load between themselves. The dancing memory of that cocksucking drew his attentions involuntarily, but pleasantly, back to the floor to ceiling windows separating the kitchen from the patio.

Three Saints, naked and rock hard, were leaned against the island in a tight row. Kneeling before them was the pale, muscular form of Ben Gedeon, praising the triad of cock as he moved from one to the other, taking them all to the hilt and nursing deeply, greedy for the sweet warmth of Saint pre cum. The Viking's big hands dancing along the thick thighs and powerful abdomens of the Williams, Lattimore and Kamara, his full lips spread wide as his head bobbed up and down along the proud length of each man, their hands tangling together in his short cropped hair, sometimes pulling the kneeling stud tighter against their own bodies, sometimes encouraging his mouth toward one of their teammates. Their tongues dancing against each other as they leaned closer into a hot three-way kiss. Three sets of powerful jock legs thrusting closer, impaling their cocksucker's throat as they did, arms draped loosely around their fellow Saints' shoulders, fingertips grazing their buddies nipples. The sharp white of Gedeon's muscular ass spread wide, baring the deep trench of his ass to the world as his legs splayed on the tile of the floor, grinding himself in a dry hump against the coolness of the ceramic.

The sharp sound of a door closing reached Bosa's lust addled mind slowly, and by the time he turned toward it he only just caught the last movements of the men coming out of the sauna. Soloman Thomas laying back on the bench of the outdoor shower, raising his powerful legs up and opening them wide with the assistance of Christian McCaffrey as the Panther knelt between them, shifting himself closer to the 49'er's body. Leonard Fournette's massive hand wrapping around the angrily hard spike of McCaffrey's cock as he helped guide it to the gates of Thomas' hole. The Panther running back wore a look of almost disbelief as the 49'er DE opened his 6'3" frame up for the taking, nodding with self assurance to the 5'11" man about to fuck him. Fournette whispering in his ear, fingers teasing in their grip on McCaffrey's cock as it pressed against the tight jock spincter.

Soloman Thomas' head fell back on his neck, his lips parting to let loose a deep moan as his hole was breached by McCaffrey's hot seven and a half inches, the Panther's lips parted lips mirrored them, but no sound came from them as the running back sank fully into the big defensive end. Thomas reached one big hand up, cupping McCaffrey's shoulder, digging in as if to pull the kid deeper still inside him, one long leg running along Christian's side and around behind Leonard's back, heel digging in, pressing the Jaguar tight against the Panther's back.

When the sharp gasp finally, loudly, escaped McCaffrey's lips, Bosa knew that not only had the Panther driven fully into the 49'er, but that Thomas was doing that thing with his inner ring of muscle that had, embarrassingly, driven Bosa over the edge far quicker than either of them had wanted when the pair of them had hooked up at Garrapollo's official 'welcome to the west coast' party just after the end of the regular season. He half expected that Christian, shocked as he seemed to be actually topping, would fall victim as well and nodded with mad respect for the kid when he held on and rode through it, determined to make the most of this rare shot at pile driving a fellow jock.

As Fournette pulled slightly back away from McCaffrey, digging his fingers into the jar of lube, Bosa's cock gave a thick, rolling, dangerous pulse. His pre cum tickled as it slid down along his achingly hard cock as he watched the scene continue to unfold. Even his partially blocked view gave him enough knowledge to let him know the Panther was going to enjoy the next phase of their rut. The Jaguar's cock was huge. Massively thick and ass twitchingly long, at least as big as his own nine, and possibly even longer, the massive Charger stud almost wished he was in the Panther's place. How fucking hot would it feel to have Soloman's tight clutching hole milking his cock while Leonard's massive pole raped his tight jock cunt.


The Charger swept his palm up along the shaft of his own achingly hard cock loosely, gathering his pre cum as it rose. He had just started swiping his tongue along his hand, tasting of himself once again, when Christian's desperate cry drew the attention of every rutting stud on the patio, and even those in the kitchen as he was fully and deeply impaled on Jaguar cock. His back arched with the curious effect of driving his cock deeper into Soloman Thomas, while also jutting himself back tighter against the driving musculature of Leonard Fournette.

His cock being milked by the talented ass clasping it's full length, while his tight ass was split by the full, powerful, driving length of stud meat inside him drove Christian McCaffrey into overdive as he rocked his body back and forth between these two massive studs, his own slightly smaller frame knocking hard against each of the in turn are he rode a wave of pure jock lust. Thomas nodded encouragingly to McCaffrey, spurring the smaller stud to fuck his ass harder, knowing that the harder the Panther drove into his 49'er ass, the harder he would plow himself back against the Jaguar cock. The defensive end smiled in debased lust as he watched the painfully pleasurable torment wash over the running back's boyish face.

The clutching heat of the jock hole enveloping him, coupled with the powerful searing fuck strokes digging into his own hole were driving Christian crazy. His body, already trembling with the rising heat of the rut, threatened to melt completely as Fournette sucked and bit at his shoulder in the same rhythm that Thomas began tweaking his sensitive and painfully hard nipples.

Joey Bosa watched the three jock gods driving against each other with bone rattling speed, his cock pounding as surely as his heart was, it echoing in his feverish, lusty brain as he felt more and more pre cum ooze down the length of his shaft, refusing now to touch himself, knowing if he did it would all end too soon. Tearing his gaze away, his eyes came to rest on the lounges in front of him. TJ and Desmond leaning against each other, slowly stroking each other as they watched the feverish throupling on the bench in the shower. David Njoku having perked up, his attention drawn to the desperate moans, having raised his upper body, one hand holding him upward as the other scrambled desperately to pull Trent Taylor's face back into his hole. Taylor watching his teammate being impaled, trying to split his attention evenly before the tasty, musky hole offered freely to him and the loud, slapping fuck of the threesome in the shower.

Beside them, Myles Garrett and Carl Lawson watching wide eyed and drooling. The Bengal no longer sucking cock, and barely even remembering to stroke it as his own powerful lust ratcheted up higher and higher, his partner still leaning back on his elbows in almost the exact same position he had been in before. For one brief moment, Garrett's attention was drawn back to Lawson as the DE rose up before him, eyes still glued to the sight of Fournette, McCaffrey and Thomas fucking.

The Bengal moved slowly and surely, almost as if being pulled by a magnet. Rising up, he straddled the Brown's body, throwing one leg over the side of the chair, his hole instinctively drawn to the heat of the cock. Garrett just managed to push his massive shaft upright as Lawson began to lower himself, only at the first contact of the broad, leaking cock head against his twitching hole did the Bengal look at his fuck partner. Locking onto Garrett's heavy lidded gaze he relaxed his knees further, sighing deeply as the crown of Myles Garrett's fat cock breached him, slipping through the feeble resistance of his sphincter. By the time he was fully seated on nearly a foot of cock, his sighs had turned to deep, rumbling moans of need.

Carl Lawson leaned forward, resting his hands on Garrett's shoulders to add leverage as he pumped up the muscles in his massive legs to start the steady rise and fall of the fuck. Joey Bosa was in the perfect position to watch as the stud's tight ass was split wide by the massive cock of the jock god he was riding, sweat glistening as it rolled down his broad back and along his wide open crack. The moans of both men grew louder and louder as they rutted together, greedy for the fucking the other was inflicting on them. Lawson's moans gave way to sharp, whimpering gasps as Garrett rose his hips up off the lounge, gathering every ounce of strength he could to drive up hard against the massive jock riding him.

A deep moan drew Joey's attentions away, just over to the left where Cooper Kupp was now riding Kareem Hunt's thick bone like a rodeo cowboy. Unlike a rodeo cowboy, however, his head was drooped forward mouth agape, tongue lolling loosely along his lower lip as he was pushed slightly farther forward. Dak Prescott moved in closer from behind, hands digging deeper into the Ram's hips to hold him still before he slid his own cock insistently alongside the few exposed inches of Hunt's and began to apply pressure. Cooper's scream echoed through the canyon as Dak's broad cock head slipped inside his already wide stretched ass, claiming space that shouldn't really exist as it slid along the length of Kareem's cock, double fucking the wheezing stud trapped between them.

Every since the day of the Dallas game early in the season, since he had watched his coach take both Goff and Gurley at the same time, Kupp had found the desire to feel the same invading his twisted mind unbidden and often. When he had watched Williams taking both Kamara and Lattimore earlier today, his ass had twitched like crazy, knowing that he would no longer be able to deny himself the need, no matter how fearful he was of it. As he felt Dak's long cock gain it's final inch, as he felt the scratchy pubes of two studs rasping along his sensitive flesh, he understood pleasure in a different way than he had ever thought possible. As the Dak pulled back out, rasping along the length of Hunt's pulsing cock, and then slid deeply back in, causing the Chief's shank to puff up even more in a thick, lustful pulse, Cooper Kupp bit his lip hard, reflexively trying to hold off his rapidly approaching orgasm.

From the way Hunt's legs were trembling and the way Prescott sunk his teethe into the shoulder of the double fucked Ram, Joey Bosa knew that all three of them were fighting against the inevitable, wanting to drag this particular fuck out as long as humanly possible. Three separate masses of jock Muscle grinding and pushing and pulling together as one, gulping down the abject lust of the moment while trying at the same time to prove their combined stamina.

As Dak slowed his thrusts slightly, his co-host once again turned his head, this time toward the kitchen. Still kneeling on the floor, Ben Gedeon was servicing the cocks of the men stood before him, but this time, the view of his back was partially covered by Alvin Kamara, Humping hard against his back as he drove deep into the Viking's jock hole, rocking the stud linebacker's body violently with each driving fuck stroke. Joey was impressed by the ease with which Ben continued to suck the cocks of Williams and Lattimore, even as the Offensive Rookie of the Year pounded into him, nipping and licking along the base of his neck, tangling his finger's in his bitch's hair as he took his revenge for the 'Minnesota Miracle'.

All around him, Joey Bosa heard and saw rutting, power fucking jock's taking their pleasure in each others bodies, riding cocks, taking cocks deep inside them, sweating, moaning, gasping and groaning. In front of him the change to the scene on the lounger didn't register at first, only realizing that Njoku had moved over to join Garrett and Lawson when he felt the tongue digging into his hole, felt the hand cup his overheated nutsack between his legs.

David Njoku was now seated fully on his teammate's face, impaling himself on Garrett's tongue as Carl Lawson hunched over further still, sucking the other Brown's cock as avidly as he rode the cock buried deep inside him. In the lounge just behind, Desmond King was now spooned against TJ Watt's back driving long, deep thrusts into the Steeler's ass, reveling in the tight, clenching jock cunt of his third Watt brother. TJ's cock was more than merely responding to the rut. Hard and noticeably pulsing even from this distance, pre cum oozing from it's tip as he hooked his upper leg and arm around behind the piledriving Charger, urging the stud to faster and harder fuck strokes, moaning incoherently as he finally got a taste of what he knew his brother Derek loved about playing in Los Angeles.

Seventeen jock studs writhing and rolling together, rutting like beasts over and against and into each other, all riding the waves of lust that were the purpose of the weekend. Joey Bosa was so into the talented, eager tongue digging into his ass that the pull downward caught him off guard, disorienting him to the point of dizziness as his legs folded under him and he found himself kneeling for a second on a thoughtfully placed cushion before falling forward onto his elbows, his forehead just hitting the padding under him as his head drooped forward.

Trent Taylor jabbed his tongue deep into Joey Bosa's ass three more times before pulling away and climbing up along the mountain of Charger muscle to nip at the DE's ear lobe.

"Roll over, Joey."

Though it came out barely above a whisper, it rocked through Bosa's fevered brain like an order, his body trembling as he complied. Without being told he spread and raised his legs, goose bumps rising along the backs of his thighs as Taylor's arms slid under them, hooking them over his shoulders. The sight of the man kneeling between his freely, slavishly spread legs jolted the Charger in a way he didn't know possible. This man, 8 inches shorter and 100 lbs lighter than himself was absolutely in control, was absolutely going to fuck the hell out of Joey Bosa's ass.

And from this close, and from this angle, the cock attached to the 49'er looked even more obscenely outsized on his small, muscular frame. Bosa's eyes widened at the realization that he had woefully underestimated it's length and it's girth, his tongue traced along his lower lip as he watched the 49'er spit into his hand and smear it over the flaring crown of his cock before rising slightly up, guiding it to the Charger's winking ass.

"You big guys never seem to look twice at us smaller ones until we get inside you. You're gonna be lookin' for this forever after this, baby!"

Joey wanted to disagree, chuckle at the notion, anything to prove the cocky little stud wrong. All he could manage as he watched 5'9" 175 lb Trent Taylor impale his 6'5" 280 lb self was to moan and squeal like a stuck pig as eight and a half, fat fucking inches of stud cock tore through his greedy cunt in one long painful, bone rattling thrust. The 49'er never let the Charger shift his gaze away, holding Bosa's eyes locked to his own as he began hammering the bigger man's tightly gripping hole, nodding to his bottom, reinforcing his position of power as Joey begged for more and more and harder and harder.

Leonard Fournette's attentions were split at the unmistakable sounds of Joey's pleas. As he continued plowing into Christian McCaffrey's tight hole, thereby driving the Panther deeper into Soloman Thomas' clenching jock cunt, he watched Joey Bosa wrap his massive, powerful legs around the body of a man he could snap like a twig, and begged like a bitch in heat fort he smaller man to plow his hole. The sheer surprise of the sight drew others attentions as well, even as everybody here was desperately fighting back their orgasms, knowing they were losing the fight, they watched as Joey Bosa, one of the biggest and toughest DE's in the game was whimpering at the manhandling he was receiving from the tight bodied little stud that was Trent Taylor.

As Joey looked up at the man jack hammering into him from above, the handsome, boyish face twisted into a depraved, leering smirk, his eyes seeming to darken as he continued to pick up the pace of his fuck strokes, grinding and twisting against the mountain of flesh writhing under him in debased need.

"You're gonna fucking cum aren't you? You are such a cock whore you are actually gonna let me fuck a load out of your sorry nuts before I breed your cunt!"

Those shouted words tore through Joey Bosa's mind and body like an earth quake, even as they drew fuller attention from the other men rutting alongside them.

In the kitchen, Ben Gedeon ground back hard on the thickening cock of Alvin Kamara, moaning as Marshon Lattimore and Marcus Williams unleashed their loads, painting his tongue and face and chest with their cum as they watched the tell tale quivering of their teammate's body tell them that their Viking bitch was being flooded deep and full, just seconds before they felt the hot spewing cum firing out of the linebackers cock across the feet and ankles.

Kupp felt the two already massive cock inside him swell further still, swearing that he could tell that Prescott fired his first load of cum a fraction of a second before Hunt did, barely even registering his own cum pouring out across Kareem's stomach and chest until it was almost over.

David Njoku leaned over precariously, cupping his palm over the crown of TJ Watt's cock as the Steeler spewed his load in gasps that nearly crossed the line to hyperventilation before bringing his hand to his mouth and licking it clean, the staccato thrusts of Desmond King telling the stud that the Charger was inseminating the Steeler to overflowing even as he fired his own first blast of Cleveland cum into the slurping mouth and throat of Carl Lawson. Feeling the Bengal's cum blasting across one of his thighs as the stud bottom continued slurping down his DNA. The arrhythmic digging of the tongue drilling his ass telling him that Lawson was also getting a load up his jock cunt at the same time.

On the bench in the outdoor shower, Christian McCaffrey was quivering like a scarecrow in a tornado as he blasted his Panther cum deep into the 49'er ass of Soloman Thomas while at the same time absorbing the cum massive Jaguar load of Leonard Fournette up his own hungry cunt. Without even fully realizing what was happening, he sucked Fournette's fingers deep into his mouth, slurping up the 49'er cum gathered on them even as Thomas's big cock pulsed out two more shots between them.

Slowly, all eyes shifted to the last two men still rutting, the three Saint's and one Viking having left the kitchen to come out one the patio, hanging off each others shoulders to keep from falling over. Joey Bosa felt the eyes of 16 studs boring straight through him as he whimpered pleas for Trent Taylor to keep fucking him, the smaller man's body driving hard and deep against him as he loomed closer and closer.

"Shoot it for me, bitch!"

The growl came in the split second before the 49'er leaned closer and clamped his teeth around one achingly hard nipple. The Charger reared up, back arching, achingly hard cock grinding against his top's abs as his balls clenched painfully tight in their sack. The load rocketing from Joey Bosa's cock was like none he had ever felt before as his cum smeared between their bodies, greasing their skin as shot after shot spewed forth. Joey Bosa was frozen in a silent scream of gratitude as he came, only for it to find it's sound in the moment that Trent Taylor's impossibly hard cock swelled bigger still inside him and fired it's load, soothing the tortured tissue of Joey's clenching jock cunt before Trent collapsed on top of him, 49'er head turned sideways to rest over the rapidly beating Charger heart.

  • Through several long moments the 17 jocks came down from their rut fever and slowly caught their collective breath before slowly, lazily pulling apart and moving toward the pool, it's cool water soothing their still overheated flesh as they sank below the surface before bobbing back up, some swimming lazily, some leaning against the pools edge or sitting on it's steps.

All moving back together, sniffing around each other, silently agreeing to new pairings as their cocks refused to go completely soft. Trent Taylor floated over toward Myles Garrett, gripping the rim of the pool on either side of the Brown.

"Don't worry Garrett, I'm Just jealous Lawson got a shot at you before I did." as the 49'er leaned in closer, inviting the big man to make a move, smiling as their lips and tongues met lazily.

Joey Bosa leaned against the side of the pool, legs floating just under the water's surface, eyes closed, but quickly shooting open as a tongue swiped along his hole a split second before his teammate and fuck buddy bobbed to the surface in front of him.

"Little fucker shoots a big load. Tasty, too." he teased, before kissing Joey deeply, and leaning beside him.

Desmond was just about to speak when Watt joined them, looking a bit perturbed, but clearly smitten.

"So you get your last Watt brother ass and now your on to someone else? Dude, no offense, but you can get Bosa anytime, how often you gonna get a shot at my Steeler cunt?"

"Actually, bud, I was just getting ready to tell Joey that I was gonna make other plans tonight, but it's not your Steeler ass that I'm interested in this time."

TJ Watt bristled, looking almost angrily at King. Joey braced himself for the possibility of having to pull these two apart, half pissed at TJ for his possessiveness, half at his teammate for being an asshole about it.

"See, what I think I want right now...what I NEED right now, is your Steeler cock. Figure it's about time I get my first Watt dick down."

Desmond King pushed off the wall, swimming toward the steps, TJ Watt scrambling to follow.

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