Roommate Bromance

By Mattie Stern

Published on Apr 11, 2010



Shane used his strong arms to lift the last box out of the back of his truck and hand it to Charlie to bring inside. He jumped into the front seat and parked properly in 1 of 2 assigned spaces for the 1 bedroom apartment. You could pay an extra $15 a month for a third resident space but it would not be needed. Charlie and Mathew shared 1 car between them. They've been doing that since high school Shane remembered. They have been sharing nearly everything ever since.

He gathered a few loose personal items on the passenger seat with one hand and brought the bottom of his t-shirt up to dry his sweat drenched face with the other. Even for extreme Southeastern NC, it was global warming like unseasonably hot for late January. Severe thunderstorms were forecasted for later that evening. As his shirt lifted, he got a look at the beginnings of a beer belly. It's a shame having one at 23 years old, but as his girlfriend likes to points out, it barely juts out over his waistband so it's really just a bit of a pooch really. Anyway, you could still detect the fuck me lines at his sides he's had since high school. It's all good. Shane knew he looked good. 5'10", 180 pounds, buzz cut, crooked nose, stocky but hard. A hockey player physique which is what Shane is, or was before he injured his back ending his AHL career. A career he postponed college for. So he spent the last 2 years attending community college back home in Charlotte and was accepted to UNC Wilmington for next fall. His plan was to move into a studio apartment in the spring and find a job before the semester began in August. Then during the holidays, his old high school buddies, Mathew and Charlie, were in town and they hung out together and started talking and planning.

Shane had moved to Charlotte from Michigan, just like Mathew, but when he was 12. Hockey wasn't as popular in the south as up north, obviously, so Shane had a hard time fitting in with his fellow classmates. He knew Charlie but never became close friends with him, but then again, Charlie never had a close friend until Mathew transferred into their school on the first day of their senior year. By then, Shane had picked up a second passion, golf, and had joined the school team. Mathew made the team as well and since he and Shane were both from Michigan, they had that in common and kinda hit it off. And of course, where Mathew was, so was Charlie, so by graduation, the 3 had become good friends. They were good guys, Mathew and Charlie. They stayed in touch with Shane while away at college. They had recently moved to Wilmington, sharing a 1 bedroom to save as much money as possible while they started their own business. They suggested to Shane he move in and find a job now so he will be settled in and have some money saved up before the fall semester starts. After a few calls made and a favor cashed in, Shane was hired as a bellman at the finest hotel in Wilmington.

Mathew sat down at his desk and logged into his laptop. They had turned the dining room area into an office of sorts with 2 desks and a filing cabinet and a pile of boxes or 2. The living room had only a sofa and loveseat and an entertainment center. Plenty of room back by the patio door for Shane to place his desk and pc. The bedroom had a low, long bureau with 6 drawers and a tv and mirror on top next to a fair sized walk-in closet. The bureau and closet could easily be shared with Shane. They were only half filled. Ever since Charlie got active and lost a lot of weight back in high school, he and Mathew found they could wear the same size clothes and shoes. They each had their favorites and a few thing that looked better on one than the other but mostly they didn't differentiate between whose was whose. They owned a full size bed and a twin since he and Charlie moved in back in October. They had planned to fit Shane's twin bed but there was no way. The plan then was to get rid of the full and get a third twin but it was Mathew who reminded the other 2 that when one of them brought a girl over, it was easier to fuck on a full size mattress than a twin. So while Shane lived with them, Mathew and Charlie would share the full. No big deal. Sleeping with Charlie by this point, Mathew figured, was like sleeping with himself.

As Mathew typed, he caught a glimpse of Charlie in the open kitchen pouring himself a glass of water. He was thirsty himself so he stuck out his left arm. Charlie filled another glass and handed it it to Mathew. Their friendship was nothing if not efficient. Mathew leaned back and enjoyed the ice cold water. It was a hot day and Shane had more boxes and stuff to move in then expected. Mathew pulled his sweaty t-shirt off and tossed it effortlessly into the laundry basket atop the washer in the open closet at the end of the short hall which lead to the bedroom and bathroom. He could've played on the basketball team back in school but had stuck with football, golf and tennis. His body certainly reflected his athletic diversity. 6', 175 pounds, brown hair, green eyes. Very good looking guy. He has a strong chin, broad shoulders and back, well defined calves. He doesn't have a six pack anymore but certainly a 4 pack was still visible behind a small trail of light fur from between his pecs to the start of his pubes where his v shaped torso ends.

Charlie quenched his insatiable thirst with 16oz of water then headed towards the bathroom for a quick shower pulling off and dropping his clothes in the hall closet. Just before stepping into the tub, he saw himself in the mirror. He looked a hell of a lot better at 22 then he did back in high school. 6' tall, 182 pounds, shirt black hair and brown eyes, a big bright smile. He had a medium build. A well developed chest covered lightly in hair. Genetics would always prevent him from having a 6 pack but he looked great with his clothes on or off. And he knew it.

Not long ago, Charlie was known in his little corner of the world, a suburb of Charlotte, NC, as a nice, smart, funny kid. He was physically awkward and often, socially awkward. He did well in school, got along with the popular kids, went out on a few dates, but played no sports, rarely joined in after school clubs or activities. He never knew what it was to have a close friend.

All that changed on the first day of his senior year. There was a new kid in town who had just enrolled in Charlie's school, Mathew. He had just moved down from Michigan with his family into a house less than 1/2 a mile from Charlie's. Mathew had been a star athlete since he was 8 years old. One of the most popular kids in his school and in his hometown. Very popular with the ladies. But here in charlotte, for now, he was a nobody.

Because his last name was alphabetically similar to Charlie's and because they wound up with the same class schedule, Mathew found himself sitting near Charlie all day. Because of Charlie's easy going, welcoming demeanor, Mathew felt comfortable asking him for help and directions. Charlie was happy to oblige. By lunch they were friends. By Halloween, they were best friends.

Charlie introduced Mathew to the most popular kids in school. Mathew tried out for, and joined, the school's JV football and golf teams. Mathew, taking advantage of Charlotte's year round good weather, spent most of the year outside introducing Charlie the homebody, to tennis, basketball, golf, canoeing. By graduation, Charlie was still a nice, smart, funny guy....but he was also hot! and sociable and very much involved. Various clicks of the prettiest girls in school fought amongst themselves to be asked out on a double date with Charlie and Mathew. Charlie had become quite the ladies' man by following Mathew's advice. After all Mathew knew what he was talking about, he had lost his virginity at the early age of 14.

After graduation both guys were accepted into NC State and shared a dorm for all 4 years. It was during college where these best friends' closeness turned into something usually reserved for fraternal twins.

These guys had no problem bringing girls back to the dorm and fooling around while the other either pretends to be asleep and watches or does the same with his current girlfriend. They had no problem sharing the shower if it meant timed saved would mean the difference between being late to class or not. They shared porn, lube, cum rags, a pocket pussy. These 2 were straight, no doubt about it, but they were uber confidant, smart, good looking guys, who had the whole world waiting for them and they knew it. They knew how much they needed each other and how much they meant to each other.

On occasion, since becoming best friends their senior year, Mathew and Charlie, during their jerk off sessions, would "give each other a hand". It became instinctive, how and when it was appropriate to cross that line and reach over. They had even shocked a few close friends and even a couple girlfriends by telling them about this secret activity. It really was no big deal to them. Hardly worth keeping secret.

What was a big deal and they swore to never tell anyone else, ever, was an annual tradition which started during the early stages of their friendship. On every one of Mathew's birthdays, Charlie gives him a blowjob. To understand how this came about, you need to know that although Charlie had always been treated well by the larger population of the school because he was smart and funny and in most of their classes, there were bullies. Bullies who preyed on the then physically awkward, i.e. fat, Charlie. One in particular was a dumb jock who lived on the same block as Charlie since the 5th grade named Greg. Greg's family were a bit on the redneck side and anti-semitic. Over the years they found excuses to get on Charlie's parents' case about one thing or another. Greg followed his parent's cue and made Charlie's life hell at the bus stop and all summer long whenever Charlie stepped outside.

Mathew put an end to all that early on. It was about a week before Mathew's b-day. He drove to Charlie's to pick him up and head to the local public course. Mathew arrived just in time to find Charlie's golf bag and clubs strewn across the driveway and Greg straddling Charlie with his back on the ground, arms flailing as Greg pummeled him and laughed. Mathew jumped out of his car, chased Greg to the front door of his house and kicked the shit out of him all the way to his backyard.

Of course, Charlie was beyond grateful to who, he knew, would be his lifelong protector. Over the next few days Charlie couldn't stop thanking and doting over Mathew until it was almost embarrassing. Later that week, on Mathew's birthday, after dinner and cake with his parents and sisters, Charlie took Mathew back to his house to play videogames and watch tv in the bonus room over the garage which was connected to the rest of the house through a rarely used office and guest room. Charlie had managed to sneak beer into the small fridge in the room. Mathew had influenced Charlie already, in countless ways. This included introducing Charlie to alcohol. Before the benefit of Mathew's previous experience, Charlie could be easily fooled into getting drunk off of O'Douls. After a few beers, Charlie the lightweight was pretty drunk. Mathew cut him off to avoid trouble with parents or showing up to school the next day with a hangover but not before Charlie became a bit emotional remembering how Mathew had come to his rescue a week earlier. Charlie expressed how he wish he could give Mathew something special for his birthday to thank him properly. Mathew, a bit tipsy himself and not above enjoying tormenting his new nieve friend just a bit, suggested he give him a blowjob. At first thought Charlie reacted in disgust but then the alcohol made him think twice. Charlie wanted to do something for Mathew no other friend of his ever would. Something that would take a bit of sacrifice on Charlie's part. So Charlie looked directly into the eyes of his best buddy and confidently said, "ok dude. A blowjob it is".

Mathew froze. A nervous smile on his face hiding the fact that he wasn't sure if this was Charlie calling his bluff or not. Then Charlie threw the game controller resting on Mathew's lap aside, unbuttoned his jeans, unzipped him, then boldly stuck his hand under the waistband of his boxers and pulled out his flaccid cock. He bent his head down and took it all in. While his dick grew to a full erection in Charlie's mouth, Mathew, still stunned, closed his eyes, rested his head back, and acknowledged that this was as good a blowjob as he had ever received since his first, performed by a troubled neighborhood girl in the woods behind his house when he was 13.

Charlie sucked until Mathew came in his mouth and he swallowed his load. He quickly grabbed a half empty can of beer and took a swig to remove the taste and smell from his mouth. Charlie and Mathew looked at each other and nervously laughed. Mathew asked Charlie, "no one will ever know about this, right?"

"Well obviously dude!".

On that note, they gave each other their first bro hug and Mathew went home. A year later, it was the middle of their first ever finals week in college. Mathew had never been as good a student as Charlie. He had to work twice as hard to keep a GPA 1/2 that of Charlie's. Of course, Charlie did everything he could to help Mathew along. On Mathew's 19th birthday, the 2 guys were studying in their dorm room. They hadn't gone out or had any fun in over 2 weeks. Not long before midnight, Charlie insisted on a break. He took out a cupcake with a candle he had sneaked in that morning, lit it and wished his roommate a happy birthday. Mathew brought up memories of his last birthday. Charlie took a bite from his half of the cupcake and grinned at his buddy. After 16 months of this level of closeness, Charlie knew Mathew as well as he knew himself. There was no point in stretching this out. Charlie tilted his head in the direction of Mathew's bed. Mathew walked over, pulled his mesh shorts and boxers down and stepped out of them. He laid down, hands clasped behind his head. Charlie got up, wiped icing off the corner of mouth, went over and kneeled down on the floor along the side of the bed, grabbed his buddy's already hardening dick and stroked it, slowly, until it was fully erect at 7". He lapped it up. Grabbed Mathew's naked right thigh and pulled it towards him so that his foot came down on the floor and he could better reach his balls. He knew Mathew enjoyed having his nuts fondled and sucked on. By now he had witnessed Mathew being serviced by girls more than a few times.

When the deed was done, Charlie stepped into the bathroom to brush his teeth while Mathew continued to lay on the bed, naked from the waist down, trying to compose himself. Charlie walked back into view and reminded Mathew they still had some studying to do and couldn't fall asleep unless he wants to wake up at 4am and study then.

"I know dude I just need a minute. That was intense"

"Really?", Charlie questioned how intense it could've been. All he did was to remember what he had experienced when girls performed it on him and what he had seen girls do when they sucked Mathew off or what he had seen girls do in porn.

"You know this will have to become a yearly tradition from now on, right?"

"Yeah dude. Whatever you say". Charlie shrugged the idea off.

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