By Jacob Taylor

Published on May 11, 2004




by Jacob Taylor

I would've celebrated, if I had any energy left. I'd just completed my last final, which I'd had an all-night study session for the night before. I hadn't slept in 36 hours, but I'd managed to retain more information than I expected, and actually felt pretty good about how I'd done. Not only that, but I'd finished it early, which is unheard of in my case. I couldn't take all the credit. Hell, I couldn't take half the credit. My roommate Josh had stayed up right alongside me. He'd taken the class last year, and was determined to help me pass.

Josh had saved my ass so many times this year. A senior, two years older than me, too smart for his own good. He told great stories, and had disdain for pretty much everyone he met. So the fact that he liked me was special, because he hardly liked anybody. He was about 5'10, with chestnut-colored hair that fell down to his shoulders. A drum major in high school, he'd maintained that broad-chested build with strong legs and a firm ass. But the most compelling thing about him was behind his wire-rimmed glasses- two chocolate-brown eyes that turned almost black whenever he felt anything deeply. As time had passed, there was nothing that intrigued me more than seeing his eyes go dark, knowing a fire had been lit deep inside him.

His eyes went dark when he talked about his plans for the future, which were constantly changing. His eyes went dark when he felt he had been wronged by someone less competent than himself, which was often. You'd see those eyes go dark, and then he'd shake his hands through his hair, frustrated. I'd watch every move. As he sat at his desk, playing a computer game, or reading a book, curled up. When he wore shorts, my eyes would trace his legs, from his feet, up his well-defined calves, past the knee, and into regions that led my mind to wander. "Oh my God," I'd tell myself. "I'm lusting after a nerd." But he was so self-assured, so comfortable in his own skin. I envied that. And I longed to make his eyes turn dark when they looked at me.

Funny thing was, I had no idea if he was gay, straight, asexual, or what. Even after living together, for two whole semesters, we had never once discussed that. Neither of us dated anybody, me because I was a gay kid in a small Georgia college. I wasn't just in the closet, I'd barred the door, nailed it shut, and was hiding in the corner behind the garment bags. Josh, though, nobody knew. Maybe he just didn't like people. Other than me. And me, not in that way. And so it was. The completely nonsexual boys in 417.

It didn't matter, though. He gave me something to casually fantasize about, and he let me use his computer, and he may have just helped me pass my last final. I owed this guy a six-pack. Which he'd have to buy, but at least I'd pay for it in appreciation.

I burst into the room, excited to share my news.

"Josh!" I called out.

"Shit!" He gasped, nearly falling out of the chair at his computer. He grabbed a towel, and covered his lap. His face was beet red. His breathing was quick and panicked. His eyes were dark.

"Damn it, don't you knock?"

"No," I said. "I live here."

"Right, right, sorry."

"What're ya doin'?"

"Um, nothing, you just freaked me out. I wasn't expecting you back so soon."

"I finished early. Wanna grab a six pack?"

"It's um, early for that, isn't it?"

"It's never too early for beer."

This made him smile.

"You're right."

I closed the door.

"So, ya wanna go, or what?"

"Sure, lemme go, um, piss."

I watched him stand awkwardly.

"Hey Josh?"


"It's okay if I caught you whackin' off. It's no big deal."

He actually blushed.

"Uh, yeah. Thanks."

He moved very, very quickly into the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on. My curiosity got the best of me, and I went straight for his computer. Nothing but a desktop picture of the cast of "Stargate". I re-connected to the internet. What does this guy jack off to? Pictures of aliens? Fake nude pictures of that chick from "Star Trek"? Or Captain Kirk, maybe? I pulled up his list of recently viewed websites, and my question was answered.

The guy in the picture was HOT. Maybe 25, with red hair, just like mine, only it looked good on him. His pale skin was stretched taut over sinewy muscles, and his hard cock rested in his hand, like a trophy he was presenting to the viewer. Of course, it was quite a prize. Just the sight of his huge dick, with a perfect mushroom head, pale pink and waiting, inviting a wanting mouth. Despite my own fatigue, I felt a stirring in my boxers. I may have been exhausted, but some parts of me were always ready to go. I took another listen for the shower, which was still running, and figured, "What the hell."

I unzipped my fly and pulled my own 8-inch cock out of my pants. It was already at full attention. I licked my palm and fingered the tip, running it along the length, until I got to the base, when I grabbed tight and started pumping furiously. There was something exciting about the idea of jacking off to the same picture Josh had been pleasuring himself to moments before. It was like a three-way by proxy. To think, all this time, I'd been living with a guy who liked guys, who was apparently into red-heads, and I'd never once made a move. Well, maybe after I got a few beers in him... who knows? I closed my eyes, forgetting about the guy on screen and picturing what I'd see, what I'd touch, if just for a moment we could drop our inhibitions and-

"What is this, payback?"

SHIT. I'd gotten a little carried away. Josh stood less than two feet away, wearing a t-shirt and a towel. My first instinct was to fly out of the chair, to curl up and die, to do SOMETHING. But instead, I stayed exactly where I was. Not moving. Just looking right at him. He didn't move. He swallowed hard.

"You should, um, cover up, or something."

"You want me to?"

"Um, what kind of question is that?"

From my vantage point, I was in a perfect position to see the twitch under his towel.

"Josh. Do you want me to stop?"

Another twitch. There was now a clear bulge under the thin terrycloth.

"Hey. Do whatever you want. I don't care."

But he didn't move. At least, his feet didn't move. And his eyes never left my crotch. I figured, okay, now or never. I reached out, and rested my hand on his ass. It was firm but soft, the towel hot and moist. The bulge got bigger. I looked up. His eyes were turning dark.

"Really? You don't care?"

I reached over with my other hand, and the towel dropped to the floor. Naked from the waist down. Standing right in front of me. And every indication told me he wanted this. He wanted me. His cock was more beautiful than I'd imagined, even more perfect because I'd wanted it for so long. I teased the head with my tongue, over and over. He moaned. A small drop of precum collected at the tip, and for a moment I tasted Heaven. I took it all in my mouth at once, greedy, my face buried against his skin. He gasped for air, his arms falling onto my back, his hands reaching for my shirttail, pulling it up. Reluctantly, I pulled away to get my shirt off, and he took my face in his hands and pulled me to standing.

"Do you know how long I've dreamt of this?" he said, dark eyes staring into mine.

"You? Jesus, what about me?"

"We wasted all this time. How stupid are we?"

"That depends on what we do now, doesn't it?"

And then he kissed me. Desperate, the kind of kiss sailors gave when they came home from World War II. It was a kiss that felt like coming home. We stood there, locked together, me in no shirt, him in no pants, holding each other. Then, he pulled away. He smiled. It was rare to see him smile, and this was a look I'd never seen from him. Josh looked almost mischievous. He moved over to his twin bed and knocked the books and clothes off, then brushed off the sheet with his hand. He pulled off his shirt, and looked up at me.

In the golden light of the afternoon, Josh sat before me naked, his long hair wet and disheveled, his dick at full attention, hands out, welcoming me, offering something I'd always wanted but never known how to ask for. It was the most beautiful image I'd ever seen.

"Have you done this before?" I asked, trying to sound casual.

"Um, no," he stammered.

"Good, we'll figure this out together."

"I've seen a lot of movies, though."

"Cool, that'll help."

I went to him, kicking off my shoes and peeling off my jeans, and curled up next to him in bed. We caressed each others' bodies in mutual wonder, neither of us entirely sure how to do what we wanted next. I buried my face in his thick chest hair, kissing his skin, relishing the warmth and clean smell of his body. I kissed his nipples, and lightly bit them. He shivered and pulled me away. I thought he was getting up, but instead, he flipped around, facing my feet. Our cocks slid in and out of each others' mouths, feeling his hot, wet, lips on my throbbing rod while simultaneously being force-fed his. I took his balls between my lips and swirled my tongue around them. My face moved to between his legs, kissing his thighs, licking the cup of his ass. He began to go down on my dick faster and faster, this was almost more than I could bear.

He rolled on top of me, now going at my pulsing shaft from above. His ass was now directly in front of my face, and as though guided by instinct, I grabbed both cheeks, and shoved my tongue into the hole in front of me. His entire body jerked, his head went forward, burying his face deep into my skin, with all of my manhood in his mouth. I kept probing, deeper, and deeper, wanting to taste every inch of him. He threw his head back and cried out. It felt like the full weight of his body was on my face, and I was loving it. I could hardly breathe, and I didn't care. This was life. This was all I needed to live. Josh moaned, and scratched at my stomach, grabbed wildly at my legs, my knees, reaching behind him and grabbing for my arms.

"Oh, yes," he cried. "Oh, God! Yes!"

And suddenly he was off me, and before I could react, he was on me again. Now he faced me, his eyes pitch black and his body heaving and glistening with sweat. He grabbed my dick, and rubbed it along the crack of his ass, first slowly, then faster, and faster.

"Stop it! I'm gonna cum, Josh!"

He let go.

"Have you really never been with anyone?"


"Are you lying?"

"Josh, I swear. If I had been, I'd be a lot better at this."

"You seem pretty fucking good to me."

And his hand was on my shaft again, rubbing the head along his ass, stopping at his asshole, and slowly, very, very slowly, allowing it in. At first there was nothing but resistance, me pushing against something that obviously did not want me there, and he grimaced.

"You want me to stop, Josh?"

"Don't... you... dare... stop."

I pushed as gently as I could, and he winced in obvious discomfort. Then, all of the sudden, I felt a sensation like nothing I'd ever known. Starting in the tip, then down the shaft, and eventually to the base of my dick, was the warmest, most wonderful feeling I'd ever experienced. Josh closed his eyes and sighed, breathing still heavy. He pulled me up to his chest and wrapped his legs around me, and touched my cheek.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Oh... yeah."

I kissed him, long and hard, as he began to move up... and... down....up... and down... up, and down, up and down, up and down up and down upanddown upanddownupanddown and AAAAAAHHHH!

It felt like I blacked out. Just complete surrender to the feeling generated by two people coming together, literally, at the same moment. I was covered in his thick white cum, on my chest, on my stomach. I'd come inside him, the fluid from my body had entered him, it was part of him now, in a way. And I was still inside him. I never wanted to be anywhere else.

"Stay there," he said.

"You okay?"


"What's it feel like, Josh?"

"Getting fucked?"

"Yeah, does it hurt?"

"Tell you what," he said as he leaned in and pressed his face to mine, his eyes still burning like coal. "Why don't I go grab that six-pack, and later on tonight we'll try it the other way around."

You see, he never got tired of teaching me new things.

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