
By Daniel Webster

Published on May 29, 2000


Author's Note:

The Roughneck is a series of stories set in the mid 1970's, when I was in my late teens and early 20's. I worked a series of jobs on oil drilling rigs in western Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. I learned a lot about hard work, and life. I also discovered a part of me I never thought existed. I hope you enjoy. However, remember these stories take place in the 1970's, before the advent of AIDS. These stories do not practice safe sex. This is the 21st century. You should. The usual warnings apply. These stories describe explicit M/M sexual activity. If this is not what you like, it is illegal because of your age or community standards, or you are a member of a law enforcement agency, then please do not read this.

The Roughneck Part 1: The Greenhorn

It was the fall of 1977. I was 19. Born and raised in Denver, I had moved to the mountains of western Colorado after high school, to be on my own. I'd settled in Craig, a honky-tonk kind of town in western Colorado. It was full of cowboys, construction workers and roughnecks - oil drilling rig workers. And everyone one of them was a redneck. I bought a cowboy hat to fit in, and kept my hair tucked up under it. I'd worked a couple of construction jobs - a hod carrier on a power plant was the best of the lot - when I heard that you could make a lot more money rough necking. Usually the rigs were out in the middle of nowhere, an hour to hour and a half drive from the nearest town. I'd been told the best way to get hired on was to hang out in one of the saloons in town and ask around. One evening I was hanging out in a real redneck place called "Hank's Place", wincing at the god-awful country-western music and nursing a bottle of 3.2% Coor's. I lucked out that night, I guess in more ways than one. A driller - the crew foreman - had come in, looking for a hand to go out that night. Seems his derrick hand was dead drunk passed out again, and he'd fired him. He told me if I could be ready to go in an hour, I had the job.

An hour later, I was in the driller's car with the other four crew hands, headed out on a dirt road across the sagebrush covered foothills, headed for the rig. I the driller's name was jack. Two of the other guys rode in front with Jack, kind of quiet. I suspected they weren't too happy to have a greenhorn along. I learned a "greenhorn" was the term used to describe someone new to the oil drilling rig work. I sat in the back with Carl, a thin, wiry guy with coal black hair with a thick southern accent. In contrast to the guys up front, Carl talked almost non-stop. I learned Carl was from North Carolina, and was the former greenhorn himself, a little excited at moving up the totem pole. Carl seemed especially curious about me. He asked if I had a wife. When I laughed and told him I was only 19 - almost 20 - and hadn't even really gotten serious about any girl yet, he winked and slapped my thigh with his hand.

"Well, don't be in any hurry for that" he warned me. "It ain't all it's cracked up to be." He told me he had a wife - a big, fat wife was the way he described her - but she lived in an apartment in Grand Junction, a large town two hundred miles away. He said she couldn't stand the small town life of Craig, and besides, he told me, all they did was fight all the time when they were together. Carl told me he had a trailer on the outskirts of town. He invited me to "come over for a beer" anytime I wanted. His hand seemed to linger on my thigh, making me a little uncomfortable. I took advantage of a sharp turn in the road to move my leg away.

Throughout the rest of the ride Carl talked nonstop. Every so often as the car would lean into a turn, he would lean into me, his leg pressing against mine. A warning bell went off in my mind. If this guy weren't married and part of an oil drilling crew, I would suspect he was queer. But naw, he couldn't be, I reasoned. The only queers I'd seen were dressed up in women's clothes down on Larimer Square in Denver. Carl seemed regular enough.

Now, I've used the work "queer" pretty freely, but I didn't really have anything against them - as long as they kept their distance from me. Not that I was really into the chicks that much. I'd grown up pretty much thinking girls were a pain in the butt, and never really changed my opinion a whole lot. I'd dated some in high school, but always found an excuse to dump them when they got too serious, which most did in a hurry. I'd fucked a couple of chicks, but it didn't really do that much for me. To tell you the truth, I don't think it did that for them either, to judge from their reaction. I'm pretty much just average in the dick department. Fucking didn't really do that much for me, and, well, I'd had trouble keeping it up. I did panic for a while, wondering if I may be queer or something, but dismissed the thought. I was just a regular kind of guy, I assured myself. Maybe just a late bloomer. I was sure in a couple of years I'd suddenly get charged with hormones and be fucking every chick in sight.

The next few weeks on the rig went by pretty fast. I learned the work easily, and Jack, the driller, was happy with me. We worked the graveyard shift, which suited me fine. I was always better at staying up late than getting up early. At then end of the month, we were due to rotate over to the swing shift. That meant we were due to have three days off. I looked forward to it, but I knew I couldn't do much - payday was a week away, and I was broke as shit. On the ride back into town at the end of our shift and the beginning of our three days off, Carl and I were sitting together in the back of the driller's car.

"What are you going to do with your days off?" Carl asked.

"Aw, not too much I guess" I told him. "Just get caught up on sleep. I'm broke as shit 'till payday."

"Why don't you have Jack drop you off at my trailer, and you can hang out there?" he offered. "I got plenty of beer."

"Aw, I don't know . . ." I replied. "I'm not really much for beer, and I'm dog tired." Carl leaned over and whispered in my ear. "You ever smoke that there marijuana?" he asked.

I looked at him in surprise. Pot was one thing I really liked a lot. Carl winked. I nodded my head slowly, casting a wary eye toward the others in the front. They were listening to some god awful wailing on the country music station on the radio.

Carl leaned over again. "Well, I'm not really much for that stuff myself, but someone gave me some shit a while back, and it's just been sittin' there. Why don't you come over and let me know if the stuff is any good."

I nodded eagerly. Things were looking up. I'd been out of pot for weeks.

Jack dropped us off at Carl's trailer. I was a mile or so out of town, parked in the middle of some pine trees. It was really secluded.

"Kick your boots off at the door here" Carl told me, as he fumbled with the key.

We went inside. It was really clean and neat for a guy living by himself. It was too neat to sit down anywhere in my dirty coveralls. Carl seemed to read my mind.

"Why don't you drop your clothes off in the laundry room back there" he told me, nodding down the hallway. "The bathroom is right there next to it. I'll throw a clean towel in there and you can shower up."

I quickly stripped out my coveralls down to my briefs, and headed for the shower. I enjoyed a long, steamy shower. I thought I heard the bathroom door open once was I was in the shower, but paid it no mind. I got out of the shower, toweled off, and looked around for my briefs. They were nowhere to be found.

"Hey, Carl!" I shouted, opening the bathroom door. You seen my undershorts?"

Carl came walking up the hallway, a cold beer in each hand. He was naked as a jaybird. "I threw them in the wash, too." He told me, handing me a beer. "I threw my stuff in there, too."

I took the offered beer. "Uh, well, what am I supposed to do for clothes?" I asked.

"The same as I'm wearing" he laughed. "Your birthday suit! Hell, I always walk around in the nude around the house. Ain't nobody 'round to bother."

I found myself looking Carl over. He sure was lean and trim. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him. He had light dusting of black hair over his chest, a thick patch of hair around his crotch, and coarse, curly dark hair all down his legs. I found my assessment lingering on his crotch. I couldn't help it. He didn't have a hard on or anything, but hanging down limply, it had to be 6" long. The amazing part was how thick it was. It had to be half as thick as it was long.

"Like what you see?" Carl teased.

I blushed beet red, realizing he'd caught me staring at his dick. I shrugged my shoulders. "Shit, man, I can see why you're so skinny" I told him, attempting to brush off my attention to his cock. "It looks like it all went to your pecker." I looked up at him, to find him looking down at my crotch.

"You ain't so bad yourself" he told me.

I looked down at my crotch. My cock was pretty well shriveled up from the hot shower, and the head barely stuck out my bushy light brown pubes. It seemed like a little stub compared to Carl.

"Aw, I'm pretty average, I guess." I said "Not that I'm any expert on dick" I hastily added. "Uh, where's that pot?" I asked, blushing, trying to change the subject.

"Got it ready for you, on the coffee table by the couch" Carl answered. I hesitated. I wasn't at all at ease at walking around the house naked with Carl and his horse dick. But, the call of the pot won out. I eagerly started down the hallway, shivering slightly in my nudity, embarrassment of being naked with another guy, and the direction the conversation had been going. Carl followed behind me.

"You may be average in the pecker department" I heard him say behind me. "But Lord almighty you have the biggest, finest looking bubble butt I've ever seen!"

I blushed beet red. Fuck! There were those words again - "bubble butt". I did have a big rear end. Firm, but big. In high school, some of the guys who had seen me naked in the locker room nicknamed me "Bubble Butt Will". It'd always made me a little self-conscious about my ass. I could wear 32" waist jeans, but always bought 34" waist. The baggy pants didn't make my butt stick out so much. It made me uncomfortable to think people were staring at my butt. It made me feel something else, something I couldn't quite put my finger on. It made my pulse pick up a bit. Thinking about Carl walking behind me looking at my bare ass made my pulse pick up quite a bit. I felt a tingle in my dick, and felt it begin to lengthen. It really embarrassed me off to think I was getting off on all this.

"So, what? You an expert on guys' asses or something?" I challenged, spinning around to face him. He had still been staring at my butt.

"No, no" he laughed. "I just admire seeing a man . . . well, all filled out."

I eyed him suspiciously.

"The pot's over there" he said, motioning to the coffee table. I shook my head, and walked over and sat down on the couch and began to roll a joint. Carl sat down next me to me. Kinda really close next to me, making me a little nervous.

"What the shit had I got myself into?" I wondered.

"Yes sir" Carl began, "You really have one fine ass. You ever make any use of it?"

I began to get a sinking sensation. "Uh, what do you mean?" I asked, hoping he meant something else.

"I mean do you like to take it up the ass?" he said calmly.

"Jesus, shit!" I sputtered, flinching, nearly dropping the joint I had almost finished rolling. "Don't talk that shit to me! I ain't no goddam queer. Ain't nothing ever been up this butt, and ain't nothing ever gonna go up this butt."

I licked the end of the joint, twisting it tightly in to a seal. I was starting to get pissed with Carl. I wanted to smoke the joint as fast as I could, in case I had to get the hell outta there. Then I remembered I was naked. I considered my options. We were pretty evenly matched; I was pretty sure I could fend him off he tried to push himself on to me. But, I would rather not have it come to that.

"Don't know what you're missing" Carl sighed, interrupting my thoughts.

I lit the joint, and drew deeply. I cocked an eye at Carl. I considered. I was kinda horny; I'd been too tired to even jerk off the last couple of week. Maybe I could let him suck my dick if it would cool him off, I thought to myself. It seemed kinda gross when I thought about. I'd never done anything like that before. But, he did have a cool place and it would be great to hang out here with the pot.

I exhaled slowly, and cocked any eye at him. I could help but glance down briefly. I almost coughed out the hit from the joint. His cock was already half hard, to about 9", and seemed to be getting even thicker. I felt a rush of blood into my own cock, as it lengthened and thickened. Damnit! I thought to myself. This shit can't be happening. I can't be getting all hot turned on by this. I'd never even thought about getting it on with another guy. Well, not really.

I exhaled the hit of pot slowly. It was good; it was hitting me already. I felt relaxed, a little warmer, and a little bolder. I offered the joint to Carl, who shook his head and took a swig of beer. I took advantage of by sneaking a quick look at his dick. It seemed to stretch half way down to his knee. And it was as thick as his wrist. I leaned down quickly to get my beer, checking out my dick on the way. I was hard as a rock. I had the distinct feeling I was in trouble here. I took a swig of beer and looked over at Carl. He was staring at me, smiling. I had to think of something, or had the feeling I was going to be one fucked duck.

"You don't know what you're missing" Carl repeated.

"So", I began, taking another hard swig of beer. "You trying to tell me it feels good to have a big old hairy dick up your ass?" I asked. Carl nodded enthusiastically. "Well", I continued, "If you think it feel so good to have a dick up the ass, why don't you bend over there?" I challenged, nodding toward to carpeted floor. "I'll help you out, if that's what you really want" I offered.

Carl laughed. "Naw, that's alright. I decided a long time ago it's better to give than to receive."

"Yeah, right!" I snorted. I considered things. "I'll tell you what . ." I began slowly. "If you promise to hell that no one ever finds out about this, you can suck my dick."

"OK" he agreed readily, surprising the shit out of me. He smiled disarmingly. "But after you let me fuck you up the ass" he continued.

I sucked on the last the joint. "Yeah, right man" I snorted. "You can just kiss my ass!"

"OK" he agreed readily, again surprising the shit out of me. "Get on you knees on the floor there, and I'll kiss you ass" he challenged me.

This was getting strange as shit. I cocked an eye at him. "You mean you'd really kiss my ass?" I asked.

"Just like the way the Frenchies do, with slipping you the tongue."

I stared at him wide eyed. Something in the way he said it made my dick twitch. Carl noticed. He stood up. His cock stuck out menacingly, at full mast. Twelve inches long, the angry red mushroom shaped head had to be three inches around. It look mean as hell. Maybe it was the pot. I felt lightheaded. I felt warm. I felt . . . well, kinda turned on by all this. The thought of Cark kissing my butt, sticking his tongue in seemed really gross. It also seemed really kinda hot.

I decided I wanted to get my nuts off. Hell, no one would ever know. I couldn't take my eyes off Carl's dick. I'd never really seen one so up close and threatening, and definitely never one so big.

Carl pulled at my shoulder. "Come on" he whispered. "I'm going to kiss your ass like you've never had it kissed."

Like in a trance, I let myself be pulled off the couch, led to the middle of the room, and then pushed down onto my fours on the carpet. Carl knelt down behind me, and pushed a small bottle under my nose.

"Breathe this in" he told me. "It will make you higher than shit."

Those were the magic words for me. I inhaled deeply. It stank, like an old gym bag. But, almost instantly I felt blood rushing to my head, make me dizzy. I couldn't believe how fast and high it made me. I leaned down on my elbows, that big old butt of mine aimed for the sky. I felt Carl spread my ass cheeks apart, and then I felt a warm tongue licking around my puckered ass hole. Then he sucked.

"Oh God!" I shuddered.

"Like that?" Carl asked, taking his mouth away from my ass. I immediately missed it.

"Oh yeah!" I breathed. "Feels kinda weird, but really good. Do it some more," I pleaded.

I felt Carl's tongue dive into my hole. I couldn't believe how good it felt. I shook my head in disbelief. Here I was, a regular kind of guy, naked as a jay bird , on my knees and elbows with some hillbilly sucking and tonguing my asshole. Where the hell was this going? I didn't know, and no longer really cared. I was into the good times I was feeling in my rear end.

I remember I lay there for a long time, moaning, squirming, as Carl's tongue explored every part of my asshole. He began to play with my balls with his hands, pulling and twisting them. It hurt a little, but made me hotter and hotter. I found myself thinking about how confident Carl had been when he said I didn't know what I was missing never haven taken it up the ass. I shook the thought from my mind. What kind of guy would that make me, letting another guy dick me in the ass? No way, I assured myself. Hmmmmm. His tongue sure did feel good.

Carl's tongue disappeared from my ass. I moaned softly in disappointment. I felt his finger spreading something cold and slippery around my butt hole. Then his finger pressed forward, parting my sphincter, and pressed inward, into my hot insides.

"Hmmpf" I gasped, not at all too sure about this.

His finger twirled around, rubbing and probing, feeling really good. I moaned softly. Then his long, sinewy finger jabbed inward deeply, rubbing against something hard deep in my ass, making me shudder.

"Oh God!" I moaned, pushing my ass back against his finger, wanting more. "What was that, what you just did?" I asked.

"That was your prostrate gland" he told me. "It's right up here." He jabbed his finger against it again.

"Oh shit!" I gasped. "I can't believe how hot that feels. Do it again".

"I think you're ready" Carl assured me.

I felt the round head of Carl's cock press against my anus. I wanted something - anything - rubbing against this prostrate thing again, and pressed back against Carl's cock. He was right - I was ready. My asshole stretched wider and wider, and still the head of his dick only pressed against the outside. Suddenly, there was a "pop", and the fat mushroom tip of his cock was inside me. It burned like hell.

"Oh God! Wait Carl" I shouted. "I don't think I can do this!" I pleaded, in pain.

"It will be OK in a minute" Carl reassured me. "Here' have some more poppers."

"No, I don't want anymore of that stuff! I can't do this, it hurts like hell" I cried out, tears welling up in my eyes. "Take it out, take it out!" I pleaded.

I pushed the front of my body up with my arms, rearing back, trying to stand up and get away. Unfortunately, I pushed myself back against Carl, and his dick slid into me deeply, seemingly without end, stretching my tortured ass hole to its limits.

"God damn it!" I gasped, sitting back on my haunches, straight on Carl's lap. The rest of his cock slipped in me, and felt like a red-hot poker searing my guts from the inside out. As I gasped and inhaled deeply, Carl thrust the bottle of poppers under my mouth, and I inhaled, involuntarily, but deeply. The room began to whirl around me, turning black. I slumped forward. I could vaguely feel Carl's strong arms firmly around my chest, lowering me gently. I rested on my shoulders, my head turned aside, resting against the carpet. It felt so comfortable. I forgot about the burning feeling inside my guts, and I thought about sleeping. I guess what I did was pass out for a while. When I came to, I immediately became aware of one sensation, and one sensation only. This enormous, rock-hard thick thing kept pressing itself deep into my guts, and then pull itself back almost all the way out, then plunge back in. It no longer hurt. It actually felt kinda good. My thoughts became clearer. It was Carl's big old dick slowing fucking my hole, and, despite my attempts to deny it, I knew I was digging the shit out of it. The next time it reached the limit of it's inward passage, I pressed my butt back against it, to meet it, squirming and wiggling lovingly against it. I moaned loudly.

"Like that?" Carl whispered.

"It doesn't hurt anymore" I admitted.

Car pulled his cock back swiftly and, with an audible pop, the thick head popped out my ass. I felt voided, empty. I gasped, with obvious disappointment.

"You want it back in?" Carl teased.

"Yeah, it's OK" I answered, hesitatingly. "You can put it back in if you want," I offered, almost whispering.

"No," he said firmly. "Tell me you want my cock back in you. Tell me you want me to fuck you in the ass" he demanded.

"Shit!" I thought to myself. "I can't say that shit. It will make me sound like some kind of a goddamn homo." But, I did want his cock back in my ass. I'd never felt anything like that in my life.

"Stick your dick back in me, please, Carl?" I requested softly.

"Close, but not quite." Carl teased me.

I swear my gonads took over. I'd never felt anything so god dammed good in my life. I wanted his cock back in my ass. I craved the feeling of his thick cock pumping into my ass. I sighed. Sometimes I guess you just gotta go with the cards you're dealt, and play the best hand you can.

"Fuck me, Carl" I pleaded loudly. "Fuck me in the ass, man. Fuck me hard. Fuck the livin' daylights out me, man. I want your cock up my ass."

"You've got it, bitch" he said simply.

He placed the tip of his cock against my gaping hole, and then pressed forward. I groaned loudly the entire passage of his long, thick dick inside my ass.

"Oh fuck yeah!" I shouted when his crotch pushed against my ass. It felt like his dick was going to come out my other end. Still, I pressed my ass against him, trying to get more.

"Oh fuck yeah!" I repeated, squirming like a stuck pig. I'd never even thought about taking it up the ass before, and here I was impaled with the biggest dick I'd ever seen, and loving it.

"God, I love how it feels to have your big old fat dick up my ass, man. Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Fuck me forever."

"Yeah, I'm going to fuck you, bitch" Carl assured me. "I'm going to fuck you all day, all night, and next day, and the day after that. By the time we have to go back to work, your ass it going to have my name on it."

"My ass is yours now man " I said, panting. "My ass is yours, whenever and wherever you want it."

Carl began to long dick me, taking it out to where my ass lips clamped against the head, desperately, so it wouldn't leave me, and then slamming it full length back into me, his low hanging balls slapping against my butt. I moaned loudly when it punched in against me, grinding my ass back against him, desperate for more.

"Goddamn, bitch" Carl marveled. "I've broke in more than a few, but I never seen one take to dick as fast as you. Your ass was just made for fucking."

I knew he was right. I knew then it'd never be the same again. My hormones were finally raging; I'd never been so turned on in my life. Turned on by being on my knees and elbows, having a big assed dick fucking the living shit outta me. Maybe I wouldn't be fucking so much pussy after all. I had a new purpose on life. To get dick up the ass whenever I could. To have my ass used as a pussy, to get men to fuck my bubble butt as hard and as long as they wanted.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me, Carl!" I pleaded.

Carl's pace quickened, like a piston his cock rammed in and out my hole, punching my nut deep inside. My butt rose to meet his cock on every thrust. Carl snorted, and his pace quickened even more furiously. I sensed he was making his final ride to glory. I wanted to feel him come inside, to brand me as his piece of ass. I hadn't even thought about touching my own my dick. But it was harder than it had ever been, swaying back and forth with every slam of Carl's cock. I felt my nuts tighten, and knew I was going to blow my load.

"Yeah! Fuck the come right outta me, man!" I gasped.

Carl punched his dick hard against my nut deep inside me, and then again and again. I felt warmth swell up from my balls, and my cock begun to gush huge, thick spurts of come. I couldn't move; I couldn't breathe. Just shoot, spurt after spurt of hot cum. I felt Carl's cock slam inside me, hard, and then he held it firmly inside me, holding me tightly. I felt a gush of warmth spreading deep inside my guts.

"Fuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkk!" Carl screamed.

He wrapped his hairy, sinewy arms around me, and we both collapsed together on the floor. Carl's cock remained rigid within me. I pressed back against it, griping it tightly with my ass.

I spent most of the next three days doing exactly the same thing.

----------------------------------------------------------------- More? Positive comments and constructive criticism welcomed.

Next: Chapter 2

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