Round The Way Boy

By Lorenzo Cooper

Published on Jan 8, 2003



It was a typical day in the projects. I just walked in from school, and I had mad homework to do this weekend. Of course homework would have to wait, because my first priority for the weekend was to have fun. Now growing up in Flag Projects meant learning the streets. At 17 years of age, I guess I would be considered a little thug. Maybe not a thug...just rough in a feminine way. I played basketball with the boys, played football with the boys, rode my bike with boys, and even thugged out with the boys. On the low, I'd smoke weed with the boys, drink mad drinks with the boys, and even got into fights with the boys. I was just a typical round the way boy.

Now don't get me wrong, I did say that I was rough in a feminine way. Putting the shit bluntly. I am gay. I like boys. I did hair with the girls, did nails with the girls, twirled a baton with the girls, and even played house with the girls. As I got older, I went shopping with the girls, went boy hopping with the girls, and even found my first boyfriend with the help of a girl. But I was just me...Tamir Brice, a 5'7", 170lb. hazel eyed, mocha chocolate project boy with corn rows and an attitude that wouldn't quit.

I was in the eleventh grade, and I was put together. My moms is a lab technician at Sinai Hospital, my oldest sister is a cosmetologist, and my father is a hotel chef. Why were we still in the projects? The answer is quite simple...Flag projects was home. The energy in the projects was so strong, and pulsating that it was addictive. My family moved away, but the serenity that my parents longed for damn near killed us living in the county. Everyday in the project there was something going on. If it wasn't dealing with drugs then it had something to do with ' who's fucking who.' The projects raised me, and of course based on my hood I was just an around the way boy.

So of course on this Friday evening, I was planning to go out, get 'fucked up', and hopefully get some dick. But at my rate, I would only end up jerking off, and playing with my ass. I was in a dry season. My last playa (boyfriend) had dogged me the fuck out with this 'DL' bullshit. I mean my peoples knew I was gay, but because I didn't act gay in front of them, or carry myself gay they never really tought much of it. Of course their is no fucking way you can act gay, but you couldn't tell that shit to my ex, Rakheim.

Rakheim was another damn story. Everything was why this and don't do that. Then one day I found out that mother fucker was fucking a flaming queen. I flipped the fuck out. I was in love with this bitch. Trying to be on the 'DL' to maintain his fucking image only to find out that he was fucking with someone who acted the way he professed to hate so much. I thought he was the one, but after spending 1 year of high school and the summer with Rakheim...I had to call it quits. Which meant the whole depressed stage, and all that drama. I was excited about actually getting out of the house this Friday. I was finally over Rakheim, and I was ready to get into some trouble. I had everything set out for me to wear, but I had to get my hair done.

Now I could have gotten one of my good friends or a girl from around the way to cornrow my hair, but no one could cornrow like Mrs. Tina. Mrs. Tina was everybody's aunt. She had family throughout the project although none of them seemed to be blood related. Mrs. Tina was down to earth, nonjudgemental, and business minded. She hustled on the side, but she didn't let that get in the way of being a good mother and working her regular 9 to 5. When Mrs. Tina wasn't busy, she was cornrowing the young hustlers' hair for fifty dollars. Fortunately, Mrs. Tina only charged me 10 dollars. There was only one catch with Mrs. TIna and her cornrowing someone's hair, and that rule was 'No FAKE Hair'. Mrs. Tina refused to use fake hair on anyone's head. There wasn't many guys who came to Mrs. Tina because she braided the skin off of your scalp. I was used to her braiding my hair though plus she could design your hair anyway possible. Along with her being able to braid my hair I enjoyed being around her mother Mrs. Delore also. She was about seventy something, but she was still up and at it. Every time I got my hair braided by Mrs. Tina, Mrs. Delores would sit around and tell me the news of the neighborhood or stories of her sexual escapades. There was never a dull moment at Mrs. Tina's house.

I called Mr's Tina and informed her that I was coming to get my hair cornrowed. After changing out of my school gear to something more comfortable, I quickly washed, conditioned, and clipped the ends of my hair. Then I slipped on some sweats, a t-shirt, and my nike sandals and walked around the corer to Mrs. Tina's house. When I arrived there, Mrs. Tina and Mrs. Delores were talking about who was fucking who. I came in and hugged both women, and sat down and waited for Mrs. Tina who was busy commenting about who was doing who.

"Hey SweetPea, I'll be right with you. Sit down. Make yourself at home. Anyway mama that's what she gets. She got kids, and she out there freaking like that." Mrs. Tina said as she sat the comb and grease on the kitchen table.

"Yeah I know you right, but it don't make no since. All them chilren hollering and shit all day long. she can't take care of the one's she got, now she having some more. That's a damn shame. I ain't watching none of 'em. I'll be damned if I sit around and let all dem motherfuckers kill me. Too many chilren in dis house as it is." Mrs. Delores said as she looked at me smiling. Mrs' Delores talked shit to everybody, but she usually didn't mean anything she said.

"How you want your hair, SweetPea." Mrs. Tina asked as she parted and greased my scalp.

"I don't care as long as you make it like you usually do" I said.

"Aiight, I will come up with something." Mrs. Tina said parting my scalp for the first cornrow.

"Baby, how you been? I asked Tina about you the other day. You looking as cute as a button." Mrs. Delores commented as she cut up some cabbage for dinner.

"I have been cool, Mrs. Delores. Just staying out of trouble." I said wincing as Mrs. Tina gripped my hair and started to braid. Although I had shoulder length hair she still braided as if I was bald.

Mrs. Delores asked me to pass her the phone, and Mrs. Tina and I were discussing school.

"Damn, Bird is still on the phone. That damn boy been on the phone all day long. Shit Tina I have to make some calls. He been up there on dat phone all damn day long. He ain't talking bout shit. All them hot ass girls running up my damn bill." Mrs. Delores complained as she cut the cabbage now with attitude. I laughed as she bitched to Mrs. Tina who was busy rolling her eys.

"Don't roll your eyes Tina. I'ma get the fucker cut off. That will serve everybody right. You watch." Mrs' Delores said mischief in her eyes.

"Well mama get the phone cut off. I can't stop that. Why don't you ask him to get off the phone" Mrs. Tina said not annoyed at all. She was used to her mom's antics, and usually ignored her.

"Bird! HEY BIRD!" Mrs. Delores called.

Bird, Mrs. Tina's 20 year old son called down stairs in his thick baritone voice acknowleding his grandmother.

"I need to use the phone." Mr. Delores stated as she continued to cut up the cabbage.

I laughed because she asked nicely only to irritate Mrs. Tina. Five minutes later Bird was still on the phine, and Mrs. Delores sucked her teeth.


I laughed out loud, and Mrs. Tina rolls her eyes and gripped my hair.

Bird came downstairs with the cordless phone, and handed it to his grandmother. I spoke but my eyes were glued to him. He didn't have on any shirt, and his pants were being held up by a shoe string which didn't conceal anything. I could see the opening in his boxers and a hint of his pubic hairs. I was immediately turned on, but I quickly turned my eyes downward so that I wouldn't cause any alarm. Mrs. Tina continued to braid my hair. Her or Mrs. Delores didn't notice how much attention I was paying Bird. They were too engrossed in gossip. Bird was walking around enticingly with no shirt on, socks, and pants barely held up by a string. In the past, I never paid to much attention to any of Mrs. Tina's sons. Mooky was thirty but he looked thirteen. He had three kids, had a house, and he was well rounded. In my book, he was out of my league. Too advanced for me. Add to that fact he would probably kick my ass if I came on to him. Ray was her middle son and he was a hot head. Always in a fight, but he and I were cool. He used to go with my cousin, and he knew I was gay. He would call me his baby brother whenever he was with a crowd. Sort of letting people know not to fuck with me. Then there was Bird. Bird was Bird. He was toned, dark skinned, athletic, and tall. He was mischief. Always doing shit that eventually got him into trouble. I never paid attention to Bird because he was so damn immature. I liked him as far as being cool and all, but not to the point where he aroused me sexually. Mooky and Ray I could think about sexually. Bird never even crossed my mind like that. Which is why I was really wondering whether I was in the right frame of mind. Don't get me wrong, Bird was cute as shit. He had dreadlocs and feline shaped eyes with a nice set of full lips, but I had never been attracted to him. NEVER! After about two hours, I had a tight new hair style, and I was ready for a night on the town.

As I was leaving out, Bird happened to be running pass me, and bumped into me by mistake.

"My fault, shawty" he said " you going to the Tunnel tonight?" he asked.

"Yeah I'll be there like about twelve o' clock." I said.

"Well I'll holla at you there" he said as he started to race towards the corner. His nice athletically built arms and legs contracting and releasing as he ran down the street to take care of some business.

Since I was in the mood for love. I put on a pair of pink and white boxer briefs I got from a special store. I put on some blue baggy jeans, a tank top t-shirt, a pink plaid shirt, my pink power puff footies, and my pink Timbaland boots. To top the out fit off I had a pink visor cap, and pink and white belt made out of the gang scarves. Then my finishing touch was my three bubble gum blow pops. If people didn't suspect I was gay they would know it today. I walked pass my father who said I look like a a skinny bottle of Pepto Bismo. I gave him the finger behind his back, but it was all good. I knew that this was his way of showing me that him and I were still cool like that. I kissed my mother on the way out of the door, and ran downstairs to walk with some friends downtown.

When my friends and I arrived at the club, we were greated by bouncers asking us for our I.D. cards. I had to break out my school I.D., and was frisked down by a brother that was not blessed in the looks department but was definitely muscular as shit. I flowed through the club like liquid. My girls and I flocked to the back of the club with the least amount of light, and sparked a blunt. As the smoke filled the area we occupied, I began to get loose and dance a bit. Neighborhood boys flocked to the same corner. Some drinking... others smoking, but all of us having a good time. That was the way we rolled from around Flag Projects. Although we might beef around the way with each other, at the club we stuck together. My girls and I was taking sips from everyone's bottle, and by the third blunt we were all feeling the music. I started to gyrate my hips, and the feline nature in my girlfriends started to come out. Each of them had their eyes set on someone. Their intention was to seduce a guy, get him to buy them some food and some more drinks, and then hopefully break a good sweat at the end of the night. I was feeling the same way. I opened one of my Blow Pops, and began sucking it. Then the DJ blasted Tweet singing 'Oops Oh My.' My hips started to gyrate, and my young, round ass started to bounce. I wanted to put my ass on some hard body quick. I knew that some of the boys was paying me some attention, but they kept up appearances. As I was moving to the music, I noticed Pooh talking to some young hustlers and looking in my direction.

Pooh was 28, and a big time hustler around the way. He was reserved, and always knew what was going on around the projects and other places. He was a caramel complexion with dreadlocs. Nice 220lb. muscular build, and a set of twins. Pooh made it clear that he 'considered' himself bisexual but he didn't act on it. I found that information out when he drove me to school one day. I was instructed not to tell anyone, and I kept my promise. After that day, I only saw him driving around the neighborhood. I was shocked to see him in a club full of hoppers, but since I knew what I knew I decided throw my ass a little harder. Pooh was looking sexy, and I was horny as shit.

The Dj put on a reggae beat, and my body started to move like a snake. I was showing off my flexibility, and doing moves that would excite a eunuch. I turned my back towards Pooh who now had his full attention on the crowd that I was with. The dance floor was packed, and the laser lights were flickering back and forth. This enhanced the effects of the marijauna and the alcohol that was in my system. When they started to do the blackout (that's when all the lights shut off and on), I felt someone pulling me towards the bathroom area. The whole time I was being pulled, I was still waving at my girls when I noticed that Pooh was still talking to the young guys in the corner. I turned around only to find Rakheim pulling me towards the hallway with the men's bathroom. I jerked my arms away from him only to have him grab me with more force.

Rakheim was 6 feet in height and he was a little thick, but I was far from intimidated by him. I followed him, but I wasn't for his bull shit.

"Shorty...was sup wth you? Why you out there dancing like that." he said with an attitude.

"Rock, I know you ain't trying to act like we still deal with each other. I am down here trying to find me a real man. Why don''t you go be with that bitch you left me for." I said with a nasty tone. I knew how to piss him off, and I knew that he would eventually get mad enough to leave me alone. I remember warning him that if I saw the little mother fucker, I was going to fuck him up.

"Look here are high. I am taking your ass home right now." Rakheim said like he was my father. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"No the fuck you ain't" I said moving away from him.

"Yes the fuck I am" he said and grabbed my arm tight and started to walk towards the door. Although I really wanted to stay at the club, in my heart I was glad that Rakheim was worried about me, and it was a turn on that he was still as territorial as always. I still was being stubborn when I noticed his attention left me, and he looked as if he was seeing a ghost. I stopped, turned around, and I could feel my blood start to boil. It was Rakheim's new friend Terry walking towards us. That's when I realized that he wasn't concerned about my well-being. He was trying to avoid letting me see him with his new friend.

" I knew I couldn't trust bitch!" I yelled.

"Look! Calm down...don't be making no scenes and getting loud with me and shit" he said. I could feel tears of anger well up in my eyes, but I was determined not to go out like a little bitch. So I tried to move past him, but he pushed me back.

"Come on and go home. I don't feel like no shit from you." he said grabbing my arms once more. Then Terry had the gall to tell me to calm down, and stop being dramatic. I tried to control myself, but this was coming from the same bitch that my man cheated on me with. I jumped six inches into his ass. I beat his ass like he stole my mama's pocketbook. After five minutes of brawling, two bouncers had me hemmed up, dragging me out of the club. My shirt was torn, lip was busted, and I had a few scratches here and there. Terry's nose was busted, lip was busted, and his jaw was swollen. Rakheim was zapping out inside the club, and I was zapping out outside of the club. I watched Rakheim put Terry into his car as I started to walk down the street towards my house. Just as I approached the corner of were I lived I saw Rakheim's car pull up and park. He got out and started to approach me, and I was ready for his ass. Rakheim started to yell at me, and we began to argue. That's when out of no where he punched me right in my mouth. I must admit. I was dazed. He must have hit me with all his might, because my lip was bleeding profusely. Before I could react he was half way down the street. I picked up a bottle and as he was getting into the car I threw it at the wondow. The window cracked, and he turned to get back out of the car when I slammed the door right on his hand. He screamed like a bitch, and I went over to the drivers side, and beat the shit out of Terry once more. I was furious. My heart was broken by him before, and just when I thought I was over him he pulls another stunt. I was so damn angry, and humiliated for allowing myself to even become vulnerable that I had to fight. During the fight Rakheim had managed to get out of the car and was trying to grab me, and pull me away from Terry. When I turned around to fight him, he punched me again in the mouth, and then threw me to the ground. I was tired but we continued to fight like cats and dogs. That's when all of a sudden Bird was pulling us apart. Bird pushed Rakheim away, and was ready to knock the shit out of him but Rakheim just walked away.

Although my lip was busted and my jaw was swollen, the most hurt was my pride. I felt humiliated, and despite the fact that I was kicking ass Rakheim had finally made and ass of me. I looked at Bird with tears in my eyes, and was too weak to talk. He understood, and walked back across the street to a corner full of brothas. I walked away with my hands in my pocket, and my head hung low. I was drained completely.

When I got home I took care of my scars, applied ice to my lip, and went to my room to listen to some music. After flushing out my anger, I went to sleep completely over Rakheim. Everything kind of flowed the same after the Friday night drama. I went the school the following week, and saw Rakheim but was unbothered by him. I had to update my closest friends on what occured. My bestfriend Mike was angry, because I didn't tell him that night. I didn't want him to worry. Mike was sort of over protective. Despite the fact that Mike was straight, I think he really could see himself romantically involved with me but he never acted on it. The truth is I could see me romantically involved with him. He was perfect, and he was never uncomfortable with me being open with him. In fact, most of the times he would say things like 'you won't be happy until you find someone like me.' Yet I never took him serious.

It was Friday again, and Mike and I sat in my room drinking a 40oz. of St. Ides. We listened to Biggie, and we talked about him fucking this girl from the westside. I washed, conditioned, and hot oil treated my hair. The whole time we were getting drunk, and having a good ass time. I wanted Mike to walk me around the corner to Mrs.Tina's house, but he had other plans.

I walked around Mrs. Tina's house fresh out of the shower so I was kind of cold. The night air was brisk and it was windy. A definite sign that winter was now here. I hunched my shoulders into my coat, and let my hair blow freely. I knocked on the door three times. I was just about to walk away when the door suddenly opened. I turned around, and there was Bird standing in a wife beater t-shirt and his boxers. I instinctively looked down, but remembered where I was and looked straight into his eyes.

"Was Sup Bird, Is Mrs. Tina here?" I asked now shivering and rubbing my hands together.

"Naw Shorty, she ain't here. She said you can wait for her though. She will be back in an hour. That's if you want to wait and shyt." Bird said now leaning against the door.

I knew if I left she would probably take all night to do my hair, but if I stayed and waited I would get my hair down as soon as she got in. I decided to stay, and Bird let me in. I went straight to the living room, and took a seat. Bird was in the kitchen making some Oodles of Noodles with eggs and soy sauce. I knew from the smell. It smelled like chinese food, but it was 'the project hook-up.' I sat in the room quietly. It was warm, but I was bored as hell. I laid my head on the arm of the sofa, and Bird finally walked pass the door. He was going up the stairs, then he came back and asked if I wanted to watch t.v. Well that was cool but Mrs. Tina and Mrs. Delores never left their bedroom doors unlocked, so I was surprised that he was inviting me to his room to watch t.v. I followed him upstairs, and sat at the foot of the bed watching 'Living Single'. Bird was chilling eating his Oodles of Noodles, and drinking some kool-aid with his legs propped open in his boxer shorts. Ten minutes past and Bird had finally finished eating his food. I thought this would be an appropriate time to thank him for having my back.

"Yo, I want to thank you for watching out for me last Friday. You know... breaking the fight up before they banked me." I said trying to deepen my voice to sound serious.

"It's all good shorty. I ain't gonna let nobody fuck with you while I'm around and shit." Bird said placing his hands in his boxers. I followed his hand with my eyes, but the whole time I was explaining the edited version of what happened.

"I am glad that you got my back" I said as I turned back towards the t.v.

"Yo, can I ask you something? I know you gay right, but was you and homeboy fucking?" Bird asked nonchalantly.

I contemplated what I was going to say. I decided he knew something, because he wouldn't have asked that question. I began to tell him the story from beginning to end. Before I knew it, Bird had turned down the television and was listening to my story like it was a movie. I noticed how comfortable I had gotten. I was laying on my side across the bed in front of him, and I was telling him everything. Every so often he would comment, but he basically listened. I was amazed at his attentiveness, because I had assumed most thugs wouldn't care. I knew that after all that had happened in the past week and with Rakheim that I was still vulnerable, and I was still weak. Deep down inside I knew that I was opening up too fast and too soon, but it felt good having someone paying attention to me. I continued to talk until the story was finished. By this time it was growing dark outside, and the only light in the room was the light from the television. After I told him, we sat staring at each other for the longest time. I noticed his eyes were locked into mine, and I was turned on immediately. His dreads hung wildly over his head, lips blackened from all the weed he was smoking, and the sexual energy surrounding him was magnetic. I closed my eyes and the mere seconds felt like minute, and I was praying that he would take full advantage of the situation. Before my fantasy started it was over... Mrs. Tina called upstairs for Bird. I allowed myself to calm down, but was immediately aroused when Bird stood up and his dick was hanging heavily against his thigh. I looked , but I turned away. I didn't want him to know that I noticed that he was aroused.

Mrs. Tina didn't think anything was out of the ordinary. She cornrowed my hair, and I was impressed with the style she gave me. The sides of my head were one cornrowed spirals that ended in the middle of my head. Then she made three cornrows going straight back with two criss-crossed cornrows overlapping them. Then she placed red, black, and green beads at the end of them. I looked exactly like my mother with the cornrows in this style. My eyes snatched back gave my almond shaped eyes more definition, and turned my hazel eyes into feline bedroom eyes. I paid Mrs. Tina, and on my way out the door, Bird called for me.

"Hey Shawty, what are you doing later on around the way?" he asked standing at the top of the stairs.

"I ain't doin shit. Just chillin. Might have some drinks and some herb... why what's up?" I said feeling butterflies swirl in my stomach. I was nervous all of a sudden, but I held my composure.

"Well I'm going to be around there about eight be in the house." he said with the sexiest look in his eyes. I melted immediately.

"Yeah aiight, I will be in the house...just come on over. If my moms is there she will let you in." I said as I started to walk away.

When I got home, I ran some bath water and put scented bath salt in the tub, then I added some strawberry oil to the water, began the first process to my facial, and sat in the water to soak and relax. I was listening to Mary J. Blige with the lights out, and really chillin and shit. My sister burst in with her ignorant ass telling about what the word was about the fight last Friday. I covered up, and gave her the 411 on what happened then I told her ass to get the fuck out. My moms hollered upstairs that she was on her way to work. My sister left out for a night out with some player, and my pops wasn't coming home until the morning. I was all alone, and I heard Kelly Price over the radio belting "How Dos It Feel." That shit was rocking, and as it played I decided to get that song and play it on Rakheim's answering machine. I sat in the tub for about an hour before I actually washed up, and got out of the water. I rinsed my face, and began my second facial routine. I went downstairs to cook some food, and I checked my cash to see if I could get a 40 of Steele Reserve...maybe some Hypnotiq and Absolut. Anyway I made some chicken fingers, and some fried potatoes. Then I went and finished my facial.

I was chillin in my room with only my sweats on when Bird banged on the door. I thought it was the fucking cops the way he was knocking. I swung open the door, and looked him up and down like he had a fucking problem.

"I mean...damn! You knocking like you the police and shit." I laughed giving him dap, and letting him in.

"You stupid as shyt. You looked scared like you was about to get your assed whipped." he said slinging his jacket on the coach.

"Naw muthafucker, pick that shyt up, and hang it in the closet. You ain't gettin' my father cussing me out." I said as I pushed past him trying to challenge him.

We tripped for about a half and hour while he rolled like five blunts in front of me. He had a bottle of Hypnotiq and some Remy Red. I was like 'oh shit' we gonna get fucked up, but this was normal for me. Players around the way would come to my place and get fucked up, sit back, eat some take out, and play some playstation 2 or listen to hip hop. Sometimes we'd sit and play some spades or 'play the dozens' (crack), but today Bird and I was chillin and talking a whole lot. We talked about all kinds of shit that happened around the way. We talked about his girls and my players, and we even kicked a little philosophy. That's when you know you high as shit... you know...when you start counting stars and shit. We were up in my room, and the window was open with the fan turned backwards blowing the smoke out the window. I put towels under the door so smoke couldn't get out, and because I stayed in the bedroom at the end of the hall I could easily air out my room before my people smelled the weed. After drinking the Hypnotiq and smoking three blunts, I was tore up. I stretched over my bed, and I was talking some shit when he removed his t-shirt and laid right beside me. I looked at him, he passed me the blunt, and I tapped the bottle of Remy Red letting him know that I was ready to start on it. He tapped the bottle, and we started talking about our first time fucking. Bird was naming the girl as if I knew her, and he was descriptive in how he she called his name and begged him for more. I listened and laughed to myself, because I didn't believe him.

"You are lying like a mother fucker. You ain't have her doing all that shit with your little ass dick." I said taking the bottle of Remy to the head.

"Yo...why I gotta be lying and shit. You hatin' on my skills. Don't be mad cause you ain't gettin' no pussy." he said pushing my shoulder and laughing.

"Whatever... you are trippin'. I gets mine...matter of fact I probably can handle your girl" I said laughing my ass off.

" crazy. But you cool as shit. Plus how you gonna get pussy when you a pussy yourself." he said laughing and falling off the bed.

"You dumb...this may feel like a pussy but it ain't. And don't knock it til you try it. " I said pointing my fingers at him, and laughing my ass off.

We finished the Remy Red and smoked the last two blunts and I was high as shit. I rolled off the bed, and crawled across the floor to put my chill music in the stereo. I was fucked up, fa real. Bird's ass was chillin at the top of my bed on my pillow like he was laying at home. He had his hands in his sweatpants on his dick just chillin. I stood up and stumbled on the bed, and pushed his ass over cause I wanted the pillow.

"Yo, this ain't the Holiday Inn. Get the fuck off my pillow." I said pushing him over.

"Stop playing and shit...just chill out, lay down and shut the fuck up." He said trying to sound serious like he was my man.

I listened to him thinking to myself how sexy he sounded. I laid across the bed on my side just looking at him, and listening to the music as my high carried me through the songs.

"Yo...why you down there? You act like I got herpes or something." Bird eyes closed and laid back on my pillow.

I moved closer to him, and he turned then took his hands from his sweatpants and mushed me in the face.

"Boy is you dumb...I don't know who you been sleeping with and shit. You might got crabs or something." I said laughing and frowning my face.

"What the fuck was sup Tee. You quiet all of a sudden." he said looking at me.

"I am just thinking, you know. You different from your brothers. You real as shit. I think I like that." I said trying hard not to sound to mushy.

"You cool too...I be checking you out 'round here and shit. Shawty, you be holding it down. You was too good for that muthafucker. You need a real me" he said laid back with his eyes closed.

I turned and looked at him, because I didn't think he would say something like that. I knew that normally if I was this high, I would be working on getting some dick. I looked him up and down, and I knew my next statement would either pull him in or push him away.

"Whatever...I don't think a boy like you got what it takes to be the man I need...dick size ain't the issue... it's can a man like you handle me. And my saying is don't talk about about it...yah mean." I said that with guts and grit straight up hood style.

" sound like you challenging me to handle my business...I don't think you want that." he said maintaining his cool, but moving his hand around in his sweat pants.

"Like...I...Said...don't talk about it be about it. For real...cause right now all I see is you mouth moving." I said giving him my best 'yeah what' attitude.

Bird got up with a big ass tent in his sweats, and went to the bathroom to take a piss. I chilled on the bed going through my cd's to see what I was going to pop in next. Bird called from the bathroom asking when my peeps was coming home, and I told him that we were cool until 10 in the morning.

When he came back in the room, he shut the door, locked my lock, and turned off the lights. Now, I know he was high, but home boy was tripping for real.

"Yo, what the fuck is you doing? What you planning on chillin here tonight?" I said trying to act hardcore, but I was starting to feel like a little bitch (and I liked it).

"Yeah man, I can't go home fucked up like this. I flipped on my black lights which makes everything white glow in the room. This let my peeps know that I am asleep so don't fuck with me although my moms and pops sometimes break that rule. They be bustin' in and shit, but the door was locked so I ain't worry. I jumped on the bed, and laid on my stomach facing the opposite direction, and he got back up. I didn't know what was up until I seen him throw his sweats in the corner. I turned and looked at him.

"You don't mind do you" he said getting under my covers. I was thinking yeah I mind, but I liked his boldness. He was rude as shit. Invited hisself to spend the night, stripped down to his boxers and t-shirt, then climbs under my covers. I was like 'well damn'.

" cool." I said refraining from acting ignant.

" sure you cool with this. I mean I can leave if you want me to, but I am kind of roasted." he said smelling like weed and Cool Water cologne.

Damn, he was turning me on. I decided to play the game instead of being all tight. I got up, and stripped down to my underwear which were tighty whitey's BVD's and climbed in the bed with just my underwear on. Of course the invisible line that was the boundary in the bed was drawn, but I was going to test that boundary. I waited about thirty minutes when I thought he was sleep, and I scooted my ass a little closer to him. For a couple of minutes he didn't respond, then he turned to face the opposite direction completely. I waited a couple of minutes more, and scooted in his direction, and my ass was on his thigh area. A couple of minutes later, he turned facing my direction, but my back was towards him. Then I felt his hands ease down my underwear, and I froze. I knew what time it was, and I was praying I don't fuck up. I let him move them down, and he pressed his hard dick up against my ass.

Now, I am a little guy. Rakheim was a big guy, but he was average in endowment ( 7 inches on my ruler), and even that was big for me. I remember the first time with him, and I was yelping like he was beating my ass. We fucked but I limited it, because it hurted. Don't get me ass gets wet and I like dick, but the truth is the takes getting used to. I will admit that after a minute or so of relaxing I would get into it, but Rakheim rarely gave me a minute. He would bang my brains out, and with seven inches that felt like a good nine on my scale.

Bird on the other was a big guy with big parts. From what I felt it was fat, so I had to see. And sure enough his dick was fat plus it was long, and uncircumscised. I was like 'aww hell no.', but it was so damn big. It was as fat as a smoked sausage and a little over ten inches long. At first I was intimidated, and I felt my stomach got a little uneasy. I was scared, and I could tell from how he was grinding his dick on me that he was not an amateur. I decided to go on my instincts, but he wouldn't let me. He got up from the bed, replaced the blue bulb in the lamp with a regular one, and commanded me to come to the edge of the bed.

"Yo...we cool right." he said pulling me up on my feet.

"Yeah..we cool." I said feeling like a girl, and feeling self conscious about my eight inches leaking precum in a string on the floor.

"From now're mine. Yah mean...but it's my business. Not yours or nobody else's. If you run your mouth I'ma smack you. Yah heard." he said sounding authorative and sexy. I wanted to scream 'yes take control of me', but that would be a little too dramatic and queenie.

"Yeah..I am cool with that" I said with my throat getting dry with anticipation.

"Aiight...then let's do this shit, fo' sho" he said using that southern slang, and I wasn't ready for the next step.

Bird grabbed my waist, amd pulled me to him. Sucking on my neck, and licking my ears. I closed my eyes, because it felt so good and I felt feminine. His tongue felt like silk on my skin, and my body was moving to fast for my mind. I was fucked up, and Bird was making my body quiver with his tongue. I whimpered as his tongue found my sensitive nipples, and explored them in depth. I wanted him to slow down, but I couldn't make him stop. He was like an animal. He took big chunks of my neck in his mouth, and weakened me to the point I was holding onto him with one leg around his waist, and one arm around his neck. He groaned deeply, and maneuvered me against the wall. Slamming my hands up against the wall, I felt like I was reenacting the scene from Basic Instincts. I licked my lips as he sucked on me leaving tell-tale marks at different areas of my neck and chest.

The weed and drinks was taking control of me. I switched positions and began tongue kissing him deeply. If he never kissed a guy before he sure as hell didn't act like it. As I kissed him, he grabbed my ass cheeks and pulled me into his grinding pelvic area. His dick leaving precum on my stomach, and my dick leaving it on his legs. I began massaging his dick, and he moaned with pleasure. I wanted to taste this dick, and he didn't prevent me from doing just that. I worked my way down his body. I worshipped his body licking his underarms, sucking his nipples, licking his navel and sides, licking between his legs, and even licking his feet ( I was high as shit cause I don't fuck with no feet but anyway). I worked my way up his legs to his balls, and began licking and sucking his balls. He grabbed my head, and as I looked up at him he licked his lips and was urging me on whispering 'yeah baby that's it'.

As I said before I was used to average sized packages, and he was above average so when I started to suck his dick only about one third of it got into my mouth. As I licked and sucked it seductively, my on desire urged me to taste more, and I began to really suck it like I wanted it. I wanted him to bring me the same pleasure that I was bringing him. I sucked and moaned, and started relaxing my throat so that he can slide it all the way in. He held the back of my head, and started to fuck my mouth slowly and deeply causing saliva to pour from my mouth sloppily. His dick was now slick with my spit, and his dick throbbed with excitement leaking more and more precum with each hip gyration. I was getting into it when he stopped me, because I was bringing him to the point were he was ready to cum. He pulled me up to him, and savagely tongue kissed me backing me against the bed. I fell back onto my bed, and he immediately lifted my legs up, and was sucking on my nipples with my legs on his shoulders.

Bird was getting down right freaky, and I was really getting over excited. Every time he touched me I jumped, moaned and writhed back and forth. Then he approached my young asshole with his big dick. I said earlier my ass felt like a pussy but this is when ass and pussy differ. He was about to push that big thing in my ass without no lube. I placed my hands on his chest, and he looked at me baffled. I reached under the bed, and handed him the vaseline. He smiled, and I shook my head. (Damn just when you think they know what they doing) I braced myself as he greased his dick then placed the head at my asshole. He began to push, and his little muscles tightened. Then he pushed and the head slid in, but it felt like it split me. I cried out, and begged him to pull it out. My body was shivering, and my nerves started to prick at my skin. He pulled out, and consoled me with his tongue in my mouth. Then he started to work on my nipples, and this time as he was doing it he was grinding the head of his dick onto my asshole. As the head slowly penetrated my hole, I moaned (more like started to whine) loudly. Then the shaft completely submerged itself into my ass, and Bird pushed it in until the base of his dick was pressed firmly against me. I couldn't believe the sensations that I was getting. He actually had me pinned to the bed fucking the shit out of me. Not pumping in and out but grinding in me, and it felt like he was pushing into my stomach. I admit that he was in my ass, and I was letting him know it. I was so damn loud I knew the neighbors knew it, and I was clutching his shoulders with my nails dug deep inside him. He was whispering in my ears telling me to 'take that dick' and 'tell me you love me'. I can say as he was fucking me with my legs over my shoulders, I was in ecstacy. I couldn't believe that he was fucking me this hard. I couldn't help my reactions as I called his name whenever he hit the depth of me while grinding. My eyes watered slightly, and I could tell he was into it so I began to suck on his neck as he fucked me. He began to pump, and I think I could be heard on the moon. He repositioned me on my side, and held one leg up as he fucked me slowly. I closed my eyes and moaned deeply as he pushed his big dick into undiscovered territory. My teeth clinched together as he ravaged my ass in this tribal dance of passion. He was definitely going to be my man. I felt that all reservations I formally had about Bird was out the window. He put his whole being into me, and I could tell that he wanted to fuck me for a long time.

Before the grand finale, I was repositioned on my hands and knees and this was when I couldn't bear it. He was slamming into my ass slow and deeply. I tried to inch away from the assault but he grabbed my waist and held me in position. I lowered my head to the bed, and arched my back and let my juices flow. My legs was wet as if water had been spilled down my back (courtesy of good preparation). His thick dick slick with my wetness now grew, and I could tell by the way he fell onto my back that he would be cumming soon. I cried out as he locked his legs with mine, and started to drill into my ass while lying flat on my back. His dick positioned perfectly with my prostate, and the more he pumped the more I was drawing close to orgasm. He grabbed my neck, and began sucking viciously on the side of my throat. He finally sent me over the edge, and I screamed as cum streamed from my dick. His jabs to my ass became more savage, and then he exploded biting my neck like an animal. I was still whining loudly, and he buried his dick deep inside me. Our dance lasted for an hour, but after two episodes we finally called it a night.

I laid beneath him with his dick buried within me. His breath was heavy against my back as he slept. His flaccid dick softening inside me felt so good. I went to sleep deeply relaxing in our funk making a perfume that only the two us could appreciate.

In the morning, I woke to him fucking me slowly. His hot breath on my back, his dick buried inside me, and the cum from the night before lubricating my ass made it easy for him to fuck me. My sheets were wet with my essence, and my moans bounced off the walls travelling to unknown territories of my apartment. When we finished I got up naked, and proceeded to get ready for my day. I went down the hallway to take a shower, and as I was showering Bird came in took a piss then came in the shower with me. I was shocked, but this was unusual. The things he was doing was deep, and I was a little taken back. When we finished showering, I got dressed and he got dressed. Thats when the drama started.

My mother was up cooking breakfast, and my sister was in the kitchen running her mouth. I snuck Bird past my mother, but my sister caught me just as we were leaving. Bird locked eyes with her, and I looked at him.

"Was Sup Bird" she said with a smile.

"Was Sup you been?" he said smiling like he got caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

"Nothing much...just know. I didn't know that you were cool with my brother" she said with that 'I know what you did' look in her eyes.

"Yeah well he from 'round the way so I figure we could be know?" he said smiling.

She nodded her head, and he winked at her. She shook her head but the secret was good with her. I didn't have to say anything. An underlying message had been exchanged right in front of me, and we all understood the deal. In the end I got a man who understood my hood. Nothing extraordinary. Not a baller. Just a regular boy from around my way, and damn he be making me so happy.

With All My Love, Mkrann.

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