Roxys Discovery

Published on Jan 24, 2018


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Chapter Eleven

By Chris

At six, April led her from the kitchen with her eyes closed again, just from the steps, Roxy knew that April was taking her to what used to be her bedroom but was now the spare bedroom. When she opened her eyes, the first thing that she saw was a maid's outfit lying on the bed. However, it wasn't a work uniform, it was more like one from a costume store, a naughty costume store. The difference was that Roxy could see even from across the room that is wasn't some cheap costume, this one was well made and very expensive. It was deep red in color with white ruffles under the skirt, a very short skirt and lying beside of it was a pair of white panties, also with ruffles sewn into them.

"As you can see, you'll be my maid tonight and from now until the end you're to address me as ma'am. More to the point, yes ma'am or no ma'am though I would advise you not to say no ma'am more than once," April said as she winked at her.

Roxy knew she was telling her something but she wasn't sure what it was until April smiled giving her another wink and then it hit her. "Oh okay," Roxy said smiling realizing at some point two "no ma'am's" would be required of her.

"Now how are you supposed to address me?" April said giving her a firm look.

"Ohhh.... "Yes Ma'am" Roxy said trying not to giggle but doing so anyway.

"Much better," April said also trying not to giggle yet doing so anyway.

''Yes ma'am," Roxy said practicing a little. "You're going to enjoy this aren't you."

"Oh very much," April said with a laugh. "But this is just for tonight, tomorrow we go back to just being us, you understand?"

"I know, tonight I want you to make me do things I would never do otherwise," Roxy said.

"Good," April said coming to her and giving her a kiss. "now let me start getting you ready."

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said getting back into the character that she was to become that night.

Roxy stood there as April untied her robe pulling it off of her. She first got the panties from the bed, holding them for Roxy to step into. Once April had them in place, Roxy could feel the soft cotton material of the full cut panties and she also noticed that there wasn't an extra layer of cotton at the gusset so if she became aroused and she was sure that she would, there was no way to hide it. April picked up the maid's outfit, unzipping the back so that she could step into it. There were cups built into the outfit giving her breasts some support but also pushing them up thus giving her a bit of a cleavage at the V cut top. April zipped it up and it fit her perfectly, snug around her waist and stomach and fit her breasts perfectly.

"Where did you find this, it fits me perfectly and the material is so soft," Roxy had to ask.

"I had it made, I know a lady who makes outfits like this," April said also out of character.

"How much did it cost?" Roxy asked sure that it wasn't going to be cheap.

"None of your damn business," April said, "You know a maid doesn't ask such questions."

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said but come tomorrow she wouldn't be a maid any longer and she would ask that question again.

April went back to adjusting the costume and Roxy looked down realizing that the skirt with its ruffles making it flair out so that the bottom only came to the top of her thighs. If she bent over in the slightest, her panties would show not to mention what April's guest would be able to see down the top.

"Now let me get your makeup on and do your hair," April said directing her back to their bedroom.

She had her sit down and April started first with her eyeliner, much darker than she usually used as well as her eyeshadow. She put a little rouge on her cheeks making them rosy. Roxy feared that April was using much too much but once she got to see herself in the mirror, she saw that she really hadn't, it just fit with the character that she was playing. The last part April put on her was the white lace hair clip that completed her transformation to a naughty maid.

"Do you like it?" April asked.

"It's perfect but what about my shoes?" Roxy asked.

"Oh yes," April said going to the closet and pulling out one of black leather flats that she would normally wear when she was required to dress up. "I would have gotten you heels but since neither of us ever wear heels, I was afraid that you'd fall and break your ankles before we even began."

Roxy had to laugh, "Smart move."

"Go ahead and use the bathroom before things get started," April told her after she slipped her shoes onto her feet for her.

"Thanks," Roxy said heading to the bathroom to relieve her nervous bladder.

"Now close your eyes one last time," April said after making a last adjustment to her outfit when she emerged from the bathroom.

April led her back into the kitchen before she was allowed her open her eyes. "You'll be serving us tea and I borrowed a serving tray and fancy cups like any high classed woman would have her maid serve the tea upon when she has guests. They're in a box on the top shelve of the top of the pantry." April told her.

"I was wondering what that was," Roxy said with a smile.

"Now you know, if you'll make the tea that is in the box while I got get ready, I should have just enough time." She said walking away but then she stopped at the entranceway.

"I and my friends will be using our real names, do you want to use your real name?" April asked.

Roxy thought for a second but then she knew what she wanted, "I want to use my real name too, I want this to be as real as possible."

"I thought you might but I wanted to ask to make sure," April said giving her a smile before turning and taking another step before stopping again.

"Oh yes I about forgot, your safe word is 'peaches', use it anytime something is happening that you don't like or you feel the need to stop what is happening," April told her, this time with a very serious expression.

"Peaches," Roxy repeated to herself. "I don't plan on using it."

"I want you to if you need to, this is for you to know you have the ability to stop it," April said.

"I know," Roxy replied but she really didn't feel like she would need it, she trusted April and whatever she had planned for her.

April gave her a smile and this time she did leave to go get ready. Roxy got the small step ladder out and retrieved the box opening it to find a beautiful silver serving tray with expensive china cups. Roxy was almost afraid to touch them for fear of breaking them. There was also a box of tea with what appeared to be French writing. Since she couldn't read the instructions, she heated some water as she would for good old cheap American tea. She didn't figure that anyone would be drinking all that much of the tea anyway. She tried not to think about what was about to begin but that was impossible to do, it was swirling around in her head almost making her dizzy. As the water heated she filled the sugar bowl with sugar cubes and put some milk into its cup.

Once she had everything ready and was waiting on the water to heat she looked at her wrist only to realize that naughty maids don't wear watches; she looked up at the wall clock only to find it had mysteriously disappeared. She cussed April a little and cussed her more when she looked at the clock on the stove to see that it had been set back so she had no clue as to how close it was to being seven, so she was left to do the only thing she could do; that was to pace the floor.

It seemed to take forever for the doorbell to ring causing her to yelp when it did so and her heart to really start to pound in her chest. A moment later, she heard talking but she couldn't make out what was being said. She went ahead and poured the tea into the small china tea pot spilling a little and having to clean it up. She figured that Roxy would call for her as soon as they were all seated but for some reason, she didn't. She could hear them talking and a light laugh here and there but it was like everyone had forgotten why they were here in the first place. It never occurred to her that April was just doing this to add to her nervousness and the wait was working to perfection.

She was so nervous that when she heard a little bell being rung, she jumped and gasped but then just stood there not knowing if this was a signal or what. April hadn't mention anything about a bell or what to do when she heard it ring.

About thirty seconds later, she heard and obviously irritated April calling out, "Roxy get in here!"

Now her heart really started to pound as she put her right foot forward and began to walk on weak knees. April was right about not going for the heels, there was no way she would be able to walk with her legs shaking so badly.

When she entered the living room, she saw that April was sitting on the couch closest to her so she could only see the back of her head. April's friends were sitting on the couch opposite of April. They both appeared to be in their late forties with the one to her right having ginger colored hair and the one to her left had black hair with a few streaks of gray. They both had expensive looking blouses with the top couple of buttons undone showing a little cleavage with the black-haired woman having slightly more cleavage than the ginger hair woman.

When she got a few steps into the room, she heard the ginger hair woman let out a "Oh my!" but then she caught herself and seemed to get back into character. But hearing that did at least stop Roxy from worrying that they wouldn't find her attractive.

When she got closer, she saw that both ladies had skirts on that fell to just above their knees and they were sitting very ladylike with their legs closed. They both had their eyes on her and she could feel them covering every inch of her body and they seemed to like what they were seeing. When she got to the couch that April was sitting, she saw that she was dressed much like her two friends, an expensive blouse and skirt with hers being a bit shorter than theirs.

"Didn't you hear me ringing the bell?" April addressed her with a frown while holding onto the bell and ringing it just to make her point.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy stuttered out hearing her voice break.

"Then why did I have to call you in here?" April asked giving her a disappointed stare. Before Roxy could think of an answer, April turned her attention to her two friends, "I tell you it is so hard to find a decent maid anymore, they all seem to have their heads in the clouds."

"Tell me about it, we've gone through three maids in the past year," the black hair woman complained. "And the last maid that we had was more interested in fucking every cock that came to the door." She added harshly.

"The delivery guys loved coming to our house, they knew that they were going to get laid." The ginger hair woman stated looking at April but then glancing up at Roxy who could feel her stare.

April then turned her attention to her, "Do you think you can manage to get us our tea?" She asked her.

"Yes ma'am" Roxy replied hurrying off while hearing all three complain about their maids with April joining right in like she too had gone through several terrible maids in the past.

Roxy began to feel sorry for all those maids that worked for these women before she realized that they were playing along with her fantasy or at least April was, she wasn't so sure about April's friends. The way they were talking it sounded like they were telling the truth. Just for a moment, she was glad that she worked for April and not these ladies but then she had to smile as she realized that she was already getting lost in her own fantasy. She carried that thought a little further and she knew that was what this whole night was about, her getting lost in her fantasy so she took a deep breath letting it out slowly and she cleared her mind of her real self; wanting to allow herself to become April's maid, her innocent and naive maid.

By the time that she got over to the tea tray, she had felt like she was becoming the girl in her story, nervous and scared about serving tea to April's important and influential friends. When she picked up the tray, she felt her hands shaking ever so slightly. She carried the tray into living room stopping when she got to April, not exactly sure if or how she was supposed to serve the tea.

April made her stand there a moment before she said with an exaggerated sigh, "well put the tray on the table over there and serve us, you don't expect us to serve ourselves do you," April said to her and Roxy felt her cheeks turning red feeling embarrassed at having be told what to do. However, she also felt a twinge in her pussy feeling that embarrassment.

She went between the couches and she started to bend her knees so as to put the tray onto the short table without showing any more than she was but she caught herself knowing an innocent mail would just bend over without thinking. She straightened her knees and began to bend over feeling the back of her maid's outfit ride up revealing her white ruffled panties.

"Reba, look at her cute white panties," the black hair lady said and Roxy now knew what the ginger hair woman's name was.

"Oh my Jody, they are so cute," Reba said and thus Roxy found out what the black- haired woman's name was.

Jody then surprised her by asking "May I feel them? They are so cute that I just got to feel of them."

Roxy turned her head toward Jody to see that she wasn't looking at her but at April.

"Sure, Roxy won't mind, will you?" April stated more than asked.

"No ma'am," Roxy replied again with her voice cracking and she also felt her pussy starting to get moist at the thought of a strange woman touching her panties.

Nothing happened for a moment and Roxy began to pour the tea and that was when she felt a hand against her panties. She gasped and missed the cup that she was pouring into. She could feel her face becoming warm and she knew it had to be beet red. The hand moved all around her ass doing so softly and with a caress to it. Roxy kept trying to fill the cups but she was having great difficulty doing so. She finally managed to get the cups filled though the last one wasn't completely filled.

Roxy wasn't so sure what to do now so she stayed in place feeling Jody's hand feeling her panties and in the process caressing her ass. Finally, April came to her rescue when she said, "Are you just going to stand there or are you going to serve us our tea before it gets cold."

Roxy didn't know how to reply so she just said, "Yes ma'am," and only then did Jody's hand leave her ass. She didn't trust herself to handle the china cups so she picked up the whole tray and turned so that Jody could get a cup and then Reba with both smiling when they saw the mess that she had made. She brought the tray over to April for her to get her half-filled cup. She first saw a grin come to April's lips but then it was like she had thought of something. Roxy wasn't so sure that was a good thing or a bad thing. It looked as if April was about to say something but then she changed her mind as she got her cup from the tray.

"Well put the tray back and go stand over by Reba and Jody, I believe they'd like to get a closer look at your panties. Wouldn't you ladies?" April stated.

"Yes ma'am" Roxy said with her heart skipping a beat knowing that Reba and Jody were going to do more than look.

Roxy felt like her knees were going to give out again however she managed to take the few steps over to the table bending over to put the tray down. She also noticed out of the corner of her eye that Reba and Jody were separating a little giving her a place to stand between them. She tried not to look at them but she couldn't help herself and she saw that they both had a gleam in their eyes.

Roxy moved over between the two ladies and she stood there a moment not feeling anything but when she glanced over at April, she had been doing something with her hands obviously telling Reba and Jody something. Another few seconds went by and still nothing happened and nothing was being said. Roxy began to wonder what was going on.

"Well aren't you going to bend over girl, they can't very well see your panties with you standing like that. I paid a lot of money for those panties and I want to show them off." April told her.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said with her voice cracking, embarrassed to have to bend over right in front of these strange women with their wandering hands however she was also feeling herself getting aroused by that very same idea. Roxy slowly bent over feeling the back of her short ruffled skirt rising up. She kept bending over until she could put her hands on her knees.

"Well spread your legs a little, let them see all of your panties," April instructed her with a wicked grin forming upon her lips.

Roxy felt her face grow warm as she knew that they would also see that there was a damp area at the gusset of her panties, which wasn't really a gusset but just a thin piece of cotton. She immediately felt a hand on each of her cheeks moving ever so lightly against them.

"Oh these are some fine panties," Reba said.

"Yeah, you just got to tell us where you got them," Jody said.

April began to tell them about where she got them but Roxy really wasn't paying much attention as the three women discussed her panties; she just felt a hand on each of her cheeks moving from the top her panties to her hip and down to the leg. Soon the fingers began to venture further going up to the waist band pulling out on it but then letting it go back. A moment later she felt a pair of fingers go down to the leg opening on her right side slipping under the hem. The fingers moved to the outer portion of her hip and then moved inward however stopping just before it got to her pussy. A moment later she felt some fingers going to her left leg basically doing the same thing.

All Roxy could think about was those damn fingers and how close they were going to her pussy which was making her wet and the fact that they were the fingers of two women, she didn't know, moving just inside of her panties. She was powerless to stop them from touching her, she was just a maid and had to do as she was told no matter how embarrassing it was or how it was effecting her.

Somewhere along the way the conversation between April, Reba, and Jody had turned from the panties that she was wearing to her ass and how firm her cheeks were. This part of their conversation didn't sink into her head until she heard April address her, "Roxy pull your panties down so that Reba and Jody can see just how firm your ass really is."

Without even thinking, she straightened back up, "Oh no ma'am, I can't do that." And the fingers that were starting to feel so good disappeared.

"What did you say?" April said angrily surprising Roxy but then she could see from April's face that there was no real anger there.

"No ma'am, don't make me do that, it would be too embarrassing," Roxy said telling the truth as she couldn't imagine herself ever pulling her panties down in front of two strangers, it was just too embarrassing to even think about, no good girl should be made to do such a thing.

"What did I tell you that would happen if you refused to do what I say?" April asked.

Roxy had only one answer for this question and it was the truth, "I don't remember, ma'am." She said having no clue where April was going.

"Well come over here girl and let me see if I can improve your memory," April said as she pointed to her right of her legs.

Roxy came over to where April was pointing and she stood there waiting for April to tell her what to do. April frowned at her like she should have known what she was supposed to do but Roxy really had no clue as to what April was up to. April then turned her attention to Jody and Reba and let out a sigh, like she couldn't believe that Roxy didn't know what to do which only served to embarrass Roxy that much more.

"Well come on and get over my legs so that we can get your spanking started," April said to her sighing yet again.

Roxy was shocked when she heard April utter the word spanking. She couldn't believe that April would even think of such a thing but then she remembered in the story there was a spanking, a very hard spanking at that. "Oh no ma'am please don't spank me." Roxy stuttered out meaning it for real, not having to pretend this time.

"You know my rules now get over my legs so we can get this over with," April told her.

"Please don't spank me here, can't we go someplace else for that, not in front of your friends," Roxy pleaded feeling her heart start to pound.

"No, you embarrassed me in front of them by disobeying me so I am going to return the favor so get over my knees now," April told her and she padded her leg showing Roxy where to lay.

"Pleaseeee..." Roxy said standing by April however April didn't reach up to pull her across her knees, she just sat there patting her leg allowing Roxy to decide what was to happen next. Roxy stood there for a second before making her decision.

"Please ma'am can't we go into the bedroom where they can't hear," Roxy said as she lay herself over April's knees.

"No we can't and since you made such a fuss, you've going to get a worse spanking that I had originally intended," April said using her hand on her hip to adjust her over her knee.

"Oh nooooo..." Roxy said covering her face with her hands not believing that she was laying over April's knees about to be spanked.

"Now this ladies is how you properly train a maid," April said and Roxy felt April pulling her ruffled skirt up exposing her ruffled panties.

Roxy waited for April to begin her spanking but instead, she just felt April's hand moving around her pantied ass almost calming her. Well until she felt that hand leave her ass and when it returned, it did so with a sting.

"Owww..." Roxy said putting her left hand back to protect her butt.

"Now remove that hand, I don't want to see it back here again!" April told her in no uncertain terms.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said bringing her hand back to her face but not before glancing at Jody and Reba to see that they were watching with rapt attention.

April's hand came back down and she again said "owww..." but she realized that April's spanks really wasn't being applied all that hard. It stung slightly but caused her no real pain, it was more embarrassing than anything else. April spanked her several more times with her saying "Owww..." with each spank. She felt so embarrassed but April was about to turn that up tenfold.

"You know, I don't think you are getting the full benefit of this spanking," April said pausing a moment before continuing, "I think these panties are protecting you too much, I believe that they need to come down."

"Oh no ma'am, please don't," Roxy said reaching back with both hands grabbing the waistband to prevent them from going anywhere.

"I'm afraid so," April said, "they've got to come down."

"No pleaseeee..." Roxy said feeling April tugging on them but not hard enough to pull them from her viselike grip.

"Ma'am please don't!" Roxy cried however she eased her grip enough to allow April to pull her panties from her fingers.

"Oh god this is so embarrassing," Roxy said for real as she felt her panties going down her cheeks exposing her ass to April's friends, well at least the right side of her right cheek; however, that too was about to dramatically change.

"Ladies, would you like to get a good view of how to spank a disobedient maid?" April asked.

"May we?" Jody asked with glee.

"Yes you may, come in close so that you can see her cute ass getting it's due," April told them making Roxy want to kill April for embarrassing her this way.

"Thank you, I can't wait to see that cute ass getting spanked," Reba stated excitedly.

Roxy raised her head from her hands enough to see Reba and Jody getting up from the couch both showing their desire on their faces. "Oh godddd..." Roxy cried feeling so embarrassed but she was also feeling something else, an aroused feeling in her pussy that just added to her intense embarrassment.

Roxy put her face into her hands wanting to look back but not being able to force herself to do so. April's hand was now caressing her warm ass which only added to her arousal and she could feel how wet her pussy was becoming.

"Oh Reba, look at that tight ass," Jody gasped.

"Yeah, now that is an ass that just begs to be spanked," Reba said.

"Yes it does and so I shall," April said and Roxy felt April's hand leave her ass.

Roxy groaned knowing what was about to come and it did. She first heard April's hand land on her bare ass with the sound of skin to skin echoing in her ears, then she felt the sting of April's spank to her right cheek. The sting was worse than when April had spanked her before but she didn't know if it was because April was now spanking her bare ass or she was spanking her harder. Either way it hurt more but it wasn't anything that she couldn't stand. Still she yelped from the pain. April then spanked her left cheek with a nice sting being felt by Roxy.

April went from cheek to cheek, giving a spank and then pausing for a moment to make the spanking more erotic and less like a real spanking. What was worse was hearing Reba and Jody making lude comments about how her cheeks were turning red and how cute they looked as it bounced from the spank. That just made each spank worse and also embarrassed her more. The problem was that each spanked caused her pussy to seep it's juices showing her arousal. April's skirt had moved up so Roxy's pussy was now pressed against her bare thigh and she knew that April had to notice how wet she was becoming.

April gave her a few more spanks before she stopped and Roxy thought that at last her embarrassing spanking in front of April's friends was over however April was about to make things so much more embarrassing.

"You know ladies, I don't think this spanking is having the desired effect," April said and Roxy feared that April was going to spank her even harder, something she didn't want but April did something that made Roxy wish that April decided to spank her harder instead.

"I believe that my maid is getting aroused by my spanking her," April announced telling her friends something she wanted April to keep to herself.

"You're kidding us," Jody said with a surprised tone of voice.

"Oh yes here look," April said and Roxy felt April's fingers at the junction of her legs and ass.

Roxy immediately closed her legs and said, "Oh no ma'am, don't show them my private place."

April's fingers disappeared much to Roxy's relief but then she felt April's palm come down on the center of her ass catching both of her cheeks and this spank was much firmer. "Ouch!" Roxy cried out.

"Now relax your legs or you will get a bunch more just like that," April said firmly.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said relaxing her legs and feeling her pussy pulse as she felt April opening her cheeks showing her pussy and how wet it was.

"Oh my she is wet," Jody said.

"Yes she is, she is positively dripping," Reba added much to Roxy's embarrassment.

"Look at this," April said and Roxy felt April's finger touch her slit, moving against it soaking her finger with her juices. "Just look at this slut's juices, she has soaked my leg."

"Obviously she is enjoying your spanking," Reba commented.

"Yes she is, maybe if you both were to give her a few spanks, it would embarrass her enough to change her thinking about spanking being something that is arousing." April suggested.

"Oh no, please don't let your friends spank me," Roxy said reaching back to cover her ass with her hands.

"Now what did I tell you about covering your ass with your hands," April reminded her.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said retracting her hands.

"Jody, why don't you give her a few good spanks first," Roxy heard April say.

"Oh godddd..." Roxy moaned.

"Hush girl," April told her. "Go ahead Jody, give her some real hard ones."

"Ohhh...." Roxy said trying not to tense her cheeks fearing that Jody would really spank her hard, something she didn't want but she couldn't stop even though she had the power to do so with one word.

"Oh I plan on giving her several hard ones," Roxy heard Jody eagerly say.

Roxy braced herself for some real pain however Jody chose not to spank her hard, in fact she spanked her lighter than April had, however she did kept her spanks much closer together which made it sting as much as when April spanked her and it also just made her that much wetter with having Jody spank her.

"Very nice," April said complimenting Jody's spanking ability. "Now it's your turn Reba."

There was a pause as Jody as Reba changed places and then without warning, she felt Reba's hand pop her low on her right ass cheek making it move upwards a little.

"Oh that was a good one, spank her other cheek that way, I loved how her ass moved," Jody said to Reba.

"My pleasure,' Reba replied with glee.

Hearing Reba say that just made Roxy feel her ass cheeks move more when Reba spanked her low on the left ass cheek. This time as soon as her ass stopped moving, she felt another spank come from Reba. Roxy couldn't help but to relax her cheeks even more so that her ass moved more arousing her that much more and obviously delighting April's friends as Reba spanked her several more times before stopping.

"Now that is one well spanked ass," April commented with Roxy feeling April rub her warm stinging ass tenderly.

"Get up and let's see if you can manage to obey me now," April instructed her.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said and she felt April helping her to her feet and she held onto her until she got her feet back under her feeling the sting linger on her ass.

Once she got her bearings again, Roxy realized that she was standing in front of Reba and Jody with her ruffled panties at her knees. Her left hand went down covering her pussy as her right hand reached down for her panties and she started to pull them back up to cover herself.

"Did I say you could pull your panties up, leave them right where they are young lady," April told her.

"Please don't make me do that ma'am," Roxy pleaded to April.

"You heard me and don't cover your pussy with your hand either," April istructed her.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy replied releasing her panties that were a couple of inches above her knees. It took her a moment longer to move her left hand thus unveiling her pussy to Reba's and Jody's staring eyes who had resumed their positions on the couch opposite of April.

"Now go back over to Jody and Reba and show them your ass like you were supposed to do before you forced me to give you that hard spanking," April instructed her.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said feeling her cheeks warm back up as she hobbled over to where they were sitting. She turned and stood in front of them feeling the ruffles from her maid's dress caress her stinging ass cheeks which seemed to arouse her further.

"Well..." April said frowning at her.

Roxy groaned as she slowly bent over feeling the skirt rise and her ass being exposed to these women. She kept bending until her hands could grasp her knees and she could hold onto her panties. And having her panties pulled down like this just seemed to add to her exposure and embarrassed her further.

"Oh Reba look at that cute pink asshole, have you ever seen one that beautiful," Jody stated.

"Not in a long, long time," Reba said in a lust filled sigh. "I think I could kiss it all night long."

"I bet you could, you're an anal freak," Jody said with a light laugh.

"I can't help it, I am just so into cute asses and assholes," Reba said.

Roxy couldn't believe that they were talking about her ass like that, and then she involuntarily flexed her asshole and she heard Reba suck in her breath.

"May we touch her," Jody asked not talking to her but asking for April's permission.

April didn't hesitate in answering her, "Yes you may." April said.

"Thank you," they said in almost unison.

Roxy thought that she would immediately feel their hands touching her but there was nothing for a moment. She began to believe that they were simply going to sit there and look at her ass and pussy. She could almost feel their eyes boring into her skin and that just aroused her that much more and the fact that she was standing there with her panties pulled down made it even more embarrassing. She began to believe that they weren't going to do anything at all when she felt fingers touching her left ass cheek, that was quickly followed by fingers touching her right ass cheek.

Roxy gripped her knees tighter as those fingers began to move except that they were using such a light touch that it almost felt like they were using feathers instead of their fingertips. She had to bite her lower lip to keep from moaning and they were making it so damn difficult to stand still. Their fingers were moving all around her ass cheeks in no real pattern but they were touching every part of her cheeks from the top down to junction between her legs and ass. They would also slip down between her cheeks but never touching her asshole and then going out to the sides of her hips. She could feel herself becoming more aroused by the moment and she became less worried about how she was positioned and more about what the fingers were doing to her.

They did finally move their fingers in unison as they went from her ass down between her legs. However, they didn't touch her where she so wanted them to, they were much more devious than that. She could feel the edges of their fingers going all so close to her pussy but never ever touching her. She was now past caring where she was and how she was dressed, it was their fingers that had all her attention.

That was when April said, "I believe that is enough touching for now."

Reba and Jody's fingers disappeared from between her legs and Roxy did let out a groan that she couldn't stop. She wasn't sure what to do so she stayed in place waiting for April to say something do tell that that they could do something else to her. However, that isn't what April did.

"You may straighten up now," April told her.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said and doing so that did ease the strain on her lower back that she hadn't realized that she was even feeling until then.

"How would you like to see what the rest of my maid looks like?" April asked.

"I believe we would love to, she is so pretty and I bet the rest of her body looks even nicer." Reba stated.

"I do have one request," Jody said and Roxy frowned fearing what that request would be.

"What's that Jody?" April asked.

"Can she keep her panties right where they are, I think she looks so erotic with her panties pulled down to her knees," Jody said.

"Oh yes that would be lovely," Reba echoed.

"Oh I had planned to leave her panties right where they were," April said with a smile.

"Oh god," Roxy thought to herself. She knew that leaving her panties pulled down would make her feel even more naked.

"Turn around and let Reba unzip you," April instructed her.

Roxy was hoping that April would do that and maybe give her a reprieve but that wasn't to be the case. "yes ma'am," Roxy replied and she slowly turned around while trying to keep her panties at her knees so that she was now facing April and her back to Reba and Jody.

She felt Reba's fingers at the top of her mail's outfit and for a second she swore that she felt Reba's fingers trembling. If they were, Reba got them under control by the time she began to unzip her and she did so painfully slow. She felt the mail outfit opening and the pressure on her breasts loosen, she could also feel the cool air upon her back. When the zipper finally got to the bottom, she felt Reba release the zipper.

"Jody while don't you join Reba and help her undress my dear maid," April said and she had this mischievous smile that Roxy knew meant that soon they would be doing more than undressing her.

"Why thank you, I would love to," Jody replied as she got up from the couch.

Roxy felt a set of hands on each shoulder and then her mail's outfit began to be pulled down. Like Reba unzipping her, they took their time pulling the outfit off her shoulders. Roxy held her breath as the outfit come down revealing her breasts and showing that her nipples were already hard.

"Look at her nipples Jody, they are as hard as diamonds," Reba commented.

"Oh my they are, aren't they," Jody replied.

Roxy felt herself blushing and she knew her cheeks had to be red since her nipples had decided to show these strange women just how aroused she was, as if they didn't already know from seeing her pussy. They slowly pulled her outfit on downward to her hips and on downward. She felt it go over her pussy and she waited for a comment about that too and she got it.

"Damn her pussy is pretty and has such a sweet scent," Jody commented as she and Reba were both squatting to get the outfit over her panties that were still just above her knees.

She glanced over at April seeing that she was still smiling like she knew just how much these comments were embarrassing her with her body betraying her for being so aroused while she was so embarrassed.

Jody and Reba helped her to step out of her maid outfit leaving her in her flats and her panties down around her knees with nothing to cover her body.

"You have such a beautiful maid April, you are so lucky to have her," Reba commented.

"Why thank you, she is lovely isn't she." April said pridefully. "She has perfect breasts and such a pretty pussy."

"Now April, don't forget her ass. I haven't seen one that cute in a long, long time," Jody added.

"Yes you're right, we can't forget that ass," April said. "And so firm, it positively bounced when I was spanking her."

"If she was my maid, I'd be spanking her every day whether she needed it or not," Jody said with glee in her voice.

"I bet you would," April replied. "Maybe before the evening is over, I'll let you give her another spanking just to keep her in line."

"Oh I would love to," Jody said with her voice almost giddy with that idea.

Roxy had to stand there listening to these women, including April, talking about her body like she wasn't even there. It was humiliating and embarrassing that was making her turn red from head to toe yet also getting her pussy so damn wet.

"You wouldn't mind having Jody give you a spanking later, would you dear?" April asked her.

It took Roxy a moment for her brain to process what April had said with her mind lost in the way they were talking about her. "No ma'am," Roxy said which was the opposite of what she was really thinking but like everything else that had happened, it was just what she wanted from her fantasy.

There was a pause in the conversation and Roxy noticed how everyone was looking at her, naked with her panties at her knees. She wanted to run and hide while at the same time there was no other place in the world that she wanted to be right then.

"Would you ladies like to touch my maid?" April asked.

"Anywhere?" Reba asked.

"Yes anywhere..." April replied making sure that "Anywhere" was emphasized. Roxy glanced at April and she could see that was becoming aroused too.

"Thank you," Jody said and this time her voice was filled with pure lust.

A second later, she felt a soft hand on each of her breasts and each hand gave that breast a squeeze. Jody's other hand was on her back, using gentle caresses as Reba's hand went directly to her ass. Roxy could not help but to moan, she had no control in stopping it. Then the hands on her breasts became fingers that circled her nipples before pinching them. Roxy knew that either these ladies had done this before or they had planned their attack beforehand. Either way. they had her under their control, all she could do was to stand there letting these women caress and tease her.

Just when she thought that her nipples couldn't become harder, the woman changed their tactics. The hands on her breasts were replaced by two sets of lips, one for each nipple and their hands that were on her breasts slid down her stomach to her pussy. However, the fingers didn't actually touch her pussy, rather they slid to each side caressing her inner thighs. She could feel their index fingers touching just the sides of her lips while not touching her pussy. The lips that were kissing her nipples began to suck upon them. Her nipples somehow managed to get even harder or so it seemed to her.

Roxy looked over at April who had a front row view of what was happening to her and April knew what the women were doing to her. She had this knowing smile that told her so and she seemed to be enjoying how the women were teasing her. Roxy wasn't sure how much more of this she could take and was about to use her word not to stop what was happening but to plead for someone to make her cum. She didn't notice April's left foot moving over and touching Reba's ankle.

The hands and lips that were teasing her unmercifully disappeared from her body. Roxy almost reached out to pull the hands back to her body but something stopped her, maybe it was the knowing look that April was giving to her.

"Do you think it's time to blow your poor maid's mind?" Jody asked.

"Oh I think that it's long past that time," April said with a big grin.

"I believe you're right," Reba said.

"Turn around and put your hands on the edge of the couch," April instructed her.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said hearing the lustful tone of her own voice.

Roxy shuffled around trying to keep her panties from falling from her knees. She bent over putting her hands onto the edge of the couch feeling her pussy and her ass cheeks open. She lowered her head only to see how her breasts were hanging down making them look larger than they were and also how exposed she was.

"I believe that it is time for these pretty panties to go," Jody said squatting down to push them on down to her ankles and holding them for Roxy to step out of them and Jody also removed her shoes setting them both aside.

"Open your legs girl so that my friends can get a good view of your wet pussy and cute asshole," April told her.

Roxy had stopped being embarrassed with the women teasing her so however with April telling her to open her legs and how she had said it brought back that embarrassment in full force. Every inch that she opened her legs just added to her embarrassment. She was now truly naked and exposed to these women she had met only a few minutes before.

She saw Jody sitting down on the floor with her back to her which confused the hell out of her until she leaned back putting her head between her legs. Roxy knew what she was about to do and that got her juices flowing all over again. However, Jody didn't raise her head up toward her pussy, she just stared up at it. She wondered what they were up to until she saw Reba stepping in behind of her with her legs straddling Jody's body. A moment later she felt Reba's hot breath against her ass and she felt her hands on her ass cheeks.

There was a momentary pause before she saw Jody moving her head up and she felt Reba's hot breath getting closer to her asshole until she felt her lips upon her ass. A split second later she felt Jody's tongue touch her pussy.

"Oh godddd..." Roxy heard herself moan loudly.

Jody's tongue began to lick her pussy, slipping between her lips and the flat of Reba's tongue pressing against her asshole, licking it firmly. This was almost more than her mind could take with both her pussy and asshole being licked at the same time. She felt her legs begin to shake as both tongues moved against her most sensitive areas. She tried to separate the two tongues wanting to feel both Reba's tongue moving around and against her asshole and Jody's tongue licking against her lips and then going between them.

Both women obviously knew what they were doing as Jody's mouth teased her lips, she felt Reba's tongue tip pushing against her asshole opening it. But then she felt Jody's tongue going in deep between her lips and Reba's tongue tip rimming her asshole, circling around it in such a light teasing touch. Somehow they knew when to switch and she felt Jody's tongue move up and tease her clit all so lightly while Reba's tongue push back into her asshole.

All Roxy could do was to grip the edge of the couch cushion and moan. The need to have an orgasm was growing by the second, especially with Jody's tongue teasing her clit so unmercifully. Finally, Roxy could take no more, she had to cum and she cried out, "Oh god pleaseee..."

At that instant, she felt Jody's lips clamp down upon her clit, sucking it into her mouth and Reba's tongue going deeper into her ass. Roxy felt her body explode with pleasure hitting every nerve ending in her body. Her legs gave out and she felt herself falling just as her soul was falling into that deep sea of pure pleasure.

When she began to recover, she smelled a strange perfume and a soft body holding her. She opened her eyes to see that she was sitting in Jody's lap and not April's. She was confused for a second until her mind caught back up reality.

"Oh god, I'm sorry," Roxy said as she slipped off of Jody's lap feeling embarrassed and further embarrassed when she saw the wet stain she had left on Jody's skirt.

"It is quiet all right," Jody said with a grin.

Roxy scrambled to her feet and she looked to April whose face was flushed from what she had just witness and that made Roxy realized what she had let these two strange women to do her in front of April. Then she remembered that she was standing naked in front of three very well dressed women.

"I believe that you need to thank Jody and Reba," April said trying to sound like a rich uncaring woman to her lowly maid but the lust in her voice gave her away.

Roxy turned to Reba and Jody who were now standing in front of the couch, "thank you," she said while knowing that wasn't what April was meaning.

"No girl, they went to great effort to give you pleasure, thank them properly," April demanded.

"How do I do that?" Roxy asked innocently, wanting April to embarrass her further by explaining it to her.

"God girl, do I have to explain everything to you!" April said with a disappointed sigh. "You undress them and then you pleasure their bodies until they have orgasms like the one that they just gave you."

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said as her face turned red, she then turned to face Reba who was smiling back at her. She had known that sooner or later that this moment would come and it indeed had.

End of Chapter Eleven.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 12

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