Roxys Discovery

Published on Mar 18, 2018


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Chapter Fourteen

By Chris

"You know, you really do wear the pants in our relationship," Roxy said while they were getting ready for bed.

April let out a laugh, a kind of laugh one would make when someone said something that was completely opposite as to what they were thinking.

"Why you laughing," Roxy said staring at April who was still grinning.

"Because I don't wear the pants, you do. You have since the beginning," April said now turning serious like she was just realizing that what she thought and what Roxy thought was completely different, in fact completely opposite.

"Why would you ever think that, I'm have a more submissive personality than you do," Roxy told her not understanding why April would think that she actually had the more dominate personality between the two of them.

"Let's forget about it and go to bed, I think we're both tired and it has been a long day," April said now clearly trying to avoid the subject.

"No, I want to know why you'd think that," Roxy said sitting on the bed facing April's side.

"Okay," April said with a sigh, a type of sigh that told Roxy that April didn't really want to have this conversation for some reason.

April sat on the bed facing her and she sort of took a deep breath before saying, "Okay tell me why you believe that you have such a submissive personality."

"I would think you would see that even more than I do, tell me why you think I'm not," Roxy countered.

"I will but first I want to hear what you have to say and then I will show you why you're not as submissive as you think," April said patiently.

Roxy wanted to make April tell her first but she could see in April's eyes that she wasn't going to win that argument which told her all the more that she was right and April was wrong. "First off, what about my fantasy, doesn't that show more than anything else that I'm submissive," Roxy said satisfied that alone would win the argument.

However, April didn't respond to that, she just said, "Okay go on, tell me all the other reasons that you feel that you're submissive."

Roxy wasn't prepared for that response and she had to think a little more, to make her argument. "Okay what about me giving up softball to take care of my mother and then when my father had his stroke, I again stayed here to take care of him. Oh..., I take care of the house and I do all the cooking just like a good submissive wife should do."

That did get a smile from April but all she said was, "Okay what else?"

Now Roxy really had to think because nothing was coming to mind, at least not any one incident that would prove her point. "I don't know, I just am..." Roxy finally said.

April was about to speak when Roxy did think of something, "Oh I know, you are the one who asked me out and you usually take the lead when we make love." She said smiling knowing that she was right and April couldn't counter any of what she said.

"Is that all?" April asked.

"Isn't that enough... you tell me why I am not submissive," Roxy told her.

"Okay but first let's put sex aside for the moment and go to your caring for your parents." April said.

"Fair enough but don't you forget about the sex, it is important," Roxy reminded her.

"It is but let's go back to your parents for the moment," April said. "When your mother became ill, you were but a child yet you saw that your father wasn't capable of taking over her care so it fell to you to do what he couldn't. And from what you've told me, it wasn't long before you were the one who made her appointment, went to the doctor with her and made sure she took her medications. Am I right?"

"You know you are but..." Roxy said however April stopped her before she could finish her thought.

"No buts, let me have my say," April told her.

"Okay go ahead but I will argue your points," Roxy warned her.

"Just when your life was getting back to normal, your father had his stroke and you became his caretaker. Diane offered to get someone to take care of him but you refused, you wanted to care for him because you knew you could do it better than anyone else. Again, you took over the doctors, medications and even bathing him. You took over the household again, you were in charge of what happened to him and which doctors he saw. Am I right?" April again asked.

"You know you are," Roxy answered beginning to see where April was going with this and not liking it.

"Now on to us, yes I did ask you out first but you were inexperienced at relationships and I knew if I didn't ask you out then you might not and I really wanted to go out with you. And yes at first, I did lead our love making but again you needed someone to show you the way. But if you remember, you were the one who came into the bedroom and took off her robe indicating that you were ready and wanted to make love. You were also the one who decided that I should move in with you and get rid of my apartment, not that I didn't want to do those things, I did, I really did but you got me to do it sooner that I probably would have. And yes, you do the cooking but then you are the one who is home in the afternoons and you are also the one who knows how to cook. If you left it to me, we would be eating sandwiches every night." April said with the last part coming with a knowing smile.

"I concede the cooking point," Roxy said smiling too as it was true.

"And as far as your fantasy, you know most people's fantasies are about them doing something that they would not normally do, something that is opposite of their true personality. That is what yours is all about, giving up control over what happens to you, letting someone tell you what you have to do and making you do it even if you don't want to. If nothing else, your fantasy proves my point more than anything else." April said.

Roxy really had to think now because everything that April was telling her rang true. She really did take control of her mother and father's care and she did the other things that April said however something bothered her if what April was saying was really true.

"You told me in the beginning that you liked submissive women and tended to date them. So if I have more of a dominate personality, then why would you want to be with me?" Roxy asked fearing that April would soon discover that she wasn't the type of woman that she wanted to be with.

April's response wasn't what she thought it would be, in fact it came as a complete surprise. "I did say that and that was what I thought I was looking for in a long-term relationship," April admitted which struck a dagger into Roxy's heart.

"I'm not what you are looking for am I?" Roxy asked not really wanting to hear April's answer but she had to ask the question all the same.

"You know sometimes in life, what you think you want and what you need are not the same things and so that is the case with me," April told her.

"How so?" Roxy asked grasping for some hope.

"It was a about a month after I had moved in that you came into the living room to tell me that you needed a can of cream for... I don't remember what it was now... anyway I was reviewing some applications, I immediately put my laptop down and got my purse to head to the grocery store. I had just opened the front door when a thought suddenly came to me, I wasn't the dominate person in the relationship, in fact I seemed to have given up all control. All you had to do was to ask me to do something and I jumped up and did it. That knowledge bothered me as I went on out to my car." April said and Roxy had to stop here there.

"I'm sorry, I won't do that anymore, I promise," Roxy said again fearing that she would eventually lose April plus it just added to the proof that she wasn't who she thought she was, she wasn't submissive and probably had never been.

"No you don't understand, let me finish what I was saying," April told her and she reached out taking Roxy's hands giving them a squeeze.

"As I was driving to the store, I thought about it more and I also thought about us as a couple. The first thing I knew to be true was how much I cared for you, how I was rapidly falling madly in love with you. The second thing took me a little longer to figure out which was that I was okay with you having the stronger personality. I really didn't mind letting you decide most things and telling me what you needed for me to do. It was like a weight lifted off of me. I have to make a lot of hard decisions at work, decisions that would make a kid's dream come true while crushing another kid's dream, so when I come home, I liked not having to make any decisions." April said with a soft smile.

"But I'm not what you were looking for if I have really do have a dominate personality and not the submissive one like I thought I had." Roxy said.

"You didn't hear what I said about what you want and what you need are not always the same. I need you in my life. I mean I have an outgoing personality and I admit I didn't always have a lot of self-control and you are more reserved and cautious. You bring me down to earth and I let you be less reserved and cautious." April told her.

"But one day you might want to find someone you want..." Roxy said.

"You are still not getting me. My wants and needs are now the same. I want you and I need you in my life, you make me happy," April told her and Roxy so wanted to believe her.

"But what if I ask you to do something you don't want to do?" Roxy asked.

"Have you been able to get me to learn how to hit better instead of just bunting at every at bat, have you been able to get me to change?" April asked.

"Well... no," Roxy had to admit.

"Or watch any of your damn horror flicks that you love to watch for some strange reason?" April asked.

"No I haven't done that either," Roxy said finally letting out a smile.

"I assure you that if you ask me to do something I don't want to do, I won't," April told her.

"You promise," Roxy asked.

"Yes I promise, I may be more submissive than I realized but I'm not completely submissive, just like you aren't completely dominate, you do have your submissive side just like we all do." April said again Roxy felt her squeezing her hands to assure her and it did some but she had a lot to think about now.

"I just never realized..." Roxy started to say but she wasn't sure that she could admit to herself that she didn't have the submissive personality that she thought she did much less admit it to April.

"I know but now you have to promise not to change, I love you just as you are," April said this time she leaned in giving her a kiss.

"I love you too," Roxy said meaning it.

"How about us getting some sleep, I'm getting tired," April said.

"Me too," Roxy said and while she was tired sleepy she wasn't.

They slipped under the covers and April cuddled in close giving her a kiss before laying her head on the pillow and quickly falling asleep like she always did. Roxy on the other hand had a bit more trouble falling to sleep, her mind was turning this new information about herself around and around. The hardest part was accepting that she really did have a tendency to take control of things around her, especially when it came to family matters and she and April had indeed become a family.

It took her a long time to go to sleep and even then, it was a restless sleep. She still woke up early almost glad to get out of bed since this night had given her no rest. She went to the bathroom before heading into the kitchen to get the coffee going, she needed something to jolt her awake. She was about to find something to fix for breakfast when she realized that she was about to do just what April said she had always done, fix what she wanted to fix and expect April to eat it. Today, she decided that she would turn over a new leaf and become the person she had always thought that she was.

April came in a little later, sleepy and wiping the sleep from her eyes, "What's for breakfast?"

"Anything that you want," Roxy said hoping to make April happy about her new self, however that wasn't the response that she got.

April didn't give her a smile, instead she frowned, a deep fallowed frown that seemed to go down to her soul. "it doesn't matter to me, whatever you want to cook." She said.

"No, you pick something you want to eat," Roxy said determined to get April to choose what they would eat.

April stared at her for a moment but Roxy was determined not to give in, not now, not ever. After a painfully long pause, April let out a sigh and said, "How about French toast, you haven't fixed that in a while."

"French toast it is," Roxy said with a smile, happy that she had gotten April to say what she wanted to eat.

Roxy talked as she got the eggs and bread out with April mostly responding to what she was saying. Roxy was so happy at her new beginning that she failed to see that April wasn't as happy about her change as she was. Throughout the day, she made sure that they did what April wanted to do, letting her chose what they had for lunch and dinner. And that night, when she wanted to make love, April said that she wasn't feeling well and just wanted to go to sleep. This was something new, April had never turned her down and it made Roxy worry but she thought that maybe April really wasn't feeling well, she had been acting strange all day.

The next morning, Roxy sent April off to work again fixing April what she wanted for both breakfast and what she fixed for her to take for her lunch. She even called April at work to see what she wanted for supper.

When April came home from work, Roxy thought that maybe April had a bad day at work but April just said it was a normal day, much like any other day. When Roxy told her that she had done the grocery shopping so that April wouldn't have to, she thought that she would make April happy but all she got was a frown and the tension between seem to rise. This night Roxy didn't even bother trying to get April in the mood to make love, she could see that was a lost cause.

Roxy could feel the tension rising between them as the week went along, everything that she did seem to just add to that tension but she was determined to make this change in herself and become the woman that April wanted, the person she knew inside of herself that she was. She knew that everything that April had told her pointed in the other direction.

Late Saturday afternoon, Roxy was in the kitchen fixing something new for April for dinner, hoping to get the mood between them to improve. She had just put to sauce on the stove when she realized that she had forgotten to get the can of cream that she needed. She was about to yell for April to run to the store when she remembered her vow to change.

She got her purse and as she passed through the living room where April was watching a show on TV, she told April, "Watch my sauce on the stove, make sure it doesn't burn... if you don't mind," she remembered to add.

"Where you going?" April asked or rather demanded.

"I'm going to the store, I forgot to get the can of cream that I need," Roxy said before turning and reaching for the doorknob.

"Don't even think about touching that doorknob," April said in a tone of voice that told Roxy that April was very upset with her.

"Why?" Roxy asked turning to see the deep frown upon April's face.

"We got to talk and we got to talk now!" April said more than a bit harshly.

"What's the matter?" Roxy said coming over to the couch where April was sitting.

"The matter is that you didn't listen to a god damn word that I said to you the other night, that is what the matter is," April said and Roxy could see that April was so mad, that she was almost in tears.

"Yes, I heard you," Roxy said softly trying to calm April down.

"No, you didn't, if you had you wouldn't be trying to be someone you're not," April said with the hurt in her eyes showing through.

Roxy was confused why April was so upset, "I just wanted to be more of the woman that you would want to be with, more submissive and not deciding things all the time."

"Dammit Roxy, I told you that I love you as you are. I need for you to be the one I met and fell into love with, not trying to be someone you're not," April told her.

"I..." Roxy began to say but then she didn't know what she really wanted to say. "I don't know what to do..."

"Honey don't do anything, just be yourself," April said nicely and with a smile. She then leaned in to give her a light kiss.

"Now I will go get the cream and you can watch the sauce which I would probably end up letting burn anyway," April said jumping up and grabbing her purse.

Roxy just sat there watching April leave and she was more confused than ever. She just sat there trying to figure out why doing what she thought was right was completely the wrong thing to do in April's eyes. All she knew was that April was angry with her and had been since the party, which she thought had gone all so well. She sat there another minute before she remembered the sauce that she had cooking on the stove. She made it just in time to stir it to prevent it from burning. As she stirred the sauce, she thought about what April was telling her. She was so confused that she didn't know just what to do anymore. She stood there a moment before she tried to put it all out of her mind and just concentrate on cooking dinner and maybe an answer would come to her, though she doubted that would happen but at least it got her mind off who she was or wasn't.

"What do you want me to do with this?" April said when she came back from the store a few minutes later.

"Give it to me and then set the table, we're going to eat in the dining room tonight," Roxy said without thinking, her mind was still on what she was cooking.

"Now that's the woman I fell in love with," April said handing her the cream and then giving her a light kiss.

It took a second for Roxy to catch what April had said and a second more to see the loving smile on her face. "What did I do?" Roxy asked wondering what she had finally done right in April's eyes.

"You told me to set the table and that we're eating in the dining room just like you have done since we met, that is the woman I fell in love with. I told you I make enough decisions at work, when I come home to you, I like that you're the one in charge, tell me what you want or need and I'll do it. I am the submissive partner and I want it to stay that way..." April told her pausing for a second as mischievous smile formed upon her lips, "...that is until we play our little maid game and then you become the submissive, my very submissive maid."

Roxy found herself smiling and blushing both in equal measure, "Oh fuck you and set the god damn table!" Roxy said.

"Yes ma'am" April said dropping her chin down and Roxy couldn't help but to laugh at her friend.

April then let out a laugh giving her a smile before she turned to get the plates from the cabinet. Roxy went back to the stove to finish their dinner. She couldn't help but to think about what April had done when she told her to set the table. For the first time in a week, she hadn't thought about what she was going to say or how she should say it, she just acted her normal self and it was like this huge weight was being lifted off her shoulders.

When April came back into the kitchen, she turned and came to her, putting an arm around her waist. "What you crying for baby?" she asked kindly.

"I'm not..." Roxy was beginning to say until she reached up and felt the tears on her cheeks.

"Is something wrong?" April asked turning her toward her.

"No I'm just happy that I don't have to act like someone I'm not," Roxy said looking into April's eyes.

She saw April smile and her lips opening to speak, "don't even think about saying anything, just finish setting the damn table." Roxy told her and April grinned.

"Yes ma'am," April said however she did give her a kiss before pulling away. "I told you that..." she began to say.

"Hush!" Roxy told her but she knew that April was right, she had told her that she loved her just the way that she was.

Roxy finished cooking their dinner and with April's help, she put it on the table and they sat down to eat. The conversation was so much more relaxed and Roxy didn't bother to measure her words or make sure she acted like a submissive woman would. After they had cleaned up the kitchen, they went to the living room to watch some TV. She did ask April what she wanted to watch and when April said it didn't matter to her, Roxy picked up and remote and found a movie that they both liked.

"You know there is one thing I would like to change about you..." April said once they were both in bed.

"What's that?" Roxy asked suddenly alarmed.

April didn't immediately respond, she just rolled over and sat up on Roxy's hips. "What I want to change about you are those damn pajamas, they don't suit you at all." She said all so seriously.

"What don't you like about them?" Roxy asked much relieved as she knew where April was going with this.

"Well first off this top just has to go, it doesn't match your skin tone." April said as she reached down and began to pull Roxy's top up.

Roxy arched her back, making it easier for April to pull the top to her chest and then she raised her arms allowing April pull her top off.

"And those bottoms are even worse, I thought you had a better sense of style than that," April said with a deep frown.

"Oh, they are?" Roxy asked while lifting her hips so that April could pull her bottoms and panties off.

"Now your pajamas match your skin tone," April said grinning from ear to ear.

"I bet they do," Roxy said matching April's grin.

"Come to think about it, I don't think my pajamas match my skin tone either," April said and she began to pull her top up.

"No they don't, they're not even close to matching your skin tone," Roxy said feeling her pussy starting to become moist.

Roxy watched as April removed her top and then she stood up on the bed with each foot to Roxy's hips and she pushed her bottoms and panties down. "How do my pajamas look now," April asked while still standing above her.

"Perfect," Roxy said holding her arms up to April.

April smiled going down to her knees and then coming into Roxy's arms which folded around her. April give her a soft smile before lowering her head down for the kiss that Roxy very much wanted with April keeping the kisses light with their lips barely touching, coming apart and touching again and again. Soon those light kisses became longer and more passionate with their lips opening and their tongues touching.

Roxy moved April onto her back while rolling on top of her. She kissed April again, making it a long sweet fervent kiss. She slowly ended the kiss and she kissed April's chin and on down to her neck, kissing and tenderly biting her there. She slipped on down April's body to where she could cup April's breasts in her hands and rain kisses onto April's hard nipples. She sucked hard and pulled her head up letting April's nipples to pop out of her mouth. She stayed with April's breasts, kissing and sucking on them knowing how aroused April got when her breasts were given their proper attention. When she felt April trying to rub her pussy against her belly, she began to move down April's body.

She kissed and nibbled her way down April's belly until she got to her very wet pussy. She gave a kiss to April's clit and then she went down to her pussy, giving her long slow licks up her slit making April moan loudly. She licked her several times that way before she used her fingers to spread April's lips revealing her pick wet flesh inside. She pushed her tongue deep inside causing April to really moan and she felt April raising her hips from the bed pushing her pussy into her mouth. She was licking in and around April's' pussy drinking in her juices until she felt April pressing on the back of her head. Roxy moved her tongue back to April's clit while pushing two fingers deep inside of her. She began to lick and suck on April's clit while fucking her with her two fingers. April let out a deep moan and her body stiffened for a moment as her orgasm hit her hard. Roxy continued to lick and finger fuck her for another moment before stopping before April became too sensitive.

Roxy licked April clean and she moved up her body giving her a kiss just as April's eyes fluttered open and she was able to return the kiss. "Mmm... that was nice baby," April said after the kiss.

"Yes it was... very nice," Roxy replied softly.

"Raise up a second," April said to her.

Roxy raised up on her hands and knees wondering what April was going to do yet knowing that it would feel good. Instead of slipping out from under her or turning her onto her back, Roxy watched as April slipped down in the bed until her head was under her breasts. Roxy felt April's hands grasping her breasts and then she felt April kissing her left nipple making her moan.

April kissed it again before sucking the nipple into her mouth, she sucked upon it for a moment and then she moved to the right one, kissing and sucking on it making her moan. Roxy was enjoying the way April was kissing and sucking on her nipples but then April's hands left her breasts going to her ass cheeks. She felt April pulling on them so she moved on up in the bed as April was directing her. She only got so far before the headboard of the bed stopped her. April was still pulling on her ass so she raised up and then she knew what April wanted her to do.

Roxy got on up on her knees positioning her pussy over April's head. She lowered her ass down until April's mouth could reach her pussy. Roxy held onto the headboard feeling April's tongue move around and then inside her pussy. She let out a long moan feeling April's tongue go deep inside her lips, licking into her core. April's tongue moved on down her pussy to the bottom and on downward until Roxy felt April's tongue flick upon her asshole really making her moan. She had long since learned to love anal sex and April really knew how to lick her there to get her super aroused. As April's tongue licked her asshole, her fingers began to rub against her clit. April continued on for a few moments however Roxy soon found that this was more than she could take and she let out a loud moan just when her orgasm crashed into her body.

How she kept from sitting on April's face and smother her as her orgasm coursed through her body, she didn't know but when she came around, she was sitting upon April's chest. She managed to lift up and slide down in the bed beside of April.

"I love you so much," Roxy had to say as she snuggled in close to April.

"I love you too baby, I really do," April replied giving her a kiss.

They kissed and cuddled for a while before April turned off the light and they settled down to sleep. Like always, Roxy was the first to wake up, she slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom to get the day started. When she got to the kitchen, she got the coffee going and then she looked around to see what she wanted to fix for breakfast. She felt so free not having to play the submissive and see what April wanted. Besides, April tended to say when asked what she wanted, "Whatever you want to fix." So, this just saved time and she could have breakfast about ready when April came in.

As if on cue, April came stumbling in offering a good morning but obviously more interested in the cup of coffee that Roxy had put in front of her when she sat down. After breakfast, they cleaned a little on the house before deciding to go out and do some Christmas shopping. They had fun shopping and Roxy loved having someone to talk to and get advice on what to buy. Since April had spent so much time with Larry and Silvia during Thanksgiving, she was a great help in finding something that they would love. Roxy was also able to help April find something to buy for her parents. April had told her that they were so hard to buy for so Roxy kept quizzing her about them until they began to get some ideas.

The following week, while April worked, Roxy did more shopping mostly going online to find what she was looking for. She and April had decided that one gift each was enough so what to get April was becoming hard to do since she only had one chance to get it right. What made it worse was that April didn't seem to be the least worried as to what to get her so that meant that April had already bought her present.

Since Junior would be spending Christmas with his wife's family and Diane was going to Hawaii with a unnamed "Friend" the week of Christmas, Roxy decided that they would have a family Christmas the weekend before Christmas. Just like at Thanksgiving, Roxy got all worked up about getting things right and making sure the house decorated just the way she wanted. Every time that she told April to do something, April would just grin at her and Roxy knew all too well what April was smiling about. She knew beyond a shadow of doubt that April was thinking, "I told you so" about her thinking that she had a submissive personality. She knew now that the only time she truly was submissive was when she chose to be as she did when they played out her fantasy.

The family Christmas went as great as Thanksgiving had with the added joy of watching everyone open their presents on Saturday morning, especially Silvia and Larry who loved their toys that April picked out for them. April and Roxy didn't exchange their gifts as they were going to do that on Christmas afternoon after April returned from her parents' home. And much like Thanksgiving, April and Larry kept the kids entertained while Diane and Sally helped Roxy fix their Christmas dinner. Roxy was sad to see everyone leave on Sunday but she also looked forward to the two weeks that April had off for Christmas and New Year's.

They went out on several day trips and went to the movies since a lot of new movies had been released. They also got their first big snow fall of the winter which meant that they had to clear the snow from the driveway but Roxy's father had gotten a snow blower so that made the job easier. Once the driveway was cleared and they were on the way back inside, April couldn't resist hitting Roxy with a snowball which led to a snowball fight that led to a hot shower and an afternoon of lovemaking.

On Christmas day, April first went to her parent's house for Christmas with them. She took with her a present from Roxy that April wasn't so sure would go over too well however to both of their surprise, April's mother had a gift for April to bring back to Roxy. It was a small vase that Roxy loved more for the fact that April's mother thought to include her than the vase itself but she made sure to put it up on the manel so that when April's mother came to visit, she would be sure to see it.

"So who goes first?" April asked as they sat in the living room that evening.

"I'll go first," Roxy said getting up and going to the Christmas tree that had two small wrapped boxes still sitting under it. She came back presenting it to April with more than a little trepidation.

April took it a carefully opened the small box with Roxy biting her lower lip hoping beyond hope that April would like it. Under the wrapping was a jewelry box that April slowly opened. When she opened t, April's eyes lit up seeing a necklace with a heart shaped pendent with two small diamonds.

"Oh it is beautiful," April said taking it out of the box. "Here put it on me."

"Do you like it?" Roxy asked.

"Yes I love it," April said giving her a kiss before turning and holding up her hair so that Roxy could put it around her neck and latch it.

"Thank you!" April said smiling brightly and then giving her a much longer kiss so show how much she really did love it.

"Now it's your turn," April said getting up and going to the tree to get the small package that had Roxy's name upon it. She sat back down, handing the gift to Roxy.

"What is it?" Roxy asked feeling how light the present was.

"Open it up and see," April said excitedly.

Roxy looked at the gift for a moment before she carefully took the wrapping paper off. All that did was to reveal a long thin plain white box that gave no indication as to what it contained. She went to open it only to find that April had taped it shut, in fact she had over taped the box causing Roxy to frown and April to giggle.

It took Roxy more time than she liked to get the box open much to April's delight only to find that she was no closer to finding out what April had gotten her since what she saw was a plain white envelope. She picked the thick envelope and found that April hadn't sealed it shut. She opened the envelope and she couldn't believe what she was looking at, there were two passes for every game of the Women's College World Series, which was the tournament that decided the national champion for the college softball teams that made the eight team finals.

"We're going to the college world series?" Roxy asked not believing that she was really going.

"Since I couldn't make your wish to play in it come true, the least I could do was to take you there to watch it," April said with a soft smile.

"Thank you!" Roxy said and she pulled April to her giving her a long warm hug. When she pulled back, she had tears in her eyes that April tenderly wiped away.

"This is too much, I will pay for our rooms and stuff," Roxy said knowing that the tickets had to be expensive.

"Too late, I already got our rooms reserved and paid for," April told her with a smile.

Roxy frowned at her, "Now I know you spent too much," Roxy fussed.

April reached down and picked up the jewelry box, "Given the name on this jewelry box, I would say that my neckless wasn't cheap." She said with a look that dared Roxy to argue.

"Okay we both spent too much, next year we'll only get each other cheap gifts," she declared.

"If you say so," April said in a tone of voice that told Roxy that she wasn't agreeing to anything.

Roxy didn't bother to go any further with that since she knew that they would both over spend next year too. Instead she looked at her tickets and said, "We're going to the world series."

"Yes we are," April said giving her a kiss.

The kiss lingered with Roxy putting her hand to the back of April's head running her fingers through her hair as the kiss became more passionate with their lips opening and their tongues touching. Roxy slowly ended the kiss and she stood up taking ahold of April's hand.

"Where we going?" April asked with a knowing smile.

"I want to thank you properly for my gift," Roxy replied.

"I believe that I have some thanking to do myself," April replied coming in next to her and planting a kiss to her cheek.

"Yes you do," Roxy said with a small sexy laugh.

When they got to the bedroom, Roxy pulled April to her giving her soft kiss and then another one before April put her hand to the back of her head holding it so that the third kiss was a prolonged one. They each had a hand to the back of the other's head letting their fingers run through their hair and their other hand was to each other's back, holding them together. April was the first to pull back and she reached down to begin unbuttoning Roxy's blouse. Roxy looked down watching April's fingers undo each button and then she pushed the blouse off her shoulders. She gave her a kiss while she reached behind her to undo her bra. When she stepped back, she brought Roxy's bra with her pulling it off her shoulders and down her arms. Roxy watched as April's hands came up to cup her breasts and then April leaned in to kiss her left nipple giving it a gentle suck before releasing it. She then did the same to Roxy's right nipple making Roxy moan.

When April released her now hard nipple, Roxy gently pushed April's hands away from her breasts, giving her a kiss before she reached down to unbutton April's blouse. She did so as slow as she could make herself go but still she went much faster than she had intended. She pushed her blouse off her shoulders to find that April had worn one of her front hook bras. She unhooked it and pushed it off her shoulders to reveal that April's nipples were already hard. She reached down cupping April's breasts and she leaned in to kiss and suck on April's right nipple and then left one.

April stopped her there as Roxy expected her to do, she dropped down to her knees and began to undo her jeans. She unzipped them and then she hooked her fingers onto the jeans and her panties at her hips. April was obviously wanting to speed things up not that Roxy minded. April pulled the jeans and panties down, kissing her stomach as she did so. She kept kissing once she got to her pussy making Roxy moan and she kept kissing her pussy and slit as she pushed her jeans down to her ankles where she had to stop so that Roxy could step out of them.

April was about to start kissing her there again but Roxy stopped her by pulling up on her arms. She kissed April softly before she dropped to her knees to undo April's jeans and pull them with her panties down to her ankles. Once she got them off, did she lean in to kiss April's clit giving it a few licks to get her further aroused.

She gave a long kiss to April's clit before standing up. She went to the bed and pulled both of their pillows from under the covers putting them in the center of the bed. "Lay on your stomach baby," Roxy told her getting a questioning stare from April.

Roxy just smiled giving April a kiss before leading her to the bed and laying her down on her stomach with the pillows under her hips thus raising her ass. April watched as she got onto the bed straddling her as she did so. Roxy lowered her head giving a kiss to April's right shoulder and then her left one. April let out a coo as she relaxed and closed her eyes. Roxy kissed her between she shoulders and she continued to give her light kisses as she moved down her back. As she moved lower, she used her right knee to open April's legs putting both of her knees between them. Roxy placed kisses from side to side on April's back as she slowly moved downward.

When she got to April's lower back just above her ass, she paused for a moment giving her lots of kisses there. She then placed a kiss at the top of April's ass cleft. She moved to the right ass cheek, giving April lots of kisses including a few tender bites. She went to the left cheek kissing all around that cheek and a few tender bites there too. She then planted a series of kisses down April's ass cleft making April moan.

She paused for a moment before she put her fingers to April's ass cheeks pulling them open. "Oh god!" April moaned as she moved her knees up and raised her ass up further thus opening her ass cheeks even more.

Roxy stuck her tongue out and starting at the top of April's ass crack, she slowly moved the tip of her tongue downward until she got to April cute little pink asshole. She then used her tongue tip to tease April's asshole.

"Fuck baby, that feels nice," April moaned pushing her ass up higher.

Roxy flatted out her tongue to lick April's asshole several times and then she pressed the tip into April's ass really making her moan. She used her tongue to fuck April's asshole pushing it in as far as she could. She then went back to teasing it with the tip of her tongue getting April to really moan. She would go back to tongue fucking the cute little asshole. She kept licking and fucking her asshole getting April to moan almost constantly. When she knew that April was at the crest of her arousal, she put her fingers to April's pussy finding her soaking wet. She pushed three fingers into her pussy getting April to really moan. She pushed her tongue deep into April's asshole as her fingers fucked her pussy. April lasted but for a moment before Roxy felt April's pussy clamping down on her fingers and her asshole squeezing down on her tongue.

Roxy pulled her fingers from April's still twitching pussy and she licked them clean loving April's taste and then with a last kiss to April's ass cheeks before moving up beside of her. She held her tightly as April slowly recovered from her orgasm.

"You're going to be the death of me," April said with a smile. "you always make me feel so good."

"I try," Roxy said smiling happy that she was able to make April that happy.

"You do more than try," April said giving her a kiss. "Now let me see if I can make you feel half as great." She added while she turned them over so that Roxy was on her back.

"All you have to do is kiss me to make me feel great," Roxy told her seriously.

"Well here is your kiss," April said lowering her head to give her the kiss that Roxy so wanted. "and here is a little more..." she said as she began to kiss down her chin and on to her neck with Roxy raising her chin to help April along her slow journey down to her chest.

She felt April's hands cupping her breasts and she looked down just as April kissed her right nipple making her moan softly. She lowered her head back to the pillow and closed her eyes wanting to concentrate on the feel of April's soft lips kissing her nipples and breasts. She let out a little groan when April gave a tender bite to each nipple that also caused a surge of moisture come to her pussy.

April moved on down placing random kisses to her belly in such a manner that Roxy never knew where the next kiss would be however she could tell that April's kisses were heading and finally she made it to her pussy. She kissed just above it and then to each side making Roxy groan in frustration but it also felt so nice.

"Baby... please..." Roxy groaned.

April kissed her again above her pussy but then Roxy felt April's face pressed against her pussy and her tongue begin to lick against her lips before going between them. Roxy spread her knees further apart and she felt April's tongue moving deeper inside of her.

"Oh yes... right there..." Roxy moaned gripping the sheets in her hands while April pulled her lips apart and her tongue going even deeper inside of her. April moved her tongue in and around her pussy using her lips to bite and pull on her lips before going back and licking in deeper.

April's tongue left her pussy going straight to her clit and Roxy felt a couple of April's fingers entering her pussy. She pushed her ass up off the bed meeting the thrusts of April's fingers and also getting April to lick her clit that much harder. She felt another finger enter her pussy stretching her open and April really began to suck on her clit hard drawing it into her mouth. That was more than Roxy could take and she felt her orgasm crash down upon her hard, sending ripples of pleasure all through her body.

When she recovered, April was beside of her kissing her face and holding her tightly. She began to return April's kisses which led to them caressing and cuddling in close enjoying the feel of their bodies pressed together. Soon the kisses slowed down and they just cuddled for a long while until they both fell into blissful slumber.

Sometime later, Roxy woke to find the lights still on in the bedroom and also out into her hallway. She untangled herself from April's arms and started to slip out of the bed when she heard a sleepy April ask, "Where you going baby?"

"Just to the bathroom and to turn off the lights," Roxy said quietly leaning down to give April a kiss.

"Hurry back," April said rolling over to her side and Roxy knew that April was already asleep.

Roxy slipped into the bathroom to pee and then she went out into the hallway to begin turning off the lights hearing in the back of her head, her father complaining that no one in the house knew how to flip a switch to turn off lights. She to smile thinking that her father had taught her well as she got out of a warm bed just to turn off his lights.

When she slipped back in bed, April turned back toward, "what took you so long, I got lonely without you," April purred.

"Poor baby," Roxy whispered.

"And I got cold too, warm me back up," April whispered.

"I believe I can do that my love," Roxy said snuggling in close to April whose body was anything but cold.

"Is this better?" Roxy asked putting her arms around April pulling her in even closer and giving her a light kiss.

"A little better but I'm still cold..." April complained.

"You are?" Roxy said softly beginning to realized just how warm April was wanting to become.

"Yes, I'm so cold...." April said in a somewhat pouty tone.

"Well I think I can get you real warm," Roxy said rolling April onto her back and laying on top of her. She felt April raise her knees opening her legs for Roxy to slide between.

Roxy gave her another kiss before she slipped under the covers going down until she could grasp April's breasts in her hands. She gave a kiss to April's right nipple. "Oh, there you go, warm my cold nipple up." April murmured.

April's nipple was already warm however Roxy did her best to get it warmer and from April's moans, she was doing a great job. She moved her mouth to April's left nipple kissing it and then sucking it into her mouth. She used her fingers to pinch and twist April's right nipple keeping it very warm.

She kissed and sucked on each nipple for a moment before beginning her journey southward. She kept kissing April's belly as she scooted further under the covers until she was at April's pussy which was very wet and warm. She kissed down her slit and slowly licked her way back up to April's clit giving it several licks. She then used her fingers to open April's pussy to lick in deeper getting April's body hot and very aroused. She took her time licking inside of April tasting her wonderful juices and sucking upon her lips.

"Make me cum baby," Roxy heard April say. So, she moved up to her clit while pushing two fingers into her pussy. April moaned as she began to lick her clit and finger fuck her pussy. She started slow but soon she was fucking April's wet tight pussy hard and she was licking as fast and hard as she could on April's clit until her felt April's body stiffen and she heard a loud moan. She licked her clit and finger fucked her a minute or so longer before pulling her fingers out and licking April's wet pussy clean of her juices.

When she slid out from under the covers and back beside of April, she was just coming out of her orgasm. "Are you nice and warm now baby?" she asked while giving her a kiss.

"Mmm... yes I am but now you feel so cold, I believe that I need to warm you up," April said.

"Oh yes I am so very cold," Roxy said as she pretended to shiver.

"I'll get you all warmed up," April said giving her a kiss and then she disappeared under the covers.

Roxy opened her legs to allow April's legs to slide in between them and she immediately felt April's warm mouth on her left nipple sucking and tenderly biting it getting her warm in a flash. She put her hands onto April's arms holding on as April caressed and teased her nipples. She began to let out soft moans while April used her mouth upon her sensitive nipples.

April seemed to know when it was time to move down to her pussy and she did so rather quickly. She opened her legs further so that April could lick deep inside of her pussy. She soon felt April's hands at the back of her knees pushing them up further. Roxy was almost in a ball and she felt April's tongue go from her pussy down to her open ass. She felt the tip of April's tongue tease the rim of her asshole making her moan and a moment later, she felt that tongue began to lick really getting her aroused. She used her hands to pull her legs up even further thus freeing April's hands and fingers to tease her pussy as she licked her asshole. She felt April's tongue pushing into her ass causing her to moan loudly and her pussy leak even more of its juices. April's thumb found her clit and it began to circle it as she tongue fucked her asshole. Roxy felt her clit becoming super sensitive and suddenly she found herself in the throes of an intense orgasm. Her legs fell down upon April's back and she held April's head between her thighs until her body relaxed as her orgasm began to ebb.

"I think we're both warm now," April said giving her a soft kiss and then lying in beside of her.

"Very warm," Roxy said snuggling in close to April and they were both soon back asleep in their warm bed with their warm bodies.

End of Chapter Fourteen.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 15

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