Roxys Discovery

Published on Apr 8, 2018


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Chapter Fifteen

By Chris

As the week went by, Roxy became more and more nervous about attending Jody and Reba's New Year's Eve party that they had been invited to. She liked having to go out shopping for something to wear but attending the party with Jody and Reba there was unnerving her. She didn't figure that she would ever see them again and she wasn't sure why they got invited since this was a party for all of Jody and Reba's friends which she wasn't so sure that she could be called a friend to them since her only interaction with them wasn't anything that one could talk about in a social setting.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" Roxy asked for the twentieth time while they were getting dressed for the party.

"Yes honey, it is, now stop your worrying," April said patiently.

"But I won't know anyone but Jody and Reba and I really don't know them," Roxy said knowing that April would know where she was coming from.

"I don't know anyone but them too but there will be women from all around this area, women who could jump start your career. You may end up working for one of these women one of these day. Besides I think it will be interesting to hear all of their stories and I bet once everyone starts drinking, there will be a lot of stories to be told," April said reassuring her once again.

"And you'll stick by me all night..." Roxy stated more than asked.

"I won't leave your side, I promise," April said giving her a kiss.

"You'd better not," Roxy warned her.

"I won't," April replied with a smile.

"You know that I'm wearing a dress and you're wearing pants," Roxy said grinning at April.

"But this time we know who really wears the pants..." April said giving Roxy a hard look.

"Of course, you do," Roxy said pointing to April's dress pants.

"I don't mean literary who wears the pants," April said putting her hands to her hips and frowning.

Roxy laughed, "yes I know what you mean..." she said and she saw April let out a sigh of relief. "And it's you who wear the pants..."

"Roxy!" April said this time showing her frustration.

"I know, I just had to tease you," Roxy said coming to April and giving her a light kiss.

"Good, I just don't want to go through all that again,' April said putting her hands around her and giving her a hug.

"I don't either," Roxy said giving April a squeeze before releasing her.

She thought for a moment as she tried to put into words what she needed to say without it coming out all wrong, "Speaking of this, there is something that I am worried about..."

"What's that baby?" April asked.

"You know when I asked about meeting Reba and Jody a few minutes ago, it was more than meeting them that I was worried about. You know with my fantasy and all..." Roxy said.

"Roxy, you don't have a thing to worry about, they won't bring that up. Like you, that was a game to be played, one that that they enjoyed playing but they can separate the two. And like I said, there'll be a lot of people at this party and they won't have much time to spend with just us." April told her giving her a hug and kiss. "Now let's hurry up and get ready or we're going to be late."

Roxy felt a little bit more reassured but she wouldn't be completely so until the night was over and it went as April said it would. They left the house with time to spare with Roxy making April drive as she was feeling nervous, besides April knew where they were going.

The party was at Jody's house and Roxy was surprised that it didn't appear to be that large, though it did have a long driveway and was placed well off the main road. There was a young woman that met them when they drove up who parked the car for them. At the entrance, there were several young women to take their coats and purses. Roxy soon discovered that looks could be deceiving in that the house was much larger from the inside that it appeared from the outside.

Once they entered the main part of the house, there were already several women there, all dressed in formal dresses as she was or pant suits like April was wearing. Reba came to meet them giving them a hug and a kiss to the cheek like she was welcoming old friends. That immediately put Roxy's fears to ease, she knew that she would be treated just like all the other guests and there would be no mention of what had happened at her house a couple of months before. Reba then preceded to introduce them to several of the guests some of which ran large corporations like Reba and Jody did and some who owned small companies that either Reba or Jody did business with. They caught up with Jody a little later and she introduced Roxy to a woman who ran a small but rather important accounting firm. Roxy knew that Jody did this for a reason, one because they had a common interest and more importantly, she was someone good to know when she had earned her degree and needed a job. April did break her promise about staying with her but she soon bored with the talk about numbers and left Roxy alone to talk business.

At midnight, April was back at her side so that they could bring in the new year together and with a kiss and it was a great kiss to start the year off right. After their kiss, they like everyone else went around giving kisses to the other guests, however those kisses were to the cheek.

"You know, I was right about this not being a good idea to come to this party," Roxy said as she drove them home.

"Why, I thought you told Jody and Reba at the door that you had a wonderful time and thanked them for inviting us. You sounded sincere when you said it," April replied with her voice showing her concern.

"I did have a wonderful time and I got to meet a lot of great women that showed me just what we women can do," Roxy said.

"Then why are you now saying that it wasn't a good idea for us to come?" April asked with her tone of voice showing her confusion.

"Because seeing Jody and Reba has made me starting thinking about wanting to play out my fantasy again..." Roxy said glad that the car was dark so that April couldn't see that she was blushing.

"Oh I see..." April said and Roxy glanced over to see that April appeared to be smiling.

"It's not that I just want to have sex with them again or anything. I mean I love you and only you. There is no one that I want to be with more than you," Roxy said hoping that April understood what she was saying.

Roxy felt April's hand on her thigh giving it a squeeze. Roxy dropped her right hand down taking April's hand in hers and she felt April entwining their fingers together.

"You know I enjoyed that as much as you did. I mean I loved embarrassing you and making you do all those things just as much as you enjoyed doing them. I would love to play our game again and I know that Reba and Jody would too," April said.

"Did they say something to you tonight?" Roxy had to ask.

"No, there was no mention of what we did and they will never mention it again... at least not until you bring it up as you are doing tonight," April said giving her hand a squeeze.

"I'm not thinking about really doing it again..." Roxy started to say but April interrupted her.

"Yes you are and you do want to... don't you?" April asked.

"Okay I want to but don't tell them yet... not until we can decide how to do it..." Roxy said.

"What if I decide what will happen to you only this time, you won't have a clue as to what I will have you do or have done to you," April suggested.

Roxy had to think about this for a moment or two before she spoke, "Okay but I like being a maid and I know Reba and Jody will be disappointed if I'm not wearing ruffled panties," Roxy told her feeling a bit of moisture gathering in her pussy.

"I think I can work with that," April said and Roxy noticed that April was undoing her seatbelt.

April got onto her knees in her seat leaning in close and whispering, "Now hurry up and get us home before I make you stop the car and make love to you right out in the open."

Roxy felt her pussy pulse at that thought and she almost swerved off the road when she felt April's hand sliding between her thighs. "quit that or you'll make me wreck!" Roxy said reaching down and removing April's hand from between her legs.

"Well hurry up!" April complained.

"I am," Roxy said pressing down on the gas pedal thus speeding them up as much as she dared.

April did sit back down in her seat but Roxy still felt her hand on her thigh though it did more or less behave. April didn't want her to wreck any more than she wanted to wreck. However, April did succeed in getting her to get them home faster.

As soon as they entered the house, they began to kiss while their hands were busy getting undressed with April taking a moment to unzip her dress; as to getting it the rest of the way off, Roxy was able to manage that on her own. Once naked, Roxy turned off the porch light and the living room lights and they felt their way back to the bedroom in the dark. It would have been easier and faster to get there with the lights on but neither of them were thinking about how they got to the bedroom but just getting there to make love.

They immediately fell onto the bed in a jumble of arms and legs, kissing and caressing whatever part their hands and lips could find. Roxy eventually maneuvered April onto her back whispering to her, "Stay there."

Roxy gave April a light kiss before she turned around with her knees to April's sides and her hands on April's thighs. April quickly figured out what Roxy was wanting to do. She opened her legs and Roxy felt April's hands on her ass pulling downward. She felt April's tongue touch her pussy causing her to moan before she dropped her head down between April's legs to begin licking April's wet pussy. She heard April moan into her pussy making her moan again. They then began to lick each other in earnest, each going from the other's pussy to their clit and back to their pussy.

When she felt April sucking on her clit and her fingers entering her pussy; Roxy quickly returned the favor for fear of achieving her orgasm before she could get April to that same point. However, April's head start did her in and she found herself rising to the point of no return, she sucked hard on April's clit and pushed another finger into April's pussy feeling it clamp down on her fingers just as her own orgasm hit. Roxy fell down on top of April while riding out the waves of her orgasm.

"Oh god that felt great," Roxy said as she rose up and came around to lie beside of April.

"Yes it did, you got me so horny in the car, I wasn't sure that I could wait," April said with a girlish giggle.

"I noticed," Roxy said with that same giggle.

Roxy snuggled in close giving April several light kisses that she wanted to continue but as much as she hated to break the moment she had to, "my toes are getting cold." She said.

April let out a laugh, "I was just coming to the same realization."

"You would think that one of us would be smart enough to suggest we get under the covers long before our feet got cold." Roxy told her.

"Yes, one would think that," April said laughing a little.

"Well then let's get where it's warm," Roxy said pulling away from April. They both slid to the top of the bed pulling the covers from under their asses so that they could slip under them and back together where their bodies could get warm again.

When they were back snuggle in together, April asked, "So are you really wanting to play out your fantasy again?"

Roxy paused for a moment knowing that if she said yes, it would set the wheels in motion and she wanted to be sure that was what she really wanted. "Yes but only if you want to and..."

"I know and I do," April said and then Roxy felt April's lips on here giving her a kiss. "Don't worry it will take me a while to set it up and decide what I want you to wear and what devilish things I can put you through."

"You like that part don't you," Roxy asked being serious.

"Forgive me but I do," April admitted. "You know when we reverse roles and I learn how much I really love you."

"How so?" Roxy had to ask.

"By how jealous I get when I watch them doing those things to you," April admitted. "And before you say anything, I love that feeling and it also excites me to watch at the same time."

"I'm glad that you do get jealous but I don't think I could let them do that to you," Roxy said.

"Well that is cool because that isn't my fantasy," April told her.

"I know and I have an idea about your fantasy," Roxy said with a smile.

"But I don't really have one," April falsely protested.

"Yes you do... to be a nude model," Roxy replied.

"Oh I was just playing around," April said obviously trying to convince Roxy and herself that was true.

"No you weren't," Roxy said and when April didn't immediately protest, she knew that she was right. "I'm going to really learn how to use my father's camera and I know just where you're going to model for me."

This time it was April who paused before she said, "No one will see us or ever see the pictures..." April said.

"No, it will just be the two of us and we'll be the only one that will ever see them," Roxy said. "And I'll be the only one masturbating to the pictures."

"Oh god you're sick!" April said with a laugh.

"We both are," Roxy said.

"Yes we are, but it's fun," April replied.

"Yes it's very fun," Roxy said and then she gave her a kiss before they settled in to sleep.

They only had a couple free days before April had to go back to work and school started for Roxy. Winter also decided to arrive with lots of snow but then they were used to dealing with that. On more than a few days, Roxy insisted that she take April into work since her car had four-wheel drive through April insisted that her car did fine. But no matter what April said, she found herself being driven to work and taken home.

Roxy began to practice with her father's camera even doing so with some of her classmates however she never took a picture of April, those would come later. She practiced both indoor and outside so that she was confident that she could take the pictures anywhere.

That wasn't the only thing that she had to practice, one day April came home late carrying two shoe boxes. One box she put away, the other she gave to Roxy to open. They were a beautiful pair of shoes with four inch heels. She then knew that this time, she would be wearing heels with her maid outfit. Every evening after that, April made her wear them for a couple of hours until she was able to walk without breaking her ankles. Once she had that down, she had to learn to walk with them while carrying a tray which Roxy knew that was coming next just from the last time.

Seven weeks after the New Year's Eve party, April turned off the light for them to go to sleep when she turned to Roxy and said softly, "Tomorrow night your fantasy comes to life again."

"Oh fuck!" Roxy gasped feeling her heart begin to pound.

"Yes... I believe you will be," April said giving her a kiss and then she snuggled in close and quickly fell asleep giving Roxy no chance to get any more information.

Roxy meanwhile became a bundle of nerves, she had known for the past couple of weeks that April was about ready as there was now a garment bag next to her first maid costume. She had obviously got Reba and Jody on board and ready. Roxy had thought about the fantasy a lot but not as much as she did the first time. Now it was more when April had told her that she would be late coming home or when she would be texting someone and offer as to who she was texting as she would normally do; it was these times that she was forced to think about it and feel excited. April benefited from this as Roxy tended to take her right to bed as soon as she arrived home. But even in those times, she knew that April was still setting things up though nothing was set in stone however now it obviously was time; she could only hope that it would be as fun as the first time.

The one thing that made her think that it would be was that since she had accepted that she didn't have a submissive personality but actually a dominate one, April had become more submissive at home. April was content to go along with whatever she decided to do or fix for dinner. Not that she took advantage of that, she knew what April liked to eat and do and she made sure that she didn't fix or do something that she knew April didn't like. In the bedroom, they tended to swap out who was leading the lovemaking and did what the other was in the mood to do.

With the way that their relationship had evolved, they truly would be swapping roles with April controlling everything and Roxy would have no choice but to do as April told her to do and that excited her to no end. This is what she was thinking about when she was finally able to let sleep take over her mind and body.

Roxy wanted to sleep in considering that she only been asleep a few hours however her mind wouldn't let her sleep any later than when she would normally wake up. She slipped out of bed, going to the bathroom before going to the kitchen to make April's favorite breakfast. After they had eaten, they began to rearrange the living room so that it was exactly like it was for her first fantasy with the two couches facing each other and the table at the end of the couches for her to place her tray of tea upon.

Once they had everything in place, they cleaned the living room making sure that there wasn't a dust speck to be seen anywhere. Roxy knew that her house would never match what Reba and Jody had but she was certain that their houses weren't any cleaner that hers. April then sent her to the bedroom to take a nap. Roxy was sure that she would never able to sleep but to her surprise she was able to take a nice two-hour nap that left her refreshed and ready. April had sandwiches ready and Roxy found that she was hungrier than she realized.

After they had eaten, it was time to start getting ready for the evening. April sent her to the bathroom attached to their bedroom while April used the guest bathroom. Roxy took a shower and then she shaved her legs, pussy, and underarms making sure that her skin was smooth and soft. She dried her hair but she didn't try to fix it as she knew April would do that for her. She put on a robe and entered the spare bedroom where April was waiting for her; she was also wearing a robe.

The first thing that Roxy noticed was the maid outfit that she would be wearing that evening. This one had two parts, a white ruffled skirt, a very short skirt of course. The blouse was white cotton with a bright pink collar and a pink school girl uniform type tie that was also bright pink. The panties were ruffled like the last time only they were bright pink matching the color of her blouse.

"I see pink is the color of choice this evening," Roxy had to say with a smile.

"I believe it is, I think you'll look pretty in pink," April replied giving her a wink.

"I hope so," Roxy said but even looking at the outfit was beginning to get her aroused.

"Shall we begin to get you ready?" April asked.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said getting into character.

"Very good," April said becoming serious as she too began to get into the character she would play for the evening.

April came to her and she untied her robe, letting it fall to the floor leaving Roxy naked and feeling vulnerable in front of a serious looking April. The first thing April did was to get Roxy's bra that was hidden under the panties. It was pink in color and had sheer cups that would do nothing to hide her breasts. She got the pink ruffled panties and helped her to step into them. Next came the ruffled skirt that barely covered her ass, if anything it felt shorter than the first skirt she had worn if that was possible. April assisted her in putting on the blouse that was very snug fitting and made her breasts look larger than they really were. This she buttoned all the way to the top and put the pink tie that matched her panties in color. April took her into the bathroom to first fix her hair. She pinned up the back leaving a strand of hair hanging down on the sides at the front. She then clipped a maid's hair clip in the top before beginning to apply a little makeup using more eye shadow and eyeliner than Roxy would use. The last thing that she applied was her lipstick which of course was pink.

April escorted her back to the bedroom and pulled the second box of shoes that she had bought. When she opened the box, Roxy saw a pair of four-inch heel that matched the pair that she had been practicing with only this pair was the same color of pink that her panties were. April helped her to slip them on and it was only then that she uncovered the mirror on the back of the door so that Roxy could finally see what she looked like.

"What do you think?" April asked.

Roxy gasped when she saw herself in the mirror, it was like she was looking at herself but also looking at a completely different person. This was the submissive slutty side of herself and it definitely aroused her thinking about how that side would soon come to life or rather was becoming alive right in front of her.

"I love it," Roxy said going to April giving her a kiss on the cheek that left a pink lipstick mark.

"I do too, you look so sexy," April said giving her a wink to make her point.

"And slutty and submissive..." Roxy had to say as she turned to look at herself in the mirror.

"Yes those things too," April said with a smile. "now go into the kitchen and get the tea going, my guests will be here soon."

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said bowing her head and leaving in character.

When she got to the kitchen, she put the water on to heat and retrieved the cups and dishes from the cabinet putting them on the tray. She stayed busy trying not to think about what was about to happen and wondering just what April would chose to wear. She was also a little curious as to what Reba and Jody would chose to wear but in the end, they weren't that important, this was a game between her and April with Reba and Jody playing a role in the fantasy. She and April were the ones swapping roles and April dictated just what Reba and Jody could do. In a way, it was like three dominate women becoming submissive to April's wishes and desires.

She had been pretty calm up to now but now that the fantasy would soon begin, she wondered again what it would be like and if it would be as fun as the first time. In a way, she feared that it wouldn't be and that scared her more than a little. The water was taking forever to heat it seemed and suddenly a strange thought came to mind. She remembered the conversation that she and April had right after her first fantasy had ended. April had been worried about the spanking that she gave her and if she should have done it or if so whether she had done it too hard. Roxy remembered that she had answered April's fear by telling her that while she wasn't into spanking per say, she rather enjoy it during the fantasy and that actually April could have spanked her longer and harder if she had wanted to do so.

Her heart stopped for a moment as she realized what she may have set into motion by telling her that. She could only hope that April had long since forgotten what she had said. However, she also knew that while April could be forgetful about where she left her keys, phone, laptop, and various other personal items, it seemed that she had perfect memory when it came to anything she had told her or had done. She had also learned the hard way that anything she might say in an argument April would remember and when they had another argument, she would be reminded if she had she had one view of something before and had since changed it. This was one of the things that Roxy both loved and hated about April, her memory of things said.

So, she knew that she would be spanked again and this time it would unquestionably be harder and longer. Now she was both worried and nervous over the spanking to come however she would also have to admit that she was excited about this happening. The water finally got hot so she filled the teapot to let the tea brew. She fiddled around with the cups wondering when April's guests would arrive. At exactly seven, she heard the doorbell ring and then she heard voices coming from the living room. There was no turning back now, it was set to begin soon, very soon.

However, April obviously had another plan in place and she seemed intent on making her wait just a little while longer. She could hear a conversation going on in the living room but she couldn't hear what was being said. The longer that she had to wait, she more nervous she became. As the seconds' passed and then minutes passed, she was tempted to peek in on what they were doing however she somehow managed to resist that urge. However as more minutes past, she felt the urge to give in and go look at what they were doing for so long with April knowing what that wait would be doing to her.

That was when she heard April ring her little bell which caused her both jump and gasp out loud, loud enough for her to fear that they might have heard her. She started to pick up the tea tray but then realized that April had not asked for it yet. She reached down trying to get her skirt to cover more of her legs but April had made sure that no matter how hard she pulled down on it, the skirt wasn't going to move down or stretch to cover more of her thighs.

She took that first step and about fell with those damn heels that April made her wear. She got her balance back and with her head up, she left the kitchen, entering the living room. She saw that like the last time, April was sitting on the first couch with her back to her. Jody and Reba was on the other couch facing her. Neither of them were paying any attention to her and in a way, that hurt her feelings as she did want their attention as she entered.

She went to April facing all three of them before she spoke, "You called ma'am?" She asked. It was only then that Jody and Reba looked up at her. She saw their eyes light up while their faces remained stoic, so that made her feel good.

"Yes I called, I rung the bell didn't I?" April said in a uppity voice.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy replied feeling her face warm and her pussy begin to get wet as the fantasy had officially began.

"I don't know where you find your maids, but I do believe that this one is even prettier than your last one," Reba said to April.

"Thank you, I just had the last one trained when someone hired her out from under me, now I got to start over with this one," April replied with a frown.

"I'm sure that you'll have this one trained in no time," Jody told her.

"I don't know, I thought that the last one was dumb as shit but I think this one has her beat," April replied with a deep sigh.

This really hurt Roxy's feelings with the way April was talking about her comparing her to her last maid... and she was more than a little confused as to where April was going with this until it hit her. She was the old maid and in this fantasy, she was a whole new maid that April had just hired. This way they could play the same games and they still be new, at least for the maid that she was tonight.

"Well at least she is nice on the eyes, might we have a closer look at her?" Jody asked.

"Sure, my pleasure," April said and then she looked up at her. "Well go on girl, let them get a good look at you before you go get us our tea."

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said taking slow steps so as not to fall until she got in front of Reba and Jody.

"Come closer girl," Reba told her.

Roxy took a step forward as Reba and Jody slid forward. Roxy looked down getting a good look at what they both were wearing. They were dressed similarly with tight short black shirts and both of their blouses were loose fitting with Jody's being aqua in color and Jody's was white. When they leaned forward, she was able to see down both of their blouses, seeing their sheer bras with the swell of their breasts. With her mind on what they were wearing, she didn't notice where their hands were going until she felt Jody's hands on her left leg just above her knee and moving upward.

"Oh my, she does have some firm legs, feel how tight her muscles are," Jody instructed Reba.

Reba felt her face flushing as she felt two pair of hands feeling of her legs and thighs, going to her upper thigh but stopping there.

"She does have some firm legs and so smooth," Reba said with the tone of her voice sounding more than a little husky.

"Turn around girl, let them see you from the back," April ordered her.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said feeling the hands leave her legs only to return when she had her back to them.

Roxy glanced over at April who seemed to be enjoying her embarrassment of having her legs being felt up by these two strange ladies. And they were still really unknown to her, even after attending their New Year's Eve party, she had never really had a real conversation with them, they were still April's friends that she knew little about.

A moment later, their hands left her legs just as Reba said, "Yes that is one fine build girl."

"Bring us our tea, and see if you can manage to serve it without spilling any like the last maid I had," April told her, reminding Roxy of the last time that she did indeed spilled the tea.

Roxy had gotten close to the kitchen when she heard Jody say loud enough for her to hear, "You do know how to find lovely young women to be your maids."

"You know I have found that the older I get the more I appreciate looking at young beautiful women," April replied.

"You can say that again," Reba said with a laugh.

"You know you two are sounding like dirty old men," Jody said.

"Aren't you the one who commented on that young girl's ass the other day and talked about wanting to get your hands on it?" Reba asked.

"I plead the fifth," Jody said with a laugh.

Roxy had to smile at the conversation as she entered the kitchen. She went to the tea tray now knowing the set up for her fantasy. She was the young pretty maid and they were three older women who enjoyed looking at the beauty of youth. For this evening, April wasn't her age but a middle-aged woman like Jody and Reba.

Roxy picked up the tray getting her balance right before trying to carry it in wearing those damn heels. This time, Jody and Reba did watch her enter and she could feel their eyes on her which did make her nervous. Having to carry the tray, her eyes were glancing around the room to make sure she didn't hit anything and that was when she noticed a straight back chair that wasn't there when she and April had set up the room earlier in the day. She didn't have time to ponder on why the chair was there since she had gotten to the couches and made the turn away from that chair going to the table at the end of the couches. In a very un-lady like manner, she bent at the waist to set the tray down on the table.

"Oh, sweet Jesus, look at those pink ruffled panties," Jody gasped.

While she should have expected it, she was still surprised when she felt Jody's hand on her right ass cheek feeling her panties and of course her ass.

"Reba, you got to feel how soft these panties are and how firm her ass is," Jody told Reba.

"Back up girl and let Reba feel your panties, I paid enough for you to wear them," April ordered her.

Roxy felt her face turning red, embarrassed that here she was a grown woman who was having to show off her panties and doing so with her ass facing two very powerful women. She took a step back and turned so that she was facing the couch that April was sitting presenting her pink ruffled panties to Reba and Jody, she saw that April had this smile that wasn't necessary showing her happiness but rather the joy she was feeling forcing her to do such an embarrassing thing.

Roxy expected to feel Reba and Jody's hands on her ass however that didn't immediately happen, rather they began to comment on how pretty her panties were, not talking to her of course but to April. So, as she stood there with her hands on her knees presenting her ass to these women, they were content to compliment April on hiring a maid with such a cute ass who had long smooth firm legs. The fact that she was wearing four- inch heels thus enhancing her ass while showing how firm her thighs and calves were. The more that they talked about her ass and her panties the more embarrassed that she became which also added to her arousal. She could feel the crotch of her panties becoming damp which she knew Reba and Jody had to notice, this was probably why they continued to talk about her to April.

Finally she felt their hands make contact with her panty covered ass. Their fingers moved around her ass, going just inside the openings at her legs going close to her pussy but never touching her there. These women knew how to tease and arouse without actually touching her pussy. She further embarrassed herself by increasing the distance between her feet however Jody and Reba wasn't about to take the bait, they were intent on just teasing her.

Eventually April put a premature stop to the teasing by saying, "You may serve the tea now."

"Yes ma'am," Roxy responded feeling the wonderful hands leaving her ass and also leaving her more than a little aroused.

Roxy straighten up, taking a brief moment to regain her balance before she was able to take the step back to the table. She bent over again and poured the tea into the cups without spilling a drop. It was only after she had presented the cup and saucer to each lady that she realized that by doing it correctly, she had failed to give April a reason to spank her.

Roxy wasn't sure what to do next so she just stood a foot or two back from the opening between the two couches, standing closer to April's couch than the ladies couch. They sipped the tea and Reba and Jody both complimented April on the tea she had chosen to serve and how well she had made it. April had nothing to do with either however like a rich powerful woman she was playing, she took all the credit ignoring the person who did all the work. This was meant to demean Roxy and it did but that was exactly what she wanted to feel and that too kept her aroused. She so wanted to reach between her legs and caress the part of her that was demanding attention however she just stood there soaking in her feeling of being a lowly maid that these women loved to put in her place. Roxy began to wonder when they would get back to her or even if they were going to as it didn't seem like they were in any hurry to do so. When Jody next spoke, Roxy knew that the first act of this play had ended and the next act was about to begin.

"You know that the Spring Awakening party is coming up in two weeks," Jody said pausing there so that April could say her line.

"Yes I do, I'm so looking forward to attending, that is one party I look forward to every year." April said right on clue.

"I just had a thought that maybe your new maid would be a big hit with all the ladies, you know how they all love young fresh meat..." Jody said leaving the rest unsaid though Roxy knew what she was saying.

"Yes I do..." April said and Roxy saw her looking at her as if seriously considering loaning her out for what their cryptic talk sounded less like a party but rather something much more sinister, especially for the young fresh meat they were referring to which at the moment was her.

"So, you'll let us borrow her for a week before to get her ready?" Reba asked hopefully.

"Mmmmm... you know that would be one way to find out if she is as big a slut as my last maid," April said and Roxy could see that April was seriously considering it.

"Oh please don't ma'am, I don't want to go there and be a part of that party," Roxy said lost in her own fantasy and very fearful of being paraded around to a bunch of strange women.

April's face turned angry and she said harshly, "What did I tell you when I hired you... what was the only words I wanted to come out of your lips?"

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said dropping her head down ashamed that she had embarrassed April in front of her friends.

"Right!" April said sitting up and sliding to the edge of the cushion. "So if I want to lend you to my friends I will damn well do so!"

"Yes ma'am" Roxy responded knowing full well that April had set her up perfectly with the mention of the party.

"And if you disobeyed me, what would happen?" April asked.

"You'd spank me," Roxy responded in almost a whisper while feeling her face warming.

"What did you say, speak louder!" April said still using her harsh voice that made Roxy's pussy surge with moisture.

"That you would spank me," Roxy said much louder this time.

"That's right, go get that straight back chair and bring it to where you're standing," April instructed her.

"Can't you spank me in the bedroom?" Roxy pleaded.

"You embarrassed me in front of my friends and so you be spanked in front of them, now go get that chair," April said.

Roxy turned to get the chair and what April said next sent a cold chill down her back, "And for disobeying me again, your spanking just became so very much harder and longer."

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said feeling her knees turning to jelly for a second.

Roxy got the chair and set it down where she had been standing between the couches. She watched as April slowly get up, straightening out her short skirt before walking slowly to the chair and sitting down.

Roxy just stood there both scared and excited about the spanking to come. "Well don't just stand there, come and get over my knees so that we can get this over with." April told her.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said going to April's right side and with April's help, lay down over her knees with April then adjusting her so that her ass was better presented to be spanked.

She felt April lifting the back of her ruffled skirt leaving her panties as the only thing protecting her ass. The next thing that she felt was April's hand moving around her ass in a caressing motion that assured Roxy that April knew what she was doing and that while it would hurt, it would not be cruel.

"Would you ladies like to get a closer look at my maid making me spank her?" April asked.

"We would love to," came their reply in almost unison.

"Oh no please..." Roxy said without thinking.

"What did you say?" April quickly asked.

"Yes ma'am," Roxy just as quickly replied.

"That's what I thought you said," April said and Roxy could imagine the smile on her face when she said it.

Roxy watched as Reba and Jody got up walking over and then disappearing from view as they got into position behind of her. She felt April's hand leaving her ass but then there was a pause. Roxy expected April to ask if she was ready however she didn't do so, instead Roxy felt a sting on her ass as April's hand landed dead center.

"Ohhhh..." Roxy squealed more from the surprise of the sudden spank than the slight pain that it caused.

Roxy didn't have to wait long for the second spank and this one was on her right ass cheek. She managed to keep from squealing though it did sting a little. The next spank was to left cheek and then it was back on the center of her ass. April continued to spank her ass and while it did embarrassed her with Jody and Reba watching, April wasn't spanking her hard enough to really cause her pain and she had to admit that she was a bit disappointed that April didn't spank her harder and that Reba and Jody wasn't making any comments.

April stopped the spanks and instead she just rested her hand on her ass. Roxy feared that this would be the end of the spanking but she should have known that April was just starting.

"You know, I just don't think I'm getting through to my maid," April stated.

"No I don't believe that you are," Reba commented.

"Do either of you have any suggestions as to how I can make a better impression on her?" April asked.

Roxy heard Jody saying something and she dared to look back, seeing Jody whispering something into Reba's ear. A smile came to Reba's lips that made Roxy more than a little nervous.

"Go ahead and tell her," Reba told Jody who was almost grinning as she went to April. Roxy couldn't hear what if anything Jody was whispering and she couldn't see April's face to determine just what she thought of Jody's idea.

"I think that is a perfect idea," April said and from the tone of April's voice, she knew that April liked what she was hearing.

Jody went back to stand by Reba with Roxy feeling April's hand on her shoulder, "get up," she ordered her.

Roxy stood up looking down at April who had this mischievous grin and her eyes were sparking which worried Roxy more than a little.

"Since my spanking isn't getting your attention, maybe a little humiliation will help with the spanking." April said. Now Roxy was very worried. "I want you to take your clothes off and then get back over my knee."

"Naked ma'am? Everything?" Roxy said feeling her face warming as she began to blush again.

"Yes everything..." April said pausing before adding, "well except your heels, leave them on. And don't even think of trying to cover up as you undress. "

"Pleaseeeee...." Roxy was starting to say when she saw April frown at her and she changed it to a "yes ma'am."

"Besides this will give Reba and Jody an idea as to if they would want you to serve their guests with your maid's outfit or naked... well except for your heels" April said pausing at the end for effect and it did have the wanted effect on Roxy.

"Oh god..." Roxy said thinking about being naked except for her heels in front of a bunch of strange women.

Roxy's hands were shaking as she reached up to the tie that she was wearing, she had trouble getting it untied with her fingers shaking. She did eventually get it off and she began to unbutton her blouse feeling three sets of eyes on her. She slowly unbuttoned her blouse opening it to reveal her sheer blouse that got a "Ahhh..." from Reba. She threw the blouse onto the couch and unzipped her skirt letting it drop to the floor. She bent over and picked it up putting it with her blouse. The image of all those women at the party looking at her undressing filled her thoughts, so much that she could almost see them all in the room right then. This both scared her but also aroused her to no end.

She paused for a moment before she reached behind her back to undo her bra. She brought her hands forward bring the bra with her. She did leave the cups in place for as long as possible but then as sheer as the bra was, the bra wasn't hiding all that much. She did pull the cups from her breasts resisting the urge to cover them.

"Oh my, look at those breasts and her nipples are already hard," Jody commented to Reba.

"You know we'll have trouble keeping Barb's hands off of them for anyone else to see them," Jody said which made her image of all those women in the room watching her come into even sharper focus.

Roxy froze for a moment with the thought of some woman fondling her breasts all night but then April got her moving again. "Come on girl, we haven't got all night, get those panties off."

"Yes ma'am," Roxy replied.

She took a step forward seeing three sets of eyes staring at her but feeling even more eyes watching her every step as she slipped her panties down and then off. She felt so vulnerable being naked with everyone else clothed, that just made her even more naked. She came to April's right side, pausing to try and figure out a way to go back over April's legs without showing any more that she already had. April solved that problem by reaching up and pulling her across her lap. Roxy felt her legs opening a moment however she was quick to close them once she was lying across April's thighs.

She felt April's hand on her ass giving it a few tender caresses, relaxing her until April's hand left her ass and came back down quickly. "Ohhh..." Roxy cried out as this spank did sting more than the others. And it wasn't because she was no longer wearing panties, April was making good on her request to spank her harder.

While April did pause a couple of seconds between spanks, that only served to make her feel the sting of each one. Roxy moaned from the spanks but she could feel her pussy getting wetter with each spank. Hearing Reba and Jody "Ohhh and Aww," also served to arouse her further. April kept on spanking her moving her hand all around her ass so that there wasn't a part that wasn't stinging. Just as her ass cheeks were beginning to hurt, April stopped the spanking.

"What do you think ladies, did I spank her well enough?" April asked.

"Her ass is pretty red..." Reba said and Roxy was thinking that it ought to be with the spanking she just got and the way her ass was stinging.

"I don't know, I think I may need to check," Roxy heard Jody say.

Roxy felt Jody's soft hand touch her right ass cheek, "Her ass is pretty warm..." Jody said as she moved her hand across to the left cheek. "Very warm indeed..."

"Let me feel," Roxy heard Reba say and a moment later, she felt Reba's hand join Jody's both caressing her sting ass and arousing her all the more. "Her ass is hot," Reba said.

"You can say that again," Jody said intending the double meaning of her words.

Roxy felt their hands moving lower on her ass and curving in between her legs. That was when she realized that she had spread her legs sometime during the spanking that April had been giving her which meant that Reba and Jody had seen her pussy and how wet it had become.

"My my, I do believe that your maid is quiet the slut, she was getting off on the spanking you're giving to her," Reba said as her fingers moved up and down her slit.

Roxy wanted a hole to open and swallow her with Reba and Jody discovering that she had become aroused as she was being spanked.

"Let me feel," Jody said and Roxy felt a second set of fingers touching her wet pussy. "My god, she is soaking wet, your new maid is a bigger slut than you're last one!"

"That figures," April said with a disappointed sigh that made Roxy feel even worse about becoming so aroused. "Maybe I need to spank her even harder and longer," April said pausing there for a moment.

Roxy knew she could end stop April from doing that but even as much as her ass stung, she wanted to feel April spanking her just a bit longer so instead of using her safe word she said, "Oh please ma'am no more, my poor ass stings so much now..."

"What did I tell you about saying no to me?" April demanded.

"I'm sorry ma'am," Roxy said, "I meant to say "yes ma'am, spank me harder."

"I thought so," April said patting her ass. "Now open your legs wide so that my guests can see if this last part of the spanking can cure you of being a slut."

"Yes m,a'am," Roxy said opening her legs further so that she could feel Reba and Jody's body against her legs which meant that they had gotten down on their knees.

"Wait and let me get a better feel of her slut pussy first," Reba said and she felt Jody's fingers move up to her clit, like that was going to help her become less aroused and then she felt a couple of fingers at her entrance.

Just as she felt April's hard spank, she also felt Reba's fingers entering her pussy. "Oh fuck!" Roxy cried out not sure if it was from the hand spank on her bare ass or Reba's fingers now deep in her pussy.

April gave her another spank and then another just as hard if not harder really stinging her ass and Reba's fingers began to move in and out of her pussy. Jody's fingers were pressed against her clit and they also began to move. April then began to spank her faster and Reba's and Jody's fingers also moving faster.

"Fuck Fuck Fuck!" Roxy cried out moving her ass to meet Reba's fingers that were fucking her which also brought up her ass for April to spank. This also caused Jody's fingers to press against her clit harder still.

Roxy felt her body about to explode and then it did just that as a massive orgasm hit her body. She felt April give her a couple of real hard spanks that she cried out from the pain but also the pleasure of her orgasm.

It took her several moments to recover and when she did, she was still laying across April's lap panting until she could get her breathing under control. She felt April's hand giving her gentle caresses to her sore ass.

"Yep you definitely got a slut for a maid," she heard Jody say which embarrassed the hell out of her, especially since her legs were still splayed open for all to see.

"I believe that I do, worse than my last one," April said with a sigh. "Now get up and apologize to my guests for making me spanking you and then putting on such a lude display in front of them."

"Yes ma'am," Roxy said pausing another second to recover enough to stand up. Someone had put her heels back on as she remembered losing them soon after April began to spank her.

She got up, turning to face Jody and Reba whose own faces were flushed but not from embarrassment like hers but from arousal. "I'm sorry for having to be spanked in front of you and for being such a slutty maid." She said feeling her face turn red as she said it.

"Now show them how sorry you are for being such a slut," April instructed her.

End of chapter Fifteen.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 16

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