Roxys Discovery

Published on Oct 8, 2017


This story is the property of the author and is copywrited. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Chapter Five

By Chris

"Oh god, can't we talk about something else?" Roxy asked feeling her face grow warm and then she pulled the sheets up over her head to hide her embarrassment on how she had managed to lose her virginity, well at least breaking her hymen.

"Oh this must be an interesting story, pray tell me," April said and Roxy felt April pulling down on the sheet but she held on tight until she felt April stop pulling.

"I'm not telling," Roxy said from under the sheet.

"Well answer me this, was it man made or nature made?" April asked.

Roxy thought for a second deciding whether or not to answer but she had to admit that the conversation was making her a wee bit excited. "Nature," she answered from under the sheet.

"Ok, what type vegetable did you use," April asked softly and Roxy felt April pulling on the sheet again and this time she let her.

"A very small cucumber... I was seventeen before I finally got the courage to try it," Roxy admitted feeling embarrassed but with April smiling at her it made her much less embarrassed than she would have thought she would be.

"I was fifteen and it was a hairbrush," April told her before she could ask her. She saw April blushing a little which made her feel better. "You know that hairbrush is still my favorite hairbrush for some strange reason."

"I bet," Roxy said giggling with April who began to giggle with her.

"Do you have any questions for me, anything at all?" April asked.

"How many women have you been with?" Roxy asked before she could think. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to," she hastily added.

"I don't mind but you know I said that I got a bit wild when I got to the university," April told her.

"I do, maybe that is why I asked. I mean I don't have the experience you have or want from a over." Roxy said biting her lower lip fearing that this might be true.

"Oh Roxy, you are who I want to be with no matter if you had been with one hundred women or just one," April said sincerely.

"But you are the only one I have ever been to bed with and I didn't even..." Roxy was saying when she felt April's lips on hers stopping her in midsentence.

"I have been with twenty or so women but you are the first one for whom I felt what I'm feeling right now. All those women don't mean anywhere near what you do to me so stop worrying about what you know or don't know because it is your heart I really want to get into, not your panties," She said and Roxy saw that her eyes were telling her the same thing.

"I know," Roxy said turning onto her side to face April.

"Good so no more worrying about pleasing me," April said.

"Well I'll stop worrying so much about it but I will always worry a little," April confessed.

"You don't have to, that is what I've been trying to tell you," April told her.

"Sure, I do, that is what will keep me thinking of new ways to make you happy," April said with a smile.

April then smiled, "Oh in that case then maybe I should worry a little too."

"Yes, you should, I'm a hard woman to please you know," Roxy then said trying not to giggle as she said it.

"I didn't know that, maybe I should reconsider if you're worth the effort," April teased.

"Oh, I'm worth the effort," Roxy boasted and then she did burst out laughing not able to contain herself.

"We'll see about that," April said seriously but then she began to laugh too.

"At least I hope I am," Roxy said after their laughter began to die down.

"I believe that you are, though I doubt that you're hard to please," April said pulling her in close and giving her a kiss.

"I not really..." Roxy said when the kiss ended.

"I'm not either especially when you cook like you do, you know how us fat girls like to eat," April said and Roxy could see that she was serious about seeing herself as fat.

"You're not fat, you're perfect to me and even if you were, I'd still want to be here with you," Roxy told her and this time she gave April a kiss to show her that she really meant what she was saying.

"Thank you, now how about we get some sleep one of us has to work tomorrow and the other has classes to go to," April told her.

"But I haven't gotten to... you know..." Roxy told her.

"You know I have a funny feeling that this won't be the last time that we'll be in this bed together so we got time," April told her giving her a kiss before turning away to turn off the light.

"Maybe Friday night..." Roxy suggested as April settled in beside of her.

"It's a date," April replied.

"Be here at six and I'll cook for us," Roxy told her.

"You don't have to fix dinner for us everything time we go out, I can afford to take you out every once in a while," April said.

"And I can afford to take you out too but I like cooking for you so come over on Friday," Roxy told her.

"Yes ma'am," April said.

Roxy laughed and then snuggled in even closer closing her eyes to let sleep come with the woman she so cared for holding her tightly.

Roxy slept so peacefully with April lying next to her and she woke just before the alarm was to go off. She let April sleep while she went to the bathroom coming back to put on her robe before awakening April with a kiss.

"Morning," April said with a smile.

"Morning, you go get ready while I fix you something to eat," Roxy told her.

Roxy saw that April was about to say something like she didn't have to go to any trouble so she just gave her a frown to head off any such comment. Instead April said, "and a cup of coffee..."

"I think I can manage that too," Roxy replied smiling as she went out of the bedroom.

Roxy busied herself getting the coffee going and finding something to fix for them to eat. She had just finished making their breakfast when April came into the kitchen wearing a pair of slacks and a much more conservative blouse than she had worn last night. They had plenty of time to eat and talk before April had to leave with the lunch that Roxy had packed up for her. This time April did protest however she ended up walking out with the lunch that Roxy had prepared.

Once April had left, Roxy went back to the kitchen to clean it up however her mind was on April and how they had made love. She still didn't believe that she had the guts to come into the bedroom just wearing a robe that she didn't keep on for very long but she was glad that she did it. She also knew the reason she wanted to cook for her on Friday was just so that they would end up in bed. She wasn't sure if that was good or bad for their relationship as they began to get to know each other, she just knew that she needed her close. However, she also knew that pulling April in too hard too fast might drive her away. She just hoped that April would let her know if she was going too fast and for some reason she believed that April would help her figure it all out. Luckily, she had to get ready for her classes and that was what she needed to stop overthinking about April.

Her classes did help her stop dwelling on April, well at least until April called her around eight that night just to talk. They talked for a couple of hours until it was time for them both to get ready for bed as they both had work and school to attend to on Friday.

Roxy was just thinking of what to fix dinner when she heard the doorbell around four-thirty. She knew that April didn't get off until five so it couldn't be her. She wiped off her hands and went to the door looking out the spy hole to see April standing with an overnight bag in her hand.

"Hi there," Roxy said when she opened the door.

"Hi," April said with a big smile as she came in with her overnight bag which was a little larger than the one that she had brought on Wednesday.

"I thought you didn't get off until five," Roxy said as she leaned in to accept April's offered kiss.

"Well on Friday's everyone has a tendency to sneak off earlier than we're supposed to, even the old battle-axe does. Usually I'm the last one out but for some reason, today I was the first one to leave," April said giving her a shy smile. "I already had my bag packed and in the car so I just came on over, I hope you don't mind..."

"Oh god no, if it was up to me, I'd have you stay all weekend..." Roxy said and then she was scared that she was pushing too hard to fast just as she had feared that she would do. "I mean I don't mean to rush things... Oh god forget I said that..."

"I packed enough for the weekend just in case," April told her giving her a reassuring smile.

"Oh..." Roxy said as she began to smile feeling better about rushing things as April was obviously not worried about that. "I would love for you to stay the weekend... I want you to stay... the weekend I mean."

"Then I will be happy to stay," April said with a bright happy smile.

"Why don't you put your things away as I get dinner started, then I'll get dressed since someone got here before I could get put on something nicer," Roxy said in a kidding way.

"I think you look beautiful in just what you're wearing." April told her.

"What, in a pair of running shorts and an old tee shirt," Roxy replied.

"Yes you look very sexy in that," April said in all seriousness.

"Hell I'm not even wearing a bra," Roxy said and as soon as she said it she knew that she had just given April the perfect opening.

"Then I love your outfit even better," April said giving her a sexy wink.

"Oh god, I should have known that you'd say that," Roxy said with a laugh. "Now go put your things away and change into something more comfortable as I get dinner going."

"Just how comfortable should I get?" April asked arching her eyebrows at her.

Roxy laughed, "Not that comfortable!"

"Oh okay, just checking." April said laughing as she picked up her bag taking it back toward Roxy's bedroom.

Roxy went on into the kitchen and start to fix dinner. She heard the front door open and couple of minutes later it closed back. Roxy figured that April had to go back to her car to get her clothes for work on Monday.

"Anything I can do to help?" she heard April say a few minutes later.

"No I'm fine, you can just sit and tell me about your day," Roxy said turning to look at April who had changed into a pair of shorts and a loose fitting blouse. This one wasn't as sheer as the one she had worn n Wednesday, though she figured that she had no bra underneath. That thought gave her a bit of a thrill that she had to get out of her brain, especially since April had been talking and she wasn't sure what she had said. So she had to get her mind back on cooking dinner and listening to what April was actually saying.

It was still too hot to eat outside as she had hoped so they ate at the dining room table. They were just putting the dishes into the dishwasher when a thunderstorm moved in and it began to pour down with lots lightning and thunder.

"I guess that eliminates sitting outside on the porch swing," Roxy said with a sigh. "What do you want to do now?"

"I was going to suggest going out to see a movie but I don't really want to drive with it storming like this, do you?" April replied.

"No but I have a subscription to that new movie service, we can find a show or movie we can watch," Roxy was suggesting when there was a bolt of lightning nearby and a big clap of thunder followed by the lights flickering before going out completely.

"You were saying..." April said with a grin.

"I was asking if you like to play Gin Rummy, my father and I used to play it a lot." Roxy said with a straight face before laughing.

"God I haven't played that since my freshman year, my roommate and I played it when there was nothing to do and we were bored with studying," April said. "I think that is a great idea you came up with."

"Cool, I'll get the cards and a pad to keep score," Roxy said as she turned to find her deck of cards.

"A penny a point?" April said stopping Roxy in her tracks.

Roxy turned and looked at April to judge if she was serious and she seemed to be, "I'm game but I must warn you, my father taught me well..."

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve too," April countered.

Roxy smiled, "this just might prove to be an interesting game after all."

"I'm sure it will, I hope you got your piggy bank handy, I'll be taking it home with me," April told her.

"If I was you, I'm be worrying about your own piggy bank," Roxy told her before she finally had to laugh.

April laughed to at the game of one up-man-ship that they were playing but then she became serious, "We don't have to play for money if you don't want."

"No I think it will make it more interesting," Roxy said but she knew that in the end, no money would change hands, at least she didn't think it would.

Roxy got to the kitchen when she heard April ask, "do you have any big candles to light the table in case when it gets too dark to see?"

"There's a couple in the hall closet and matches in the kitchen, top drawer by the stove," Roxy called back to her.

"Okay I'll find them," she heard April saying.

It took Roxy a few minutes before she remembered where the cards were and then find an old notebook to keep score. She came out of the hallway into the living room to find that April had pulled the coffee table out and had a pillow on each side with the candles on each end of the table already lit.

"I thought that we would play here," April said.

"Sure, that works for me," Roxy said coming over to the coffee table and sitting down on the pillow that April had set down for her.

"Now that's not a marked deck, is it?" April asked giving her a big grin.

"If it is, I'm not going to tell you," Roxy retorted.

"Doesn't matter, I'm going to beat you anyway," April told her huffing her chest out and making Roxy laugh.

"You're crazy," Roxy said as she opened the deck of cards and began to shuffle them.

They talked as they played with Roxy winning the first few hands. She could see that it had been a while since April had played however the rust was quickly wearing off as April began to win a few hands. Roxy had a big lead in points by that point but the longer that they played the lead she once had soon tightened to the point that they were pretty much even depending on who had won the last hand that they played.

The storm soon past by however the lights didn't come back on by the time that they decided that they had played enough with April winning the last hand putting her ten points, thus ten pennies ahead.

"I guess I owe you a dine," Roxy said and she got up stretching her arms and arching her back to get the kinks out.

"How about we carry that over to the next time we play," April suggested.

"Good that will give me a chance to get back ahead of you," Roxy boosted.

"In your dreams," April quipped.

"No in reality, I have just been playing with you until now," Roxy said grinning at April whose expression changed from a grin to something very different.

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea..." April said softly.

It took Roxy a second to catch what April was really saying and she found herself blushing and a warm feeling come over her. "I would like that..." she said with her voice sounding almost hoarse to her ear.

April leaned over blowing out one of the two candles and picking up the other with her left hand. She reached out with her right hand and Roxy didn't have to even think about taking it. She felt April giving her hand a squeeze as she began to lead her back to the bedroom. This time Roxy didn't feel as nervous as she had on Wednesday instead she felt excitement and the feeling of moisture in her pussy. When they got to the bedroom, April put the candle on the nightstand moving the light away from it. She then turned to her and Roxy did feel a bit of nervousness return as she felt April put her hands to her sides pulling her in close.

Roxy saw April bringing her lips in close and she closed her eyes just before she felt April's lips touch hers. Roxy put her hands to April's sides grasping her there as the kiss became intense with April opening her lips. April slowly ended that kiss only to kiss her again with their lips immediately opening and their tongues touching and caressing within Roxy's mouth.

Roxy felt April's hands go down to the bottom of her tee shirt and she felt it moving up her back. April ending the kiss when her tee shirt was near the bottom of her breasts. Roxy naturally raised her arms up allowing April to pull her tee shirt up and then off. She was now just dressed in her running shorts and an old pair of white cotton panty briefs.

April moved her hands to Roxy's breasts cupping them in her hands making Roxy moan. Roxy saw April's mouth move toward her left breast and she closed her eyes again as she felt those soft warm lips kiss her nipple that was hardening as she began to suck upon it.

"Fuck..." Roxy moaned feeling her body being set on fire by April's mouth.

April then moved her mouth to her right nipple and Roxy let out another moan as April sucked it into her mouth. She felt April suck hard for a moment and then when she released her nipple, she tenderly bit down on it really making her moan. Roxy was disappointed when April didn't kiss her nipple again but then she felt April's hands on her shorts and them being pulled down. April squatted in front of her as she pulled her panties and shorts on down her legs allowing her to step out of them leaving her naked. She watched as April leaned in giving a light kiss to where her clit was beginning to become sensitive.

She watched as April began to lean in again but she somehow managed to regain her voice, "Nooo..." she said reaching down to April.

"Did I do something wrong?" April asked as she stood back up with the look of fear in her eyes.

"No, you were doing things too right," Roxy managed to say with a soft smile which she could see only served to further confuse April.

"I want to make love to you first, please..." Roxy said which seemed to clear up April's confusion rather quickly.

"I would like that very much," April replied as she reached for the top button of her blouse.

"Oh no, let me do that," Roxy said reaching to April's hands and gently pulling them away.

Roxy had to calm her nerves a moment before she put her fingers to the top button of April's blouse. She unbuttoned it and went to the next one and then the next one which confirmed to her that April had shed her bra prior to putting the blouse on. Roxy finished unbuttoning April's blouse opening it up to reveal April's breasts with her nipples already hard.

Roxy so wanted to touch them but she had another idea that she hoped April would like. She pushed April's blouse off her shoulders letting it fall to the floor. She gave April a soft smile before putting her fingers to the button of April's shorts and undoing it. She unzipped her shorts exposing April's navy colored panties. She pushed April's shorts off her hips letting them fall to the floor where April stepped out of them. She squatted down putting her hands to April's hips and began to pull April's panties down. She got her first good look at April's pussy with it tight slit that showed more than a little moisture forming at the outer lips. Again, she wanted to touch her and lick her there but she stood up instead.

She gave April a light kiss and then she eased her back toward the bed. She helped April onto the bed with April going to the center and laying down on her back with her legs open enough to show her pussy. Roxy climbed onto the bed moving over April and she lay down upon her.

"I may not do everything right," Roxy said from the fear of not pleasing April as she had so pleased her on Wednesday.

"Shhhh... everything that you do will be right," April assured her as she put her hands to Roxy's cheeks bring them down for a kiss.

"Now relax and make love to me just as you know how to do," April told her in a soft and knowing tone.

Those words gave Roxy just enough confidence to feel like she could please her. She lowered her head back down giving April another kiss feeling April's hands at her shoulders. She opened her lips slipping her tongue into April's mouth making April moan with pleasure.

She let the kiss linger making herself moan once with the way the kiss had become passionate between them. She kissed April several more times on the lips and neck before she slowly ended the last lingering passionate kiss and she slipped down April body until her head was over April's breasts.

She cupped April's full beasts in her hands feeling their softness and seeing how hard her nipples were. She lowered her head down and kiss the right nipple hearing April let out a soft coo and she got a moan from her when she kissed and then sucked the left nipple into her mouth. She sucked upon that nipple for an extended moment before releasing it to go back to the right nipple sucking it into her mouth. She began to gently suckle on it getting April to really moan. She felt April's hands gripping her upper arms as she suckled like a baby upon her mother's nipple.

April moaned and moaned and then she groaned when Roxy released the nipple from her lips. She kissed it before going back to the left nipple to begin suckling on it. April had her eyes closed and she seemed to be in heaven having her nipples suckled like Roxy was doing. Roxy kept suckling on April's nipples until she had the skin around April's nipples a pinkish color.

She kissed them both in turn before she slipped down between April's spread legs that expose her pretty pussy. There was a bit of clear fluid at the bottom of April's smooth slit indicating just how aroused she was. Roxy lowered her head and kissed the top of April's pussy going on down to the bottom where she really got a taste of her juices. She slavered the taste before she began to lick along April's slit slowly letting her tongue go deeper and deeper between April's lips. April was letting out soft moans as Roxy licked. Roxy brought her fingers in opening April's pussy and seeing the wet pink flesh inside.

Roxy lowered her mouth back down and began to lick inside of April's pussy who really began to moan and she pushed her hips up against Roxy's mouth. Roxy pushed her tongue in as deep as she could and then she licked all along April's lips and up to her engorged clit. That really got April to moan so she licked against April's clit and she pushed two of her fingers inside of April's pussy feeling it grip her fingers and she began to finger fuck her. April's body was in constant motion as her orgasm began to come upon her and when it did, it hit her hard as her pussy squeezed down on Roxy's fingers. Roxy gave a few more light licks to April's sensitive clit and slowly withdrew her fingers. She couldn't help but to lick the juices off of her fingers before she tenderly licked the girlcum flowing from April's pussy.

A few moments later she felt April pulling up on her arms. Roxy looked up at April seeing how flushed her face was and the deep red hue to her cheeks. "Come up here," April said with hoarse tone to her voice.

Roxy came up lying to the side of April who was turning onto her side to face her. "You know for someone who professed to being unsure what to do, you sure gave me one hell of an orgasm." April said giving her kiss after saying that.

"I really didn't know how to please you," Roxy confessed.

"Your brain might not have but your heart sure did," April said giving her a smile. "And now it is my turn to make you feel a great as you made me feel."

Roxy was going to say that she didn't have to however April's lips were already kissing her and she felt April's hands grasping her breasts. That took any thought of saying anything from her lips, she just let April turn her onto her back as she kissed her and she felt April's left hand grasping her right breast, squeezing it and pinching her nipple. Roxy moaned into the kiss that April was giving to her.

She groaned when April's hand left her breast just as she ended the kiss that she was giving to her. However, that groan quickly turned into a moan when April's began to suck on her left nipple and her left hand covered her pussy. She felt April's' hand give her wet pussy a tender squeeze just before her fingers began to tease her lips. April's mouth moved over to her right breast and she felt April's breasts pressed against her arm. April's fingers moved to her clit, ever so lightly teasing her clit making Roxy squirm feeling her clit becomming sensitive.

Roxy could feel her orgasm coming on and that was when she felt April's fingers leave her clit and her mouth slip off her nipple. "noooo..." Roxy cried feeling so frustrated that she was so close to an orgasm and April had left her in that state.

"Shhhh..." April cooed to her and she gave her a light kiss to the lips. "I'm going to make you feel so damn good."

Roxy knew in her heart what April was about to do that as she felt April moving around on the bed. She felt her getting between her legs and Roxy brought them up opening them up for April to do as she said she would.

She felt April's hands on her thighs and a moment later, she felt April's tongue against her pussy licking her that caused her such pleasure that she couldn't describe even if she was able to talk which at that moment she was incapable of doing. Instead she just let out a moan which said more than any words could do. She felt April's tongue deep in her pussy moving inside of her, licking and teasing her to no end. Soon April had her back at that point she was at nearing and needing for her orgasm to come. That was when April's tongue touched her clit and she felt April's fingers entering her pussy. They went in so deep and April's tongue pressed against her clit sent her to a higher level of arousal. It was when April's lips encompassed her clit and began to suck on it that Roxy's world went ended and she entered another full of pure pleasure.

She was in this world forever or so it seemed to her but she came out of that world of pleasure to find another world of pleasure with April lying beside of her holding her so tightly. "oh, god you are wonderful; you give me such pleasure that I can't describe." She told the woman lying beside of her.

"You know I can say the same thing about you," April said giving her a kiss.

"I don't know about that," Roxy responded.

"I do, I know it in my heart," April said and then she pulled her in close kissing her lips and then her cheeks.

"You know I might need more practice to make sure," Roxy say feeling the heat return to her cheeks.

"Oh you do, do you?" April asked with a grin.

"Yes I do, I want to taste you, please you again," Roxy said feeling the arousal in her body.

"I wouldn't mind tasting you too," April said and then she started to sit up and so did Roxy but April's stopped, "no stay there, I would like for both of us to get what we want."

Roxy then knew what April was doing so she moved down in the bed a little allowing April to lay beside of her with her pussy right in front of her face. April put her top leg onto Roxy's shoulder and Roxy followed her lead doing the same to April. Roxy looked at April's pussy still swollen with her arousal and very wet along her slit. She moved her face forward kissing April's clit getting a moan from her. A moment later, she felt April's tongue against her pussy licking very tenderly and slowly. Roxy took April's lead and she too began to lick along April's slit tasting her juices and producing her own juices as April caressed her pussy with her tongue. Slowly the brought each other to a higher and higher level of arousal until they were both licking and sucking each other's clits until they both exploded with powerful orgasms with Roxy having hers a moment before April.

"Can we stay in bed all weekend and make love?" Roxy asked as they lay cuddled together.

"You'd rather stay here in the morning making love and not play softball?" April asked.

Roxy started to answer yes but she couldn't, she so loved being with the women of their league and playing their form of softball, it was so important to her. But then she looked at April who was patiently waiting for her answer and she wanted to stay here in bed with her. It was like she couldn't win, either way she would have to give up something she loved.

"You know I love our Saturday morning softball games too, maybe for different reasons than you, but I love them too, so how about we go play softball and then come back and make love the rest of the day?" April suggested.

Roxy smiled relieved that April didn't make her answer the question that she had asked. "I like that idea; I really didn't want to give up a Saturday playing softball."

"I know, I was teasing you a little there," April said giving her a light kiss. "Now how about us getting some sleep, we got a lot of playing to do tomorrow." She said with the double meaning of her sentence obvious.

"Okay let me set the alarm and then you blow out the candle," Roxy said reaching for her clock.

"But the power is out, the alarm won't do us any good." April said.

"It has a battery backup," Roxy said with a grin.

"Oh good," April said.

Roxy set the alarm giving them plenty of time to get ready without having to rush out the door. Once April had blown out the candle and gotten back under the covers, Roxy snuggled in against her wanting to feel her warm soft body against her. She felt April's hands caressing her back, she went to sleep feeling like she was loved and cared for, something that she hadn't felt in a long, long time.

"Do you want to take two cars?" Roxy asked as they went out the front door.

"No, I think we can take one this time, if you don't mind getting a few strange looks," April said to her.

"No I don't mind them knowing that there is something between us if you don't. I know with you being in charge of the league..." Roxy told her.

"They all know I am lesbian, it's no big deal. I just wasn't sure if you are ready for anyone to know," April said going to Roxy's car since it was the closest to them.

"My parents knew, my sister knows and I'm pretty sure that Junior knows, after that I'm not too worried about anyone else," Roxy said going to the driver's side.

"Good for you, I feel the same way, if anyone doesn't like me being lesbian then that is their problem," April said before getting into the car.

"Have you ever had any problems at work?" Roxy asked wanting to know since she had never had a real job.

"You want the truth or something nice?" April asked.

"The truth, did someone do something bad to you or any of them treat you badly," Roxy asked feeling a bit uneasy about what April might tell her.

April gave out a little laugh, "no nothing bad, I promise you."

"But something happened, right?" Roxy asked.

"Have I ever mentioned a lady named Jumpier, she works in the office with me," April asked.

"No, you haven't mentioned her," Roxy said.

"Well her views lie somewhere right of the religious right, gays are reincarnation of the devil himself to her," April said somewhat sadly.

"Ouch so how do you deal with her?" Roxy asked.

"The college has an anti-discriminatory policy so she is stuck with the likes of us and I know that I can never convince her that I am just as good a person as she is so mostly we tend to avoid each other." April told her.

"Oh, has she ever said anything bad to you," Roxy asked.

"Not directly but I hear things from time to time and I pretty much ignore anything she has to say. It's not worth being dragged into the battle-axe's office because we are arguing over something neither one of us can change." April told her.

"I hope that I can be like you when I am faced with someone like her," Roxy said not so sure that she could.

"You'll figure out your own way, of that I have no doubt," April said reaching out her hand and Roxy put her hand in April's feeling her squeeze it.

"I hope so," Roxy told her.

"Just remember to stand for what you believe and don't ever let anyone put you down for who you are, there is no one better than you," April told her.

"I know and I won't," Roxy said firmly.

"I don't believe that you will," April said giving her a warm smile.

They talk more about how April chose to deal with bigots and the like with Roxy noticing that April seemed to like being a little clever in her responses to people that may take them a minute to get what she had said if it didn't go over their head entirely. She listened carefully wishing that she had a quick wit as April seemed to have.

Once they got to the softball field, Roxy looked around as she got out of the car to see if anyone noticed that April had ridden in with her but if anyone did, she couldn't tell. April went over to the other managers to see if the storm had kept anyone from coming. The field was in great shape so at least they would be able to play which was Roxy's greatest fear. Roxy went over to where some of the women from her team were gathered talking since they were scheduled for the second game again. A few minutes later, she saw April coming over toward them.

"Vickie the lady who plays third for Helen's team is stuck at home, there's a tree down on the road to her house, you wouldn't want to play third for them would you?" April asked her.

"Sure!" Roxy said excitedly but then she had another thought, "I'd still get to play with us too won't I?"

"Yes honey you can play with us too," April said with a laugh.

"Just don't play as great for them as you do us, we might not let you back on our team," Leonia told her with a straight face.

That stopped Roxy in her steps and she turned back to look at Leonia to see if she was serious and she appeared so. "I'm kidding," Leonia said with a laugh.

"No, she isn't," Becky then said thought she was smiling and Roxy realized that they both were pulling her leg.

"I'm going to get a hit at every bat," Roxy said with a laugh as she headed for third base excited that she would be playing two games today.

As it turned out the first batter for the team that they were playing hit one hard toward her and she remembered why they called third base the hot corner and why she had never tried playing third. She didn't catch the ball cleanly but she was able to get to it and knock it down so that she could pick it up and throw to first in time to get the batter out. That gave her the confidence to believe she could play third but that didn't mean that she didn't let a couple of balls get past her that she thought that she should have gotten to. She also didn't get a hit at every time she came up to bat, but she did get a couple of hits.

She only had a half hour between games and April made sure that she drank a couple of bottles of vitamin water so that she wouldn't get dehydrated as it was turning into a hot humid morning. She was also happy to be back at first base for the second game and they were also missing a player so Jessica, the young daughter of Ann, played with them. This meant that Roxy became the second-best player on the team but Roxy didn't care, she enjoying playing with the young woman and even learning a couple of things from her.

"Did you have fun today?" April asked as they headed to Roxy's car.

"Oh hell yes it was a blast," Roxy said excitedly.

"I could see that, I figured you'd love to get a chance to sub for Vickie so that is why I asked you first," April said.

"I do appreciate that but don't put yourself in a bad position my letting me play more," Roxy told her.

"Don't worry most of the women are doing good to play one game a week, including me." April said with a laugh.

"Okay, just be sure to ask someone else first next time," Roxy said wanting to protect April a little even though she would love to play two games each Saturday.

"Let me worry about who I ask," April replied in such a manner that Roxy felt like she didn't need to argue.

"Do you mind driving home," Roxy said holding out her car keys to April.

"You okay, you didn't get overheated did you, I told you to keep drinking water," April said giving her a hard look like she was trying to determine if she needed to rush her to the hospital for heat stroke.

"I did drink, in fact I drank enough that I'm about to pee on myself," Roxy said as she did need to pee but not that bad.

"Do you want to hit the restroom before we go," April asked.

Roxy laughed, "No I'm fine but I am tired, I'm not in as good as shape as I thought I was."

"I don't know your shape looks mighty fine to me..." April said arching her eyebrows at her.

"April!" Roxy said blushing just a little.

"Well you do," April said giving her a soft warm smile that made Roxy get another warm feeling inside her starting in the lower portion of her body.

Roxy got into the passenger side as April got behind the driver's seat, "You know I am soaked in sweat, I got dirt all over me, even in my hair and down my pants; so I can't look to fine right now."

April started the car and Roxy figured she had April on that one however came back with something unexpected, "That just makes you more desirable."

"How so?" Roxy asked just curious with just how weird her friend might be to like her so dirty.

"That just means that it will take me four hours in the tub with you getting you clean again," April said giving her a big grin.

"Oh my..." Roxy responded thankful that her mother had thought to put a big bathtub in the master bath when they build the house.

"A long soaking bath does sound nice doesn't it," April stated the obvious.

"It does," Roxy said in almost a whisper.

"Then let's see if I can get us home in record time," April said reaching over to give her knee a squeeze that sent a message directly to Roxy's pussy.

Roxy got the conversation back on the day's softball games just to keep her mind off her need to pee and more importantly off the thought of them soaking in the tub and what might happen after their bath. When they got back home, Roxy left April at the car heading directly inside and to the bathroom to relieve her full bladder.

She was just coming out of the bathroom when April was entering to pee, "Strip and let me have your clothes," Roxy told her.

"Oh my you want me naked already!" April said acting like she was shocked at Roxy's request.

"I want to put our pants and shirts onto soak so that the dirt won't stain them," Roxy told her giving her one of her disappointed looks.

"Shoot! I was hoping that you were after my body," April said seriously but then she let out a laugh.

"I am but after our bath," Roxy said feeling herself blush a little as she said it.

"I know," April said giving her a little kiss before undoing her softball pants and pulling her tee shirt off leaving her in her sports bra and control top panties that both were wet from her sweat.

Roxy took April's clothes and started to turn heading for the washer, "Hey don't I get to see you strip?" April asked.

"Nope," Roxy said turning back around and starting for the washer again.

"You're no fun," she heard April say and she had to smile as she enjoyed teasing April like that.

When she returned in her sweat soaked sports bra and panties, she saw that April had the scented bath beads out however the water wasn't running. "I figured you'd have the bath filled by now." Roxy told her.

"I thought that maybe we should rinse off the dirt in the shower first and then run the bath water." April replied.

"I didn't think of that, good idea," Roxy said with a smile as April started the shower.

Only then did they both pull their sport bras off and their panties before stepping into the warm spray of the shower. Roxy let April rinse off first and there was some dust and dirt on her but not nearly as much as what washed off her body when Roxy got under the water. She had dived into the dirt on several ground balls as well as sliding into home a couple of times. That's not to mention the time she was walking toward the dugout from third and tripped over her own feet to go sliding right into the dirt in front of the pitching circle. That got a laugh from everyone including April and she had to laugh at herself, that is after saying a few cuss words under her breath. Once she had gotten the dirt off of her body, she turned off the shower, stopped up the tub and began to run their bath water.

"So what do we do now?" Roxy asked as she watched April putting some bath beads into the water under the nozzle so that they would bubble up.

"I've got an idea," April said while she was still bent over showing her nice ass and pussy to Roxy who came up with an idea of her own right then.

"What's that?" Roxy asked.

"Well first you sit on the back edge of the bathtub," April said directing her there and then had her sit down on the edge which happened to have a place just for that. "Then I get on my knees in front of you," April said doing just that as she used her hands to open Roxy's legs for her to get between.

"Ohhhh..." Roxy said as April gave her a seductive smile before she leaned in giving her left nipple a light kiss.

"Oh god," Roxy moaned feeling that kiss and she moaned again when she felt April kissing her right nipple.

She then sucked her nipple into her mouth causing Roxy to let out a louder moan. She put her hands to April's head holding her to her breast as April sucked so wonderfully and when April pulled off her nipple Roxy groaned wanting the feel April's lips upon her sensitive nipples again. However, April obviously had other ideas as Roxy felt April kiss her belly and then below her belly button. Roxy laid back against the wall opening her legs as much as the bathtub would allow which given the size of the tub was more than enough room for April to place her head between her legs.

Roxy felt a kiss to her clit causing her to moan loudly and then she felt April's tongue on her lips, licking slowly and lovingly. Roxy hands still rested on April's head and she entwined them into April's hair just feeling her soft fine hair as April licked her pussy that was becoming so wet and sensitive. April's tongue went between her lips and she moaned again as she felt April's tongue sneak inside of her. It moved within her and she felt her body reacting with her pussy getting wetter and her clit becoming very sensitive. She never noticed the water rising up on her legs, she just felt April's tongue touching her clit with the tip at first circling her sensitive nub and then licking against it. Roxy could feel her orgasm getting closer and closer. When April's lips formed around her clit and she began to suck, Roxy was lost, her orgasm hit her hard and she lost all sense of where she was, just feeling the pure pleasure of what April had given to her.

When she began to recover, she found that she was sitting in the tub and the water was just under her breasts. "I think you need to turn off the water," she told April.

"I already did silly," April said with a grin.

"Oh..." Roxy said making her flushed cheeks a bit darker hue of red when she realized that the water was indeed no longer running.

"I think someone is still in never-never land," April said giving her a kiss.

"And just who put me there," Roxy asked grinning at April.

"Not me..." April said with a laugh. "Come here, lets soak in this wonderful scented warm water."

"Yes my lady," Roxy said with a giggle as she turned around in the tub laying back against April putting her head onto April's right shoulder and feeling April's arms going around her body resting just under her breasts.

"You know I think I could lay here all day," Roxy said letting out a contented sigh.

"Well I don't have any plans," April said giving her a kiss to the cheek.

"Me either..." Roxy said but then she had a thought, "You know I feel a little guilty about just laying her in the middle of the afternoon when I should be doing something."

"Which would you rather do, stay here with me and feeling a little guilty or getting up and doing something that you really don't want to do while wishing you were in the tub with me?" April asked.

"I guess I can live with a little guilt," Roxy said giggling a little.

"I was hoping that you would say that," April said holding her just a little tighter for a moment.

"You wouldn't have let me out of the tub anyway," Roxy said turning her head a bit to give April a smile.

"Nope, not a chance of you getting out of this tub any time soon my love," April told her.

"You know it does feel a little weird not having anyone that I have to look after or care for," Roxy said realizing this for the first time or at least admitting it out loud.

"Who says that you don't have anyone to look after or care about?" April asked her.

"Well my mother and father are gone, who else is there?" Roxy asked not seeing where April was going.

"What about me, you know I need to be looked after and taken care of," April whispered into her ear.

"Ohhhhh..." Roxy said softly and she paused for a moment, "I'd like that."

"Any maybe I could look after you too," April whispered.

"I'd like that even more." Roxy said feeling a sense of love overcome her. "You know you're about to make me cry."

April didn't say anything however Roxy felt April's lips kissing her cheek and April's arms holding her just a little tighter. At that point, Roxy did feel a tear run down her cheek but a happy tear that Roxy didn't want to stop and she let her tears fall feeling April continuing to give her soft kisses to her cheek and neck. Soon the tears stopped and she just lay against April feeling her soft kisses and gentle caresses.

They lay there in the tub not talking just letting the warm water relax their bodies and only then did they begin to talk again. The talking wasn't about anything important or emotional, it was just talk that let them begin to become as close as their bodies were at that moment in time.

"I think we need to get out before we both look like prunes," Roxy said as she pulled her hand from the water to see the skin on her fingers winkled from soaking in the tub for so long.

"And that would be a change for you?" April asked.

It took Roxy a moment to realized what April had said and what she was saying about her. Roxy sat up and turned in the tub, "I can't believe that you said that!" she said with a shocked facial expression though she knew that April was teasing her.

"Well I can't see any difference in how you normally look," April said all innocent like.

"Oh you are going to get it now!" Roxy told her and April didn't seem the least bit worried about her threat.

Roxy just smiled and she brought her right hand back and that was when April's expression did change, "You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh I would," Roxy said with a grin as she brought her hand forward and downward catching the water in the tub with her hand causing a large splash that hit April right in the face.

April wiped her face and she first frowned at Roxy and then she smiled, a devious smile all the same. "Oh it is on now!" she said bringing her hand back.

Roxy knew what was coming but she didn't try to stop or block April's hand watching it come down hitting the water. While she didn't make as big a splash, it still soaked her face. From there it was on as hands hit the water splashing each other as well as the walls and mostly the tiled floor. They were laughing and fighting in the water now mostly just acting like two little girls making a mess of the bathroom not worrying about what their mother would say when she came in to check on their bath.

Finally they were out of breath from playing and laughing that they had to stop. Only then did Roxy see the water in the floor, "Look at the mess that you made!" she said to April pointing to the floor.

"Mess I made, who splashed who first?" April asked.

"Who insulted who first?" Roxy asked.

"I did," April said lowing her head. "I'm sorry..."

"You should be," Roxy said reprimanding her.

"Maybe I can make it up to you," April said getting up on her knees and leaning forward.

Roxy put her hands to April's side as April kissed her. Roxy opened her lips and the kiss became even more passionate. Roxy moaned into the kiss feeling April's body pressed against her body, their breasts pressed together with their nipples hardening with the passion that they were feeling. April pulled back and was about to kiss her again when Roxy had to stop her.

"Come on, let's go to the bed, I need to make love to you right now," she said getting up off her knees.

"Me too," April said getting up with Roxy's help. They stepped out of the tub and April was about to grab a towel.

"Forget the towel," Roxy told her taking April's hand in hers leading her out of the bathroom.

"We'll ruin your mattress," April said still trying to reach back for a towel.

"I have a cover on the mattress and we can wash the sheets," Roxy said looking back giving April a sexy wink.

"Oh I see," April said as she grinned back at her.

Roxy pulled her on into the bedroom with the bath water dripping from their bodies. When they got to the bed, Roxy pushed April down onto it and she followed her laying on top of April. She gave April a kiss as she slipped her legs between April's legs which had opened for her.

"I thought I was supposed to be making up for insulting you," April said breathlessly as the kiss ended.

"You can do that later, right now I am going to suck your nipples right off your body," Roxy said shifting down and giving a kiss to April's right nipple.

"Oh fuck, that's not fair you know I can't resist having my nipples sucked," April moaned.

"I know,'" Roxy replied just before she sucked April's right nipple into her mouth and she used her fingers to tease April's left nipple.

"Damn you!' April moaned as she put her hand to the back of Roxy's head holding her to her breast.

Roxy used a gentle suck at first and then she sucked harder getting April to moan. When she pulled her lips off of April's right nipple, April groaned until Roxy had her left nipple firmly between her lips. Roxy felt April squirming under her as she sucked, kissed and nibble on each of her nipples. She could feel April trying to rub her clit against her belly and she could feel her wetness. She replaced her mouth with her fingers so that she could keep teasing April's nipples as she slipped down April's body until her mouth was over April's smooth wet pussy with her outer lips swollen with arousal causing her inner lips to peek out between them.

Roxy placed her tongue at the bottom of April's slit and she slowly licked her way up to April's clit sucking on it for a moment before releasing it much to April's chagrin. She put her tongue back at April's slit pushing it between them and she began to lick again. Her fingers were pinching and pulling on April's nipples making April whimper with pleasure. She pushed her tongue in as deep as she could tasting April's juices and wanting more.

When she began to roll April's nipples between her fingers, April cried out, "Oh god I need to cum, I need to cum now..."

Roxy pinched April's sensitive nipples harder as she began to suck on April's clit, sucking as hard as she could. She felt April buck her hips and she cried out as her body stiffened for a moment when she was overcome with an intense orgasm. Roxy released April's clit and nipples using her fingers to open April's pussy so that she could lick up the girlcum that was flowing from her.

"Damn you girl," she heard April say just as she felt April's hands pulling her up in the bed.

"That's what you get for insulting me," Roxy said with a smile before giving her a kiss.

"Then I'm going to be insulting you a lot more often," April said with a laugh after the kiss.

Roxy laughed, "I bet you will."

"But now I'm going to get you back for splashing me," April said pushing Roxy onto her back.

"Hey I was just getting you..." Roxy was saying and she never got to say "Back" before she felt April's lips upon hers giving her a light loving kiss.

April then kissed her cheeks before moving to her neck. Roxy let out contented moans with the kisses that April was giving to her. And those moans became louder when April's kisses reached her breasts. April's hands were squeezing her breasts gently while she kissed and suck on her nipples. While her nipples weren't as sensitive as April's, it still felt very nice to have April's lips kissing and sucking upon them.

However, April's lips soon moved from her breasts down her belly and to where Roxy really wanted them, on her pussy. She felt April's fingers opening her lips and April's tongue begin to lick inside of her.

"Oh yessss..." Roxy moaned pushing her pussy up against April's mouth.

April's tongue seemed to go so deep inside of her and she could only moan her approval. She loved the way that April seemed to know just where to lick and how long to stay in that spot. She also seemed to know how love to lick her clit before stopping just before she could have an orgasm.

"I want you inside of me," Roxy finally moaned when she could take no more.

She felt a couple of April's fingers at her entrance and she felt them move inside of her. She felt them begin to move in and out of her pussy loving the feel of them and also loving the feel of April's mouth on her clit sucking and then licking against it.

"Oh fuckkkk..." Roxy cried out when her orgasm hit her hard almost knocking the breath out of her with its intense pleasure.

When she recovered, she felt April's tongue tenderly licking her pussy and she reached down pulling her back up in the bed. "You are forgiven for insulting me," Roxy said while trying not to giggle.

"And you are forgiven for splashing me." April said and she did giggle causing Roxy to laugh with her.

"You know we have made a mess of your bed," April commented.

"I know so we might as well make it messier,' Roxy told her.

"I like the sound of that," April said grinning back at her.

"Good, now stay right there," Roxy said sitting up and getting up on her hands and knees. She then moved over April putting her knees to each side of April's chest. April opened her legs and Roxy felt April's hands on her ass pulling her pussy down to her mouth. Roxy lowered her mouth down to April's pussy staying away from her sensitive clit for the moment. April was tenderly licking her pussy using her fingers to open her lips to get in deeper. They both took their time, just teasing each other with their tongues letting themselves become aroused again.

Soon Roxy felt April's tongue go to the bottom of her pussy only it didn't stop there but kept going. Roxy knew where April was going and she wasn't so sure about being licked there but she also didn't want to stop what April was about to do. She did stop licking April as April's tongue reached the edge of her asshole. The tip of her tongue first rimmed her asshole and Roxy felt her pussy spasm and she realized she was aroused by what April was doing.

When she felt April's tongue move across her asshole all she could do was to cry out, "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!"

But then April's tongue was gone, no long touching that forbidden area that she was just beginning to like, never knowing how sensitive it could be before now. "Do it again, I like it!" Roxy cried out wanting to feel that again.

"Oh yessss," she cried when April's tongue returned, this time really licking her asshole in earnest. She then felt April's arm go around her thigh and her fingers touch her clit. Roxy was completely lost now, all she could do was moan as April's tongue moving against her asshole and her fingers teasing her clit. In moments, she was crying out again this time from a very intense orgasm that was coursing through her body.

When she had recovered, April was no longer under her but beside of her with both their heads at the foot of the bed. "Are you okay with what I did?" April asked but before Roxy could answer, April went on, "It's just that your rosebud looked so cute and I just couldn't resist."

"I wasn't sure at first but then it felt so fucking great, I didn't want you to stop," Roxy admitted blushing a little as she did so.

"I'm really into anal sex," April admitted but then she quickly added, "I mean doing it with... ah whom I'm with."

Roxy could see what April was trying to say and also not say. "You also like it your lovers doing it to you too don't you." Roxy said and she saw April's lips slowly form into a smile.

"Well yes but you don't have to, I know that it's not something that everyone would want to do," April said sincerely.

"I want to try, it felt so nice when you did it to me and I want to make you feel the same way as I did," Roxy said just as sincerely.

"Are you sure?" April asked and Roxy saw April's finger move up to her right cheek caressing her as if to assure her that saying no was okay.

"Yes I'm sure, I really want to," Roxy assured her.

"Okay but only if you're sure," April said.

"I am, but be patient with me," Roxy said knowing that she had no clue as to how to do this or if she could when it came down to it, she just knew that she wanted to try.

"I will and if you change your mind, it is cool," April told her again.

Roxy now wanted to get started before she overthought the whole thing and then change her mind. "What position do you like to be in? But not like you had me, I don't want you to distract me by licking me." Roxy told her.

"Do you mind if I am on my knees with my ass in the air toward you, I kind of like it that way where you can play with my pussy and rosebud," April said blushing a little.

Roxy smiled as she loved April's ass anyway and she could play with April's ass cheeks too. "I like that," Roxy said with a smile.

April started to turn when she stopped and she leaned in toward Roxy who closed her eyes to accept April's kiss. It was a light soft kiss that made Roxy's heart flutter with the love that April was showing her. April let the kiss linger for several moments before she pulled back.

"Thank you for trying this," April whispered to her.

"You're welcome, now get just your ass up here," Roxy told her giving her a smile and then a quick kiss.

"Yes ma'am," April said with a giggle.

April turned around and Roxy felt herself getting a little nervous but when April got on her knees and lowered her head, Roxy looked upon those beautiful globes of April's ass. April didn't have one of those tiny bottoms but a full bottom that made her want to shower it with kisses. Roxy gave a kiss to each cheek making April coo, April then arched her back and opened her legs which opened her ass cheeks revealing her pussy and her pink rosebud. Roxy looked at that cute pink rosebud and she wanted to kiss it.

She used her hands to open April's cheeks and she lowered her head. She paused but for a second before she felt her lips touching April's asshole. When she heard April moan and she was lost. She wanted to please April and make her moan again. She was about to kiss April's rosebud again when she remembered how April's had used the tip of her tongue on her and how great it felt so she decided to do the same. She stuck out her tongue and she put the tip to the top of April's asshole and she began to circle it rimming April's asshole.

"Oh fuck," April moaned loudly.

Hearing April say that just made Roxy want to continue to rim April's asshole again and again as April continued to moan. She felt April push her ass toward her tongue as she rimmed her. She then flatted her tongue and she began to lick against April's asshole making her moan again. Roxy was now getting into this anal sex and she licked harder against April's asshole. She finally remembered April's pussy and she moved her right hand there only to find April's fingers already there rubbing her clit. Roxy moved her hand back to April's ass cheeks and she pulled those cheeks further open. She began to rim April's asshole again teasing her and making April really moan. She then did something that surprised even herself as she put the tip of her tongue to April's asshole and she began to push it into her.

"Oh fuckkkk..." April cried out and she fell forward with her orgasm consuming her body.

Roxy looked down at April who was laying on her stomach and her breathing came quick and hard as her orgasm coursed through her body. Roxy leaned forward giving a kiss to each of April's ass cheeks before she came up in the bed to lay down beside of her. She kissed April's flushed cheeks and then she pulled April to her as she began to recover. A moment or two later April's eyes fluttered open and she smiled at her.

"You surprised me there," April said softly.

"I surprised myself," Roxy admitted.

"Did you like doing anal to me?" April asked.

"I believe that I might want to play with your ass again in the future," Roxy said with a grin as she patted April's bottom.

"I'd like that," April said as she moved her head forward to give Roxy a kiss that Roxy welcomed.

They snuggled in together and soon they both had drifted off to sleep. They slept for about an hour and half before Roxy woke feeling the wet sheets under her and feeling a bit cold because of them. She started to move out from beside of April trying not to wake her but doing so anyway.

End of Chapter Five. To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments whether they be positive or negative. You can email me at

Next: Chapter 6

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