Rule Enforcement

By naughtyboy

Published on May 1, 2017



Landon walked around the sleeping boi in his bed. He looked so peaceful, laying naked under the covers. Clothing in bed was one of the few rules his boi had not broken this week. They had only been together a short while, carrying on a long distance ownership for a few months before Landon felt the boi, Donnie, was deserving of his actual ownership. Donnie had to prove himself, completing his daily assignments, accepting his punishments and taking instruction and criticism.

At times the boi was sullen, withdrawn, but learned that if he was to have what he wanted, what he longed for, he would have to obey and finally consented to his long distance ownership, proving himself a candidate. A few visits had brought the realization that not only did they connect sexually but also desire for each other. Though Donnie was only 19 to Landon's 35, the flames love ignited the air between them

Donnie agreed to the terms of the relationship, going to school, working a part time job and completing his chores. For Landon, Donnie's education was his primary goal, and would take burdens from him to ensure he had plenty of time to work on his school work, and for the first two months together, Donnie was grateful, praising his Master for understanding he had shown, but now Landon's boi was becoming ungrateful and slacking off on his duties. That would end today.

Here it was Friday afternoon before the boi's fall break. He lay sleeping in the bed they shared. The trash cans had not been brought in, the morning dishes were not loaded into the dishwasher, and laundry overflowed the hamper. The dusting had not been done, the floor either. Hell, even the bed that they shared had not had the sheets changed in over two weeks.

He knew the boi's failures were also his own. He had been too lax, not given the boi enough attention. Now he was rebelling, testing his limits. Landon knew it was time to correct both of their behaviors and restore order to their happy household.

Landon slowly removed the thin sheet covering the tanned body of his boi. He slowly, carefully, moved one hand then the other to the boi's back, cautious not to wake him. Then he maneuvered the zip tie around his wrists tightened them so there was no escape. Next the ball gag was slowly set next to his lips. His boi had an oral fixation and instinctively sucked it into his mouth. With some effort it to, was firmly attached, his boi still sleeping peacefully.

"Boi." Landon called softly in his boi's ear. A slight murmur. "Wake up, boi." Donnie turned, still napping, recovering from his late night of rule breaking. That too would be addressed. Landon ran his gloved hand over perfect mounds of his boi's ass. "Wake up, boi, or I will wake you up." Donnie casually stroked the curves of his mounds. "One." Donnie dipped a finger between the cheeks, eliciting a low moan. "Two." He traced his finger up and over the mounds. "Three." He removed his hand, drew back and without remorse or hesitation swatted the boi's rear with such force that a visible red hand print was left in its wake.

Donnie startled awake in shock and fear. He tried to move his hands and scream from the sudden burst of pain, but found his screams muffled and his arms no use. He flopped around on the bed like a fish out of water, trying to hold his stinging ass. His brown eyes were wide with fear and shock, not knowing what was going on.

Landon just watch, listening to the muffled rants and screams of his boi's as he thrashed around uselessly on the bad. "Calm yourself, boi." Landon finally ordered in his gruff bass filled voice. When he did not listen, Landon straddled his disobedient boi, his leather clad mound just inches away from Donnie's face. He grabbed a fistful of his hair and held his head still and looked cold and furiously into the boi's eyes. "I said calm down. Submit."

Donnie did. Fear and confusion still in his eyes. Landon picked up the leather studded collar he had bought the boy off the night stand and slipped it around the boi's neck, making sure it was snug. He got off the boi and stood at the side of the bed. "Get out of bed and on your knees before me, boi." Landon watched as the boi struggled and fumbled to obey his order. Eventually with some effort he knelt before his Master, eyes cast down.

"We have some problems, boi." Landon began, staring intently with a gaze that would have melted diamonds. "We started out well, you did your choirs. You obeyed the rules. We enjoyed out times together. Now you frequently disregard your obligations to this relationship. You've tested me, seeing how far I would let you out on your leash" He could see Donnie listening intently, soaking in every word. "I allowed this, thinking you would correct your own actions before I had to. You've disappointed me, boi. That's the worst thing you could do to your Master."

Landon saw the tears form at the corners of his boi's eyes. "I want you to think about what you want, boi. Do you want to continue to wear my collar, or do you want me to set you free?" Landon lifted Donnie's eyes to his. "Think carefully. Something like this done, cannot be undone. Nod yes to continue, no to be set free."

They stayed there for what seemed like hours as Donnie contemplated his decision. He knew he loved his Master, appreciated the order and discipline he supplied to him. They had discussed separating prior to moving in, and had drawn up formal papers giving Donnie the ability to stay as a "renter" in the home for one year. He knew he would not be tossed out on his stinging ass, but also knew that living in the same home without being able to serve his Master was not an option. He nodded yes vehemently.

"That makes me happy, boi." Landon stroked Donnie's cheek. "But you must be punished. I do this because I love you, understand." Donnie nodded. Landon grabbed a short leash from the night stand, one he had purchased just for this occasion, and attached it to Donnie's collar. "Lead the way to the playroom, on your knees."

Donnie struggled but obeyed as he led his Master out of the bedroom and two doors down to the playroom they shared together. It was your typical play room. Eye hooks attached at various points in the wall and floor for bound play, hooks and chains that could be adjusted hung from the ceiling. A bookshelf lined with expertly cleaned anal toys of all sizes and type, a spanking bench, whipping cross, stocks, sling for just plan fucking fun. Landon's favorite part was the shower in the corner that only ran cold... ice cold.

Donnie stopped in the middle of the room when he felt the harsh tug of his leash. "Boi," Landon walked around and stood in front of his compliant submissive, "my punishments are going are going to be designed to show you the error of your ways. This is not for your enjoyment." Donnie nodded his understanding, his eyes locked on the floor. "Stand up." Landon helped the boi stand.

He left him there as he went to the toy shelf and found the one toy he rarely used on his boi. A cock cage with spikes on it. If his boi grew aroused, the offending member would press itself into the spikes sending sharp pricks of pain that would, hopefully, deflate excitement. He carefully encased his boi's flaccid cock in the contraption, locking it in place with the twist of a key. "Get on the spanking bench." Landon ordered.

Donnie did as he was told without any assistance laying his firm stomach and chest on the bench. It was an exciting scene for Landon, seeing his boi's ass up in the air prepared for his spanking, but this was no time for fun. He walked over to the front and stood crotch to face to his boi. "You have not done laundry all week. I've had to wear the same damn jock strap all week. You know how hard I work out, daily for hours to keep my body in near perfection for your admiration. While you failed to do your duty, I continued to do mine, wearing that filthy musty crusty jock stained with sweat and piss so I could maintain the body you love."

Donnie tried to mumble his apologies but it was fruitless with ball gag in his mouth. "Do not speak." Landon ordered. "I don't want to hear apologies. In fact I don't want to hear your voice till I take that gag out of your mouth and command you to speak." Donnie nodded his understanding. "This jock," Landon pulled it from the back packet of his tight jeans, "is the jock I had to wear. This jock is the one I had to smell why I worked out. Now you will smell it while I administer your first punishment." Landon slipped the jock over the boi's head, covering his face and nose with the fragrant crotch.

Donnie's nostrils filled with the musk and pungent odors of his Master's work out. He loved the way he smelled when he came home from the gym, often licking the sweat from his body before he showered, but now this was too much and it assaulted his senses with a ferocity that caused Donnie's eyes to water.

Landon returned to the rear of the bench and saw that his hand print was still there from the brutal awakening. He unhooked the leather paddle that was attached to bench and lined himself up. "You've also neglected the home I have provided you with." The crack of leather against skin filled the room. "Dishes." Another crack. "The floors." Swat. Landon continued to name Donnie's failures one by one, each followed by the forceful sting of pain that redden Donnie's ass. Ointment would be applied later but for now, the pain was necessary.

"You know I don't want to punish you so harshly." Landon ran his hand over the red baboon ass he created, feeling the heat through the leather glove. "Rise." He commanded. Donnie did, struggling but without help. "Come." He hooked his finger though the D ring on the collar and led Donnie to the shower. He had him face the wall only inches away it. "Stay."

Landon went for the next punishment devices. He attached a chain to the eye hook in the wall and the other to the Donnie's collar, only allowing him six inches of movement from the wall. He then placed a blindfold over his eyes, blocking out all light. "You've neglected me. Stayed up late playing those stupid video games instead of studying or spending time with me. I'm going to leave you here to think about that for some time."

A whimper escaped Donnie's gagged mouth. "If you have to piss, you are in the shower, so go ahead. I want you to think about how that made me feel. How you would feel if I had done the same to you. To ensure you are not distracted you will wear noise cancelling headphones as well." With that all sound was shut down as headphones were placed on Donnie's head.

The silence was deafening. The darkness disquieting. No sound, no sight, not even a touch to let him know his Master was there. Donnie attempted to pass the time by counting but continued to lose track and finally gave up on the futile effort. He shifted uncomfortably, unable to move more than a few inches due to the leash. He stirred anxiously, hoping that at any moment his Master would stop this punishment and take him to his next ordeal.

Now he could feel the pains of his punishments, the soreness of his bright red baboon ass, the tiny pricks on his cock from where he grew aroused from the punishment. He could also feel the growing pain in his bladder, informing him that he would have to relieve himself soon. Piss had always been a part of their erotic play, but now he did his best not to relieve himself, to shame himself.

Try as he might, Donnie, could no longer hold back the damn of urine that demanded to exit his body and, eventually, he had no choice. With resignation and humiliation, the warm stream flowed out his house and down his legs. Donnie felt the overwhelming shame of it all as his bladder screamed its relief, the pressure final eased as the lost droplets fell free.

Landon watched patiently as Donnie stood obediently in the shower. He noticed every fidget, ever tense of anxiety of Donnie's muscles as he longed to have his senses back. The jock was still covering Donnie's face, and it was obvious that he had grown accustomed to the smell, or desiring it now as he inhaled deeply trying to calm his nerves.

He watched as Donnie lost control of his bladder. He watched the shudder of humiliation filled the boy as his bladder emptied. Landon fought the urge to quickly end the punishment, but he knew this must be done. The indignities of the past had to be answered for. These punishments would bring them closer and feed the need his boi needed. With that thought he lights the candles in the room.

Finally, after ten minutes, Landon walked over and removed the headphones and blindfold. "Filthy piece of garbage." Landon snarled before stepping out the shower. "I knew you had no real control." With that the cold water from the shower shot down and washed over Donnie with shards of cold water enveloping his body. Donnie attempted to scream in shock, longing for the warmth of his piss over him again.

The water stops and Donnie shivers from the sudden drop in his body temperature. Landon freed his boi's hands and hand him a towel. "Dry off." He barked "Be quick about it." Donnie does as ordered, fight the urge to rub his, now free, wrist. Landon moves to the center of the room, near the Saint Andrew 's cross.

Donnie quickly dries himself, careful around his crotch, doing his best to dry the cage and cock without shooting any further stabs of pain into his cock. He turns and faces his master, eyes lowered, awaiting further instruction. He knows better than to assume he must immediately go to his master without an order.

Landon smirks as Donnie stand's there, holding the towel in one hand, his eyes lowered, and the ball gag firmly still planted in his mouth, awaiting his next order. "Come to me boi." Donnie is quick to follow his instruction. Once in front of him, Landon takes the towel and tosses it to the floor. He takes the cock cage and releases the captive from its confines. "Assume the position on the cross. Back to me."

Donnie does as he is told. His arms and legs stretched out like Michelangelo's man. Landon stepped up behind him and firmly locks his arms in place then steps down to do the same to his legs. Donnie knows what comes next. A flogger would be chosen and his back will be crisscrossed with marks. "This all causes me pain to do this to you. I know you are a better boi than how you have acted in recent weeks. I am going to give you a taste of the pain I am feeling having to take these actions with you, boi."

A cat of nine tails is chosen. Generally this is used for light work, but at times can be used for forceful encounters. Landon raises his arm and a lash goes against Donnie's back, the leather tails, wrapping around his body, leaving marks front and back. Red lined marks immediately appear on Donnie's back. Landon does not hesitate for the next lash or the next. In all fifteen lashes are waged against Donnie's back, and invaded his front. Landon stops at fifteen, though he longs to do more. He knows his boi's limits, and this is punishment not torture.

Donnie is waiting for the next lash when he feels his Master's body next to his. His hands are released and his legs next. He stands there, shaking, as if he were still part of the cross. "Boi, to the table." Landon orders. "Face up. Hands above your head." Donnie scurries to the stretching table, assuming the position. His hands and tied down again, followed by his legs once more.

"I want to cover you in my love, boi." Landon stands over his boi, holding one of the white candles he lit earlier. He tilts it, dripping the gooey hot wax on Donnie's nipples first. Donnie arches his back in the pain and pleasure it causes him as the wax slowly cools on his skin. Landon moves the candle from one nipple to the other, the over his chest randomly, coating his boi in a cocoon of his making.

Donnie squirms and thrashes in the orgasmic pleasure ache that his body is feeling. His master is slowly moving his way lower and lower down his body, from his naturally svelte hairless chest, to his flat soft belly, and then down his runner legs then back up again. "I know you expect me to coat your cock." Landon announces. "But that would be too painful from the cage punishment." Donnie looks up at his master and acknowledges his understanding.

Landon looks at his boi, covered in wax, helpless on the rack. This is enough, he decides. He sets the candle down and gently removes the jock and ball gag. Donnie smacks his dry lips and stretches his jaw. Donnie strokes his face lovingly. "You know I only did this because I love you, right?"

"Yes, Master." Donnie hoarsely answers. "I am sorry I had to make you do this, Master. I promise to be a better boi."

Donnie smiles warmly as he releases his boi from his bondage. "Let's get you cleaned up and patched up." He helps his boi up and takes him in his arms. "Just like always, I will take care of you afterwards." He guides his boi out of the room and back to their shared bedroom and directly into the spacious bathroom. He sets Donnie on the padded toilet to rest as he starts the water.

Landon strips, putting his boots by the door, his tight white shirt in the hamper and his jeans folded on the sink. He stands before his boi, and he raises Donnie's eye's to his. He smiles back and buries his fast into the hard washboard of his master. Donnie wraps his arms around Landon's waist and pulls him close. "Please, don't give up on me, Master. I have so much to learn."

Landon ruffles his boi hair. "I am here for as long as you need and want me." He pulled Donnie up and guided him to the shower, testing the water first before allowing his boi to be covered in the cleansing water. Landon follows behind and gently washes his boi, careful of the sore areas and marks. Flakes of wax pour off Donnie as Landon pulls him close from behind and rubs his hands over the wax encrusted body.

Landon methodically undoes his work, removing ever drip of wax from his boi's body. It takes a while but eventually his body is free of all wax and filth. They don't talk much afterwards. His boi prefers introspection afterwards. Once clean, Landon turns the water off and fetches a towel and cautiously dries his boi off before turning his attention to himself.

"Go lay on the bed, and I'll apply ointment to your body." Donnie quietly walked to his side of the bed and lay down, head turned away from Landon. Landon was not proud of his work, but proud that his boi could handle as much as he did. He grabbed the soothing lotion from the bathroom went to look at his handy work.

He opened the bottle and held it upside down over Donnie and let the cool cream drip down across Donnie's back and ass. He let it sit for a minute before taking his own spot on the bed, on his knees to allow full access to Donnie's body. Slowly, cautiously, he placed his hands on Donnie and gradually rubbed the lotion into his sore red body. He heard Donnie sigh with relief as the cooling aspect sucked the pain from his body.

Once he was done, he lay beside Donnie, looking into his troubled eyes. "May I have a kiss now?" Landon almost begged. Donnie smiled and moved to his master and kissed him lightly on the lips. "What is wrong, boi?"

Donnie hesitated, then finally found his resolve to answer. "We play." He said mater-of-factly. "We play. You punish me. You push my limits. You enjoy my body. Afterwards you are so tender and careful with me. Washing me. Caring for me. Rubbing lotion into my body." Landon looked at him questioningly. "Why do you do that? Why do you tend to me afterwards? I should be serving you afterwards, always."

"Silly, boi." Landon drew him in for another long passionate kiss. "I do that because I love you. After our sessions, you need that. You need to know that you are loved. That what I do is only play, not torture, not abuse, but because we both enjoy it. Afterwards, I see how exhausted you are, how worn you are, and it's my turn to care for you. Don't mistake my caring for weakness."

Donnie nuzzled his master's chest. "I just never understood." Donnie lightly stroked his master light smatter of chest hair. "Thank you, Master."

"You're welcome, boi." Landon wrapped his arms around Donnie, cuddling him close. "We'll rest for a bit before you get the house caught up." With that they lay holding each other silently, Donnie feeling the peace, security and compassion of his master, and Landon knowing his boi was once his again and understood the true dynamic of their relationship.

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