Ruling Taylor

By Justin Levatin

Published on Aug 26, 2013


Lesson Two: Education

Sweat dripped down Taylor's face from working out hard. He tossed the book away from him and sat down on the bench. His ass still stung a bit when he sat down, but it wasn't as bad as it had been. Taylor seethed as his butt pushed against the padding. He felt very dehydrated and buried his head in his hands.

A key being pushed into the lock, caught Taylor's attention. He sluggishly raised his head to see Justin walk in completely naked except for his guitar with the strap around his neck. Taylor couldn't help but to let his jaw fall agape. This was more of what he dreamed of, naked Bieber right in front of him. Taylor stood and strutted over to Justin. It was hard to be sexy in a diaper. He bit his lower lip, honestly thinking about kissing Justin.

Justin took a step back. You have food and water in your little cage if you want to eat.

Taylor forgot everything as his stomach growled. He felt so parched anyway. So, he walked out of the big cage and got down on his hands and knees and got into his little cage. Inside, there were two bowls. One filled with water. The other filled with food scraps.

"That's the dinner I didn't finish."

There were chunks missing presented by the teeth marks Justin had left behind. He hadn't even tried to cut stuff up, leaving it so Taylor would have to eat food with Justin's saliva on it. There were no utensils. Taylor leaned over and started eating like a dog. He figured that's what Justin had in mind for him.

"Damn, that's kind of hott," Justin was naked behind him, hidden by his guitar, watching everything he did.

As much as he tried, Taylor had to use his hands a bit. He wasn't able to get all the food apart with just his mouth. He also had to lift his water bowl up to drink from. He was too thirsty to just lap it up.

He turned when he heard Justin playing his guitar, sitting on the futon. The milky boy started humming along with it. The music sounded so pure and calming. Taylor found himself getting tired. But a new urge overwhelmed him. He had to pee, but he really didn't want to do it right there in the diaper with Justin freaking Bieber sitting right next to him. He wanted to get it off and piss in the bowl he had just drunk from. But, he was locked into the diaper. He tried to hold it as long as he could, but it hurt too much. Finally he closed his eyes and let it out, expecting to make a big mess, but all his piss just filled up the diaper that crinkled as it filled with his piss.

Justin stopped playing. "Need a change?"

Taylor nodded gloomily. He hated feeling such a need of a boy.

Justin grabbed a pair of boxerbriefs, got up, put his guitar down and let Taylor out. He took him over to the change table and lied him down on his back. The pad raised as Justin grabbed a new diaper and a wipe. Justin pulled the tabs of Taylor's diaper. "Like I said, Lesson Two is Education." Justin pulled away the old diaper and started to wipe up Taylor's wet penis. "You need to learn that you are going to depend on me for everything from here on out." Justin tossed the wipe and put a new diaper on Taylor.

"Please. I can be your boyfriend instead. I'd come out for you," Taylor pleaded, feeling so humiliated by needing changed by this milky white boy all the time.

"I don't need a boyfriend. I'd lose my fans. I'm happy with this arrangement. You will be too."

Taylor didn't try to argue with Justin. It would just be a losing matter. And where he was, Justin could easily strap him in and take spank him again. And Taylor's ass had just stopped feeling like it was on fire. "Master Bieber, if you want me to stay somewhat muscular, I will require a bit more food and drink than that. Please, Sir."

"You're learning." Justin pulled the tabs of the diaper together and let the pad go back to the ground. When it was on the ground, Justin led Taylor to his small cage. He pulled something from under the futon and tossed it into Taylor's cage. It was a small purple throw blanket with Justin Bieber's body imaged on it. "It gets cold down here. I don't think I'll be back down tonight. I have a lot to do." Justin locked the cage and went upstairs.

Taylor thought about how he could escape this mess. He wasn't sure how he had been made into a slave of a teen pop star any way. No plans came to his mind. He wasn't as bright as Justin was showing himself to be. Taylor sighed as his eyelids started to sink. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be Bieber's slave. It would be a less complicated life.

The next morning, footsteps coming down the stairs woke Taylor up. The tiny blanket slid down Taylor's naked torso. Soon, Justin appeared in front of Taylor, wearing a pair of normal bluejeans that were right at his waist and not sagging. Somehow it really directed Taylor's eyes to Justin's hiplines that had an amazing v-line. His lips craved the taste of the teen's soft skin. As Taylor's eyes traveled up Justin's body, he noticed Justin was holding a small plate and a tiny pink Victoria Secret bag. The potential contents of the bag made Taylor nervous.

Justin unlocked the cage. Taylor crawled out and over to the pad. After the pad moved up, Justin put the plate on Taylor's abs. There was a toasted bagel, butter, and a light patch of scrambled eggs on the plate. Taylor grabbed the food up and ate hungrily while he was cleaned up.

Reminding him about respect, Justin took his hand and helped the naked Taylor off the table. He took the bigger guy back to the other holding cell. He pressed a button as he walked in. Chains dropped from the ceiling and a section of wall base opened. Justin put the tiny bag on the floor and took Taylor over and cuffed his wrists into the chains from the ceiling. Then, he crawled down to cuff his ankles in. Taylor couldn't move more than an inch.

"Is this really how you spend your money?" Taylor asked.

"It costs more to keep people quiet than to do the work. But, you are worth it. The pay off will be great." Justin ran a calloused hand down Taylor's abs. He crept around Taylor. "Education. You rely on me for everything." Justin cupped his hands over Taylor's ass. "No marks. Good. Second, you will be punished if you are bad and may be rewarded for being good. You want to be good. And you have so far today. Today's reward is a bath if you are good. Be good because you kind of smell. Especially with these exposed pits." Justin stepped back around to Taylor's front. His finger slid to Taylor's hard nipples. "You will never call me anything but Master Bieber or Sir." Justins index fingers and thumbs pulled together and pinched Justin's nipples. "Are you listening?"

Taylor seethed. "Yes, Sir."

"Help me to believe that."

Taylor wiggled his toes, feeling a bit nervous. "Master Bieber, what determines if I am good or bad?"

Justin ran his hands up and down Taylor's side, sending chills all over Taylor's torso. "Good question. You do as I say, you are good. If not, punishment. In other words, respect." Justin was smarter than he seemed. It was becoming more obvious by the moment.

Justin picked up the tiny bag. "This is what you are working toward wearing." As Justin reached in, Taylor pictured a lacey, pink thong that would barely fit. He prayed he would be wrong. He was. Instead, Justin pulled out a purple leather coller with a gold metal tag reading property of JB. Taylor blushed at the implications. One: Bieber wanted him as a slave. For real. Two: Bieber might be thinking about taking him out in public. Justin put it back in the bag and put it on the ground "Now, the hardest part of your education. B day. Breaking by ball busting. I will make you mine. This is the first step. Don't get stuck in a moment."

A calloused hand wrapped around Taylor's low-hanging balls before he could ask what that meant. It felt nice until Justin twisted his wrist and yanked Taylor's balls with it. They were turned 180 degrees backward. The pain wasn't too bad, but it intensified when Justin's started to crush Taylor's balls in one hand. The immense strength of the teen was shocking to Taylor who let out a harsh grunt.

Justin let go. The balls twisted back where the belonged and dangled low. Taylor let out a breath of thanks. The breath was shortlived because Justin slapped Taylor's balls softly. He kept repeating, smacking a bit harder each time. Taylor gunted a bit more deeply each time. His whole body tensed as pain nerves screamed through his body.

Finally, Justin stopped smacking, and Taylor let his head drop and his eyes close as Justin pulled back. He was off guard when Justin's balled fist slammed right into Taylor's balls. His knee's pushed together, but they couldn't touch. His body dropped, but his arms were yanked hard from being changed up. Streams of tears instantly drizzled down Taylor's face. He had no way to protect himself from this. Justin did it again. Taylor yelled "STOP!" as loud as he could.

Justin grabbed Taylor's shoulders and kneed him in the balls. "That was bad," Justin replied as Taylor howled.

"Sorry, Sir. Sorry, Sir. Please. It's so painful."

Justin kneed him again, leading Taylor out to howl again.

Taylor looked up at his assailant. There was no pleasure on his face from this. Taylor didn't understand.

Justin finally grabbed the bag and pulled out the keys to where Taylor was locked. "You didn't earn your collar today." Justin shook his head in disappointment. "But I think you were good enough to get a cold bath." Justin left and locked the large cell.

Taylor dropped down and held his balls in his hands. The pain was not ceasing. "Why why why?"

Justin returned, and Taylor was down on the floor, curled up, holding himself. Justin grabbed his hands and placed a small package of ice on Taylor's balls. Justin had two containers of water and a thing of shampoo. He gave Taylor a cold sponge bath. Taylor shivered the entire time, saying "Thank you, Sir" over and over as he felt himself getting clean and started to smell better. Justin pushed Taylor's head down in the water. He washed Taylor's hair. It was the most amazing sensation Taylor had felt all day. He almost forgot about the pain in his balls as he focused on Justin's fingers massaging his scalp.

"I think I'm ready to be yours, Master Bieber," Taylor said in a low voice.

"Not quite yet. You're still a bit stuck in the moment."

Justin left Taylor in the big cell. Taylor figured he was wanting him to work out. But he was in such intense pain, he really didn't want to. So, he lied their for quite some time.

Next: Chapter 3

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