Running Thoughts

By moc.loa@livedywrB

Published on Oct 1, 1999


The following story is fictional. However, my clairvoyant visions may one day prove to be correct. :) The events happen to have striking resemblance to my own life- minus the involvement of this band- but no one wants to read about me. Yet.

I do not mean to imply anything about the sexuality or ability of these character celebrities. If it happens to the truth, I welcome them to write this all out in their own words! Without further interruption, I present the story. It is my first attempt though I have written many other forms of fiction before. Enjoy it and email me at with absolutely anything. Thank you.

Running Thoughts Part One: "Pictures Paint A Thousand Words"

Nick Carter awoke from another one of his strange dreams. He pushed the sheets down off to the bottom of the bed and put an arm behind his head. The clock on his side table read 4:16 AM. He had to get out of bed in another four hours. Nick sighed to himself and sat up.

The hotel room was small. This was something he was not used to. The accommodations the BackStreet Boys usually lived in where quite luxurious and flamboyant. But that was the trouble with the Midwestern states. No big cities, no big hotels. Nick didn't mind, though. It was a refreshing reminder of simplicity. At least it was cozy.

Nick walked over to the window next to the door. He parted the blinds and looked outside. It was dark. Only a few lights appeared in the distance beyond the parking lot. Having his own room was another change he wasn't used to, but he felt much more free without the rest of the group groaning and snoring behind him.

He moved over to the dresser and pulled on a grey t-shirt. He was already wearing a pair of flexible blue pajama pants that he had owned for a long time. They were worn by him so often, that that were by far the most comfortable things he owned. He found his old grey baseball cap and put it on backwards. Falling back asleep wasn't going to be an option, so he decided to go out for a jog. That always cleared his thoughts and kept him in shape at the same time.

Nick looked under the bed for his sneakers. He knew he had kicked them off but he didn't know where they had landed. He decided not to turn on the lights but to just throw on the sandals he found. Having an extensive wardrobe was harder to keep track of than he thought.

The slapping of the brown soles on the hard tar echoed down the silent streets. Nick shut his eyes and felt the cool breeze in his face. Ever since the first dream those several months before, he found great comfort in his jogging. The small towns they visited during their tours were easier for him to go unnoticed in. He had to pace around his hotel rooms for relaxation in the big cities.

Only a few cars passed the shadowy road as he swiftly winded far from the quiet town. The bodyguards never seemed to do their jobs late at night. After all, none of the Boys were supposed to go anywhere on their own. Nick got away with it every time, though.

After running so far from the hotel that the lighting became scarce from above, he decided to rest. Nick adjusted his cap and caught his breath. He leaned over and placed his hands on his knees. He looked around himself. Barren, empty grey land for miles and the town he came from the southern horizon. Just the sound of rushing air filled the void. Nick found himself smiling. he was thinking about his dream again. It never seemed to leave his mind. The images were so vivid and the feelings were so real.

It began on some stage. He couldn't distinguish one concert from another anymore. He was standing there with Brian, AJ, Howie and Kevin right after singing "I Want It That Way". They were all dressed in white and the faces on the other guys seemed very confused. Nick was standing in the center and he was looking out into the audience. What struck him as odd was the calm reactions he saw in the adoring fans.

Every concert was hectic, explosive and rowdy. But everyone here seemed serene and distant. A bright light hit Nick and blinded him. In an instant he saw the silhouette of someone in front of the spotlight. When his eyes finally focused, he was no longer on the stage but in the audience. He was watching another group up on the stage. And before he got a chance to figure out what was going on, he would wake up.

It all had to mean something. Was it a message? Was it foreshadowing? Or did this dream appear to him in several variations out of mere coincidence? Nick breathed in and then breathed out. "Why am I letting this get to me?" he whispered out loud. The side of the road he found himself walking down was pretty much a ditch that sloped into an empty field of grass. He stood up straight and stretched his arms out. He walked onto the cool wet grass and slowly strolled back to the hotel.

The sun was beginning to rise as he approached the parking lot. No one had even noticed he had left. "Good," he thought to himself. Nick turned around and looked up at the sky. A brilliant purple cloud drifted past the dark blue sky. The orange horizon and yellow sun combined to shine a warm red glow across the earth. He closed his eyes again and sighed. Maybe he'd put this picture into his next dream. If he was lucky.

============================================================================== ===============

Brian moved his hips in rhythm with Howie's lips. He shut his eyes tight and a look of sheer ecstasy flew across his face. He ran his hand over Howie's shoulders and arched his back.

Howie took the hard cock into his mouth and ran his warm tongue along the underside beneath the head. He slowed down his sucked and bobbed his head up and down on the hot flesh.

Brian let out a fast breath as Howie sped up the pumping. He began to call out his lover's name as he let his orgasm take over his entire body. Howie took every drop down his throat and then proceeded to suck the cock some more. Brian giggled and Howie licked his lips and smiled. He crawled up to the top of the bed.

"Yeah... I got an oral fixation, all right!" Howie whispered. Brian collapsed back on the bed with a satisfied grin painted on his face. The two members of the group had been together as lovers for over a year. They were convinced that they were in love with each other. And the sex was great.

"I think we should write a new song called 'Oral Fixation'" Brian slowly commented, as if in some sort of dream trance.

"You know what I read?" Howie rolled over and pulled on his light green boxer shorts, "Someone said the gay population is only popular because its all focused on sex..."

"Well, I don't buy that." Brian sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. He leaned over and began to massage Howie's shoulders. "I'm in love with you ... the sex is just a bonus."

The boys laughed and kissed each other. "Besides, we don't have to have sex to be together." Howie said.

"No ... sometimes we go a whole day without it." Brian stood up and turned another light on. He found his pair of white briefs and pulled them on. "What time is it anyway?"

"Uh... 7:45."

"It is convenient we got to share a room, isn't it?"

"We always manage to do that, don't we Bri?"

They looked at each other. Two boys standing in a hotel room together in nothing but their underwear. They stared into each other's eyes.

"Don't go away." Brian softy said.


There came a knock on the door and both lovebirds jumped. Howie quickly wrapped a sheet around him and looked through the blinds while Brian jumped in the bed and pulled the covers up over himself.

"It's okay. It's Nick." Howie smiled as he opened the door. The blond boy stepped in and took off his grey cap. Howie looked at him. "You're all sweaty, what's up?"

"Oh, yeah. I went out and did some running. I forgot my room key, though." he said as he closed the door behind him.

"Another run?" Brian asked as he sat up.

"Another dream."

The three boys nodded together. They were the closest in the group. Kevin and A.J were always involved with what was going on... but they didn't even know that the rest of their group was gay. (Though everyone had their hints that Kevin might also be into other guys). It wasn't like they wanted to keep it from each other. It was just easier for everyone. The alarm clock sounded and Brian turned it off.

"Rise and shine." Howie stretched. "I think we've got the extra key to your room in our bags." and he went into the little closet. Nick sat in the chair next to the bathroom and smiled over to Brian who was still sitting on the bed.

"Good night for you?" Nick asked.

"As usual!" he grinned.

"I am jealous."

"Don't be... you'll find the one for you. And you'll get over the last one. Everyone does if it is meant to be." Brian stood up and realized he was only in his briefs. "Whoa! Free show!" and he jetted into the bathroom. Nick smiled and leaned back in his chair.

"Here you go..." Howie walked in and handed him three keys. "One of these has gotta work."

"Thanks. Sorry I had to bother you two." Nick rose from his seat.

"No problem! Anytime..." Howie patted Nick on the back. "Just not midnight... we're pretty busy at around midnight." he laughed. Nick opened the door and shook his head with a smile. "I'll see you on the bus in a half hour..."

============================================================================== =============

The radio alarm came on and a BackStreet song was playing. It was one of the lesser popular ones. The station must have just run the whole Millennium CD in honor of their concert.

It's not that I can't live without you It's just I don't even want to try Every night I dream about you Ever since the day we said goodbye If I wasn't such a fool Right now I'd be holding you There's nothin' that I wouldn't do Baby if I only knew

AJ turned it off and pulled a pillow over his head. He yawned and stretched himself out. Something was blocking the right side of his body. He opened his eyes and saw the shape of a woman lying asleep next to him. He rolled his eyes, remembering he had picked her up the night before. Without disturbing her, he slid out of the bed and picked up his clothes. He grabbed the suitcase by the door and looked back at the girl in his bed. "She just lived out one of her wildest dreams." he thought to himself. "I better leave something to remember me by..."

He took a pair of sunglasses from his bag and propped them up on the pillow next to her. He smiled and stroked her hair. He smiled and stroked her hair. "Bye bye... Sarah? Sheryl?... uh... bye bye..." and he crept from the room without a sound.

Kevin had just turned off the shower when he heard someone come into his room. He grabbed a towel and peeked out the door.

"Hey it's me." AJ said. "I just had to get out of my room..."

"Late night with Shannon?" Kevin asked as he wiped the water off of his body.

"Shannon! Yeah man... that's it." he chuckled.

"You're a dog." Kevin called out with a laugh. In a second he was in a dark blue robe and out of the bathroom. "Take a shower... we're gonna be on the road all morning."

"Yeah. I know." AJ pulled off his tank top and rummaged through his suit case for the outfit of the day. What he didn't notice was Kevin looking him up and down for a split second.

"I'm gonna go catch up with the rest of the crew after I change..." Kevin sat on his bed.

"Okay, I'll meet you on the bus." And AJ went into the bathroom. There was very little communication when it came to AJ. He always had something on his mind. His intentions were always good but his judgment seemed misplaced.

Kevin took off his robe and looked at himself in the mirror. He often did this when he was alone. He smiled sheepishly at himself and found his red boxerbriefs under the rest of his clothes. He pulled them on slowly and rubbed his smooth abdomen with his hands.

After a pause, he turned around and got dressed the rest of the way. He threw the covers across the bed and tidied up the top of the dresser. He grabbed his suitcase and opened the door. A warm breeze struck him as the chirping of birds filled the air. He smiled and closed the door behind him.

============================================================================== ==========================

The bus driver's name was Peter. That's what his jacket said anyway. The five members of the group piled in one by one. They spoke softly about the little things and munched on bagels and orange juice. Howie and Brian began to laugh together in the rear section. It became silent again. It wasn't easy pretending to be morning people. The caravan of production teams, agents, bodyguards, managers and musicians slowly left the parking lot. Finally the BackStreet Bus was on the road. They left yet another stop and traveled on to the next step. The clouds densely filled the crisp setting. Nick stared at the sky...

============================================================================== ======================

Well, nothing has an explosive beginning but I hope that was enough to get us started. Give me all of your feedback- and I would like to take a moment and say to those who may with so start writing. "If you can't beat em, join em."

Kevin at

Thanks again.

Next: Chapter 2

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