Running Thoughts

By moc.loa@livedywrB

Published on Oct 10, 1999


Hello. As you can probably guess from the first two parts, dreams play an important part in the telling of this tale. As does the past. I will be developing it as we go on. I'm currently in two plays, working the weekends, going to class and writing a new musical (for fun) so this story gets updated whenever I can. Advice and support would be appreciated.

I must tell you that the events and celebrity characters involved in my little soap opera are all living only in my mind. I do not wish to imply anything about their true nature... or at least the one they are hiding! Onward... email me at

Running Thoughts Part Three: "Move On"

Tulsa was wild this weekend. It was by no means a large city... but there were thousands of people there now. The Backstreet Boys touched the hands reaching out to them and smiled seductively in between the dancing. There was never a silent moment. The group ended the concert with one of their more popular numbers,'All I Have To Give'. They exited quickly and ran to their dressing room.

"Yeah, baby!" Howie yelled as he ran over to the couch and plopped down. His brow was very sweaty and he grabbed a towel to clean himself up.

"Another great show..." Kevin leaned against the desk. He sipped his bottled water and cracked his knuckles.

"Too many people to give autographs, though..." Brian mentioned. He took off his emerald shirt and winked at Howie slyly.

"Yeah, that's too bad. I like doing that. And there are no backstage passes this time, either." AJ was the last to enter the room. "Walkin' with the fans... thats so great."

"Next time..." Kevin sighed. Everyone looked over at Nick who hadn't said a word since the end of the concert.

"Hey, Nicky... did you kill your voice out there again?" Howie asked.

"No, man... just don't have anything to say. We did good..." he answered slowly and turned to his section of the desk. His odd behavior sent a shiver through the room. He had always appeared so calm and controlled. He always was the optimist. These past few months had taken a toll on him. He was lonely. And no matter how many fan letters he recieved, he was still detached.

"Ummm... we got a promotional cocktail party at Hudson's, guys." Kevin stated. He looked down at a note which was tacked up on one of the mirrors. "We're all expected to be there..."

Nick was biting his lip. It was quite obvious that he was not in the mood to be going anywhere- let alone a crowded club. Kevin picked up on this right away and moved over to the young blond.

"You don't have to come... who's gonna notice if only four of us show up?" he chuckled lightly. The rest of the boys nodded ironically and smiled. "I'll just say you had a rough night."

"I'm pretty sure they'll know if I am not there, Kev." Nick said softly. "I'll be fine... we won't stay that long, right? Just pictures and crap..."

"I never know what they set up for us..." AJ mumbled. "But if you don't want to go, it's not that big of a deal."

"Are you guys sure?" Nick asked, his eyes darting around for their responses. The other four agreed and comforted him.

"We'll handle it... go back to the hotel, man." Kevin smiled.

Nick attempted to smile, picked up his dark blue duffel bag and turned out of the dressing room, in search of a lift back to his room.


Justin stepped out of the elevator and walked back to the suite. He could not find a soda machine anywhere. Room service was sick of hearing from him, he figured. The minibar in the corner of the room was filled with only alchoholic beverages and he was not much of a drinker. He was at one time... but to him, it began to seem pointless and pretty much a waste of time. Everyone else in the world seemed to be heavily intoxicated from one thing or another, so Justin decided to stay away from practically everything.

Chris was asleep on one of the couches nearest the television. The other three had gone out to find their muse... or so they said. It was time for a new song to be written and they wanted to check out Los Angeles. Justin walked over to his luggage and took out his CD carrier. It was usually filled with 25 various types of music. He never knew what he wanted to listen to. But on this particular trip, he only packed 10 intrumental recordings. Soothing piano sonatas or flowing dramatic orchestrations.

Without a second thought, he chose one and played it softly- making sure he didn't wake up Chris. It began with some low flutes and then added some other instruments as the piece continued. Justin pulled the long red curtain away from the window and stared at the rainy sky. He smiled slowly as he thought about the city he was standing above.

"No one ever takes in a whole scene... and appreciates it." he thought to himself. "No one ever looks at the little things."

"What are we listening to?" he heard a groggy voice coming from the couch. Chris was attempting to sit up. Justin placed the curtain back and walked over to the bed across from where Chris was sleeping.

"I don't even know. I just put it in..." he checked the CD case. "Ummm its an early Berliose I think."

"No way, man." Chris was now fully up and sitting on the edge of the couch. Justin looked over at him. "This has got to be Vivaldi..."

Justin was quite surprised. He never knew Chris had any knowledge of classical music. He never knew Chris had any knowledge of anything. No one ever really spoke to him about much. He was always the quiet one. Justin looked down at the CD case once again.

"Hey... this is Vivaldi."

"I know." Chris smiled. He brushed some of his hair out of his eyes and leaned back. "Where is everybody?"

"Seeing the sites..."

"How long have I been out?" Chris rubbed his eyes.

"Only about 3 hours or so." Justin rose from the bed and turned the music up a little bit. He was nearly skipping to the tunes. The lights were rather dim as the grey sky permeated the large windows around them.

The two boys were silent again. The sound of the rain against the glass and the mesmerizing tones of the beautious melody filled in the need for words. They rarely had anything to say to each other anyway. Chris was usually distant. Justin was usually private.

"You hungry?" Chris asked.

"Im thirsty... there aren't any soda machines in this hotel!" Justin smiled and leaned up against the wall. "You want me to order you something?"

"No. I think I'm gonna go out."

"Where this time?" Justin raised his eyebrows and smirked.

"It's L.A, man... there's gotta be something out there that I missed!" he shook his head and rose slowly from the couch. "You can't cover an entire town in one day!" he smoothed out his shirt and yawned. "You can't find what you're looking for in one trip." And he walked into the other room and shut the door.

Justin stared at the closed entryway with amazement. That was the longest thing Chris had ever said to him. Plus it made an enormous amount of sense. Justin sat down on the couch and closed his eyes. Chris' words spinning around in his mind. You can't find what you're looking for in one trip. You can't. Justin stood up and walked over to the telephone. He was ready for his next trip. He dialed room service...


The cocktail party at Hudson's lasted far too long. Everyone wished they had backed out like Nick had done. The photographers were pushy. The drinks were watered down. The atmosphere was loud. Kevin's smile was beginning to get painful. Finally, the crowd began to thin out and the Backstreet Boys were allowed to leave. They were all pretty exhausted.

"Can't we just sleep..." Howie moaned as he slipped the card key into the door and entered the small hotel room. Brian was hooked to his lover's belt holes on his jeans. He was nibbling on Howie's shoulders and giggling to himself. "It's late, sweetheart..." Howie persisted.

"Yes we can sleep... we can sleep all day tomorrow." Brian rubbed his hands over Howie's chest and licked up his neck. They both realized the door was still open and quickly shut it before a bellhop or late night visitor passed by.

"All right, fine. You've convinced me." Howie turned around and kissed Brian full on the lips. His tounge entered his boy's mouth and he tasted the cool soda pop that they had shared during the car ride home. He pulled Brian closer to him and put his right hand on his shoulder for leverage. They grinded into each other and nearly fell backwards.

Brian broke the kiss and began to laugh softly. Romantic rendezvous were great... but quite clumsy in real life. He wished everything could go as smoothly and as perfectly as in movies... but that was not the way of reality. They regained their balance and looked at each other. "I could look at you forever." Brian whispered.

"Why don't you?" Howie kissed him again, much more sweetly. The two moved over to the king sized bed and Howie sat down. He brought his hands up and undid the buttons on Brian's shirt. Their eyes never parting. He took his arms out of the sleeves and let the red shirt fall to the floor. Howie smiled as he ran his fingertips along Brian's stomach and up his chest.

The band of his boxer shorts were seen from the top of his khaki slacks. Howie ran his fingers along the cotton fabric and licked his lips... They still were both locked in their gaze. The moist beckoning eyes speaking to each other. That was love. That was a connection. To each soul. That was happiness for them. Howie stopped for a moment and a crease came to his brow.

"Something wrong? You don't like these boxers?" Brian looked down at the red and white striped underwear. Howie shook his head and moved his finger up to his lips. He was listening for something... a musical piece was flowing through the wall.

In the next room, Nick was laying on his floor. He was staring at the simple tile design of the cieling above him. He was breathing rather shallowly as he drifted in and out of consciousness. Vivaldi was wafting in the air.

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Ok... the stories will merge from here on in. I will attempt to answer as much as I can and resolve the mysteries I have created. The new chapters may take a little time to get out to you but keep emailing me and I will keep you informed with that is going on. I appreciate the responses I have recieved and I wish to thank the Nifty Story Archives for printing my work. Until next time, you can reach me at Thanks! Kevin.

Next: Chapter 4

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