
By Dave Arnold

Published on Dec 11, 2021


I scampered up the stairs like only an eager puppy can. I was so excited that I was going to get to fool around with the two guys I loved. My tail was wagging like a propeller as I hurried to the bathroom. When they finally joined me there, I danced around them, jumping up and down, eager to get started. Just the thought of it had me sporting wood, which was flopping around almost as much as my tail was. I'd never been allowed to really be a puppy around my old owner.

Fortunately the master bathroom had a huge shower. Master had made sure of that since he and Bruce had loved to shower together. They'd had a penchant for getting "dirty" before the got clean. I was hard in my sheath just thinking about it. I was going to get to be with the two guys who meant everything to me.

We all got in the shower which had a shower head on each of the walls and a hand held one to help get the shampoo out of dog fur in hard to reach places. It would really be helpful on Moose's heavy coat. We all got under a shower head and got soaked with water. Master and I started to lather Moose up. It took a lot of shampoo since he was so large and had such a long thick double coat. We got it completely saturated with shampoo until he looked like a Yeti (he was big enough to fit the part). Master made a concerted effort to clean Moose's sheath inside and out. The hand held nozzle worked great to rinse all the soap out of his sheath.

Of course all of the attention had him hard again, even though he'd just cum. To say that it was impressive was an understatement. One of the Johns had insisted on measuring it and it measured out at slightly over eleven inches. His huge sack held low hangers that were each the size of a lemon. I'd missed playing with his equipment. Plus I was a sucker for big strong Alpha guys. Even though he'd just rinsed him off Master soaped him up again.

Then the two of them turned to me and started soaping me up. The feeling of having a set of paws and a set of strong hands massaging the shampoo into my fur was incredibly erotic. Moose massaged my back working up quite a lather on me.

They were soon down to my private areas. Moose knelt in front of me as he thoroughly polished my boner. Which was great but not as wonderful as what Master was doing at the back door. He soaped up my buns then with his right hand still soapy he ran it up and down my crack all the way to my balls. Of course each time it went over my pucker it involuntarily opened up eager to accept him in. I wanted him in me so badly, but he just teased me for a few moments until I was desperate to feel him in me.

When I couldn't take it any longer Master slipped his middle finger into my gaping entrance. I moaned loudly, begging without words for Master to be in me. He slid his soapy finger all the way into me. Every time he ran it over my prostate, pre oozed out of my doghood. I was on the edge with the guys I loved working me from both ends.

"Don't Cum!" Master ordered.

I tried to hold back, which caused me to clamp down on his finger. He knew I wouldn't be able to last long so he pulled his finger out and stood up. Moose stood up also sandwiching me in between them. Master crouched down so he could rub his cock up and down my ass crack while Moose crouched down and thrust his massive member against mine. It was like being on sensual sensory overload. When I felt the head of Master's dick slide over my pucker I leaned back and impaled myself on it, taking in the first two inches.

"You really want it bad, don't you pup?" Master asked.

By that point I was reduced to whimpering and nodding as he eased himself all the way in me. Then he grabbed me around the chest and straightened his legs, lifting me up. He reached down with his right hand, hooking it under my knee and then did the same thing with his left paw so he was supporting my weight. Moose stood up and put his huge paws under my butt cheeks. Then he positioned himself so his massive member was rubbing against my leaking boner.

The two of them raised and lowered me on Master's erection. It was obvious that he was leaking because my sensors tingled every time he ran over them. They sped up, working us all to a frenzied pace. Between the hot steam of the showers and the close quarters, the pheromone levels in the air were intoxicating. Two big virile sexy doms working over a submissive pup was just the ticket to getting all of us pumping out pheromones. Anthrodogs, who have much more sensitive noses than humans can actually smell the pheromones, but humans only sense them on a visceral level. I had never seen Master or Moose so turned on. Moose was actually spurting pre instead of drooling it.

I reached down and wrapped my paws around Moose's cock and mine so there would be more friction. Not that I needed much more. The constant prodding of my prostate had my knot already starting to form. Master was also getting down to the short strokes. We were all breathing through our mouths by now. Moose was jamming his knot against mine, our prolific flow of pre helping the soap lube us up. But we wouldn't need the lube much longer because we were all on the edge, just needing one last stimulus to push us over.

I was the one to go first. Being only the equivalent of fourteen in human years, I had the typical quick trigger of an adolescent. It was more than I could take, my ass clamped down on Master and clamped down harder each time I shot a spurt of cum into the air.

"FUCK YEAH!!!!" Master cried out as he exploded into my rectum for only the second time in my life.

When his seed hit my receptors I exploded into an orgasm that dwarfed the one I had just started. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh!" Was all I could force out of my muzzle before I blacked out, oblivious to anything except the ecstasy that was coursing through my body as I responded to Master's seed. In my mind I new that I would not be able to go on in my life without it.

I didn't realize until I came back around that Moose was cumming, shooting ropes of cum up my chest and onto my chin. Maybe one of these days I'd get to take Moose inside of me if Master allowed it. I loved Moose almost as much as I loved Master, I mean both of them had saved my life.

By that point we had all come down from our orgasms. Master was softening in me and soon he pulled out. I felt completely empty for a moment, but I soon got over it. The two of them set my feet down on the ground, I was able to stand shakily. It seemed like I wasn't the only one with week knees in the aftermath of an epic orgasm.

We rinsed off without speaking. We were all a bit exhausted. When we had finished Master said, "Runt why don't you show Moose how to use the dryer."

"Sure Master." I said, my enthusiasm returning. I grabbed Moose's big paw and dragged him over to the high speed dryer. "You just get in like this." I said getting into the dryer and closing the door. "Then you push the green button, like this." I continued and pushed the green button.

The warm dry air flooded the chamber in gusts, each gust ruffling the fur allowing it to dry all the way down to the skin. When I felt dry I pushed the red button to turn it off. "You push the red button when you feel dry."

Moose looked at it a little apprehensively. "It's OK. It actually feels good." I told him. Moose was always a little suspicious of anything new. I guess that came from all the time he spent on the streets.

Master had already went into his room and started getting dressed. He was dressed in slacks and a dress shirt, so I knew we were going somewhere. "Where are we going Master?" I asked excitedly jumping up and down while my tail wagged wildly.

"That's a surprise. It's what we were going to do before we realized we needed to rescue Moose." Master continued. I already knew from the past week that there was no use trying to get more out of Master when he wanted to surprise me.

"I'm sorry I've been such a bother Sir." Moose said dejectedly.

"Who said anything about you being a bother? I was more than happy to rescue you and I'm thrilled that you're here. Saving you was much more important than where we're going now. It's something that could wait. Actually it's something that's going to be even better now that you're here to enjoy it with us."

We all got back into the Bentley and Master drove us downtown. We went to a place called Cirelli's Fine Jewelry. I had no idea of what we could possibly get there. We walked in the door, it was a really classy place with marble floors and display cases filled with all sorts of jewelry. An older gray haired gentleman came out from behind the counter to greet Master.

"Luke it's great to see you again." He said.

"It's great to see you too Mr. Cirelli." Master said as he shook Mr. Cirelli's hand.

"Not Mr. Cirelli, call me Joseph. You've known me too long to stand on formality. Now which of these lucky pups is it for?"

"Right now it's for Runt. The little guy over here." He said pointing to me. "Maybe the big guy will be getting one a week from now."

Mr. Cirelli went into the back and came out with a fancy jewelry box. He handed it to Master, who opened it and took out something purple. "Now that you have a real Master, you need a collar so people will know you belong to someone. That way you won't get picked up by animal control."

He held it out to show me. It was a purple suede collar with stones and gems in it. It also had a gold plate with writing on it. I couldn't read so I asked. "What does it say Master?"

"It says Gabe, Property of Lucas Vincent." He explained.

"Who is Gabe?" I asked.

"You are now. Runt isn't an appropriate official name, but I may still use it as a nickname for you." Master said.

"It's beautiful, what kind of stones are those?" I asked.

"They are called opals and the gems are diamonds." He replied.

Mr. Cirelli smiled, "You're lucky you have a Master that loves you so much, that's a very expensive collar."

"He's worth every penny of it and more Joseph." Master said ruffling my headfur.

"I know I'm lucky Mr. Cirelli, I've got the greatest Master in the world." I said with heartfelt honesty.

He replied, "You won't get an argument from me Pup. Lucas is as fine a gentleman as I've ever met, and I know he treats his pets better than most people treat their children."

"You guys are making me blush..." He said, his face a bright crimson.

"I think they are just telling the truth Sir." Moose joined in.

Master took the collar and fastened it around my neck. Then Mr. Cirelli handed me a mirror to look at it with. I gazed at it, the purple suede was really accentuated by the black fur around my neck. I stood there speechless for a moment, until I finally said, "Thank you Master."

"You're welcome. But I want you to realize that you officially belong to me now. I give a lot to my pets, but I expect a lot in return. Your part of the bargain is to give me your unconditional love and complete loyalty. Do you understand?" He asked in all seriousness.

"Of course I understand Master. You already earned that when you rescued me." I said and I pulled his head down to lick his cheek. Giving him my love and loyalty was going to be the easiest thing on Earth, because that was all I wanted to do with my whole being.

"Moose, if you decide to be my pet I'll get you a collar too." Master stated. "But we've got a couple of errands to run before we head back home."

The whole time we were driving I kept bringing my paws up to my beautiful new collar. Master must really love me to sped that much money on me. I sat there thinking, how could he love someone as worthless as I was that much. I guess I was quiet for too long...

"Hey pup. Does it bother you that you have to wear a collar now? Are you embarrassed for people to see that you belong to me?" Master asked.

"Of course not Master! I'm proud that I belong to you. Sometimes I'm just not sure I'm worthy though..." I said.

"Do you think I'd spend that much on a collar for someone that was unworthy? I think I'm a pretty good judge of character." He said as he reached over to tousle my headfur. "I'm really happy that you've given yourself to me." "Not as happy as I am." I concluded. "Where are we going now."

"We're going to get a security system. I can't have what happened to Bruce happen to you two. It's my job to protect you." He replied.

"What happened to this Bruce that you're talking about?" Moose asked.

"I'll tell you the whole story when we are lounging around tonight. All I'll say for now was he was my first anthrodog and was my lifelong companion." Master replied.

"Why didn't you have a security system put in after what happened to Bruce. You needed to protect yourself. Especially since you didn't have Bruce there to protect you anymore." I asked.

"Maybe because I didn't care if I was safe. Maybe deep down I felt guilty that I was still alive and Bruce was dead. Maybe I didn't have a reason to live anymore until I found you that night..."

We pulled up to Guardian Protection Services. Master talked to the salesman and told him he wanted the best system they had, spare no expenses. He agreed to it and Master gave him the keys to the estate. With that transaction completed we headed back to the car.

"Now one other security precaution to go." Master said as we piled back into the Bentley. He drove out into farm country, which was giving me deja vu. All I could think about was when my old owner dropped me off in the country. I started to shake. Imperceptibly at first but then violently.

"What's wrong runt? Are you getting sick?" Master asked concerned.

"No... Well yes Master. This reminds me of the day my old owner drove me out into the country and dropped me off. Please don't abandon me Master..." I begged.

Master pulled over and put the Bentley into park. He took his seat belt off, then removed mine. He slid his seat all the way back, picked me up and set me on his lap. "I will NEVER abandon you pup. You're mine forever. You don't have to worry about that. EVER."

"I know Master but sometimes things frighten me. I like being with you. But it's hard to forget the past." I said.

"Yes I imagine it is. Mankind hadn't been too kind to you in the past. It's like you have some sort of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Just remember that I love you and it will be alright. Do you think you can make it the rest of the way? He asked gently.

"Yes Master, it was silly of me." I replied.

"No it wasn't silly. I guess it's just surprising that you don't have more problems after all you've been through. But I promise you that it will be worth it when we get where were going." He assured me.

But now I was excited, obviously I was getting a surprise. "Where are we going Master?" I asked excitedly.

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?" Master retorted and wouldn't answer my questions anymore. One thing was he was successful at getting me to get my mind off of the farms.

We pulled up to a farm and it had a sign with some writing on it and a picture of a Doberman on it. Not an anthrodoberman, but the four legged kind. We drove down the long gravel driveway and pulled up in front of some dog kennels that were filled with dobies. As we pulled up and parked next to the door an old man came out. As we got out of the car he went over to Master and said, "Welcome to Pella Dobermans, home of the best security dobies in the country. I'm Dave Arnold." He stuck his hand out for Master to shake.

"I'm Lucas Vincent, but you can just call me Luke. Your ad said you have pups."

"I have a litter of 14 and only two of the 4 girls are spoke for. I've got 10 boys still looking for homes. Would you like to see them?"

"Of course. How old are they?" Master asked.

"They're 8 weeks old. That's the earliest I let them go to homes." He said as he led us into the puppy kennel.

There were 14 little furballs running around in the kennel. They looked remarkably like the pictures of Bruce that were scattered all over the house. They even had upright ears and little stubs for tails.

As if he could read my mind Mr. Arnold said, "I remember when you had to crop their ears and dock their tails. Now with genetic engineering they're born that way, so we don't have to do surgery any more. Were you looking for a male or female." He asked Master.

"I'd like to look at the males." Master replied.

Mr. Arnold picked up two of the females and transferred them to the next empty kennel, then came back for the last two. We were left with 10 male pups in the kennel. We all went in and were ferociously attacked by these young attack dogs, Except that their stubs were wiggling in glee. Nine were close to the same size, but one was much smaller than the others. My heart went out to him. Somehow he knew that I liked him as he made a beeline toward me. As soon as he got to me I bent down and picked him up. He barked at me and I brought him up to my muzzle. He showered my nose with wet little puppy kisses. I hugged him protectively to my chest as he wiggled to escape.

Mr. Arnold spoke to me and said, "Now you don't want that one, he's the runt. I'm probably going to have to give him away. Some people would say that I should just drown him, but I just can't do that. I'll probably give him away without papers."

I looked at Master with a pleading expression on my face. There was nothing wrong with him that wasn't wrong with me. I knew exactly what it was like to be the runt. He deserved to have a good home. Moose of course had gravitated toward the biggest one while Master had picked the most athletic one.

"Is that the one you want?" Master asked me. I nodded and hugged the little one even closer.

"Sir you really don't want that one, there are seven other outstanding male pups in this litter. Why would you want the runt?"

"We have our reasons." Master replied looking me straight in my eyes approvingly.

He looked at Moose and asked him, "Is that the one you want?"

"Yes Sir." Moose replied.

"We'll take all three." Master said.

"You realize that I ask $5000 each for my pups?" Mr. Arnold asked.

"Yes I do, but I can afford it." Master said.

"Yeah, I forgot that you drove in in a Bentley." He replied sheepishly.

Master gave him his credit card and paid for the pups. He gave us a bag of the food they were used to eating. He also gave us a box since we hadn't come prepared with a crate for them. We put the box in the back seat with Moose, but I picked up my pup and got in the front passenger seat with him.

"I'm sorry Master, I know I should have picked a better one, but I just couldn't leave him there." I said holding him protectively to me.

"I think Runt Jr. there will turn out to be a fine dog." Master replied. "I know just why you picked him..."

I held him in my arms. He was tired from all the excitement and exertion that had gone on in the selection process. His warm soft body felt so fragile in my paws. I set my right paw over his chest and felt his tiny little heart beating. He gazed up at me with a satisfied look on his muzzle. I was going to make sure he got everything he needed to catch up to his brothers.

We got home fairly quickly and brought the pups into the house. "Let's take them into the rec room since that has a linoleum floor." Master said as we each carried our pup into the house. We put them down on the floor and they all ran together and started to play fight. The two bigger ones started picking on Junior and soon they had him on his back and were getting rougher with him. I remembered back to when that used to happen to me. I remembered how terrified I had been, so I walked in and picked him up. He immediately started licking my muzzle as I held him up to it. I sat down and held him on my lap.

"Master can we keep him separated until he catches up with the other two?" I asked.

"What makes you think he's gonna catch up." Master asked.

"I think he just got a slow start and once that happens the other pups keep you from getting enough food. He just needs someone to protect him Master." I said.

"He's your pup, you can raise him however you want." He replied. "I guess we should order some crates." He went over to the computer and ordered three crates, paid the extra $50.00 for the expedited delivery and hit the enter button. The drone should drop it off at the front door in an hour and thirty-five minutes."

"Gabe do you want to make something for dinner? You're getting pretty good at it. If you have any questions I'll be down here. If you don't mind Moose and I will just chill out while you get it ready." Master said as he hit the remote and turned the wall size curved TV on to watch the State U basketball game. It took me a second to realize he was talking to me. I wasn't used to my new name yet.

"Master why did you name me Gabe? "I mean I like it and all, but why did you pick it?" I asked.

"I named you Gabe which is short for Gabriel. The Archangel Gabriel was God's Special messenger. I felt like God sent you to me to show me I still had a reason to live." Master replied.

I was speechless, all I could do was look at him in disbelief. "That why you're so precious to me Gabe. I had stopped living after I lost Bruce. The night I found you I was just driving around contemplating ending it all. I had never forgiven myself for Bruce's death, I had just been going through the motions at the time. But finding you gave me a purpose again."

"I don't know what to say Master. I really mean that much to you?" I asked walking over to him.

He hugged me closely and replied, "Yes you do pup. If you hadn't have come along I may never have made it back home. Or I may have, but I would have still been like the walking dead, no feeling or no purpose in life. Too engrossed in self pity to realize that there was still worthwhile stuff on this Earth."

This was something I had never considered, and I needed some time to think about it. "I'll go make dinner now Master, I'll take Junior with me." I said as I left for the kitchen.

I let him down on the floor while I decided on what to make for dinner. It needed to be something rather quick, but I wanted it to be good. I went over to the chest freezer and looked into it. There was a section of seafood. I pulled out one pound bags of shrimp, langostinos, bay scallops and crab meat. I also got out a pound each of cauliflower, carrots and broccoli. I put the seafood into some warm water to get it to thaw faster, while I put the veggies into a large bowl and put them into the microwave to cook. Then I got out a 20 quart stock pot out and filled it half full of water. I added a bit of salt to the water then I put it on the burner on high.

While everything was defrosting I got out Master's largest skillet and put it on the stove, turning the gas to medium. Master said he liked to use gas for cooking because it was a more responsive and gentle heat than electric like my old owner used to have. I took out a stick of butter and put it into the skillet. As the butter melted I got some minced garlic out of the fridge and put two tablespoons into the butter. I know that sounds like a lot of food, but you have to remember that Moose eats A LOT.

The water in the stock pot was boiling briskly now so I added 3 one pound packages of tricolor rotini pasta. Since I couldn't read how long it was supposed to cook for I would just need to keep testing it as it cooked.

I let the garlic simmer in the butter while I took the shrimp out of the water. They were already peeled and deveined and I added them to the butter. I added the rest of the seafood and added some salt and pepper. It didn't take long for the seafood to cook and when it was close to being done I poured the vegetables in with it to finish them both off and to get the flavors to blend together. I turned the heat onto low and went to check the pasta.

I took a piece out with a slotted spoon and ran it under cold water. When I bit into it it seemed to be the right consistency like Master had shown me. So I poured the whole pan into a colander to drain it. Then I poured it back into the stock pot. I poured the seafood/veggie mixture in with it and mixed it all together. Then I poured it all on a big platter and set the table for the three of us.

The whole time I was doing this Junior had watched me intently and followed me around the kitchen. I got a bowl out of the cabinet and got some of the food that Mr. Arnold had given us. I put the filled bowl down for him. I was going to make sure he got plenty of food that he didn't have to fight for. I left him there eating while I went to the rec room to tell Master and Moose that the food was ready.

When I got back to the rec room I saw Master sitting next to Moose, his head leaning on Moose's broad chest. It sounded like he was crying. "I really miss him Moose." I heard him say through his tears.

"I understand Sir. He sounds like he was really quite a dog. I can't replace him but I can be the best me that I can be Sir. If that makes any sense." Moose said.

"It makes perfect sense Moose. And that's all I would ever ask of you." Master replied before either of them even realized I was there. It was then that they noticed and Master said to me, "I was just telling Moose about Bruce."

"I figured that out myself Master. I was just coming down to tell you that dinner is ready." I said smiling at him.

"What did you make for us Gabe?" Master asked.

"Just come down and see. I want it to be a surprise." I said. I ran into the kitchen, my tail wagging a hundred miles an hour. I got down to the kitchen table and waited for Master and Moose to arrive and check out what I had made.

I waited impatiently for the few seconds it took for them to get there. It was only a few seconds until they got there but it seemed like forever. Master came in and sat at the head of the table. He looked at the platter, but I couldn't read his eyes. He grabbed the big serving spoon and filled his plate. Then Moose filled his plate and lastly I filled mine.

We all sat down. Moose and I waited for Master to take the first bite. He took a forkful, put it into his mouth and slowly chewed it, savoring it like neither Moose or I seemed capable of yet. I waited anxiously for the verdict on the meal. He put his fork down...

"Well I'm no food critic pup, but this is excellent. It's got a good variety of flavors that complement each other. It's also a wonderful combination of textures, that are different from each other but not so extreme that they clash with each other." Master said.

"Thank you Master!" I said squirming in my seat. Master's praise had me hardening again until the tip was peaking out. I don't know why but any praise from Master immediately gave me an erection. I took a forkful myself. I liked it a lot, but more importantly Master really seemed to like it. He was busy eating in his slow deliberate manner, savoring each bite.

The only problem with it was you could only fit a little on your fork. I should have known that this would be a problem for Moose. He had a full plate but each time he would scoop some up on his fork half of it would fall off. He was getting more frustrated by the moment. Finally he could take it no more, he put his paws on either side of the plate, effectively making a funnel. He picked the plate up and poured the whole plate into his muzzle. While Master just about choked on his food, Moose swallowed it all nearly without chewing.

Master was finally able to swallow what was in his mouth. "Moose what did I tell you about eating fast?"

"I'm sorry Sir. But it kept falling off of my fork..."

"I don't care, you need to relax and enjoy your food. It's not going anywhere. I'm going to let you eat as much as you want."

"Yes Sir. I'm sorry. I'll try to do better." Moose said not being able to look Master in the eye.

"OK. I can understand that it's a little hard to eat with a fork." Master got up and went over to the silverware drawer. He got out a big serving spoon and came back to the table. He handed it to Moose and said, "I'll make an exception this time and let you use this big spoon, but you have to promise me you'll eat one spoon at a time and chew it up completely. OK?"

"Yes Sir." Moose said as he refilled his plate.

Runt Jr. could smell the food and sat beside my chair begging for some. When no one was looking I grabbed a piece of shrimp from my plate and slipped it down to Junior. He took it out of my paw. When he finished with that one I handed him another... and another... and another. Until Master caught me.

"Gabe don't feed Junior from the table. I don't mind you giving him anthro food, but I don't want him to learn to beg at the table."

"Yes Master." I said unenthusiastically.

We continued to eat. After a few more minutes I could hear Junior begging again and despite what Master had said I couldn't resist taking a scallop and handing it to Junior while I kept one eye on Master. Since I wasn't paying attention Junior grabbed the scallop, in the process grabbing my fingers as well. He drove his needle sharp puppy teeth into my thumb, making me cry out in agony.

Master laughed, "That's another reason not to feed him at the table from your paw."

We made it through the dinner without another incident. Master let us eat chocolate ice cream for desert. I still wasn't used to eating deserts, so sweets were a big treat to me. It was everything Moose could do to not inhale the ice cream.

After dinner Master looked at his watch and said, "It's just about time for the drone to get here, let's head out to the porch." He got up from his chair and headed to the front door. Moose and I followed, with Runt Jr. following behind me.

We were out there two or three minutes when my sensitive ears could hear propeller blades whirring in the distance. In no time at all the drone hovered in the front yard and slowly set its load down on the lawn. It released the parcel and then zoomed back off into the distance. Moose picked up the big package without being asked. It was obviously heavy, but he did it with no effort whatsoever. He carried it down to the rec room and set it down.

Luke opened the parcel and in it were three suitcase kennels, three different colored collars and matching leads. We set the kennels up, but before we put them into them we took them outside to potty. They did their business quickly and we brought them back in. We put them in the kennel, along with a bowl of food and water.

"We can start training them on the lead's tomorrow. One other thing to remember, never put your pup in the crate with his collar on."

"Why Master?" I asked.

"Because it the collar gets caught in the crate the pup will panic. And when they try to get loose the collar will twist until it chokes them to death." Master said. "So make sure you put the collar and leash somewhere that they can't reach them."

They whined for a few minutes, but soon they fell asleep after their long day. After they fell asleep we had some time to relax to digest our meal. We were on the huge sectional leather couch watching TV. Moose was sitting on Master's left and I was on the right hand side, laying on my back with my head on his lap. I could feel his flaccid meat and balls against the back of my head. It was so peaceful laying there, satiated from eating all that food.

"Dinner was wonderful Gabe. You're really getting the hang of cooking, almost like you have a natural talent for it." Master said as he scratched my ears. Of course I popped wood, my sheath plumping and the head of my dick poking out from the end of it. Unfortunately this time I was right in view of Master. "Looks like the puppy is sporting wood..." He added as he brought his big hand down and covered my sheath with it. He rubbed it gently, causing me to whimper in pleasure. "Well the puppy deserves a reward for making such a good dinner."

Just the words of praise themselves were enough for my pre to start flowing. I gazed up at him, pleading with my eyes for him to keep going. "Moose did you enjoy the dinner too?"

"Yes Sir! It was really good." Moose said.

"Well why don't you come over here and help me reward him..."

Moose got up, came over to me and knelt beside me on the couch. He bent over my groin and lapped at the head of my cock as Master slid my sheath up and down my boner. It wasn't long before I knotted up under Master's palm and started cumming on Moose's tongue. I didn't cum for long before Master removed his palm from the base of my knot.

"You find praise sexually stimulating don't you?" Master asked.

"Only from you Master." I replied honestly.

"I've never heard anything like that before..." He said with an evil grin. It was obvious that he was up to something, I just wasn't sure what.

We finished watching the movie, each of us on either side of Master. We each took our puppy out for a last potty break for the evening. Junior was getting the hang of it. He hurried out and did his business, then ran right back to me. He begged me to pick him up, then he licked my nose. I rolled him onto his back and rested him in the crook of my arm while I rubbed his belly with my right paw. The two other boys were more interested in mock fighting for dominance, while Junior was satisfied with showing his submission to me.

Soon we put them back into their kennels for the evening. Master said that they would have to earn their freedom as they learned the rules of the house and probably wouldn't have complete run of the house until they were over two years old and completely out of the chewing stage. That was as much for their safety as for the mess they could make. Chewing on an electric cord could kill them outright or start a fire that would kill us all.

When we went back to the bedroom, Master went into the closet and pulled something out. It was a piece of metal and plastic that was about three quarters of an inch wide and 3 inches long. I'd never seen one before whatever it was.

"What is that Master?" I asked as he went over to the huge TV and plugged it into the back of the TV.

"It's called a thumb drive, I have some "home movies" on it." He said with a big grin.

The TV came to life with Master and what I recognized as Bruce from the pictures around the house. There was also a younger guy who I didn't recognize. Master was naked and of course so was Bruce. The young guy still had his underwear on and seemed to be a bit shy. Master grabbed him by the hand and led him to the bed. Before he he got into bed Master grabbed his shorts and pulled them off of him. "Quit acting like a fucking virgin." Master said with a chuckle.

"But I am a fucking Virgin!" The young man said.

"No fucking way. Fuck I love breaking in virgins!" Master said as he gazed at the young man's cock. It was about average length and cut with a sparse bush around it. In fact he was nearly hairless except for a smattering of blond hair in his arm pits and his pubes. "Check it out Moose! We got ourselves and nice virgin twink to break in."

I don't think that the twink realized that the cameras were turned on or he was so horny for Master that he didn't care. It was obvious that he wanted someone to take charge and Master did just that. He put him on his back, straddled his head and started to teabag him. As each ball went into his mouth he eagerly sucked on it and massaged it with his tongue. This must have been a common scenario for Bruce and Master because it was almost like it was choreographed. Bruce got between the young man's legs, grabbed an ankle with each paw and handed them to Master. Master held them to his shoulders while he continued to dip his balls into the twinks eager mouth.

In the meantime Bruce had his muzzle in the twinks tight little virgin ass as he gave him his very first rim job. It was obvious that Bruce knew exactly what he was doing and soon the young man was stiff as a board. His circumcised cock was dripping as Bruce continued to jam his tongue into that virgin hole.

Master moved back a little and hooked his hand under the young man's neck, allowing his head to tip back. With his other hand he took hold of his boner and guided it into his eager mouth. "Suck on it real good, get me nice and lubed up for you." While he did Bruce got out of the picture and returned with some lube and started lubing his asshole up. He stretched it until it could accept a couple of fingers. Then Master pulled out of his mouth and took Bruce's position. He took some of the lube and stroked it onto his cock, peeled back his foreskin and guided it into the twink.

"Just relax pal, this is probably gonna hurt for a moment until you get used to it. Then you're gonna love it." Master said as he added pressure until the head popped in. The young man gave a grunt and grimaced as Master popped in then slid his cock all the way in. He must have been stretched well enough by Bruce because Master hardly paused before he started to slowly fuck the lucky little bugger. He held an ankle in each hand as he worked it into the young mans virginity. It wasn't long before the young man was moaning with delight as his man fucked him to paradise. The camera slipped to a different angle. It was now a rear shot so you could see Master's big pendulous balls slapping against the that skinny twink ass.

It didn't take long though before Master's balls were pulling up against his body. He was getting ready to mark this tight young man as his. He slammed in hard, trying to seat himself right at the core or the twinks being as his balls jumped signaling the start of his orgasm. "Umphhh..." He grunted as his seed rocketed into the young man. "How does it feel to be my bitchboy?" Master cried out as he emptied his balls.

He had no need to answer, his body did it for him. His cock twitched and spurted his seed onto his flat hairless body. Bruce slipped his muzzle down after the first spurt and took the rest of his load in his muzzle.. Master rested for a second the pulled out. He switched places with Bruce who licked at the gaping asshole in front of him. Soon you could see Master's spooge oozing out. Bruce did what any self respecting anthrodog would do, he lapped up the precious seed of his Master. When the flow stopped Master said to the twink, "Get on your knees."

He got on his knees his little bubble but sticking out so invitingly. Bruce positioned himself and peeled back his sheath. The picture switched to a close up as Bruce lined up his cock with the still distended sphincter of the twink. Bruce had a nice cock, it must have been about nine and a half inches long and very thick. He pushed in and despite his size he slipped in easily. He didn't waste any time hammering away at the young man, he was in a hurry to knot up and drop a huge load. His balls were even bigger than Masters and they were slapping up against the twinks tight smooth scrotum. It didn't take Bruce long to knot up and lock himself deep inside teen. He grunted as he started to unload a huge load. While he was still locked in the boy he rolled over onto his back with the young man on top of him also on his back. He was throbbing but still hadn't cum with Bruce.

Master was hard again after watching Bruce in action. He grabbed a tube of lube and lubed both himself and the twink. He mounted on top of the twink and started to rub his cock against the young man. Their cocks were slipping and sliding against each other. Soon they were spraying all over the twinks chest. And with that Master turned off the TV.

"Enough of that! It's time for us to have our own fun." He said when he pushed the button.

We all got on the bed and started making out. We were all just a jumble of arms, legs, mouths, muzzles and dangly bits. Pretty soon Master and I had Moose on his back and we were both working over that huge cock. I had my muzzle over the end of it and Master was sliding his sheath up and down that massive shaft. Moose was delivering plenty of delicious juice directly to my eager muzzle. I pulled off for a moment. With my muzzle no longer sucking down the flow, his pre was burbling out and running down that massive tower of dogflesh like water out of a fountain.

"Master can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Of course Gabe." He answered.

"Would it be OK if Moose made love to me? I inquired tentatively. "He saved me the first time, if he hadn't neither of us would be here with you."

"You two don't need to ask my permission to make love to each other. I do expect you to ask permission to have sex with anyone else. Besides I'll probably enjoy it as much as you guys will. Do you want me to film it?" He asked.

I looked at Moose and we both grinned and nodded. Master got out several video cameras with tripods on them and set them up so they would take in the action from several different angles. He'd obviously done this before, so he knew the optimal places to put the cameras. After he had all of those videos of Bruce, him and his friends that he's filmed or had others film for him. He also had a hand held camera that he got out and laid on the chair beside the bed.

"Have you ever fucked anyone before Moose?" Master inquired.

"No Sir. I let a lot of the Johns suck me off, but I never fucked any of them. Plenty wanted me to, but I felt too vulnerable being tied to someone that long. It's kind of hard to defend yourself, or run from animal control when your dick is stuck in someone." Moose said with an embarrassed grin.

"I promise I won't attack you or call animal control, so I think you're safe there." Master responded with a wink. "I'll coach you through it until you get the hang of things. Let me get the cameras turned on." He went over and aligned the cameras properly and turned them on. Then he came back over.

"The first thing you have to learn about topping is that you have to worry about your partners pleasure even more than your own. Well at least being a good top requires that."

"Yes Sir. Can you help me with that?" Moose asked.

"Of course, but the thing that matters most is that you care what your sub is feeling." Master continued. "The first thing you have to do is get them ready with a lot of foreplay. That's really important for someone as big as you are. So what you should do first is give them a good rim job, like this. Get on your knees Gabe." Master said as he got behind me and started to lick my pucker. He was such an expert rimmer, he could make you cum just by eating your ass. He had me moaning like a two dollar whore in no time flat. He showed Moose how to lick the outside and then he his tongue in, lubing the inside of my hole. Just when I could feel my balls starting to tingle he pulled off.

"You want to give it a try Moose." Master asked.

"Yes Sir!" Moose said trading places. He didn't have the finesse that Master had, but he had a broader rougher tongue. The lapping at my backdoor had me relaxing and then without warning he pushed his tongue in when he felt me relax. His wide tongue stretched me out much more what Master's had done. I barely noticed it out of my peripheral vision but Master had gone over to the nightstand and pulled out a tube of Gun Oil and came back over to us.

He grabbed Moose's huge index finger and lubed it up. "Work this in and get him used to it." Master explained.

Moose followed the order to a T. His huge finger was almost as big as Master's dick. He worked it in and after he had me loosened up a little he attacked my prostate. I had my ass up in the air, wiggling it on his finger. Master came over and put some more lube on his middle finger and said.

"Go ahead and work that in now. Man you have fucking huge fingers." He said encouraging Moose.

Moose tried to work that second finger in but in spite of my best attempts to relax they just weren't going to fit easily. But Moose took his time and slowly I was able to accommodate the fingers. The thought constantly in the back of my mind was that all of this was being recorded in detail. Soon he was working them freely in and out of me, We had been bred to accommodate a wide range of cocks, and although this was on the extreme end, my body should be able to handle it.

"Well how do you want to do this Gabe? Do you want to be on top so you can control how much you take?" Master asked.

"No Master I want to give myself to Moose, I trust him." I said gazing up at Moose. I rolled on my back and pulled my knees up to my chest. I noticed Master grab the video recorder and get ready to catch the action close up. Moose positioned himself between my legs, then set one on each shoulder. To my surprise he was drooling a bit from his muzzle and a hell of a lot more from his cock. He used his paw to slather all that slick pre over my hole. Every time the tip went over my opening, I instinctively opened up to try to take it in. Moose grinned at me every time it happened.

"Don't be in a hurry. I'm gonna give you all of it all in due time. You don't know how many times I wanted to take you when we were living in that abandoned building. But I wanted you to be able to bond to a Master if you ever found one. I'm not gonna miss the chance now." He said. And with that he pressed the tip of his massive member against my sphincter. I instinctively opened up and his slightly pointed tip slipped into me. He pushed gently against me and it actually hurt less than his fingers since they were slightly tapered. He eased it in a little at a time and my body stretched to accommodate his massive girth. I could imagine the camera picking up his huge cock sliding all the way in until his balls were resting against mine. And soon he was all the way in, eleven fat inches of dog cock completely inside of me. I could feel him spurting inside of me. I think he paused just as much to keep from cumming too soon as he did to let me accommodate his size. He rested his weight on his shoulders to keep from squishing me, then he brought his muzzle down to mine and kissed me. He put his right paw behind my head and held it in place as he had his way with my muzzle. It was his way of showing me that he was in complete control. But that really wasn't necessary since he was emitting dominance pheromones at a rate that didn't seem possible. He was going to take me and show me who was the alpha, well at least between the two of us. We both knew that Master Luke was the Alpha.

I turned and looked at him when Moose let go of my head and started to fuck me in earnest. Master was videoing with one hand and stroking his leaking manhood with the other. He was really getting into Moose rearranging my intestines. But then again I was really getting into it. I hadn't really realized how much I loved Moose until I almost lost him. Now we were back together. And we would be for the rest of our life because there was no way Moose was not going to want Luke to be his Master.

I was emitting tons of submission pheromones, which instead of clashing with the dominance pheromones, they were producing an intoxicating melange of sexual stimulation which was spurring us each on. I could feel his cock rubbing against my prostate as it rearranged my insides. And he was starting to pick up the pace. He grinned down at me and I returned the grin. It was a grin of love, understanding and lust all rolled into one. But now we were both on a one way track to ecstasy. He had me almost folded in half as he hammered that huge cock into the core of my body with a rapidity that I'd not experienced with Master. There was something feral about it, something that came from our inner dog. I was enjoying it, but I realized that anything that happened would pale in comparison to what happened when Master's seed splashed on my receptors.

The physical stimulation was intense though. You can't have something that long and that thick battering your prostate without it doing wonderful things to you. But we were both young, so this wasn't going to last forever. I could feel his knot starting to form and he instinctively went for the short sharp thrusts that would seat his knot deep inside of me. It was growing rapidly and jamming up against my prostate with each grinding thrust. I thought about Master filming me getting taken by this stud and that put me over the top. My little balls slammed up and I started cumming all over myself. With each spurt I clamped down on Moose's knot milking the sensitive base until he had no choice but to fire off deep inside me.

"Uurrghhhh! Fuck Yeah! I finally got you!" Moose cried out triumphantly. As those massive balls filled me with there seed. I belonged to Master primarily, but Moose was marking me as a secondary Master. Which was just fine with me. Belonging to these two studs was something I was more than willing to accept.

Moose was just about to collapse on me when he rolled us over and let me rest on his massive chest, his knot still tying us together. Both of us were out of it for a moment or two, with nothing on our minds except our orgasms. It was only then that I realized that Master was up on the bed behind us videoing himself as the stroked his cock while pointing it at our junction. I made sure I held my tail up when his spunk sprayed all over my asshole and Moose's balls.

When he finally finished cumming he set down the hand held camera, then went over and turned off all the other cameras. He crawled onto the bed and rolled Moose and I onto our sides. Then he crawled in behind me spooning me.

"I'm glad both of you are here. I really feel like I'm alive again." Master said as he hugged me from behind. Even though we were a sticky mess we were all tired from a long eventful day and we fell asleep together, completely content despite our mess.

XXX "One of my friends up in Erie called me and said that a fresh run of steelhead have run up Elk Creek. He said the creek levels should be just right by tomorrow. How would you boys like to go camping tonight and fishing for the next couple of days?" Master asked us.

"Sure Master!" I said eagerly. I knew nothing about camping and only a little about fishing, from the one time we went last week, but that didn't matter as long as I was doing it with Master.

"I'm game!" Moose added. I'm sure he felt the same way I did.

"I've got a hundred acre parcel on Elk Creek so we have a private stretch of the creek to fish. We'll head over to Cabela's to get you pups both fitted with waders and fishing equipment. We could take the motor home but I think it would be more fun to go tent camping. We can sit around the campfire and eat s'mores and roast weenies."

There was such enthusiasm in his voice that I couldn't help being excited. My tail was wagging uncontrollably. It had wagged more in my week with Master than it had in my whole life before that.

"OK lets hop in the Land Rover and get you outfitted Moose." Master said and I bounded out to the garage and jumped into the front seat of the Land Rover.

It didn't take long for Master and Moose to catch up. Moose got in the back seat and Master got behind the wheel. It was surprisingly warm day for November so Master rolled down the windows so Moose and I could stick our heads out the windows. Our ears were flapping in the slipstream and out tongues were lolling out of our mouths. It felt so exhilarating. Luke chuckled at us then turned the radio on and started singing along at the top of his voice.

It was a half hour ride to Cabela's and Master made up pull our heads in and roll up the windows when we got on the highway. But he didn't stop singing. Master wasn't always in tune with the music, but it didn't make a difference to me. Just hearing his voice made my spirit soar.

We pulled into Cabela's as one of Master's favorite songs finished up. I opened my door eager to get into the store. Moose had never been in any place like Cabela's. There were all kinds of mounted animals in realistic natural settings, plus there were streams with trout and big aquariums with all kinds of local fish in them. I grabbed Moose's paw and dragged him from exhibit to exhibit showing him all the things that had fascinated me last week when Master had brought me here to get outfitted.

When I'd finally shown Moose everything, we went over to the wader section to get Moose fitted for waders. He needed XXXXL waders and size 20 wading shoes. There was only one pair of size 20 wading shoes in the store and they were the top of the line shoe. But Master didn't bat an eye in buying them.

Master got Moose a ten and a half foot long Erie Series rod, just like the one he got me. The surprising thing is that Master always bought the best equipment and the Erie Series was the cheapest noodle rod they carried. So I asked him, "Master you always seem to buy the best equipment, why do you skimp on the rod? Isn't that the most important piece of equipment?" I asked.

"That's a good question and it's a chance to teach you the difference between price and value. Sometimes the most expensive product is the best quality but that's not always the case. The Erie Series is the ideal blend of finesse and power. The whippy tip section acts like a shock absorber that gives you enough cushion for when a steelie takes of on one of those lightning quick runs. That gives your drag enough time to let out line before they snap you off. Plus the stiff butt section gives you power to turn them. The more expensive rods look sexy and sleek but their performance is not in the same league as the Erie Series. They are all style and no performance." He told me.

We finished getting the rest of our equipment and paid for it at the register. We loaded it up in the Land Rover and headed back home to gather the rest of our gear. Master told us that he kept all the camping gear in a trailer, so all he had to do was hitch it up and we could be on our way. We grabbed all of our fishing gear and put it in the back of the Land Rover. We hitched the trailer onto the back and headed north on I-79 toward Elk Creek. We stopped at a grocery store and Master grabbed some food and ice for the cooler and he also grabbed a couple of cases of his favorite beer, Straub American Amber. It was an hour and a half drive up to Master's property and we pulled in at about 3 pm.

Master opened the trailer and got out a box. He said it was a Cabela's Backwoods Three-Room Cabin Tent. He found a level spot about 30 feet from the creek and decided that was where he would pitch the tent. He knew just how it all went together and with Moose's height it was easy to put it all together. Once it was together he said, "Moose why don't you go down to the creek and bring up some stones that are about as big as my head so we can use them to make a fire pit."

"Yes Sir." Moose said eager to please Master. He walked over to the creek and grabbed a rock in each of his huge paws and carried them up to the circle Master had made in the sand. When he bent over to put them down we could see his tight little asshole.

Master and I locked eyes and he grinned at me. When Moose headed back to the creek and couldn't hear us over the roar of the rushing water Master said, "I hope he want's to be my pet. I'd love to bury my cock in that tight asshole."

"All you'd have to do is ask him Master, I'm sure he wants you at least as much as you want him. Probably more..."

"I want him to be sure before I take him." He added.

I just shook my head, there was probably nothing that could happen that would sway Moose from wanting to belong to Master. We continued to watch him carry the heavy rocks with almost no effort. When he had the circle completed he asked, "Is there anything else I can do Sir?"

"Have you ever split wood for a camp fire?" Luke asked.

"No Sir."

"Well let me show you then you can try it." Master said. He had a cord of wood stacked near where we were camping and he grabbed an ax from the trailer. He picked up a piece of wood and placed it on the ground with one of the cut sides up. Swung the ax viciously and the wood split in two. He grabbed one of the pieces, put it back on its end, swung the ax again and split it in half. He repeated the process with the other half and in three swings he had quartered the wood. "You think you can do that?" Master asked.

Moose grinned eagerly as he took the ax out of Master's hand and grabbed another log from the pile. Even though Moose didn't lift weights he had an innate strength that was almost scary. He swung the ax easily and split it in two. He continued to split the wood with Master watching. Master's hand was in his pants fondling his cock as he watched the muscles ripple in Moose's back as he split half a cord of wood without even breaking a sweat.

"That's enough for now." Master said, then added, "Lets gather up some kindling." He showed us the proper sizes of sticks to look for kindling and soon we had several piles of kindling of various sizes. He placed the kindling in the fire ring and then stacked some larger sticks around it. Then he carefully placed some of the split logs on top. He placed a grill over it, then he grabbed a wooden match and used it to light the pile of wood. Soon we had a nice blaze going.

"The creek is probably going to be too high to fish before morning so we are just going to have a good time around the camp fire. I bought some porterhouse steaks to put on the grill and some potatoes. He set up a camp table and got the steaks out. He sprinkled some Montreal Steak seasoning on them and set them aside as he cut up some potatoes onto a piece of aluminum foil, put some butter on them and then sprinkled them liberally with Montreal Steak seasoning. He folded it in the foil and poked a few holes on it and set it on the grill. While they were cooking Master got the king size air mattress out of the trailer and inflated it in the tent. Moose and I unpacked the camp chairs and various other things that Master asked for.

Soon we were sitting on the chairs in front of the fire with the steaks cooking on the grill. The aroma over the hardwood coals was incredible. Both Moose and I were salivating like Pavlov's dogs as we waited for the food to get done. Master told us stories of past times fishing up here. All of them had Bruce in them. You might think that we would feel jealous about it, but both of us held Bruce with a reverence. I really wish I would have been able to meet him.

We were soon eating our dinners. I had started to learn not to shovel my food down, but it was still rough not to. Moose on the other paw still had to be constantly reminded. When we got done Master helped us pick out roasting sticks. We grabbed some chocolate bars, a box of graham crackers and a bag of marshmallows. He showed us how to put the marshmallows on the end of the stick and slowly roast them until they were gooey then place them on a piece of chocolate between two graham crackers. They were delicious. (authors note chocolate is not dangerous for anthrodogs).

Then Master did something unusual. He went over to the food bag and grabbed a plastic squeeze bottle. He took his clothes off and to my surprise he squeezed some of the chocolate sauce onto his hand and rubbed it all over his cock, then did the same thing to his ass.

"OK boys time for desert." He called out.

We both ran over to him and he held out his hand to us first. We both licked it clean. When there was no trace of chocolate on it I dove for his cock and Moose went to clean the back door. I cleaned his balls first and then got all of the chocolate out of his pubes. Then I got to the main course. He was already leaking from Moose's attack on his ass so I was getting to taste his pre along with the chocolate. It was running down the underside of his cock, so I ran my tongue the whole way up the underside of his cock to make sure I got every drop. Soon my tongue was worming it's way into his foreskin as we continued to clean him. After I had licked up all the chocolate on his cock I took him completely into my muzzle. He grabbed my ears and started to bob my head up and down his shaft. I could feel his balls drawing up as he neared his orgasm.

"That's it Moose, rub my prostate..." He begged then I could feel his balls pull up. "Arrghhh..." He cried out as he delivered his payload directly into my muzzle. He finally let go of my ears and pulled out of me. "That was a good pup." He said looking me square in the eyes. Then he turned his head to Moose and said, "You too." To both of us Master's praise was better than any physical pleasure we could receive.

He put his clothes back on since it was a bit chilly out there even with the campfire going. We sat back down close to the fire and Master told us spooky stories. Moose didn't seem to be afraid, but the stories had my hackles rising in fear.

Moose could sense my fear. "Don't worry Runt I'm here to protect you two and I'm tougher than any big bad wolf." He said with a wink then he came over next to me and put his arm around me. Master chucked.

Master also took some time to show us how to rig up our rods. Our spinning reels were loaded with 4 pound test Berkley Fireline. First we strung up the rods then slid a small Styrofoam float over the line and put on a size 6 gamakatsu fishing hook. We then put 3 removable bb split shot onto the line between them. He told us that we may end up adding more or taking some off depending on the speed of the current.

After a few more minutes when Master discussed the strategy for our fishing tomorrow it was time to turn in. Master had several double sleeping bags opened up as blankets. Master had a Mr. Heater Portable Buddy Heater that he had running while we were around the campfire to take the chill out of the tent. But he turned it off as we got into the tent. "Once were in here our body heat should help keep it warm in here. If it gets too cold I can turn it back on." He told us. It wasn't so cold that we needed the sleeping bags zipped up, especially since we had three of us sharing body heat. The tent was very spacious and even with a king size air mattress there was plenty of room. Master got undressed and got on the bed.

Master got on his back and pulled his legs up to his chest. He locked eyes with me and said, "I want to feel you in me."

"But you're the Master!" I said unbelieving. I mean I could understand him wanting to get it from a big strong Alpha Stud like Bruce, but wanting it from a subby little runt like me just didn't seem right.

"Love ain't a one way street pup. Letting someone you love make love to you doesn't ever make you less of a man."

I had rarely had the confidence to look Master directly in the eyes, but I did now. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and what I saw in Masters eyes was a love for me that I could barely fathom. He was such a powerful man, who had not only saved my life and taken me in, he also wanted to give himself to me. It was hard to believe the love he had for an unwanted stray pup like me.

He put his arms out to me and beckoned me forward. I scooted forward on my knees until I was positioned at his entrance. I thought about it for a moment. It was my first time and though I never realized it before there was a lot of responsibility on the shoulders of the top. Not only were you responsible for your own pleasure but you were responsible for pleasuring your partner.

I thought about the things Master did when he topped me. I realized that it wouldn't be good to go in dry so I bent down and placed my muzzle to his pucker. I took a deep breath, taking in all the aromas that I'd come to associate with Master. But there was one thing that was completely incongruous with his scent. There was an undertone of submission pheromones that I'd never connected with Master before. To my surprise it made my nuts tingle. I ran my tongue from his asshole to his taint, From the low moan Master emitted it was obvious that he was enjoying it. Soon my tongue was digging at his entrance, my saliva lubing him up really well.

I put my middle finger into my muzzle and then I slipped it into Master's anus. I worked it in until I could feel his prostate. I rubbed it with a circular motion and soon precum was oozing out from his foreskin. I leaned forward and grasped his manhood with my left paw as I continued to massage his prostate with my right. I started to lap up the pre as it oozed out of his foreskin. Soon my tongue was working it's way into his foreskin as I gathered up every drop of pre.

He put his hand under my muzzle and pulled my head up so I was looking him in the eyes again. "Hey Pup why don't you put it in now. Just go slow. It's been a year since anyone's fucked me." He urged.

So I was at the moment of truth as I pulled my finger out, put his knees over my shoulders and positioned myself. The head of my cock was already peeking out of my sheath so I skinned it the rest of the way back and guided my dick to the target. It was really slick from all my saliva. My natural lube was flowing and I rubbed it against his pucker.

I pushed and all of a sudden the head popped in. Master winced a little, then smiled at me in approval. I pushed slowly, easing myself in until my balls were resting against Master's ass. I couldn't believe how wonderful it felt. It was so tight, warm and smooth. It felt better than any mouth ever could ever feel.

I leaned over until we were chest to chest. Then I slowly started to move myself in and out of Master. He caressed the back of my head and murmured into my ear, "That feels wonderful Runt!"

I could feel his rock hard cock rubbing against my belly each time I thrust in and out of him. I tilted my pelvis to make sure I was brushing up against his prostate, He was starting to drip again and there was soon a puddle of pre on his belly. I could feel his anus clenching around me every time he spurted pre.

I knew I wasn't going to last long. I was just the equivalent of a 14 year old human, so staying power wasn't one of my fortes. My knot was starting to form as I started to thrust ever more urgently. Instinctively I started the short strokes that would seat my knot in Master. He clenched down on the base of my knot and I milked myself against it on each out stroke as my knot expanded to its full size, locking me into my Master. My little balls jumped in their sack a my cum pulsed through my shaft into Master. I thrust in hard to try to plant my seed even deeper in Master and that jammed my knot squarely against his prostate causing him to cum violently in response.

"Arrrgghhhh!" Master grunted as he exploded into his orgasm. Each time he shot his sphincter clenched on the base of my knot milking more and more seed from me. By the time he was finished cumming I was still pulsing steadily into him.

"That's it Runt! Mark me as yours. I belong to you as much as you belong to me." And with that he kissed me on the forehead as I rested on his chest riding out the rest of my orgasm. Moose moved onto the bed and lay down beside us.

I'd never tied with someone before, and I couldn't believe the sensations. Feeling Master's sphincter clenched down on the base of my knot, holding me in him while I continued to mark him with my seed was amazing. But nothing was better than the fact that the man I loved and idolized had given himself to me.

Moose was kind of left out as we rode out our orgasm and our tie. But he made the best of it. He was bent over sucking his own big dick. By the time I noticed him he already had his knot clenched in his big paw and was cumming in his own mouth.

By the time I came down enough to pull out of Master we were all exhausted. But before we crawled under the covers Moose cleaned me off. We crawled under the sleeping bag with Master in the middle and fell into a deep and wonderful sleep.

Chapter 7

Moose and I woke up first and decided to wake Master up in the best way possible. He was on his back between us, his morning wood acting like the tent post under the sleeping bag. He was a bit of a heavy sleeper, so we were able to carefully pull back the sleeping bag without waking him. There it was in all its glory, my Master's beautiful cock. We both bent over him, looked at each other and shared a smile. Both of us wanted to pleasure Master more than anything else in life. We had made a living on giving pleasure to people we didn't care about. Now we would have given money to be allowed to pleasure this wonderful man. I pulled his foreskin down and Moose took his dickhead into his muzzle, getting the honors of cleaning up whatever had accumulated under his foreskin overnight. Moose licked his lips after getting the prize. The he went all the way down on Master. With his huge muzzle even Master's large cock fit inside. From all his time as a prostitute Moose had an extremely talented tongue, and he was working over Master's manhood with an unmatched expertise.

In the meantime I had worked my way down to Master's precious balls. I took each one into my muzzle and laved them with my tongue. I thought about all of the seed in them and how wonderful it would be if he could have a son that we could help him raise. But that would more than likely never happen. But that didn't mean we couldn't coax that seed out and enjoy every single drop of it.

I put my finger in my mouth and then moved it between Master's legs and up his taint until I reached his asshole. I thought about how he had let me take him last night, my unworthy cock had been right up this very hole. And as unworthy as I was he gave himself to me. I loved him so much. I gently massaged his prostate as I massaged his balls with my tongue. He was moaning now, awake but barely. He reached down and rubbed my ears with his right hand, and Moose's with his left.

"What a wonderful way to wake up..." He said groggily.

Neither of us could reply as our mouths were otherwise occupied. But I knew it wasn't going to last for long as I could feel his balls start to pull up, a sure sign of his impending orgasm. Since I was the one that got to fuck him last night I thought it was only fair that Moose got the honors of swallowing his sweet cream. I could feel his seed spurting through his urethra before it jetted out his cock into Moose's eager mouth.

"Oohhh fuck!" Master cried out as he came into his newest acquisition's muzzle. And when he was finished cumming he said, "Thanks boys. Why don't you guys get a fire started so we can cook breakfast while I recover and get dressed.

Moose and I build a fire in the fire pit while he got dressed for fishing. I wanted to build a BIG fire, but fortunately Moose was there and he convinced me to make a much more moderate fire as opposed to the conflagration that I had planned.

Master finished dressing and came out to see what we had done. "Great job boys. I was a little worried that I'd come out to an inferno..." He said looking at me with a knowing grin. "I was worried that we'd have to wait until lunch for the fire to burn down enough to cook on it." He finished, a twinkle in his sky blue eyes.

He could see the guilty look in my eyes. He came over, put me in a headlock and gave me an affectionate Dutch rub. "How did you know Master?" I asked when he released me from the headlock.

"Because that's exactly what I would have done at your age. I don't know how many times Bruce had to 'tone down' my youthful exuberance."

"I'll try to do better Master." I said apologetically.

"I love you just the way your are Runt." He said kissing the top of my head. "You'll grow out of it all too soon anyway. Be a pup as long as you can. I'm just sorry you weren't with me the whole time." He replied as he held me close to him.

"I wish I'd been too..." I said, but after I thought about it I added. "But maybe if I had been with you the whole time I wouldn't realize how wonderful you are Master."

It was his turn to blush, "I'm just an average guy, I'm nothing special..."

"Bullshit!" Moose interjected. "I've seen a lot of people in my life and none of them treat anthros like you do Sir. The sad thing is if I had been given the opportunity I would have settled for one of them as a Master. And I probably would have been happy just to have a Master I could belong to."

"You shouldn't have to settle on anyone. And you shouldn't have to settle for me just because I'm available. You need to know that I'm the one you want for a Master, because I expect you to surrender to me completely and willingly." Master responded.

Moose just shook his head in disbelief. Sometimes Master was a little bit dense, why couldn't he understand just how big of a prize he was. I can't understand how any anthrodog wouldn't give up their nuts to belong to him.

Master set up a griddle over the fire and said, "Runt do you want to make the bacon, eggs and sausage? I'll toast the bread."

I was getting better at cooking, Master said I was already better at it than Bruce ever was. I went to the cooler and got out a pound of thick cut peppered bacon. I spread the whole pound over the griddle and then put on a dozen sausage links on with them. I tended them carefully, turning them at just the right time so they would be crispy not burnt, just like Master had shown me. I kept rolling the sausages around to they cooked the whole way through. I had a big tray covered with paper towels, and as they finished cooking I took them off and placed them on the paper towels to soak up the grease. With the bacon grease still on the griddle, I grabbed a dozen eggs and cracked them onto the griddle. I seasoned them and carefully turned them so I didn't break any of the yolks. When they were done I put 3 each on Master's plate and my plate and the other 6 on Moose's plate, then carried them to the camp table. The platter of meat was already on the table.

Then I called out, "Chow's ready."

Master had already toasted and buttered all the bread. He had made a pot of coffee for him and Moose, but he had poured me a big glass of milk. "Eat up boys, wading in the creek against the current will burn a lot of energy." Master said as he dug into his food." He put one of his eggs on a piece of toast, added a couple of strips of bacon and a sausage link onto it and folded it in half. He took a big bite of it, chewed it up appraising it and swallowed. He looked at me and said, "That's delicious Runt, your cooking is getting even better. Don't you think so Moose?" He said as he turned to look at Moose. Moose had 3 of the eggs, both sausage links and three slices of bacon in his mouth. "Moose, what have I told you, take your time and enjoy your food."

Moose chewed the food a couple of times and swallowed the partially chewed food. "Sorry Master. It's hard to remember when I'm hungry and the food's so good."

Not surprisingly the praise from Master had given me an erection, fortunately it was under the table so no one could see it. It was funny how praise from Master was like an aphrodisiac. But there wouldn't be time to take care of it before fishing. I started to eat my breakfast and being honest with myself I had to agree that I was getting better with my cooking. I wanted to learn how to do as many things as possible so I could pamper my Master. I know Moose felt the same way. We wanted to wait on him hand and foot so he didn't have to lift a finger around the house. We just needed to learn how to do all of it.

When we finished eating Moose and I cleaned off the table. We washed and dried the dishes and the griddle while Master read the news off of his tablet.

"Everything's cleaned up Master! Can we go fishing now?

We put our waders and vests on, grabbed our rods and walked down to the creek. Master had showed us how to tie uniknots and rig up our rods last night so we were ready to fish. We had found a nice riffle that ran into a deeper run beside one of the steep shale banks. He had given us each a plastic bag full of steelhead skein and a pair of scissors.

"You guys just watch at first. OK?" Master asked. We both just nodded, watching intently as he proceeded. He grabbed his bag of skein and his scissors. "The skein is just steelhead eggs that aren't ripe yet, so they were still stuck together by all kinds connective tissue. So you can cut off a small piece with your scissors and thread it through your hook." He demonstrated putting it on the hook. "Then you cast it on the edge of the current where the fast water meets the slow water."

He cast into the riffle and let his float drift down with the current. "You want to keep your bail open and use all ten and a half feet of your rod to keep your line off the water so just your float and a few inches of line are on the water." He let it drift all the way down, but nothing hit it. He reeled his line in and made another cast with the same result. But on the third cast the float was pulled out.

Master reared back on the rod, setting the hook and the fish charged upstream. About half way up the riffle the water exploded as the steelie rocketed into the air trying to throw the hook. It was over two feet long and cleared the water by a foot and a half when it leaped. It hit the water and continued upstream peeling line off Master's reel as his rod bent almost double. It tried to continue upstream when Master moved his rod to the side, turning the fish.

"Once you weather the first run you should try to turn his head every time it gets some momentum. Then they have to start all over again. You tire them out quickly that way." He said as he turned it again and then again in quick succession. It took a couple more runs but soon succumbed. Master beached it on the gravel bar and it lay there exhausted. It was a greenish color on it's back, with a pink stripe on it's side and a white belly. It was a beautiful fish, much bigger than anything we caught when we went trout fishing last week, but it looked surprisingly similar.

"Master that looks like the rainbow trout we caught last week only much bigger. I said a little bit confused.

"That's because it is a rainbow trout that lives for three years in Lake Erie, then swims up the creek to spawn. Living in the big lake with all the available food they grow much faster." He replied as he used the hemostats to remove the hook from the big fish's curved jaw. "You can tell that this one is a male because of the big hooked jaw. He's probably an eight pounder." He said as he guided it back into the current.

"Why didn't you keep it Sir?" Moose asked licking his lips. "It looked like it was pretty big."

"Oh it was plenty big enough, but it was the wrong color and sex. We're looking for 'Chromers'. They're the ones that are a bright silver chrome color. That's the color they all are when they first migrate up from the lake. After they've been in the creek for a week or so they revert to their regular colors." He explained.

"What does color have to do with how they taste Sir?" Moose asked.

"When they first come from the lake their flesh is a bright orange like a salmon, from all the fat reserves they have built up. It gives them a wonderful flavor. Once they've been in the creek for a week or so their orange flesh turns more of a grayish color and it doesn't taste as good. So we only keep chromers."

"Master you said that you didn't want males either. Why?" I asked.

"We're fishing with steelhead eggs. Where did you think we got them?" He asked with a grin.

"But if we keep the females how will there be any steelhead in the future?" I inquired.

"That's a good question Runt. But don't worry there will be plenty of fish next year regardless of how many females we keep. You see there aren't any appropriate spawning beds in the Lake Erie Creeks, so there is no natural reproduction. It's a completely artificial fishery. The state and 3CU stock several million smolts each year and the come back full size like that one was." He said smiling. Then he baited back up and showed us again. He cast into the riffles half a dozen times before the float went under. He jerked hard on the rod and the fish charged upstream, peeling line off of his reel. He soon subdued it and beached it on the sand bar.

It was much like he described a chromer. It was such a bright chrome color that the sun reflecting off of it nearly hurt your eyes. It also had a much smaller proportioned head without a hooked jaw.

"Are we keeping that one Master?" I asked.

"Yeah this is just what we're looking for." He said as he fished his stringer out of his vest. He ran it through the gill slit and out of it's mouth, put the spike end through the loop end, snugged it down to the steelie's jaw and then pressed the spike end into the gravel. The fish struggled for a moment then just settled on the bottom.

"Well Runt are you ready to give it a try?" He asked.

"I guess." I replied uncertainly. I was a little bit intimidated by the big fish. I had been fishing last week and this wasn't very different. But these fish were huge and I wasn't sure if I could bring one in.

I stood in the water to get a good angle on my drift through the pool. I didn't get a hit so I reeled in and cast again with the same result. After two more unsuccessful casts, Master said, "Keep a little more of your line off of the water so you get a better drift."

I did as he said, but it took 4 more casts until the float went underwater. I excitedly jerked the rod and I felt the fish surge upstream. Line started to peel off of my reel, making it sing. Master was calling out instructions, but I panicked. It kept running upstream pulling my rod down. Instinctively I put my paw on the spool to stop it from letting line out.

CRACK! The line snapped as the fish continued up the creek, my hook, line, sinker and float trailing behind it.

I hung my head in shame at losing the fish. Master came over. I thought he was going to yell at me, but he asked me calmly, "Do you know what you did wrong?"

"I think so Master." I replied. I shouldn't have grabbed the spool.

"That's one thing. You also need to keep your rod tip up. The noodle rod acts like a shock absorber when you keep the rod up. When you point it straight at the fish your line takes the brunt of the force. Also you were pulling straight back on him instead of pulling to the side to turn his head." He said calmly.

"I'm sorry Master..." I said feeling like I'd let him down.

He came over and rubbed my ears. I'm not upset. I'm just teaching you."

I was still used to my old owner hitting me whenever I made a mistake. I should have known better. Master never got mad at me making a mistake. I smiled at him sheepishly.

"Try it again, but relax this time. If it gets away, it gets away. It's no big deal."

I cast in a half a dozen times before the float went under. My heart skipped a beat as I set the hook. This time when I set the hook and it took off upstream, I took a deep breath. I gathered my thoughts and kept my rod tip up, trying to remember everything I was taught. After its first run petered out I moved my rod to the right, putting pressure on it. I finally turned his head. It turned and raced down the riffles toward me and it zoomed past me as I desperately tried to reel in the slack. When it straightened the line out below me I remembered to keep my rod tip up. The noodle rod acted as a shock absorber allowing my drag to slip as it used the current to its advantage. I turned its head again, and several more times in quick succession like Master had done. And before I knew it the fish was laying on its side in the shallows exhausted. I looked at it and to my delight it was also a female chromer.

"Can we keep it Master?" I asked eagerly.

"Yeah especially since it's your first one ever. Let's get some measurements on it and some pictures so I can get a mount made of it." He measured it. It was 30 and a quarter inches long and had a girth of sixteen inches. He put it on a scale and it weighed 10 and a quarter pounds. "That one qualifies for the Angler Award program. We'll get it on a certified scale and you can get a certificate with it that you can frame and put it under the mount."

I put the fish on my stringer like Master showed me and pushed the spike into the gravel. When I stood up Master came and hugged me. "That was a great job little guy. I'm proud of how you handled it when he did that tricky one eighty on you."

I was grinning from ear to ear, nothing on earth was better than having Master be proud of me. "Thank you Master." Was all I could muster.

"Well Moose, are you ready to give it a try?" Master asked.

"Yes Sir." Moose responded confidently.

He didn't even wait for instructions. He just cast into the stream. He picked a different current that ran past a downed tree. The sun had come up enough that I could see the fish dart out from the tree to take the bait. Moose gave a short sharp jerk on the rod driving the hook into the steelie's jaw.

It charged downstream using the current to aid in it's escape attempt. But Moose didn't panic. He held his rod tip high, allowing the rod to absorb the brunt of the first run, the drag screaming as line was ripped from it by the rampaging fish. Moose followed the fish down to the next pool, a look of determination etched on his face. He instinctively took advantage of his height and reach to get a better angle and turned the fish. It was amazing that he seemed so competent on his first attempt at fishing. I had already had a day of fishing under my belt and I was no where near as good.

He calmly turned it three or four more times before beaching it. It lay there in the shallows as Master came up with the tape measure and scale. He put the tape on it and said, "It's 27 inches long." Then he put it on the scale and said, "Seven and a quarter pounds." He took a picture of it. It also appeared to be a female chromer. "Put it on your stringer Moose."

"Yes Sir." Moose said as he complied.

"Are you sure you've never done this before?" Master asked with a grin.

"Yes Sir." Moose said in complete seriousness. "I would never lie to you Sir."

Master laughed, put his arm around Moose and said, "Don't be so serious Moose. It was meant as a complement. You did so fantastic for your first time that it just seemed like you had to have done it before."

"Thank you Sir." Moose said sheepishly. "I just did what you told me."

"You did it like a pro. I'm impressed!" Master said enthusiastically. "I'm gonna get you each a replica of your first steelhead. "But now you guys can fish on your own. You can keep two more fish each."

I continued to hang out with Master. I still wasn't able to "read" the water well enough on my own. I fished the same currents that Master was fishing so I could find the fish. But Moose went off on his own and was catching more fish than even Master was, By the time we stopped for lunch Master had caught 19 but Moose had caught 23. I had only caught ll.

"So Moose, what's your secret? I've never seen someone learn to read water so quickly." Master asked.

"I can smell them Sir." He said. "I smell them, then I do like you told me and cast into the fast water right next to the slow water."

Master bent over double laughing for almost a minute. "That dirty Bastard!" He was finally able to get out before going into uncontrollable laughter again. I was laughing from watching him and even Moose, who was usually serious, was now chuckling.

"What's so funny Sir?" Moose finally asked.

"Bruce always used to out fish me. I always asked him what his secret was. All he would ever say is that there was no secret, he was just a better fisherman than I was. He held out on me all that time and now I know his secret."

We got back to the camp and got out of our waders. Master showed us how to fillet the fish. He had bought us each a Rapala fillet knife with a nine inch blade. He showed us how to on one of the fish he caught, then let us each fillet one of his and the other three of ours. Each fillet went into a gallon ziplock bag and each skein went into it's own quart freezer bag and all of them were put into the cooler. Well all except for one fillet that we kept out for lunch. Master coated it with a little olive oil, seasoned it with Cajun seasoning and put it into an elongated fish basket.

While Moose awakened the fire I cut up redskin potatoes added olive oil and seasoned them with salt and pepper and some minced garlic. I cut up a few onions and then sealed the foil. I poked a few holes in the top then placed it on the coals.

Master showed me how to cook the fish in the fish basket. When it looked like it was done, he showed me how to check it with a fork to see if it was flaky in the middle. As soon as it was done we took it out of the basket and put it on a platter on the table.

I grabbed the potatoes out of the fire and poured them into a large bowl. Once I put them onto the table we all filled our plates with food. I went first, taking as much as I thought I could eat. Master filled his plate next and Moose took all that was left, which was more than Master and I combined.

"One forkful at a time Moose. Let's not have a repeat of this morning." Master said winking at Moose.

"I'll try Sir." Moose replied uncertainly, getting as much on his fork as he possibly could before stuffing it in his mouth. Master just shook his head in amusement.

I on the other hand was finally starting to develop some restraint. I ate one small bite at a time, finally I was starting to savor the intricacies of the spices and how they worked with the different foods. I was even taking time to smell the food. I realized that the aroma really enhanced the taste. Master also broke out the Straub American Amber to have with lunch. The first taste made me crinkle my nose, but after I took a bite of the steelhead and took another taste I noticed how the flavors complemented each other. I took another bite of the steelhead and another sip of the beer. I was starting to get a better understanding of flavors and how they go together. And why Master didn't want us to just gulp our food down. It was something Moose wasn't even close to mastering yet.

After lunch we headed back out fishing. Master asked me to try sniffing out the fish. I concentrated and realized that I could sniff them out. We went past a small chute that didn't seem like it would hold fish, but it really smelled fishy. I cast into the top of the chute and it hadn't moved more than a couple of feet when the float pulled under. I jerked and the steelie shot straight down towards me. By now though fighting steelies was becoming second nature. I landed it quickly and said, "Master I think there are a lot of them in this chute."

"I would have never guessed. I would have walked right past it." He said as he cast into it. He got a hit almost immediately. He set the hook and was soon into a nice fish. Between the two of us we pulled 11 out of that little chute.

We came back in for dinner, happy but exhausted, from a hard day of fishing. After taking off our waders Master had Moose and I make a fire again while he went into the tent and changed into a pair of sweats. He came out in a pair of State U sweats and some leather moccasins. He sat down on one of the camp chairs with a tired but contented sigh. I reached into the cooler, grabbed a Straub, opened it and carried it over to him.

He took it from me and said, "Thanks Runt. That's just what I wanted." He tousled my headfur, which of course gave me an instant chubby. Master ran his finger up the underside of my sheath. "We'll take care of that later." He added with a lewd grin.

"Can I make something for dinner Master? I asked.

"Do you think you can make something up? Why don't you surprise me." He said.

"Yes Master!" I said enthusiastically. I was pleased that Master trusted me to make the dinner completely on my own. He's taught me a lot of principles about cooking and now he was leaving it up to me to make dinner by myself with no recipe. Not that a recipe would have done me any good since I couldn't read.

I grabbed Master's BIG cast iron skillet and put it over the fire to heat up while I picked out the ingredients. Master had bought a ten pound bag of large chicken leg quarters (the leg and thigh not cut apart) so I pulled them out of the meat cooler. I also pulled a dozen slices of bacon out. I grabbed a couple of onions, a red pepper, yellow pepper, a green pepper and a pound of mushrooms out of the vegetable cooler. I also got salt, pepper, flour and Cavender's Greek Seasoning out of the dry goods tote.

By now the skillet was hot so I put the bacon into it. First to grease the pan and second because everything tastes better with bacon on it. After there was sufficient bacon grease on the bottom of the pan I moved it to the side. Put some flour into a plastic bag, poured in some Cavender's and shook it up. I put a couple of leg quarters at a time into the bag, coating them with the flour and spices. I then placed them skin side down to sear in the hot skillet. When the skin was seared I flipped them over. I let them sear on the bottom while I draped the bacon over top of them.

I sliced up the onions, peppers and mushrooms and place them in between the chicken pieces. I added half a bottle of Peter Straub's Special Dark beer and let the beer come to a boil. I covered the skillet and raised it higher so it would simmer.

While that was cooking I peeled some potatoes, quartered them and put them in a ban of salted water to boil. I washed my paws, grabbed a chair and went over to sit beside Master. Moose was on the other side of him. They were both sipping beer as they discussed the day's fishing. I noticed that they had almost finished their beers, so I went to the cooler and grabbed three Straubs. I gave them each one and sat down with mine. I could smell the aroma of the food wafting over our way along with the occasional burst of wood smoke. It smelled pretty good, even if I had to say so myself.

But I didn't have to say so myself because Master said, "That smells delicious Runt!"

"Thank you Master!" I said taking a sip of my beer. Of course getting praised caused me to get a woody, I had half an inch of red peeking out of my sheath. I don't know why I was horny all they time, but I was. Master and Moose had already finished two beer each, and it wasn't long before they had finished the third. I was still nursing my first one when Moose got up and got them each another beer.

By then it was time for me to go check on the food. I opened the lid and tested the chicken with a fork. It was cooked all the way through. I checked the potatoes and they were cooked all the way through too.

I drained the water from the potatoes. I took some of the half and half cream that Master used for his coffee, a half a stick of butter and some salt and pepper and added it all to the potatoes. Master had a big whisk in the utensils tote and I used that to whip the potatoes.

When I had them whipped uniformly, I went over to the chicken and bacon, removing it with a large slotted spoon and put it all on a platter. I took some flour and mixed it with some water in a large cup. Then I stirred it into the peppers, onions and mushrooms to make a gravy. When it had thickened up a bit I put a gob of mashed potatoes and a leg quarter on each plate then spooned some gravy over top of the potatoes. I carried the plates to the table and called out, "Come and get it!"

Master and Moose came over to the table and sat down. I got out some dinner rolls and some butter and put it on the table as I sat down.

"This looks wonderful Runt! Moose remember what I said earlier, one forkful at a time."

"Yes Sir." Moose said a little dejectedly.

Master cut a piece off of the thigh section and put it into his mouth. While his mouth was full Moose stuck his fork into his leg quarter, picked up the whole thing and stuck the whole thing into his mouth.

I started laughing. Master couldn't help but to spit his food out to keep from choking on it. Meanwhile Moose was chewing it up bones and all. He swallowed just about the same time as Master was able to speak.

"Moose I said one forkful at a time!" He exclaimed in exasperation.

"It was just one forkful Sir." He replied, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

Master put his face into his palm and shook his head. "You know what I meant..."

"Yes Sir." He said as he put a heaping forkful of mashed potatoes into his muzzle. It was heaping but considering the size of his muzzle it was reasonable.

"There's no reason to eat fast Moose. Have I ever not let you eat until you're full?"

"No Sir. You always give me plenty of food, and really good food at that. Even when Runt makes it it's pretty good. It's just hard to break old habits Sir." Moose said looking down at his plate.

"I know it is, but promise me you'll try. Okay? Master asked.

"Yes Sir. I promise I'll try. I don't want to get sent away..."

"WHOA PUP! No one ever said anything about sending you away. It's not a deal breaker. I just want you to have manners for when I take you out somewhere." He said, then he added. "Let's finish our dinner, I've got something special planned for tonight." Moose started to dig in when Master continued, "That's still not an excuse for you to eat fast..."

Master took another bite of the chicken, this time uninterrupted by visions of Moose devouring the whole hindquarter of a chicken. He chewed it slowly, savoring the flavor as he did. He looked at me and said, "Well Runt." He stopped to take a sip of his beer, leaving me in suspense for a moment. "That's really good! It's cooked all the way through, but not over done. The bacon has enhanced the flavor of the chicken and you can still taste the flavor of the peppers and onions in it. I'm proud of you."

After all that praise my cock was literally throbbing. I felt like I was on the verge of cumming. My Master was really pleased with me. I was prouder than I'd ever been in my life. "Taste the potatoes Master!" I begged, then worried that he wouldn't like them.

He took a forkful of the potatoes with the pepper, onion and mushroom laced gravy. He savored it for a good while as he chewed it. He paused for a moment, dragging my apprehension out for another eternity which was actually only a few seconds. "Really good. If you keep this up I may make you prepare all the meals. Then I won't have to cook anymore." He said grinning at me. "I'll have my own personal chef. Well that's if you're willing to do it..."

I couldn't contain myself. I jumped out of my chair, knocking it over. "Can I Master? Of course I wanna do it Master. Please..."


When it was finally time to go to bed Master said, "Moose since Runt made dinner for us will you clean up before you come to bed."

"Of course Sir. I'll be in when I get finished." Moose said. He was a little tipsy, he had matched Master beer for beer, but with his extra 80 pounds it hadn't affected him as much as it had Master. He ambled over to the kitchen area to wash the dishes and put the left overs into storage containers and into the ice chest. In the meantime Master and I headed for the tent.

When we got into the tent Master had a pretty good buzz going. He was a little wobbly on his feet, so I helped him take his sweats off. I helped him sit down on the bed and I got down on my knees to take off his moccasins. I set them beside the bed and realize I was in one of my favorite places, on my knees between my Masters legs. I was in the perfect position to attend to my favorite body parts. He was limp right now, but I intended to fix that soon. I reached up with my little paw and gently caressed his beautiful full balls. I loved my Master more than I had ever imagined I could love someone and pleasing him was the most important thing in my world.

He smiled down at me in his semi-befuddled state and said, "You like those, don't you pup?"

I beamed up at him and replied, "Yes Master, they're beautiful!" My paw slid up his balls and then cupped the underside of his perfect cock, which was just starting to respond.

"That's the thing with you anthrodogs, you idolize your Masters and make us out to be more than we really are. You probably believe that I'm perfect..." He said with a wry smile.

"OF COURSE YOU'RE PERFECT MASTER!" I said truthfully, shocked that he didn't realize that he was perfect.

"I'm far from perfect pup, but hopefully I'm at least a passable Master. I always try to do my best for my pups..." He seemed a little melancholy as he spoke. "I'm not always perfect, but I do love you with all of my heart, so hopefully that's enough to be a good Master..."

"That's all that matters Master. I know you love us. And we love you too, Moose and I would die for you it we needed to." I said adamantly.

"I know you would, and that's the problem. I've already had one dog that has died for me. I wish Bruce could be here..." He said wistfully.

My heart dropped, I knew that even my best could not match Bruce. Master could read the hurt in my face.

"No you misunderstand pup, I don't wish he was he instead of you and Moose, I wish he could be here with us. He would have liked you two and I think you would have liked him."

"I'm sure we would have liked him Master. I'm really sorry you lost him." I said, sad that my Master was sad.

He got into the bed and said, "Come here. I need someone to hold me." I lay down beside him

XXX Chapter 8

"When I was the star hoops player at State U I got to meet a lot of reporters. I always had a good relationship with them. Plus with our business we did a shit load of advertising so I have connections with a lot of newspapers from around the state. Three reporters from around the state are coming over to interview Moose. All of them knew and respected Bruce so they are sympathetic with the Anthropet cause. So when they get here I want you to answer their questions truthfully. They're on our side so they aren't going to try to trick you."

"Just how well do you know these guys? Moose asked.

"Let's just say Bruce and I knew them intimately..." Master said with a grin. "So just relax and answer their questions honestly when they get here."

Moose and I helped Master get the food ready. He'd already made up all the fixings for Nachos. The refried beans were made from dried black beans which he's made and placed in a crock-pot, beside it was a crock-pot of nacho cheese and another of taco meat. He was now making guacamole to go with the salsa and sour cream that was already resting in a Table Buffet Cooler. Moose and I carried all of it down to the pool area. In addition to that there was a tub of ice filled with bottles of Corona beer and a bowl of lime wedges.

In addition to the pool there was an area on one side for entertaining. It was partitioned off from the pool area by glass partitions and double sliding glass doors so the humidity from the pool didn't damage the furniture. He had a large TV down there with a couch and several easy chairs. He had arranged three of the chairs in a semi-circle around the front of the couch.

There was also a wet bar along the back wall. Luke pulled a blender out from under the bar and blended up a pitcher of margaritas. Just as he turned off the blender the door bell rang. "That's the great thing about reporters, they're always punctual." He said as he ran upstairs to let the guests in. It was only about a minute later that he came back downstairs leading 3 men. One of them looked to be his age and the other two appeared to be considerably older.

Gentlemen these are my two new anthrodogs. Both of them are what would be considered rescues." He pointed to me and said, "This one is Runt. I found him almost frozen to death almost two weeks ago. He'd been abandoned and left to die by his owner. That's a story in and of itself."

"And this is Moose. He's the one that was almost euthanized. A lady named Dolores did everything she could to keep us from rescuing him."

"Boys this is my friend from the State U Daily Collegian, Tom Spudic." He said as he pointed to the younger one. He works at the Daily Bugle now." Tom came over and shook our paws.

"This is Joel Gardner from the Journal and that is Phil Rissoto from the Tribune. Master introduced the other two to us. They came over and shook paws with us also. "I figured we could eat first to get acquainted before we start." Master said to the group.

"We went over and filled our plates then headed over to the seating area. Moose and I had put out TV tray tables out for everyone to set their food and drinks on. After setting our food down we all went over to the bar to get our margaritas.

I'd never had a margarita, or any kind of alcohol other than beer before, so I took a tentative sip of it. It was delicious so I started to gulp it.

"Whoa! Slow down Runt!" Master exclaimed, but he was too late. I had a shooting pain behind my eyes. I put my glass down and brought my paws to my head. "Just wait a minute and it will stop." Master said as he led me over to the couch and sat me down on his right side. He put his arm around me to comfort me. It was only 30 seconds but it seemed like an eternity before pain stopped. But it was almost worth it to have more attention from Master.

"Go easy on the drinks Runt. There is a good amount of Gran Patron tequila in the drinks. I don't want you getting too drunk." Master said.

"I don't know about that. You, Bruce and I used to have some good times when Bruce had a few drinks in him..." Tom chimed in.

"Yeah we did have quite a few good times together at Bruce's apartment..." Master replied with a wistful grin.

"You mean you two took advantage of my innocence and corrupted me." Tom replied with a smirk.

"If I remember correctly you were a willing participant in the debauchery." Master countered.

"Of course I was willing. I had the hots for you from the first time I interviewed you naked after a game. You were the sexiest guy on the team..."

"Were?" Master asked.

"Still are. The three of us really had some wild times..." He concluded then took another sip of his drink. "It's good to see that you are finally getting over losing Bruce. I know how close you two were."

"Well I can thank Runt for that. Finding him gave my life a purpose again." Master said as he ruffled my headfur. The inside of my ears turned a bright red in embarrassment and I buried my muzzle under his arm.

"I haven't done anything important Master." I said quietly.

"Don't undervalue yourself Runt. You're more important to me than you realize." He replied as he hugged me close and kissed me between the ears. Of course with the skin to fur contact and the praise, it wasn't long before I was erect and peeking out of my sheath. Which made everybody chuckle.

"Don't worry. Everybody here had that problem when they were your age, but they had clothes to cover it up. We'll take care of it later..." Master said with a wink. We ate nachos and drank our margaritas. Then the guys started on the Coronas. I tried one and I didn't like it as much as I did the Straub American Amber that we had while we were fishing, but Moose started to drink them with the guys. I went over to the bar and got a refill on my margarita.

We ate and talked for a while. Master and the reporters caught up with what had gone on since the last time they had seen each other. They talked about how the team was coming along this year and other things in the news that I knew nothing about. After we had finished our first round of nachos and drinks and had gotten refills Master said.

"Well now that were all acquainted maybe we should start the interview. Then we can have a little fun after we're done." He added as he ran a finger up the underside of my sheath, making a chill of pleasure run up my spine.

The reporters set up a camera to record the interview so they would be able to take their notes from it later. "So Moose start from the beginning and tell us what happened at the shelter." Mr. Spudic said and then turned on the video recorder.

Moose told them all how Dolores took every opportunity to torment the anthros. He told them how she didn't give them enough to eat and how they were given kibble instead of human food. How she went into explicit detail about how they were going to die and end up in a landfill. How she constantly referred to them as soulless abominations. You could see the three of them hanging on every word and getting angrier by the moment.

"This is bullshit! No one could know someone like Bruce and think he was soulless. Bruce was a better "person" than anyone I've ever met. And that includes you Luke, no offense intended." Mr. Gardner said, his face red with anger.

"No offense taken Joel. I've always known that Bruce was a better "man" than me." Master replied with wry grin. "He was the most noble selfless being I've ever met..." He added as a tear formed in the corner of his eye. I had never met Bruce like the others had, but just knowing his story had me a little melancholy. When Master regained his composure he said. "Runt why don't you tell the guys your story."

I told them about how I was part of an accidental litter so I wasn't registered. Since I wasn't registered and I was the runt of the litter nobody wanted me. My owner had driven me out into the country, beaten me senseless and left me to fend for myself. I then continued on to how I had made my way into the city, met Moose and had to turn to prostitution. I went on about how we got raided and how Moose had surrendered so I could escape. I finished up with how I almost froze to death before Master saved me.

"It's disgraceful how we treat these anthros. They have the same feelings as humans, yet we treat them like slaves." Phil said disgustedly.

"Begging your pardon Sir." Moose interjected, "But that's not exactly true. We have feelings like a human but we've been bred to serve a Master. No amount of money, possessions or freedom would make me as happy as when Luke becomes my Master. I only have a day to go before I can submit to him and I've never looked forward to something so much in my life."

"We just need to be treated with love and respect by our Masters. Luke is always considerate of our feelings even when he gives us orders to do things. There is nothing that could possibly hurt me more than knowing that I disappointed him."

"We need Masters to feel complete, but maybe we need to have the final say on who our Master should be. That and maybe some laws on humane treatment." Moose finished.

Joel picked up the conversation, "Well we can discus what goals we should shoot for later. Right now we need to figure out how to best get this info out to the public. I think the first thing I'm gonna do is use the freedom of information act to get access to the surveillance tapes at the Shelter for the time period that Moose was incarcerated."

"Tom I think you should be in charge of the internet campaign. I'm guessing you can get some of this video to go viral." Joel said nodding toward Tom.

"That shouldn't be too hard to do. It sounds like there is plenty of video to tug at the heartstrings of viewers." Tom replied.

"Phil I know you have connections on Capitol Hill that are sympathetic to the cause." Joel continued.

"I think I can get Senators Lovejoy and Terrance to take up the cause. They both have anthros that they love. They could drum up bipartisan support. And there are at least 10 members of the House who will take up the cause." Phil replied.

"I have connections at the NY Times, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Washington Post and USA Today that I'm sure would be eager and willing to run with the story. I think we should meet again in 3 days to see where we stand." Joel concluded.

"That sounds like a plan to me." Master said as he finished off his third Corona.


The men started to shed their clothes. None of them were out of shape, but they weren't chiseled like Master. That's not saying they were unattractive, they were much better looking than most of the Johns Moose and I had serviced. Being a former prostitute my eyes were immediately drawn to their endowments. They all looked to be between five and a half inches to six and a half inches. Phil was the only one that was uncut.

"Boys." Master said to Moose and I as he called us over to him. "The fellas, Bruce and I frequently fooled around together. You are not required to join in. But if you do you can say no at any time. No one will be mad if you tell them no. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir." Moose and I said in unison.

"Moose since you don't have a Master yet I'm sure you realize that you shouldn't be bottoming for any of the guys."

"I know Sir. I'm quite willing to wait until tomorrow night when I get to surrender to you Sir." Moose replied. "I'd gladly give myself to you in front of all these guys right now if you'd let me."

"I want you to be sure you want me as your Master. It's a permanent decision that you shouldn't make lightly." Master responded.

"I keep telling you I would be a fool to not want you as my Master, but of course I'm willing to wait as long as necessary." Moose concluded.

"Runt you're bonded enough to me now that you can do whatever you want with the guys. But just remember that if you don't want to do something just say no."

"Yes Master." I replied as Master shucked his shorts and shirt.

"Last one in is a dirty cock sucker!" He yelled as he ran to the pool and cannon balled into the deep end. Moose playfully pushed me away and ran toward the pool. He jumped in right next to Master.

I walked over to the pool and said, "I don't mind being a dirty cocksucker." I stuck my tongue out at them and jumped in to join them. I swam over to the edge in the shallow end and Mr. Spudic swam over to meet me.

"My you're a cutie." He said cordially as he pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you Mr. Spudic." I said as I felt his hard dick rub up against mine.

He chuckled and told me. "It's Tom not Mr. Spudic. A little hint, any time you're naked with someone the term Mr. is probably a bit too formal." He continued as he reached down and caressed my hardening flesh.

Then to my surprise Tom ducked his head underwater and took the head of my dick into his mouth. Even though the pool was heated, the warmth of his mouth was such a contrast to the temperature of the pool water. As he went down on me he peeled back my sheath with his lips. He didn't stop until his chin was resting against my balls. He didn't gag at all as it went down his throat. He swallowed a couple of times which massaged my dick in a way I had never felt before. I was soon drooling precum. Tom was bobbing up and down my shaft for almost a minute before he came up gasping for breath.

He stood all the way up and hugged me close to him, pressing our erections together again. I only came up to his chin but he bent his head down to whisper into my ear. "You're much sweeter than Bruce or Luke. I've never tasted someone so young before." He sensuously thrust himself against me causing my sheath to slide up and down my shaft. "If you didn't already belong to Luke I'd seriously think about taking you home... He said as he pulled my muzzle up to his in a kiss. Before I got Luke as my Master that would have been a dream come true to me, but now everyone paled in comparison to my Master.

Being with Tom wasn't the same as being with Master, but it was a nice change of pace. The skin to fur contact, with a person that cared about you as more than just a mouth to get their rocks off in, was intoxicating. I melted into his embrace as we kissed.

To my surprise he turned around and backed into me. He reached behind him and guided me to his entrance. He lowered himself onto my boner. It felt great and I just held still as he bottomed out on me. Once he had me all the way in he ground his ass in a circular motion against my groin. I instinctively put my paws on his hips and started to slowly pump myself in and out of him.

"I'd almost forgotten how good this feels." He said with a moan. "A big dick can be exciting, but a nice average size one feels just right sometimes. It hits the spot but doesn't leave you walking funny the next day." He said as he leaned his back into my chest. I moved my left arm around his chest, pulling him close to me while my right paw moved around to grasp his cock. I stroked him in time with my thrusting causing him to moan even louder.

He pulled away from me, turned to face me and wrapped his legs around my waist. He reached down with his right hand and guided me back into him. Once I was all the way in he put his hands on my shoulders and I put one paw on each of his ass cheeks. Since we were in water up to our necks his buoyancy allowed me to easily lift him up and down on my cock. He leaned forward and rested his head on my shoulder. I could feel his boner sliding up and down through my belly fur. He tilted his body so my dick head was rubbing directly across his prostate. He let out a quiet moan each time my cock caressed it.

"You're a very good lover... Luke is really lucky to have you." He said huskily into my ear. "I want to feel you cum in me..." He said and moaned even louder. I could feel myself starting to move toward my climax, the tingle in my balls building and my knot starting to engorge. As it got bigger Tom clamped down on it with his sphincter and started to milk the base of my knot as it continued to grow. I was now locked tight in him and I was past the point of no return. I grunted as the first jet rocketed through my urethra and out into Tom's willing colon. "That's it pup, cum in me... I want all of it..." He replied as he also started to cum in my belly fur.

Next: Chapter 7

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