Ryan and His Father

By Don Mynor

Published on Aug 28, 2002


Well where do I begin? I guess I should start form the beginning. I was 14 years old at the time and lived with my parents. I was a mama's boy. I did not have much in common with my father so I said as little to him as possible, and him to me. Plus he was very intimidating. Not that he ever hit me or anything; it's just that he had a confident demeanor about him all the time, with good reason. He was 6ft 6in and weighed 215 lbs. He was the typical jock father. He worked out at the gym three, sometimes four days a week and still played football and baseball for the company team. At that time I was 5ft 9in and weighed 105 lbs fully clothed, with my back pack and soaking wet, but I had a bubble butt and thought I looked like a freak. My father hated the fact that I hated sports and was more interested in academics, chess, and computers.

Ryan Scholl was my direct opposite he was 16, 6' and weighed about 190 lbs. He was just a gorgeous hunk. I was picked on and beaten up on a regular basis at school because of my size, introverted demeanor, and academic achievements. One afternoon walking home from school I met up with Joe Torelli and his "gang". This gang consisted of four of the dumbest assholes on the face of this planet, but Joseph Torelli was a Greek god, dumb, but a Greek god. He had stayed back twice so he was sixteen and still in my class. Even with all his good looks I was deftly afraid of him. Joe was the first to speak up when he saw me.

"Hey! If it isn't faggot Donavon, hey fag!"

"Hi Joseph" I replied hoping against all hope that would be that end of if.

"Oh! So mister high and mighty can still speak to us lowly people?" I did not answer and just kept on walking.

"Hey, where you going in such a hurry fag, going to give your boyfriend a blow job?" The whole group broke down in laughter.

"Wanna swing on the dick of a real man," he said, obscenely grabbing his crotch.

I still went on in silence not looking back. Suddenly, he grabbed and yanked my arm from behind. I fell backwards to the ground. My back pack protected me from injury. They all started kicking and stomping me. I heard a car horn and then the beating suddenly stopped. A new voice spoke, "Hey, leave him alone."

"Dude we were just having fun with the fag." Joe said. "He's just a stupid faggot anyway, why should you care?"

"Well he's my stupid faggot so from now on he's off limits to you guys. Is that clear?"

No one answered. He repeated himself then everyone agreed. I thought I knew that voice but I knew it couldn't be. While the conversation continued I was getting back up dusting my self off to make a hurried exit.

"Hey Ted come on I'll take you home." This was the first time I was addressed.

I finally looked to see who my savior was. Oh my god it was Ryan Scholl. Did he call me his faggot? I would be that and more for this man. Did he call my name? How did he know my name?

"Uh gee thanks uhh.?" I pretended not to know his name.

"Ryan," he informed me.

"Uh thanks Ryan, but it's ok I'll walk." I said, not looking at him.

I was afraid that if I looked at him that he would see how I felt about him. See through my eyes all the loads I'd dump late at nights thinking about him.

"It's cool I'll take you home." He said in a voice that left no room for arguments.

In the car, on our way to my house not very much was said. When we got to my house he pulled up in the drive way and turned off the motor. I thought that was kind of weird. I nervously thanked him for the ride and made to get out of the car. He stopped me by putting his hand on my arm. I swear I almost came.

He looked at me for a while and then said, "I helped you today. Now it's your turn to return the favor."

Here we go, I thought. How could I be so stupid to think he was just a nice guy helping me out? Maybe he wanted me to be his sex slave. Maybe he wanted to come inside to have me give him a blow job. I thought wishfully. Thank god I had my back pack in my lap to cover the rather obvious hard on in my pants.

"I need you to tutor me in math. We could start now if you like."

I really didn't believe him and I guess it showed on my face.

"If I don't bring my grades up in math, physics, and biology I am off the team."

"Sure we have a few hours before my parents get home" I said.

For math, physics and biology I was in the senior class, two years ahead, so by the time I became a senior I did not have to spend the whole day at school because I had already passed those subjects.

From that day on we would be studying together, we weren't only studying for math, physics, and biology, but every subject we had together. His grades began to improve and he was able to stay on the team. To repay me he said he was going to bulk me up. He had a gym at his house and we could work out there a few times a week. I did like the idea, because I didn't think I could control my self next to a sweaty Ryan Scholl in gym shorts and tank top or no top at all. So I declined. When my father got home that afternoon Ryan ran the idea by my father. My father thought this was the greatest idea since the invention of the wheel. He said "Maybe you could make a man out of him yet. Sometimes I swear that boy is queer." Well that was settled I was going to work out with him.

I neglected to mention that Ryan's father was the richest man in town. He owned almost every business in town. Everything from the local McDonalds to an auto parts store. If ever a small business owner was on the verge of losing his business Ryan's father, Tom or Big Tom as he was known around town, would buy the business and have the former owners run it. Big Tom was an impressive figure indeed. He was an inch or two shorter than my father and weighed about the same. He had a very naturally domineering personality. He just spoke and he expected what he said to be done. Ryan's mother was not in the picture and no one quite knew what happened to her, but like in every small town, there were rumors and speculations. Two of the most popular ones were that she was about to divorce Big Tom for a former mayor so he had them both killed. The other was that they ran off together and were living on the east coast.

The gym at Ryan house was not really attached to the house per say. There was an indoor/outdoor pool (with the touch of a button the glass roof would open up. Most of the surrounding structure was glass also. Basically glass doors that could also be opened to give the outdoor feel) and the gym was attached to the pool. It was basically in the pool's enclosure separated by more glass doors. You had to pass the pool to get to and form the gym. It had a small locker room with five non-partitioned shower heads. There were also two toilet stalls. Ryan never used the showers in the gym in the time I had been going there. He'd always go upstairs to the one in his room while I had the gym showers to myself. I must have shot a few gallons of cum in those showers after my work outs.

Those times in the gym with Ryan were pure torture for me. To see him with no shirt on, with nothing but sweat shorts or soccer pants. I would try to take a peek up his shorts every time I thought he wasn't looking. He always wore a jock strap. His body glistening with perspiration and his body order so strong and masculine I could sit and smell him all day. I would be sporting wood most of the time we were in the gym. It was difficult at most times, if not impossible, to hide. I knew he saw it sometimes but he never said anything or drew attention to it in anyway. Ryan and I never really got together at school he had his league of friends and I didn't have any. Not that I minded much. Most of his friends were stupid and not really intellectually stimulating. They had the stupid impression that it was so cool not to know stuff, including Jake, Ryan's muscle bound best friend. Jake was the same height as Ryan but a bit more muscular, and a total hunk boy. He always regarded me suspiciously from the time Ryan and I started hanging out together. In the beginning I thought he hated me. After a while he just stated treating me like I was Ryan's little brother, ignoring me most of the time, but always kind of watching me.

About two weeks after we started working out together, Ryan broke up with his girlfriend Stephanie. She was the head cheer leader and president of the "popular club". He didn't look as broken hearted as he should be. Then again to break up with that nagging, high maintenance, superficial, snobbish, bitch was no cause for regret or depression.

One thing that I thought was strange was that given the popularity of both father and son, they never had very much visitors even Jake didn't stop by much. Though he worked out with us sometimes, I would have thought for a muscle head, he would be over all the time using the gym. As it turned out Tom didn't care much for Jake so he wasn't a regular commodity around the house. Jake was very direct and crass; he was always sticking his foot in his mouth. One time he and Ryan were in his room and I had just taken a few laps in the pool. The bedroom door was open and I overheard the conversation that was going on.

".so is little Ted your girlfriend now?" I heard Jake say to Ryan.

"Dude, what the fuck are you talking about?" Ryan said

I was frozen in my tracks outside the door.

"Come on Ry it's been two weeks since you and Steph broke up and you don't have a new girl yet what gives." Jake said. "Oh my god you're fucking him aren't you?" He continued.

"Don't be ridiculous, Jake."

"Don't tell me you've never thought about it?"

"No I haven't, that's fag shit and to besides Ted is a good kid."

"Yeah, a good kid with nice dick sucking lips and a fuckable bubble butt."

"You mean you would.?" Ryan didn't have time to finish the sentence.

".if he was stuck on me like he is on you I would." "You've got to be kidding, that's fag shit. And he is not stuck on me he is just a good kid helping me out with my school work, though he may have a slight case of hero worship." Ryan said

"Dude, have you seen the way he looks at you? Like he's in love or something," Jake said answering his own question.

"And you don't have to be a fag to get off with a guy. Once you don't swear off of women and you don't suck dick or get fucked yourself you won't be a fag."

Didn't I say he wasn't the smartest? I couldn't believe the conversation they were having. I couldn't believe hunk boy Jake wanted to fuck me. I was standing there with wood in my pants just thinking about it. After that conversation between Jake and Ryan I knew something would happen I wasn't sure what at the time but I knew something was going to happen. I knew I had to watch myself when in Ryan's and Jake's company. Jake was watching me more closely than I thought. My thinking at the time was if Jake was watching me and could come to the correct conclusion Ryan would surely arrive at it to. I really did not want to have Ryan hating me for being a fag.

The weekend after that conversation Jake worked out with us. After the work out, Ryan went to the bathroom in his room as usual. Jake went with me to use the showers in the locker room. No matter how hard I tried not to look at the naked hunk boy I could not help make fleeting side glances. He was facing me the entire time we were under the shower heads. Little did I know that he was doing this intentionally. After about five minutes he spoke.

"So little Teddy is a fag boy after all?" I knew I had been caught. I chose to say nothing. I was more worried the he would tell Ryan.

"Wait till I tell Ryan."

That phrase got my attention real fast. I spun around suddenly forgetting about my hard on and spoke.

"Oh no, Jake please don't tell Ryan." I begged. I sometimes wonder why I just didn't deny everything.

"Oh I can do that for my little buddy, but what can my little buddy do for me" I knew from that phrase I would be at least sucking my first dick that day. "Hmmm, what can my little buddy do for me, let's see? He said looking up at the ceiling pretending to be thinking. Then he said, "Ha I know." he did not finish the statement instead he just looked down at his quickly raising dick. Jake cock was not as big as I was expecting. For his size I was expecting at least nine or ten inches. It was cut and about five inches hard and kind of fat with bulging veins. When I saw his dick something snapped in my soul. I was not in control any more. Without thinking or being told I walked towards him and got down on my knees and put his cock in my mouth. He held on to my ears and began fucking my face. I was gagging like crazy, but he didn't seem to care.

"So fag Teddy knows his place after all. Don't you bitch? Answer me faggot." I tried to answer but could only manage "mmmmfffff." "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to talk with your mouth full?" He said laughing at his own joke which I did not find funny.

"What the fuck is going on in here?" A voice said from the doorway.

Next: Chapter 2

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