Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Apr 4, 2023


Still lying together on the bed, the boys commiserated about the incredible orgasm that Ryan had just experienced, as Jason had slid a finger into him, and repeatedly stroked the hard little lump he had encountered there.

"Man, that was really something else...I never....not even close....felt anything like that before...I was, like, seeing freeking stars, even!" lamented Ryan, his body still glowing from the incredible orgasm.

"No shit, dude...you actually scared the hell of me, all shaking, and moaning that way...I thought you were having the big one, or something." Replied Jason, as he brought the responsible finger to his mouth, pointed like a pretend pistol, and blew air across it, like clearing smoke from a recently fired weapon.

"W.M.D., dude," he chuckled, "Weapon of mass destruction!"

Ryan blushed, and giggled, still slightly embarrassed by the intensity of his reaction to the stimulation, and the force of the resultant orgasm it had induced. The bed was a total mess, the massive pool of his ejaculate slowly drying on the sheet where he had deposited it, as his slender hips had bucked wildly, seeming to drive the massive ejaculation from his trembling body as if of its own accord. He shuddered slightly, considering the mystery spot inside him, and the surprising willingness of Jason to explore him there in the first place. His mind conjured up images he had seen often when secretly surfing various gay internet sites, depictions of men actually fucking other men, their rigid cocks fully buried inside their partner, and the blissful expressions on the faces of the recipient, and suddenly he understood what had previously seemed an aberration, was indeed, anything but, now that he had experienced the other worldly orgasm that type of stimulation was capable of giving. Damn, he thought, I actually thought there was no way I'd even consider allowing something like that, but hey, like that old saying, if it feels good, then....right?

He snapped out of his reverie then, and slid his arm down over Jason' smooth stomach, and gently cradled his relaxed cock, then smiled at his friend, and said,

"W.M.D. huh, well dude....seems like maybe you have a regular arsenal of them....look....here's another one, right here!"

Jason giggled, flexing his shaft in Ryan's groping fingers, and replied, "Better watch it there, Ace....you wake it up again, it just might go off!"

Ryan chuckled, and muttered, "Promises, promises!"

Jason flexed the thickening penis again, and, with a soft laugh, replied, "Confucius say, just keep working the problem, and soon solution will be at hand, old buddy."

Ryan laughed, and leaned over to quickly kiss Jason, then, slide down the bed, and slip the rapidly growing cock into his mouth. Jason groaned, and moved his hands down to gently cradle Ryan's head, guiding his movements, as his penis rapidly grew fully erect in Ryan's skilled mouth.

"Oh man....sweet....damn, Ry, you really do suck good....freeking awesome!"

Pleased with Jason's quick reaction to his effort, and equally pleased to feel the now rigid tool once again fill his mouth, Ryan quickly established a steady rhythm, and began working Jason's thick cock toward yet another orgasm, his mind already eagerly anticipating the thunderous explosion that would come, and the torrent of creamy nectar that would signal the success of his mission. He ran his hands over Jason's smooth torso, and thighs, pausing to fondle the plump balls, as his warm mouth glided up and down the rigid penis, and he relished Jason's growing excitement, punctuated with his steady groans of pleasure, and the increasing force of his grip on Ryan's steadily bobbing head. Jason's silky precum was flowing at a steady rate now, coating over Ryan's tongue, and stimulating his taste buds, generating even more saliva, that drooled from the stretched corners of his mouth, and ran down over the shaft of Jason's cock, matting his pubic hair, and wetting his balls.

Ryan felt the heavy cock flex in his mouth, and, sensing the impending orgasm, he quickly slid Jason's pulsing cock from his mouth, and gripped the base of the shaft tightly, backing Jason off just a little. Jason groaned a deep sound, his head lifting off the pillow to look desperately down over his heaving torso, and groaned again, as he watched Ryan guide the leaking head of his very engorged penis over his smooth face, rubbing the crimson mushroom shaped cap against his cheek, and lips, leaving behind shiny trails of his viscous precum.

"Ohhhh fuck, dude!" he grunted, "That is so hot...fucking nasty as shit....damn!"

Ryan rolled his eyes upward, meeting Jason's stare, and extended his tongue tip, flicking it over the oozing head of Jason's fully charged cock. Jason groaned again, and dropped his head back on the pillow, making strange gurgling noises, as Ryan once more slowly engulfed the entire length of his throbbing penis, and resumed his heart-stopping rhythm. Up and down, Ryan bobbed his head, pausing on the up stroke to flick his tongue against the sensitive little "v" of flesh, where Jason's shaft became the smooth head of his turgid cock. Ryan continued his attack, bringing Jason to the edge at a maddeningly slow, and steady pace, as Jason trembled, his body totally aware of each little nuance of sensation, feeling as if his balls were actually swelling, getting larger, and certainly heavier, as Ryan rolled out all of his recently acquired cock sucking skills.

Ryan paused, his tongue rapidly stabbing at the leaking slit of Jason's cock, as his hand firmly gripped the taut, full scrotum, and tugged it downward. Jason emitted a series of low growls, and his fists beat at the mattress, as his ass snapped sharply upward off the bed, driving his rigid cock back into Ryan's mouth, the spongy head bumping against Ryan's throat, causing him to gag briefly at the sudden onslaught. He withdrew slightly, catching a small breath around the thick pole in his mouth, then, quickly took the entire tool into his throat once more. He swallowed several times, deep throating Jason, and sending tumbling off the precipice. Jason roared loudly, as his cock bucked in Ryan's mouth, and his balls exploded, sending rapid torrents of his erupting cum directly into Ryan's stomach, as he forced his throat open. Tears rolled down Ryan's cheeks, as Jason continued to erupt, his creamy cum jetting into Ryan's throat, until, finally, he was spent, and drained, and his body collapsed totally, leaving him panting for breath.

Ryan withdrew slowly, his mouth milking the final dribbles of Jason's creamy load, and slipped the rapidly wilting penis from his battered lips, holding the softening shaft in his fingers, as he lapped over the glistening head several times. He smiled, proud, and happy with his handy work, and released the now flaccid penis, to move up on the bed, and snuggle in close to the panting Jason. Jason rolled his head sideways on the pillow, and grinned at his very flushed friend, as he ran his fingers through Ryan's hair, and said,

"Oh man, Ry...that, was freeking awesome....the best ever...no shit....you, dude...can....really...suck...a....cock....!"

Ryan blushed, feeling his already flushed cheeks grow even warmer, and giggled softly, saying,

"Gosh thanks, Mister....I'm actually pretty much new at it....but....maybe if I just keep practicing....I'll really get it right!"

Jason laughed, and ruffled Ryan's hair again, then replied,

"Yea, dude, whatever...you can practice on me any time you want,...but....I really don't know how you can...get it much more right....then that!"

Suddenly realizing that the time had passed way too quickly, the boys reluctantly called an end to their incredible romp, and got the fairly well destroyed bed in order, opened the windows to refresh the sex-scent filled room air, and showered, and dressed. It was nearing time for Ryan's parents expected arrival, and Jason was also due home for his families traditional Sunday dinner, so they exchanged quick little good-by kisses, and gropes, and Jason departed. Ryan crashed in front of the big screen TV, waiting his parents arrival, as he smiled broadly, reflecting on the incredible events of the afternoon, deciding that it sure beat hell out of church, brunch, and golf!

The next couple of days passed quietly, Ryan being involved in some mundane tasks, and attending to some household chores as directed by his father. Having received his due payment for completing the assigned tasks to his fathers satisfaction, he decided to head over to the local shopping mall, and maybe check out some new CD's, or PS2 games. After cleaning up his breakfast dishes, he dressed in some well worn Levi's, a favorite logo tee shirt, and tennis shoes, and walked out to his car at the curb in front of the house. As he rounded the rear of the car, he spotted Rick washing the family car in his driveway across the street, and he detoured over to say hello.

"Hey, dude...can I, like, pull mine over, maybe get in line for a wash?" he asked, grinning.

Rick turned, looking over his shoulder, and returned the smile, saying,

"Only if you are prepared to pay...this is definitely not a freeby I have going on here....the lady of the house is paying serious coin for this effort."

Ryan chuckled, nodding, and replied, "Ah....I get it....well, then....skip it...the ride can suffer another few days in semi-filth."

Rick dropped the soapy sponge into the bucket, and walked up to Ryan, extending his arm, and closed fist, and Ryan mimicked the move, bumping Rick's fist with his own in greeting. The two stood chatting a few minutes, and Ryan struggled to keep eye contact with the handsome stud, as the prominent bulge at the front of Rick's wet shorts kept drawing his attention. Damn, Ryan thought, why can't Rick have Jason's attitude about things....hell, I'd love to just drag him over to my room right now, and go down on that beauty until he passed out.

So, what are you up to when you get done here, Rick...I was headed to the mall....blow some bucks, whatever....you want to come along?" Ryan asked.

Rick smiled his Hollywood smile, sending a serious jolt to Ryan's balls, and answered,

"That would rock, for sure....but....washing the wheels is only the first item on my list of "do-its" that result in payday, so I guess not, this time."

Ryan nodded his understanding, disappointed none the less, and replied, "I hear that, dude...actually just finished my own "do-its," which explains the availability of disposable cash....but, not a problem, bud....we can do it another time."

Rick flashed the killer smile again, and wiggled his heavy eyebrows in a sinister manner, and winked at Jason, then said,

"Another time...?....dude....I thought you said "ANYTIME,"....what happened to that?"

Ryan felt the instant blush flood his cheeks, and he giggled nervously, briefly wondering if Rick had somehow read his mind when he thought about taking him to his room, and stammered,

"Um, actually...nothing...happened to....that....I meant the mall, another time...that....well, shit...you know....THAT...is still....anytime....anytime you want."

Rick looked intently at Ryan for a minute, his head nodding almost imperceptibly, then said,

"Cool....right....I, uh....well, actually....I've been kinda thinking about...that....!"

Ryan felt his cheeks glow again, and he lost his ongoing struggle at the same moment, his eyes dropping to focus on the obvious bulge in Rick's shorts. He felt his mouth water, and his heart rate increase, as he gleaned the outline of Rick's heavy penis, and the plump bulge of his sac in the snug, wet shorts. He tore his gaze away, and met Rick's smiling eyes, and mumbled,

"Really....imagine that....cause I have been, like, a whole lot thinking about....that, too!"

Rick actually flushed slightly at that, and once more nodded his head slightly, and replied,

"Well, like I said...cool...and, um...I'll be around....after you spend your fortune...going to be here pretty much all day, actually."

Ryan let his gaze drop to the delicious prize once more, then, smiled at Rick, nodding his own head this time, and answering,

"Sweet...so then....like...I'll catch you later, then, OK?"

Rick nodded in agreement, giving Ryan another small wink, and replied,

"Cool....for sure, later....have fun, dude." With that, he retrieved his sponge from the bucket, and resumed swabbing the car, as Ryan cast a soulful glance at his cute little butt, watching it wiggle sweetly with his washing actions. He sighed, and turned, crossing the street again, and climbed into his car.

Ryan parked in the malls cavernous parking lot, and walked to a nearby entrance, then, entered the air conditioned coolness of the large, modern mall. He paused, letting the cool air circulate over his warm body, and glanced around. As usual, the place was teaming with shoppers, or people just hanging out, enjoying the air conditioning free of charge. Ryan decided to check out the music store first, and headed off in that direction. He spent a long time sampling the newest releases, the first class headset covering his ears, as he lost himself in the music, his body moving to the various beats, as he stood in the isle. He decided on a pair of albums he particularly liked, and paid, then, walked back out to the malls main corridor, angling toward the large food court at the center of the massive enclave, thinking that a snack, and a cold drink would be perfect. He approached the food court, and stood eyeing the various food vendor's booths, deciding what sounded good. As he surveyed the array of signs, he thought he heard his name being called from behind him, and he turned, looking in the general direction of the sound. He froze, his heart suddenly lurching in his chest, as he focused on the source of the name calling....Eric!

Jason's hot little fourteen year old brother, the brazen little cutie who had so openly flashed his cute little dick, and even cuter little ass to him, sat at a table nearby, waving at him, and grinning his sweet little smile. Ryan waved back, then called to Eric,

"Hey, dude....surprise....you alone....want some company?"

Eric nodded his head rapidly, his cute smile growing bigger, and Ryan nodded, motioning that he would get some food, and join him in a minute. Eric nodded some more, and resumed his seat, as Ryan quickly made his food selection, ordering, suddenly much more interested in his sexy little table-mate, than what he was going to eat, or drink.

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 17

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