Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Apr 11, 2023


Still basking in their sexual afterglow, Ryan and Eric exited the theater complex, and made their way across the expansive mall in the direction of Ryan's car. They climbed in, and Ryan began driving in the direction of Eric's house to drop him off. As they drove, Eric chattered excitedly about their movie house adventures, and how awesome it had felt doing that, and how he couldn't wait to do it again. Ryan totally agreed, telling the young cutie how the things they had done were just the tip of the sexual iceberg, and, given the opportunity for a lot more privacy, the hurried masturbation they had managed in the theater would seem pale by comparison to the myriad of other options. Eric had excitedly pressed for details, but Ryan, wanting to keep the younger boys interest in further exploration at a peak, only chuckled, and told him he would just have to wait, and see. He also admonished the younger boy that the activity needed to remain between only them, as there could be serious trouble were anyone to find out what they had been up to. Eric pouted sweetly, but agreed.

As they entered Eric's street, Ryan spotted Jason, Eric's brother, shooting hoops in the driveway, and he glanced down quickly, hoping that the large wet spot that resulted from his blowing his load in his pants in the theater had dried sufficiently to be unnoticeable were he to get out of the car. He was only partly relieved to see that while the spots were no longer wet, there was a faint stain visible on the soft denim. He rolled to a stop in front of the house, and Jason walked toward the car, a curious look crossing his face, as his younger brother slid out of the car. Ryan smiled, and stepped out of the car, extending his arm to bump fists with Jason. Jason glanced back and forth between the two boys a couple of times, then, asked Ryan,

"So, dude.....what's up with this....you picking up hitch-hikers these days?"

Ryan smiled, feeling a flush cross his face, as he shook his head, answering,

"Not exactly....I ran into your Bro at the mall, and offered him a ride home....actually, I was hoping to run into you, stud."

Jason smiled, giving his brother the once over again, and Ryan held his breath, as Jason's gaze paused on the numerous crusty spots on the tee shirt Eric was wearing. His forehead furrowed slightly, as he seemed to try to interpret the odd shaped stains, then, his gaze shifted, and he glanced quickly at Ryan's crotch, the furrows deepening slightly. He moved his eyes to meet Ryan's and winked, saying,

"Stud, is it.....hmm....well, like they say, dude....birds of a feather, and all that."

Ryan smiled again, slowly releasing the breath he was holding, as Jason once more rolled his eyes over Eric's tee shirt, and said,


Continuing to eye Eric's spattered tee shirt, Jason asked him,

"You into wearing your lunch these days, Bro.....looks like you spilled more than you got in your mouth."

Eric blushed instantly, his sweet face turning a hot pink tone, and mumbled,

"Yea sorta, actually."

Ryan watched as Jason's gaze once more grazed over his own stained jeans, and added,

"No shit, dude....little Bro here is kind of a spaz, like you always said, and it was some freeking mess when his soda exploded all over from being shook up before he popped it."

Jason ran his eyes over the two once more, and shook his head slowly, saying,

"Yup....that's him, alright....pigpen.....my favorite name for the little twerp....didn't happen in your car, I hope?"

Ryan exhaled, and shook his head, replying,

"Naw....he'd be, like, dead now, if that happened...just at the mall.....and, I was lucky enough to be standing right freeking next to him."

Quickly seizing the line, Eric blushed again, and painted a shy, "aw, shucks" look on his cute face, and squeaked,

"Jeez, Ryan.....gimme some slack, dude....I said I was sorry!"

Ryan chuckled, and shrugged, saying,

I'm just busting your balls a little, champ....it's cool...shit happens, like I said before."

Eric smiled sweetly, as he gazed longingly at the crusty stain on Ryan's bulging crotch, and said,

"Ok cool, then.....thanks...for the ride, too....guess I better go check in."

Ryan nodded, and gave the boy a small wink, saying,

"Sure, little dude....catch you later."

Eric turned, and started down the driveway, as Ryan's gaze followed, his focus on the cute little bubble butt, as Eric trotted away. He sighed, and turned his attention back to Jason, who stood looking at him, the curious expression still fixed on his face. Ryan held up his fist once more, and said,

"I better get home, dude.....you know how pissy my Mom gets if her pot roast is late."

Jason nodded, returning Ryan's fist touch, and said,

"Yea, for sure....Mom's are like that, big time.....so later, Ry...and....uh....thanks for hauling little Bro's sorry ass home, too."

Ryan nodded, as he climbed back into his car, and pulled away from the curb, thinking, "sorry" ass......not hardly, big Bro.....not hardly, at all!

As Ryan negotiated the trip home, his mind returned to the theater, and, as the vivid image of Eric's pretty erection filled his mind, he dropped his hand into his distended lap, and pressed his once again rigid penis, and shuddered, as he imagined the little cutie naked, and eager to expand his meager experiences in the delights of boy/boy carnal knowledge. Soon, little dude, very soon, I promise, he told himself, meaning every word of it.

As Ryan turned into his driveway, and parked, he spotted Rick angling across the street, and he slid out of the car, watching the hunk approach. As Rick skidded to a stop next to him, he smiled, and asked,

"Hey, honey-do......get all your chores finished?"

Rick grinned, his Hollywood handsome face lighting up, and answered,

"Finally...just now, actually....freeking list just seemed to keep on growing...and growing....out of control!"

Ryan laughed, nodding, and replied,

"I hear that, dude.....been there...that shit happens sometimes....it, uh.....just sorta...grows like that....like...all on its own, you know?"

Rick caught the double meaning of the remark instantly, and his face flushed, as he smiled, and retorted,

"Totally I know, yea....actually.....that.....AND the honey-do list have been, like, pretty much.....growing....all day!"

Ryan felt the familiar jolt deep in his balls, as his eyes quickly checked out the impressive lump in Rick's shorts, and he smiled, wiggling his eyebrows theatrically, as he asked,

"So, big guy.....would this maybe one of those....um...."anytime"....moments?"

Rick flushed again, and Ryan swore he detected movement of the lump in the small shorts, as Rick cleared his throat, and blushed again, as he nodded his head, saying softly,

"Shit, yes.....I've been, like, thinking about....that....like, all day!"

Ryan felt his penis swelling in his jeans, and his tongue snaked across his lips, as he winked at the drop-dead good looking boy that stood before him, and he said,

"Come on, dude....let me check in with Mom about dinner....you like her pot roast, right...?"

Rick smiled, and nodded, following Ryan toward the house, as he replied,

"For sure....your Mom's pot roast rocks!"

The boys went inside, both savoring the pleasant scents that filled the kitchen, and greeted Ryan's mother. She welcomed Rick to stay for dinner, blushing shyly, as Rick raved about her cooking, then, advised them that the meal would be ready in about forty-five minutes. Ryan gleaned a couple of soda's from the fridge, and the boys headed off to Ryan's end of the house. Once inside Ryan's room, Ryan toggled the TV on, and detoured to his bathroom to relieve his bladder, and wash up, eradicating all traces of his earlier romp with Eric, then, joined Rick. As he entered the bedroom, he saw Rick stretched out on his bed, his back against the headboard, as he scanned through various channels on the TV. Ryan crossed to the bed, and lay down beside Rick, noting what appeared to now be a serious erection poking at the front of Rick's shorts. He chuckled softly, and slid his hand over the distended lump, squeezing firmly, as Rick shuddered, and let out a low groan.

"Jesus, dude....you really are packing....you been thinking unpure thoughts again, or what?"

Rick tensed, the sensation of Ryan's hand rubbing his rigid cock running through him like an electric current, and croaked,

"Unpure as all hell, actually....plus, it's been a while since...well....you know....just pretty backed up, is all..."

Ryan shifted slightly, his hand continuing to roam over Rick's turgid erection, and he let his other hand wander over Rick's muscular torso, then, under the tee shirt he wore. He reveled in the feel of the firm, smooth chest, and small nipples, as they stiffened under his grazing fingers, and he felt Rick tremble, another soft groan escaping his chest. He released the granite hard cock briefly, and tugged at the shorts Rick wore, working them down his beefy thighs, and freeing his thick cock. The heavy tube extended onto his groin, pulsing with his rapid heart rate, and Ryan released a small moan of his own at once again seeing the thick, rigid cock of his idol, and the plump, heavy sac below. He reached out, and gripped the stalk in his fist, relishing its heat, and smoothness, and the granite hardness of the delicious looking appendage.

"Jesus....freeking awesome....totally....!' he croaked, meaning it, and he stroked the length of the thick tube, letting his fingers explore the already drooling head.

"AGggg.......oh man.....fuck....!" hissed Rick, his hips lifting slightly in sync with Ryan's movements over his turgid shaft.

Ryan shifted, and leaned his face over Rick's crotch, close enough to blow his warm breath over the shiny wet head of his cock, and slid his hand into the apex of the strong thighs, cupping the heavy balls, and rolling them slightly. Rick groaned, uttering small sounds of pleasure, as Ryan leaned closer still, and let his extended tongue trail wetly up the underside of Rick's throbbing boyhood. He stabbed at the leaking little slit several times, relishing the nutty taste of Rick's drooling fluids, then, trailed his tongue back down the thick shaft, and lapped at the plump scrotum. Carefully, and gently, Ryan captured each large egg in his eager mouth, sucking it, before releasing it, to repeat the action on its twin. Rick tensed, his toned muscles flexing, as Ryan once more licked the full scrotum, wetting it, before moving his mouth back to the rock hard cock.

He wrapped the base in finger, and thumb, lifting the thick tool off Rick's heaving groin, and once more tongued it, base to tip. Rick shuddered, a loud groan filling the air, as Ryan lapped over the smooth head, swiping away the flowing precum that gathered there. He lifted his head slightly, and focused his stare on the shiny, near purple, cock head, and felt his balls pull up, as he slowly lowered his face, and engulfed the thick shaft into his eager mouth. Rick groaned, loud, and long, as Ryan swallowed his entire cock, until the head bumped his throat. Ryan paused then, flexing his throat against the head of Rick's big cock, then, withdrew, until only the oozing head remained between his lips. Ryan lifted his head, and looked down, once more utterly amazed at seeing his best friends incredible mouth filled to overflowing with his burgeoning cock, and groaned yet again, as he dropped back to the bed, and gave himself totally over to the incredible sensations Ryan was inflicting on him. Just God-damned amazing, he thought to himself, totally fucking gay, but shit, so damn amazing!

Ryan was in hog heaven, his heartbeat a loud roar in his ears, and his senses completely alive, as he settled into a rhythm, happily working over the pulsing cock, as his fingers roamed over Rick's solid thighs, and probed his heavy balls. He reveled in the fullness the rigid cock created in his mouth, and his own cock drooled a steady gushing of his precum into his jeans, as he moved in perfect rhythm up and down the length of Rick's cock, his taste buds overwhelmed with the male taste, and scents of the panting, groaning boy under him. Jesus, he thought, I could suck him forever....die doing it....and be satisfied!

All too soon, the peak had arrived, and Rick was steadily humping into Ryan's sucking mouth, the two matching their movements perfectly, almost a decadent ballet, and Rick gripped fistfuls of the bed clothes, as he felt his balls boil, and tug tight to his groin, and he tensed tightly, his toes curling, as he groaned an animal-like sound, his penis jerking in Ryan's aching mouth, and erupting, spitting strand, after strand, after strand, of thick, creamy semen into Ryan's suctioning mouth. Ryan gagged slightly, the first heavy burst taking him by surprise, then, quickly began swallowing each rapid torrent of the warm, acrid eruption as quickly as it was offered, reveling in the force of it, and the seemingly endless volume.

Finally, Rick was drained, and spent, as he sagged back on the bed, his tightly wound muscles relaxing, as his wilting cock continued to flex strongly in Ryan's still sucking mouth. He shuddered, his chest rising and falling rapidly, as Ryan moved his fingers, and mouth, over the softening shaft, eagerly milking the remaining drizzles of his semen, until there was no more, and he reluctantly released the still thick, and heavy cock from his battered lips. He swipe a forearm over his mouth, eradicating the seepage that had simply been too much, and too fast, to capture entirely, then, slid up to stretch out along side the panting Rick. He looked at Rick's handsome, flushed face, and smiled, as he giggled, saying,

"Holy shit, dude....I think maybe I swallowed your toenails, there....you really were backed up....big time....not going to leave much room for Mom's pot roast....but fuck it....I'll have more room later.... for dessert!" and he slid his hand back to Rick's flaccid penis, gently squeezing the spent organ for emphasis. Rick chuckled, shaking his head in wonder of the genuine zeal his friend expressed in the performance of this highly intimate act, and briefly chided himself for his own inability to resist participating in it, and the utter gayness that it was, but, at the same time, he knew he would be here again, and probably, again. It was simply just too damn intense to ignore.

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 20

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