Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Apr 27, 2023


Ryan sat on the front step with a second cup of coffee, watching Rick cross the road, heading to his own house, after ducking another of his Dad's recent drinking bouts by staying the night with Ryan. Staying the night, Ryan thought, was just possibly the understatement of the century, given what his good friend had actually done last night. He was still having trouble believing that it had actually happened, that Rick, of all people, had actually sucked him off, and damned nicely, too.

As was typical of Rick, once the act was completed, he had pretty much resumed his earlier pensive mood, not saying much, though he hadn't seemed especially bothered by what he had done, just kind of sullen, and quiet. Ryan wasn't sure if it was due to some post- blow job regret, or if Rick was stressing over his home situation, or some of each, but, sensing his mood, Ryan had played along, and buttoned things up for the night. When they woke up this morning, Rick had been more upbeat, though he had shunned Ryan's attempts to instigate a rematch, by sequestering himself in the bathroom to shower and dress, then, heading off to the kitchen for coffee, while Ryan took a turn in the shower. Ryan finished his coffee, shrugged at the growing complexity of his good friend, and headed back to his room.

After squaring away his room, a practice he faithfully upheld as a way of minimizing his Mothers visits there, he decided he was hungry, and picked up the phone, dialing up Jason, to see if he wanted to go out for a late breakfast. After a couple of rings, a chipper, young sounding voice that could only be Eric, Jason's fourteen year old brother, answered, and Ryan said,

"Hey hottie.....what's up?"

Eric chuckled at the comment, and answered,

"Hey yourself, stud, and, absolutely nothing is what's up."

Ryan was remembering the hot action he and Eric had gotten into at the movie theater recently, and his penis responded in the expected manner, thickening inside his shorts, as he pictured the young cutie, and his equally cute, young cock. His hand moved to his now bulging crotch, and idly stroked his growing erection as the two chatted briefly, then, Ryan asked,

"So, dude, I kind of have a case of the hungries going on, and was calling to see if Jason, and now, you too, wanted to hookup for some breakfast?"

"Well, your too late for Jase....he was gone when I got up, dunno where, but, lucky you, I'm available, only not cheap, since I'm broke.....but hey, you buy, and I'm there!" Eric responded, adding a little giggle at the end.

Ryan chuckled along with Eric, and answered,

"Absolutely, my treat, and well worth the cost, too, just for the pleasure of checking out such a sexy little dude close up."

Eric giggled again, and replied,

"Cool, then, it's, like, a win-win ......I get fed.....and.... lucky you get to perv my hot little body, the mere act of which will likely distract your interest in food."

Ryan laughed, loving Eric's casual attitude, and, he admitted, his flawless perception, too, because perving that sexy little body was exactly what he planned on doing. In response, he said,

"Exactly, little dude....win-win...be ready in fifteen, and I'll pick you up, OK?"

"Cool again!" replied Eric, "See you then!"

Ryan added a fresh tee shirt to the shorts and tennis shoes he was wearing, checked his appearance in the mirror mounted on the back of his bedroom door, and chuckled, when he noted the serious tent at the front of his shorts. Hmmm, he thought, looks like "little Ryan" is as stoked about this turn of events as I am! He headed out to his car, then, off to collect his breakfast "date," his hand busy fueling the already smoldering fire in his crotch, as he anticipated the possibility of further play with his new young friend.

As he rolled to a stop in front of Jason and Eric's house, the front door swung open, and a smiling Eric trotted down the sidewalk, as Ryan watched him, smiling at his cuteness. He is even cuter than Jason, Ryan thought, chalking it up to the boyish look that Eric still held onto, a freshness, and a sweet look that belied his adventurous makeup, and Ryan let his gaze drink in the whole package as Eric approached the car. He was wearing a loose fitting tank top, his smooth shoulders and arms exposed, nicely tanned, and toned, and silky knee length basketball shorts, atop ankle socks, and white tennis shoes. Ryan noted the softness of his longish hair as it bounced atop his head, with errant bangs straggling over his forehead, and also noted the cute smile, and the creamy complexion of the boys face as he slid into the passenger seat.

"Hey, handsome....how about buying me breakfast, hmmm...?" Eric chirped sweetly, his long eyelashes batting rapidly, as he went for the campy act.

Ryan chuckled, relishing the scent of the boy that suddenly filled the car, and he dropped his hand onto Eric's silk covered thigh, giving a light squeeze to the taut flesh under the shorts, and answered,

"As yummy as you look, little dude, you'll be lucky if I don't Just eat you, and call it breakfast!"

Eric giggled, his smooth cheeks coloring nicely, and he muttered,

"Promises, promises....the story of my young life!"

Ryan laughed, giving the firm thigh another squeeze, and slid his hand a bit higher, then, released it, and pulled away from the curb. The boys chatted as they drove, then, pulled into the café parking lot, got out, and went inside. They slid into a vacant booth, settling, and mingled their legs, and feet under the table, as a waitress delivered water, and menus. They continued the game of "footies" as they perused the menu, and right on through the meal, which was both plentiful, and delicious. Ryan settled the tab, and they left the café, walking back out to Ryan's car. As they slid into their seats, Eric turned to smile at Ryan, saying.

"That was awesome, Ry....thanks!"

Ryan returned the smile, his hand once more dropping to squeeze Eric's firm thigh, and gave his a small wink, saying,

"Not a problem, little dude......actually, it's all part of my seduction game plan."

Eric giggled sweetly, as a coy expression crossed his face, and he replied,

"There you go again with the promises...!"

Ryan chuckled, sliding his hand nearly all the way to Eric's crotch, and said,

"Be careful what you wish for, little dude.....your pretty mouth might just be writing checks that your cute little ass won't be able to cash."

Eric laughed, his soft cheeks turning a nice shade of pink, as he boldly reached down, and grabbed Ryan's wrist, guiding his hand fully into his lap, and pressing it down on his tumescent penis, as he replied,

"It's really ok to say hello, you know....I mean...you are sorta old friends, right?"

Ryan gripped the rapidly swelling boyhood, his own penis reacting instantly to the intimate contact, and he looked into Eric's eyes as he said, softly,

"Hello, old friend....you want to come and play with Ryan?"

Eric tensed slightly, his body suddenly alive with sensation as Ryan toyed with his penis, and croaked,

"Oh yea, for sure....and.....I got, like, all day to play, too!"

Ryan reluctantly released the now rigid prize, and glanced around outside the car, grateful that no one had been close enough to observe the small exchange between the two boys, and turned the key, bringing the car to life. He winked at Eric, and let his gaze fall to the tented shorts, and said,

"A very good answer, little dude, I like that a lot, and, I think we need to take this someplace a lot more private, don't you?"

Eric nodded quickly, his dazzling smile lighting the cars interior, as he answered,

"Cool, cause I'm, like, seriously into doing things that you like, and, definitely, more private is totally perfect."

Ryan eased the car into the traffic flow, and headed north out of town, his mind picturing the secret little meadow at the lake that Rick had shown him, back when the whole gay thing had first seen the light of day for him. Perfect, he decided, private, nearly unknown, and, it had definitely proven to be lucky ground before, so, why tempt fate.

The boys kept up a light banter as they made their way toward the lake, tossing frequent thinly veiled innuendos back and forth, which served to keep the growing sexual tension between them on the front burner. As Ryan took the turn off that lead to the popular beach and party spot for the local youth, Eric frowned slightly, then, turned to Ryan, a quizzical expression on his cute face.

"Duuuh..." he said, "this is only, like, the most popular place around on a warm, sunny day.....prolly won't be more than fifty or so people around who we know, dude."

Ryan smiled, letting his hand drift into Eric's distended lap to again grip his turgid penis, as he replied,

"Not where I'm taking you, hot stuff.....what....you think I plan to share.....this....with anybody else?"

Eric tensed again, once more feeling the strong reaction deep his balls as Ryan groped him, and chuckled, answering,

"Hope not....cause you pretty much have his full attention, right now!"

Ryan gave the rigid boyhood another squeeze, and released it, returning his attention to locating the well hidden turnoff to the small meadow, and added,

"Good....just the way I want it.....trust me, little dude....this place rocks.....and.....we will definitely not be bothered here."

Spotting the small passage between the tall Pampas Grass plants, Ryan eased the car through, and emerged into the quiet little meadow that Rick had shown him. Eric sat up straight in the seat, looking around, his eyes wide with surprise.

"Wow....check it out....this is awesome....I never knew about this place!" he exclaimed.

Ryan nodded, his eyes quickly scanning the small open space, and then the shoreline of the calm lake, satisfied that their little Shangri-la was, indeed, deserted. As he eased the car to a stop, concealing it from view to any passing boaters on the lake, he replied,

"I know, huh....I've been hanging out at this lake, like, forever, and I never knew about either, until Rick showed me."

"Sweet, big time....cool little cove, some actual sand, tons of nice grass....awesome!" Eric gushed.

Ryan smiled, again taken with Eric's youthful enthusiasm, and climbed out of the car, indicating for Eric to do the same. He stood, and leaned against the car, as Eric circled the front end, and moved in next to him. Ryan reached out, and slipped his arm around Eric's slender waist, and pulled him close, his other hand slipping under Eric's tank top, as he ran his palm over the boys smooth stomach. He nuzzled his face into Eric's hair, savoring the scent of fresh shampoo, and let his fingers graze lightly over the boys small nipples, as Eric shuddered, moaning softly.

"You smell delicious, little bud, totally delicious, and, your skin is just so smooth....like satin..." he said softly.

Eric moaned again, as Ryan's fingers moved between his now rigid nipples, and felt an electric shock jolt directly into his balls. Ryan moved slightly, and gripped the hem of Eric's shirt, as he deftly skined it over his head, and dropped it to the soft grass at their feet, as Eric moaned again. Ryan pulled back slightly, letting his hungry gaze sweep over the boys bare torso, as he savored the satin like skin, smooth, and totally devoid of any sign of hair. The small nipples were taut, and erect, the two tiny points standing out from the surrounding areola, and the definition of his developing pec's could just be seen in slight relief to his tanned chest. His tummy was flat, and smooth, dotted by the small cave of his cute navel, and Ryan noted the smooth, hair free skin that descended below, disappearing into the elastic of his very tented shorts. Beautiful, Ryan decided, creamy smooth, and boyish, until the sizeable projection poking strongly at the silky shorts got mixed into the equation. Not nearly so boyish there, Ryan well remembered, not boyish at all, where it mattered most.

Ryan's own penis was fully erect, and straining at the front of his shorts equally as strongly as was Eric's, and, as if on cue, each of them reached for the others rigid cock at the same time, gripping the pulsing shafts with hunger, then, evolving into a small scramble, as they tugged at each others shorts, eager to free the others rampant cocks. Naked now, they eagerly checked each other out, visually, and, their hands roaming everywhere on each others lithe bodies, quiet moans escaping both their chests as their mutual passion rapidly grew. Ryan nudged Eric's smaller body backward, and his bubble butt leaned against the side of the car, as Ryan lowered his head, and lapped at his nipples, moving between the stiff nubbins, as he licked, and sucked them in turn. Eric slid his fingers into Ryan's soft hair, his hands lightly guiding Ryan between his tingling tits, his balls sending waves of pleasure up and down his spine.

Ryan lifted his head then, leaving Eric with a chilled feeling as the light breeze played over his wet nipples, and he shuddered with pleasure, as Ryan gripped his throbbing erection, and stroked it slowly, his other hand moving lower to cup the plump scrotum, and probe his balls. Eric sagged back against the car, his young body singing with sensation, as Ryan manipulated his cock and balls, then, suddenly dropped to his knees, and swiped his wet tongue over the smooth head of his cock several times, before sliding the entire length of it into his warm, wet mouth.

Eric rolled up on his tiptoes, gritting his teeth to keep from blowing his load on the spot, so intense was the sensation of Ryan literally swallowing his cock, and groaned loudly, as Ryan began bobbing up and down on him, his hand gently manipulating his swinging balls.

"OHhhh, jeez....!" Grunted Eric, looking down with wide eyes as Ryan expertly worked him closer to the brink. He gulped deep breaths through his open mouth, and threaded his fingers into Ryan's hair once more, using his hands to guide the movement of Ryan's head, as he felt his balls churning, and his orgasm building deep within. Ryan tugged gently on his swinging balls, and seemed to add pressure to his sucking, and Eric was lost in an instant, his cock jerking, and swelling inside Ryan's mouth, as his hot load erupted in strong, rapid bursts, flooding Ryan's hungry mouth with his warm, creamy essence.

Surprised by the force, and volume with which Eric exploded, Ryan gagged slightly, as the first heavy discharge gushed into his mouth, and he gulped rapidly, swallowing the slippery fluid, to make space for the next eruption which was already once more filling his mouth, and the several others which immediately followed in rapid succession. Drained, and spent, Eric sagged against the car, gasping for breath, as his heart hammered inside his chest, and Ryan slid the softening penis from his mouth, and stroked the shaft with his fingers, his tongue lapping across the tingling head to capture the remaining drizzle of his creamy young cum.

Ryan stood then, and leaned against the trembling boy, his drooling cock trapping between their smooth bodies, as he pressed his mouth to Erick's, and pushed his cum coated tongue inside. The boys held the kiss, the aftermath of Eric's discharge passing between their dueling tongues, and Eric slipped his hand down between their tightly connected bodies, fumbling for, and finding, Ryan's oozing cock. He worked his fingers around the rigid stalk, and pumped it several times rapidly, as Ryan moaned into his mouth, and exploded, his thick cum jetting between them, spraying wetly over their heated skin.

Their intense passion suddenly sated, the boys broke their kiss, and separated slightly, both looking between them at the smeared streaks of Ryan's cum where it slimed their smooth bodies, and giggled, each feeling suddenly slightly sheepish at the intensity with which they had gone at each other. Their eyes met, and held briefly, each of them grinning widely, and Ryan finally pulled back, reaching to the ground to retrieve his tee shirt, which he used to clean away the rapidly drying cum from their bodies, as they chuckled, and traded little kisses, and gropes.

"Got you again, dude, all slimed, big time, only this time we sorta both got it, I guess." Eric giggled, and Ryan nodded his agreement, replying,

"Yup, little dude, true enough....and....you know....my cum looks really hot all over your little bod, too.....but....my way... really is a lot neater, I think!"

Eric laughed, and wiggled his eyebrows, saying,

"Yea...I gotta agree....so....next time, then.....I'll, um....try it....your way, too!"

Ryan shuddered at the suggestion, nodded, and said,

"Promises, promises......as a good bud of mine likes to say...!"

Eric laughed, and gripped Ryan's now flaccid penis, squeezing it gently, as he looked straight into Ryan's eyes, and replied,

"It IS a promise, Ryan....serious....take it to the bank, dude!"

Ryan held the very serious gaze of his young buddy, his balls already registering the promise held there, and nodded his head, and asked,

"So, little dude....how about a little skinny dip....seeing as how we are....um....dressed for it, and all?"

Eric laughed, nodding, as he turned his slender body toward the lake, and moved off, still holding firmly to Ryan's cock.

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 23

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