Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Mar 2, 2023


Ryan's Second Impulse (2) By Storyguy22

Ryan stood at the open closet in his bedroom, surveying the available wardrobe choices, and trying to decide what he should wear to the party he was attending in a short while. The day had been another warm one, and the evening held little promise of any significant cool down, so he decided on a pair of khaki colored cargo shorts, and, for a shirt he picked a deep blue Hawaiian number that was brightly decorated with a snow white Plumeria flower pattern. Hawaiian shirts were the current rage among his peer group, and they were comfortable in the warm evenings, being of a light weight material, and providing the option to leave a few of the upper buttons open if desired. He tossed the shirt, and shorts on his bed, and walked to the dresser, where he selected a brand new pair of CK briefs, stark white, and cut in that sexy way that only CK's were. He added a pair of white half-socks to the stack, and fished around in the top drawer until he found his white Puka shell necklace, and managed to work the small clasp behind his neck. He walked back to the bed, and dropped the bath towel that he had wrapped around his slim waist, and glanced at the full length mirror on the back of his bedroom door. His naked image reflected back at him, and he chuckled softly, as the thought occurred to him that maybe he should just go this way, the necklace contrasting nicely with his well tanned skin, and marrying nicely with the second white ring of his groin area, where his treasure trove was sun protected. Right, he thought, smiling at his mirror image, just show up naked, and ready for action. He chuckled again, adding the idea of a small, neatly lettered sign, maybe suspended at his slender waist, offering blow jobs, and please form a single line. Jeez, Ryan thought, get a grip, dude, really!

He paused another minute, letting his gaze take in the total of his reflected image, and decided that he really did look ok, not Hollywood handsome like Rick, certainly, but not bad, all things considered. He really would like a bit more height, his current five feet, ten inches being a tad below the average for his peers, but the rest was in pretty decent shape. Ryan really wasn't much of a jock, and really had nothing by way of a work out routine, but his naturally good metabolism served to keep his body slim, consistently hovering at the one-fifty range, and there was enough definition to his chest, arms, and abs to be defined as toned, if not overly muscular. He liked the lack of any serious body hair, save for the smattering at his underarms, and his light colored pubes, which had always been somewhat sparse since their inception. He did sport a fair growth above the base of his cock, but his plump scrotum was pretty much devoid of hair, other than a few wispy strands here and there. His thighs were smooth, firm, and darkly tanned, and tapered into solid calves, with a light dusting of almost blond fuzz at the front of his lower legs. He let his gaze settle on the reflection of his flaccid cock, and balls, and decided that, based on his somewhat limited criteria for comparison, he measured up ok. While not especially impressive when soft this way, he did manage a good three inches, and, when it decided to come to the party, it extended to just over six inches, with a nicely shaped mushroom cap that flared slightly wider than the shaft. As Ryan checked out his equipment in the reflection, his thoughts returned to Rick, and the heavy stalk that resided between his muscular thighs, and he remembered again the thickness of it, easily half again as thick as his own, and how it had filled his mouth to its limit as he had hungrily engulfed it. He shuddered visibly, and felt his mouth water, and forced the thoughts out of his mind, quickly turning back to the bed, and stepping into the small white briefs.

He finished dressing, his thoughts still lingering on Rick, or at least on the remembrance of the sensation of that throbbing instrument filling, then flooding his hungry mouth, and he shook his head, once again mentally chiding himself for being so obsessed with the desire to experience it all again, and then, again. Get a life, Dude, he told himself, and just go with it, if it's going to be, then it's going to be, so chill with the obsessing, already. He forcibly cleared his mind, and checked out his final image in the mirror. He smiled at his reflection, his even rows of orthodontic perfect white teeth contrasting nicely with his deep tan. The small shell necklace seemed the perfect blend with the bright Hawaiian shirt, and the golden skin of his smooth upper chest peeked invitingly from the open top buttons, and the cargo shorts clung smoothly to his slim hips, and mid-section, the leg hems stopping about mid-thigh. He reached up, and fluffed his soft, slightly longish hair, then, let it settle over his scalp, a few errant strands splaying onto his forehead. Looking good, stud, he allowed himself, and he idly wondered if any other hot dudes at the party might share the opinion. Let it play out, he told himself, and, at least he wouldn't have to worry about enduring any of Rick's sinister looks this evening. He once more pushed the lingering thoughts of his friend from his mind, and left his room, heading downstairs for some dinner.

Ryan chatted with his parents over dinner, and endured his Mothers musings of how special he looked all decked out in the Aloha shirt, and suffered quietly through his fathers chiding him about the necklace. The meal complete, he bade his parents a good evening, and went out to his car, then, headed to the party. As he drove, the sounds of a favorite CD filling the car, his thoughts turned to Jason, tonight's guest of honor, as the gang gathered to appropriately ring in the occasion of his sixteenth birthday. Jason had been a buddy since the two had met at the outset of their freshman year, when they had randomly been assigned to share a school locker. The high school they attended had been overwhelmed with student head count that year, exceeding the limited resources of the older school, so the freshman class had been required to share hall lockers, in order to provide everyone with a secure storage facility.

At barely fourteen, and an incoming freshman, Ryan had really just begun having random thoughts of other boys in a sexual way, and was firmly ensconced in his denial period, when he and Jason had ended up locker mates. He recalled now, how his first impression upon meeting Jason had been that he was definitely a cutie, in a soft, almost pretty way. Ryan had been so uneasy with these kinds of feelings at that time, that he had scolded himself for his first thoughts of Jason, and pushed the awkward idea's that came with it out of his mind. But, as their friendship continued to grow, and they began to occasionally socialize outside of school, Ryan had let himself frequently think of Jason in that way, and, in light of his recent experience with Rick, those thoughts of Jason suddenly took on even more meaning.

Ryan's mind conjured up an image of Jason as he drove, and he reaffirmed his earlier thought that, in fact, he was cute, damned cute, actually. Jason's cuteness was of a different sort than the nearly stunning good looks of Rick, in a vane similar to his own cuteness. Jason was similar to Ryan in stature, probably five ten, or eleven, and somewhere close to the one hundred fifty, or sixty pound range. He preferred his brown hair longer than the norm, so that it covered his ears, and hung low at the back of his neck. His face was boyish still, a soft quality, that always seemed open, and friendly. He was quick to smile, and laugh, and possessed an upbeat kind of personality that endured him to many friends. His eyes may have been the defining feature of his pleasant looks, a startling shade of blue unlike any that Ryan had ever encountered. The shade of their blueness was starkly deeper toned than usual, and they seemed sometimes as pools of a clear mountain lake, offering deep reflective qualities, should one look closely into them. Jason's build was lean, even slim, and while he, much like Ryan, had little interest in sport participation at school, he was something of a skate board freak, having adapted the sport in his junior high years, and had adamantly pursued it ever since. The exercise involved in turbo skating kept Jason toned, and slim, and he was actually pretty amazing to watch when he brought his A-game to the skate park. As Ryan continued to reflect on Jason, it occurred to him that, cute and popular as he was, he had never actually seen Jason pursue any kind of serious relationship with girls, and, now that he thought of it, he had never really seen him involved with one in any way that could be construed as a date, or even an interest beyond friendship. Interesting, Ryan decided, interesting, indeed.

Ryan turned onto Jason's street, and found that he had to drive well past the house to locate a place to park. Not really finding any sufficient space on the street, he decided to just use the parking lot of the church at the corner, since it was Friday evening, and the building was dark, and apparently deserted for the day. He parked the car, and walked the block and a half or so back to Jason's house, and headed up the sidewalk. As he approached the few steps that led up to the front porch, the sounds of the somewhat raucous music that bellowed from the amped up stereo reached his ears, mixed with the chorus of loud voices, and laughter that emanated from the wide open door. Sounds like the gig is in full swing already, Ryan thought, as he walked into the packed living room of the house, and was instantly greeted by several friends, and classmates. Beyond the crowded living room, Ryan noted, the dining room had been cleared of furniture, and was now seeing heavy duty as a make shift dance floor, where several couples gyrated to the blaring music. Ryan stood still, and surveyed the packed spaces, looking for, and not seeing Jason, so he began moving forward into the crowd of bodies. He wanted to wish Jason a happy birthday, and, secretly, he wanted very much to have another close look at the boy, using his new perspective, so he worked his way through the throng, and found his way to the kitchen. He emerged into still another packed space, and returned several high-fives that were offered up by friends huddled near the doorway, then, spotted Jason leaning against the counter across the room. Ryan moved forward again, weaving his way through the crowded kitchen, until at last he managed to squeeze into a spot at Jason's side. He smiled, and offered his hand, and wished him a happy birthday, at the same time offering his thanks for being invited to the party. Jason's face lit up with a stunning smile, his radiant blue eyes sparkling brightly, and moved his mouth close to Ryan's ear, and said, "Hey, Dude, thanks.....and it's really cool that you made it....some bash, huh?" Ryan nodded in agreement, his senses suddenly keenly aware of Jason's scent, a gentle mixture of squeaky clean hair, faint shampoo, and a subtle cologne of some kind. Ryan would have been happy if Jason had just stayed right there, his head so close to him, that he felt the soft strands of Jason's hair brush his cheek, but, Jason pulled back, resuming his stance leaning against the kitchen counter. Ryan savored the lingering aroma of Jason's scent, and glanced around the room, noting that several of the party goers were imbibing from large plastic cups, and realized that as evidence that there was doubtless a beer keg somewhere nearby. He cocked an eyebrow at Jason, and mimed drinking from an imaginary cup, and Jason flashed the brilliant smile once, more, nodded, and indicated with a slight jerk of his head that the back patio was the source of the libation. Ryan nodded again, and moved away, once more navigating the crowd, until he emerged onto the patio at the rear of the house.

He spotted the brew keg, perched atop an ice filled plastic trash can, and a small table to one side that was top heavy with the red containers. He walked over, and retrieved a cup, then, worked the tap, filling his cup with the frosty beer, expertly drawing a foamy head about an inch thick. He maneuvered into a vacant space by the wall, and leaned against it, drawing deeply from the frothy brew. The icy beer slid down his throat, the sensation of the liquid moving over his tissues briefly recalling the moment of truth with Rick, and he chuckled to himself softly, thinking that while the cold beer was great, he actually much preferred the thicker, slippery, and definitely warmer substance that had traveled the same course that eventful day at the lake. He sighed, quietly fixing a curse on Rick for his attitude on the matter, and moved away from the wall, making his way back inside the house.

As he moved through the kitchen, he hoisted his cup toward Jason in passing, and was rewarded with yet another killer smile, and a small wink. Yup, he thought, cute as hell, for sure, and, looking damn hot in those tennis shorts, too. I really need to find some face time with him, Ryan thought, and maybe find out a lot more about what's hanging out inside those powder blue shorts, too. He passed into the dining room/dance floor, and was immediately accosted by none other than Ms. Angie, the very hot, but staunchly virginal object of Rick's wet dreams. "Hey sexy!" she cooed, her pretty face flushed, and slightly sweating from her dancing exertions, as she slid an arm around Ryan's middle. "So, what, just you....solo....wow...where's your usual date tonight?" she giggled, and Ryan flushed slightly, hoping that it wouldn't turn into an actual blush. "Hi Angie....not sure what Rick's up to....he and Jase aren't actually too tight, so...." Ryan relied. Angie grinned widely, and pressed her more than ample boobs against Ryan's side, her hand gripping his tightly. "Well, his loss, then, leaving you all alone.....come on, Ry...dance with me!" she pleaded, and Ryan let her tow him into the throng that packed the dining room.

Over the ensuing forty, or so, minutes, Angie worked her trim little body through a series of wild, set to music, gyrations, deftly rubbing the most interesting parts of that stellar anatomy against the less than interested Ryan, until he finally managed to beg off, claiming a hitch in his side, and he extricated himself from her grasp, and escaped back outside to the beer keg. He claimed a new cup, his original being somewhere lost in the shuffle of the dance floor, and filled it with more of the cold brew. He wandered toward the far corner of the back yard, in an attempt to escape the blaring noise of the party, and skirted the really nice swimming pool that dominated the good sized yard. He located a lounge chair, and stretched out on top of it, relaxing, and sipping his beer, glad for the small respite from the hectic party. He worked on the beer, and actually enjoyed the sound of the music as it drifted across the expanse of yard, and pool, finding it much more pleasant than while dancing with Angie, where the blaring bass tones had thumped inside his head like a pile driver. He thought about Angie, and the way she had "danced," ensuring that she seized every opportunity for body contact, as she worked her infamous teasing act on him. He chuckled to himself, finding it amusing that she had no clue what an utter waste it had been of her considerable talents, but, at the same time, he now had a better understanding of why the boys all allowed her to do her thing with them, even though they all knew the final outcome before the game ever began. Hell, he decided, if the female anatomy rang any bells for me, Angie's would be a five alarm bell, for sure!

His beer finished, Ryan stood, and once more skirted the swimming pool, returning to the keg, and getting a refill. As his cup reached about half full, he heard a giggling voice behind him say, "Oh cool....finally....a cute new bartender....I'll have one too, please." Turning his head, Ryan looked into Jason's stunning blue eyes, and drank in the wide, slightly crooked, grin that was plastered across his very cute face, and finished filling his cup. He set it down, and reached out to take the cup that Jason held in front of him, and noted that Jason was more than a bit looped, as he staggered slightly, still wearing the silly little grin. Ryan smiled, and said, "Yes sir, it will be my pleasure...after all...you ARE the birthday boy, right?" Jason giggled again, obviously feeling more than Ok, and nodded, saying, "That would be totally correct, Mr. Barkeep....and...you know...you really ARE way cuter than the last dude who worked out here!" Ryan felt his cock stir inside his shorts, as he let his gaze drop to Jason's linen covered crotch, and briefly perved the intriguing lump that showed there. He had apparently sloshed some beer at some point, and the rather wet fabric of his tennis shorts clung nicely to the outline of his ample cock, and the lump of his balls below. Ryan gulped, and forced his eyes to meet Jason's blue pools, as Jason giggled, and wagged his index finger at Ryan, as if to say, "no, no!" Ryan felt his cheeks flush with warmth, and he quickly turned his attention to filling Jason's cup, then, straightened, and handed the filled cup back to Jason. Jason attempted a small bow, and in the process, sloshed more beer from the cup. The errant liquid drizzled down the front of his open shirt, wetting the smooth skin of his chest and tummy, so that it glowed slightly in the soft, low voltage lighting of the yard. Ryan stared at the satin smooth skin, unable to take his eyes off the wet trail, as it descended the distance of Jason's abdomen, and slid inside the waist of the shorts.

"Oops....sloppy me...!" chirped Jason, giggling some more, and quickly following the beer trail with a finger, until the finger dipped under the waist band of his shorts. He retrieved the finger, and brought it to his full lips, then, slid the digit into his mouth, sucking it loudly, as Ryan felt his cock thicken inside his own shorts. Ryan simply stared, and worried that his jaw might actually be hanging onto his chest, as he intently watched Jason's lush mouth surround, and greedily suck his finger. Jason slid the finger in and out of his lips several times, then, dropped his hand back his side, and giggled, muttering, "That was actually your fault, Mr. Barkeep.....really....cause cute bar guys always make me nervous!" Ryan blinked a few times, trying to eradicate the erotic image of Jason sucking his finger, and smiled, saying, "Well, in that case, birthday boy, I apologize.....and....resign, effective immediately!" Jason frowned slightly, his soft hair moving so that a few errant strands streaked onto his forehead as he shook his head, and said, "Oh no....please dude....don't quit.... cute Mr. Barkeeps are, like, really hard to find!" Ryan laughed, really liking the repeated use of the "cute" vernacular, and replied, "Well, ok then.....so I won't quit....but...it is time for my break.....union rules, you know....would you....um....maybe like to join me for a short rest in a fairly quiet place....you know...a little break from.....all this....?" Jason smiled the high-wattage smile again, and nodded, the strands of his soft hair dancing on his smooth forehead, then replied, "Well thanks, Mr. Barkeep....for not resigning.....and.....sure....quiet....little break....sure....lead me to this quiet place, Mr. Barkeep..... I obviously NEED a little breather!" Ryan laughed softly, and reached out to take the sloshing beer from Jason's hand, then, offered him an elbow, which the grinning Jason readily grabbed onto, and the two boys skirted around the swimming pool to the quiet corner of the yard that Ryan had found earlier.

Jason stretched out on the lounge where Ryan had been earlier, as Ryan dragged another one near, and sat down on the edge of it, his gaze once more settling onto Jason's wet, and nicely bulging, crotch. Jason shifted some on the lounge, his cock becoming even more obvious with the movement, and Ryan felt his own cock fully extend, and press firmly at the crotch of his shorts. He knew he was openly staring, and shouldn't be, but was powerless to shift his hungry gaze anywhere else. He swallowed a few times, his mouth suddenly flooding with saliva, and he felt his face redden, and warm, as Jason giggled, and mumbled, "It's so rude to stare, you know!" Ryan jerked his head up, and met Jason's wide grin, and blushed deeper still, as Jason once more extended his finger, and wagged it at Ryan in that "no, no" gesture, another small giggle escaping from him. Shit, Ryan thought, busted, big time! He smiled at Jason, sure that his cheeks were glowing brighter than the dim yard lighting, and let his eyes lock onto Jason's baby-blues. He gulped, and blinked, his nerves nearly jumping through his skin, as he threw caution, and reason to the wind, and replied, his eyes never wavering from Jason's, "Yea, right, it is rude....but hey....this is sort of like seeing a brand new Mercedes, or something else....special.....just can't seem to help staring....you know?" Jason shortened his wide grin a bit, and batted his long eyelashes rapidly, seeming to sober slightly, then, said, very softly, "Really....well, yea....I sorta know that feeling.....really.....special...?" Ryan exhaled a little, about three tons of tension bleeding off, and nodded, then said quietly, "Uh huh...special....I'd bet on it." Jason giggled softly, and Ryan watched his deep blue eyes drop, his gaze settling on Ryan's distended lap for a moment, before once more meeting his gaze, then, said quietly, "Special....seems to be a lot of that going around." Ryan felt his cheeks grow warmer still, at the same instant that his cock jerked inside his shorts, and he wondered if his mind was making him hear this conversation the way he hoped it was intended, or if it was just his wishful thinking that made it seem as if Jason was every bit as interested in his lap, as he was in Jason's.

Jason dropped his gaze once more, and Ryan was sure now that he was, in fact, pretty openly perving his fairly obvious erection, and was just about to say something to hopefully take what appeared to be mutual interest to the next level, when Jason emitted another silly giggle, and said, "Saw you having stand-up sex with Angie, Dude....that girl really knows how to make shit happen, huh?" Ryan flushed again, once more unsure about Jason's interest in his hardon, suddenly wondering if the seemingly overt looks, and comments, had been intended toward commenting on the effects Angie's rubbing against him had had, rather than acknowledging that the wet, and revealing crotch of Jason's own shorts had been the actual source of his stimulation. Ryan quickly decided that it was time to fish, or cut bait with Jason, and to hell with the outcome, given that Jase was half in the bag, he figured he could always just deny it, and chide the half drunk Jason for getting it all wrong. Inhaling a deep breath, he settled his gaze directly on Jason's nicely bulging lap, and said, slowly, "Yup, she likes to think she can turn on a statue, but actually, she is SO not what....um....woke me up." Jason didn't reply, but lay there quietly for maybe a full minute, before slowly opening his tanned legs wider, causing the wet material of his shorts to even more clearly define the shape of his engorged cock. He looked straight into Ryan's eyes, holding the look, and said softly, "Really....well then.....what did, I wonder." Ryan's heart was thudding in his chest, and he felt slightly light headed, as he decided on the spot to go for the full Monty. Slowly expelling his tightly held breath, he let his eyes drop, and just obviously stare at Jason's tempting package, and he heard himself say, "That....did...." Jason released a low groan, and mumbled, "Oh man....no shit....?" Ryan continued to stare steadily at Jason's lap, and licked his lips, nodding his head very slightly, as he said, barely above a whisper, "Yea....no shit..."

A full minute, that seemed much more like eternity itself to Ryan, passed, as he held his gaze steadfast, and so damn obvious, on Jason's bulging lap, and he swore he saw Jason's cock stir, and further extend within the clinging wetness of the shorts. His own cock was rock hard now, and poking uncomfortably against his shorts, and he heard his racing pulse as a dull roar in his ears, as he waited for Jason to freak, laugh, do something, anything, in reaction to his bold moves. Several more seconds of silence ensued, and finally, Jason stirred slightly on the lounge, and extended his hand toward Ryan, saying, "Give me hand getting up, dude, would you?" Ryan felt his face glow hotly, fully aware that if he stood, his throbbing erection would be totally obvious to Jason, but he stood anyway, and reached to clasp Jason's hand in his own. As the hands made contact, Jason tugged firmly, and Ryan stumbled slightly toward Jason, and Jason kept tugging his arm, guiding Ryan's hand directly into the damp, and very full, crotch of his shorts. Ryan groaned, and closed his fingers around the steely hard shaft of Jason's cock, squeezing and releasing the turgid stalk a few time, as Jason exhaled loudly. Fearing that someone would see, Ryan turned his head, quickly scanning the yard, his hand continuing to fondle Jason's erection. The dim light of the yard provided fair cover, and the distance to the closest person that Ryan saw would make it difficult to detect his actions, but it was still scary, and, much as Ryan now wanted to carry things a good deal further, he released Jason's erection, and turned to sit on the edge of the lounge close to Jason, his breathing ragged, and rapid. Jason shuddered, his body trembling slightly, as he moved his hand onto Ryan's thigh, and walked in upward into his protruding lap. He groaned softly, and mumbled Ryan's name, as his fingers found, and gripped, Ryan's throbbing erection. "Oh man....shit....Jase....!" Muttered Ryan, his blood pressure soaring at the sensation of Jason rubbing his cock, and Jason squeezed the rigid shaft firmly, and said, "Ry....Dude....we seriously need....someplace to go....right now!" Ryan's heart hammered his chest, and he was afraid he might actually unload in his CK"s if Jason continued to stroke him this way, and he desperately agreed with Jason, they needed a place, and they needed it now! Ryan glanced around the yard, then, at the overflowing house, knowing there was simply no way the two very erect boys could execute any kind of subtle retreat without half of the student body of their school figuring exactly what was going on, and he shuddered strongly, another moan rumbling deep in his chest, as Jason groped at he leaking head of his swollen cock. He suddenly spotted what looked to be a gate on the back fence, and he turned to look at Jason, then ran his hand up the inside of Jason's smooth thigh until he too gripped the other boy's steely shaft in his fingers. "Where's that gate go, Jase?" he asked eagerly, and Jason promptly answered, "To the field back there....it church property....from the corner up there." He tilted his head to indicate the corner he referred to. Ryan ran his fingers down the length of Jason's cock, and moved to gently cup his firm balls where they lay trapped inside the wet shorts, and told Jason, "That's where my car is, Dude....I parked at the church." Jason smiled, nodding his head, and replied in a lustful tone, "So show me, Ryan....your car, I mean....that can work, Dude!" Ryan reluctantly released Jason's cock, and shakily got to his feet, tugging Jason along with him. The two walked hastily to the small gate, and paused, to check that they were not being watched by anyone, then, quickly ducked through the gate.

Once in the open field beyond the fence, Ryan quickly oriented himself, then, nudged Jason in the direction of the nearby church where his car was parked, and the two excited boys rapidly covered the short distance to the church parking lot. Ryan's car sat alone where he had left it, in a relatively dark corner of the fair sized lot, and the two were soon scrambling into the snug space, where they had relatively good concealment due to the darkly smoked windows of the car. There was a moment of awkwardness once they were inside the car, and the two sat just looking at each other for a minute. Ryan fought the strong urge to just attack Jason, to forcefully rid him of the soggy shorts, and whatever might be under them, so that he might once more experience that dizzying rush of holding a pulsing, hot tube of boy cock in his hands, and mouth, as he had with Rick. Difficult as it was, he held himself in check, his pulse raging thorough him, and his heart hammering his chest. Jason leaned back against the seat, and looked into Ryan's eyes, his lush mouth parting in a smile, and his head slowly shaking side to side, as he said, quietly, "Holy shit....this is, like, really gonna happen, I think." Ryan chuckled softly nodding, as he exhaled the tension he was holding in, and replied, "If you want it to, Jase.....then....I sure as hell do!" Jason nodded his head, and reached his arms toward Ryan, saying, "I do....jeez...I pretty much always have wanted it to, actually!" Ryan leaned toward Jason, and the two all but grabbed each other, their charged bodies crushing together in a passionate, and nerve filled grapple that turned into a firm hug. The scent of Jason filled Ryan's overloaded senses, and he inhaled the fresh, sweet aroma hungrily, as he pulled back from Jason slightly, and looked at him. "Oh shit, Jase...oh man....I...." he muttered, and before his sentence could complete, Jason moved right into his face, and pressed his lush mouth over Ryan's, and Ryan felt his wet tongue pushing at his lips. Ryan moved quickly past his surprise at the unexpected move of his partner, and reflexively, his mouth opened, and he felt Jason's tongue fill his mouth. He groaned, a deep, guttural sound, and moved his own tongue to duel with Jason's as their hungry mouths ground against each other. Both boys, seemingly as one, frantically groped the distended crotch of the other, their fingers working madly at fastenings, literally tearing each others shorts open so that they could get at the objects of their mutual excitement, and desire.

The cramped quarters of the car interior made it awkward, but the deed was soon done, as if the two had repeated it a hundred times before, and minutes, the two rigid cocks were free, and pulsing hotly in the dim light of the car. They kicked their feet, finally freeing their legs of the cumbersome clothing, and Ryan placed his palm on Jason's smooth, hairless chest, gently pushing him against the seat back. Jason relented, and lay back, his chest rising and falling in rapid, shallow breaths, as he looked at Ryan. Ryan looked down at Jason's rigid cock, as it jutted strongly from the dark clump of hair on his groin, and groaned. It was stone perfect, he thought, so stiff, and smooth, and it appeared to be similar in size to his own six inches, though maybe slightly thinner. He was cut, and the rounded head shown wetly in the reflected light from the street lights, and Ryan loved how the shaft seemed to flare slightly wider at a point about half way between the base, and the head, before tapering again as it reached the smooth, round head. Unable to resist another second, Ryan ran his hand into Jason's lap, and gripped the turgid cock in his hand, moving up and down, and reveling in the smoothness of the silky skin, as it rode over the rigid tissue beneath. Jason rolled his head back on the seat, and uttered a series of low groans, as Ryan continued to stroke his granite hard penis, and slipped his other hand lower, to cup, and fondle his swollen balls. Ryan was in heaven, the feel of the heavy stalk so hot in his hand, and the fullness, and heft, of Jason's heavy balls making him crazy with lust. He slid a finger across the spongy head of Jason's cock, and Jason groaned again, as a wetness coated Ryan's finger, the precum flowing like crazy from Jason's slit. Ryan could smell the passion filling the small space of the car interior, and his jaw ached with longing to capture this beautiful prize that he held in his fingers. He groaned, mumbling incoherent, crazy little sounds, as his mouth flooded with saliva, and overflowed, so that he actually drooled into Jason's lap. He couldn't wait another second, so fever pitch had his wanting become, and he moved off the seat, dropping to his knees on the floor of the car. The maneuver brought him eye level with Jason's turgid penis, and the heavy ball sac, and he feasted his eyes once more on the incredible sight before him. He leaned in, and gripped the base of Jason's cock with finger, and thumb, and extended his tongue to swipe over the leaking head several times, as his taste buds registered the nutty flavor of the slick seminal fluid. Jason groaned loudly, and began thrusting his hips off the car seat, and Ryan never hesitated, but opened his hungry mouth, and engulfed Jason's tasty meat to the hilt in one go. Jason tensed, and released more groans, as Ryan's mouth moved up and down the length of his aching cock, filling him with sensations he found nearly beyond belief. Ryan felt a deep warmth spread through his body, a calming, and deeply satisfying feeling, as he fell into a rhythm, sucking the glistening tube of boy flesh as if he had done it always. Up, and down, he worked the silky smooth shaft, his fingers tugging at the plump balls, and his tongue swabbing the satin smooth head over and over, while Jason bucked his small hips in sync with his efforts, and chanted a soft cadence of moans of pleasure. Ryan's mouth was filled with the taste of Jason's silky flesh, and the free flowing precum that seemed to constantly ooze from the small slit, and he felt Jason tense beneath his onslaught, as the slick shaft in his mouth flexed rapidly, again and again. Jason's fingers suddenly grabbed at Ryan's hair, and his hips lifted off the car seat, as he grunted, and his cock exploded, suddenly flooding Ryan's mouth with rapid ejections of his thick, warm semen. Ryan gagged briefly as the sudden eruption spewed into his mouth, the volume surprising him slightly, and he quickly swallowed, then, reveled in the double sensation of the warm, slippery fluid gliding down his throat, at the same time his mouth was once again filled with Jason's following ejaculations.

Finally, Jason collapsed, his panting body acting like a rag doll, as he slumped, spent, against the car seat. Ryan swallowed again, then, savored the creamy aftertaste of the warm fluid in his tired, and slightly sore mouth. He slid Jason's wilting penis from his lips, and licked the shiny, wet head, as he milked the softening tube for the final traces of the heady nectar it had produced in copious quantity. Holding the limp instrument gently in his fingers, he rubbed the glassy smooth head against his cheek, as he looked up at Jason, and their eyes locked, each giving the other a slightly sheepish look, now that the passion had dimmed slightly. Jason put on a lop-sided little grin, and shook his head slowly, then said, "Jesus....oh my God....that is....well.....freeking amazing!" Ryan grinned, nodding his agreement, and replied, "Yup....pretty much....it's amazing on this end, too...." Jason giggled softly, and answered, "I bet....and in just a minute....I plan to find out just exactly HOW amazing that end is!"

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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