Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Mar 5, 2023


Much as Ryan was loving life right where he was, on his knees between Jason's smooth legs, with his now soft, but still very pretty cock in his fingers, the position of being scrunched onto the car floorboard was beginning to reek havoc with his back. He bent forward one last time, and passed his tongue across Jason's loose ball sac, then, gave the flaccid shaft another squeeze, ensuring that he had captured all of the creamy nectar that it had to offer, for now. Jason flinched at the contact with his sensitive, post-climax penis, but let out a small moan of pleasure none the less. Ryan looked up at him, and mumbled something about needing to move, before his back locked up in the awkward position, and Jason quickly moved across the seat toward the steering wheel to make room for Ryan to get back up on the seat on the passenger side.

"Thanks, Dude....awesome as that was, my freeking back was killing me!" Ryan chuckled, and Jason slid his hand into Ryan's lap, his fingers closing warmly around Ryan's rigid penis.

"Awesome would be the operative word, for sure Ry, and, I need to move anyhow, so we can see if I'm gonna be any good at this." He said, wiggling his heavy eyebrows in a sinister way.

Ryan shuddered as Jason stroked his throbbing tool, so tightly wired now, that he was afraid that motion alone might make him blow his pent up load. He groaned, gritting his teeth tightly against the jolting sensation of Jason moving his hand to gently heft his swollen balls, and tug them downward a little.

"Oh shit....easy Jase....Jesus....I'm, like, SO freeking close already!" he moaned, lying his head back against the seat.

Jason chuckled softly, as he squirmed to lower his body into the cramped space of the cars floor, then, positioned himself between Ryan's widely spread legs. He stared at the pulsing tube of boy flesh that lay against Ryan's groin, and at the plump pouch of heavy balls below, and shuddered slightly, still having some trouble actually believing that all this was really happening. He had spent countless hours dreaming of himself, and Ryan, in exactly this way, as he coaxed himself to orgasm, wanting it so badly, and, at the same time, convinced it would never happen. He slid his fingers up the smooth skin of Ryan's inner thighs, and felt Ryan tremble, another soft moan escaping from him, as Jason's fingers once again surrounded his turgid weapon. Jason stared some more, and inhaled the mouth watering aromas emanating from Ryan's excitement, almost in awe of the warm, glassy smooth object that he worked in his hand, then, deciding that it was, in fact, the real deal this time, leaned closer, and slid his open mouth over the mushroom shaped cap of Ryan's rigid penis. Jason moaned around the hard shaft, his taste buds suddenly exploding with the flavor, and texture, of the hard cock that filled his mouth for the very first time, and moved his head slightly, engulfing the entire length of the satin smooth cock, until the thicker head slid into his throat. His gag reflex was automatic, as it tightened against the unfamiliar intrusion, and he gagged slightly, moving his head back slightly. Ryan's nerve endings lit up like the town Christmas tree, a million sensations suddenly cascading through his system, and he felt totally electrified, as if his acing balls might instantly explode out the head of his cock.

"AGgggg.....man....!" he croaked, as Jason regrouped slightly, and once more swallowed the turgid instrument to its very base.

Jason paused, suddenly aware of the fullness of his mouth, and the slightly ticklish sensation of Ryan's silky pubic patch rubbing his nose, and he realized that his mouth was overflowing with his suddenly copious saliva. He swallowed, an automatic reflex, that caused the spongy head of Ryan's erection to once more dig into the soft tissues at the back of his throat, and Ryan reacted to the pleasure by grabbing tufts of Jason's soft hair, tugging it firmly. Jason withdrew slightly, pausing once more, and holding only the pulsing head of Ryan's rock hard cock between his lips. Ryan moaned again, his young body literally coursing with the brand new sensations that Jason's warm, wet mouth were awakening with in him, and eased his grip on Jason's soft hair. He willed himself to settle, and gasped in deep, rapid breaths, as he mumbled Jason's name, over and over. Jason sucked gently and steadily at the wide head of Ryan's cock, then, once more moved forward, and captured the entirety of rigid shaft, as he moved his hand to lightly grip Ryan's plump ball sac.

Jason found his rhythm then, and began steady movements, his drooling mouth deftly sucking the leaking cock of his friend, and now, lover, and he reveled in the soft moans of pleasure that poured steadily from the panting boy above. He tasted the slightly acrid flavor of Ryan's flowing precum, and he laved his tongue up and down the swollen shaft that filled his mouth perfectly, and swabbed at the small, leaking slit, before resuming his steady sucking, eager now to bring the crescendo that would, at long last, bring reality to his endless fantasies. He felt Ryan's small hips bucking slightly, staying in perfect sync with his oral effort, and he felt the heavy balls in his hand move, seeming to climb higher up into Ryan's heaving body, as he felt a dull ache along his jawbone. He relaxed his jaw briefly, and felt the flood of his saliva, mixed with Ryan's free flowing juices, drool from the corners of his mouth, and fall onto Jason's smooth thighs. He swallowed again, the glass-smooth head of Ryan's leaking erection bumping the back of his throat once more, then, resumed his rhythm, as Ryan bucked harder, his small butt lifting slightly off the car seat. Jason felt the thick shaft flex strongly in his tired mouth, then again, and it suddenly erupted, spewing thick jets of the warm, salty fluid that he had craved across his tongue, and flooding his already stuffed mouth. Ryan yelped loudly, and thrust upward again, as Jason's eyes erupted with tears that streaked down his soft cheeks, as he rapidly gulped the tart nectar, only to find his mouth instantly flooded once more.

It seemed to go on forever, strong jets of Ryan's seemingly endless flow jetting into his aching mouth, over and over, as he strived to keep pace with the flow. He felt errant streaks of the viscous fluid escape from the stretched corners of his mouth, and drool down his chin, before cascading onto Ryan's ball sac, covering the taut pouch with a mix of his own semen, and Jason's saliva. He gulped repeatedly, savoring the incredible sensation of the warm juices sliding down his throat, and reveled in the flavors, and textures that flooded his mouth, and he knew, beyond doubt, that this was his element, his comfort zone, and that he would always return here, again, and again, to this wondrous place that had so captivated his imagination for so long a time. Finally, Ryan's intense orgasm passed, leaving him wilted against the car seat, with absolutely nothing left to give. Jason savored the final dribbles of the precious fluid, then, released the wilting boyhood from his battered lips. He looked once more at Ryan's softening penis, and his cum spattered ball sac, and thighs, and smiled, as a wave of sudden warmth flowed through his panting body. Holy shit, he thought, that....is totally....incredible!

Ryan sagged on the car seat, spent, and satisfied, beyond anything in his young life. He gulped air, and strived to find his regular breathing, as he gazed down over his abdomen at his benefactor. Jason looked up, and met Ryan's gaze, and both of them broke into wide grins, their individual pleasure, and new found serenity, obvious on both their flushed, and slightly sweaty young faces. "Holy Shit!" barked Ryan, and Jason nodded in agreement, saying in return, "Yup....pretty much....Holy Shit!" The two broke into the giggles then, as Jason managed to scoot back onto the car seat, as the two boys hugged each other, further comment failing them both.

The two boys huddled closely together in the snug comfort of the dimly lit car, their hands idly wandering over each others sated bodies, just exploring the new found wonders of another naked boy. Jason moved a couple of times to kiss Ryan, which he accepted readily enough, although he felt slightly squeamish about it for some reason. Jason seemed to be really into that intimacy, so Ryan offered no real resistance to it, opening his mouth to accept Jason's probing tongue, and the contact of his warm, full lips, even though he felt slightly weird about kissing another boy. While neither boy spoke of it, both were intrigued with the lingering after taste of their own semen mixing with the others inside their mouths, as their tongues probed the others warm mouth, and dueled against each other. Ryan almost released a chuckle, as it suddenly occurred to him how ludicrous it really was of him to feel unease at kissing Jason, when he had just sucked his really nice cock to a shattering orgasm, and happily gulped down his creamy essence.

A short time later, both youthful cocks began showing renewed signs of life, and, as Ryan slowly stroked Jason's rapidly thickening penis, he began maneuvering into a position that would allow him to get down there, and suck it again. Jason, however, now considerably more sober than before, had begun to worry over his prolonged absence from his own party, and house, so he reluctantly pulled away from Ryan, and began trying to restore the meager clothing he had been wearing. Ryan, disappointed but reluctantly agreeing, did the same thing. Dressed, the boys exited the car, and stood facing each other in the dim parking lot. Jason slid his hand between them, and groped Ryan's tumescent cock, and told him how awesome the whole thing had been, and that he very definitely wanted a repeat sometime soon. Ryan felt his cock go fully erect inside his shorts as Jason rhythmically stroked it, and reached out to return the stimulation to Jason's rapidly hardening penis, and readily agreed, even suggesting that they just say fuck it to the party guests, and get back inside the car, right then and there. Jason would have loved nothing more, but demurred, not really wanting to have to get into any detailed explanation of his long absence, or the fact that Ryan had been missing, as well, at the same time. Reluctantly, the two headed back across the vacant lot to the back gate, and slipped back into Jason's back yard, and the din of the still very much alive birthday bash.

Ryan stopped at the beer keg, drawing himself a fresh beer, while Jason continued on inside, where he found that he apparently had not been missed despite his prolonged absence. He was relieved at that, and soon found himself fully immersed in the pace of the raucous party, surrounded by friends and birthday well-wishers, while Ryan once more settled himself in the relative calm of the softly lit back yard. Ryan stretched out on the comfortable lounge again, and sipped at his cold beer, reflecting on the incredible events of the past hour, or so. He smiled to himself, the faint scents of Jason still wafting around him, and marveled at the recent developments in his young life. Amazing, he thought, totally amazing....after all that time....wanting and wishing....so many fantasies....so much internet time....lusting.....and furiously pounding his poor cock into countless, unsatisfying orgasms.....and, just like that, he had now actually sucked two beautiful, throbbing cocks, tasted two thick, creamy loads of nut batter, and, wow, had his own cock sucked in the process! Damn, he chuckled to himself, it is just SO sweet being me!

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com should you care to comment....

Next: Chapter 5

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