Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Mar 8, 2023


Ryan milled around another hour or so, hoping that the party might break up, and he would have another opportunity to be alone with Jason. As it grew closer to midnight, he was forced to abandon the idea, at least for tonight, as the raucous gathering began showing renewed signs of life, and the already head-splitting noise level continued to increase. He briefly slid his hand down the front of his shorts, and stroked his tumescent cock a few times, then, got to his feet, and made his way inside the packed house.

He spotted Jason, once more holding his position leaning against the kitchen counter, and worked his way over to him. Jason fixed him with his cute smile, and Ryan leaned in close, so that his face was next to Jason's ear. Jason cocked his head to one side, and Ryan spoke directly into his ear over the thumping noise of the blaring music.

"I need to split, Dude, so happy B-day....and you, my man, are definitely....hot!" he told Jason.

Jason laughed softly, nodding, and winked at Ryan, and replied, "OK Bud.....thanks.....for everything....you know?"

Ryan felt his face flush at the pointed remark, and he let his eyes drop briefly to the enticing bulge at Jason's groin, then, once more looked into his eyes, and said, "For sure.....and, you too....I'll, um........see you again, soon.....OK?" Jason winked once more, nodded, and answered, "Definitely....most definitely!"

With that, Ryan skirted his way past the rowdy crowd in the living room, and made it to the front door, then, escaped the overflowing house, and walked up the block to his car. He climbed in, and started the motor, as he inhaled the lingering scents of his adventure with Jason that still wafted thorough the closed up interior of the car. He smiled, the vivid image of Jason's glistening wet cock suddenly appearing before his eyes, and he felt his own cock stir once more inside his shorts. Damn, he thought, I sure wish there had been a round two with that! He backed out of the parking spot, and steered out onto the road, his hand dropping to his distended lap to adjust his semi-hard cock to a more tolerable position.

Ryan turned onto his street, and slowed the car, knowing his parents would be sleeping at this hour, and not wanting to disturb them as he entered the driveway. As he swung slightly wide toward the center of the street, his headlights washed over a figure standing at the curb of the house across from his own, and in the brief moment of illumination, he was almost sure it had been Rick standing there. Ryan eased into his driveway, and stopped the car, quickly climbing out, and walked around the back toward the street. He peered into the semi-darkness, and focused on the figure now sitting on the stone wall that fronted Rick's house, and was certain it was, in fact, Rick. Ryan hurriedly crossed over, his concern overshadowing the slight apprehension he was feeling at facing Rick, who had been anything but friendly since their recent blow job event. He slowed as he approached Rick, and said softly,

"Rick....dude....what's up man....it's late to be sitting out front...?"

Rick snorted softly, and looked up at Ryan, shrugging his shoulders, and sighing loudly.

"Aww, nothing really...just kinda mixed it up with the old man, is all....now he freeking locked me out of the house...he pretty much passed his limit with the sauce tonight, and I gave him some shit about it.....pissed him off, big time." he answered, and shrugged again, a sheepish look on his handsome face. Ryan moved closer, and indicated the wall with a nod of his head, and asked,

"Bummer...OK if I sit....?"

Rick shrugged again, and uttered a small grunting noise, so Ryan took the gesture as a "yes," and sat down next to his friend. They were silent for a while, then, Ryan said,

"So, Dude....if he's all juiced...and pissed....you better just stay away from him....he'll be normal tomorrow."

Rick snorted again, and replied, "Yea, right, it's cool....he only gets shitty like this if he drinks too much....and....I prolly should have just kept quiet.....just pisses me off seeing him like this, is all."

Ryan nodded, knowing Rick's Dad to be a basically good guy, just one of those people that have low tolerance for alcohol, which is why he normally stayed away from it. He turned to face Rick, and said, "I know man, it sucks, big time, but tomorrow will be all good, so how about you just come crash with me tonight, and save any more hassle....he'll zone out pretty soon anyway."

Rick lifted his head, and looked into Ryan's eyes, remaining silent for a moment, then said, "Seriously....you would do that...after I....well....I actually haven't been very cool with you since....lately."

Ryan blushed slightly, but held onto Rick's gaze, and after a moment, replied, "Yea, well......that....is one issue......this deal is another....shit, dude, your like a Bro, right...no way I can leave you sitting outside all night....or let you go back in to do more rounds with the old man....so....what do you say?"

Rick shrugged again, and a slow smile crossed his movie star face, and he lifted his hand, palm open to Ryan, and replied, "Ok man....Bro....guess you got yourself a sleepover....just like the old days, right?" Ryan grinned, a warm feeling washing over him in response to his best friends smile, and he lifted his hand to slap Rick's open palm, and answered, "Yup, it'll be awesome....just like kids again!" Ryan stood then, and indicated his house with a slight head jerk, and said, "Come on Dude.....lets do it." Rick stood, and cocked an eyebrow, asking Ryan, "Not going to be a problem for your folks, is it?" Ryan chuckled, shaking his head, and replied, "Oh sure....like...how many hundred times have they seen you for weekend breakfast?" Rick laughed, nodding, and said, "Guess your right, Ry....and damn, Dude....it rocks to have a bud like you....really!" Ryan felt the rush of warmth once more, and blushed slightly, as he stepped off the curb, and said, "That goes for me to, Rick....come on!"

The boys quietly let themselves into Ryan's house, and moved silently through the living area, then, down the long hallway to Ryan's semi-private wing of the house, and into his bedroom, where Ryan closed the door, and turned on a bedside lamp. His room was located in the opposite end of the house from his parent's room, affording him a good degree of privacy, complete with his own private bathroom, and a sliding door out to the back yard, and patio. Inside the room, Ryan took off the Hawaiian shirt, and hung it inside the closet, and kicked off his tennis shoes, and socks. He turned back to Rick, and said, "Make yourself homely, Dude....you want a Pepsi, or something...I'm thirsty as hell." Rick nodded, then answered, "For sure....and maybe like a sandwich...I sorta skipped the dinner thing tonight." Ryan smiled, and told Rick to relax, he would be back in a flash. With that, he headed back out to raid the kitchen. He dug around in the fridge, and discovered a half pizza that his parents had apparently ordered for dinner, and zapped it hot in the micro, grabbed some soda's and chips, then, walked back to his bedroom. As he slipped through the door, nudging it closed behind him, he froze in his tracks, nearly dropping his food treasures to the floor.

Rick was propped up on the bed, his back resting on a pillow against the headboard of the queen sized bed, wearing only a small pair of dark blue briefs. Ryan let his eyes drift over his friends smooth body, and briefly come to rest on the impressive bulge at the front of the small briefs, and he felt his cock stir in his shorts, as it reacted to the erotic display of flesh before him. Rick glanced up from the TV, and his face spread into a smile, as he said, "Awesome....pizza....that SO rocks, dude!" Ryan blinked, forcing his gaze away from Rick's bulging crotch, and moved to the bed, where he set the goddies down on the foot of the bed. Rick quickly reached down and grabbed a thick slice of pizza, and tore into it hungrily, his attention going back to the flickering television. Ryan once more settled his gaze onto the lump of Rick's cock, and balls in the briefs, and felt his cock go fully erect inside his shorts. He quickly dropped onto the bed, arranging himself to conceal his own tented shorts the best that he could, and opened his can of soda, as he settled back against the headboard along side Rick. Oh man, Ryan thought, he looks fucking hot, and I am so tempted to just rip those little briefs off him, and attack that thick meat of his again, suck it dry, whether he freeking likes it, or not. Easy dude, he chided himself....chill....last time that happened it didn't rate much of a salute, remember? Ryan shuddered quietly, and tried to get his mind onto the TV show, willing his cock to go to sleep before he got busted.

Rick polished off the pizza single handedly, and washed it down with most of his soda, before settling back on the pillow once more. Ryan was acutely aware of his closeness, and the fresh scent of him, and he kept finding himself looking at the bulge of Rick's briefs. As the TV show went to commercial, Rick shifted slightly toward Ryan, and looked into his eyes, as he said, seriously, "Thanks man....really...you really are a bud....taking me in....feeding me....everything....after I....well....after I was so shitty, and all." Ryan blushed again, the all-over warmness spreading over him once more, and mumbled, "Not a biggy, Rick....shit....you would do it for me, too....but yea.....actually....you have been pretty shitty about....that...!" Rick sighed heavily, and propped his head in his hand, his elbow bent, and resting on the bed, as he gazed into Ryan's eyes. "I know, Ry....and....I'm sorry, man...it just....dunno....like...blew me away.....hehe....oh man....crappy pun, huh?" Ryan smiled, still hurting from his friends reaction to his giving in to the impulse that time, and sucking him off, but finally happy that they were at least together again, despite the bizzar circumstance. "Yea, actually that is kind of a poor choice of expressions.....but I know, man....it totally blew me away, too....just in a sorta different way." Rick moved slightly, and ran his fingers through Ryan's soft hair, and looked deep into his eyes, as he said, "Yea well, whatever....you are seriously my bud....like always....so don't be all sweating it, Ok?" Ryan nodded, relief sweeping through him, and he felt the tension he had been carrying drain off. Rick turned on to his back then, once more putting his straining package on full display, while Ryan tried to ignore it. Well, he really did try.

A few quiet minutes passed, and Ryan, unable to contain himself any longer, sighed loudly, and asked, his voice nearly a whisper, "Rick....dude....uh....well...shit....did you actually...like....hate it so much....me doing....that?" Rick tensed slightly, and inhaled deeply, then, very softly answered, "No Ry....I did NOT hate it...at all....and....that's why I acted so pissed off....not at you....or at....that...but at me....cause it's so freeking....what....wrong, I guess....but damn, dude...I actually.....freeking....loved it....OK?" Ryan felt like a huge weight had been lifted, and he moved a little closer to his handsome bedmate, and lifted a trembling hand, gently placing it onto the smooth, firm skin of Rick's flat stomach. He shuddered, and moved his hand slowly, his senses electrifying at the contact with his friends satin smooth skin. He gulped, and took a deep breath, as Rick lay rock still, his chest rising and falling with his short and rapid breathing. Ryan let his fingers trail to the elastic waist of Rick's little briefs, his mouth filling with his saliva, and he exhaled, saying, "Well shit...you liked it....freeking loved it.....and so did I....and so....oh shit, Rick....could I....I mean, damn.....I just....just wanna do it again...now, I mean...?" Rick tensed again, his firm ab muscles flexing under Ryan's trembling fingers, as he sucked in another deep breathe, and exhaled it, saying softly, but totally clearly, "Yes!"

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Oh damn....a cliff hanger!! Don't you just hate that? I thought I'd play nasty, and see if anyone is still following this sorid little tale.....?

Next: Chapter 6

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