Ryans Impulse

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Mar 14, 2023


Ryan's Impulse (6) By Storyguy22

Ryan reached for the other pillow, and packed it under his head, as he settled onto his back beside the still slightly panting Rick. He wanted to just snuggle into his handsome buddy's naked body, and continue to touch his nicely tanned skin, and further explore the taut muscles that rippled across his torso, but he worried that Rick wouldn't like it, in spite of having just accepted another stunning blow job. Ryan adjusted his position slightly, propping his head higher, and let his eyes wander over Rick's body. Damn, he thought, he really has it going on, with his toned, smooth body every bit the equal of his movie star good looks.

Ryan's eyes settled on Rick's plump cock, pretty much in repose now, following his recent orgasm, but still thick, and inviting where it rested limply over his thigh The heavy veins that had been so prominent when he was fully excited were now barely visible, mostly just light blue lines running up the shaft beneath the smooth outer skin. The circumcised head flared wider than the shaft, and looked so glassy smooth, and exhibited a slightly darker red tone than the rest of the pretty penis. Ryan moved his tongue inside his mouth, savoring the lingering after taste of Rick's creamy discharge, and smiled, remembering the intensity of the eruption of Rick's cock, and the resulting explosion of warm fluid into his mouth. Damn, that is so freeking intense, he thought, and I made it happen, twice! Well, actually three times, counting Jason earlier tonight, which had been awesome in its own right, but Rick, now there was the prize, for sure.

Ryan slid his hand down over his stomach, and wrapped his fingers around his own aching erection that was uncomfortably trapped inside his tight, damp briefs, and stroked it little, wishing that Rick would notice his condition, and take some kind of reciprocal action, though he was sure it wouldn't happen. Rick, sadly, was just totally straight by birth, and, even though he had twice relented to Ryan's desire to suck him, the idea to return the favor would simply not occur to him. Ryan gave his throbbing erection another squeeze, then sighed, and rose up, reaching across Rick's firm body to switch off the lamp. He settled back on the pillow, and slid a hand onto Rick's thigh, rubbing the lightly furred skin with his fingers, and said into the darkness,

"Time for some sleep, stud, it's been quite an evening."

Rick shuddered slightly at Ryan's touch high on his thigh, and inhaled a deep breath, then, released it, and replied,

"Yea, for sure....and....uh.....well....thanks again, Ry.....for the bed.....and.....well...."

Ryan smiled into the darkness, once more swabbing his tongue around his mouth, and once more savoring the remaining flavors that lingered there, and mumbled,

"Uh huh....not a problem, dude.....my pleasure, actually."

Rick mumbled some reply that Ryan didn't quite get all of, but thought that it sounded like, "Oh jeez," or something close to that, and he smiled once more, actually pleased that he had managed to mildly shock his mostly unflappable friend for once, or in this case, twice. He closed his eyes, and was just beginning to drift, when the bed stirred as Rick rolled out, and stood, muttering about needing to pee, and walked into the bathroom. Ryan seized the opportunity to quickly strip out of his uncomfortable briefs, and lie back, naked, his aching cock feeling great relief at being freed from the confines of the snug briefs. He adjusted his pillow, and slipped the top sheet over his nakedness, and drifted into a sound slumber, his senses barely taking note of Rick's return to the bed.

The night seemed to pass quickly, and Ryan awoke to a painful erection, and a serious need to pee. He blinked several times, his eyes adjusting to the near darkness of the room, and he looked over at his clock, registering the time as just past six a.m. He stretched, and slid a hand under the sheet, his fingers closing around his rock hard erection, and squeezing gently. He spread his legs, and was almost startled when his bare leg encountered another, then, suddenly remembered that Rick was there with him. He let his leg stay in contact with Rick's and his mind suddenly flashed back to the closing minutes of the previous night, and he rubbed his straining cock again, thinking of Rick's heavy meat filling his mouth. Thinking back further still, he replayed the intense mutual blow job he had traded with Jason in the car, and chuckled quietly, deciding that that putting his long held desires to action sure as hell beat holding them in. He had definitely proven his long held theory that he was indeed enamored of the gay persuasion, and glad of it, too, considering the incredible intensity of touching, and being touched, by another male, and the absolute mind boggling experience of cock sucking. That, without doubt, was the single most exhilarating experience of his young life, and, having found it, there was simply no way that he would deny himself that experience again.

He rolled out of bed, and made his way to the bathroom to relieve his aching bladder, then, washed up some, and brushed his teeth. Leaving the bathroom light on, he left the door ajar to spill some dim light into his bedroom, and walked to the mini-fridge that was next to his computer desk. He dug out a plastic bottle of orange juice, and twisted the cap off, then, took a long drink of the cold, sweet juice. He took another drink, draining the small bottle, then, fished another out of the fridge, and walked over to his bed.

Rick was flat on his back, his well developed chest, and stomach clearly visible in the soft room light, and Ryan stood still, his eyes hungrily drinking in the smoothness of Rick's skin, and the rather large nipples that dotted his chest. His eyes dropped, and paused at the tiny cave of Rick's cute little navel, then, followed the soft looking hair trail that tapered downward from below the navel until it disappeared beneath the rumpled sheet that hugged Rick's groin. Ryan stared hungrily at the lump there, shuddering slightly, as his eyes focused on the obvious outline of Rick's cock, and the lump of his heavy balls below. Ryan licked his lips, and extended a slightly trembling hand to grasp the sheet, tugging it downward to expose Rick's turgid meat. He gasped softly, as the tumescent penis slid into view, and he licked his lips again, staring at the thick instrument, and the bulging sac below. Oh man, that thing is just freeking awesome, he thought, his mouth suddenly flooding with saliva, and he tugged the sheet completely off the bed, letting it drop to the floor. Rick stirred slightly, moving his muscled legs wider apart, and the bulging scrotum jiggled invitingly between his thick thighs. Ryan's own cock sprang to hardness, and stood rigid, jutting straight off his groin, and he moved to sit gently on the edge of the bed, his eyes never wavering from Ryan's heavy cock, and balls. He shuddered again, his hand slowly, tentatively, moving to rest on Rick's thigh, just below the bulging scrotum. He lightly stroked the warm skin there, and let his hand wander higher, until his fingertips lightly prodded the wrinkled skin of Rick's sac, and Rick moaned softly. His desire rapidly overtaking him, Ryan opened his palm, and gently encircled Rick's heavy balls, his fingers closing to cup the plump pouch, and heft the heavy orbs within. Rick stirred again, and Ryan stared in fascination, as the thick cock began to inflate, and swell, until it rose fully erect against the swatch of dark pubic hair that covered his groin.

Ryan continued to gently grope Rick's balls, and stared with hunger at the now throbbing cock that pulsed within inches of his hungry gaze. Oh shit, Ryan thought, just look at that beauty, so thick, and hard, man, that is amazing, totally amazing! Unable to resist his powerful urge, Ryan released Rick's scrotum, and moved his trembling hand higher, and closed his fist around the girth of Rick's granite hard shaft. He moved his fingertip over the heavy veins that pulsed along the shaft, then, slid his thumb over the spongy, smooth head, moving it back and forth, while he watched the tiny slit there open, and close. He leaned closer, and inhaled deeply, the heady scents of Rick's maleness flooding his senses, and moved closer still, extending his tongue, and lapping up the length of the underside or Rick's thick cock. He pressed his tongue firmly against the thick tube that ran along the bottom of the rock hard cock, then, slid it over the silky smooth head, as Rick stirred again, rapidly coming awake, and lifting his head from the pillow to look down. He groaned, mumbling Ryan's name, as Ryan closed his finger and thumb around the base of Rick's turgid erection, and slid the plumb shaped helmet into his mouth.

Rick dropped his head back to the pillow, and groaned again, his fingers gripping the sheet at his sides, as Ryan slipped another couple of inches of his cock into his warm, wet mouth, and then another, until he had the rigid meat fully engulfed once more. Rick made a loud, guttural noise, his hips lifting, as he drove his thick cock deeper still into Ryan's throat. Ryan gagged slightly, surprised at the sudden entrance of the bulbous cock head into his throat, then, recovered, and began a rythmatic up and down movement of his head. He made loud slurping sounds, as his saliva drooled from his hungry mouth, and he sucked his friend eagerly, his free hand moving to again capture the heavy ball sac. Rick's hips found Ryan's rhythm, and matched it, rising and falling in sync with Ryan's head motion, and he moaned in pleasure again, then, again. His hands made desperate grabs at the sheet, then, gave it up, and closed firmly on the sides of Ryan's steadily bobbing head, guiding him, as he drew him closer and closer to the boil over point. Ryan slurped, and made low moaning noises around the thick shaft of Rick's throbbing cock, and his fingers tugged at the bulging balls, until Rick surrendered, giving himself totally over to the myriad of sweet sensations he was feeling clear to his toes. His balls crawled upward in his scrotum, escaping Ryan's clutching fingers, and his shaft jerked strongly in Ryan's stuffed mouth, then, jerked once more, spewing forth mighty jets of his scalding cum, one followed immediately by another, as Ryan gagged, and struggled to stay with the copious volume, swallowing as rapidly as his aching throat muscles would tolerate. The excess of the massive load spilled from the stretched corners of Ryan's bruised mouth, and dribbled off his soaked chin to fall onto Rick's heaving groin, matting into the thick patch of dark hair there, as his explosion continued to pump ropes of thick cream into Ryan's overworked mouth.

Finally, with one final thrust of his hips, Rick was completely drained, and collapsed, sinking back onto the rumpled bed like a head-shot victim. His well defined chest was heaving, as he struggled for air, and a light film of sweat shown on his firm body in the soft room light, as he gazed downward at his long time friend, and shuddered in the wonder of seeing his rapidly wilting boyhood fully buried inside his mouth. Ryan lifted his eyes, and met Rick's, as he slowly slid the deflated weapon from his puffy lips, and, still holding Rick's slightly astonished gaze, pursed his full lips, and gently planted a wet, sloppy kiss on the still leaking head of his cock. Rick dropped and arm across his eyes, his head rolling in disbelief on the pillow, as he sighed deeply, and muttered, "Holy....fucking....shit....!" Ryan gave the sensitive cock head another lick, then released the shrunken cock, and moved up to grin wickedly at his friend, and say, "I think Mr. Rick is starting to like this!"

(To Be Continued) Storyguy22@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 8

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