Ryans Love

By Justin's Boy

Published on May 13, 1999


****This story is completely fictional. It is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of the real Ryan Phillippe or about any of the other people mentioned. Nor is it meant to be representative of the relationship of the real Ryan and Reese.

"How's it going?" Ryan asked, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and leaning forward to kiss the back of my neck. I smiled and rested my head against his chest.

"Pretty good, actually. I've gotten a lot done today," I said.

"Good. So, what do you want to do tonight?" Ryan whispered, his warm breath on my ear sending shivers up and down my spine.

"Anything, as long as it involves being with you," I grinned. I'd lived with Ryan and Reese for nearly three weeks already and things were working out really well. Ryan's vacation had been brief and he was already at work on his next film, which thankfully was shooting at a studio right there in L.A. Reese was busy promoting her latest movie, 'Election', and getting ready for the baby. I was keeping my promise to Ryan by working on the screenplay I'd started a few months earlier during my trip to New York.

"Let's enjoy having the house to ourselves. How does that sound?" Ryan asked. Reese had left that morning for New York to do the talk show rounds for her movie.

"It sounds like Heaven," I sighed. At the same instant the phone rang and Ryan and I both groaned in unison.

"Hello?" Ryan asked. I saved the work I'd been doing and shut down the computer. "Yeah, he's right here. Hold on a sec." Ryan held the phone towards me and I stop in mid stretch to take it.


"Seth? Hi. It's Scott. I was hoping I could talk you into coming out with us tonight," Scott Foley said, sounding cheerful. I hadn't seen him since the show had been on hiatus, but from what AJ had told me, he and Simon Rex were quite the hot item these days.

"Us?" I asked, smiling at Ryan as he playfully began to demonstrate that he was feeling neglected by dropping down on the sofa and sighing dramatically.

"Yeah, there's a club opening tonight and AJ and I got to talking. We thought it would be fun for all of us to go as a group. She and Scott are going, and Simon and me, and AJ's trying to get ahold of Tangi and some of the others to see if they want to go. How about it? You can bring Ryan, I'm still dying to meet him," Scott laughed. I looked over at Ryan, who was now watching me patiently. No one besides AJ knew yet that the person in my life was Ryan Phillippe, and I wasn't sure how Ryan was going to feel about taking that step.

"Scott, can I call you back in a couple of minutes? I'll check with Ryan and see if he's up for it," I said.

"I know what I'm up for, but it doesn't have anything to do with Scott," Ryan grinned as I hung up the phone.

"You, my friend, have got a dirty mind," I smiled as I joined him on the couch. Ryan leaned forward and pulled me into a short but passionate kiss.

"Wow. You never fail to take my breath away, you know that?" I smiled as we pulled apart.

"Hey, that's what I'm here for!" Ryan's devilish grin danced across his face. "So what am I supposed to be up for?"

"Well, that was Scott Foley. A group of people from the show are going to hit a club opening tonight and they wanted to know if we'd like to come along," I explained, running my fingers through his blonde curls as I did so.

"Do you want to go?" Ryan asked.

"It could be fun. But if you don't want to, that's fine," I said.

"Well, Reese is gone for two days, so there's always tomorrow night to enjoy having the house to ourselves," Ryan grinned.

"Are you sure? I mean, Scott's going to know about us. I told him--"

"I know, Seth," Ryan interrupted. "That's okay. I really don't care. Besides, he's your friend, so what does it matter? Let's go and have a good time."

I looked into Ryan's crystal blue eyes and sighed in amazement. "Ryan, what did I ever do to deserve a guy like you?" I asked, leaning forward for another kiss.

"It's the other way around, trust me," Ryan smiled before our mouths met softly.

The club opening was apparently the only thing going on in town that night, because both the paparrazi and the mainstream press were gathered outside in droves, snapping pictures of the celebrity attendees.

Ryan and I made our way through the throng of people towards the entrance and I began to wish that we had just stayed home for a quiet evening together. As soon as we were safely through the door, though, I spotted AJ and Scott Speedman dancing nearby. AJ saw us come in and waved, then pointed in the direction of their table.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked Ryan quietly as we made our way across the club towards my friends.

"Come on, Seth. It's not like we're going to be making love in front of them or something," Ryan grinned. "I'm just meeting them."

"Ryan!" A voice off to our left called out, breaking into our conversation. Jennifer Love Hewitt was soon next to us, smiling. "Hi! Did Reese come?"

"Hi Love. No, she's in New York. Have you met Seth Barnes? He's a good friend of mine," Ryan smiled.

"Hey Seth," Love gave me a friendly smile.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Hewitt," I said. It sounded strange even to my ears, but I didn't know her well enough to even call her Jennifer, let alone Love.

"Ms. Hewitt?" Love laughed. "It's Love, please!"

"Is Carson here?" Ryan asked, looking around.

"No, he's home in New York. Well, I'll see you guys a little later. Have fun!" Love smiled and was back out on the dance floor in a heartbeat.

"She seems really nice," I said once she was gone. Other than Reese, I'd never met any of the people in Ryan's life before.

"Well, she's a hell of a lot easier to work with than Neve Campbell," Ryan grinned. "But let's not even go there!"

"Okay, Mr. Movie Star, let's go meet my friends now," I smiled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. That's not going to happen. I don't hang around with people who only do television," Ryan sniffed, his nose in the air in a show of arrogance.

"That's right! For a minute I forgot that I was talking to the star of such cultural classics as '54' and--"

"Okay! Okay! Let's not dredge up my resume!" Ryan interrupted my teasing with a laugh. We made our way, uninterrupted this time, to the table. Scott Foley, Simon Rex, Tangi Miller, and Keri Russell were already sitting there. I was a little surprised to see Keri, who was always friendly on the set but never hung around with any of us after hours.

"Hi, everyone. I'd like you all to meet a friend of mine. This is Ryan," I smiled nervously. Only Scott would know for sure what our relationship was, but I was still feeling a little anxious, mostly for Ryan. I didn't want any rumors to get started.

For a brief moment there was a surprised silence as Ryan smiled and nodded at the assembled group. I saw a look of shock cross Scott Foley's face and when our eyes met his were filled with disbelief.

"It's nice to meet you, Ryan. I enjoy your work," Keri smiled, extending her hand. Ryan shook it and the two of us sat down.

"Thanks. I watch your show. I gotta tell you, I think you should choose Noel," Ryan smiled and everyone laughed.

"Seth, how come you never told us you had such a famous friend?" Tangi asked. "What else have you been holding out on?"

Before I could answer, AJ and Scott Speedman returned to the table and I introduced Ryan to Scott.

"Wait, so AJ already knows Ryan?" Tangi asked. "Damn, you've all been holding out on me! Let me guess, you're also best friends with Spielberg?"

"Oh, best friends is going too far. I'd say we're more like pals," I joked.

I was relieved that, once the introductions were over, Ryan was simply accepted as one of the group. We were all just having a good time together.

"Ryan's really nice," Keri smiled at me as we shared a dance. Ryan was dancing nearby with AJ while Simon and Tangi were showing us all up with their moves. The Scotts were somewhere around, but I'd lost sight of them in the crowd.

"Yeah, he's a great guy." I said, glancing over at him.

"How long have you two been together?" Keri asked. The question didn't really surprise me, but I was still a little disappointed that things had been that obvious. As much as Ryan claimed to be okay with everything, I was still worried about what would happen to his career if it became one of those open Hollywood secrets.

"We've know each other for a few months," I smiled, choosing my words carefully.

"I'm happy for you," Keri said as the song ended.

"Thank you." We made our way back to the table and I excused myself to use the restroom. I was washing my hands when Scott Foley came in. Our eyes met in the mirror and he slowly began to shake his head, a grin on his face.

"Ryan Phillippe. Wow. No wonder you turned me down," Scott said.

"I love him, Scott. No matter who he is. Besides, you ended up with Simon, right? How are the two of you?"

"Oh sure. Change the subject!" Scott grinned. "Pretty good actually. He's great and we're having a lot of fun together."

"I'm really glad. You deserve it," I said, drying my hands.

"Seth... um... listen. I just want you to know that I still think that it's Ryan who's the lucky one in your relationship. You're a great guy," Scott said.

"Thank you. That means a lot to me, Scott, coming from a guy like you," I said honestly.

"Yeah. Well you'd better get back out there before this turns out to be one of those Kodak moments," Scott laughed. "Besides, Simon and Ryan will probably get jealous."

"If they haven't run off together while we've been in here," I joked as I made my out the door and back into the crowded club. For a second, I thought of the first time I'd met Ryan, in a club just like the one we were in now. I smiled, thinking of that night.

"Well, hello again!" a man's voice sounded right in my ear. I turned around, a little startled, and found myself looking into Scott Wolf's face.

"Oh. Hi," I said. I wasn't exactly glad to see him, given his past with Ryan, but now that I knew all about it there was really nothing he could say to make me feel the way he had the first time we'd met, like he knew Ryan better than I did.

"So, you here alone?" Scott asked, his eyes once again running up and down my body in a very obvious way.

"No, I'm not. I'm here with Ryan and some friends," I said, making it as clear as possible with body language that I was anxious to get back to them.

"That's too bad. My offer still stands you know," Scott grinned.


"Yeah. Call me if you ever want someone to talk to, or whatever," Scott grinned suggestively and winked before turning away.

"Oh this is too much!" Scott Foley laughed. He'd come out of the restroom just in time to hear Scott Wolf's final words to me. "You're dating Ryan Phillippe and Scott Wolf is hitting on you! I'm the big TV star, why don't these things ever happen to me?"

"Simon isn't exactly a reject, Scott," I smiled, shaking my head. "Besides, you can have Scott Wolf for all I care."

"Hey, what's taking you two so long? You'd both better be careful, Tangi's got her eye on both your men," AJ laughed as she found Scott and I.

The rest of the night seemed to pass very quickly. I did see Scott Wolf once again just before we left. Our eyes met across the club and he gave me the same grin and wink as before. But other than that, the evening had been a great one.

"Well, did I pass?" Ryan asked when we were back in his car heading for home.


"The test. Wasn't meeting your friends some kind of big relationship test?" Ryan grinned.

"If it was, then yeah. You passed with flying colors. I think they all like you more than me!" I laughed.

"That's impossible. Everyone loves you. They can't help it," Ryan smiled.

"Speaking of, guess who hit on me?" I asked casually, as if dozens of people hit on me every day.

"Ummm... AJ?" Ryan joked.

"No. AJ didn't have eyes for anyone except Scott. Don't they make a great couple?" I asked, basking once again in an almost paternal feeling about the two of them.

"Yeah, they seemed happy. But who hit on you? It wasn't Scott again, was it?"

"How'd you know?" I asked, surprised.

"It was Scott? Seth, that's pretty low of him. He knows about us!" Ryan said. I nodded in agreement. "And I thought he and Simon were together? What's that guy's problem?"

I started laughing and Ryan looked at me like I was insane. "What's so funny?"

"I have too many people named Scott in my life, that's what's so funny! Scott Foley didn't hit on me, Ryan!"

"But.. Huh? Okay, I'm lost. I know Scott Speedman didn't hit on you... did he?" Ryan looked confused as he turned onto our street. I waited until he'd pulled into the garage and turned off the car before answering.

"No. Actually, it was the Scott from your life who hit on me," I smiled. Ryan still looked confused for an instant, but then he realized who I meant.

"Scott Wolf? That asshole hit on you?" Ryan asked. I was shocked at the sudden surge of anger in him.

"Ryan, it's no big deal. Don't get all pissed off. People are going to hit on you all the time, right? I'm not going to get mad when that happens, so why should you?"

"Seth, you don't know what he's like, okay? He's the type of person who only cares about the chase. That's what he lives for, going after someone who seems impossible to get. And once he does get them, he doesn't look at them a second time," Ryan's voice was suddenly very bitter.

"Ryan? Are you okay?" I asked. He was staring down at the steering wheel, lost in thought.

"Yeah. Seth, just stay away from him, okay? He's an asshole. He hurt me a lot and I don't want him coming between us," Ryan raised his head and looked at me. The anger had faded as quickly as it had come and his blue eyes were sad.

"Ryan, he's not going to come between us. No one is. I love you. Whatever happened in the past doesn't matter, remember? We found each other, that's all that counts," I smiled, touching his cheek softly.

"I know. Seth, I'm sorry I went off like that. I guess what Scott did has always been kind of a sore spot with me."

"I understand, Ryan. Come on, let's go inside. I know the perfect way to get rid of that sore spot," I smiled.

"Oh, now who's got a dirty mind?" Ryan laughed.

"Still you, Mr. Phillippe. All I had in mind was a massage," I grinned, getting out of the car.

"Oh, that's all you had in mind, huh?" Ryan asked as he playfully caught me at the door into the house and pulled me tight against him.

"Well... okay, you got me. I also thought maybe we could have some really incredible sex," I smiled.

"Oh... I don't know, man. I think we can managed fantastic, or maybe even just plain incredible sex, but really incredible..." Ryan's voice trailed off in mock doubt.

"Well, you know what they say. You never know until you try," I smiled.

"You know what else they say?"


"If at first you don't succeed, try...try....again," Ryan whispered punctuating each pause with a kiss.

"At this rate, we're never going to make it out of the garage tonight," I smiled.

"Oh, no. We've got to go in. You promised me a massage, remember?" Ryan said, taking me by the hand and leading me into the house.

We made our way back to the bedroom, stopping briefly in the kitchen, living room, and hallway to kiss again. As soon as we reached our room, Ryan pulled his shirt over his head and undid his pants, letting them fall to the floor around his ankles. He stood there in his usual black silk boxer shorts, grinning.

"So, where do you want me?" he asked. I smiled and moved forward, kissing my way slowly from his neck to his collar bone and then slowly down his chest, stopping to suck lightly on each of his nipples.

"Hey, I meant where to you want me for the massage!" Ryan laughed as my mouth reached his abs. I laughed and stood back up.

"Fine, fine. Just lay on the bed, face down," I smiled. "I'll be right back." I went into our bathroom and looked through the cabinets, finally finding some lotion that would have to do.

Ryan was laying on his stomach on the bed, his head turned towards me, his boxer shorts nowhere to be seen. "I thought we might as well make it a full body massage," he smiled.

"Okay, but I'm charging extra," I grinned. I quickly shed most of my own clothes, with the exception of my boxer-briefs, and then straddled Ryan on the bed.

"No hanky panky, young man. I'm a big movie star you know, I can see to it that you never massage in this town again," Ryan smiled, closing his eyes, as I squirted some of the lotion onto his back. He sighed with pleasure as I began to work my fingers across his back, kneading the muscles softly.

I slowly worked my way down to his lower back, causing him to moan and sigh with pleasure as I worked. "Where did you learn to do that?" he asked softly after a few minutes.

"The..um..first guy I was with taught me," I admitted, thinking back to that brief affair in the summer between the end of my high school career and the beginning of my short-lived college years.

"You'll have to tell me his name. I've got to send him something to show my appreciation," Ryan sighed. I slowly worked my way to Ryan's ass and squirted some more lotion into my hands. "Careful, that's probably my most recognizable feature," Ryan joked.

I smiled and slipped one lotion covered finger inside Ryan's crack, slowly rubbing it against his hole and working it inside of him. He gasped a little, but the grin never left his face. I slid my finger in and out slowly for a few minutes, easily finding Ryan's prostate gland and causing him to gasp.

"Okay, Mr. movie star, it's time for me to do the front," I smiled, removing my finger and moving off of Ryan's legs so he could turn over. He rolled over onto his back, grinning at the sight of his hard cock standing out from his body.

I leaned forward, kissing his lips softly and slipping my tongue into his mouth. Ryan's put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me down on top of him, lying across his chest.

"What do you say we postpone the rest of this massage for later and just try for that really incredible sex thing?" Ryan whispered.

"I think that's the best idea you've ever had," I smiled. Ryan pulled me into another kiss, slipping one hand down my back and into my boxer-briefs, where he began to perform his own massage on my ass. When we broke from the kiss he got up on his knees and pushed me gently backwards, pulling off my underwear and tossing them over his shoulder.

Ryan started kissing and licking my chest while I sighed in pure ecstasy at the shivers his mouth was sending throughout my body. He worked his way down and before I even had time to recover from his work on my chest and stomach, he'd taken my cock between his lips. I moaned as he took it down his throat and began to move his head up and down, each time leaving only the tip of my cock still in his mouth and then swallowing it again.

After a few minutes of this I found myself approaching the point of no return. Ryan saw this easily, both from my face and from my breathing, and quickly released my cock altogether. I looked down, a little surprised.

"What?" I asked, desperatly wanting him to finish what he'd started.

"Seth, will you make love to me?" Ryan asked, looking very much like a vulnerable child. The only time we'd ever done that was in New York. While Ryan had enjoyed it, it was more natural for both of us to have things the other way around.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. I want you inside of me again, Seth. Please," Ryan said.

"I love you, Ryan," I smiled. "Do you want to do it like last time?"

"No. I want you to make love to me the way I make love to you. I want you to be in control, Seth. I want us to be equals in every way, okay?" Ryan's blue eyes were intense with emotion.

I nodded, feeling a little surprised. We quickly changed places, Ryan laying back on the bed and me above him. He raised his legs in the air and I took them underneath my arms, as he always did with mine. Reaching for the lotion, which was still on the bed, I used it as lubricant and slowly pressed the head of my cock against Ryan's hole.

Ryan and I both gasped as I slid slowly inside of him. It was the first time in my life that I'd ever made love to someone without wearing a condom. I watched Ryan's face closely, anxious that he not feel too much pain. Finally I was all the way inside of him and we paused to catch our breath. After a little while, Ryan slowly nodded his head and I started moving back and forth, gently at first.

"Oh, Seth. That feels incredible. Go faster, please!" Ryan moaned. Before long we were moving in rhythm, our moans of pleasure coming at the same times. Ryan was stroking his own cock in tune to my movements.

"Oh, my God. Ryan!" I gasped, breaking out of our kiss and looking down into his eyes as I felt myself starting to cum inside of him.

"I love you, Seth," Ryan moaned as his own orgasm arrived, covering both of our stomachs with his cum. After taking a few moments to catch our breath, I pulled out of Ryan and leaned forward to lick the cum off of his toned and sweaty stomach. He ran his hand slowly through my damp hair as I did so. When I was finished I climbed up next to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"You know what? I think we surpassed really incredible and achieved mind-blowing," I sighed happily.

"I'd have to agree with you on that," Ryan grinned. "Seth, I love you. I can't say it enough. No matter how many times you hear the words from me, it really can't begin to show what I'm feeling," Ryan said as I watched my hand rise and fall on his chest, the ring on my finger shining in the light.

"I know what you're feeling, Ryan. Because I'm feeling the same things," I smiled, raising my head up to kiss him again.

"You know, you're my inspiration, Seth. This is what I'm going to be thinking about tomorrow when I do that love scene," Ryan grinned, his eyes sparkling.

"Just don't get too into it, understand?" I said, making my voice stern.

"Don't worry. That wouldn't be possible unless you were there doing the scene with me," Ryan said.

"Now there's a movie that would blow Hollywood away," I smiled. Ryan laughed and we both lapsed into silence as we began to drift off to sleep.

**** Once again, I'm sorry for the delay. Thank you all for waiting patiently! I had Mid-Term exams and spring fever in general, so I wasn't around the computer as much as I should have been. I hope this was worth the wait! Contact me at justins_boy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 13

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