Ryans Love

By Justin's Boy

Published on Jul 31, 1999


****This story is completely fictional. It is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of the real Ryan Phillippe or about any of the other people mentioned. Nor is it meant to be representative of the relationship of the real Ryan and Reese.

"Seth, you know you're the only one I love, don't you?" Ryan's voice was filled with anxiety and concern for my feelings as he stood in front of a full length mirror, gazing at himself in his tuxedo.

"Of course I do, Ryan. And you're the only person I love. Nothing is going to change that," I smiled back at him as I reached my arms around his body to straightened his black bow tie.

"That's right. Nothing is ever going to change the way I feel about you, Seth. Ever," Ryan smiled as he leaned back against me. I hugged his body tightly against mine and rested my chin on his shoulder, our eyes meeting in the mirror.

"Promise?" I smiled.

"If we had time, I'd do more than promise. I'd show you exactly how I feel about you," Ryan grinned back.

"Well, that's what a honeymoon's for, right?" I laughed. At the same moment, the wedding march started to play in the distance. The doors behind us were pushed open from the other side, and a crowd of people suddenly filled the room, each of them congratulating Ryan loudly and cheerfully, and urging him to hurry to meet his bride.

"Seth!" Ryan called back over his shoulder, looking frantic as the crowd surged back out of the room, taking Ryan along with them.

"Ryan!" I shouted, struggling to move forward and being held back by all of the people in front of me, none of whom acknowledged my desperate attempts to push my way through.

Then, as quickly as they'd come, the crowd of Ryan's friends and family were gone, and I fell forward into the suddenly empty room as the doors closed behind them. I got up quickly and raced towards the exit. I had to get to Ryan, had to be with him. I couldn't lose him now, not after all we'd been to each other. I loved him too much.

The faster I ran, though, the farther and farther away the door got. I started to gasp for breath and had to stop and sit down on the floor to get my second wind.

"Such a beautiful ceremony, wasn't it?" A woman's voice came from just beyond the door.

"Yes, it was. They'll be so happy together," a second voice answered hers.

"It's over?" I asked no one in particular. I got up and realized that the door wasn't far away after all, but right in front of me. I turned the knob, expecting to find myself locked in, but instead the door opened easily, almost on it's own.

"Ryan?" My voice echoed throughout the empty, cavernous room, and I realized that everyone had already left. I was alone.

"Seth?" Ryan's voice called out to me from somewhere. I turned this way and that, trying to figure out where it was coming from. "Seth? Come on!"

"I can't find you, Ryan. Tell me where you are!" I yelled, desperate, certain somehow that he thought I was choosing not to go to him, that I was abandoning him.

"Seth! Hey, Seth! Come on, Sleeping Beauty, wake up," Ryan's voice said from somewhere in the darkness. As the meaning of his words started to sink in, I slowly felt my surroundings slipping away as I floated towards consciousness.

I opened my eyes and starting blinking rapidly to allow them to adjust to the light. Ryan was sitting on the edge of the bed next to me, his hand gently shaking my arm.

"I thought you'd lapsed into a coma for a minute!" he grinned when my eyes finally focused on his face.

"What time is it?" I asked groggily, my mind struggling to join the rest of my body in the real world.

"About six. We have a flight to catch, remember?" Ryan smiled as he brushed a few strands of hair out of my eyes.

"Ughnh," I groaned, turning over on my side and closing my eyes again.

"Come on, don't be so lazy. If I'd known last night that you were going to be this hard to get up even with a full night's sleep, I'd have had my way with you. Early to bed be damned," Ryan said, and though I couldn't see his face, I knew it was lit up by that devilish little grin that drove me crazy on a regular basis.

"It's too early. The birds probably aren't even up yet," I groaned.

"Come on, get up. If you don't, we'll miss our flight and you'll have a very pregnant, very angry bride to be on your hands," Ryan said, resting one of his own hands on my shoulder and pulling me over to face him again.

Ryan's words brought back the details of my dream and I sat up slowly. "Right. It's the big day."

"What's wrong?" Ryan's voice took on a small edge of worry.

"Nothing, why?" I attempted a smile.

"Seth, don't even try to pretend with me, okay? What's wrong?" Ryan asked softly, causing me to smile for real.

"You are so wonderful, Ryan, you know that? Nothing is wrong, honest. I was just thinking about the dream I was having," I said, taking his hand in mine and pressing his fingers to my lips.

"Dream? From the look on your face when you were thinking about it, I'd say it was probably more of a nightmare," Ryan said, his eyes never leaving my face.

"Don't worry about it, babe. It was just a silly dream. I've got to get ready, okay? You're right, I don't want to have to face down Reese right now. Hell hath no fury like a pregnant bride scorned, right?" I smiled.

"Are you sure that's all it is? You're not upset about today?" Ryan asked.

"Ryan, we've talked about this non-stop for the past week. I'm okay with it. I know you love me and that marrying Reese is just something you have to do. I'm fine, I promise," I said.

"Okay. I just don't want you to hold anything that's bothering you back, Seth. I'm not exactly thrilled about this whole thing either, remember."

"I know. Come here," I whispered, pulling him in for a kiss. The feeling of Ryan's mouth against mine and of his hand sliding up and down my back was as close to Heaven as I've ever come, and I didn't want to let him go. I wanted that moment to freeze forever, for the two of us to just continue living in that kiss for eternity, like someone had hit the pause button on our lives.

"Mmm, morning breath," Ryan grinned when we finally had to break apart.

"Sorry," I smiled, clapping a hand over my mouth.

"On you, even morning breath is sexy as hell," Ryan said, pulling my hand away and kissing me again.

"Ryan.... I think we'd better stop....." I sighed in pleasure as Ryan's mouth left my own and began to travel enticingly down my neck and then my chest.

"Shh... We've got enough time. I want to be with you, Seth, today especially. I need you to know what you mean to me," Ryan said as he began to lightly suck on one of my nipples, slipping his hand slowly down to the waistband of my boxer-briefs.

"Ryan you don't-" I threw my head back and shivered in delight as his hand slipped inside and made contact with my cock. The feeling of his warm hand sliding slowly up and down was incredible. "-have to prove anything to me," I managed to finish my sentence. "I know how you feel."

"All right. But I still want you Seth. I need you. We've got enough time," Ryan said as he kissed his way slowly down my chest and stomach, following the direction his hand had taken.

"Okay. God I love you," I smiled, falling backwards on the bed. Ryan's hand released my cock and slipped back out, but only long enough for him to take ahold of my underwear and pull them off.

Ryan sat there for an instant, not touching me at all, just letting his eyes travel the length of my body. "You are so incredibly beautiful, Seth."

"Look who's talk- oohh," my attempt at a witty retort was interrupted when Ryan suddenly leaned down and wrapped his lips around the head of my cock. Within a few seconds, he'd managed to take most of it in his mouth and was moving his head up and down with an increasing rhythm as he worked his magic with his tongue.

"Oh, God, Ryan that feels so incredible," I moaned. I began to lose myself in the feelings and sensations Ryan's mouth was sending through my body, letting the ecstasy take control.

"Ryan...." I gasped in warning as I felt my impending climax begin to build. To my surprise, Ryan immediately stopped and sat up.

"We don't have too much time left, Seth. Let's finish together," he whispered. I nodded and reached for the buckle on his pants. Ryan raised himself off the bed so I could pull the khaki slacks down around his ankles, followed quickly by his usual silk boxers, red this time.

While I made use of the lubricant in the bedside table, Ryan moved forward so that his legs were hanging over the side of the bed. I quickly straddled him and lowered myself onto his cock, causing both of us to gasp.

"Seth," Ryan groaned as I sank all the way down. He sat up and we began to kiss as I waited for my ass to adjust to having his cock inside me once again. Finally, without breaking our kiss, I started to slowly move up and down, feeling Ryan's cock sliding in and out of me, the incredible vibrancy of the feelings rushing through my body making me want to scream.

"Oh, God! Ryan," the words escaped from my throat, unable to remain locked away. I continued my movements, enjoying the safe feeling of Ryan's strong arms wrapped around my body, holding me tightly against him. His eyes were locked into mine, never faltering no matter how much pleasure we were feeling. Our mouths and tongues continued to meet, but every time they did, they were soon pulled apart again by a gasp or exclamation from one of us.

I felt the climax building inside of me again, but this time there was no stopping it. The intensity of the feelings inside me was incredible, and as I reached my the peak I couldn't help but scream Ryan's name loudly as I erupted all over his stomach.

"Seth..." Ryan groaned and I felt his love filling me. Despite our climaxes, I continued to ride him for a little while, not wanting to give up the incredible feeling of having Ryan inside of me.

"Oh, my God. Seth that was the most...." Ryan seemed at a loss for words. "It's never, ever been like that before."

"I know," I panted as I finally rolled off of him. I rested my head against his chest, which was rising and falling rapidly, and just listened to his heart beating.

"I mean, never. It's always been the best, but that... I don't even know how to describe what that was," Ryan said, his voice still filled with amazement.

I smiled, but already I was coming down from the high of having Ryan making love to me. The rest of the day was looming over me, and the idea of watching Ryan pledge to love, honor and cherish someone else wasn't exactly thrilling, no matter how much I assured Ryan- and myself- that I was okay with it.

"I guess I'd better take that shower now," I sighed.

"I'd better join you. I need another shower after that," Ryan said, kissing the top of my head. I nodded in agreement and he followed me across the room, kicking off his shoes and the pants and boxers that were bunched around them along the way.

Once we were under the hot stream of water, his arms wrapped around me once again, I couldn't help but thinking back to our first night together, and the fear I'd had even as he'd held me in the shower, the fear that he'd only want that one night and that I'd lose him in the morning.

"Seth? You're awfully quiet," Ryan observed, bringing me out of my reverie.

"Sorry. Sex like that just makes me think, that's all. It's like finding God," I smiled.

"Come on. The sex was.... well, there's no word for it, but that's not what's on your mind. You're starting to scare me, Seth," Ryan said, and I could tell he was serious by the worry in his eyes.

"Ryan, I'm okay. It's just that.... well, I'm a little sad, that's all. It's going to be really hard watching you marry someone else, even if it is Reese. I can't help but wish-"

"That we could just be together, just the two of us? And be happy and not have to worry about anyone finding out? Don't you think I wish the same thing, too?" Ryan asked softly.

"I know you do. I'm sorry, Ryan. I know this is a hard day for you, too. I'm just being selfish."

"No, you're not. Seth, there isn't a day that I don't wake up and feel guilty for doing this to you. You deserve someone who can love you openly, not someone who has to hide you away like a dirty secret. But I love you for bearing with me through all of this. I don't think I could survive it without you," Ryan said, leaning forward and kissing my neck softly.

"Ryan, I don't want you feeling guilty over anything, okay? I came into all of this with my eyes open, remember? I love you, and we're together. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. As long as I wake up with you every day, they can say whatever they like about what they think is the truth."

"It's still not fair to you, Seth. But I am going to make it up to you. I promise you. When the baby is old enough and everyone is satisfied that it's mine, everything will be perfect. Reese and I will divorce, and I'll be with you. In every way," Ryan smiled at the thought.

"Every way? I thought we'd been together in every way possible already?" I grinned suggestivley and Ryan rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Come on, I'm serious. I mean, I'll tell the world about us. I'll have to say I'm bisexual, I guess, to explain Reese and the baby. But the point is that we'll be together and everyone will know it."

"Like I said, Ryan, as long as I'm with you, I don't care what people know or don't know."

"You're amazing, Seth, truly amazing." Ryan grinned and leaned in for another kiss.

"Ryan, we'd better stop now," I smiled, pulling back from the kiss. "If we get started again, we really will have an angry bride on our hands."

Ryan let out a small whining noise and then smiled. "Well, I'll say this for you, Seth. You always manage to leave me wanting more."

"Uh, oh. You've discovered my secret," I grinned. "Come on, let's get out of here and get dressed."

I passed the rest of the day in a mild haze, only vaguely aware of what was going on around me. It was almost like I was watching the events unfold from a safe distance, while my vacated body remained in place, living through them.

I was aware of the flight to South Carolina, where Reese had decided she wanted to be married, and of meeting up with several of Reese's family members at the airport. I was aware of introducing myself, over and over again, as Ryan and Reese's friend from L.A., and of explaining that I was just a humble television writer, not an actor.

Meeting Ryan's family for the first time, but not being able to tell them who I was, for the sake of Reese and the baby's future, was the most painful part of the day, until the actual ceremony began. There were some small amusements, though, I must admit. One of which was that one of Ryan's sisters spent the majority of the wedding and the reception following hitting on me shamelessly before I finally managed to convince her that I had a various serious relationship waiting for me back in California and that I was much too much in love too cheat, even with a beautiful, sexy girl like her.

Time seemed to pass very slowly, which was bitterly ironic considering how fast it goes when I want a moment to last. But, finally, the ceremony was about to begin. I was seated in the front row, on the grooms side, watching the events unfold before me like a movie. There was Ryan, dressed in his tuxedo and looking incredibly sexy. He was looking right back at me, a small, secret smile on his face to let me know who was really in his heart.

Then there was Reese, marching slowly up the aisle to the sound of the wedding march, looking so very beautiful in her dress. She smiled at me as she walked past, a look of apology and sympathy in her eyes. I think I managed to smile back at her, but I can't be sure.

And then, most painful of all, the actual vows. The words seemed to reach my ears before they did anyone else's, as if they were sent especially to stab at my heart. "I, Ryan, take thee Reese to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to honor and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, as long as we both shall live."

I made myself smile as Ryan raised Reese's veil and kissed her. I forced the smile to remain on my face as Ryan and Reese walked past, Ryan's eyes on my face with an indecipherable look in his eyes. Once they'd gone past, the front rows began to follow and I felt myself going right along with them, still smiling like it was the happiest day of my life.

It was some time amidst all of the laughing and talking, the music and the food and drinks, before I was able to get away for a few moments by myself to collect my thoughts. When I did, my first thought was that I was now someone's mistress. I had to smile a little at that, but there was no real amusement in my heart. Despite all of the logic behind what had happened, despite all of my preparing for it and my attempts to rationalize things, I was deeply hurt. It was no ones fault, really, but seeing Ryan marry Reese had ripped my heart out.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Reese said, sitting down next to me on the secluded bench I'd managed to find a short distance away from the festivities.

"Reese, you were a very beautiful bride," I smiled. "Everything was perfect."

"Thank you, Seth. You're wrong, though. The whole thing was just a show. It wasn't real, any of it. Legally, maybe, but not in any other way. I hope you remember that," Reese said, looking at me intently.

"I will, Reese. Thanks," I smiled again.

"No, Seth, thank you. This is all my fault, and yet you've never treated me with anything but friendship and kindness. If it wasn't for me you'd have Ryan all to yourself and none of this would be necessary," Reese sighed.

"Don't, Reese. It's okay. We're all going to get through this just fine, okay?" I asked, patting her hand. "We're a family."

Reese looked at me in surprise for a few moments, and then smiled. "Do you really feel that way?"

I considered her question for a few seconds, wondering where the words had come from. It was true, though, and I knew it. Reese and the baby that we were all getting ready for were a part of my life now, just as they were of Ryan's.

"Yes. Yes, I guess I do," I said. Reese smiled and leaned over to kiss my cheek.

"Thank you, Seth. You don't know what that means to me. It's been a pretty lonely couple of months, you know? It's nice to know that someone really does care."

It was my turn to looked surprised. "Reese, of course we care. Ryan and I both."

"I know, I know. But it's so lonely, Seth. The two of you are so much in love. It's really hard to see that, day after day, and still have to go to bed alone each and every night. I want so badly what the two of you have, and I'm not going to find it. Not for a long time, anyway."

"Don't say that, Reese."

"Why? It's true, isn't it? I'm going to be seen as Ryan's wife and the mother of his child. Everyone will think I'm happily married. Even if I did meet someone, I'd have the tabloids after me for cheating on my husband," Reese sighed.

"I'm such a self-absorbed idiot," I said, putting my arm around Reese's shoulder. "Here I am, sitting out here feeling sorry for myself because the guy I love, who I still get to sleep with every night, just married someone else, and you've just signed away you're right to happiness and love for the next few years. God, Reese, I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize, like I said, It's my fault. I'm glad my little plan worked though," Reese smiled.


"To show you that you don't have it so bad after all," Reese laughed.

"Thank you, Reese. You're an angel. And don't worry, everything really will work out. You're going to have a beautiful baby to raise, and Ryan and I will be there every step of the way with you. I'm sure we can even smuggle in a guy for you somewhere down the road."

"Oh, really? I'd like to see how you'd manage that," Reese grinned.

"Simple, I'll tell everyone he's my boyfriend and sleeps it the spare room with me!" I said.

Reese laughed and then kissed me on the cheek. "Now that you're out of the dumps, here. This is for you." I took the small sheet of folded paper she held out to me and looked at her questioningly.

"It's personal, so I'll leave you to it. Have a great night, Seth." I watched her walk back towards the party before I opened the note in my hand, recognizing Ryan's handwriting instantly.


Meet me in the Honeymoon Suite

as soon as you get this.


Reese had hired an authentic Plantation for the wedding, and the house doubled as a hotel, where Ryan and Reese were officially supposed to be spending their brief honeymoon that weekend before returning to L.A. on Sunday night. I made my way across the expansive lawn towards the house, avoiding as best as I could the guests who were still having a good time in the nearby tents that had been set up for the reception.

I made my way up the stairs and finally found the door to the Honeymoon Suite. Ryan opened it the very moment I knocked, dressed in a light blue silk robe that I assumed came with the room, since I'd never seen it before.

"It's about time! I thought you'd never get here!" Ryan smiled as quickly looked down the hallway to make sure no one was in sight and then pulled me inside, closing and locking the door behind us.

"Ryan, what-" I started to ask, but Ryan interrupted me with a kiss, his hands searching their way around my body at the same time.

"Whoa, Ryan. Aren't people going to wonder why the bride is out there alone?" I asked, smiling.

"Nope. Reese is going to say goodnight to everyone and then head up here. Only, we got the room across the hall for her. No one has to know that it's me and you in here, not me and her. Now, shut up and kiss me," Ryan grinned.

"Well, okay, but only on one condition," I said seriously. Ryan's smile faltered a little and he looked puzzled.

"Okay, what condition?" he asked.

"You have to promise me that we'll top our performance from this morning," I grinned, wrapping my arms around him.

Ryan laughed and then kissed the tip of my nose playfully. "Okay, it's a deal." Before I could say another word, Ryan grabbed the back of my legs and scooped me up into his arms.

"What are you doing???" I half shouted, half laughed as Ryan began to stagger towards the bed with me in his arms.

"Well, I couldn't carry you over the threshold, because we aren't really married yet. But I figured this was the next best thing," Ryan smiled as he deposited me on the mattress and flopped down next to me. "You're not as light as you look, either."

"Thanks... I think," I smiled and ran my fingers through his blonde curls. "So, now what?"

"Let a guy catch his breath!" Ryan laughed as he leaned over to kiss me softly on the mouth.

"Sorry, I'm more interested in making you breath fast and hard," I grinned.

"Sounds good to me. Are you hungry, though? I had a snack brought up for us, but we could always save it until after we've....um..worked up an appetite?" Ryan asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Let's wait. The only thing I'm hungry for right now-"

"Is you," Ryan chimed in, finishing my sentence at the same time I did. "Uh, oh, we're starting to think alike," he grinned.

"Are we? Then you know exactly what I'm thinking right now, don't you?" I asked.

Ryan stared at me for a second in mock concentration and then playfully clapped a hand over his mouth. "Why Mr. Barnes, who knew you had such a dirty mind?"

"You bring out the best in me," I said as I reached over and untied the belt to his bathrobe. As I'd hoped, he wasn't wearing anything underneath. My eyes took in the sight that never failed to turn me on and fill me with love all at once- that perfect body of his.

I leaned forward and began to kiss his abs, running my tongue lightly over his stomach and then up his chest and over his nipples, bringing forth a small moan from the back of his throat. I turned my attention to his muscular arms, running my tongue slowly down the inside of first one, and then the other, taking the time to suck gently on each of his fingers and noticing for the first time that he'd already taken off the wedding ring Reese had put on his finger earlier.

Ryan smiled down at me as I sucked on the last of his ten fingers. When I'd finished, he pulled me up for a quick kiss and managed to flip me over so that he was now on top of me. Grinning, he reached down and raised my shirt slowly up, running his tongue over every exposed inch along the way until the shirt was finally off and discarded to the floor.

"Do you want to make love to me?" Ryan asked, smiling down at me, his naked body on top of mine.

"It's your honeymoon, Ryan. You know I enjoy myself either way. What do you want to do?" I asked, reaching out and slowly beginning to stroke his cock, which was resting on my chest.

"I think I want you inside of me," Ryan smiled, his eyes soft with emotion. I smiled back at him, loving him with all of my heart as I realized just how far he'd come, emotionally, since we'd first fallen in love.

"I love you so much," I smiled as he reached down to undo my pants and pull them off of me. Once they were gone, he took my cock in his mouth, driving me crazy once again for a few minutes of intense pleasure before he pulled back.

"I'm ready," he smiled, handing me some lubricant that seemed to come from out of nowhere and laying backwards on the bed, spreading his legs. I quickly applied it, gently slipping a few fingers inside Ryan. He was still very new to being on the receiving end in love making and I was always careful to be very gentle with him.

"Okay?" I asked as I prepared myself and leaned forward. Ryan nodded, looking at me with such love in his eyes that I felt my heart skip a beat. I pushed forward, causing him to gasp and twist his face in pain, but I knew it wouldn't last. Once I was all the way inside and he'd had time to adjust, we both began to move in the familiar, wonderful rhythm, back and forth on the bed, my hand slowly stroking his cock.

"Seth...I love you so much," Ryan moaned, closing his eyes for a few seconds and rolling his head from side to side on the bed as he began to cum.

"I love you too, Ryan...you're....my....life," I gasped as I reached my climax for the second time that day and fell forward on top of Ryan. We lay there for a few minutes, kissing softly and catching our breath in the suddenly stifling room.

"It's so hot in here!" I moaned, moving over so that I was lying next to him on the bed.

"It's just you, hot stuff," Ryan grinned. "I'll see if I can get the air conditioning working."

I watched as he got out of bed and walked across the room naked, enjoying the beautiful view of his body. He turned a knob near the door, and the hum of machinery kicked in, almost immediately sending a cool breeze sailing through the room.

"So, you hungry now? For something besides me, I mean?" Ryan asked.

"I'm always hungry for you, but yeah, I'm famished. What did you order us?"

"Oh, just some strawberries. You know how it is, every couple eventually has that climactic scene in their lives in a romantic setting, feeding each other strawberries and whipped cream. It's like chapter one in the rule book, I guess," Ryan grinned.

"Sounds delicious, but I think you've been reading too many romance novels," I grinned.

"Hey, now, at least I'm trying to be romantic, even if it is a cliched attempt," Ryan laughed.

"I'm sorry. You don't have to try, though. You're naturally inclined towards romance, Ryan. Every minute with you is romantic. Honest," I said, seeing the 'yeah, right' look cross his face.

"Okay, if you say so. But i've got the stupid strawberries, so we might as well enjoy them, right?" Ryan pretended to pout as he took a small silver dish from the mini fridge hiding away in the corner of the 'authentic' 1850's style bedroom.

"Of course. But...um....I'm allergic to strawberries," I said. Seeing the crestfallen look cross his face, I quickly shook my head. "I'm just kidding, Ryan!"

"Okay, that's the last straw," Ryan said, putting down the dish on the bedside table and picking up a pillow. "Now you're going to get it." He swung the pillow at me, landing a blow to the side of my head. Laughing, I grabbed the other pillow and began to fight back.

"Truce! Truce!" I finally yelled after my pillow went flying across the room, leaving me to Ryan's mercy. "I surrender!" I grinned, picking up my discarded boxers-briefs and waving them like a flag.

"What concessions are you prepared to make?" Ryan demanded, his crystal blue eyes flashing with humor.

"Um....I'll be your love slave for the rest of my mortal life," I declared, placing a hand over my heart.

"Okay, it's a deal," Ryan smiled, dropping his pillow and pulling me into another kiss, this one brief. "Come on, though, the strawberries will go bad."

"All right, bring on the strawberries," I smiled. Ryan reached over and grabbed the bowl, placing it on the bed between us. He slowly opened the top, watching my face closely as he did so.

It took a few seconds for my mind to register what was out of place. The strawberries were carefully arranged in a circle around a smaller dish of whipped cream in the middle of the bowl, and sticking out of the top of the whipped cream was a ring.

"Ryan, what is this?" I asked, surprised.

"Seth, will you marry me?" Ryan asked, cocking his head to one side. I stared at him in complete shock.

"Huh?" was my intelligent response when I was able to speak.

"I love you, Seth, and I want to spend the rest of my crazy, messed up life with you. What do you say?" Ryan looked very nervous all of a sudden.

"This must be the strangest proposal ever, considering you just got married today, Ryan," I smiled, feeling a little overwhelmed with emotion.

"Seth, I'm asking you to be my fiancee for the next two years or so, and to marry me once I'm free. What do you say?" Ryan asked.

I stared at him for a moment, unable to believe that this was really my life, that I was really in love with this wonderful man and that he loved me back just as much.

"I say yes, Ryan," I whispered, my heart pounding.

"Thank God!" Ryan slumped over and grinned at me. "That was very nerve wracking."

"There was never any doubt, Ryan. I love you." Ryan smiled and then carefully took the ring out of the whipped cream, licked it off, and slipped it onto my finger, just above the ring he'd given me in New York.

"It's official, then," Ryan smiled. "Let's celebrate."

"What about the strawberries?" I asked, laughing.

"To hell with the damn strawberries!" Ryan grinned, shoving them off onto the floor and wrapping his arms around me. "I've got all I need right here."

*******I'm sorry once again for the incredibly long delay, although this time it was mostly Hotmail's fault. If anyone has written me and I've not responded, I'm not being rude. It's the system. I've set up a second account at justinsboy@yahoo.com if you want to reach me there. It may end up being the only account I use, if Hotmail doesn't straighten up! Don't confuse it with justins_boy@yahoo.com, though, that's an account name that somebody else beat me to! So, what did you all think of part 15? If there are any glaring errors, I'm sorry. It was very difficult to proof read and spell check with all that hotmail was putting me through!

Next: Chapter 16

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